Unwilling - Tumblr Posts
Great mental change/hypnosis story.
Original post is dead. Use the "Keep reading" provided by @imsrtman to read the rest.
I’m a dumb jock
God, I ached all over. You’d think that a first workout at the gym wouldn’t hurt so much the day after. It felt like I’d slept in a pretzel position, and my head was pounding. All I wanted to do was shed a few pounds from my overweight frame, and it looked like I had my work cut out from me.
I craned my neck, it was so sore. It had to be super early in the morning, my alarm hadn’t gone off. But as my alertness set in for the day, I realized the ceiling light was on.
Why had I slept with the ceiling light on? I bolted upright, which led to some pain and stiffness, but I disregarded it as I looked around the room. Which was definitely not my room. It maybe wasn’t anyone’s room, the walls were all gray and boring, save for a mirror on the wall. Also strange is that there wasn’t a door.
Naturally, being abducted I started to freak out. What the hell was going on? My fears started spinning around my head. I wasn’t sore because of working out, I was sore because I was abducted! I fervently looked around the room for any escape, trying to evaluate my situation.
Dumb jocks don’t panic.
What? Where did that come from? There was no speaker, and I didn’t hear anything out loud.
Dumb jocks don’t panic.
Keep reading

“Watch where you’re going!” snapped the businessman, Sam Milton, the newly made CEO of his father’s business. Hot coffee spilled over his suit as he quickly wiped away, glaring at the speedo wearing shirtless and skimpy man in front of him that had bumped into him. They held a rainbow flag in hand as Sam instantly knew he was from the pride parade that was nearby.
“Sorry mate,” came the relaxed and British sounding voice of the shirtless man, Sam felt he saw him somewhere as a model, but he wasn’t sure why he would ever remember that as he glared at him, as a barista came rushing over.
“I am so sorry, Mr. Milton, sir, could I get you a new order?” questioned the barista quickly, Sam shrugged.
“It’s fine, not like he put anything in the coffee,” Sam joked as he took a sip, not ever noticing the slightly tangy taste that came from the hot substance inside as he finished wiping himself off before leaving.
On the way to work, he found himself finishing the coffee before finally entering his office, sitting down with the skyline behind him, his assistant had already left a stack of files and things to do. Sam started to get to work, reviewing reports, as he started to find himself sweat. It was small at first, droplets on the back of his hand before beads started to run down his forehead. “Why isn’t the AC on?” Sam muttered, coughing as he noticed the odd gruffness off his voice, he started to unbutton himself, taking off his tie.
And then his dick started to become erect. Sam shuffled and stifled in his seat as thoughts of the parade came across his mind, not realising that he had been straight before, he just had a date yesterday! His hand slowly started to find itself on his thigh, wanting to inch closer and closer to his needy cock, he shouldn’t be doing this at work of all places, but his mind could barely respond, and his fingers grew closer and closer, coiled towards the very edge of his length and then-
“Sir,” A knock came at the open door, as his assistant stood firm in the doorway, giving them a warm smile. Sam instantly picked his hand away, focusing on them as best he could, only thinking about his body, those fuckable lips…Why was he thinking about that? Damn it, he needed to focus!
“Yes?” Sam’s voice sounded odd and distorted, he coughed to try and cover it up, wondering what was happening as sweat continued to sheen off skin.
“The investor, Mr. Clarke is on the line, the one to call about our next quarter,” informed the assistant, Sam nodded as they gave him one last smile before walking away back to their desk and closing the door behind them. Sam instantly picked up the phone.
“Hello, this is Mr. Milton,” Sam’s voice only grew rougher and rougher, as he felt his hand clutched around his cock through his suit pants, unable to stop himself as he started to see his hand, slowly growing paler and paler, the fingers felt longer as they started to grow and expertly maneuvered around his head.
“Mr. Milton, is it? I’m Julius Clarke of Clarke Foundations, I just wanted to speak to you briefly…” The voice paused as Milton couldn’t help but emit a low groan as he could feel his other hand starting to grow larger, wrapping around the phone in his hand as his other teased the head of his lengthening cock, starting to slither down towards his thighs as the first tears at the seams of his pants could be heard. “Mr. Milton, is everything alright?”
“Yeah, I’m just getting a-head-” Sam yelped as his fingers stroked over the tip of his cock, the more they played with him, the more he felt himself growing as more rips were spreading in his pants, revealing more of the muscular mass of his legs underneath that started to grow, “of myself. Carry on.” Sam quickly stuffed a fist into his mouth as he started to see his cock poke through the top of his boxers and pants, throbbing as the suit pants were shedding away.
“As some of you know, some of our recent investors have been a pain in the ass-” Sam almost fell from his chair, now his knuckle stone white as it grabbed at the edge of his desk, feeling his chair pushed away slightly from under him as Sam felt his cheeks spread apart, hairs growing on the back as they began to grow and tear away the Calvin Klein boxers and seat of his pants. “And not to mention the fact that they’ve been clearly ripping us off.” The rest of the pants ripped away as Sam felt his thighs thickening, growing in muscularity as they became lean and long, stretching out beyond the desk and causing Sam to fall on his knees, only his office shirt on as he resisted the urge to moan at the feeling of his calves growing.
“Yeah, we- we should come-” Sam felt his cock twitch, still growing in girth and elongating as it flopped down between his legs, looking paler and larger as pre-cum dripped. “I mean, get over there and sort…sort it out.” Sam couldn’t breathe if he kept talking, trying to stop himself from panting and groaning as he felt his feet start to crawl forward, looking over his shoulder as his dress shoes began to split, the black shiny soles as his large pale feet started to poke through.
“Exactly, now I think you could be a strong competitor,” started the investor, the moment he said strong, Sam felt his arms flex themselves, needlessly watching the rest of the buttons from his tight shirt spray into the air as they were flexed off. Sam had always been fit, but this was something else as he started to cup his new pecs that became extremely large, swelling to the point where he could barely believe they were real. The muscular power flowed through his stomach, his once lean abs now became stronger and sturdier, growing and thickening as they were now deep crevices in his stomach. “I’m hosting a gala soon, where we could discuss this with some other members who are interested in a coalition of sorts, would you be interested?”
“Sorry,” Sam couldn’t tell if he was apologising to the investor for the noises or the meeting as he felt himself near writhing on the ground, the phone still barely in hand as he continued sweating, his cock throbbing.
“Ah, that’s a shame, I was having some people coming all the way from Britain,” It was then Sam started to find his mind rearranging, new accents and words fading in and out as he couldn’t even remember what it was like to start speaking with an American accent, his own groans and muffled moans started to sound different in his deep voice that lingered on with a new London accent. “Well, I will speak to you soon then, here’s hoping you can still come.” With that, everything went blank, business, statistics, stock prices, and so much more as Sam saw nothing but white as his dick throbbed and delivered the best orgasm of his life, spraying and coating his entire body and desk with his own cum, every single orgasm erasing Sam Milton as the American businessman, now replaced with the London model as he began to moan out loud, writhing in his own pleasure as he came again…and again…and again.
“Oh fucking hell mate, where the fuck am I?” Sam muttered to himself as he started to look around, standing up behind his desk now as a naked muscular hunk dripping with cum and sweat.
Some time had passed after the incident, Sam couldn’t remember what he was doing that day but now found himself too busy to care. The business was taken over by his father until his son was “feeling better”. His dad now started going to the same coffee shop as he did with the same guys who came from the same parade every year. It was only a matter of time before he followed his son’s footsteps.
As for Sam Milton, well he now found himself posing on the billboard across from his old office, modelling for the makeup company; Clarke Foundations.

Hey there! - I was accidentally daydreaming when I was searching for dude ranches, and ever since, this city boy's inbox just keeps piling up with invitations to them. No,no I didn't follow through with any of them, but I've been eying the flyer to visit a rodeo though. I'd love to be a badass cowboy, but I know I would stick out a mile standing next the real deals. Plus, I've been hearing strange rumors about what happens to rodeo protestors who get lassoed in the arena. Fuck it! I'm going!
While it was true that New You Industries was supplying the small, rural farming town of Hayside with special equipment, it wasn’t well known outside of the handful of people running the town’s rodeos. The organization that protested those same rodeos had so far lost two of their members to the town. The group believed them dead or in hiding, perhaps having been threatened. You believed you knew better though. The more bizarre circles you moved in online spoke about rumors of men turned into studs by the full moon, a police force with a seemingly endless supply of handsome, buff cops; and a shady corporation with advanced or even magical technology; but what interested you most was a series of posts claiming that the missing protestors were merely “assimilated” into the town.
There was only one way to find out if this meant what you thought. And so you arrived in the town in time for the next rodeo. Only a dozen locals sat in the arena. Along with a protester, sitting silently in the stands with a placard over their head, perhaps too afraid to vocalize given the mystery surrounding their missing colleagues.
The rodeo proceeded as one typically would, with the townspeople paying both you and the protestor little mind, until the very end at least.
“So, uh, how’d you enjoy tonight’s show?” asked the cowboy in the center of the arena, gesturing at the protestor.
“M- me?” the thin, young man replied.
“Yeah, you. Why don’t you come down ‘ere and tell us all what you wanna say?”
The man shuffled nervously.
“C'mon there, don’t be shy!”
Anxiously, the man got up and made his way to the arena, clearing his throat as he was passed the microphone. He barely got a word out before another handsome strutted out from the passage underneath the bleachers and threw a lasso round the young man’s chest.
“And how’s that, we got another one ladies and gentlemen!” the announcer chuckled as the dozen or so people in seats hollered and hooted, “Let’s get you outta here, city-slicker.”
You watched closely as the protestor was dragged out of the arena. But something was amiss. He thrashed and wriggled strangely and his mouth seemed to slacken. More of his legs appeared to be visible out the ends of his jeans and his arms looked swollen in his shirt. This was your chance, you had to follow, and so you did.
You waited a few minutes as the rest of the crowd filtered out while you slipped down to the arena and through the passageway. Grumbling and moaning echoed down the corridor as you quietly crept closer. Shouts and growls boomed out from behind a half-closed door. You carefully pushed it open before stumbling back at what you saw. The protestor was tied to a pole by the rope he’d been captured with, newly hirsute muscles and lengthy, thick limbs protruding through his slim-cut clothing. Though you never got a very close look at the man earlier, he was easily bigger in every regard than he’d been just minutes ago. Most impressive of all was the huge, hard, slick cock pressed up against his bulging abs, held there by the waist of his increasingly tight jeans.
He tilted his head up at you, breathing heavily with a charming smile on his freshly bearded face. He looked different; sharper, sunkissed, and rugged.
“Holy shit… I was right,” you muttered aloud.
And that’s when you felt a powerful tug around your waist before being smashing into the floor.
“Right about what? You didn’t come here with him, so why are you down here, city boy?”
The voice was deep and serious. You looked upward to see the beautifully rugged rodeo master standing over you.
“I… I want… you to do… that… to me,” you gulped, glancing back at the tied-up protester.
“My oh my, can’t say this has ever happened before,” the studly cowboy chuckled, his sinister tone shifting to one of amusement, “but if you haven’t noticed, it’s already happening.”
Everything had happened so fast that you didn’t even realize that it was rope lasso that sent you hurtling to the ground. It was at that moment you realized you were getting exactly what you wanted.
Sweat pooled onto the concrete floor while you tried to stand up, only to fall to your knees as every bone, tendon, and muscle in your body began to reconfigure. You moaned loud and uninhibited at the feeling of your spine stretching and your legs lengthening wildly. What you hadn’t anticipated is how intensely pleasurable it would feel. It was like every part that grew and shifted brought with it a powerful sexual edging.
“You people normally fight it, but I’m sure you can tell now there’s no point,” the redneck chuckled, tapping his boot against the raging tent in your tightening pants.
You held yourself up by your hands, the rope dangling from your waist against the floor. Arching your back with a groan, your arms grew longer, pushing you further off the floor. You watched in delight at your hands spreading out larger and larger against the dirty ground. The fingers stretched long and thick, the skin on your swelling palms hardening from farm labor.
Upward from your massive hands, your veins began to bulge. Holding yourself up by your trembling arms became easier and easier as your arms inflated with thick, hard muscle, stretching and tearing your shirt. Hair densified across your thickening forearms.
The growth spread through your upper body. Howling in ecstasy you ripped open the front of your shirt with your powerful arms, revealing the rapidly expanding pecs and abs underneath. You rubbed your huge, rough hands along the growing, hairier mounds. Memories flooded your brain, these weren’t the muscles of someone who worked out, these were formed by years of real, hard, manly work.
A sudden and forceful pulling in your feet forced you to flip onto your back as tightness in your shoes intensified. Removing them was no use, they were far too tight now. You could feel your feet mercilessly stretching against their confines until with a shred and a moan of relief, two long, wide, and hairy feet burst forth.
And upward from the huge appendages came more growth, flooding your thighs and calves with hefty, ballooning muscle and thick, manly hair. As your ass pressed outward, hairier and rounder, you felt thoughts of your past life draining away, making way for one of small-town living and honest, hard work. You gave a dumb smile as a short beard spread across your increasingly handsome, rugged face. Your hair became short and maintainable, while also accentuating your manly, country features.
“G- gosh… darn it,” you gasped in a thick, rural accent feeling your cock stretch and swell. You fidgeted with your large, clumsy fingers for the waist buckle on your pants, groaning deeply as you loosened it and allowed the swelling head of your cock to inch further and further out of the pants. You were so close it was almost unbearable. Your hips thrust involuntarily as your member throbbed larger, toward a glorious, thick nine inches; your balls aching as they too inflated. Then, with a gruff cry of pleasure, you came; spewing load after load across the concrete and marking the conclusion of your metamorphosis.
The cowboy, who had stayed to watch the entire process, helped you to your feet. The rope around your waist morphed as you rose, replacing your old belt with one significantly larger. Your pants morphed into tough, worn boot-cut jeans while the huge feet protruding out of the front of your shoes were quickly covered as the tattered remains shifted into a pair of size fifteen boots. Your torn shirt similarly repaired itself, though dirtier and muskier with a plaid pattern.
“Welcome to Hayside, rancher,” the rodeo master said, “You ready to get to work?”
Everything seemed like a distant memory now, you knew this was all brand new, but it also seemed so familiar.
“Yessir,” you uttered, your charming smile shining through your new beard.

