she/they, 20 | serendipiphany on ao3 | atla, genshin, and asoiaf | currently going through a maiko brainrot
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Calliopieces - You're So Beautiful When You Hate The World - Tumblr Blog
I am definetly in the minority here, but I was always so deeply touched by Mai's confession during that scene.

There's just something about Mai's confession that makes me feel so unbearably sad. I think the first thing that hits me is just how... empty she seems in this situation compared to the rest of the Firesome Foursome. Zuko is angry™️ and lashing out, Ty Lee is sad and concerned and Azula is posturing. But Mai is just so devoid of even sadness around her chidlhood trauma.
It's sort of like she shut down emotionally to some extent, (even more than usual) especially after her fight with Zuko.

This is quite a common reaction to arguments from someone who was raised to be obedient and non-confrontational, so I'm not surprised she was acting like this.
Analysing Mai's behaviour on the beach is interesting.
She seems to try to reach out to Zuko in her own, tepid little way by greeting him, but clams back up when he asks her where "her new boyfriend" was. This leads to her smacking his hand away when he tries to reach out to her by asking if she's cold. They're both trying to mend the bridge, but end up escalating the conflict further.
She remains silent for a good while, but does speak up in order to defend Ty Lee from Zuko lashing out. Despite this, when Zuko persists, Mai doesn't push the issue, perhaps due to her upbringing to be placid.
Due to this, I find it intriguing when Mai mocks Ty Lee for attention seeking, since she had attempted to defend Ty Lee from Zuko's ridicule. But perhaps its due to jealousy or frustration by Ty Lee's freely expressed sorrow and trauma that made Mai lash out in her own way.
Or it's just because the writers didn't know how to jump from Ty Lee's traumadump to Mai's lol
This is where we get into the meat and potatoes of Mai's confession.
Ty Lee bites back at Mai and parrots Zuko's opinion of Mai being "a big blah" as he said.
Ty Lee : Well, what's your excuse, Mai? You were an only child for fifteen years, but even with all that attention, your aura is this dingy, pasty, gray ... Mai : I don't believe in auras. Zuko: Yeah, you don't believe in anything. Mai : Oh, well, I'm sorry I can't be as high-strung and crazy as the rest of you. Zuko: I'm sorry, too. I wish you would be high-strung and crazy for once instead of keeping all your feelings bottled up inside. She just called your aura dingy. Are you gonna take that?
I think what's interesting here is that while Ty Lee saw Mai as recieving the attention Ty Lee had craved, Mai seemed to receive less loving, parental attention, and more scrutiny. Mai's parents also seem to be actually rather neglectful emotionally towards Mai and them just leaving Tom Tom unsupervised behind a screen in Omashu leaves me questioning if they actually cared that much.
Mai deflects, not adressing Ty Lee's question, but rather focusing on the nebulous concept of auras instead. When Zuko butts in, trying to rile her up, Mai gives a sarcastic apology. I find it very interesting that she sets hereself so aside from the others in terms of her not being "high strung and crazy", because it really shows the difference in Mai's upbringing and that of her companions. Azula and Zuko were raised to be leaders and fighters, and their "firebender instincts" were encouraged, while Ty Lee persumably had to compete for attention with her siblings. While Mai was raised with the :be seen and not heard" mentality.
Now is also a good time to mention that I think Mai has almost comically obvious signs of depression, which wouldn't be a stretch.
Zuko calling Mai out for not getting angry over Ty Lee insulting her aura leads me to my next point. Persumably, being a child raised by parents like Michi and Ukano, Mai wasn't allowed to voice her discomfort, offence or upset. Hell we see this in Omashu when Mai complains about being bored and Michi basically shuts her down and tells her to enjoy it.

I mean look at the expression Michi gives Mai when she starts complaining about being bored, a very normal teenager thing to do.
And when Mai finally does speak her mind, it is no less heartwrenching.
Mai : What do you want from me? You want a teary confession about how hard my childhood was? Well, it wasn't. I was a rich only child who got anything I wanted... as long as I behaved and sat still, and didn't speak unless spoken to. My mother said I had to keep out of trouble. We had my dad's political career to think about.
The first thing that jumps out at us is how Mai presents her trauma. She doesn't explicitly express any pain or sadness, despite it being rather obvious to us. This is in stark contrast to the rest of the group. Ty Lee and Zuko are both very open about their negative emotions, hell, even Azula admits that Ursa's actions hurt her.
But Mai? Mai kneecaps her complaint. This can also be seen as an effect of her upbringing. No complaining, no making herself inconvenient for mom and dad.

We also see the theme of conditional love, an implied idea that Michi and Ukano would only give Mai affection or gifts if she acted the way they wanted her to. Now conditional love from people who are meant to raise you will fuck you up.
The comics also add that Michi actively told Mai scary stories about the Kemurimage to keep her in line. Now, telling kids stories about magical beings to get them to behave isn't anything new, but it appears to be so bad that Mai had nightmares over it. Also we're in a world where spirits actually exist, evil chidnapper spirits don't seem too far out the realm of possibility.

