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2 years ago

Fever Dreams | Sleepover fic #6

Fever Dreams | Sleepover Fic #6

Pairing: Seungcheol x gn!reader

Prompt: I have never been this sick before I'm sorry did I, haha this is so weird, but did I confess my love for you? f- four times? yeah? haha oh

Rating: M

Word Count: ~1200

Notes: sickfic (just a cold, no grossness), friends to lovers, cheol legit wants to marry reader, suggestiveness at the end

Fever Dreams | Sleepover Fic #6

Seungcheol lays on the couch, brain throbbing, waste bin of tissues taunting him, and waits for you to arrive. You’d come the other night, when he was at his worst, but he had the scariest fever dream, and he needs to make sure it wasn’t real. He’s fairly sure it didn’t happen, because you would’ve freaked out and left.. and not returned for multiple days. And Cheol hasn’t seen you in multiple days. Cheol realizes that might be exactly what happened, and now his heart is pounding just as hard as his head is. But he can already hear the key he gave you turning in the lock, and you breeze into his apartment like all is right in the world. 

You’d probably be acting weird if Cheol had told you he was in love with you, right? Maybe he got lucky, and you’d already left, and he’d confessed to a mirage. He dreams about you all the time, has for months, and he wouldn’t be surprised if, in his cough syrup induced stupor, he’d thought one of his visions of you was real. You’re coming closer now, concerned smile on your face, and Cheol’s eyes close when your hand comes down to lay gently on his forehead. He holds in the contented sigh, his eyes fluttering open when you huff. 

“You’re still warm, have you been taking the medicine I left?” you ask gently, but Cheol can see the expectant set of your brows, and he nods, pointing to the empty bottle on the coffee table. 

“Good,” your hands clap together, grocery bag dangling from one, “because I brought some more!”

Cheol groans, “Stop spending money on meeee,” but you just roll your eyes, telling him you’re an adult and can spend your money how you choose. 

You’re right, but he resolves himself to spend even more money on you. It wouldn’t be hard, he sees something that reminds him of you everywhere he goes, keychains and stuffies and clothes and engagement rings. Usually, you whine when he buys you things, but now he can use your own words against you, and he grins, feeling his dry lips pull. 

“Oh, I got you sick chapstick too, here,” you fish the lip balm out, “it’s peppermint, I thought it might help with your breathing, like Vicks does.” 

Cheol clenches his eyes closed, fondness shooting through his chest, you’d remembered his rhinitis, he thinks, sounding a bit tearful in his own mind. 

The chapstick does help his breathing, and he sits up enough to tug you on top of him; the pressure of your body feels nice, and you never mind being close to him. You just sigh and settle in, turning your face away from his in an attempt to avoid catching his cold. He drifts for a little, but starts to feel a bit of deja vu, and he gets a flash of a memory. 

You, snuggled up next to him, his head on your shoulder. You, pecking his forehead lightly. Him, headbutting your chin until you kiss him again. You, fake sighing before taking his chin in your fingers and pressing another smooch to his forehead. Him, real sighing, breathing out something that sounds like ‘I love you’. 


But it might not be real, Cheol tries to convince himself. It’ll drive him crazy though, not knowing if you know, and he tries to steel himself before he asks the question. 

“So, I haven’t been this sick since I was a kid, and this is so weird, but did I… Did I happen to like, confess my love to you or something?” Cheol tries at nonchalance, tries to sound as casual as he can, but he can feel his heart pounding again and knows you must feel it too. 

But Cheol can feel something, feel something else thumping on his chest, and he sucks in a deep breath when he realizes it’s your heart, running away just like his. 

“Um, yeah, you might’ve said something of the sort,” you say quietly, shyly. 

“Oh. Haha, that’s int-”

“Four times.”

“Huh?!” Cheol tries to sit up, but he’s too weak and you’re too comfy on his chest, so he lays back down and stares at the ceiling. 

“Yeah, you told me you were in love with me four times,” you exhale against his shoulder. 

His mind is racing, trying to think of what to say, how to fix this. If it was one time, he could explain it away, pretend it was platonic. But four? Cheol can’t rationalize telling you he loves you four fucking times. Telling you he’s in love with you, four fucking times. 

Jesus, this is worse than he thought. 

“Did you mean it?” you ask with a small voice, your fingers picking at a loose thread on his sweater and pulling his mind back to you. 

You sound kind of… vulnerable? And your heart is still beating against his, so hard he can feel it, so fast he’s slightly worried, and he wonders if he should just take the leap. It’s too late anyway, right? And Cheol doesn’t want to lie to you, would hate not telling you the truth when you sound fragile like this. 

He takes in another deep breath, feeling you rise and fall with his chest, before answering, “Yeah, sweetheart, I meant it. Every single time.” 

Your head shoots up, turning so you can look at him, lock his gaze with yours, decide for yourself if he’s telling the truth. Cheol keeps his face open, letting you see the fond smile he usually stifles, the adoration he always tries to hide, the love he pretends he doesn’t feel. Because he does love you, he is in love with you, and he almost feels better, now that you know.  

Your answering grin blinds him, and you drop your face down to smack a kiss to his lips, pulling away and gliding your tongue over your bottom lip to taste the chapstick. If Cheol wasn’t sick, he’d have already rolled you under him to lick into your mouth, pressed minty kisses on every available inch of skin, asked you if he could make even more skin available. He tries not to think about having your body under his, or where else his hands could go, or if you’d let him put his peppermint lips to work between your legs. The thought makes him suck in a gasp, but it gets stuck in his throat and triggers a coughing fit, and you get up and speed away to get him more water. 

Cheol misses you as soon as you leave, and wonders if it’d be too much to ask you to move in with him, just while he’s sick, of course. And then, maybe more and more of your things will materialize at his place, and maybe half of his clothes will disappear to make space for yours, and maybe the other side of the sink will fill up with your skincare, and maybe your toothbrush will find itself next to his, and maybe that ring he’s been looking at will show up on your finger. 

And maybe Cheol wouldn’t mind. 

You come back soon enough, water in hand and a sweet smile on your face, and Cheol is taking a drink when you say, “I love you too, by the way.”

He chokes again.

Fever Dreams | Sleepover Fic #6

tagging: @lenireads @confusedbansheee @junhui-recs @burningupp-replies @heeseung-lover686 @favehoshiposts @gyvswhore @jaysawake (unable to tag) @1004luvangel @bangchanbabygirlx @baldi-2 (unable to tag) @monamonay @dontyouthinkiknowwhoiam @just-here-to-read-01 @gaebestie @noryyyyyyyyy

like i said, four of the responses to my form have become one shots so i'm not positive when those will be out! I do hope to get 3 more sleepover requests out today so stay tuned!

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find the rest of my sleepover fics here

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