butteredupbun - I Taste Like a Marshmallow. Give Me a Taste '3'
I Taste Like a Marshmallow. Give Me a Taste '3'

20 | He/Him |  🏳️‍🌈  | Artist | Hi! I'm an aspiring artist and I decided to make an account for my more... "Niche" interests. Warning: BELLIES, VORE AND OTHER KINKY STUFF | +18 Only Please.I do rp, just ask :)

201 posts

He Sits Over You While You Sit On His Wooden Desk. He Cant Stop Looking At Youeyeing You With A Hunger

he sits over you while you sit on his wooden desk. he can’t stop looking at you—eyeing you with a hunger that you never thought you’d see in those green eyes of his. you both know what he’s going to do to you, yet you struggle to believe it yourself. your predator’s stomach rumbles again, filling your ears with nothing but cries for your name. a shiver creeps down your spine, and his hand wraps around your much smaller frame before you can even make an attempt to stand up. he lifts his sweater, leaning back in his seat as he forces your head to his stomach. your ear is pushing against his skin, and you’re forced to listen to every gurgle, cry, and rumble that his stomach makes. the noise is unbearable to your tiny ear, and as if his stomach is aware of your discomfort; it lets out another loud rumble. due to the fact the predator was holding you against his stomach, you could have sworn your whole world was vibrating. it was as if an earthquake had started shaking the house, but it was only you and him awaiting the inevitable. 

he was growing impatient—his grip on you tightened as he pulled you away from his growling stomach. you kept trying to fight against his hand, but he was way too strong. the more you moved, the tighter his hand became. why did it have to come to this? the predator pulls your legs into his mouth, wrapping his tongue around them before letting out a satisfied moan. he was enjoying your taste a little too much, by the looks of things. his hand slowly releases from your body as he pushes more of you inside, your feet now at the back of his throat. with your torso sticking out of his lips, his tongue creeps up along your back, and he finally lets go of you as he leans back down in his chair. he lifts his head upwards, holding you in place. he was toying with you—he was letting you see what he was doing to you.  your hands push against his lips before his tongue sneaks underneath you, wrapping around your torso. the predator closes his eyes, letting out another satisfied moan as he gives a light swallow, leaving your feet to be tightly held by his throat. the man swallows again, and your head is forced past his lips, leaving you in a wet darkness. his moans and breathing are much louder from in here, but you don’t want to go any further. it’s a sad fact to say that you knew this was coming, but you didn’t want to end up in his stomach. 

another swallow pulls you all the way into his throat, and just as his esophagus begins to pull you downward, you feel as if you’re being pushed. his finger is pressing against his throat, feeling your squirming and struggling as his throat pulls you down. the predator is impatient for his meal, yet he’s too overwhelmed by how good it feels as you slide down his throat. he moans again, and your world shakes again; exactly how it felt when he held you to his stomach. it feels painfully slow as you travel down, but the lower you get, the louder his breathing and heartbeat become. you’d nearly forgotten that your predator was human after how he handled you and treated you like nothing but food. after what felt like an eternity, your descent slows, but where you’re stuffed into doesn’t feel any less constricting at all. the chamber lets out a satisfied growl as your entire small frame is stuffed inside of it, letting the man know of your entry. the predator lets out a deep breath as you feel yourself being rubbed and pushed against at all sides. he’s too full to talk, so all you’re left hearing are the satisfied noises of your predator, his stomach, his breathing, and his heartbeat. you shift to get comfortable, stretching out your body before the predator moans, pushing his hand back against his stomach, ensuring that you don’t move from your original position. your prison rumbles once again, confirming  the rule that you’re not allowed to move. 

you’re not going to get out of here. he’s going to keep you in here. the stomach holding you captive continues to groan happily, and you hear a satisfied sigh, quickly being followed by rubbing and squishing. his stomach squishes you further, ensuring that you’re unable to fight back against its will. you’re left with feeling completely numb as all you can hear are your predator’s moans, his breathing, and loud stomach gurgles. he never respected you or thought anything of you—you were nothing but food, and now he has you where you belong. 

you’re nothing but food.

