Tarot Love - Tumblr Posts
I chose pile two because it screamed at me 😭😭😭😭 IT WAS SO ACCURATE! You gave me a similar reading and the same things come up every single time? How can someone be so consistent with their readings? Maam, are you real? Take a bow! Starseed?? Lawyer??? Empath??? Heart broken??? Hung over toxic ex?? LAWYER????? OKAY?????? YOU'RE NOT WRONG?????? ILYSM I can't wait to meet this dork, thanks for the beautiful reading 😏😌🤡
First Impressions FS/Soulmate PAC 18+
Well well here we are again with yet another PAC for you guys! As always remember this is a general reading so take what resonates and leave the rest for someone else okay?
Hope these resonated!!!!!! Enjoy 😉 💋 💋 💋
*I do not own these Photos!
Piles go from left to right use your intuition take a deep breath relax your mind and choose the pile that your most drawn too, the one that gives you the most intense feeling (that’s how I usually choose)

Pile 1

8 of Pentacles, Ten of Pentacles, 4 of Pentacles, 7 of wands Rx, Saboteur, Taurus, Priestess, Crone
Woah 🤯 so much pentacles energy your soulmate/FS is a definite earth sign for sure I’m definitely piccin up Virgo/Taurus vibes!!! Your first impression is that they are established and secured financially, I see you being a bit intimidated at first because the may seem unapproachable! But they aren’t they are just more on the shy introverted side. They are an observer they are probably the type to be at a party just chillin looking out for any sign of trouble, they stay prepared! You sense they are very intuitive and have some sort of higher knowledge, you get the impression people come to your FS a lot when they need guidance of some sort, they may be some type of guide or something maybe a counselor. You guys share the same values and you see that they really care about building a future for themselves and their family, they want a legacy! You notice they are very sensual and seductive, maybe even have a sexy voice! They’ve been thru some shii, and had to rebuild and start over many and plenty, so they may be hesitant to change or fight against it. You may feel like they don’t deem themselves worthy so they may self sabotage maybe as your talking you notice them getting defensive about certain things as the conversation goes into more personal topics(because they can’t believe they divulged so much info to you). They are definitely shy and would probably be the type to keep relationships a secret, I prefer the word private tbh because secret and private those words in itself have various meanings you know in this case I’m feeling private like no one knows your business. Your FS/Soulmate hella private it took me a while to even pull cards they are so locced up. They deal with things in private, They hold back a lot, they are very possessive of their energy!!! Virgo vibes!!!!! They’ve been single for awhile you feel, you feel like they are afraid to let people in, they have no problem walking away from people because they are afraid of someone getting close to them, they know themselves tho, you see they will hold their ground, they are solid and rooted financially but I feel that emotionally you will feel them a lil lost 😞. They take their time and is very traditional I mean the numbers 7,8,9 came out, they may believe in traditional roles like masculine/feminine roles nothing degrading, I see your FS is very fluid, you almost look at them as a hippie it’s so weird right?! They are so go with the flow but then I feel when it comes to business and their professional life they like to play by the rules and get things done right. You think they are caged! Begging and pleading to be set free!! Wow this person is frazzled I think your gonna have many impressions you won’t be able to pin it! And it’ll drive you crazy!! But it’ll also pull you in because it’s a challenge are some of you daredevils lol like the challenge of figuring someone out? Well you’ve got your puzzle but they aren’t doing it on purpose or they aren’t fake it’s just they are hella guarded and you just won’t be able to give a distinct impression of them, they take their time they are incredibly patient, and you may see them as someone who repels negativity! They hang out by themselves a lot, always planning their next move! You definitely see them as a workaholic, they may travel a lot for their job and they are going to tell you about adventures and lots of cultures and things they’ve seen which is probably why you view them as a hippie, GOSH THEY’RE REALLY COOL! You’re gonna be so impressed and intrigued by this person! Their life, stories, their aura, my hands are shaking you may be really nervous around them or they may be nervous with you! They need their space and your gonna notice that I keep seeing you meeting them at their house for some reason like a party 🤔? You see them one minute having a good time then you don’t see them for a while, you go outside for a break or something to find out this is where they took off too just to be by themselves, they are introverted like a mf!! They have a beautiful home by the way the view is beautiful! 👇🏽
They believe in divine timing, hella patient, they will never make a move unless they know in their heart it’ll benefit them your first impression is that they are a stable hippie who somehow got their shii together and you wanna find out more or Atleast if that’s really true about them having it together lol. I get hyperindependent vibes!
Pile 2

