Extreme addiction to Legend of Zelda and Linked UniverseChristain, she/her, I LOVE THIS COMMUNITY SO MUCHYou can call me... creative. I might also do completely random posts :)Random post= #creative ramblesWarning: If you follow me you have signed the oath of friendship and I WILL follow you back.
121 posts
I Love This So Much! LOOK AT SKY ON THE TUBA!!!!
I love this so much! LOOK AT SKY ON THE TUBA!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Ok here me out..
LU Marching Band AU

Of course, I'm in marching band, and I force Linked Universe into everything I do soooo
I could yap about this for ages of y'all wanna here
(also don't mind winds heterochromia, I couldn't decide which eye color and then I was like wait, both is good)
Oh, and I have a playlist for y'all too
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More Posts from Callmecreative
@sleepyy-27 👀👀👀
Hey guys
Hi!!!!!! I dare you to watch this! (I swear it's not a Rick roll, I would never destroy my honor like that). I hope it makes you smile and that you have a very good day.
Love you peeps and enjoy some Linked Universe for me!!!
I love this so much!!! Good writing, too!
Guys I managed writing the first chapter of another lu fanfic! :D
(Its a de-aging trope one and I’m very sorry if the characters personalities aren’t accurate to canon these are just how my dumb little brain perceives them :P )
Team Trials- Chapter 5: Twilight
Warnings: Gore, Main character ALMOST dies, torture
I am so sorry Twi 😭😭😭 Please forgive me! Anyways... here you go!
Sky woke up with hazy eyes and a strange numbness throughout his body. He vaguely recognized it as a result of blood loss, but that was low on his list of priorities. He was laying on his stomach, his arm bent at a funny angle because it was chained to the wall. He glanced up from the blood that had pooled around his head.
“Twi!” he called, with no response. Sky could only tell where Twilight was through talk. Sky shuddered at the thought that they were interrogating Twilight again. They were not afraid to draw blood. They cut Sky’s brow and gave him no means to wipe the blood. The sleeve of his left arm was soaked, and he was being blinded by his own blood. That was a warning.
They broke Twilight’s nose. During interrogation whoever was questioning them cut their backs each time they refused to answer his questions.
Where are the others? How many are there?
After giving Sky countless cuts, they threw him back in the cell. Despite his lack of sight, his head lifted sharply at the sound of the door opening. He heard a crunching, crumpling sound, which he recognized as Twilight’s limp body, and the sound of metal clicking. They had cuffed Twi while he was unconscious.
Concerned, Sky asked, “Twi?”
The only reply he received was the soft sound of whimpering and the occasional rattle of Twi’s chain because of a spasm.
Sky could only make out what Twilight was saying because he was familiar with Twi’s story.”
“Midna… don’t go! Help me one more time…”
Sky was heartbroken to hear his brother so desperate, but there was nothing he could do.
Sky got up and leaned against the wall. He curled up and wiped his forehead and eyes on his trousers.
Through cloudy red eyes he saw Twilight convulsing. Twilight was laying face down… in his own blood. Unlike Sky, his nose was broken, so there was nothing to stop him from inhaling the blood.
Sky reached out to Twilight. His fingers were so close… just a little farther…
He couldn’t. He watched as Twilight’s movements became more abrupt.
Sky stared at his shackled right hand. With all of his remaining strength he yanked his right hand out of the chains, breaking his thumb. He rushed over to Twi, sitting him up and leaning him forward.
Before the blood ran back in his eyes, he could see his brother breathing firmly.
The blood only made the memories more vivid.
He was holding Twi as heavy footsteps approached. He braced himself for the severe punishment he was bound to face, but he would cling to his brother until then.
He's with his fairy friends. (I'm not going to admit how long this took me, but I'm pleased with the way it turned out)

MY BLORBO!!! Can't wait to see where this is going! I love the style too!
Connections (Linked Universe Fanfic)
Chapter One: Meetings and Stories
The Hero of the Wild had heard and seen many unbelievable things. He heard that he was over a hundred years old. He’d been told that he had been an actual knight once. He found the latter of which somehow less likely. He’d seen a ghost of a king that had once led the land he was apparently trying to save. Hyrule, it was called. He’d even seen four of the most ridiculously large machines in the world, one of which could fly.
Thus, when he met eight other versions of himself, he was not particularly surprised. Sure, he was startled when they started showing up. He didn’t understand why they were there, or how they were there. But eventually, he got tired of trying to guess the answers to these questions, so he gave up and simply accepted the ordeal.
He didn’t know much about their history. In fact, he didn’t know much about them at all. All he knew was that something bad was coming, and they were going to have to rely on each other a lot more than they probably would have preferred. He was declared the chef, and he accepted the duty with an open heart. Cooking brought him joy that he just couldn’t find anywhere else. Well, he could find it in one other place. The wild. Whenever he was there, he felt at peace, as if the world wasn’t on his shoulders… as if the fate of Hyrule wasn’t all his fault.
The Hero of the Wild, or “Champion”, which is what he had been dubbed by the others, was startled out of his reverie by a gentle touch. He looked back to see the Hero of the Sky, creatively nicknamed “Sky”, with a concerned expression. Champion flinched.