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More Posts from Butteredupbun

4 years ago

A prey getting squished between two pred’s fat bellies as the two fight to be the one to eat them, the huge stomach’s pushing them around and growling loudly in their ears 😍

gosh yea

I’m imagining two big frat types just drunkenly arguing over food. But ur the food And you can hear just how ready to digest each gut is as ur squished between them 

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4 years ago

Accidental digestion

Something underappreciated in my opinion is accidental digestion. Either angst with friends digesting friends or simply a pred complaining about all the weight theyre going to gain and they meant to spit the prey out, really, they totally did.

4 years ago

Heart Pangs - A Single Condition (Part 10/?)

Read this story on Wattpad

First part - Previous part

Summary: Felix struggles to deal with the fallout of illegally consuming an innocent prey.

Contents (WARNING FOR MAJOR SPOILERS): hunger; some fearplay; minor injuries; vore - m/m, size difference, post-vore, digestion mentions, fatal mentions, non-fatal, regurgitation

Wordcount: 4,402

* * * * * * * * * *

Felix opens his eyes. He feels strange, sore and sluggish, although he doesn’t know why. He tries to roll over then stops as a foreign weight impedes him. His hand flies to his belly and everything comes rushing back.

Did he do it? Is it all over? He sits up, suddenly wide awake. At the sudden change, there’s a flurry of movement from within him. Felix didn’t know he could feel any worse.

He didn’t do it.

Felix buries his face in his hands. What is he supposed to do now?

Before he can think, he’s pushing himself to his feet. He wobbles when he stands, forgetting how to balance the extra weight, forgetting how much it hurts. Then he’s grabbing a change of clothes and going into his bathroom. He feels dirty and he needs to think. He knows what he needs to do.

He stops when he sees himself in the mirror. He hasn’t done that yet, he realizes. He hasn’t looked at himself. He watches his reflection touch a hand to his belly. It looks unreal, monstrous, but also somewhat nice, attractive even.

Felix turns away with a grimace. What is he thinking?

He turns the shower on as hot as he can stand and lets it run down his skin. He wonders if his prey can feel it too.

His prey. What is he going to do about his prey? The whole point of falling asleep was so he wouldn’t have to feel his prey digesting. That didn’t work, and now he wants even less to spend the rest of his day, pretending everything is normal while his body slowly kills an innocent man.

For a wild moment, Felix thinks maybe he can just release the man, get rid of the problem entirely. But there’s the risk of being reported. And his parents, what would they say? His mother had been so excited. Surely she and his father would be disappointed in him if he didn’t do it, maybe even mad. Felix can’t bear the thought of it.

But doing nothing isn’t an option. Looking in the mirror has just proven that Felix can’t hide his prey. Going out in public like this would be just as bad for Felix as letting the prey man go. Maybe even worse.

Felix steps out of the shower, towels off, then dresses, although the doesn’t bother with a shirt. He doesn’t have clothing made for consuming, though he’s sure his father will insist on changing that after all this.

He sits on the closed toilet, one hand on his belly, feeling like he’s figured nothing out.

He wonders what the prey man has been thinking for all of this. Probably confused as to why he‘s still alive, Felix thinks. He’s been in there for over twelve hours now. Most likely he‘s more than uncomfortable. He’s probably hungry, Felix thinks offhand. The idea of hunger suddenly seems so distant to him. He hasn’t felt hunger since consuming the man, Felix realizes with a start. He doesn’t remember the last time he didn’t feel hungry.

He suddenly feels much worse for the prey man. Felix knows what it’s like to be hungry and confused. He wouldn’t wish that upon anyone else.

He straightens. But what if he does? What if he just... let’s the man die of natural causes. Then digesting him wouldn’t feel so terrible.

Felix is disgusted by himself and dismisses the thought as soon as he has it. Sure, digesting something that wasn’t alive would make him feel better, but it would take days for the man to die on his own and Felix would be privy to each twitch of pain and struggle of protest during those passing days. Not only that, but he knows from health class that it’s not great for a pred to have deceased prey in their belly. Besides, he’s already sick of having to deal with his prey. He wants a solution that will get rid of him as soon as possible.

Felix glances at the bathtub, still coated in droplets from his shower. There is one way, he realizes, to get rid of his prey immediately.

He stands before he realizes what he’s doing. This is exactly the method he’s been holding back on. The one that he’s decided is too risky. But he’s getting desperate. At this point, he almost would rather deal with the fallout than continue like this.

He makes a decision.

He leans forward, clutching the edge of the bathtub. He’s not really sure how to do this, but then again, he thought the same yesterday just before shoving his prey down his throat. He hopes this will be similar.