5 Of Cups Rx, Knight Of Swords, 2 of Wands Rx, The Sun, Crush, Aquarius, Detective, Mystic
For some of you I’m feeling you like you know them or know of them this is a crush for some of you, others you seen that they have a lot of admirers and people crushing on them, I’m not seeing that you feel like your in competition for their attention tho! You feel like they are magic, some sort of magician, they might be able to something that’ll blow your mind! You think that they are so unique and weird it’s like you’ve never met a person like this before! 👽 energy! They are very inquisitive, they ask alot of questions, Fire and air energy Libra Aries and Leo and Aquarius! Woah those are sister signs wow!!! You guys are probably opposite signs? You see that they just getting over a heartbreak, like it tore them up, you saw that they had a lot of regrets about how things may’ve ended in their past relationship but I keep hearing the word absolution! I think they are getting over it but they still need time to get over this Breakup, for some it’s some other type of loss for others it’s a bad bad Breakup, and emotionally you feel they’re still stucc and resisting the move on. They are extremely confident and aggressive, they may talk really fast, you feel like they are missing something (you obvi 🙄). But yeah I see that you feel like they burn themselves out too for others, they are an empath and that’s why this Breakup is taking a toll I feel like this ex drained them energetically like really drained their energy and they are trying really hard to regain it! It’s a slow burn but the fire is going!! They need their space tooo this pile is similar to pile one just I feel this person is alot more energized and full of life they are just drained and blocced atm. They are very funny! They may tease and prank you a lot, they like to make people laugh esp you! They avoid taking breaks and they NEED THEM!! (EMPATHS NEEDS SPACE AND BREAKS TO RECHARGE PERIOD POINT BLANK!!!) idk if some of you guys are empaths and you’re not recharging but but spirit needed that to be known and shouted to this pile! Lots of avoidance and resistance, not because they scared of change, they are scared of being sad or disappointed! They are the type to cover up their pain with humor Libra vibes Libra moon maybe (like me!!! Soo I get that). They are a very fair person you see they give everyone the benefit of the doubt, hear everyone side, gives good advice, some of them may even be lawyers or in the Justice system, maybe even cops/detectives. They may be getting over an addiction, I sense alcohol for some or even work like I mentioned they work to avoid issues till they physically burn themselves out. Your first Impression is that they are smoking hot, you’re gonna be so attracted to them (you and others), they are working on their success (hustler), they are confident funny and aggressive, prideful and warm! You like their arms (male or female), they got heartbroken, they are a magical empath, they need alone time, they are soo curious and inquisitive it’s adorable, they are soo knowledgeable they just know things random facts!, they are non traditional, they have such a welcoming energy (most empaths do) you’re gonna feel comfortable with them. They endured a lot, they are generous to the point where they’ll suffer for others! They go to war for the ones they love!( 😱 awwww they def need to take a break then!!!!!) it’s needed!! They maybe blinded too certain things in front of them that you may notice of top!!! They are always transforming and you may meet them during the midst or the end of one. They are so outlandish you’re gonna wonder how someone like this can exist 👽 👾 🛸🖖🏽-queue eerie music but in a sensual manner- that’s your first impression of your FS/Soulmate (also something about one of their eyes maybe one is a different color??? Something about one of their eyes) . They’re a human lie detector. They have a beautiful aura. Brows? Thick or bush something bout the brows too. The chest/breast abs area you’re in awe of. They are a warrior, and you love hearing their war stories. Starseed vibes heavy!!
Pile 3

