calithecretin - Cali (derogatory)
Cali (derogatory)

I draw what I want. 😎 16+, PROSHIP DNI.

391 posts

Just Finished The First Part Of My Fanfic! Im So Excited To Share It (hopefully Before Winter Break)

Just finished the first part of my fanfic! I’m so excited to share it (hopefully before winter break) ^_^

Also I’m not dead school’s just kicking my ass lolz

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More Posts from Calithecretin

1 year ago

Krista sketch, who would’ve guessed 😮

Krista Sketch, Who Wouldve Guessed

I move into my dorm for the first time tomorrow! I’m super excited about that :)

(For context, I graduated high school last year but took a year of college in-state)

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1 year ago

HOLY CRAP I LOVE THIS!!!!! I’ve been feeling sick for a few days so this honestly and genuinely made my week. :) TYSM!!! 💞💞💞

Just Finished BASEketball And Tbh I Thought Krista And Elle Were Perfect As Coop And Remer Lolz

just finished BASEketball and tbh i thought krista and elle were perfect as coop and remer lolz


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1 year ago

Some more Krista lore (who knew????) because holy cow. I am on a roll

Another CW for a brief mention of alcoholism. Also this one I think is more depressing than the first

• Same as how she sunburns easily, she also flusters very, VERY easily. One kiss or embarrassing moment has her turning red as a tomato.

• She also sucks at handling spicy food. Pretty picky, too. Her favorite food is probably French fries.

• Her dad used to play sonic games a lot with her as a child. Although she generally tries to avoid anything to do with the memory of her father, Sonic is a franchise she holds dear to her heart. She can also speak Czech pretty well, a language her father taught her when she was young and stuck with her. She isn’t sure why she chose to remember it—maybe in an act of defiance, probably.

• Doesn’t hate it when people bring up her height… but doesn’t love it either, though she and Nicky used to joke about their large height difference.

• Gets absolutely shitfaced after one drink. Because of this she usually tries to avoid alcohol in general—like smoking, she’s been sober from it for a year.

-Speaking of getting drunk, she has a “thirty and flirty” tattoo located on her leg she got when she was hammered… she was also 21, not 30.

• After breaking up with Nicky, Krista ended up living a life and doing stuff she deeply regrets and completely refuses to talk about that period of her life with anybody.

-In fact, the reason she got the janitor job in the first place was that Bruce recommended it to the Mistress because he felt bad for her, having gone through similar stuff in life

• Grew up the middle child and only girl of five children. Actually likes the idea of being a mother but is scared she’ll turn out like her mom.

• She definitely doesn’t like her job. She finds it exhausting to being left to clean the entire prison with the occasional help of Nova and absolutely hates having to interact with UP inmates. However, she’s thankful for it. She has nothing left waiting for her in the non-Superjail world, and she just hopes she can earn enough money to rebuild her life once her sentence is up.

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