He contracts his stomach as tight as he can. He can feel his prey press against him, panicked by the suddenly tight space. Felix squeezes his eyes shut as he feels the shape of his prey being pushed back up his throat. He almost gags but stops himself.

The prey doesn’t make it all in one go. Instinctively, Felix’s stomach muscles clench again, rolling and pushing his prey upward. The sensation is awful. It hurts nearly as bad as consuming the man but this time Felix doesn’t enjoy the pain at all. It takes several more heaves before he feels the man pressing at the back of his throat, forcing his jaw wide once more.

Felix hunches forward and lets the man fall slowly into the bathtub, crumbling into an unruly heap. Felix can feel the hollowness of his stomach deepen impossibly with each inch of the man that leaves it.

When the man is finally fully in the tub, Felix feels a wracking pain all though his core. It’s terrible. It makes him double over. He’s never felt an emptiness like this before. It’s enough to make him want to grab the man and shove him right back down his throat. But he doesn’t. He can’t go through that again.

Tears form at the corners of Felix’s eyes as he squeezes them shut. He keeps expecting the pain to pass but it comes over him in waves, making him nauseous, like he has to vomit, which if he didn’t hurt so much, he would find ironic.

Finally, after a minute of gasping ragged breaths, Felix is able to compose himself enough to stand up straight again. The first thing he does is look at his prey who, he quickly corrects himself, is no longer his prey. It’s just a man. A man who surprisingly hasn’t said anything the whole time Felix has been bent over in pain.

Felix’s breath catches in his throat as he finally takes in the sight of the man. He looks awful. He’s soaking wet, his skin is covered in burns, and his clothes are discolored and fraying. Felix knows now why the man hasn’t said anything. His eyes are closed. He hasn’t even moved.

Panic flares and a river of thoughts rush though Felix’s mind. Did he start digesting the man after all? No, he was definitely alive and moving just a minute ago. Did Felix somehow kill him during regurgitation? What was he supposed to do with a dead prey in his bathtub? He knew he had just thought digesting a dead prey would be easier, but he doesn’t want to consume the man again if he’s not alive. That feels... wrong. How is he supposed to tell his parents all this? Surely his father will be disappointed. This never would have never happened if Felix had just done what his father would have wanted and digest. Maybe he’d even be forced to consume the man as punishment.

Then Felix sees the man’s chest rising and falling, and all his thoughts grind to a halt. The man is alive.

As his heart rate drops to normal, Felix begins thinking logically again. The man is burned from the general acids in Felix’s stomach. Not because Felix started digestion. He knows this. He’s learned and re-learned it all in every bio and anatomy class he’s taken. And most likely Felix’s struggle to get the man back up again was what caused him to become unconscious. It’s not uncommon in newly practicing preds.

Felix sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He hates that he’s just thought of himself as “newly practicing.”

He needs to get the man out of here, to safety. Who knows how this would end if his parents walked in. He also needs to come up with a way to keep the man quiet... and fast.

Felix grabs a shirt from the ground, pulls it on, and waits another few moments for the man to awaken. When that doesn’t happen, he grabs the shower head and turns the water on. At least he can wash the remaining acid off the man. That can’t be too pleasant.

The man doesn’t stir at first. Felix is half finished before the man’s eyes fly open. Felix freezes. The man looks at him, eyes wide and red-rimmed. Then the man’s gazes flicks to the closed bathroom door. Then back to Felix. Then back to the door.

Felix realizes what the man’s planning just before he acts.

“No, don’t!” Felix grabs the man halfway through him springing out of the tub and shoves him back in.

The man opens his mouth to scream but Felix slaps a hand over his mouth to stop him.

For several long moments, Felix pins the man down into the tub in a silent struggle, ignoring the water from the shower head flying into his face, hoping the thumping of the man’s thrashings don’t alert his parents.

“Listen to me,” Felix hisses as loud as he dares. “I’m not going to hurt you, but you need to stop struggling and shut up before my parents hear you and come up. I have no idea what they’ll do you if they find you, and I can’t guarantee they won’t hurt you if they do.”

The man hesitates for a moment. Then he’s grabbing at Felix’s hands and trying to peel them off. Felix grinds his teeth together.

Then there’s a knock on the door.

Both he and the prey man freeze.

“Felix, dear?” Felix’s mother’s voice says from the other side of the door. “Are you alright in there? I thought I heard something.”