Heyy, i have a resquest, hope you like it:
What if a very bad, punk guy from an average college has a really Bad demeanor and is always causing trouble, so he gets transferred to a re-education that supposedly turns you into the perfect preppy boy, where forced by his preppy colleagues he gets his attitude adjusted?
It was Lucas's first time on the Davidson College campus and his first night of an after-hours "attitude adjustment" class. His ratty backpack bounced on his lithe shoulders as he approached the classroom while the other students sneered under their breaths, all heading to their dorms and homes for the evening. Lucas's ratty leather jacket, jeans, and weathered boots couldn't have stood out more harshly against the sea of button-down shirts, sweaters, shorts, chinos, and boat shoes.
Liberal arts was his major, and he was good at it - well, he would have been if he'd put in any academic effort. But to Lucas, papers, essays, and exams were all a power structure to rally against. Four years into a three-year degree, and sick of the disobedience and attitude, his college gave him an ultimatum: leave for good, or take the adjustment course at Davidson, which was a college known in academic circles for its snobby preppiness, but also its eerily successful adjustment program.
Lucas's parents certainly didn't want an unemployed, moody twenty-three-year-old back in their house, and the college was all he had. So the choice was all but made for him. He was to take the class at Davidson and lose the attitude.
Eyes toward his feet, Lucas slinked into the classroom only to run head-first into a cashmere sweater. Lucas looked up at the man who stood a head taller than him and found himself flanked by two other similar-looking students. All three men stood two to three inches taller than the five-ten Lucas, all wore their hair in similar parts, and all wore typical, semi-formal prep clothing. Another three cogs in the machine at the Davidson, Lucas thought to himself.
"You know, I don't exactly want to be here. Get outta my way and the quicker I get out off your snotty campus," Lucas stated plainly.
"Oh we know, Lucas," the middle frat boy snickered.
Lucas raised an eyebrow, how did these nimrods know his name? He also knew that despite his disregard for these types of preppy bros that he wouldn't stand a chance against one of them in a fight, let alone three. "Look, guys, I just gotta do this course, then I'm gone."
"And why do you think we're here?" said the man to Lucas's left.
"We're your instructors," chimed the third of the trio.
"Let's get started," the leader said, grabbing Lucas by the collar and pushing him to the wall. "Alright boys, you know what to do."
Lucas struggled against the large hands pinning him down while one of the others held a clear bottle in front of his face and sprayed it three times.
"Get the fuck off me, asshole!" he screamed, attempting and failing to land a lunch as the preppy jock loosened his grip.
"Not so fucking smart now are you?" the preppy student sneered at the defenseless punk who was coughing from inhaling whatever it was the group had sprayed in his face. Not only did the admittedly pleasant scent hang around in his nose, but it was like it permeated him as a whole.
Lucas fell to his knees, his head spinning. The smell in the air was so... masculine, enough to turn on even the straightest man or puritan prude.
"Smells good, doesn't it?" the main jock chuckled.
"Ah... ach... what did you do to me?" Lucas spluttered, rolling his neck.
The trio of preppy frat boys wasted no time hoisting the incapacitated Lucas into a chair, tying his limp hands at the back and switching on the projector screen at the front of the room.
Lucas coughed, unable to get the scent out of his airway. He struggled against the rope holding him to the chair, watching helplessly as the image of a black and white spiral flashed onto the backdrop ahead.
"You assholes just wait, when I get out of here I'm... gonna... gonna... I..."
All it took was a glimpse for Lucas to become slackjawed and glued to the screen, unable to continue with his useless verbal threat. The preppy men began to take turns making hypnotic commands.
"You want to be a preppy college stud."
"No, please... I don't want to be..." Lucas mumbled, almost drooling as he gazed at the spiral, feeling the mixture of the jocks' words and the substance they'd sprayed him with mingling in his head.
"You want to be like us. You don't wanna do any of that useless liberal arts shit anymore. Finance, law, engineering... real work, take your pick, that's what you wanna do."
"Finance... yeah... just like dad..." Lucas could feel his philosophical smarts draining away, replaced with business savvy and a desire to impress.
"A real prep has to know how to have fun. You wanna party with us, don't you?"
"Yeah... no! No!" Lucas tried to resist, but it was no use. The chemicals and instructions forced open new neural pathways, replacing the old Lucas with a far more extroverted one. "Uh... hell... yeah..."
"Most of all, if you wanna be like us you've gotta look the part, man. You want to look like us. You will look like a preppy frat stud."
It felt like hands were gripping Lucas's body from all directions, pushing, kneading, and tugging. Only seconds later his back cracked loudly. With a long, loud, uninterrupted moan, he arched backward as he began to grow taller. His legs pushed out along the rough carpet and his arms dangled longer at his sides.
To his horror, his jacket and shirt ruffled like they were in a gust of wind, shifting and warping. Lucas shrieked in bliss feeling his rail-thin chest puff outward to fill what was now a button-down shirt while lean abs bubbled to the surface just below.
"No, god... No... what am I... I... I... oooooohhhhhh!"
Another guttural cry echoed off the walls along with a large helping of pre-cum ejecting into Lucas's shifting underwear. His lanky arms pulsated, lean muscles bulging underneath tanning skin towards hands that were popping and jutting out larger across the floor. Sweat ran down his tied arms, dripping off the ends of his twitching, lengthening fingers.
Lucas had almost forgotten that the three preppy studs were still in the room with him, softly pawing at their thick cocks as they watched him become more and more like them.
"Feel good, bro?" one of them whispered, "Doesn't it feel fucking great to become a proper man?"
Lucas could only muster a moan and a nod, too enamored with the bulging muscles growing down his legs and his swelling, perky butt that threatened to ruin his jeans any moment. Those began to change too though, the denim becoming softer, looser, and better fitting shorts that hugged his new bubble butt.
"No, n-, n-, n-..." Lucas murmured in the death throes of his resistance as the changes progressed and took hold of his cock.
With his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open and looking up at the handsome figures towering above, Lucas felt his hard cock stir dramatically in what was now an expensive pair of underwear
"AUUUGH! Fuck yeah!"
His face and head throbbed, his jaw tightening while his cock pulsed heavier and thicker, pre-cum flowing like a fountain against his muscular thigh. Like his cock, the toes in his boots stretched longer, striking the ends of the footwear. The pressure suddenly dropped, however, when the boots themselves shifted in shape and size, becoming a fresh pair of large, size twelve boat shoes. Large soles and long, bony toes tore through the remains of his socks, inching forward to fill the jockish footwear.
At the same time, his cock was running out of room in his pants while at the same time his skull felt like it was being squeezed as it took on a squarer shape. Lucas groaned for mercy through gritted teeth that were becoming straighter and whiter. His nose shrunk cuter, while brown eyes become a striking blue. The messy black hair he'd long worn lightened in tone, combing over neat and handsome.
Before that fateful night, Lucas would have had much to say on how he shrugged off the "shackles" of beauty standards and masculinity. But now... now he knew he was beautiful, he could feel it. The lean, slim muscles and his large, swelling cock oozed masculinity, and he loved it.
The transformed Lucas sat there smiling dumbly, moaning, almost drooling as he thrust his bulging crotch upward.
The three other preppy jocks examined the now lean, handsome man head to toe and gave each other smirks of approval, and switched off the projector.
Lucas' eyes fluttered as he left the spiral's trance and the last of the catalytic chemicals in his body were used up. His balls swelled and tensed up, ready to launch their load.
"Man, I'm gonna... gonna..." Lucas growled, breaking free of his restraints and desperately fishing his cock out of his chino shorts before it launched rope upon rope of thick cum halfway across the room.
"Lucas, welcome to Davidson," the main jock chuckled, slapping the newly inducted preppy stud on the back.
"Heh, thanks, man," Lucas panted, "Call me Luke, by the way."
"Alright Luke, if you wanna put that trouser snake of yours away, Daniel here will show you where your dorm is."
Luke barely realized his long, soft cock was still out in the open. He hurriedly stuffed it back into his shorts before following his fellow prep bros to his new campus dorm.

