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in my dreams you love me backđŸ’«[blog is currently in the making~] 18+

165 posts

Fever Dreams | Sleepover Fic #6

Fever Dreams | Sleepover fic #6

Fever Dreams | Sleepover Fic #6

Pairing: Seungcheol x gn!reader

Prompt: I have never been this sick before I'm sorry did I, haha this is so weird, but did I confess my love for you? f- four times? yeah? haha oh

Rating: M

Word Count: ~1200

Notes: sickfic (just a cold, no grossness), friends to lovers, cheol legit wants to marry reader, suggestiveness at the end

Fever Dreams | Sleepover Fic #6

Seungcheol lays on the couch, brain throbbing, waste bin of tissues taunting him, and waits for you to arrive. You’d come the other night, when he was at his worst, but he had the scariest fever dream, and he needs to make sure it wasn’t real. He’s fairly sure it didn’t happen, because you would’ve freaked out and left.. and not returned for multiple days. And Cheol hasn’t seen you in multiple days. Cheol realizes that might be exactly what happened, and now his heart is pounding just as hard as his head is. But he can already hear the key he gave you turning in the lock, and you breeze into his apartment like all is right in the world. 

You’d probably be acting weird if Cheol had told you he was in love with you, right? Maybe he got lucky, and you’d already left, and he’d confessed to a mirage. He dreams about you all the time, has for months, and he wouldn’t be surprised if, in his cough syrup induced stupor, he’d thought one of his visions of you was real. You’re coming closer now, concerned smile on your face, and Cheol’s eyes close when your hand comes down to lay gently on his forehead. He holds in the contented sigh, his eyes fluttering open when you huff. 

“You’re still warm, have you been taking the medicine I left?” you ask gently, but Cheol can see the expectant set of your brows, and he nods, pointing to the empty bottle on the coffee table. 

“Good,” your hands clap together, grocery bag dangling from one, “because I brought some more!”

Cheol groans, “Stop spending money on meeee,” but you just roll your eyes, telling him you’re an adult and can spend your money how you choose. 

You’re right, but he resolves himself to spend even more money on you. It wouldn’t be hard, he sees something that reminds him of you everywhere he goes, keychains and stuffies and clothes and engagement rings. Usually, you whine when he buys you things, but now he can use your own words against you, and he grins, feeling his dry lips pull. 

“Oh, I got you sick chapstick too, here,” you fish the lip balm out, “it’s peppermint, I thought it might help with your breathing, like Vicks does.” 

Cheol clenches his eyes closed, fondness shooting through his chest, you’d remembered his rhinitis, he thinks, sounding a bit tearful in his own mind. 

The chapstick does help his breathing, and he sits up enough to tug you on top of him; the pressure of your body feels nice, and you never mind being close to him. You just sigh and settle in, turning your face away from his in an attempt to avoid catching his cold. He drifts for a little, but starts to feel a bit of deja vu, and he gets a flash of a memory. 

You, snuggled up next to him, his head on your shoulder. You, pecking his forehead lightly. Him, headbutting your chin until you kiss him again. You, fake sighing before taking his chin in your fingers and pressing another smooch to his forehead. Him, real sighing, breathing out something that sounds like ‘I love you’. 


But it might not be real, Cheol tries to convince himself. It’ll drive him crazy though, not knowing if you know, and he tries to steel himself before he asks the question. 

“So, I haven’t been this sick since I was a kid, and this is so weird, but did I
 Did I happen to like, confess my love to you or something?” Cheol tries at nonchalance, tries to sound as casual as he can, but he can feel his heart pounding again and knows you must feel it too. 

But Cheol can feel something, feel something else thumping on his chest, and he sucks in a deep breath when he realizes it’s your heart, running away just like his. 

“Um, yeah, you might’ve said something of the sort,” you say quietly, shyly. 

“Oh. Haha, that’s int-”

“Four times.”

“Huh?!” Cheol tries to sit up, but he’s too weak and you’re too comfy on his chest, so he lays back down and stares at the ceiling. 