Felix looks at the prey man who’s gone completely solid and unmoving in his grip. The man’s eyes are wide and stare at Felix in terror.

Felix shakes his head, hoping the man will know it means not to move.

“I’m fine, Mother,” Felix calls back. For once, he’s glad the water is still running. “Just taking a shower. Knocked some bottles over.”

Felix risks removing the hand holding the man down and pressing a finger to his lips. The man nods in understanding, his eyes still shining. Slowly, Felix removes his other hand from the man’s mouth. The man doesn’t make a sound.

From the other side of the door, Felix’s mother laughs. “Oh, believe me I understand that. I remember how clumsy I used to be with a full belly when I first started consuming too. I hope your night went alright? I hope your first prey didn’t give you too much trouble?”

Felix feels his cheeks grow hot as the man eyes him.

“It went great, Mother,” he lies through his teeth. “The prey was amazing.”

The prey man very visibly swallows.

“That’s wonderful,” Felix’s mother responses, the delight clear in her voice. “I’ll leave you be then.”

“Of course,” Felix calls back. “Thanks for checking in.”

Felix holds his breath, making sure his mother is really gone. When he’s sure she is, he lets it all out, allowing his shoulders to relax.

He looks at the prey man who hasn’t moved since his mother knocked. Felix doesn’t know what to say so he reaches over to finally turn off the water. The man twitches away at the movement and Felix freezes mid-reach.

“I’m just turning off the water,” he says gently. He doesn’t wait for the man to respond. Thankfully the man doesn’t flinch again as Felix reaches past him. Felix tries not to look his way. He can feel the man’s gaze burning into him.

When the water finally dies, Felix crouches back and lets himself kneel beside the tub. He’s soaking wet and is now harboring a stranger in his bathroom.

“You’re just a kid,” the man speaks at last, sounding taken aback.

Felix straightens, suddenly indignant. He’s held this man’s life in his hands since last night and the first thing he does is call him a child?

“I’ll be eighteen in a few months,” Felix huffs.

The man just looks at him in disbelief. “I thought you were going to digest me,” he breathes.

Felix clenches his jaw, his indignation giving way to discomfort. ”I thought I was too,” he murmurs.

The man draws a quick breath. “Why didn’t you?”

Felix meets the man’s eyes for the first time. The man retracts ever so slightly but doesn’t turn away.

“I was afraid,” Felix whispers honestly.

The man is silent for a long time. He looks like he’s thinking something over. Then he says, “You didn’t seem afraid last night when you attacked me.”

Felix looks away. “I don’t know what I was thinking last night,” he mutters. “I— I wasn’t thinking. Just acting.”

He hears the prey man lean forward slightly. “Your mother called me your first prey. Is that true?”

Felix nods. He feels like he’s in trouble despite the situation. And now that the initial panic is over, the hunger clawing at his stomach begins making its way to the forefront of his mind again.

“So what was it that made you act that way?” the man prods. “If you’ve never done it before, what changed?”

Felix turns back to the man. His face is serious, like he genuinely wants to know.

Felix swallows. “I’m just—” his voice cracks unexpectedly and he starts again. “I’m just so hungry. All the time.” The words come out almost like a whine. His throat is tight and he fears he might break. He’s never actually admitted any of this out loud before, he realizes. And now he’s unloading it on this prey man he almost killed.

Felix jams his fist into his gut, trying to smother the pain there that only makes him feel worse. “It hurts,” he whispers, dropping his eyes to the ground. He doesn’t want to see how the man is looking at him now. “It hurts so much. And— and Benji.... just being around him... it makes it so much worse.”

From the corner of his eye, Felix sees the man straighten, his interest clearly piqued.

“Who’s Benji?” the man questions.

Felix risks looking back to the man. He’s actually leaning forward now, like he’s invested in the conversation, like he actually cares about Felix. He’s not, Felix knows. He’s sure the man will say or do anything if he thinks it will get him out of that room alive, but Felix has already invested in the conversation so he responds, “He’s my best friend.”

The man’s brow furrows.

“He’s a prey,” Felix continues. He nods towards the man. “Like you.”

The man blinks in surprise. “Your best friend is a prey?”

After what Felix has just done to the man, he doesn’t blame him for being surprised.