It had all started a few months ago. Isaac had been walking home late at night taking a shortcut through the poorly illuminated local park. Suddenly a series of deep screams and shouts rang out through the night air, stopping him in his tracks. Isaac moved forward, believing it to be the antics of some drunk men nearby. But another set of yells boomed out, closer this time. He walked faster, through the dark park only to see the figure of a man hunched on the ground in the distance.
Concerned for himself and the man, Isaac nervously approached, “E-excuse me? Are you okay?”
Isaac got close enough that the light of the full moon revealed the man to be naked, panting on all fours. “What the hell?” he whispered to himself.
The man slowly stumbled to his feet, unveiling his imposing height and muscular frame. Isaac looked on stunned at the sight of this naked specimen of virility standing mere feet away from him. Tattered clothing hung from the man’s thick, hairy limbs. The man’s chiseled, bearded face oozed masculinity, his eyes tinged with fear and lust. Most eye-catching of all was the enormous, hard cock jutting out from a pair of ruined shorts, surrounded by a nest of dark pubes.
Isaac braced himself as the man seemed to come to his senses and dashed forward. “P-please, get away!” the man yelled as he pushed Isaac out of the way and ran. Isaac tumbled to the ground and the man span back around, realizing how hard he’d pushed the scrawny twenty-eight-year-old. Terrified, the man looked on at Isaac pushing himself off the ground, and continued his sprint away, disappearing into the dark.
“Fuck…” Isaac grumbled, brushing the dirt from his arms only to feel a damp, sticky something as well. He looked at the ground, seeing streaks of the watery, white substance sprayed across the dirt and pavement. “It looks like… Oh fuck, gross!” Isaac bemoaned. He rushed the rest of the way home, noticing how the damp spots on his arms and hands seemed to tingle and burn. He immediately showered to wash the man’s spunk from his limbs and crawled into bed, hoping to forget the experience quickly. Indeed, the events of that night left his thoughts over a few days and life went on. Until the next full moon, anyway…
It was about a month later when Isaac was relaxing on the couch, holding his phone over his face while the light of the full moon glowed through the window when a strange shiver rushed through him. The phone slapped him in the nose and fell to the floor. The lanky man followed suit, rolling to the ground as the twitching and tension spread quickly through his body.
All he could muster were primal moans, growls, and shouts as his body stretched taller. His limbs lengthened like his torso while his feet erupted from his shoes. Muscles swelled across his figure, destroying his slim-cut clothing. His head crunched and groaned as his face shifted and morphed, taking on more masculine properties and becoming incredibly attractive. He screamed in bliss as his cock pulsed larger and larger, shooting cum across his stunning body. Isaac spent that entire first night exploring his new body. Then, as the moon faded from the sky, his body retracted and reverted to how it had always been. This would be the first of many transformations to come.
At first, Isaac wasn’t sure what had happened, or if it would happen again. It was only after the first two transformations that he connected them to the full moon, leading him to prepare so his growing body wouldn’t obliterate his clothing as it did before. It was then that he realized he’d inherited some curse or contagion from the man in the park that night. Logically, he concluded he was contagious too, and so he tried his hardest to resist the overwhelming desire to seek out other men during his transformations. But in that superior form his inhibitions were lower and his personality carefree.
By the third full moon, the changes were becoming stronger. That night he couldn’t resist and found himself in bed with a handsome twink. Part of Isaac was horrified knowing that he was spreading the curse to someone else. But a growing part of him saw the affliction not as a curse, but a blessing. He couldn’t help but be turned on knowing that the cute bottom would morph into a jock stud like himself at the next full moon.
It was only two weeks after the last transformation that Isaac was walking home when he felt the changes strike out of nowhere. It was only early evening, and most definitely not a full moon. He barely made it to his home before he collapsed, incapacitated by the searing pleasure of becoming a masculine stud. From there the transformations grew more haphazard in duration and frequency, striking every full moon, but increasingly in between them as well and lasting longer every time.
After one week where Isaac had transformed four times, the last time during the middle of the day for almost 18 hours, he knew he was likely to change permanently at some stage soon. He wondered how he would manage the contagious nature of his condition if it became permanent, or if the new him would care at all.
It was right at the end of a workday while Isaac was on the phone with his supervisor when the telltale pins and needles moved up his arms, “Oh no…” His boss could hear him groaning down the line.
“Is everything alright?” his manager asked with some concern.
“I… argh… I think I’m coming d-down with something… I should g-go…” Isaac stuttered, slamming the phone down and fleeing the office. He got into his car, trembling as he tried to insert the key.
Sweat dripped from his forehead and stung his eyes as he sped down the roads. “No, no, no not now… Not n-n-nooooooow, augh!” Isaac cried out as his entire body stretched taller in the driver’s seat. He could feel warm cum unload against his leg. There was no holding the changes back any longer.
Isaac’s mouth hung open as he struggled to keep his eyes fixed on the road, resisting the urge to watch his shirt stretching and tearing under the pressure of huge pecs and broad shoulders bulging out from his body. His arms were bloating, expanding the sleeves of the slim-fit business shirt to breaking point. He gripped the wheel tight - the closest thing to flexing he could safely do in the moment - and moaned loudly at the power he felt in his strengthening limbs.
“Augh, god!” Isaac groaned, his hands cramping around the steering wheel as they too swelled in size. His hands broadened while his fingers curled longer and thicker around the pliable wheel.
A red traffic light offered some respite, allowing Isaac to survey the damage so far. His thick, furry pecs were painfully tight against the shirt and visible between the gaps of stretched fabric between buttons. He took the chance to relieve himself of his shirt and feel up the washboard abs that were gradually building above his stomach. “Oh god yes…” Isaac whispered before noticing the green light ahead, “Shit… shit… n-need to get home.”
As he pressed the accelerator he could feel the changes sweep across his legs. His slacks braced against his thighs as they ballooned outward. The swelling legs pushed and squeezed Isaac’s hard six inches which ejected another load. The cheap fabric stood no chance against the expanding muscle, tearing and splitting at the seams as the growth traveled downward. His lower legs followed suit and made short work of the pants, revealing limbs far more muscular than they had been minutes ago while his flat rear plumped up thicker and rounder against the seat cushion.
Isaac wasn’t far from home now. “Oh god,” he moaned as his feet began to enlarge within his shoes. He turned sharply into his driveway and stopped the car hard. He wasted no time dashing flounderingly into his home, hoping no-one saw his shirtless, half-transformed body from the street. He quickly removed the unbearably tight footwear from his feet with a sigh of relief and stripped off what remained of his shirt. He tugged the split and torn slacks and underwear down his long, thick legs and kicked them onto the floor. Long, meaty feet burst through the strained material, causing Isaac to fall onto all fours with a loud bellow. Cum unloaded onto the floor as his socks exploded, the size nine-and-a-halves pushing past size twelve into thirteen, then fourteen.
The next part was always Isaac’s favorite. His six-inch erection trembled as it pushed further out of his body. “Ah! Fuck!” he screamed as it bobbed in the air, pulsing longer and thicker with every passing moment. His cries of joy deepened over the coming seconds while his head reshaped into a more masculine appearance. His plain, average features became angular and broad. His smile was straighter, whiter, and devilishly handsome. Brown eyes shifted to blue and his dark brown hair lightened in tone while a blond stubble dotted his sharpening jawline.
Isaac growled, pumping the air with his now large cock as it continued its growth. With the end nearing, the throbbing member surged to ten inches, veins rippling down the shaft which thickened and stretched. The young man roared in rapture as the head of his pole swelled to match, shooting load after load as his final transformation came to a close.
Still hazy in the afterglow, the studly Isaac rose to his feet, dizzy and stumbling. “I… no, no,” he stammered to himself, feeling the urge to find a sexual partner rising already, “N… Y-yeah… Yeah, fuck yeah… Guys should be thanking me for passing this on!”
Isaac smirked as he thought about how to spread his gift…

Nerd to Dumb Jock
Chad was extremely smart. He was straight and was prettty small for his age. His father was just the dumb sexy quarterback and his mother was just the sexy lady with the big tits that is why his father loves her. They were disappointed in chad for not following in his fathers footsteps of being the quarterback and being laid on sexy women. They always made fun of chad for being really ugly to this family.
But when Chad was at school it was worse. All the bullying would make depressed and the bullies would make him do their homework with no price. All the teachers would even be mad sometimes when Chad corrected them. The terrible thing that would get him bullied was reminding the teacher of a test or homework.
Till that stupid day changed all of it. Chad was starting to get used to being bullied, but it that one day ticked him off. Chad was completely straight and the quarterback named Abe has started a rumor of how Chad was gay. Even though Chad was upset that it turns out Abe was the one that was gay because Chad was in the bathroom and he opens the door to a stall and saw Abe Jerking off to gay porn, now Chad has to keep it a secret or else he will be bullied this life will be ruined.
Chad was confused by why he had told this rumor, even though he has never told Abe’a secret if being gay. Chad went to Abe after his final class. He asked why he had done that at first, but then he just started laughing about how he just did it for fun and even if he told every he was gay they would believe you. Chad became upset and this where his life changed forever. Chad started to tell Abe ”you big shit, fuck you, you are just a big dumb jock, you think your cool for being the quarterback and your just scared to tell every you gay like the pussy you are.”. The next he saw before getting knocked out was Abe’a big hand coming towards his face.
All you now know now that this was all Chad’a fault for what happens to himself. Of course, the first he saw that Chad was in a chair with rope tied around his arms. He could feel the sweat run down his face. The cool breeze didn’t help the heat. He looked up to the darkness. Chad began to become scared as he saw a dark shadow coming towards the light and with every foot step made his heart beat quicker, so the dark creature went into Chad without a chance.
The next thing that happened was his body grew the rope tighten harder as his arms grew bigger stronger and bigger, his clothes morphed big, but soon abs grew on Chad and he couldn’t help but moan. He couldn’t resist the crature making him bigger and stronger. His cock grew bigger and so did his legs his mind dumbed down faster as he couldn’t remember his past life, then seconds flashed as he started to become the dumb jock Abe it turns out Abe wanted his to suffer like him, a hot sex toy that everyone thinks is dumb
The next thing was that his face was growing a soft beard. It was so hot alover he couldn’t resist. He sumbited each time. Submit and submit. Nothing was left for an option. So Chad now Abe fell tired and fell asleep. Soon he woke in his bed next to a hot Female he looked at her and it turns out Abe was gay and he looked at the girl as it faded awayed to become a hot sweaty masking man. It turns out some of him changed, but not all. But his curse was that he would be dumber then Abe and now he has to face the difficult of wearing a shirt that said dumb jock and so did all his shirts and he wasn’t aloud to gain any knowledge.
But let’s just say he has muscle and all the dudes right?

More old art (~2 years) of mine

A Wedding Meal

Today was the big day, Sue and Reed were finally going to marry! The ceremony will begin in an hour or two, but before that Reed, after being asked by his soon to be wife, checked if everything was alright, and to go looking for Johnny who was still missing.
Reed Richard checked a couple of rooms making sure all the last preparatifs were in place. Still looking for his future brother-in-law, he opened a door, far away from the wedding hall, and was surprised to see a naked Johnny Storm covering his private parts with a pillow he had within reach. ''Oh shit!'' swears Johnny, when he sees the bearded man.
This was a really awkward moment. ''What the hell are you doing? And where is your suit? Sue is looking for you, you know.'' ''I know I'm late. I'm really sorry. As for the suit, well… I kind of burned it…'' The blond smiles awkwardly. The genius rolled his eyes, he knew the young man very well. ''You've been to the motocross race, haven't you… On the day of your sister's wedding.'' Reed gives him a disapproving look. ''Yeah… I've been. You know me, I couldn't help it… But please don't tell her. She would be so mad at me.'' Reed sighs. ''I won't tell her, I wouldn't want her to get anymore stress on this, already stressing day.'' ''Thank you, you're the best! I could kiss you, if we weren't in this uncomfortable situation.'' He smiles stupidly. ''Yeah, keep it for yourself. Hurry and put on a suit, and prepare the wedding rings, the ceremony is beginning soon.'' He's throwing underwear that he always keeps with him, in case Johnny gets another of his 'burning' accidents, to Johnny, which the boy puts on immediately. ''Oh, Uhm… About that…'' Johnny doesn't know how to say it without pissing the man even more. ''... I kinda… lost them…'' An awkward smile on the face. ''You what!?'' That was the drop too much. ''I lost the rings…'' It was the first time Johnny felt so small in front of the anger of the Reed ''You can't be serious!'' Reed was tired of the boy's irresponsible behavior. '' you know what. You're making me stress out. And you should pay for it.'' And with those words he's using his power's to stretch his arm around the blond, keeping him attached and unable to run from what is about to come. ''Reed, What are you doing?'' Ask the troublemaker, as he's trying to get free.
Reed unbuttoned the pants of his suit, making it and underwear fall to the ground. ''Reed?'' Panics the blond, as he doesn't know what's happening. The bearded man uses his powers to bring the boy closer to his hairy ass. ''Reed, what are you doing? I don't like it!'' But Reed doesn't care if he likes it or not. The boy was getting on his nerves. It was the most important day of his life and he couldn't take it seriously. So now Richard needs a filling meal up his ass to relax himself on this stressful day, and what better meal than a hot, beefy mess like Johnny.
And so Mister Fantastic pushes his hairy ass against Johnny's face, making it enter without much trouble. He hears some muffled screams of the boy, which makes him enjoy it even more. He kept pushing, despite the blond's struggles, and with the help of his stretching abilities was able to make the large shoulders enter his hole. Reed moans as his ass is stretched so wide. When he gets the huge pecs inside as well, he lets go of Johnny. He was deep enough now, he won't be able to escape.
Johnny's halfway up his ass now. But looking at the clock he sees that the ceremony starts in less than an half hour, so he has to speed things up. He pushes harder to get Johnny's ass inside as well, till there's only a pair of wiggling legs left. Which he gets up his ass in seconds, moaning hard for each inch that enters. And with a last push, Johnny's feet disappear between Reed's hairy cheeks. After which Richard let go a huge fart.
Reed gets his breath back. Thanks to Johnny, he felt so full, and got his confidence back. That's what the brat deserves for losing the rings. But it doesn't really matter. He expected Johnny to lose those and had planned some spare ones. Richard is the smartest man alive after all. He feels the blond fighting against the walls inside, as he's being digested in the pool of acid. Luckily for him, thanks to his powers, he could reduce his swollen gut and replace it with his hairy six-packs. Meaning he could digest Johnny, without anyone noticing it, at the cost of Johnny being squeezed even more between the walls. Which will inevitably break him into pieces. He then puts his underwear and pants back on and hurries to the hall of the ceremony, arriving just in time to marry his beloved wife. Who was angry that his brother wasn't present, but quickly forgot it as she's kissing the man of her life. Completely oblivious that her brother is digesting in the said man's stomach.
The Superhero Hunt, Part 1: Spider-Meal

