Taurus ā˜€ļø Scorpio šŸŒ™ Libra ā¬†ļø

705 posts

I Chose Pile Two Because It Screamed At Me IT WAS SO ACCURATE! You Gave Me A Similar Reading And The

I chose pile two because it screamed at me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ IT WAS SO ACCURATE! You gave me a similar reading and the same things come up every single time? How can someone be so consistent with their readings? Maam, are you real? Take a bow! Starseed?? Lawyer??? Empath??? Heart broken??? Hung over toxic ex?? LAWYER????? OKAY?????? YOU'RE NOT WRONG?????? ILYSM I can't wait to meet this dork, thanks for the beautiful reading šŸ˜šŸ˜ŒšŸ¤”

First Impressions FS/Soulmate PAC 18+

Well well here we are again with yet another PAC for you guys! As always remember this is a general reading so take what resonates and leave the rest for someone else okay?

Hope these resonated!!!!!! Enjoy šŸ˜‰ šŸ’‹ šŸ’‹ šŸ’‹

*I do not own these Photos!

Piles go from left to right use your intuition take a deep breath relax your mind and choose the pile that your most drawn too, the one that gives you the most intense feeling (thatā€™s how I usually choose)

First Impressions FS/Soulmate PAC 18+
First Impressions FS/Soulmate PAC 18+
First Impressions FS/Soulmate PAC 18+

Pile 1

First Impressions FS/Soulmate PAC 18+

8 of Pentacles, Ten of Pentacles, 4 of Pentacles, 7 of wands Rx, Saboteur, Taurus, Priestess, Crone

Woah šŸ¤Æ so much pentacles energy your soulmate/FS is a definite earth sign for sure Iā€™m definitely piccin up Virgo/Taurus vibes!!! Your first impression is that they are established and secured financially, I see you being a bit intimidated at first because the may seem unapproachable! But they arenā€™t they are just more on the shy introverted side. They are an observer they are probably the type to be at a party just chillin looking out for any sign of trouble, they stay prepared! You sense they are very intuitive and have some sort of higher knowledge, you get the impression people come to your FS a lot when they need guidance of some sort, they may be some type of guide or something maybe a counselor. You guys share the same values and you see that they really care about building a future for themselves and their family, they want a legacy! You notice they are very sensual and seductive, maybe even have a sexy voice! Theyā€™ve been thru some shii, and had to rebuild and start over many and plenty, so they may be hesitant to change or fight against it. You may feel like they donā€™t deem themselves worthy so they may self sabotage maybe as your talking you notice them getting defensive about certain things as the conversation goes into more personal topics(because they canā€™t believe they divulged so much info to you). They are definitely shy and would probably be the type to keep relationships a secret, I prefer the word private tbh because secret and private those words in itself have various meanings you know in this case Iā€™m feeling private like no one knows your business. Your FS/Soulmate hella private it took me a while to even pull cards they are so locced up. They deal with things in private, They hold back a lot, they are very possessive of their energy!!! Virgo vibes!!!!! Theyā€™ve been single for awhile you feel, you feel like they are afraid to let people in, they have no problem walking away from people because they are afraid of someone getting close to them, they know themselves tho, you see they will hold their ground, they are solid and rooted financially but I feel that emotionally you will feel them a lil lost šŸ˜ž. They take their time and is very traditional I mean the numbers 7,8,9 came out, they may believe in traditional roles like masculine/feminine roles nothing degrading, I see your FS is very fluid, you almost look at them as a hippie itā€™s so weird right?! They are so go with the flow but then I feel when it comes to business and their professional life they like to play by the rules and get things done right. You think they are caged! Begging and pleading to be set free!! Wow this person is frazzled I think your gonna have many impressions you wonā€™t be able to pin it! And itā€™ll drive you crazy!! But itā€™ll also pull you in because itā€™s a challenge are some of you daredevils lol like the challenge of figuring someone out? Well youā€™ve got your puzzle but they arenā€™t doing it on purpose or they arenā€™t fake itā€™s just they are hella guarded and you just wonā€™t be able to give a distinct impression of them, they take their time they are incredibly patient, and you may see them as someone who repels negativity! They hang out by themselves a lot, always planning their next move! You definitely see them as a workaholic, they may travel a lot for their job and they are going to tell you about adventures and lots of cultures and things theyā€™ve seen which is probably why you view them as a hippie, GOSH THEYā€™RE REALLY COOL! Youā€™re gonna be so impressed and intrigued by this person! Their life, stories, their aura, my hands are shaking you may be really nervous around them or they may be nervous with you! They need their space and your gonna notice that I keep seeing you meeting them at their house for some reason like a party šŸ¤”? You see them one minute having a good time then you donā€™t see them for a while, you go outside for a break or something to find out this is where they took off too just to be by themselves, they are introverted like a mf!! They have a beautiful home by the way the view is beautiful! šŸ‘‡šŸ½

They believe in divine timing, hella patient, they will never make a move unless they know in their heart itā€™ll benefit them your first impression is that they are a stable hippie who somehow got their shii together and you wanna find out more or Atleast if thatā€™s really true about them having it together lol. I get hyperindependent vibes!