Also as someone who got raised by a heavily Catholic mother who made me believe I would burn in hell for an eternity if I even mildly displeased her, I do sympathise
Azula: Well, that's it, then. You have a controlling mother who had certain expectations, and if you strayed from them, you were shut down. That's why you're afraid to care about anything, and why you can't express yourself. Mai : You want me to express myself? [Stands up and yells.] Leave me alone! Zuko: I like it when you express yourself. [Approaching, attempting to put a hand on her shoulder.] Mai : Don't touch me! I'm still mad at you. Zuko: My life hasn't been that easy either, Mai. Mai: Whatever. That doesn't excuse the way you've been acting.
Also, side note, I find it an interesting detail that Azula's confession only came after the fire was extinguished. Perhaps it wasn't intentional but it kinda feels like its symbolising that the light "went out" for Azula (at least narrativewise) and that while Zuko, Ty Lee and Mai would be able to get out of their shitty situations and from under the Fire Nation's influence, she would not.
I love when Mai yells at Azula for frying to psychoanalyse her. Like Azula was right, but it understandably upset Mai, and it's a good thing she expressed that. It means she's growing.

I also do adore that Mai does not let Zuko get away with acting out, particularly towards her. I like that the writer's didn't just have Mai give Zuko a free pass because he had a shitty life and she actively called him out on his actions. It's probably my favourite part of their relationship. And Mai expressing so much anger and upset is a perfect crescendo to her little scene.
I don't know why but Mai confession scene just holds so much weight and emotion for me, I can't help but feel something whenever I watch it.

I don’t think I’ve posted this here so
A funny meme thing I did a while (pretty long) ago
Mai's Crimes :
Being goth
Having a not good childhood
Talking to a male that is not her boyfriend
Being angry at being wrongfully accused of cheating
Not jumping up and down in glee because her boyfriend gifted her something he picked up from the ground
Poking boyfriend in shoulder
Joking with boyfriend
Being angry at being dumped over text
Allegedly having sex with boyfriend
Not unlearning years of propaganda in five minutes
Joking with boyfriend AGAIN
Not liking when boyfriend yells
Throwing a sheet of paper at boyfriend
Sitting in a pallenquin
Asking for stuff from servants


Maiko is so addictive that I can't stop thinking about them…
we maiko shippers living on crumbs and fanfic since 2016, this is inhumane

last offering before midsems start. wish me luck

My first attempt at drawing Maiko:)
This couple is so cute. I fell for TT

mai & zuko, avatar: the last airbender
© @clashpistols
Thoughts on how the Sun Warriors' cultural hairstyle is used as a symbol of shame within the Fire Nation

I always found it extremely interesting that the only other characters who share Zuko's signature s1 shaved phoenix tail hairstyle are the Sun Warriors, an indigenous firebending civilization that completely isolated themselves off from the rest of society due to the world's rapid industrialization and loss of spiritualism during the Roku era (an issue especially prevalent in the Fire Nation).
So I find this interesting that their signature cultural hairstyle is being used within the Fire Nation (a fellow firebending civilization) as a mark of shame, a symbol of banishment and dishonor. I personally believe that this specific hairstyle was intentionally co-opted and made synonymous with dishonor during Sozin's rule as a deliberate act of othering and direct insult to the Sun Warriors and their spiritual beliefs as well as cultural teachings surrounding firebending, similarly to how dancing (especially as a firebending technique) was completely stigmatized as well.
ATLA cast jobs in a modern au:
Aang - Stay-at-home dad, also volunteers at the local animal shelter.
Katara - Nurse, obstetrician, or fertility doctor. Definitely something in the medical field.
Sokka - Aspiring novelist, also employed at family business.
Toph - MMA fighter or boxer.
Suki - Fitness instructor.
Iroh - Definitely still owns a tea shop. Decorated combat veteran.
Zuko - Works at said tea shop.
Azula - Aspiring trophy wife, considers employment beneath her. Trust fund baby with 24/7 access to Daddy's credit card.
Mai - Artist who disappointed her parents by dropping out of law school.
Ty Lee - Yoga or dance instructor.
Ozai - Also a trust fund baby, CEO of his "dearly departed" father's ethically dubious company. Cut Iroh out of the will.
Ursa - Lady of leisure. Like mother, like daughter.
Zhao - Military officer, no change.
Hakoda - Owns and operates a small but successful auto repair shop.
Kanna - Former lunch lady, happily retired.
Maiko the type of couple to manage a Hot Topic store

the cringiest people in gravity falls
Mai mentioning that she never liked the old ladies’ shell aesthetic in their summer house, Zuko apparently not paying attention as he randomly gave her a shell, and she thinking it’s a stupid gift is stuff of comedy, but of course zutara shippers insisting that’s Mai being a bad girlfriend, and not Zuko being a dense boyfriend.
Congratulations for reaching 1,000 followers!!! I would like to request Mai holding a sleepy young Izumi.

1 day late to the anniversary, please forgive me!

Commission for @hexful! Another maiko commission which is always a pleasure. For commission status please check out my twitter or DM me for details!
Also in my rebuilt version of AtLA, I keep the zuko and Mai pairing, mostly because I think of them as very Addams-coded. Like mai would totally buy zuko exotic poisons as a gift, and zuko would definitely buy her a bouquet of knives instead of flowers.
They're both such dramatic goth theater kids and I love them.

Commission Info | Ko-Fi
This is why I don’t draw other nations. Their clothes are so intricate. And this doesn’t have half the detail I wanted to add onto it.