(Request by @vorepred223311)
Spider-man was here to save you, or so he thought. He heard screams and came as quickly as possible, but was surprised to see only you in that dark alley. You and that weird white liquid spread everywhere. He asks you if you are alright. An evil smile starts to grow on your face.
You have always been attracted to the young hero, although you didn't know who was hiding under the mask, but the mystery of it all made you more interested. The superhero was so muscular for his age. It only makes you want to consume him.
The young hero was a little uncomfortable because of your smile, but you didn't worry about it. You pull down your pants and underwear, revealing your huge cock. And with your strength you take Spider-man by the head and make him enter the slit of your cock. You were so fast in your action that he didn't had time to react.
You push it a little more inside, getting the hero's strong shoulders in, groaning with every inch that penetrates your cock. Of course the hero fights back the best he can, but it's no use, nobody could escape your ravenous cock. You only have to take a look at the cummified remains of the people lying all around, to understand.
The more time goes by, the more of Spider-man is sliding inside. His pecs, abs and bubble butt, they were no match for your hungry cock. You could even see the form of the hero sliding down the length of your cock, heading straight to your balls.
Just a pair of struggling legs are left. You get them inside rather easily, moaning even more as you had most of Spider-man down your cock, only the feet remain. For which you don't waste any time to make it join the rest of Spider-man.
Inside Spidey is squeezed between the walls and lands in a cum filled room. Naturally he tries to fight and convince you to let him out. but he should know better. You finally got him, and you're definitely counting on enjoying him the most.
You take your cock in hand and start jerking off. You moan as you feel Spider-man panicking as he sees himself melting into cum. He desperately tries to find a way out, not wanting to perrish inside some random man's balls. The closer you get to cum the less there's life inside your balls. You're turning the great Spider-man into jizz!
And Eventually, you cum. You're cumming gallons of white liquid in the middle of the dark alley. You're even shooting out a cum covered spider-man suit, making it splat against the ground. You've never felt this satisfied after a meal since a long time ago. Superheroes are amazing, maybe you should start looking for some others?
A Problem For The Team

(Request By @vorepred223311 )
This civil war was pointless. Tony doesn't realize it, he is convinced he is right, as always... He is ready to put in jail his own friends who don't agree with him, while he was the one to blame for what happened in Sokovia. And now he wants to kill Bucky for the deaths of his parents, despite Steve trying to convince him he was controlled. Tony doesn't see it, but he is leading the Avengers to their doom. But this has gone to far. It's time to end this ridiculous mess.
The two superheroes are fighting in the middle of this lost base in Siberia, both exhausted, but it's not enough to stop them. Captain, with some difficulty, finally manages to take down Iron Man. Lying on the ground, Tony Stark struggles to get up, but no time, Steve sits on him, one leg on each side of the man in armor. The blond man gives a punch and takes off the helmet, already well damaged during the fight. And he followed with a shield blow in the middle of the arc reactor, making Iron Man's armor totally unfunctional.
''What now? Are you going to give me a lecture on how wrong I am and how right you are?'' Asks the genius with an annoyed look. ''No, I think you've become unrecoverable... You leave me no choice…'' Tony is a little terrified of what Steve is preparing for him, knowing that with his armor deactivated, he would be unable to defend himself.
It is then that Captain, who keeps Stark with a strong grip on the ground, unbuttoned his pants and lowered them as well as his underwear, revealing his big American Cock. ''Uhm Steve? What are you doing?'' Asks a panicking Tony Stark, who tries as much as he can to struggle but it's useless, the Captain is much stronger than him. Steve doesn't bother to answer, things will become much clearer in the moment. He turns around, revealing America's ass, the same ass that used to give Tony a hard-on and that he only wanted to fuck, but now that same ass terrifies him.
''You're so convinced that you're right that you don't even realize that you're leading the Avengers to their doom, you've become a problem to the team. And as the leader of the Avengers, I intend to put an end to it!'' ''Wait! Steve! Don't do it!'' And with that, the Captain sat down on the genius's face, despite the playboy's prayers. Tony's face is squeezed between two powerful buttocks. He feels the muscular forces that make him slide towards Steve's asshole, and towards an inevitable death.
He tries as best he can to free himself from Steve's grip, but useless, the man is determined to shove his ex-ally up his hole. Rogers uses his weight on Tony's face to get it inside and so it does. Steve moaned as his hole was stretched by the playboys head. Meanwhile the said playboy is still fighting to get free, but it only makes it easier for Captain America to shove him inside. Eventually the armored shoulders get sucked through the hole as well. It's a rather weird feeling for Steve, he's not used to shove meals with armors on up his ass, but he can work with it.
He's pushing his meal even deeper and gets the chest followed by the stomach inside. Cap has to admit, he's enjoying every second of it. On his side, Tony Stark doesn't give up and keeps struggling between the tight walls of Steve's intestines. His armor is getting compressed all around him. Making it hard for him to breathe.
Steve gets back on his feet, he makes sure for his meal's feet to also stand on the ground. And when done he starts to lower his ass again. Making it easier for his meal to slide up his ass. Like that he gets Iron Man's ass inside. Even with the armor on, it was far from his own huge ass. But he enjoyed them nonetheless. The legs slided inside with ease. Cap keeps lowering himself, until his ass finally hits the ground and that Starks armored feet slide past his pink hole. Cap gives a last big moan.
''The team will only live, better with you gone, Tony.'' Steve says as he slaps his ass that just processed a human through it. He puts his pants back on and goes to see if Bucky's alright. The unconscious eventually finds his consciousness back. He is pleased to see his friend, but soons questions where Stark went. For which Steve just answers and sends him where he belonged. Followed by a huge fart.
Bucky pinches his nose because of the disgusting smell. Steve only laughs at it before helping his friend get back up and leave the compound behind. While they're heading home, Steve can't stop but wonder how he will process the armor? He will get the answer later that day, when he shat the remains of the armor through the toilets, the man inside was long digested. After admiring the fat the man added through a mirror, Steve smiles to himself as he puts his suit back on. Looks like Tony Stark would be more useful as a layer of fat on America's ass!
The Superhero Hunt, Part 3: An 'Ant'-sized Meal

(Request By @vorepred223311 )
The next day you wake up and head to the bathroom shitting the remains of the archer into the toilets. It took you some time, but eventually you end up filling them quite well. You wipe your ass and smile as you admire the fat the hero added to your behind. You put your pants back on and leave the restrooms. When entering the living you're greeted with a brunet you recognised from tv. It's one of the Avengers, Ant-man? You don't remember, but it doesn't matter, all you see is some food.
The man is surprised by your presence and asks why you're here and where Hawkeye is. You lie and tell him you're one of Hawkeye's friends, which the suited hero easily believes. ''Oh, nice to meet you!'' He greets you as he gives you a handshake. ''You know where he is? Because he asked me to come over to have a snack.'' You smile to yourself, the man was so naïve, such an easy prey. You understand that Hawkeye was planning to swallow the man, but we know how that ended. Well luckily for you, now you have a meal just waiting for you to eat.
''He went down, but don't worry you'll join him!'' you tell him, as you grab him, pinning his arms the long of his body. ''What?'' The man panics, not understanding what you're planning to do. But it will change soon enough as you gulp his head down your throat. The man struggles as he's surprised by your action. But the struggle makes it only easier for you to shove him inside your mouth. You moan as more of the man slides past your lips.
Once you've got his abs inside, you raise your head to make it easier to swallow the man. As you gulp his abs and the arms alongside, you feel your belly inflate by the presence of the man inside. Scott Lang is still trying to find a way out and keeps squirming, begging you to release him. But his pleading makes it just more enjoyable for you. You take another gulp around the meat, till only his legs are left. For which you don't waste any more time to swallow. And some seconds later you're closing your mouth around Ant-man's booted feets.
You rub your swollen gut feeling your prey struggling inside, squeezed between the walls. It makes you moan even more. You sit on the couch, enjoying your free meal. Inside the man is panicking even more as it gets harder to breathe. In an act of distress he activates his power and shrinks to an ant-sized man. Causing your stomach to deflate a lot, which you didn't like. You start rubbing your belly, shaking it, wanting the man to turn back to his normal size. Inside the man is shaked from all sides making him want to puke. As he starts to drown in the stomach acids, he reactivated his powers this time growing to a much bigger size than before.
Your stomach is stretching unbelievably wide, accomodating to the growing size inside with your belly inflating more and more, growing into an abnormal size. Breaking the lounge table it was resting on along the way. That was a surprise you didn't see coming, but it was a welcomed one. The hero eventually hits the maximum size he can get making your stomach hit the roof. You moaned at the view. But the hero soon notices it was a bad idea, as he feels even more squeezed than before. When he wants to return to normal size, he notices he can't because his suit is also breaking down. He's crying as his bones are breaking and the acids are melting his flesh. Desperately begging you to release him.
The change in pressure inside your stomach makes the gas rise through your throat. Making you belch.
A giant-sized Ant-man helmet comes flying out, bursting against the wall. You smile to yourself as you feel your giant meal digesting inside. You didn't expect the man to turn so huge, but you loved the outcome. Now you're finally closing your eyes taking a nap on the couch, imagining how much fat the man will add on your body once digested.
''Big Fan, Spider-man''

(Request from @swwith18more)
How could Stark recruit a kid into a war which isn't even his, Steve would never understand Stark. But right now he has to deal with the kid himself. In spite of his age, he's a real pain in the ass, no wonder Stark engaged him…
The kid, Spider-man as he called himself, is throwing webs everywhere, swinging from high to high, slowing down the team with those sticky webs. And Steve had to admit the kid could pack a punch. Captain America himself had difficulties getting rid of him.
During their fight Spider-man gives a well placed punch into Cap's face, which disorientates the man for a few seconds. ''I have to admit you can really pack a punch, son. Where are you from?'' ''Queens.'' Answers the young hero as he tosses another web, swinging toward Captain America, ready to web the man. But Cap reacts quicker and gives a kick into the young hero's stomach, which sends him flying across the field hitting against one of the wheels in the middle of the airport. ''Brooklyn.'' Says the captain with a shrug.