Page of Cups, The Magician, Ace of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles, Communicator, Past Life,Femme Fatale, Mother
I see you looking at your FS/ Soulmate as such a badass like true badass!! I mean the earth is dominating this whole damn reading! You had the hierophant at the BoD that’s the Taurus card and the Taurus Card actually flew out the other decc so TAURUS!! They are super sensual and they voice is amazing!! They love to talk, they are very caring and mothering they care about those around them! 🥰 you feel like you been knew them which I feel you did this is a past life connection between you and your FS. I feel you feel he had a crush on you, I see them following you around and wanting to just talk to you so cute ☺️ like a lil puppy 🐶 following you around, it’s so cute, they may ask you for your number a few times before you give it to them 😂. They are like a wish come true for some of you like your actual fantasy come to life!! With the magician I feel like a lot of you actually manifested this person and your surprised that it actually worked well it did!!! You are manifesting your fantasy person!!!! They are funny to you, I see they playfully tease you! You guys both share the same values bout marriage and spirituality! They are financially stable or almost there, you are very attracted to this person like spiritually as well as physically, you may feel like they feel a need to protect you and nurture you vice versa too as well! They are intense and have this mysterious aura, even tho they are talking and communicating you feel like it’s just the tip of the surface, you see they don’t fold under pressure, someone may bring up someone or something in the past and they probably laugh it off or they smoothly swifted the conversation. You notice they’ve been thru some shii and they are still such a pure loving soul! They are a angel wow!! They may act a bit immature I think that’s the teasing and the humor this person has, they are smooth and charming, they are some type of writer or speaker, they like to eat! And they like fancy things! They have a beautiful house, they maybe a bit indecisive. They are romantic!! They may write you a love letter or a lil note/texts they are so good with words wow! A wordsmith they are clever they probably are going to talk you out your draws lol 😂. They are intuitive! They are into spirituality as well they may have been brought up in a traditional home, so I see they agree with certain traditional roles but they love expanding their minds and learning! Animal lover, money don’t mean that much to this person they enjoy camaraderie! They like telling they story! You are so smitten with this person! You know your soulmates! You are just gonna be like woah this is my fuccin person!!!!!! It’s like they are so humble but got money they are not a bragger or a boaster! They earned what they got and they had to go thru a lot to get it! They are grateful and wanna help others get there too! Your FS is a inspirational person to you! I see you just being so blown away by them they feel like sunshine after a rainy day I heard ! Maybe they’ll say that to you? Their vibe is so mommy/daddy let me take care of you! But still fun and adventurous they rocc !!!!!
For anyone who's looking for brilliant Pick a card readings, check her out! She's one of the bests on here 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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Hey guys just opened up my new Patreon time to create our neighborhood of Twin Flames/Soulmates & LOVERS EVERYWHERE!!! I welcome you guys with all the X-Rated unapologetic love 💝 💋🙏🏽
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FS What are they like? Here
Your first impression of them PART 1 beep
FS NSFW Thoughts 🤤
Their First Impression of you PART 2 Boop
Checc out my musicc too!!!
💋 💋 💋
You and Your FS/Soulmate Dynamic (Dating, Getting to know each other)
Another Part 1 to the series this is your dynamic with your FS/Soulmate after you guys first meet & start getting to know each other! Some of you may already be with your person and is just looking at this for confirmation (for some reason I felt that) I guess this is one of your confirmations we shall see if there’s more!! Anyways this is a general reading take what resonates leave the rest to roll onto someone else and I hope it resonates 💋 💋