“Yeah, you told me you were in love with me four times,” you exhale against his shoulder. 

His mind is racing, trying to think of what to say, how to fix this. If it was one time, he could explain it away, pretend it was platonic. But four? Cheol can’t rationalize telling you he loves you four fucking times. Telling you he’s in love with you, four fucking times. 

Jesus, this is worse than he thought. 

“Did you mean it?” you ask with a small voice, your fingers picking at a loose thread on his sweater and pulling his mind back to you. 

You sound kind of
 vulnerable? And your heart is still beating against his, so hard he can feel it, so fast he’s slightly worried, and he wonders if he should just take the leap. It’s too late anyway, right? And Cheol doesn’t want to lie to you, would hate not telling you the truth when you sound fragile like this. 

He takes in another deep breath, feeling you rise and fall with his chest, before answering, “Yeah, sweetheart, I meant it. Every single time.” 

Your head shoots up, turning so you can look at him, lock his gaze with yours, decide for yourself if he’s telling the truth. Cheol keeps his face open, letting you see the fond smile he usually stifles, the adoration he always tries to hide, the love he pretends he doesn’t feel. Because he does love you, he is in love with you, and he almost feels better, now that you know.  

Your answering grin blinds him, and you drop your face down to smack a kiss to his lips, pulling away and gliding your tongue over your bottom lip to taste the chapstick. If Cheol wasn’t sick, he’d have already rolled you under him to lick into your mouth, pressed minty kisses on every available inch of skin, asked you if he could make even more skin available. He tries not to think about having your body under his, or where else his hands could go, or if you’d let him put his peppermint lips to work between your legs. The thought makes him suck in a gasp, but it gets stuck in his throat and triggers a coughing fit, and you get up and speed away to get him more water. 

Cheol misses you as soon as you leave, and wonders if it’d be too much to ask you to move in with him, just while he’s sick, of course. And then, maybe more and more of your things will materialize at his place, and maybe half of his clothes will disappear to make space for yours, and maybe the other side of the sink will fill up with your skincare, and maybe your toothbrush will find itself next to his, and maybe that ring he’s been looking at will show up on your finger. 

And maybe Cheol wouldn’t mind. 

You come back soon enough, water in hand and a sweet smile on your face, and Cheol is taking a drink when you say, “I love you too, by the way.”

He chokes again.

Fever Dreams | Sleepover Fic #6

tagging: @lenireads @confusedbansheee @junhui-recs @burningupp-replies @heeseung-lover686 @favehoshiposts @gyvswhore @jaysawake (unable to tag) @1004luvangel @bangchanbabygirlx @baldi-2 (unable to tag) @monamonay @dontyouthinkiknowwhoiam @just-here-to-read-01 @gaebestie @noryyyyyyyyy

like i said, four of the responses to my form have become one shots so i'm not positive when those will be out! I do hope to get 3 more sleepover requests out today so stay tuned!

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find the rest of my sleepover fics here

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More Posts from C-jkookies

2 years ago

svt and the type of love they need

ft hyung line

requested? yes

maknae line coming soon

Svt And The Type Of Love They Need


cheol wants a love that is unconditional through and through. he wants to be loved no matter how busy he might be with his career. he wants to know his partner will always be there


hannie wants a love that's playful and full of laughter. the kind that makes his cheeks hurt from laughing so much.


shua wants the type of love you grow up watching your grandparents have. that seemingly endless love of being with the person who makes you happiest


jun wants he a love that will last longer than time. a love that will never be lost no matter the distance between him and his lover


hoshi wants a love that's true and pure, to feel the rush of life with another person, one to make him feel alive


he wants a love that is comforting, the kind that will fill him with warmth when winter comes and the snow falls outside


he wants a love that is deeper than the sea. he wants to be loved for who he is, not because of what he has

2 years ago

warning: quick little thing because I've been feeling a lot of emotions today and I need a hug; mentions of food, tears and overwhelming emotions.