The kid's laying half consciously on the ground. Cap sees an opportunity to put an end to this fight. He has to act. He knows he shouldn't do this to a kid, which is also one of his fans. But the kid was getting too irritating for the team with all the webs he's shooting everywhere. The blond man knows what he has to do. The kid is old enough he should've known what he put himself into.
As Rogers removes his helmet and walks toward him, the kid slowly starts to get his consciousness back and tries to get back up, but is suddenly surprised by a firm grip that's pinning his arms next to his body. Spidey tries to get free, but he can't. As he looks up, he sees Cap's mouth wide open, and before he could say something, Captain America engulfed his head in one big slobbery bite.
Peter starts to panic, he doesn't know what's happening. In an act of distress he struggles. Desperately trying to get free. Which annoys Steve, who's holding a stronger grip on the kid, trying to hold him still. He starts shoving the kid deeper inside, and despite the struggles he gets the kid's shoulders in, drooling all over it. It causes the kid to struggle even more, but it wont save him from Cap's determination to turn him into his meal.
Thanks to the drool Cap gets Spider-man's pecs past his lips. He moans at the taste of those. He had to admit, the kid was well built for his age, which makes him even tastier. Cap gets a mischievous smile as he wants to get more of the kid inside. Moaning even more for each inch that slides past his lips. Steve lets go of the suited hero as he takes another bite and gets the young hero's abs down his throat. The kid won't be able the escape anymore
He puts his hand on his belly rubbing his swollen gut as Spider-man's crying inside, desperately screaming for help as he's shoved deeper down Steve's intestines. ''Please! Someone Help!'' He's squeezed between the slimy walls, which made it hard for him to move. Even breathing feels a lot harder to do.
Steve decides to rest against one of the wheels on the plane, as his stomach is getting bigger and heavier thanks to the kid that's finding his way inside. When his belly rests on the ground he takes another slobbery bite around his meal's juicy ass. Shoving his tongue between each curve of the kid's bubble butt. Savoring the taste.
Only a pair of wiggling legs are left, which Cap is shoving down his throat with his free hand. An eighth is shoved inside, an eighth that becomes a third then two third and eventually he swallows the small feets with a last big gulp making those join the rest of Spider-man down his gut.
Eventually Peter gets completely nested inside Captain America's acid tank, making the man's gut even bigger. Steve smiles at how full he feels. He wraps his arms around his belly like a prize he just won. He could stay like this the whole day, but he knows he should hurry up, there's a war still going.
Inside the kid feels the stomach acids rising, ready to digest him alive. Now that he has more room to move, Peter takes his mask out to breathe easier, and starts bumping against Steve's slimy stomach walls. ''Please mister America sir, let me out, I don't want to be turned into food! Please, I'm scared.'' The man is starting to get annoyed by the kid's stubbornness. Cap tries to hold it back, but because of the kids' struggles the gas inside finds his way out, making Steve release a huge belch.
As the kid's shaked from all sides because of the belch, Spider-man mask gets burped out landing in front of Captain America. Who smiled at the sight of it, not bothering to pick it up. Peter feels there's even less air left inside as he tries to get his breath back. He sees the stomach acids rising, till only his head is above the liquid. As the acid starts to burn his suit as his flesh away, he cries, winning, pleading Captain America to release him as he squirms even more, not wanting to get digested and die. But it only annoys Steve even more.
''You never give up, do you.'' As he gave his stomach a big slap to keep the kid still, but it just proved useless. The kid keeps squirming and whining for his release. ''When are you gonna understand you're just food now!'' Followed by another big slap on his belly. ''You leave me no choice, it could have been easier for you, but you just made it all harder. You are my meal! Digest already!''
Peter's terrified as he feels Steve's hand pushing against his own gut, squeezing him even more. ''Wait! Please stop! You're squeezing me!'' The young man pleaded desperately. ''Should have thought of it before joining Stark's side.'' As Cap keeps pushing into his gut, squeezing the kid between his walls. Peter's legs are pressed against his chest, as the stomach acids have completely submerged the hero. The kid tries desperately to push back, but he is so weakened from the digestion he ends up giving up, accepting his fate.
(Some minutes later)
With a last push Captain America gets his wholesome six pack back. When he puts his hand on his stomach, he understands the kid is completely digested as he finally doesn't feel any movements or cries from the inside anymore. The kid has been completely reduced to soup. The change in pressure from his stomach, makes him leave an even bigger belch than before.
With his biggest belch to date, that smelled like a dead corps, a red and blue tissue comes flying out of his mouth, landing right in front of him. It's the Spider-man suit, well what's left of it… He takes a break to get his breath back, and puts his helmet back on ready to take on the fight again. But as he gets up, gurgles could be heard from his stomach.
Steve puts his arm around his stomach trying to muffle the sound, but another one makes itself heard, followed by a huge fart.
Cap pinced his nose from the disgusting smell of digested meat. Shit, the kid was really making his life difficult. Cap feels his cheeks turn red. If he wants to join back the fight, he has to release the kid's remains. So he puts his pants down and gets into a squat position, working his muscled hole, pushing hard to shit the kid back out.
A bones covered log starts to show up. Captain America keeps pushing till the huge log lands onto the ground, followed by another one and then a third one. Some minutes later, Captain America had fully shitted the young hero's remains back out, in the middle of the airport. He recovers his breath and picks up Spider-man's mask to wipe his ass clean while looking at the kid's remains with a satisfied smile. He tosses the dirty mask on the huge pile of shit, and puts his pants back on and heads back toward the main fight. 'Too bad it ended this way, whoever the kid was, could've been a great addition to the team, but in the end he was far better as a meal for Captain America!'
The Superhero Hunt, Part 4: An Assassin To Go With The Night

(Resquested by @vorepred223311)
After your good nap, you go to the bathroom to empty yourself of the remains of your evening dinner. It took so long to digest giant man considering its size. But even that didn't save him from your hungry stomach. You spend a good half hour dropping huge logs into the toilets untill it overflowed.
After that you get dressed and finally leave the archer's apartment, and go outside. It's late into the night. You step out into the dark of the night heading to a well known place where you know you'll get some filling hero meat, the Avengers Tower.
As you walk you begin to hear people talking followed by someone screaming. It seems like people are fighting. You head towards the noise to see who it is. To your surprise and appetite, you see the Winter Soldier, Captain America's childhood friend, taking down a bunch of criminals. Looks like you just found your next snack! You drooled by only looking at the buffed physique that's fighting. You can't wait to shove it up your ass.
After the hero has knocked out the last criminal, causing them to fall unconscious to the ground, you decide to take action. As he sees you walking towards him, his first reaction is to defend himself. But as he sees you're not wielding any weapons, he quickly changes his mind, thinking now that you're probably a citizen in need of help…What a mistake he's making.
When you finally arrive next to him, he asks you if everything is alright and if you need any help. You just give a mischievous smile before pushing him onto the ground, and once his body hits the ground you use your heavy weight, that you gain from the digestion of your previous meals, to keep him in place. The Winter Soldier tries to get up, wanting to use his robotic arms, but you make sure he doesn't.
Not waiting anymore time you take off your pants and sit on his face, the man screams in disgust. You smelled horribly there, since you evacuated the remains of Ant-man. Using more of your weight you eventually get his head through your hole. You moaned at the feeling. you kept pushing till you got his shoulders inside as well.
When done, you get up onto your legs, your hole has the grip on him, he won't be able to escape anymore. The soldier is your food now. Your muscles keep flexing around the morsel of beef, shoving it deeper and deeper up your ass. They are sliding past your pink hole, as if you're giving a big moan. The man was buffed, you could really feel the difference with a normal man and a supersoldier.
Sometimes later, you've swallowed most of the soldier. Only a pair of wiggling feet is all that's left of the man on the outside world. But you don't waste any more time, you're hungry for some hero after all. And with a final flex, your hole closes behind the wiggling toes. As you feel the whole man inside you're moaning even harder. It feels so good! You give your ass a slap, eager to digest this piece of meal. But as you planned to leave the alley, you heard a voice looking for someone. ''Bucky?'' You looked to where the voice was coming from and you smiled at the known silhouette of the Falcon, Captain America's sidekick. You just had a filling meal, but you still have room for another one!

You were one of the assistants for the shooting of the new documentary starring Chris Hemsworth, in which he tests the limits of his body through some challenges. This time you had to attach his wrists and ankles together to keep him from using them during the swim. While you were doing it, the shooting team told you they were going to take a break and as they left, they asked you to start training Mr. Hemsworth. for the challenges. Did you hear it correctly? They left you alone with The Chris Hemsworth? You smiled as you thought about what's about to happen. Some minutes have passed since the team left, while you make sure the ropes are well tied Chris socializes with you talking about what he has to do. When you're sure he won't be able to detach himself you take your cock out and shoves the man's feet into your slit. You moaned at how great it felt. Chris panics and tries to free himself from the ropes, but you tighten them well. Nothing will stop the huge morsel of muscles from sliding into your cock.
Some minutes later, your sitting at the edge of the pool. Your legs as well as your huge Chris Hemsworth filled balls, are into the water. You stroked your cock and moaned as you feel the man's struggles. But those struggles quickly stop as you eventually end up jerking a fountain of white liquid into the pool. Making Chris remains merge with the water. Even the man's black swim shorts landed into the pool. You smiled as you've never felt this good after a handjob.
A Dream-Like Meal

(Request by @swwith18more)
Star-lord puts his headphones on, playing his favorite 80's music as he had just taken a shower. He walks by the common room of the ship, only wearing a shirt and a black shorts. He sees a sleepy god of Thunder. The two of them were sent on mission together while the rest of the Guardians went to another mission. Teaming up with such a handsome man that's challenging his authority, irritates Quill more than anything, even more if the said man is so drunk that he's sleeping like a bear. The snoring sounds the man could make while sleeping, unbelievable. It resonates through the whole ship, making the brunet unable to close his eyes for a nap.
Curiously, and because he has nothing better to do, Peter comes closer to the couch where Thor's resting. The man was shirtless, wearing only his pants as his boots on the couch. He slept with his mouth wide open with some drool sliding down his cheek, Peter rolled his eyes at the sight of it. Thor slept with an arm above his head revealing his hairy armpits. His other arms laid on his stomach, as if he just had a filling meal. He was also sweating from all the mead he drank, which made his muscles shine even more. Quill couldn't help but keep looking at them.
Thor does have nice muscles, he really has the body of a god, Star-lord had to admit it. Peter couldn't help himself and had to touch them. Which he did. He blushed when touching the biceps. They were as tough as steel, but also very soft. Quill keeps looking at the physique of the god and hesitates touching his pecs, it would be very awkward if the man suddenly wakes up, he has a reputation after all. But another snore from the god proves to him that the man won't wake up so soon.
He takes his headphones off, putting them around his neck and starts touching those huge pecs. Quill smiled at the contact and didn't hesitate to touch the abs too. Suddenly the sleeping man leaves a big belch. Peter was surprised by it, it was unexpected, but the man was still deep asleep, it's the most important. Peter gave out a sigh as he was relieved. But he was quickly disgusted by the smell of that belch. ''Ew, God, what did he eat? A dead corpse?'' He then heard some gurgles coming from the other man's stomach. He got curious and put his hand on the said stomach, he could feel the gurgles vibrate through the belly. He laughed at it. Another gurgles made himself heard, resonating through the whole ship. Peter noticed also more drool sliding down Thor's cheek. The man must be really hungry, he thinks. But then, he also saw the god smiling in his sleep. Quill couldn't help but smirk at the sight of it. Even in his dreams the man is eating. How the blond could have such a nice body while eating like a pig, would still remain a mystery to Peter.
But enough joking for now, they're still on a mission after all. Peter decided to go back to his room, but was surprised as a firm grip held his arm. Star-lord quickly started to panic. He wasn't awake right? But as he looked at him, he saw the man was still asleep. Peter was relieved. He tries to free his arm, but he quickly discovers it's impossible. ''Realy? How? You're sleeping, man.'' Peter thought out loud. As he still tries to overpower a sleeping god, he soon will get into a more awkward situation. Thor, who was still sleeping, held Peter on both sides, shoving him on himself. Peter's face is getting abnormally red as it finds itself between Thor's huge pecs. This is getting really awkward. He tries to free himself, but he then hears some noises from the man he is laying on. He lifted his head and saw Thor still sleeping but with a huge gaping mouth. Peter's eyes got wide open. ''No-!'' as he desperately tried to get free, he felt some drool falling on his face. And in a matter of seconds found himself in complete darkness…
''Dude, Wake up! You swallowing me!'' But the sleeping man answered with a moan. He followed with another wide bite and got the shoulders of his prey inside as well. The more Quill is sliding down the god's throat, the more he starts to panic. He desperately tries to get free, struggling the best he could, but despite sleeping like a bear, Thor's grip was stronger.
Thor was drooling even more around his snack, and with another slobbery bite he gets Peter's pecs inside followed by his abs. He soon let his prey go, and lifted his head, making his meal sliding down much faster. The guardians' ass gets past Thor's lips, which makes him moan loudly that resonates throughout the slimy walls of his intestines.
Peter inside is squeezed between the slimy walls that are pressing his bones onto each other, making it hard for him to breathe. When his head makes it through the acid filled stomach, Quill gets disgusted by the smell. It smelled horribly, as if someone had died inside. Peter couldn't stand the smell. What did Thor eat on that other planet?
The more time passes, the more of Star-lord is sliding down Thor's throat, inflating the man's belly more and more. Peter's huge ass as well as his thick thighs made the god moan even more as they slid past his lips, savoring their taste. Finally Thor takes another huge bite around Peter's sock feet, closing his mouth just behind those.
Star-lord lands into the acid pool, where he will suffer the whole process of digestion. Peter thrashes from all sides, desperately trying to get free, insulting Thor along the way. ''You stupid pig, let me out!!'' But the other man is still snoring like a bear, nothing will be able to wake him up. Looks like Peter is doomed.
Quill's irritation soon changes into panic as he feels his bones breaking as he gets squeezed even more and his flesh melting from the rising gastric acids. ''Please, Thor let me out! You are digesting me! Please, it hurt!'' As he punches against the walls, trying to wake up the sleeping man. But all those struggles led to another belch coming from Thor.
Quill panicked even more at the vibration of that belch. He is going to wake up, right? He's not going to digest him? But eventually the acid ends up disintegrating even more of Peter's flesh and bones. He couldn't even breathe anymore as his body got compressed. And inevitably he loses consciousness and lets the darkness take over, closing his eyes forever
Later that day, Thor wakes up with a mighty jawn. Stretching his arms as he rapidly puts a fist against his chest as he needs to release a belch.
With this huge belch some pieces of headphones land onto the couch along with something electronic, which Thor quickly identifies as Peter's Walkman which never leaves alone. Thor doesn't understand as he puts his hand on his rock hard abs, but he soon makes the link between the two. ''Quill?'' Thor asked as he understood what happened. He had completely swallowed and digested Peter! This, actually, made him smile. Not that he wasn't sad, he was, just not for the right reason. ''I'm really sorry Peter Quill. I would've preferred to swallow you whole, while I was conscious. But at least you filled me quite well.'' He said accompanied with a slap on his belly. As he stood up a gurgle made itself heard followed by a huge fart.
''Haha-, looks like I need to release you, Lord of Stars.'' He said with a joyous smile on his face. He was heading to the restroom, when he had a thought. ''Why go to the restroom, when we're all alone on this ship? Ain't I right my friend?'' He said with a laugh followed by him taking off his pants and underwear and getting into a squat position. He flexes hard his anal muscles, pushing hard to get the log of shit out. ''Looks like you don't want to leave my godly body Peter, I understand, but I'm afraid I can't keep you with me.'' He pushed harder until finally the bone filled log showed up. And eventually with some extra flexes, the huge stinky log lands on the ground. Followed by another one this time accompanied with the remains of the digested skull visible in it. Eventually, 4 logs later, Thor moans and lets go one last big bones-filled log making it fall on the other ones. ''You sure made a huge mess, my friend, I've never shitted this much.'' The thunder god says as he turns around to admire the huge pile of shit he released in the middle of the ship. He gave his ass a big slap and went back to live his life as if he hadn't digested a complete human being and shitted his remains back out. Poor Peter Quill, at least he will be remembered as extra layers of those muscles he admired so much…