Pile 2

First Impressions FS/Soulmate PAC 18+

5 Of Cups Rx, Knight Of Swords, 2 of Wands Rx, The Sun, Crush, Aquarius, Detective, Mystic

For some of you Iā€™m feeling you like you know them or know of them this is a crush for some of you, others you seen that they have a lot of admirers and people crushing on them, Iā€™m not seeing that you feel like your in competition for their attention tho! You feel like they are magic, some sort of magician, they might be able to something thatā€™ll blow your mind! You think that they are so unique and weird itā€™s like youā€™ve never met a person like this before! šŸ‘½ energy! They are very inquisitive, they ask alot of questions, Fire and air energy Libra Aries and Leo and Aquarius! Woah those are sister signs wow!!! You guys are probably opposite signs? You see that they just getting over a heartbreak, like it tore them up, you saw that they had a lot of regrets about how things mayā€™ve ended in their past relationship but I keep hearing the word absolution! I think they are getting over it but they still need time to get over this Breakup, for some itā€™s some other type of loss for others itā€™s a bad bad Breakup, and emotionally you feel theyā€™re still stucc and resisting the move on. They are extremely confident and aggressive, they may talk really fast, you feel like they are missing something (you obvi šŸ™„). But yeah I see that you feel like they burn themselves out too for others, they are an empath and thatā€™s why this Breakup is taking a toll I feel like this ex drained them energetically like really drained their energy and they are trying really hard to regain it! Itā€™s a slow burn but the fire is going!! They need their space tooo this pile is similar to pile one just I feel this person is alot more energized and full of life they are just drained and blocced atm. They are very funny! They may tease and prank you a lot, they like to make people laugh esp you! They avoid taking breaks and they NEED THEM!! (EMPATHS NEEDS SPACE AND BREAKS TO RECHARGE PERIOD POINT BLANK!!!) idk if some of you guys are empaths and youā€™re not recharging but but spirit needed that to be known and shouted to this pile! Lots of avoidance and resistance, not because they scared of change, they are scared of being sad or disappointed! They are the type to cover up their pain with humor Libra vibes Libra moon maybe (like me!!! Soo I get that). They are a very fair person you see they give everyone the benefit of the doubt, hear everyone side, gives good advice, some of them may even be lawyers or in the Justice system, maybe even cops/detectives. They may be getting over an addiction, I sense alcohol for some or even work like I mentioned they work to avoid issues till they physically burn themselves out. Your first Impression is that they are smoking hot, youā€™re gonna be so attracted to them (you and others), they are working on their success (hustler), they are confident funny and aggressive, prideful and warm! You like their arms (male or female), they got heartbroken, they are a magical empath, they need alone time, they are soo curious and inquisitive itā€™s adorable, they are soo knowledgeable they just know things random facts!, they are non traditional, they have such a welcoming energy (most empaths do) youā€™re gonna feel comfortable with them. They endured a lot, they are generous to the point where theyā€™ll suffer for others! They go to war for the ones they love!( šŸ˜± awwww they def need to take a break then!!!!!) itā€™s needed!! They maybe blinded too certain things in front of them that you may notice of top!!! They are always transforming and you may meet them during the midst or the end of one. They are so outlandish youā€™re gonna wonder how someone like this can exist šŸ‘½ šŸ‘¾ šŸ›øšŸ––šŸ½-queue eerie music but in a sensual manner- thatā€™s your first impression of your FS/Soulmate (also something about one of their eyes maybe one is a different color??? Something about one of their eyes) . Theyā€™re a human lie detector. They have a beautiful aura. Brows? Thick or bush something bout the brows too. The chest/breast abs area youā€™re in awe of. They are a warrior, and you love hearing their war stories. Starseed vibes heavy!!

Pile 3

First Impressions FS/Soulmate PAC 18+

Page of Cups, The Magician, Ace of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles, Communicator, Past Life,Femme Fatale, Mother

I see you looking at your FS/ Soulmate as such a badass like true badass!! I mean the earth is dominating this whole damn reading! You had the hierophant at the BoD thatā€™s the Taurus card and the Taurus Card actually flew out the other decc so TAURUS!! They are super sensual and they voice is amazing!! They love to talk, they are very caring and mothering they care about those around them! šŸ„° you feel like you been knew them which I feel you did this is a past life connection between you and your FS. I feel you feel he had a crush on you, I see them following you around and wanting to just talk to you so cute ā˜ŗļø like a lil puppy šŸ¶ following you around, itā€™s so cute, they may ask you for your number a few times before you give it to them šŸ˜‚. They are like a wish come true for some of you like your actual fantasy come to life!! With the magician I feel like a lot of you actually manifested this person and your surprised that it actually worked well it did!!! You are manifesting your fantasy person!!!! They are funny to you, I see they playfully tease you! You guys both share the same values bout marriage and spirituality! They are financially stable or almost there, you are very attracted to this person like spiritually as well as physically, you may feel like they feel a need to protect you and nurture you vice versa too as well! They are intense and have this mysterious aura, even tho they are talking and communicating you feel like itā€™s just the tip of the surface, you see they donā€™t fold under pressure, someone may bring up someone or something in the past and they probably laugh it off or they smoothly swifted the conversation. You notice theyā€™ve been thru some shii and they are still such a pure loving soul! They are a angel wow!! They may act a bit immature I think thatā€™s the teasing and the humor this person has, they are smooth and charming, they are some type of writer or speaker, they like to eat! And they like fancy things! They have a beautiful house, they maybe a bit indecisive. They are romantic!! They may write you a love letter or a lil note/texts they are so good with words wow! A wordsmith they are clever they probably are going to talk you out your draws lol šŸ˜‚. They are intuitive! They are into spirituality as well they may have been brought up in a traditional home, so I see they agree with certain traditional roles but they love expanding their minds and learning! Animal lover, money donā€™t mean that much to this person they enjoy camaraderie! They like telling they story! You are so smitten with this person! You know your soulmates! You are just gonna be like woah this is my fuccin person!!!!!! Itā€™s like they are so humble but got money they are not a bragger or a boaster! They earned what they got and they had to go thru a lot to get it! They are grateful and wanna help others get there too! Your FS is a inspirational person to you! I see you just being so blown away by them they feel like sunshine after a rainy day I heard ! Maybe theyā€™ll say that to you? Their vibe is so mommy/daddy let me take care of you! But still fun and adventurous they rocc !!!!!