Pile 1: Page of Wands, 6 of Wands, 4 Of Wands Rx, Getting To Know Each other, Free Yourself, Worth Waiting For!! Okay! I see this is going to be very action packed and fun! I see you guys hanging out a lot just having fun going on adventures just creating memories! I see that you guys carry lots of passion for each other like you guys are seriously a attracted to each other! I see that one or both of you have deep feelings but because of fear of commitment or intimacy you guys hold it in, which makes me feel like the confession may take a min and you may be wondering where you guys stand, I see you wondering if all the the things you were feeling was real or just an illusion. (It’s real!). In the beginning stages I see you the dynamic being quite flirtatious. You guys may play fight a lot or have very fun debates! I just feel like whenever it gets close to some type of emotional connection one of you gets detached and unemotional. There’s a need to free yourself and confess big time, I’m sensing fear & that fear is making your FS get irritable and aggressive and unemotional but not towards you, it may be reflected towards you but that’s how they feel about themselves for not being brave enough to confess, there’s some drama they gotta deal with some internal conflict. You guys are so fun tho, you have lots of deep heart to heart conversations where you guys reveal your innermost selves and thoughts to each other, I think that there’s a need to pay attention to some red flags or one of you maybe on the lookout all the time for red flags like being paranoid looking for anything wrong so you can use that as an excuse to drop them. There’s a big need to free yourselves and honestly discuss your feelings with each other! You guys deny the fact that your soulmates! The Star and the 2 of cups came out in RX there’s so much blocc exemption and it’s because one or both of you feel hopeless or I’m sensing like this is too good to be true! So spirit wants you guys to take your time, this vibe is like it’s gonna be worth the wait (MY SPIRIT GUIDES WAS RAPPING LIL WAYNE I’M SORRY FOR THE WAIT, I’M SORRY FOR THE WAIT 😂). I feel like divine timing is playing such a huge part in your beginning stages, this connection is divine in itself so your guides and your FS guides just wanna make sure that your BOTH ALIGNED AND READY FOR THAT JUMP! Somebody’s heart is on locc but you guys are the key, and you guys obliviously open each other out and i think that feeling of vulnerability makes either you or your FS feel naked? Exposed? Maybe your not used to someone giving a shii about what you have to say or what you feel, but your FS does and you do about them. I sense so much comfortability and warmth you get such a warm feeling around them, your skin may get goosebumps, or the hair on your arms will stand something about electricity. THIS IS A PAST LIFE RELATIONSHIP! You & your FS/soulmate have unfinished business, so much red came out in the cards so much passion I mean lusty lust lust, you guys will just be fantasizing about each other damn looking at each other like 🤤 🤤 🤤 til the other person looks at you then you quickly turn your head away! I’m going to tell you rn in the beginning stages YOU NEED PATIENCE!!!! I’m not saying a confession will take a long time I’m saying everything is happening in karmic order for you and your FS/soulmate it’s all about alignment with you two! Very 5D connection your union is happening in another dimension (for some reason needed to share that). Heart on the line is bolted shut? Someone is afraid of getting hurt again past pain made you guys hella guarded and this relationship knoccs down the wall without them wanting or controlling so it’s a lot for them to bare! It’s so much action packed fun here you guys have a lot of fun! Inside jokes, handshakes, conversations and debates I feel like debates are heated with you two, you both are going to challenge each other to the extremes! Extreme sports even!! I just see a fun and flirty dynamic in the beginning maybe during conversations whenever you Cont.
Mentioned doing something or going somewhere they just up and decided you guys were gonna make a day out of it, I see them pushing you and at first your resistant! Ugh I’m seeing both of you resisting, both of you acting like you ain’t as smitten as you actually are! Oooh i heard one of you wants to rush and the other wants to slow down! You guys don’t know what what you want jeez! It’s because this feels like emotional overload, that’s why it’s imperative for this group to have patience, be chill and just flow, this about getting to know yourselves even better thru each other and you guys will see that thru each other you better yourselves and I feel that will spark a confession! But fun dates! Fun convos! Fun days and nights the dynamic is fun and flirty bye bye birdie! Let’s try to keep the birdie in the nest tho huh? It’s gonna feel like you are together even tho you haven’t made it official and that’s where the ??????? 🤔 comes up. Very equal dynamic as well you’re their king/queen, and their yours just try to give them some time (YOURSELF TOO!). You guys will fall in love slowly but SURELY! When they confess they will know without a DOUBT that your their person and vice versa 🥹. (Usually sounds like Friends to lovers but I didn’t picc up friends first, just hanging out without any labels). Although I feel that you may’ve given each other Lil cute pet names and that’s what you guys call each other, have it in your contacts and that’s just like y’all thing y’all be in y’all own world when you calm each other the person names. Playing darts? Stargazing? Jogging/Tracc? (You guys have two specific angels that are guiding you to each other even now try to communicate with them they maybe for some your higher self/ their higher self trying to communicate).