Chris and Liam were working out together in the gym at Chris' house. Of course the older Hemsworth is filming their session to post on social media. Liam knew he did it mostly to show off, and he can't blame him, his brother has indeed an awesome body. He just prefers to work out in peace.
After some time, Chris cuts off the camera. ''Well that made me hungry.'' He says while placing his hand on his abs. ''Then, go eat something?'' His brother answers with his back towards him, focused on his squats. Chris watches his little brother's ass stretching out with each up and down, and he had to admit, it looked quite tasty. He licks his bottom lip at the look of it. ''Yeah, I think I will.'' He steps towards his brother and with a big slobbery bite, swallows Liam's head. He tastes so good! Naturally the younger Hemsworth panics and tries to grab onto something, but Chris' strong grip pinns his arms along the body. He struggles to free himself, but his brother is far stronger than him. Chris takes another bite sending his brother's shoulders through his mouth. He moaned at the delicious taste Liam has. Thanks to the accumulated drool he shoves his meal's pecs and abs down his throat. Liam's ass is next. That same ass that made him turn his own brother into his next proteïn meal. Chris shoved his tongue between those cheeks, and didn't waste any more time. With a hungry gulp, he made that ass join the rest of Liam, moaning as his stomach inflated even more. Lastly he swallowed his brother's legs like noodles, closing his mouth behind his bare feet. Inside Liam thrashes against the walls, which makes Chris belch loudly.
As Liam drowns into the rising stomach acids, Chris slaps his little brother filled belly. ''You filled me well! Sorry bro, but you're much more useful as proteïn on this awesome body.'' He says proudly, as he releases another belch.
Post Workout Snack

It's late in evening when you head for the dressing rooms to change after your daily workout at the local gym. When you enter, you notice that there aren't many people left. Just one, in fact. And not the least, it's Chris Hemsworth, your favorite celebrity and crush. When he turns his gaze towards you, you can't help but smile stupidly, and give him a shy wave. It makes him smile. He greets you and goes back to removing his clothes from his locker. You did the same.
Later, when you emerge from the showers, you're faced with the actor sitting on the bench. He didn't change his outfit, as he's still wearing his short and sweaty T-shirt. With your towel around your waist, you walk past him, looking at him discreetly.
Once you've slipped on your wedges, the actor starts talking to you. It suprised you at first, but you quickly turn to listen.
''You know, I couldn't help noticing how much you're checking me out.'' You blush with embarrassment. He noticed. You feel so ashamed to have done it.
''Sorry, Mr Hemsworth. I- I...was just-'' As you try to come up with an excuse, Chris Hemsworth cuts you off.
''Don't bother, you're far from the only one looking at me, with drool sliding down your shin.'' He adds a cocky smile, which makes you smile stupidly, wiping your mouth to be sure. ''I don't mind actualy, I know I got a hot body. That said, I'd like a little help with this. If you don't mind?''
''Yes! Of course!'' You don't even know what he's asking that you already agree.
''Good.'' That's all he answers before taking off his top, revealing his swollen muscles. His pecs so voluptuous and his abs so pronounced. You can even see the drops of sweat running down the curves of his godly body. Making his muscle shine. He even flexes his muscles in front of you, inflating his bisceps even more. Unconsciously, you salivate at the sight.
''Wow...'' The word escapes your mouth.
He laughs slightly. ''After a long day of sport, my body's all tense and could use some help relaxing. And seeing all the saliva you produce just by looking at me, I'm sure your tongue would be perfect for that. So, shall we get started?'' he finishes by raising his arm to reveal his moist armpits.
You can't believe what you're hearing. Chris Hemsworth wants you to lick his body!? You don't waste another second and get right under his arm, stick out your tongue and start working his armpits. They're so wet and hairy. And that smell is so captivating! The appetite with which you lick them makes the Australian laugh. "Hungry little whore...''
With his hand he grabs a handful of your hair and directs your head all over his body. This way, for several long minutes, you cover Hemsworth's divine body with your saliva. His armpits, his nipples, his abs, his biceps and much more! Once he considers the job well done, he brings your face closer to his and starts to kiss you. It makes you lose your mind... It must be a dream, you think. He quickly breaks the kiss, which makes you wimper. ''Nice work, slut.'' With those words he drops his shorts and briefs, revealing his huge cock.
You look at it in amazement, but without wasting any more time Chris, lowers your head in front of his cock. And in impales the whole thing in the hollow of your mouth. You choke as you feel the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. It so big, it's stretching out your throat. Suddenly he's brutally thrusting into your hole. You feel your face turning red from lack of air, but you still take it, like the good slut you are.
After a few seconds, which seemed like an eternity, he withdraws his entire cock from your mouth, leaving you to recover your breath. ''I'm liking you.'' He confess to you while he hits you with his big cock in the face.
As you recover your breath. He sits down on the bench behind him, takes his shoe off and lifts his bare foot, placing it directly on your face. Carried away by pleasure, you don't think twice and immediately start sniffing and licking it, as if it was your only purpose. Making sure to pass by each curve and each toe.
Seeing how quickly you apply yourself to the job, he quickly places his second foot on your face. He even manages to push your body to the ground, so that he's more comfortable stepping on you, while you laying flat on the floor.
Some long minutes later, his feet are as clean as they are shining with saliva. He then considers the job done and removes his feet from your face, causing you to grunt for having nothing to lick anymore. ''I like you. I think I'll keep you.'' He says with a mischievous grin.
That's when he grabs you on both sides with his big, firm hands to lift you from the ground. You don't panic, as you're lost in the pleasure, and just wait with bated breath for the next humilation. But your anticipation soon turns to panic as you see his mouth widen. Naturally, you come to your senses and struggle, begging him to let go. But all you get from him is a mischievous grin before your head dives into the depts of his big mouth.
He takes several hungry gulps, which bring even more of your body insde him. your shoulders followed by by your torso. The saliva accumulated around your body makes you slide in with ease, till only your wiggling legs are left. So so tiny next to him, that he slurps your legs down his throat, making your feet disapear behind his lips. A few extra gulps and you find your way down his acid thank. As the gastric juice start to rize, you punch against the walls in hope to get yourself free, but all it leads to, is the handsome australian letting a huge belch escaping his lips.
''I knew you'd make an excellent post-workout snack...'' He speaks out with a slap on his swollen gut.
Happy Birthday Sebastian!!