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More Posts from Burningrebelsworld

2 years ago


Official petition to request more PACs from @thementalshawty BECAUSE WE'RE ALL ADDICTED TO YOUR ENERGY āš”āš”āš”āš”āš”āš”

OKay so I picked pile two jajjajajjajajaja it felt like another personal reading like the one you gave meeee?????? I'm a Taurus and yess, I'm hella exclusive, glad he saw that!!! You did mention play fighting and the scene from Bridgerton??? Oof???? Scary accurate like I'm taken aback because you never fail to amazeeee meeeee!!!! I love body scent, and I appreciate good scents because I'm all about the senses ;) I also would love to strut around in heels teasing someone (DO YOU REMEMBER YOU MENTIONED IT IN A PRIVATE READING TO ME MA'AM?????)

GAAHHHHHH Y'ALL, SHE'S AWESOME! she's given me such mind blowing readings and I'm kinda shocked how the general ones resonate with me to a T like????? THAT'S CRAZYYYYYY!

You're sooo good, can't wait for you more additions to the masterlist šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜

Your FS/Soulmate NSFW Thoughts About you!!!!

Here we are with another sexy NSFW reading these be my favorites no lie!!!! Remember this is a general reading take what resonates and leave the rest to roll onto someone else enjoy šŸ’‹ šŸ’‹ Picc a Toon Me because I thought these were soooooooooooooo freaking cool guys!

Breathe in and out a few times center yourself whenever your ready look at the piles whichever pile/piles gives you an intense emotion or feeling (just feeling pulled to it eyes or intuition) thatā€™s your pile! Or read em all!!!!

Your FS/Soulmate NSFW Thoughts About You!!!!
Your FS/Soulmate NSFW Thoughts About You!!!!
Your FS/Soulmate NSFW Thoughts About You!!!!

Your FS/Soulmate NSFW Thoughts About You!!!!

Pile 1: 6 of Wands, Death Rx, 8 of Wands, The Devil Rx, Keep it Dirty, Anonymous Sā€™x, Pleaser, High Heels, Virility, Star-Crossed, Spontaneity, Kissing.

Okay! Your person gives me super sweet and rough vibes! Like they wanna tear you apart but in the most tender way! šŸ„°. They think about you often like they get rushes of Horniiiinesss, they may think about having quickies with you in hidden places, (closet), they think about you riding them/ or them riding you, they are very confident in bed, so they just want to show you that, please you and have you begging for more šŸ¤¤! They love how good you make them feel in bed so they just want to return that feeling tenfold! They want to try all types of sexual positions out with you! (They probably studied sex Kama sutra?) Imma be honest your person has been around the blocc enough to to gain some sexual knowledge to teach you. They think about sex with you even when your mad some of their thoughts is to Fucc the sadness and anger away! They hate to see you stressed out and that goes for themselves too hate being stressed but sec with you is like some type of escape, some type of release that they so desperately need! They think about wet wet sweaty sessions, where the whole bed is soaked because of your meshing, so fabulous! They want to have your juices all over them and theirs all over you (real messy sessions)! Face Sitting/ Face Fuccin thatā€™s pretty much sums it up right there, they want to suffocate you with their Love Portals whether it be the door šŸ±/ or the key šŸ† , they want to shove it in your face/down your throat til you tap out, pass out, or cry out! They want to lovingly dominate you! I use the world lovingly because Iā€™m not getting a super aggressive vibe from your FS/Soulmate just more possessive and clingy. They think about holding out from you, making you whimper and beg for their love as they hold it away from you, they want to control you in bed give you instructions that toy obediently follow because you want the relief of them! For those looking for a man, He is very Manly in a sexual sense they are dominant and want to take care of you, those looking for a woman sheā€™s dominant but sheā€™s very seductive like a femme fatale if that makes sense. They like hitting from the bacc, Doggystyle, An*l, or whatever else position that way you guys may want to. Women, your FS loves your šŸ‘ big or small they love it all!!! Roleplay games! First meet scenarios where you guys donā€™t know each other, (probably have one night stand fantasies of you). This makes me feel like from the first moment they lay eyes on you they are going to want to get you into bed! Candles and wax play, they want to lightly push your limits nothing too extreme but fun and erotic at the same time! Now Iā€™m not feeling this for any but maybe one or two of you are star-crossed lovers with your FS/soulmate and they feel whole again being in your arms! For the rest of you Iā€™m getting more roleplay where you guys were seperated and they are looking for you (ion know why Iā€™m getting some type of medieval šŸ° roleplay). They want to squeeze your šŸ‘ while whispering in your ear that itā€™s theirs! Theirs only! They want to be an exclusive and only VIP member of club YOU!! šŸ„µ šŸ„µ šŸ„µ very sexy! They are so creative and spontaneous, I mean they are so attracted to you, you can just be sitting on the toilet (regardless of your using it or not). And they may just get aroused and turned on right there! Bathroom sex is def happening in their thoughts, sex on the toilet, in the shower, On the sink! They want you everywhere! (Poor babies your gonna to have their mind/thoughts wildinā€™)!!! Phone sex! šŸ™„ why wouldnā€™t they have these thoughts! They find your voice to be so damn hot, they want you to tell them all the things you want them to do to you, they love quickies and spontaneous sex! Like I mentioned above they are going to be just having rushes of horniiiiness whenever they even think about you! They want you now and they canā€™t wait thatā€™s their brain loop! No foreplay sometimes I told you they just want it now! Just meshing with you, they probably will want to send nudes. Donā€™t be surprised if they have a sex journal wow they are organized, confident, Cont.