Felix nods. “Yeah. We’ve known each other since kindergarten. Before... well, before we knew about all this.” He gestures vaguely but he’s sure the man knows he’s referring to consuming. “I thought we’d be able to stay friends. I didn’t feel like this towards him in middle school. But the past few years... it just keeps getting worse. Every time I’m around him it’s all I can think of. And, at night, it’s all I dream of. I’m—“ Felix feels himself choke up again but forces himself to calm down. “I hate myself for it,” he finally manages to spit. “I’m ashamed and afraid to hurt him every time I see him. But I can’t tell him I feel that way. I can never.... If he knows, if he looks at me with fear or the same disgust I feel more myself.....” Felix shakes his head.

The man keeps quiet and Felix risks a glance at him. He finds the man looking at him with a strange expression, which only serves to make him feel worse.

Felix lets out a bitter laugh. “Yeah, that look,” he confirms, “that’s the one I don’t want to get from Benji.”

The man’s face drops. “I didn’t mean to look at you like that,” he says slowly. “I was just... thinking.”

“About what?”

“Trying to understand you.”

Felix gives him an incredulous look. “Trying to understand what makes me a monster? What makes me want to kill the closest person I have to a brother?”

“I’m trying to understand why you attacked me,” the man tells him flatly.

Felix’s lips part in surprise. Then he collects himself. “I almost did it,” he tells the man, his voice coming out in a scathing hiss. “To Benji, I mean. Yesterday. I grabbed him. I didn’t mean to but I did. I was so close.... so close to doing it. I wanted to do it. And it scared me. I was afraid if I didn’t consume something it would end up being him. And it can’t be him. It just can’t.”

“So it was me,” the man concludes.

Felix meets his eyes and nods. “Yes,” is all he can say.

The man leans back until he’s settled against the tub and sighs. He glances around the bathroom which dwarfs his smaller prey stature. “But now I’m here,” he says.

Felix licks his lips. “I didn’t want to hurt you,” he tells the man. “Almost as soon as I did it, I regretted it. It scared me, but I was even more afraid by what would happen if I let you go. I thought digesting was my only choice, but I guess I was too scared for that too.”

“So you took your chances letting me go.”

Felix looks the man over. He looks as pathetic as Felix feels, yet Felix finds he fears him. He did take his chances on letting him go. Whatever happens next rests in what the man chooses to do.

“I guess I did,” Felix agrees.

There’s a long silence. Felix grits his teeth as his stomach grows ever more insistent, reminding him that there’s a perfectly defenseless prey sitting right next to him. But he’s not worried about snapping again. He knows he couldn’t consume the man again no matter how much he wishes it.

“Can I make you a deal?” the man finally asks.

Felix looks at him inquisitively. “What is it?”

The man leans forward again, “If you let me go, I swear to you I won’t breathe a word of this to anyone.”

Felix laughs. He highly doubts that.

The man raises an eyebrow. “You don’t believe me?”

“I believe you’ll say anything to get out of here alive,” Felix tells him.

The man shrugs a shoulder. “I won’t say you’re wrong, but I will admit, you’re nothing like I expected you to be.”

“What do you mean?”

“I keep my distance from preds,” the man tells him plainly. “I’ve heard too many horror stories and I have a family to take care of.”

“A family?” Felix repeats before he can stop himself.

The man looks at him strangely. “Yes, a wife, a son, and a little girl.”

Felix’s stomach does a flip that, for once, has nothing to do with hunger. The man he nearly killed has a family waiting for him, depending on him, back at home.

“I didn’t know,” Felix breathes.

“I didn’t expect you to,” the man says, still looking at him oddly. “But I don’t know whether it’s because you’re so young or because you’re in so much obvious pain or because I never expected a pred could feel anything for a prey, but I’m willing to help you. At least this once.”

Felix’s eyes go wide in disbelief. “You will?”

The man nods. “Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to see you ever again or trust you to be anywhere near my family, but I’m willing to keep quiet.” Before Felix can respond, the man holds up a finger to stop him. “But my silence has a single condition.”

“What is it? Anything. I’ll do anything.”

“Tell your friend Benji how you feel. And then never go near him again.”

Felix recoils. Everything inside him sinks. “I can’t—”

“You’re out of control,” the man tells him firmly. “You’ll kill him if you keep being around him. And I think you know that.”