(A quick little something for Sebby's Birthday❤️)
"Happy birthday, Sebastian!" Chris's voice echoed through the apartment, the excitement palpable as he answered the door. Sebastian stepped inside, a tentative smile playing on his lips as he took in the meticulously arranged living room. Balloons floated lazily in the air, their strings dancing in the faint breeze that slipped through the open windows. The scent of freshly baked cookies wafted from the kitchen, mingling with the faint aroma of something more substantial—a surprise dinner, no doubt.
Chris led him to the couch, a platter of snacks already laid out before the large, flat-screen TV. "Make yourself at home," he said, gesturing grandly. Sebastian couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of his friend's eager expression, his eyes gleaming with the promise of a night filled with laughter and nostalgia.
As the evening progressed, the duo dived into a marathon of their favorite comedies, their laughter bouncing off the walls like a pinball machine in overdrive. The air grew thick with the warmth of their camaraderie, the only interruptions being the occasional sip of beer and a brief silence to munch on the snacks. The atmosphere was so light and carefree that it was easy to forget the outside world.
Then, a sudden gurgle from Sebastian's stomach interrupted the flow of laughter. It grew louder, more insistent, until it was impossible to ignore. Chris glanced over, his smile fading as he realized the source of the sound.
"I guess that means it's cake time." Chris says as he gets up from the couch; "You'll see you'll love it, it's from a patissier not too far away. These are the best pastries I've ever had!" Chris says with pride.
"Well… actually, I would’ve liked another ‘type’ of dessert..." Sebastian says as he pats his belly with a mischievous smile, causing Chris to look at him curiously.
Without a word, Sebastian's eyes grew wide, and before Chris could react, his friend leaned over and engulfed his head in a swift motion. The world went dark and silent as Chris felt himself being swallowed whole.
Seb moans at the taste of Chris's muscular body as it slides between his lips, eager to taste the remains of this divine body. In no time at all, Seb swallows Chris's large feet and finally closes his mouth, running his tongue between each toe before swallowing them whole.
Panic set in as he tried to push against the walls of Sebastian's stomach, his cries for help muffled by the layers of flesh that surrounded him. Sebastian's digestive acids began to work their way through his skin, a burning sensation that grew more intense by the second. The walls of his stomach tightened around him, and Chris could feel his body being broken down, his very essence absorbed into the man that had once been his friend.
The movie played on, the soundtrack a bizarre backdrop to the horror unfolding on the couch. Sebastian's stomach undulated, each movement a cruel reminder of Chris's fate. His muffled pleas grew weaker until they were nothing more than faint whispers against the fabric of Sebastian's gut. The pain grew unbearable, his mind racing with thoughts of regret and confusion.
Finally, the film ended, and the room was plunged into silence. "Damn, Chris! I've been dreaming of doing this for years. It's even better than I imagined. Sorry man, but you didn't have to be so handsome and endearing. It's kind of your fault, actually. All those times you revealed your divine body. A whore like you only got what he deserved..." Sebastian Stan said with pride at having accomplished such a feat, patting his belly to let out a huge belch.
Watching his belly shrink and his abs recover, Sebastian feels little regret. Chris was a nice guy, but hey, at least he made a delicious birthday cake, Sebastian says to himself, shrugging his shoulders. "Anyway, that's not all, but I'm still hungry. You said you'd bought me a cake, right? Time to see if it's as delicious as you claim." With these words Sebastian stands up, stretches and heads for the fridge to feast on the cake, his stomach giving a satisfied gurgle. Already forgetting about the huge man it just turned into mush and looking forward to its next meal.
I love cop TFs.
Cop Out
Nick, a young, headstrong journalist, had been investigating strange goings-on at the police department for months. Odd reports of trainees at the police academy disappearing while the number of senior cops seemed to increase, and without any known source of extra funding. But his only informant, a trainee at the academy himself, soon mysteriously vanished as well. Convinced the police were covering something up, Nick felt compelled to investigate.
Before they fell off the grid, Nick’s informants mentioned a company that seemed to be tied up with the disappearances - New You Industries. But despite his best efforts, the intrepid investigator couldn’t find any reference to such a business ever having existed. The last he heard from his mole was that a shipment was due to arrive at the police training academy in a week.
And so, seven days later, Nick found himself staking out the storage garage of the academy in the dead of night. From a long distance in the safety of his car, he snapped pictures of a man getting out of an unmarked car and handing three small boxes to someone Nick recognized the city’s police chief, Chief Barrow. But this evidence was meaningless without knowing what the shipment contained.
He waited patiently for all parties to depart and snuck up on the garage, snapping the lock with bolt cutters and using his camera’s flash to illuminate the pitch-black room. Nick was dismayed to find two police badges sitting on the shelf, along with three boxes, now empty.
“Did I just stake out a shipment of police badges?” Nick muttered to himself. He jumped back in fright as the lights were suddenly switched on.
“C-Chief Barrow?” Nick stammered as he turned to see the police chief standing next to the light switch.
“You think we didn’t know you’d been following us?” he growled as he stepped toward Nick.
“What happened to the students?! Did you kill them?!” Nick yelled as if to try and bolster himself against the fear he was currently experiencing.
The police chief stopped in his tracks and made a sly expression, “They’re not dead. They’re in the station, working.”
“W-what?” Nick replied with the same look of bewilderment, “I-I was told students were vanishing from the academy?”
“They got - how should I say this - fast-tracked through the program,” Barrow responded with a smirk, “You’re about to find how. Catch!”
Nick flinched as the chief tossed a small metallic object at him. Reacting instinctively, Nick caught it in his hands. It was a badge, just like the two behind him. He shuddered and his hand tensed around the badge. Incredible energy surged up his arm and spread through him. He desperately wanted to let go of the enchanted badge, but he couldn’t.
“Sorry, but we can’t have you reporting on this,” Barrow chuckled as he exited and slammed the garage closed behind him. As the door crashed down Nick’s legs gave out and he fell to his knees, his fingers still firmly grasping the badge. The young journalist was terrified, but at the same time engrossed in the power bubbling through his body. Finally, his fingers unclenched and dropped the badge to the floor, but the damage had been done. Nick pushed onto all fours and let out a long moan as his body began to change.
His legs stretched out from his slacks, exposing more and more of his shins. Likewise, his arms extended from his sleeves while his entire torso was pulled longer and longer. “What’s ah… happening to me?!” Nick groaned as his cock hardened to full mast.
Muscles fluttered and twitched all over his body. They grew across his arms, bulging from his biceps and triceps as his shoulders grew wider, tearing at his shirt. Pecs slowly protruded from his bony chest, growing large and dense. Abs rippled out along his stomach, leading down to a sharper, V-shaped set of cum gutters. His legs surged with strength, copious amounts of muscle growing and forming in his thighs and calves, stretching his fly apart and revealing the wet, hard, bulging underwear underneath. Behind him, his flat butt began to press outward, bigger and rounder, matching his thick, muscular thighs.
He couldn’t help himself, clasping at the exposed muscle as hairs darted across the surface. Soon he found himself grabbing fabric, much to his surprise. He opened his eyes to see his tattered clothes repairing and reshaping into the uniform of the local precinct. His bulging arms still strained the new shirt. A bulky, heavy vest replete with a radio and utilities formed over the top.
“Ngh! Fuck!” he grunted, bucking his hips involuntarily as his feet stretched and pressed against his tight leather brogues just as they too morphed to accommodate his changing body. The pressure lowered as his size nine dress shoes rapidly bloated outward into heavy, size fourteen boots. Long toes shredded through his socks, clutching at the insole as they stretched along with his extending soles.
Nick clambered to his feet, clutching his head, only to feel his hair pulling inward, short and tidy. Not only that, but he could feel some hair vanishing completely from his temples, leaving him with the slightly receded hairline of a man maybe five or more years older than he was. His fingers cracked as they began to slide longer across his scalp, pushing through the neat, handsome cut of hair. He held the stretching, trembling hands in front of him, gasping as he watched them swell huge and powerful.
He slammed his massive fists into the wall with a deepening roar, feeling his head creak and reshape. His features broadened and enlarged. A strong chin and jaw pressed out of his face and light stubble sprouted from the skin. “Must be… some way to s-stop this…” Nick groaned, his eyes widening at the sound of his new and completely unfamiliar voice. Nick frantically reached for the police badge on the floor that had started all of this, hoping, praying for some way to revert his changes. His eyes scanned the metallic chest piece, but there was no sign of any method to stall or revert what was happening. Rather, he caught a glimmer of his new reflection in the shiny metal. Nick’s wide, handsome jaw fell open at the sight. Not only did he look easily seven or more years older, but he looked completely different; he couldn’t help but think he looked much manlier and sexier.
Meanwhile, downstairs, his hard cock ached for touch as it stretched down the leg of his pants. “Oh, god!” Nick gasped. His balls swelled larger while his python thickened and lengthened against his muscular leg. He couldn’t contain himself anymore, pulling the fly on his new pants down and fishing his swelling cock out, allowing it to stretch into the open. He couldn’t believe how big it had already gotten, easily inches larger than what he was used to. Reluctant but unable to resist, he gripped it in his hand and pumped, growling loudly with every stroke. Nick was too busy relishing his increased size and virility to realize his mind was filling with policing skills and years of experience. Before he knew it he had an eight-inch weapon in his hand. He couldn’t take it anymore; his height, his muscles, his size. He felt so virile, so masculine, so powerful. Screaming in ecstasy, Nick blew load after load against the concrete wall.
Once the post-orgasmic fog lifted, Nick quickly tidied himself and brushed a large hand through his shorter hair, dazed and confused. His memory was intact, but they competed for attention with new skills, desires, and traits. The muscular sergeant lifted the garage door with ease, spotting Chief Barrow waiting for him in the car park just in the distance.
“Ready, Sergeant?” Barrow asked.
“I… I…”, Nick stuttered as he looked down at his muscular frame, suddenly noticing how much taller he was now. His huge cock twitched in response, causing Nick to moan just a little. “Y-Yes, sir!” he parroted as he proceeded toward the car, eagerly accepting his new life as Officer Nick Collins.

Don’t Disturb The Witch!
This story is a request from my friend @swapsrus. If you have a story idea you’d like me to write, feel free to send it in here!
It was a Friday night, so despite the late hours, Ethan and his roommate Seb were having a fun time. Despite not seeming like the typical party-goers, they both enjoyed having fun at night and getting a little rowdy. Even during a pandemic and not having others to help peer pressure them into letting loose, the roommates both kept the same intensity with their private parties.
Despite multiple complaints from neighbors, the landlord refused to scold their favorite tenants and the boys had a slight cockiness because of that. At a certain point, a certain neighbor had finally had enough with her inability to sleep due to the ruckus a floor beneath her. If no one was going to teach them a lesson about being courteous neighbors, she was determined to do it herself.
Because of this, the older woman hobbled down a flight of stairs and furiously knocked on the door. As the boys opened the door, the lady began to immediately hurl obscenities their way. “Do you know what hour it is? Some people here want to sleep!” her shrill voice shouted at the boys. However, despite their normally shy and reserved personality, the boys were in a different state of mind. The concept of liquid courage applied to the boys as they firmly stood their ground and yelled right back at the woman. “Lady, we’re just trying to make the best out of a shit situation. It’s a pandemic and we’re all lonely. Let us have our fun and mind your own business” the ginger-haired Ethan firmly stated as the brown-haired Seb made the message by slamming the door in the woman’s face.
At this point, it was no surprise that the woman soon began to grow furious and her plans of a simple case of revenge were thrown out of the window. She gestured her hand towards the door as it blew back open in an act of obedience. “Well boys, if you’re not going to do things the easy way and comply, I’ll make life quite harder for the both of you. Tomorrow, your eternal punishment will begin for real. No matter how hard you beg for forgiveness, just know that you will never be able to change my mind. Enjoy tonight, because tomorrow will be the start of something brand new for the both of you!” She screamed in rage as she paced up the stairs. Before the boys could look out further at the seemingly crazy woman, the door then slammed shut in a strange gust of wind.
“Dude, what’s her problem?” Ethan said, his facial expressions displaying a mix of confusion and humor at the situation. “I don’t know man, who cares really?” Seb responded, walking over to the stereo system and turning up the blaring music and beginning to immediately dance. Despite a wandering glance back at the front door, Ethan eventually grew susceptible to his friend’s rambunctious behavior and soon joined him as their two-person party resumed.
The next morning, the boys were happy to find that somehow some curse had not befallen them overnight. As a result, they soon went on their ways to go enjoy their days. As Ethan headed out to enjoy the day and go skateboarding, Seb remained home as he prepared for a job interview. After being laid off from his job due to the severity of the pandemic, Seb had grown to enjoy the time off to focus on enjoying life. However, as the bills began to pile up, he knew that he had to get back out there to provide for rent and food. As a result, Seb spent extra time grooming himself to make sure he was perfectly presented before he headed out.
While Seb was doing this, Ethan was enjoying a day off to just relax and destress. As Ethan skateboarded down the avenues, a smile spread across his face as he felt so truly calmed and relaxed with the wind blowing against his face. However, his feelings of relaxation soon hit a brick wall as a sense of panic spread throughout the man’s body. Stopping and leaning against the side of a building, Ethan gripped his chest and attempted to catch his breath. Despite his attempts, he could feel himself growing weaker and weaker. It was as if his chest was being pounded endlessly with a plastic bag wrapped around his head. Due to this, it didn’t take long before the man fell completely unconscious and crashed onto the busy sidewalk.
In the bathroom, the same sensation was spreading through Seb’s body. Luckily for himself, he was able to steady himself against the shower and toilet as he slowly fell down to the ground in a lifeless heap. As they both entered a state of unconsciousness, the men’s last thoughts were praying that the woman had not somehow fatally poisoned them.
As Ethan woke up, he groaned in discomfort as he found himself wedged between a toilet and a shower. “Wha… what the fuck?” the man groggily declared as he sat up. Upon getting upright, his head tilts in confusion as he hears a voice that doesn’t belong to him come out of his mouth. While leaning on the toilet lid, Ethan slowly stands up despite his wobbly legs and comes face to face to his bathroom mirror. However, instead of seeing his ginger-haired face reflected back at him, he sees the face of his roommate Seb. “Jesus Christ, what the hell!” Ethan cried out, his eyes wide and mouth agape at the sight of what’s going on.
While looking in the mirror, he slowly began to realize that this must have been the result of the woman's promise of revenge. However, as he stared in the reflection of his roommate, he felt himself slowly growing turned on by his new reality. Despite the woman’s idea of revenge, Ethan wasn’t necessarily upset by what was going on. As a man who had a long-time fascination with body swap media, he was quite allured by the fact that it had actually happened to him. This was the stuff of fantastical stories, not real life!
Feeling like he needed to memorize this moment, Ethan quickly pulled out the phone from Seb’s pants and quickly snapped some photos to celebrate.