And very strong. They could have Leo/ Scorpio/Capricorn placements. Some of them are Masochistic and some are sadistic but again not in a 50 shades of grey way, in a teaser pleaser way, Iā€™m lowkey getting that they switch thereā€™s times where they want to control and instruct you and other where they just wanna curl up and kiss you deep! They love pleasuring you and seein your face! They may fantasize about doing it in front of a mirror, so they can see your face, and you can see thereā€™s ( they have some porno thoughts I love it!!!!!) they may drink and party(not heavily but to let loose). I see them fantasizing about you guys having s*x drunk or high, (honestly I heard itā€™s better stimulation šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø). I feel they just want you to let your inhibitions down and let that freak loose they want to see the freak in you! They fantasize about you grabbing them telling them how they are yours and yours ONLY!! Like I said this is the possessive clingy pile! And itā€™s adorable because they love you dearly! And their NSFW thoughts are all romantic but erotic! At the end of the day they just think about being laid up with you, under the covers making love! Sometimes even just routine positions like missionary under the blanket in a dark room, they really just think about being close to you! Women? They love you in high heels/ wearing high heels for you! They fantasize about you fuccin them while they wear they heels standing up, your Husbands maybe taller than you/ Your taller than your wife. They fantasize about just touching you, tasting you, kissing you deep! Tasting each otherā€™s souls damn thatā€™s some Scorpio shii!!!!!!!!! Damn šŸ„µ! Lots of passion I see, they love the tease, slow burner. You guys may start off as friends or they have a major crush on you before they confess they feelings to you. I see them fantasizing about taking they time with you! Ooooh the tension your FS feels for you is whew šŸ„µ. They want you to dress up in latex and rubber (Step into that Dom). They are some freaks major switch energy, major cutie energy just A1 all around! (I hope that you guys get to bring some of these fantasies to life).

Your FS/Soulmate NSFW Thoughts About You!!!!

Pile 2: 5 Of Cups, 7 of Cups Rx, Page of Wands Rx, Eyes, Inexperienced Lover, Play Fight, Grabbing, Alone, Waiting, Clingy

I feel like this group has had some terrible sexual experiences in the past. Either you or them, but they fantasize about letting you down in bed, making you not finish, doing a bad job, disappointing you, or you disappointing them, like only caring about your pleasure/ only caring about theirs, very selfish lover I feel they are afraid of being, or afraid of you being. They love your eyes looking deep into them, they may fantasize about intense eye contact during the session. They love your scent! Your body scent, (Iā€™m picking up that scene from Bridgerton when Kate walks past Anthony and he smells her scent) those vibes. They fantasize about doing it at your job/ their job, they just wanna show up and give it you right there! They fantasize you to grabbing them and telling them how their body is yours and them doing the same thing to you, this is another possessive pile but itā€™s possessive because of some trauma or bad experience maybe they feel they are going to lose you in some way, (idk this is a sexy reading so let me try to keep the sexy flowing, no more digging into sadness). They fantasize about going for hours with you, I feel they have a a lot of pent up sexual frustration that They think you release! Sex addiction is popping up maybe thatā€™s what they are going thru. But I see them fantasizing about teaching you. (Okay whoā€™s a Virgin here? Me too donā€™t feel bad). But I see them being aroused by that by the fact that they are the first ones to ever open your portal. (That may be where the fear coming in from). They are fantasizing about you saying you donā€™t know what to do can you teach me (Teacher/student roleplay maybe?). They fantasize about having boring regular s*x with you, Iā€™m hearing to let your guards down even in they fantasies they are still considerate of you omg I wanna šŸ˜­ your FS is a keeper! Sex in the car they think about things getting hot and heavy in the baccseat of their car hell even the front seat! They fantasize about you in your Priestess virginity light (They adore you for holding out!! They think your like mystical!)! Not needing anyone not even them. They want to work for it! You probably arenā€™t even Interested in them or anyone when you guys first met & they thought of you as so damn exclusive they want to work so that you can choose them see them as they person worth sleeping with. Awwww ā˜ŗļø they are super duper sweet!!! They fantasize about seducing you! Itā€™s like Iā€™m not getting sex itā€™s like they get off more on the tension, you waiting, not wanting to give it up to them! They probably have people that fall into their bed with just a snap or they finger and you, your the one who puts yourself first! This group is hella strong and your gonna have your FS hella sprung without s*x this the Witch šŸ±/Wizard šŸ† pile šŸ‘šŸ½ šŸ‘šŸ½. They fantasize about the fact that you wanna wait, and they want to seduce you with sultry whispers and stolen kisses to get your body to react just once like how thereā€™s is acting 24/7. I feel like Pile 2 youā€™ve done a lot of work on yourself and they notice!!! They fantasize about having a one night stand with you. Origies and threesomes with you, they just want to show you the whole entire world of sex they want to bring it to your feet and teach you everything shii even picc up a tricc or two themselves. I see theyā€™ll fantasize about dominating you but I think thatā€™s the squeezing and grabbing! They like that you fight bacc, they fantasize about you guys play fighting and that leads to a deep makeout session! They fantasize you/them with heels on strutting and seduction! This is such an intense pile this is the sexual tension pile fashooo! Your FS probably has been celibate for a min. Succin on you, you succing on them they fantasize about you giving them oral! They fantasize about you having S*x with them on their worst days! It helps transform the energy from stressed to calm! They definitely Jerccccc offf to the thoughts of you. Pics of you as well!!! Awww šŸ„°.

Your FS/Soulmate NSFW Thoughts About You!!!!