Pile 2: The Sun, 3 of Cups, The Star, Reconciliation, Soulmate, You Deserve Love! Booo! This is sooooooooo cute now here’s my friends to lovers group! The thing is you guys are honest about your feelings, I see that you guys are very happy and very supportive around each other, the dynamic is so beautiful and blessed BUUUUUUUUUTTTTT!!! There’s some drama and it’s surrounded by and ex! This person or you has an ex that really hurt them, I mean it almost destroyed them and they may still be holding on to that anger that hurt that pain! They may have gotten cheated on or experienced unrequited love, and so they are disconnected from their feelings/emotions, but you free them! It’s like Cupid strucc them with an arrow and they are just in love! Divine Timing is at okay because this is definitely a soulmate I mean it came out twice!!! As the star card in this decc is the soulmate card!! I see such a light and breezy energy around you two lots of laughter and romantic tender moments, your so sweet together, so soft with each other, you don’t rush each other, very soft and patient indeed! You guys like to party together and have a good time! I feel like tho you/them may start to feel like this is unrequited like one feels more than the other and that’s not true!Just one needs to purge and clear out this toxic ex! Oooh what if that ex pops up and comes around ? I see some drama! But I see that you guys see each other as the solution, you help them/ they help you with a solution, so tight! You guys feel like your each other’s wish come true! You guys might make a promise to each other that when your ready that that’s when you’ll take the jump! This pile seems more on point with each other in that sense I’m just seeing outer interceptions as being a real blocc in this connection! (Ugh exes right gtfoh get a fuccin clue already damn!!!!!). I see that you & your FS/Soulmate will be very devoted to each other! Being sweet complimenting each other, sharing soft looks and even a kiss or two every now and then, very cute and understanding dynamic, this person is your match and they will tell you that you are theirs! They just wanna be right all the way for you (LET THEM HEAL!!!). You don’t want them even if they do care about you if there’s any chance of them falling baccwards to they ex save yourself!!!! (Fucc that bacctracc bullshii!!). You deserve real love mutual love and authentic love where you’re the fuccin priority and they will let you know that, be happy that they are being honest with you enough to tell you they aren’t ready for a relationship this magnanimous at that time! (They may have just gotten out of a relationship/situationship or maybe you have either way rushing out the question). This dynamic is gonna feel like at last!!! My person and I have come bacc together we finally found each other. Skies are gonna be clearer, food is gonna taste better, everything will just be upgraded when you guys start getting to know each other, I feel a big ass frequency raise from just hangin out with them you might start to hear “You’re glowing”! it’s because your surrounded by your other half not just in the spiritual realm but finally in the earthly realm even if you guys are just talking. You’re gonna talk to each other or to other people complimenting each other saying that you guys may be the one for each other (Which obvi you are)! There will be times when this heartache will make them go within and they will need a break from you, don’t (SOME of you already met this person either your friends or just started dating but this is your confirmation)!! THIS CONNECTION IS WORTH WAITING FOR! Let this person heal, you heal, and just enjoy being around each other! Because you truly make each other shine bright and best, lots of talking, you may stay up all night talking and touching each other, you guys touch each other a lot, but there may be times esp when the drama going on that you may feel like there isn’t enough chemistry to keep it up, take some time to yourself and really just analyze why something like that triggered you cont.
Into feeling that way in first place. You guys have a whole damn spirit squad setting you guys up so that drama ain’t nothing but a triggering stop to growth! This union is protected by spirit “You are so loveable”! Something I feel they would say! They love complimenting you! Lots of smiles and cutesy moments here when you guys are getting to know each other so cute I absolutely love it! This person is your one! Let them get over the past! You two as well 🥹.