When Seb returned to a state of consciousness, he groaned in pain as a series of gasping and cries rang out around him. Despite the obvious confusion of the loud noises, the immediate feeling of a burning sensation against his face left Seb searching to save himself from further pain. Sitting up, he looked down and found himself lying against a hot sidewalk. “Wha… what’s going on here?” Seb said, groaned as his hands ran across his sore chin and cheeks. As he looked up from the sidewalk, he jumped in shock as he found himself surrounded by a sea of people. “What happened? Where am I?” he said, growing more and more confused by what was going on.
Seeing the look of pure panic and confusion on his face, a middle-aged woman came up and started speaking to him. “I don’t know what happened dear, but you collapsed suddenly when you were leaning against this building. I saw it happen from across the street, so I rushed over here to try and help.” Upon finishing her statement, the smiling woman offered her hand to Seb, which he graciously took. “What accident though? I was just in my bathroom…” he responded as he was pulled up to a standing position. However, as he was pulled up, his eyes encountered a mirrored surface that left him even more confused.
Upon standing, Seb hunched over and looked back down to catch the vision that was shown to him on the surface of the mirror. As he leaned down, he gasped in shock and cried out in shock as he came face to face with the body of his roommate Ethan. “What the FUCK!” Seb cried out in shock. “Why am I in Ethan’s body?” he continued as he rambled out loud. The lady attempted to calm him down, but he continued to scream out in shock. “My name is Seb, this isn’t right! What’s going on!” He said as he grew more and more overwhelmed by what was going on. Despite having to deal with the pain coursing through his body from some sort of fall, Seb also had to cope with the fact that he was no longer in the comfort of his own body anymore.

Now completely overwhelmed and unable to have any assistance from the seemingly helpful bystanders, Seb sprinted off back to his apartment. As he ran, he could only hope that his real body was still in the apartment. With his pace quickening still, his mind ran rampant about how this happened to him. It only took a few moments before the man remembered the woman’s promise of revenge. Luckily for him, both of his concerns were at the same location, so he hoped that he could get a clearer idea about what’s going on to him and his roommate…
With the combination of the blistering heat and his anxiety, Seb arrived back to the apartment completely drenched in sweat. He so desperately wished that he could wake up from this nightmare, but it was clear that this was his new reality. Bounding up the stairs and rushing towards the apartment, Seb burst through the door and frantically called out for Ethan. However, to his surprise, the apartment was completely empty. Looking around in both fear and shock, Seb was able to eventually stumble upon a note sitting on the kitchen counter.
“Hey Seb,
I don’t know what happened, but we’ve somehow swapped bodies. Despite this life-changing shock, I remembered that you had your interview today. I’ve headed out to do this interview for you, but I’ll be back ASAP afterwards.
Talk to you soon,
After reading the note, Seb grew anxious about the fact that his best friend was pretending to be him and doing his job interview for him. Despite this anxiety, he did have to appreciate the fact that his friend remembered that since he completely forgot after the shock of the swap. At least Ethan was trying to act like business as usual, that was a sort of relief for the still-anxious Seb.
With no one here to talk to, Seb grew determined to go get some answers from the lady upstairs. As he stood on the doorstep of the woman’s apartment, he angrily knocked on the door. Determined to get answers, the knocking persisted until he found the door slightly crack open. Annoyed by the woman’s inability to answer the door, Seb took the cracked door as an opportunity to get answers and pushed into the apartment. Walking around, the sight before him screamed old cat lady. With a bunch of felines walking around the cluttered apartment, Seb’s face contorted into an uneasy expression as he pushed further into the apartment. “Hey lady, are you in here?” Seb stated, groaning as he took a misstep and his foot dropped into an open litter box.
After searching through every single room, he eventually stumbled upon the master bedroom, which he cautiously opened. Looking into the room, he saw the woman turned away from him and laying in bed. Despite knowing that the lady was sleeping, Seb noisily continued to try and get the woman’s attention. “Hey! Wake up lady! What the hell did you do to us?” he said, step-by-step getting closer to the unconscious woman. As he walked around to her side of the bed, Seb’s face of anger soon turned into a look of shock. The woman was laying completely motionless with her mouth agape, indicating to Seb that she had long passed away. “Holy shit!” Seb gasped running over to the lady and grabbing her wrist to search for a pulse. Upon grabbing the lady’s wrist, a loud thud echoed across the room. Looking down, Seb caught sight of a large leather-bound book that had crashed onto the ground. It appeared to Seb that the woman had died while holding this book, which was still laying open and facedown on the ground.
Verifying that the woman had no pulse and was indeed dead, Seb rushed out of the apartment and called an ambulance. But, on his way back, he quickly grabbed onto the book and placed it into his bedroom. Knowing that the woman died seemingly after cursing them, he had hoped that this book could provide some sort of answer as to how to get their bodies back.
By the time that Ethan returned home from the home interview, he passed the body bag being brought down the stairs. Upon entering his apartment, Ethan caught sight of Seb, eyes wide in shock and unsure of what to do. “Dude, what happened here? Who died?” Ethan said, breaking Seb out of his wide-eyed state of shock. “The lady upstairs… the one that did this to us…” Seb stated, his voice low and emotionless as the words hit the realization on his head once more. “No shit? How the hell are we going to swap back then?” Ethan said, himself growing alarmed at the implications of this revelation. “I don’t know.. But I’m going to find a way to swap us back.” Seb calmly responded, which ended with him looking up to his friend and watching his old body looking down to him. “How did the interview go then?” Seb continued, trying to fuel the conversation elsewhere. “Oh, it went good. I think they’re gonna offer the job to me… well you.” Ethan said, smiling to try and cheer up his friend.
“Well, what do we do now then?” Seb said in curiosity. “Are we just supposed to act like nothing has happened? No offense, but I don’t want to be you…” he continued, looking to his friend for any sort of guidance. Ethan was usually quite calm during stressful situations, so Seb was eager for him to help calm him down. After taking a breath, Ethan began to speak. “Well, we’re going to be each other for the foreseeable future, so I suppose we’re just supposed to try and live life as best we can as each other. You’ll do my job, hang out with my friends, and I’ll do the same for you. That’s really the best we can do for the time being…”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right… I just… I need to be alone right now.” Seb stated as he got up from his chair and began to move towards his bedroom. As he closed the door behind him, Ethan was left in the apartment alone and unsure of what to do. The job interview was a success, so he figured he might as well celebrate. After grabbing a snack, he headed into his bedroom and locked the door behind him. Curious about exploring his new body in depth, Ethan began to undress and watched as Seb’s body was revealed in complete nudity. Falling back into his bed, it didn’t take long before Ethan was jerking off and getting turned on by the fact that he’s now his best friend.
While Ethan was enjoying the added benefit of being in his best friend’s body, Seb’s mind didn’t go immediately to the sexual implications. After falling into the bed, Seb reached under the bed and pulled out the leather-bound book from the lady’s apartment. Opening up the book, he was greeted to the sight of some strange language that he couldn’t recognize. Immediately, Seb sat up and brought his laptop over to the bed. Opening up various translation websites, he meticulously typed out the lettering that he saw to the best of his ability to try and figure out what this book was. Hopefully, after finding out what this book was and what language it was in, Seb could understand the various pages and find a way to reverse the curse...
A month later, both men have undergone different reactions to being in their new bodies. To Seb’s annoyance, Ethan has been able to excel as his best friend. A week after the swap, he soon received a phone call from the place he interviewed for, informing him that he got the job. Upon starting the new job, Seb had been seeing less and less of his best friend due to the fact that Ethan had grown quite popular. Almost every night, he would go out with his new work colleagues and live life to the fullest. As he jerked off every night, Ethan had begun to grow quite comfortable in his new body. In fact, with a life this good, Ethan wasn’t so sure that he’d want to swap back if the opportunity ever presented itself.
Of course, Seb was happy that his friend was happy, but he was upset that it was at the expense of his old life. Due to his uncomfortableness with being in Ethan’s body, Seb preferred to stay at home and just spend every day researching the book. Despite all of Ethan’s friends texting him and wanting to hang out, Seb just ignored them and focused on the mission at hand. He didn’t want to waste a moment or grow too comfortable in this body where he could forget about getting his old life back.
Speaking of the book, Seb’s journey to discover the roots of the book had led him to discover a language that was long thought to have been a dead language. However, based on the book, it was clear that someone was still speaking it. Despite his best efforts, he was only able to translate a few words of the book due to the rarity of the language. Although he personally didn’t think his best friend was unattractive, Seb was still eager to get his body back and defeat this curse.
Heading out to go get some food, Seb walked into the kitchen, where he was greeted to the sight of his best friend walking around shirtless in Seb’s real body. “Oh, hey man. How are you doing?” Ethan said, casually walking around with a newfound confidence in his new body. “Hey man, what did we talk about with you going around shirtless? It’s super uncomfortable watching you just parade around in my body…” Seb said with annoyance. “Sorry dude, but I’m about to go out for a run away. I just was going to get a snack. What do you have planned for today?” Ethan responded as he bit into an apple sitting on the counter.
“Oh, I found someone who is apparently an expert in that language used in that book I told you about. I’m hoping that it can help swap us back actually, but we’ll see how it goes…” Seb coldly responded. He was obviously hyped, but he was cautiously optimistic due to the fact that he didn’t want to encounter another roadblock. The man he was talking to said that he knew all about the language and was wanting to help fix his issue, which was a relief to the anxious body-swappee.
Heading back into the room, Seb began to get ready for the meeting. After awkwardly showering while trying to avoid looking down at his body, Seb quickly dried off and got dressed into a pair of jeans and a button-up shirt. Grabbing a bag, he delicately placed the ancient book into it and zipped the bag shut. Despite his cautious optimism, Seb began to grow quite excited to get this situation fixed once and for all. Heading out of the room, Seb found that Ethan was nowhere to be found and quickly put his shoes on and headed towards the bus stop.
After Seb left to get ready, Ethan headed out the door to begin his run. Despite his intentions of going for a run, Ethan soon found himself delayed as he came across several residents in the apartment complex. After the swap, Ethan had found himself growing quite flirtatious with the other residents that he had previously crushed on. With a body he was now confident in, Ethan was able to successfully woo several potential suitors. Of course, once Seb found out about this, he scolded his friend for using his body to hookup with people. But, Ethan paid no mind to his friend as he began to view his new body more and more as his rightful body.

Due to this, Ethan began to grow quite worried about the concept of the book being able to swap them back. As he began to head for his run, Ethan turned back and looked back as his former body began to pace towards the bus stop. Despite his best intentions of going for that run, Ethan decided to skip the run and track his friend. If this meeting ends up happening, Ethan wanted to be there to try and stop the swap before he was sent back into his original body. So, as the bus sped off, Ethan opened up his phone and the Find My Friends app and watched to see where his friend went. If he’s not back within 30 minutes, Ethan made up his mind to go investigate and stop the potential swap from occurring again.
As the anxious man desperately held onto the book, he was completely unaware of the bad intentions that were swirling around him. Unknown to him, his best friend was completely dead set on keeping Seb’s real body for himself. While Seb was uncomfortable with his new body, Ethan was able to flourish with his new one. It was understandable why he would want to keep his body, but it was still a scary thought that Seb had once dreamt about one too many times. However, Seb had blind faith in his friend and assumed that he wouldn’t do anything to harm him or their friendship.

But unfortunately for Seb, Ethan wasn’t the only character around with bad intentions. In fact, the man that Seb was currently travelling to see had some devilish intentions with the book as well. The man had spent his entire life mastering ancient languages that were long thought to be dead. As a man in his late 60s, he had a great career as a professor that allowed him to travel across the world and get firsthand learning about these languages and searching for books of magic. So, when the man discovered Seb’s post about transcribing a book in an unknown language, he was eager to see if it was the book he had been so desperately looking for. Upon realizing the language that the book was written in, he was happy to see that he could perfectly comprehend the pages that Seb sent him. To his glee, the man was able to understand that the book was an ancient book of spells that all involved body modification of different kinds.
With his plan of gaining magical abilities now within arms’ reach, the man grew increasingly excited about his meeting with the young man. Due to his older age, the man theorized about using some of these spells once he got his hands on the book. Swapping into the young man who gave him the book seemed like a great start. With this book though, he’d be able to be immortal and master all of the magic contained within these pages. All of that was great for the man, but the concept of getting another chance at adulthood was truly sweetening the deal for the wicked old man...
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