Pile 3: Page Of Wands, Page of Cups Rx, 6 of Pentacles Rx, Keep it dirty, Quickie Sex, Stockings, Ecstasy, Exploring

Your FS Iā€™m getting is very non-comittal! Sweet but a bit of a player, due to some past circumstances! Which I wonā€™t be getting into in this kind of reading! They are your age or younger then you! & is very much in their shadow side at this point. With that being said letā€™s begin shall we. (Cough cough). Your FS NSFW fantasies donā€™t include just you. They fantasize about experimenting and exploring all types of things! They do not like boring routine sex so their thoughts of you are not boring or routine in the slightest. They think about using toys on you! Learning new positions (kama sutra eep)! They fantasize about switching partners like, switching you with someone elseā€™s spouse (Swinger vibes lowkey). (Remember these are just thoughts donā€™t mean they will actually do it) . They fantasize about s*x Constantly! Sexually deprived? šŸ¤”. They fantasize about roleplaying they donā€™t know you and you guys have a one night stand/ fling (affair/ Cheating roleplay). They want to bathe in your juices! They want the sex to be extremely dirty I heard you need two showers to get clean completely (oooooh nasty! šŸ¤¤) Shower sex too. For women your FS will fantasize about Fuccin your Tits (Big or small they love em all)/Men your FS fantasizes about you Fuccin their tits! They fantasize about you surrendering to them this reminds me of Pile 2 just a lot still in the Player phase. They fantasize about you just giving in and surrendering to the sensations they feel you guys are both feeling! They fantasize about you giving in and grabbing them! Demanding that they take you now! They fantasize about watching you, pleasure yourself, or getting pleasures from someone while they watch you get off, they are a voyeur! They can have a bit of insecurities surrounding their bodies and I see even in their fantasies their insecurities creep in, so candles lit or a dark room. They are very shy they also went thru some past experiences where they probably were with some boring person and now they kinda letting they freak flag fly thatā€™s the vibes Iā€™m getting. They fantasize about quickies (ALL THE DAMN PILES! Yā€™all FS need to control themselves.). I feel like they donā€™t know how to control urges yet so they may fantasize about pouncing on you! (Lion energy šŸ˜). They fantasize you you pushing them away telling them to wait! Your seduction game must be bomb pile 3 whether you know it or not! They fantasize about tender moments too just being all coiled up and wrapped up in you! You make them feel safe and for some reason Iā€™m feeling itā€™s driving them crazy because they donā€™t know why itā€™s like they are falling in love with you but either they donā€™t recognize it or they are resisting it! They may fantasize about putting their fingers in your mouth? Prostitute & John Roleplay! šŸ„°. They like to fantasize about you in a detached way and I think itā€™s because thatā€™s the only way to protect themselves from falling for you this person is going to be fighting their hardest not to like you but they are I mean hello they are your FS/soulmate! They watch alot of porn! (To learn tho). They read they probably take sex education classes or maybe theyā€™re even a sex Ed teacher! I see they fantasize about sessions in class! Or in places where you go to learn, they may be a Sagittarius or have sag placements! Sex with them is like a learning experience! Bout themselves about you! Itā€™s almost spiritual in a sense. They fantasize about ripping your stockings off ladies/ or you ripping their stockings off fellas, to feel the ocean thatā€™s flooding underneath. (Poetic!) they fantasize about kissing your legs they love your legs! Kissing their legs too. They fantasize about feeling safe enough with you to just wild out! They are looking for their equally sexually curious and adventurous partner whether or not they admit it. They fantasize about the process of your s*xual relationship, I see when you guys first meet it may start off as just major make out vibes and itā€™ll stop, maybe out of fear or because they arenā€™t ready to accept that they caught feelings but as they Cont.

They get to know you! I see the fantasies/ thoughts becoming more racier and straight up nasty NSFW!! šŸ˜‚, they fantasize about getting you pregnant! (By surprise) but yeah they fantasize about that I feel like thatā€™s after they start falling deep after knowing you and talkin to you etc. They fantasize about kissing you deep and passionately while your body quakes and shivers (Iā€™m bout to write an erotica lol). I see them fantasizing about being very delicate and tender with you. Stroking your hair and just holding you close!! They fantasize about degrading you (not in a bad way, just sexual) ā€œBe my lil ho tonight, I wonā€™t tellā€. They want you to be their good turned bad only for them. Very beautiful reading even with the denies and anxiety and delays!

Alrighty guys hope you liked this lil sexy sexy reading I have I see most people donā€™t really like those but I do, sex is a beautiful connection between two people, itā€™s the manifestation of us humans! Society put too many rules and regulations and thoughts and types of irrelevant bullshii to make sex seem unappealing or unemotional or just so basic and it is because people out there just meshing they energy with everyone just to get off and they take in a lot of energy that they donā€™t even know if itā€™s beneficial or degrading to their spiritual selves so donā€™t let societyā€™s view on sex or whatever make you feel a type a way about it, itā€™s okay if youā€™re a virgin(youā€™re not a childish loser or some shii like that) itā€™s okay to be experienced (youā€™re not a hoe or some shii like that) okay! sorry for the rant hope that it resonated šŸ’• and āœØ

2 years ago

Lilith in the Houses

From the book ā€œLilithā€”the challenge of sinking in the abyss of selfā€, written by the Romanian author and astrologer, ā€œMinervaā€

Lilith in 1st house~Restrain

When Lilith conjuncts the Ascendant, it means that the native is a dinamic, warm and natural leader that induce a sentimentally verbal synchronicity which the society wants. Theyā€™re extremely popular, but not always trustable.

A tight conjunction with the Ascendant itā€™s a real gastronomic bypass for women, fact that happens when Lilith conjuncts the Descendant. Still in this conjunction we find the rejection of the own child when he reaches the adult age, that feels betrayed by the parent with this Lilith position. The child wants to be better than his parent, but is usually left as his shadow.

The complexes related to the physical body; the native does a lot to compensate the shortcomings. Manifests a social incomodity or lives with a invisibility complex, but also fakes their experiences. As a palliative to this interposition, Lilith in 1st house is usually a source of memorable quotes. The wisdom is expressed attractively, and people remember it even years after the native has died.

The disadvantage of Lilith when conjuncting the Ascendant is that they are usually born as leaders and pleasant, at least admired, but always trusted. They are recognized as leaders, even tho they arenā€™t always to be trusted.

They mind a lot their physical body and their permanent changes, like plastic surgeries. Itā€™s funny that Lilith is always giving the native part of her appearance.