Felix swallows back his emotions. Never see Benji again? He did all this for Benji! He was willing to kill for Benji! The least he can ask in return is to spend a little time with his best friend. But even as he thinks it, Felix’s stomach sends another wracking pain through his body. He shivers and knows the man is right. He’ll kill Benji if he doesn’t leave him alone.

“Okay,” Felix agrees. “I’ll do it.”

The man nods, seeming satisfied.

Felix looks down at him. “You need to finish washing off. You stay in here and shower. I’m going to figure out how to get you past my parents.”

“I can deal with that,” the man agrees.

Felix gives him one final look before standing and exiting the bathroom, closing the door behind him. A few minutes later, he hears the shower start up again.

Once Felix is alone in his room, he doubles over in pain again as his stomach’s protests rise to a full clamor. It’s like it knows what he’s just done, like it knows he just denied it the prey it wants.

Felix swallows several times before he’s well enough to stand upright again. He wonders if his parents will believe he digested the man so quickly and he wonders how much food he can eat so soon without looking suspicious. For the first time, the full weight of his sacrifice comes crashing down on him. He’s given up his one chance at feeling full again. At least he had those few blissful hours last night. Although, really, he felt far from blissful then. Then, he was mostly weighed down with guilt.

When Felix’s head is clear enough to think, he starts devising a plan. He makes a call. Then he checks where in the house his parents are. They’re both still eating breakfast, their backs turned to the hall that leads to the front door. It’s the only opening he’s got.

Felix is sitting on his bed when the prey man hesitantly pushes his way out of the bathroom. The man looks clean although his clothes are still damp and his skin still obviously burned. Felix straightens but doesn’t stand. The man looks cautious enough without the pred who consumed him springing towards him.

The man’s eyes catch Felix then begin wandering around the room, taking it in like it’s the first time he’s seen it. Then Felix realizes, it is indeed the first time the man has actually seen it.

“This is your room?” the man asks.

Felix nods.

“This is where you— where we spent the night?” The man eyes the bed.

Felix nods again. Then a question pops into his head and is out of his mouth before he can stop himself. “Have you ever been consumed before?”

The man shakes his head. “Never.”

Felix wishes he hadn’t said anything.

He stands suddenly and the man takes a step back.

“I’m getting you out of here,” Felix assures him. “I’ve called a cab. They’re a prey company so you’ll be safe, although they charged extra for coming to a pred neighborhood.” He pauses while the man looks surprised. “I told them to pick you up a few houses down. It’s broad daylight so you should be fine. The hardest part is going to be getting you out the door.”

“I can move quiet,” the man says.

“Good. Are you ready?”

“More than ready.”

“Then let’s go.”

Felix opens his door on silent hinges. He makes sure his parents haven’t moved then beckons the man to follow him down the hall and to the stairs. True to his word, the man can move quietly. They make it down the stairs and Felix holds his breath as he pulls open the front door. He moves slowly and it’s agonizing, but his parents never turn so he beckons the prey man out. Felix follows him and closes the door just as silently behind them.

Felix lets out his breath. They made it.

He points down the road. “The cab should be waiting for you just around that bend,” he tells the prey man. “Just tell them where you want to go. They’ll take you home.”

The man looks up at Felix. He seems intimidated by their height difference but he draws himself up straight and nods.

“Thank you,” he tells Felix politely. “For making this choice.”

Felix swallows. Part of him wishes he hadn’t. The hunger has made it hard to think straight, but he’s not changing his mind now.

“Thank you for keeping quiet,” Felix responds. “I’ll be better.”

The prey man narrows his eyes and Felix feels his spine prickle.

“Talk to Benji,” the man reasserts. “Then let him go. Do the right thing.”

“I will. I promise.”

The man gives him once last searching look, like he’s expecting something, then nods. “Then I hope to never see you again.” He doesn’t give Felix the chance to respond before he descends the porch steps and takes off at a quick pace.

Felix watches him go until he’s out of sight. Once more, he opens the door as quietly as possible and slips inside. He sneaks back up to his room and shuts the door tight. His mind is working overtime, trying to come up with a story for his parents, but at least he did it. At least he did one good thing.

The next good thing he has to do will be even harder, however. He’s going to have to say goodbye to Benji. Forever.

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4 years ago

I can't stop thinking about preds struggling to /not/ eat their prey friends.

Like they're out to lunch or something and the prey accidentally spills food/condiments on themselves and the pred just starts drooling, having to stop themselves from gobbling their friend up right then and there. 💕

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