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he sits over you while you sit on his wooden desk. he can’t stop looking at you—eyeing you with a hunger that you never thought you’d see in those green eyes of his. you both know what he’s going to do to you, yet you struggle to believe it yourself. your predator’s stomach rumbles again, filling your ears with nothing but cries for your name. a shiver creeps down your spine, and his hand wraps around your much smaller frame before you can even make an attempt to stand up. he lifts his sweater, leaning back in his seat as he forces your head to his stomach. your ear is pushing against his skin, and you’re forced to listen to every gurgle, cry, and rumble that his stomach makes. the noise is unbearable to your tiny ear, and as if his stomach is aware of your discomfort; it lets out another loud rumble. due to the fact the predator was holding you against his stomach, you could have sworn your whole world was vibrating. it was as if an earthquake had started shaking the house, but it was only you and him awaiting the inevitable.
he was growing impatient—his grip on you tightened as he pulled you away from his growling stomach. you kept trying to fight against his hand, but he was way too strong. the more you moved, the tighter his hand became. why did it have to come to this? the predator pulls your legs into his mouth, wrapping his tongue around them before letting out a satisfied moan. he was enjoying your taste a little too much, by the looks of things. his hand slowly releases from your body as he pushes more of you inside, your feet now at the back of his throat. with your torso sticking out of his lips, his tongue creeps up along your back, and he finally lets go of you as he leans back down in his chair. he lifts his head upwards, holding you in place. he was toying with you—he was letting you see what he was doing to you. your hands push against his lips before his tongue sneaks underneath you, wrapping around your torso. the predator closes his eyes, letting out another satisfied moan as he gives a light swallow, leaving your feet to be tightly held by his throat. the man swallows again, and your head is forced past his lips, leaving you in a wet darkness. his moans and breathing are much louder from in here, but you don’t want to go any further. it’s a sad fact to say that you knew this was coming, but you didn’t want to end up in his stomach.
another swallow pulls you all the way into his throat, and just as his esophagus begins to pull you downward, you feel as if you’re being pushed. his finger is pressing against his throat, feeling your squirming and struggling as his throat pulls you down. the predator is impatient for his meal, yet he’s too overwhelmed by how good it feels as you slide down his throat. he moans again, and your world shakes again; exactly how it felt when he held you to his stomach. it feels painfully slow as you travel down, but the lower you get, the louder his breathing and heartbeat become. you’d nearly forgotten that your predator was human after how he handled you and treated you like nothing but food. after what felt like an eternity, your descent slows, but where you’re stuffed into doesn’t feel any less constricting at all. the chamber lets out a satisfied growl as your entire small frame is stuffed inside of it, letting the man know of your entry. the predator lets out a deep breath as you feel yourself being rubbed and pushed against at all sides. he’s too full to talk, so all you’re left hearing are the satisfied noises of your predator, his stomach, his breathing, and his heartbeat. you shift to get comfortable, stretching out your body before the predator moans, pushing his hand back against his stomach, ensuring that you don’t move from your original position. your prison rumbles once again, confirming the rule that you’re not allowed to move.
you’re not going to get out of here. he’s going to keep you in here. the stomach holding you captive continues to groan happily, and you hear a satisfied sigh, quickly being followed by rubbing and squishing. his stomach squishes you further, ensuring that you’re unable to fight back against its will. you’re left with feeling completely numb as all you can hear are your predator’s moans, his breathing, and loud stomach gurgles. he never respected you or thought anything of you—you were nothing but food, and now he has you where you belong.
you’re nothing but food.