Some astrologers describe this position as an endless force of personal identity. The natives feel humiliated and shocked by othersā€™ personality. The stereotype is one of an introvert that tries to find an escape through their way of expressing themselves, through something that makes him different. Sometimes, the native finds all kinds of ways to be noticed.

The natives feel, justified, subapreciated or out of control to problems. In consequence, some will falsify themselves. They need a lot of energy and effort for every appearance, just so they will not feel unattractive while they are with others. The female natives will spend thousands of dollars for esthetic corrections.

Lilith in 1st house knows how important is to manipulate someoneā€™s appearance, while the 11th house would see this as something fake, a dependancy for the approval of the entourage.

Lilith in 1st house will bring intense passions; they have a hidden purpose related to the depths of the unconscious mind, in that box of Pandora.

The native has extreme emotions, sometimes violent. Lilith is anyway a rebel and will always engage in a fight with the patriarchal authorities. Especially in a feminine theme, this fact can mean huge difficulties and conflicts with the father.

Deep connection with mystery, occultism, acknowledging nature's hidden rules.

The native is invited to study the myth of Lilith and to reflect on her implications.

Lilith in 2nd house~The genius, the sinner, the psychopath and the Saint

Possible issues with the mental health when they hit old age.

Ambiguous moralityā€” if the native doesnā€™t have a set of solid fundamental stocks. Some natives will immediately realize those moral errors.

Remarkable esthetic taste and a extraordinary power to discern the bad from the good, to select what is beneficial for them from what can harm them.

Talent for art, occasionally for design.

Corporal issues: tasteless diets, weight gaining, alimentary issues.

The moral censor of others can be disproportionated, and through the natives is concentrated an inequitable projection.

A second chance in a careerā€” if they submit enough effort for it.

They have a business instinct and entrepreneurship spirit; rarely spend their life in poverty.

Intense focus and spartanic behavior in extreme types of winning they sometimes correspond the definition of the functional psychopath.

Lilith in 3rd house~The challenge of communication

Communicator chameleon: the mean liar, the witch, the charismatic, the intelligent. Knows for saying something and doing something else.

Strong personality: living silver, curious and inventive. The 3rd house also represents the mentality, so the qualities of Lilith will be a very important part of the personality. Sometimes, Lilith can literally monopolize the nativeā€™s mind, leading to mental illnesses or atypical mental functions.

Lilith affects the siblings: either a big number of brothers (Tenzin Gyatso, the 5th Dalai Lama) either the death of one brother. There is an alike personality between the siblings.

The loss of custody of the children: the child is taken from the parent or the 3rd parent of the family has his children taken away from him, different aspect than Lilith in 4th house.

Occasionally, Lilith is like a marker for the death of the children (more common if itā€™s in a tight conjunction with a planet or fixed star) (Jackie Kennedy had a little child that died in 1963. She had Lilith in a partial aspect, in conjunction with the fixed star Altair in the first degree of Aquarius

Lilith can influence the voice. Some natives have incredible voices (Susan Boyle, Barbra Streisand). There are plenty of singers and dancers with Lilith in 3rd house (Britney Spears, Courtney Love).

Lilith here is very strong in childhood, teen hood, and adult hood. A strong Lilith in 3rd house can drag the child out of his normal state, and the payment will come off before the age of 25.

Ca bring a mental illness diagnosed in early teen years.

Can bring a lot of premature deaths or assassinated family members.

Sometimes, as children, they enjoy the trust that their families leave them. They can do what they want and how they want.

They like orgies; here we see the swingers.

They are rebellious, they donā€™t bow down when theyā€™re young

Lilith in 4th house~Unexpected Changes

Hard childhood.

Rejected by one parent.

Abandoned by one parent, divorced or dead.

Family in which are spoken two languages.

Altered poverty-richness.

Death of one child, a parent or sibling, sometimes of all three, in unusual ways (weird accidents, murdered, fires, etc).

The native spends a lot of time with his coworkers.

The house and family become a sanctuary in adulthood. The creativity of the native is remarked.

Manifests deattachment; Aquarius temperament.

Usually, divorces.

Men with Lilith in 4th house are fascinated with the opposite sex; women find them extraordinary attaractive, magnetics. They are real womanizers. The transit of Lilith should be checked every year.

The contrast between Lilith in 4th house and Lilith in 10th house is fantastic: Lilith in 10th house gives the native an agile body, but also the gift of elegant manipulation, to act fluid and manipulative. Normally, those natives are gymnasts and born dancers. Lilith in 4th house gives the native a silver tongue, the gift of oratory, the capacity to manipulate through communication (interlops, politicians, writers, actors, lawyers)

They need intimacy, not family.

Chronic Depression in adulthood, gained from the natural deattachment, because Lilith will bring the native maturity. They are very important to their family, especially if one of the parents has an illness; they will be there to support them and they will love them unconditionally.

Lilith in 4th house shows a high place in a career, especially at mid-age.

Lilith in 5th house~From Heaven to Hell and back

Abnormal luck at least once: the native escaped guaranteed death, he gets unexpected legacies, unknown sponsors.

The woman with this position is extremely powerful: seductive, luxury prostitute, porn actress, business woman. The position tho can bring the loss of femininity.

Trust issues, suspicion and paranoia take part of those nativesā€™ personality. They can have though an open ruling style, close to the employees.

The adoption of a child considered the black sheep of the familyā€” because, himself, the native was the same and he understands him very well.

Accusations of faking, lying, gossiping for starting a fight.

Luck for artists and writers.

The native is very good at coordinating divertissement games because himself is a very good player.

The way they look is important; the nativesā€”women and menā€” follow this religiously.

Some of them are experts at whist, poker, Black Jack, chess, sport

They have deep fears about childbirth or hating their own child.