"Hey, I'm home" you hear Jun's soft whisper somewhere above you.

He tries to tug away the blanket you've pulled over your head but you hang onto it tightly. You hear him sigh and his weight dips the bed behind your back. Jun meows at you, attempting to make you laugh but it doesn't work.

"y/n? honey?" he places his hand over your thigh, you can hear the worry in his voice "what happened?"

You want to reply but there's a knot in your throat that prevents you from speaking. So you dare remove the blanket from your head just enough so he can see your eyes, glistening with tears.

You see Jun pout as he leans over to peck your forehead "want to tell me what has you looking so sad?"

You try, but only a strangled noise comes out of your mouth and he immediately understands what's going on. He knows exactly what you need.

"May I cuddle you, my love?" He asks in an exaggerated accent and your lip curls up the tiniest bit.

Jun gets under the blanket with you and pulls your body against his. You've always liked how small and comforted you feel when he holds onto you tightly: leg thrown over your thighs, his arms wrapped around your middle and his head atop of yours.

You feel the tears that had welled up in your eyes start to cascade down your face and you tremble as you sob. Jun rubs comforting circles on your back and buries his nose in your head, occasionally kissing your crown. He stays like this, comforting you in silence, until your crying subsides.

"Feel any better?" he whispers, leaning back to watch your face. He lifts one of his hands to dry a remaining tear with his thumb.

"Y-yeah" you manage to croak out.

"Want to talk about it?"

"I... had a bad d-day" you mutter loud enough for Jun to hear "too m-many emotions... all I w-wanted was to... get home a-and..."

He feels you're about to cry again and tightens his limbs around you, shushing you and petting your head.

"It's okay, let it all out" he kisses your forehead "I'm here for you"

You cry some more and he keeps whispering sweet nothings to you and kissing your head. When you stop this time around, it is accompanied by a loud grumble of your stomach that makes Jun giggle against your ear.

"Have you eaten anything this afternoon?" he half heartedly nags as he shifts to place his head on your stomach, tickling you with his hair.

Your stomach grumbles again before you can open your mouth to reply.

"Sounds like a no" he looks up at you through his lashes and you can't help but smile at how cute he looks.

Jun smiles back, seeing that you're feeling slightly better and talks to your stomach to offer it a late night snack, before placing his ear back against it.

"My stomach says it would like that very much"

"Hmm really? I didn't hear anything"

"Jun..." you whine, not fully in the mood for his antics yet.

"Okay, I got it" he straightens up again and places his forehead against yours "but may I get a kiss you first? It's a fair price for the snack"

You simply comply with his request, a small smile making its way onto your lips.

Warning: Quick Little Thing Because I've Been Feeling A Lot Of Emotions Today And I Need A Hug; Mentions

tagging: @twogyuu @lavenderautumnx @wondernus

2 years ago

okay,, just imagine you & vernon having a battle abt who’s more awkward/had more awkward moments. you’re both spitting out your embarrassing moments like a roast battle & eventually one of you just says the most excruciatingly cringe, humbling, felt it through the screen humiliating, should’ve kept it to yourself moment. i feel like this is just such an oddly comforting & wholesome friendship/relationship moment.

laughed so loud at this pls. why is it always vernon.

“remember the time i had salad in my teeth and i had to give a speech at a school in front of a bunch of middle schoolers?”

your head shifts on his lap to look up at him in a amusement, brow furrowed as you try and garner what prompted him to bring up such an embarrassing moment. the movie you’d put on had long since been tuned out, volume lowered, and the silence had been enjoyable. it’s one of the many things you liked about your friendship with vernon—you didn’t feel the need to fill the space between you with mindless chatter.

“mhm. i remember your face pleasantly paling and having to coax you out of a hallway corner for over thirty minutes.”

he laughs, nose scrunching up at the memory, and rolls his eyes. “they were all giggling and i really could not figure out why for the life of me. i even looked down to see if anyone had pantsed me without me knowing.”