Pile 3: The Hierophant, 9 of Swords Rx, 10 of Wands, Romantic Feelings, Stay Optimistic About Your Love Life, Trust! OKKKKKKKK!!!! Trust!!!!!!! This is the pile that is the most determined and most sure!! You guys definitely will end up getting married the fastest, probably right after dating is an engagement like your relationship before marriage is the engagement! They want to move fast with you because they are hundred percent sure you are the one for them! Wow omg I love this pile Frfr! You and your FS/soulmate have a soul pact! You guys share the same values and morals, you guys may even talk about marriage, your dynamics are like a married couple, you guys move like you’re already engaged, about to be married, some of you may just met but it seems like years you knew them. There is a bit of some worrying tho about moving so fast and whether or not these feelings are real! I see that you guys trust each other deeply!!! Also there’s a need for you to have trust in the situation! Trust that these romantic feelings are real and if you stay optimistic about that a confession will come full speed! This is not about fear internally or some other intercepting, this is about the signs that you both are presenting, one of you might be insecure and send out mixed signals, or wear a mask covering up your romantic feelings til you have a breakthrough which you will!! Or they will! You gust will be codependent spending all the time damn with each other quality time is sticcin out to me! You guys will disconnect from the world, (cabin trips, road trips etc.). I see them wanting to be alone with you all the time!!!! You guys are alone a lot!!!!!! Endless love I see even in the beginning this is some love at first sight!! & because it seems so unreal you or they may try to deny it or fear the other person may not feel as deeply if anything at all, and they may cause a lil restraint, but what I failed to mention earlier which is what fuels this marriage even quicker is that you guys reassure each other! It’s like if your feeling some type of way, they will reassure you that you have nothing to worry about and vice versa which is why you’re both gonna be sure about this union and you guys I feel will jump right into the deep end! Getting engaged! Or just jump into a relationship really fast!!!!! This courting stage won’t last long, this is the if you know you know pile fashoooooooo they want you, and til they get you it’s gonna weigh on their hearts and souls heavy, I see them putting in a lot of EFFORT to impress you and show you they mean BUSINESS! They want to sun you heart. You expand their way of thinking about themselves and others I think you calm down their paranoia! They are addicted to you the way your energy shuts out the pain and the noise that drown their feelings you shut it down! This is best pile hands down!! They are sure they want you even with the insecurities and you are sure you want them, it’s like victory and karmic Justice that you two finally are together it’s like you guys are each other’s rewards for all your hardwork and cuz you did the hardwork you recognize a real true love connection, the confession may come in the form of a note and I’m telling it’s gonna happen fast as hell! They will be hanging out with you getting to know you then they realize that they need you around them everyday otherwise they start to feel down, or drained and tired again it’s not like without you their nothing nah they can handle they business alone but you make them better period! Try to be honest with each other because you guys have so much love I mean love not lust I see that too but the love and destiny feelings overpower that, reassure each other that you guys aren’t crazy that these feelings are real and worth exploring because they are this is a gift from the universe this connection and some people have to wait even after physical union to heal some more before an actual relationship can blossom! Not here you guys KNOW! Til you guys even make a move it’s gonna weigh on each other heavily and you guys will be cont.
To sense that I think you guys won’t be able to lie to each other, even if you wanted to ion think you can. Very physical and mental, sweet talks and sweet hugs and tender vibes I just love this! They want to be the person to make you smile and they want too make you theirs they are on a mission and they won’t stop til they complete it! And they will I mean marriage came out thrice!! Period! And this is only the dating stages soooooo they are sure!!! (They/you probably been single for a long time). Lots of flowers btw! They may get you flowers/you may get them flowers. I’m just smelling sweetness so romantic , (Movie nights, spending nights together). It’s like the dating stage is like your relationship pre run and getting engaged will be your actual relationship run, then marriage will be marriage idk gotta Checc on that and see in pt 3. So cute so sure! It’s like meeting each other was the breakthrough you actually both needed! I see you just protecting each other standing up for each other to anyone running they mouth maybe about how fast y’all moving I heard that maybe some of you may have to talk to friends and family bout that (Honestly that’s none of their business but hey). Lots of hand holding lots of physical touch! And words of affirmation in the beginning stages! Fair, romantic, sensual, just all around perfect and the best part YOU’LL NEVER GUESS OR HAVE TO ASK WHAT WE ARE THEY WILL DAMN SURE SHOW YOU YOU ARE THE ONE FOR THEM & THEY WILL NEVER STOP TIL YOU ARE THERES PERIOD! you are their diamond that they’ve been mining for almost gave up looking for but then bam here you came! They not letting that get away!!!