Lilith in 6th house~Work and Health

Lilith in 6th house suggests workaholics. Thatā€™s the hardest position of Lilith.

Extraordinary powerful talent for self-containing.

The native can be a very good ruler if he has the chance. A typical model is the business man, that practices sports or that likes to travel around the world; films the tour, that can always turn into a movie. Will present it to a cinematograph, or will sell it in a fair, How Spielberg did when he was 16.

Some natives have a lot of issues in work, because here Lilith is a form changer, so the natives sweat a lot until they finish. If they get bored, they will change their position or even profession.

The natives begin to work since young age and donā€™t waste time when they are retired.

Have a very special patience, which others might find boring.

The native might like to have sex with the employees; there are normal cases in which the patrons will choose a young secretary and attractive having this reason.

Some natives were hurt or rejected by their professors. They are most likely from all of the houses to commit suicide when they are still children, or to kill their parents or grandparents

Lilith in 7th house~Searching for the perfect relationship

As close as Lilith is to th cusps of the angular houses, the more sheā€™ll be more fascinating and will flirt more with the opposite sex. In a conserving society, a woman with this placement will be seen as a prostitute because of the fascination she generates, even if she isnā€™t sexually promiscuous (see Maria Magdalena).

The native either becomes Lilith, either searches a lifetime partner that will be Lilith for him; this position is destined to ruin relationships and marriage, as in the cases of young wives of old rich men that divorced.

The denial of sharing resources with others: 7th house energy is the natural energy of Venus. She will manipulate others with the best intentions, getting to see the interior light as something enjoyable. Lilith in 7th house attracts people that have lilithian qualities: strong passions and emotions, rebel nature, disgust related to the paternal domination.

The native with this position is preoccupied with relationships and marriage, even tho in the horoscope, Libraā€™s characteristics are limited. We know sheā€™s the ruler of the 7th house.

The woman with Lilith in 7th house will get an independent, strong willed husband, and she will need need a little bit of independence in the marriage.

Eve and Lilith seem to be in war in 7th house, but itā€™s not how it seems. The woman with Lilith in 7th house wants to be a wife, and her friends will suggest her to focus on marriage as a core of her identity, with the condition to not make any mistake. From this position, Lilith is focusing on her advantages.

Lilith in 8th house~Occult Elites

Natives are fixed/obsessed with something, like someone, a position, a job, a need, a dream. They are very ambitious and hardworking.

Confidentiality is very important to those natives! They need loyal friends, if you arenā€™t, get lost.

Men, but also women can become sexual symbols. Women are usually very beautiful, and both sexes project a hypnotic seduction over the world.

Some of the men had experienced at least once in life situations that are the type ā€œLive or dieā€: a career is ending or life and death are in ā€œthe gameā€.

In high school years, the native usually has a very small group of friends. Itā€™s a small group because the native is not trusting everyone. The ambition and devotion related to work and related to extracurricular interests are manifested early, and the native will only give time to the ones like him.

Men with Lilith in 8th house are charismatic, which varies from one distinct factor to another.

Lilith in 9th house~Overcoming limits

Natives want to overcome their limits.

They have revolutionary ideas; they arenā€™t interested in power only for their own self. They can change the form of an ideology or of an industry.

Give up on academically studies because they donā€™t bring anything better than what they already know, so they get bored, they arenā€™t motivated anymore to continue when there are better things to doā€”a real problem for young people that need a diploma and donā€™t have better options.

They have extremely sharp instincts and a very intelligent intuition when discussing about asociating humans and objects.

The tendency to meet a lot of Liliths while traveling.

Women tend to marry older men, eventually rich. Here we find the type of woman that will marry her boss. Women with Lilith here are naturally drawn to men that can act like a guru and can help them in a career.

An impressive number of women that have this placement either donā€™t marry after the first divorce, either they donā€™t marry at all.

Lilith in 10th house~Changing the professional paradigm

The native experience a somehow envy and an eventual marginalizing in their career. Maybe they need to be aware of his colleges that may play the role of Adam and Eve.

The native can easily manipulate others to help their career or use it in the creating process.

The capacity of Lilith to changing fluid forms appears as a distinctive quality for the atletism, but also for dancing, needing power by being their own master. This makes sense when we see the natural energy of the Capricorn and Saturn as 10th houseā€™s rulers. The astrologist Lynn Koiner noticed that Lilith is fine in the Saturnian structures and that, here, Lilithā€™s quality can bloom here as a form of intelligence.

Lilith in 10th house is not easy to be fooled and knows how to respond to almost all the situations.

A big potential of independence and originality.

With a profound potential of originality, the native will bloom in creative occupations, in case that the originality becomes an advantage, not a handicap.

Because of the Independence, the native will always be in conflict with their boss.

Lilith in 11th house~The Loser

Searching perfection in friendship, that has to make the idealism and reality go together.

The absolutism of Lilith can take the native to be extremely selective and exacting when talking about friends.

There are risks that the native will bond friends by the projection of some inner emotional needs.

Needing absolute perfection.

Native talent and need to bring huge contributions in developing the education of the society in the good of the humanity. This thing can bring a lot of realizations, but the goal that they feel shows the need to cultivate the realism. Sometimes, wishing to give the best, end up giving nothing.

The native is not accepted by a group, especially in youth. He feels excluded most of the time, but not everytime.

Sometimes, he has a strong magnetism at adulthood and enters some groups of people.

Friends can suddenly turn to rivals without any warning.

Itā€™s possible for the native to have a friend that embodies Lilith.

Marrying a friend can bring some advantages, but causes problems.

The native projects huge emotional needs on their friends and they feel betrayed when the friends canā€™t face the pressure the native is throwing on them.

Lilith in 12th house~The Eve version of Lilith

The native is extremely occupied on the social area.

Varies between a strong interaction with social groups and self-isolation.

The native emphatically helps whenever there is a need, like he wants to lose their identity in this process.