“small children are ruthless,” you agree sympathetically, and he shoves your shoulder gently.

well if you were sharing embarrassing moments

“remember the time i wore our school uniform inside out and backwards?” you grin, eyes narrowed at the minute way he purses his lips to keep from laughing, and poke his stomach. “and i didn’t notice until the teacher cleared her throat and said—”

“‘y/n, sweetheart, run to the bathroom for a bit?’,” you finish in unison, and vernon snorts a laugh into the palm of his hand. you squint at him all the while, arm moving up to shove him the way way he’d done before.

“think having to walk out of the classroom and into the hallways—past several open classroom doors, mind you—with my uniform on backwards and inside out beats salad teeth in front of small kids any day.” your eyes closed, you sigh and lay a hand on over your heart before adding on, “i think that change my entire psyche. was a changed person after that day.”

“yeah? and my pants ripping open in the soccer field on game night and showing my good luck briefs to the entire high school isn’t worse?”

you peek an eye open to see vernon inquiring you with a brow raised, and ultimately realize where this was going. so be it, then. good luck underwear be damned.

“definitely child’s play compared to my mom chaperoning the halloween party and making me show up in matching hot dog costumes.” you remember the cellphone lights and quiet snickering all to well, even faking a stomachache from all the candy to miss out on school for the next three days.

“you have your voice crack when it’s your turn to read morning announcements and come back to me when your childhood spirit hasn’t been destroyed,” he scoffs dramatically, and you sit up in incredulous disbelief. that wasn’t even bad, considering you know he’s gone through worse. not as bad as you, though, which reminds you of—

“learning most of your outfit was see through after getting drenched in the rain and having to root through ‘work handouts’ only to come out wearing the worst combination of clothes humanly has ever seen in broad daylight on the day of a really important meeting definitely beats ‘broken childhood spirit’,” you roll your eyes playfully, “especially since everything looked
 wrong. i looked like an overgrown gap kids model.”

you shake your head at the burst of laughter you get in return, grinning despite yourself. “i think that’s the worst thing i’ve ever gone through, personally. i’ve never wanted to sink into the floor and living amongst the earth and worms more than i did that day.”

“yeah? tell that to the journals i filled with how much i liked your stupid face.”

his eyes widen suddenly, a hand quickly slapping to cover his mouth, and avoids looking at you entirely. you blink, dazed by the sudden admission, and laugh nervously.

“the journals you filled with how much you

“i don’t like this game anymore,” he mumbles through his hand, and you can’t help the quiet laugh that slips past your lips. he glares at you without any heat, and with enough prodding, he eventually relaxes enough to face you again.

“remember when chan broke into my room and got ahold of one of my notebooks?”

you do. you also clearly remember him almost tearing him a new one in arguably the worst panic you’ve ever seen him in, eyes wide and ears tipped red for whatever reason before the younger boy could utter a single word written between the pages. you remember being curious about chan’s loud gasp and vernon’s visceral reaction—granted it was an invasion of privacy—but everyone wrote in journals. you’d chalked it up to embarrassing recounts of childhood days or stress written retellings of losing his favorite pair of socks in the wash.


“is that why you didn’t speak to him for three days?” vernon looks up at the sound of your voice, surprised at the calm timbre and complete lack of the clearly expected teasing that usually followed revealing you’d written about your best friend in secret, and lifts a hand to rake through brown strands with a sigh.

“partly. it was really embarrassing, you know? also i was like twelve, and a little stupid, so a dramatic three-day long grudge was a nightmare to him. his mom even made him write an apology letter.”

you laugh again and he cracks a smile. “do you still have the journals?”

“oh, god, no. i burned them all along with my childhood dreams and aspirations to be a pilot.”

you look at him. he looks at you. and you look at him. and he looks back at you. silence hangs between the two of you again, prolonged for a moment too long, and you see the way he relaxes into the couch. his mistake, honestly.

you take that moment to bolt from your seated position, socked feet sliding against the floor as you make a break for him room. you hear his alarmed sound of protest, quickly discarding the remote to run after you, and unfortunately makes it to his bedroom door before you.