Omg very beautiful readings in every single pile they all had their own flava! Very awesome readings I hope that they resonated with you guys stay tuned for parts 2/3 coming soon!!! Remember 💗 and ✨!
PAC,, What do you need to let go of?

💤 ︵ pile one ﹙ ☆ ﹚
ᰍ ̟˚ You need to let go of your obsession with money. Trust the universe will handle it and you'll be fine. Stop trying to nurture and care for everybody. You're the main one you should be looking out for. You're working yourself too hard. It's okay to take a rest sometimes. It's okay to have goals and have a strong will to reach them but you need to remember you have to keep yourself alive as well. You're trying your best to make your own money and care for everyone but you can't do both and you definitely can't care for everyone.

💤 ︵ pile two ﹙ ☆ ﹚
ᰍ ̟˚ You need to let go of a lover or crush. If you've had them as a lover and they've cheated or betrayed you in a way, they're not ready to change yet. Maybe in the future but you need a break to nurture yourself. This person is impulsive and sure of themselves but is still immature. In the end, this person will leave you and you'll feel like you have to hide your feelings. You've been ignoring the possibility that this could be true but it is. They aren't worth it. You're worth so much more and you deserve the care you give others, so give it to yourself. 1010 and other angle numbers may be significant.

💤 ︵ pile three﹙ ☆ ﹚
ᰍ ̟˚ You need to let go of your impulsivity and unrealistic fantasies. You need to learn more about yourself I'm getting. Not everybody is your friend and not everything is a fairytale. You might need time to yourself. You need to let go of sad memories of old friends or lovers. You might imagine that things are good like it was with them before, but it's not and you need to accept that. This message has been trying to reach you but you ignore it and just deal with the negative consequences.
Relationships dynamic with your fs|Pick A Card
Hi everyone welcome back to my new pac. This pac is about your relationship dynamic between you and your fs . Here fs can mean you future spouse or soulmate whatever you believe in. This reading is a general reading take what resonates and live what doesn't 💗. Also it took me ages to do this reading i would really appreciate
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The plies are from left to right 👉🐥
Plie 1

Hello plie 1 welcome to your reading love 💗
Cards: ace of coins,ace of swords,ace of cups,magician, strength, king of Wands, sun ☀️.
it may seem like I am just using positive cards but I swear I am not this are the cards that you got lots of 111 , 1111 ,2112 if you are seeing this could a sign. Look up for their meanings on internate. Lets get started with your reading so a lot of aces . I don't think you have met your fs yet this is someone new 🐥. This relationship will be a new beginning for many things lots of opportunities . You both will be each others strength... Like if one person will feel down the other person will try their level best to make sure to make you smile. I am hearing action speak more than words. Some of you may in past have struggled with a person who made a lot of promises with but never showed any actions to fulfill their promises I think this person would not be like that they are going to show with their action that they are truly into you that they want you in their life and you are going to do the same for them. You both together will create a lot of things which bring opportunities like starting a buisness etc or helping you may even work with this person ( this is for some of you would) . Every down to Earth couple.Even if you achieve great heights you will remind each other where you come from and what all you have achived. Help each other stay true to them self and not let the success get in the head. Very emotionally available couple. A every secure couple. No pitty fights . You both will have a deep understanding about each other. Best friends to lover kind of situation. Where you know each other so well that you could tell just by looking at their face what other person is thinking ( this is just a example of the bonds you guys will share) . A optimistic couple always seeing something good in every situation. Great at communicating your feelings with each other . I am getting 18 + messages I would not going to it as there might be some minors reading this but you guys will have lots of fun together🫣.
This song came to my mind
Plie 2 🌹