Illusion dreaming. The native loves to flirt and manipulate others, good intended.

They are cool people.

Lilith in 12th house is the opposite of Lilith in 11th house, the natives prefer to be alone and have just a couple of close friends.

Itā€™s said that the name Lilith means nocturnian, so some natives can feel the darkness manifesting in their own personality, but this doesnā€™t mean they canā€™t do what they want.

There are a lot of men with this placement that projected an image of ā€œbad boyā€ and make good money (Brad Pitt, Steven Seagal, Tom Cruise, Eminem).

2 years ago

She's awesome y'all! I recommend her to anyone who's looking for a detailed reading! I can't emphasize enough! This person right here, she's from a family of sorcerers. Magic flows in her veins. You can take my word! Her readings are bang on and so full of energy āš”āš”āš”āš”āš”āš”

Hello new follower here got to know you from @priestessofthegalaxy and I really loved your PACs it really resonates with me waiting for more šŸ„°šŸ’“

Awww WELCOME WELCOME šŸ¤— šŸ’‹ Iā€™m glad they resonated with you love and you got it more PACā€™s coming!!!!

2 years ago

I'm glad to know that the exchange resonated with you. I wish you love and light āœØāœØ

Hello I hope you are doing well! I would love to do a exchange reading with you! My initials are db and Iā€™m a Capricorn. My question is what does my fs higher self want me to know.

Fictional character that your fs represents:

ā€œOh I could just sit here and cryā€

I feel like your fs represents Andy Bernard. When you first meet them they just seem like an entitled obnoxious wealthy individual that relies on a lot of showmanship and money to get what they want. They donā€™t seem aware of how privileged they are. For example if they hear someone having money problems they might ask why that person doesnā€™t go to their family for money. Or they might talk about how great first class is if they see someone booking a ticket for economy. They also seem really competitive even if they donā€™t need to be and have some anger issues maybe stemming from events from childhood. ( Note they will never direct their anger at you. Iā€™m feeling like they will be greatly gentle and sweet with you. If they feel their anger rising they will tell you immediately and ask for space. However you become kind of an anchor for them)They are so used to getting what they want with minimal effort that when you come along they will be confused to why you arenā€™t ā€œfallingā€ for them right off the bat. Then they try to woo you in all the wrong ways. Ways that they think you might like without actually taking the time to get to know you. Visual: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KVpIEJVht-8 (0:42-1:15 and 2:29-2:53). Eventually they will come back and make a more genuine offer though. Visual: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RKJOOy3Tr78( 0:20-1:17). It takes awhile to get there and you will be turned off for awhile by their behavior in the beginning and how they act in general. However slowly you will see a gentler kinder version of themselves especially after a period where they allow themselves to self reflect. Maybe they start going to therapy? And you start to fall for that side. They will want to spoil you a lot and if they had their way you wouldnā€™t pay for a thing but it will be a testimony of their growth that they will respect your want for independence. I dont think you are looking for a sugar person you are looking for s partnership. Unlike Andy though they will actually keep their growth and try to build on it to be as great of s partner for you as possible. So in conclusion your fs will be Andy but if heā€™d continued to grow and change instead of backtracking. I hope this resonated. Please tell me if it did.

Heyyyyy!!! I hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself at this time wherever you are. Thank you sooooo much for participating in this exchange with me. Your reading *chef's kiss* šŸ‘Øā€šŸ³ is one of the best's I've gotten so far! :D

Let's get to your reading, I love your question šŸ™‹

What does your FS's higher self want you to know?

Right off the bat, he (please reverse the gender(s) as they fit) wants you to know that you're surrounded by some sort of ugly conflict and competition (especially if you're a student or this could also be at your workplace, but I'm getting career related tbh). There could be people secretly competing with you, acting in a shady and sneaky manner. He's warning you about a possible argument or disagreement that could take place leading to a lot of drama. I'm getting very chaotic vibes. You could be thrown off your vibes and it could leave you feeling very defensive and assertive. Your temper will be tested and it's important for you to stay balanced and not pent up any emotions. I'm surprised I didn't get the tower card (maybe this isn't as destructive as it sounds, a mellower version of it, perhaps). I see you feeling very lost, maybe you'll lose an opportunity that could help you level up, it's definitely related to your academics/work. I got two cards numbered 5 in a row and 5 is the number of transformation. You could be graduating soon, or relocating. This change is going to be very significant in your life, almost like a turning point. When you'll look back, you'll understand why it had to happen a certain way. He's advising you to allow yourself to go with the flow and not resist the change. If an opportunity presents itself to you, take it up and see how it works out to you. If it's career related, he's asking you to focus on developing long term skills and not losing yourself in the rat race. With the world card in reverse, you're gonna feel like your world has been shaken up (fr) but it's meant to happen this way. It's gonna be a stagnant period, but you'll get through it if you're flexible to change and don't act in a rigid manner. "Accept the challenge headstrong" is what I heard. I wanted to pull more cards, and yay, the cards make me happy. Despite all the challenges and confusion you endure, your hardwork is gonna come to fruition. The defensive energy could've been past energy I picked up on. If you're waiting for your hardwork to pay off, the rewards are on the way. You'll enter a period of financial abundance, your manifestations will start coming to life.

His advise: Don't settle for anything mediocre. Know your worth and believe in yourself. If you're considering applying for a job, go for it. If you've been contemplating switching careers, this is an affirmative sign. Prioritize your happiness and dont settle for anything less.

I'm obviously nosy, so I wanted to know the current energy he's embodying. He's been recently hurt šŸ’” by someone he loved very very deeply. He's shifting his focus to his career, and working extremely hard towards his goals and ambitions. It might take awhile before you meet him. :)

I hope that resonates with you! Please don't forget to drop a feedback if it does šŸ’•šŸ’–

(I'll drop the feedback for my reading in your asks)