“let me see them!”

“i would literally rather bungee jump off of mount everest than let you read my pubescent diary entries.”

2 years ago

seungcheol loves with a clenched jaw and a protective grip, a fond scolding at the tip of his tongue. he loves like it's the last time he'll ever do it, every single time. he's love wrapped in tight hugs and soft reassurances, in late night conversations about everything wrong you both did, about how much better you've gotten. he's pouty whines and puckered lips yet white knuckles and strength. he's the lover who's got your back.

jeonghan loves with contradictions. he loves like leaning into a kiss only to pull away from it, like he's ready to jump at anyone who hurts you, like tenderly threading his fingers with yours in a crowd. he dotes shamelessly and gets shy when you wash his hair. wholeheartedly, like you were always supposed to hold hands, like his honeyed yet sharp–witted eyes are your home. he's the lover you carry with you everywhere.

joshua loves with the confidence you deserve. like his love will envelope you in such a way that'll make you love yourself, like it's giving you a second chance. he's saving money to buy you the best birthday gift you've ever got, every year. he's innocent eyes yet wicked smirks. he hands you carefully, slow dancing in the dark kitchen with no music on, smiling and kissing your hand in a way that worships. he's the lover that stays.

2 years ago


"Could you hand me that towel?", you held your still-wet hands over the sink, only turning your head to look at your husband.

Seungcheol grabbed the towel off its hanger and walked over to you. As soon as he gave you the fabric, he wrapped his arms around you and put his head on your shoulder.

"You didn't have to do the dishes.", he mumbled.

"You made me dinner, I'm doing the dishes.", you said as you dried your hands, "We made that rule fi-"

"Five years ago, I know, honey.", he pressed a kiss to your cheek.

With a soft sigh, you leaned your back against his chest. You put your hands on Seungcheol's, which was settled on top of your stomach. Five whole years of marriage. Five years ago you were walking down the aisle to a piano version of one of your favorite songs, to the man now standing behind you.

"Are we still going to do the thing?", you hummed.

"The thing?"

"The thing."

He chuckled and let go of you, turning you around to face him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed a kiss to his lips. Seungcheol's hands caressed your waist gently, his face contorted into that of fake confusion.

"What thing? I don't know what you're talking about.", he muttered.

After you huffed and rolled your eyes, Seungcheol backed up and picked up his phone from the table. You smiled as you watched him connect the phone to a speaker located in the kitchen. A song all too familiar started playing. "Nothing can change this love" by Sam Cooke, your first dance song.

"We have to do this properly.", Seungcheol said and grabbed one of your hands and let the other one stay on your waist, "Can I have this dance?"

"Why, yes of course.", you smiled proudly.

The two of you slowly danced around the kitchen, and you put your head on his chest.

"Cheol?", you murmured.

"Yes, baby?", he put his head on top of yours.

"I love you.", you looked back up at him, "And I love that we do this every year."

"I love that you say that every year.", he pecked your forehead, "I love you too."

You smiled and put your head back on his chest. His hand let go of yours and pulled you in a bit closer. None of the other many times he had done this made it any less endearing, and even if it happened every year you made sure to savor every moment of this dance. Even in your casual clothes it still felt special. Even though you had just eaten a meal that was good but nowhere near the one you had during your wedding, it was still special. Every anniversary was special, even if it was the same because you were with Seungcheol.

"Can I say something that I don't think I say enough?", he whispered and you nodded, "You make me so content. Whenever I'm with you I feel like I don't need anything else. I love you. So much. You make me a better person, and I'm so grateful to have you."

You looked up at him with big teary eyes and a small pout. Seungcheol cooed at you and took your face in his hands.

"Don't cry, I don't want you to be upset.", he kissed your pout.

"I'm not upset, I just think you're so cute.", you hugged him and sniffled, "I don't have anything better to say, sorry."

"Don't say anything, then.", he hummed, "Just let me stay with you like this for a while."