Hello plie 2 welcome to your reading
Cards: 3 of swords, 5 of wands, 4 of coins, hanged man ( reverse) ace of swords,8 of swords, Queen of coins,the star, 3of cups
Let's get into your reading
before meeting each other either on of you or both of you may go through a heart break ( this doesn't always have to be about relationship, though it can be but it can also represent a heart break because life Just happens sometimes) . Or it can be Just that for both of you life was not particularly easy and you never got time to look after your heart and its hurts. Because of this even after having so many things you may feel stagnant. But this relationship will be the medicine to cuts that were made in the process. healing each other is a big thing in this relationship. Knowing that you both are not perfect but ready to fight to become a better person for them and vice versa. This relationship will be a new beginning to see your life and yourself in a new light. This relationship will make you try to do your level best and improve your life for each other. It will force you both to get out of your comfort zone . Doing all this self reflection and being each others support. You both may start out as friends and gradually fall in love. They couples who everyone ships. Your friends may be also really supportive of this relationship. I also think that you guys may be different in so many ways but also very similar ( this are intuitive message I am getting not from cards).
( this Hindi song was in my mind the whole time during the relationship)
Plie 3 💗

Hello plie 3 welcome to your reading
Cards : 3 of swords,5 of swords ,6 of swords king of coins ,page of cups ,6 of coins ,the moon
Hello there how you have been doing . Before we get in to the dynamic of you and your fs i would there are some cards that indicate a heart break and a betrayal this could be someting you or your fs may have expirenced in the past or good be a situation that you are currently in where you feel betrayed and heart broken because of someone or something and it may feel like you have broken into pieces. Which may have led you to self doubt ,I truly dont think that you are in this situation currently right now. Beacuse of the 6 of swords i think that you or your fs have moved on from what happended even though it was hard but you left what happended in the past and moved on. I really dont this heart break creating a problem in the relationship its all in the past and you or the fs may want it to stay that way . Now lets get into the relationship dynamic I see both of you may be coming from money or one of you may come from a lot of money . Old money vibes here . This could be that you have build something that like a business or opportunity that brings you in a lot of money and that's why you are a rich person I see you when you get into the relationship I do not see you struggling with money. A couple that is very generous espcialy with money . Doing Charity work feeding the homeless feeding the children's that are unfortunate opening NGO or opening and orphanage is the kind of couple that I see you both being. A very emotionally available kind of couple there is never going to be a situation where anybody in this relationship would feel like oh I am not being validated enough for I am not being appreciated enough I do not think this would ever happened in this relationship also I see you being a very happy couple a very in love couple I think what makes you relationship very from other relationships is that you don't know that nobody can be perfect and that your partner wool also have faults and they would also have in perfection but your ok with it I think you are in kind of in love with their imperfections. Also with the moon card i think for now there are some things that need to be under cover right now . I also sense that plie 3 is reading a lot of tarot reading about love girll give it a rest 🤣 (lol). Thats your reading see you next time
Songs :
Plie 4

Cards : knight of coins, two to of coins, ace of cups justice the world tow of wands ,the hangedman
Hello plie 4 welcome to your reading, hope you guys are doing amazing 🤩.lets get into your reading . Couple how understand what going with the flow means. How to sperate their hobbies and interests and taking out time for doing something that does not necessarily makes money but makes them happy. couple that you see going to yoga classes or gym together because they just enjoy doing it. A couple who is very open with each other. You guys have Harmony in the relationship. You know they feeling when a person just simply gets you and you don't have to pretend to be your best self all the time . This is the type of couple you could be. I am hearing" You are very things I need". A lot of words of affirmation. balancing each other out. You guys together share same values . A couple who believes in fairness, grounded very humble and kind. You may meet them when you may just be starting something new. This is the relationship that may trun not something serious preety soon. This relationship would be very strong.Very grounded , very secure not very easy to make insecure even if people try they will not be able to .you guys may also meet while travelling. This is all I have for you . I am really sorry this is very short but I didnt get many messages,hope you understand 🐥