“I’m sorry, but I really don’t like to be touched,” he said. Sky looked at him apologetically, and removed his hand.
“You seemed a bit out of it, and I wanted to make sure you were okay. I noticed that you seemed a bit sad and I was wondering if perhaps you were a bit homesick. I know I am. You don’t have to say if you don’t want to of course–”
“I wish it was as simple as that. You see, this is my home.” He gestured to Hyrule Castle, with its Malice and Guardians.
“You come from here? What happened?!” exclaimed Sky, mortified that such a thing could ever happen to Hyrule.
Champion sighed heavily. “I wish I could tell you based on fact, on what I know. But all I know about it is snippets of information I got from strangers and a few people who I met. It first appeared ten thousand years ago. The Hero and Princess from that time were able to successfully seal away the monster that caused all this, Calamity Ganon. The monster came back and attacked Hyrule. This was one hundred years ago. The knight with the sword that seals the darkness and the princess were caught unprepared. The princess had yet to unlock her sealing power, her power of light. So, when Calamity Ganon struck, it was absolutely disastrous. The Hero fell, and the entirety of Hyrule was put to ruin. The princess managed to unlock her sealing power, and is still holding Calamity Ganon at bay, waiting for the Hero to save her and Hyrule from their plight.”
Sky stared at him. “So, what happened to the Hero a hundred years ago? Is he dead for good?”
Champion let out a bitter chuckle, then remained silent. Sky decided that it might be better to ask later, so he went to converse with the others.
Later that night, after dinner had been partaken, the Hero of Winds (AKA Sailor) requested sharing history.
“We are probably going to be stuck with each other for a while, so we might as well get to know each other a little better,” he reasoned.
He was the only one to tell the entirety of his story, and even he kept some of his weapons and powers secret.
Four, called Smith, told his tale with the Minish next. He only withheld a limited amount of information, but enough that he could still have his fair share of surprises.
Legend, nicknamed Collector and Veteran, recalled maybe half of his adventures. Some things were better left unsaid, at least in his opinion, and if he were to describe every random item he possessed, he figured they’d all be skeletons before he finished.
Hyrule, who became Traveller, didn’t really have that much to hide. That didn’t stop him from holding some information hostage. This wasn’t the time to spill his tirade of knowledge upon them. He also didn’t describe the truth of what his Hyrule was like, for fear of frightening the others.
Sky only told the basics. He didn’t want to have to explain how his love for Zelda was what drove him on his journey. He couldn’t describe how it was his fault for their forced existence, all their pain, all their suffering…
Captain, previously the Hero of Warriors, was bribed by Veteran into telling his story. He told the basics. He was forced to meet Ganondorf in full-out war, not being sneaky.
Rancher, (missing his old title “the Hero of Twilight”), barely told them anything. He gave a basic run through of what he’d been through. He left out the fact that he could simply deny who he was, with one touch of a stone.
Champion looked at the fire and said, “I dunno.” Nobody bought it and thought he was stalling. When he didn’t offer anything they turned their burning curiosity on the Hero of Time, called Old Man lovingly by the others.
He smiled. “Now wouldn’t you just love to know. Let an old man keep his secrets. Maybe I’ll tell you later on.”
Sailor was skeptical. “Maybe?” he asked, cocking his head. Time laughed, but he refused to tell his own story. On that note, they decided to call it a night.
Sky was having a nightmare. Not just any old bad dream, mind you. It was the nightmare, the one that tormented him without cease, the one that never left his mind and never would. The one of Demise cursing him and his descendants, laughing and jeering after being stabbed through the chest by the blade of evil’s bane. And as he faded, dissolving into disgusting ash, those last, haunting words echoed…
“An incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!”
Sky sat up, drenched in cold sweat. He took several deep breaths, trying to soothe the nerves that were almost frayed beyond repair. How could he even possibly consider being with these men? He had forced them into this position. Their fates were all his fault.
Sky gave up on trying to sleep that night. He knew he was going to see that again, and he didn’t want to start acting weird around the others. He looked around to make sure everyone was still asleep.
“You don’t have to act strange about it,” gently whispered a voice behind him. Sky whirled to see Champion sitting cross-legged on the ground next to the unlit fire. “We all have nightmares. We’ve all done bad things. And, we’ve all let somebody down. You don’t have to feel singled out.”
Sky regarded him. “So I take it you also had a nightmare?”
Champion gave a little smile. “I like to do things at night. I really don’t sleep that much.” Sky couldn’t imagine doing anything but sleeping at night.
“What do you like to do at night so much that you prioritize it over sleep?!” Sky whisper-exclaimed. There was a hint of indignation in his voice.
“Some research. There are these strange images on the Sheikah Slate, and each night I go to investigate the environment of one of these pictures. They hold incredible value to me.”
“Hmmmm…” Sky became lost in thought. Research over rest?! He thought incredulously. Has he lost his mind?
In fact, he actually voiced it. “Have you lost your mind?” he asked, just to make sure.
“In a way, I suppose.” With that, Champion walked into the night. Sky was left to ponder the meaning of his words. Eventually, he drifted back to sleep.
Champion still hadn’t returned by the time Sky woke up. At this point, Old Man called in a meeting and sent Rancher to find him.
Maybe fifteen minutes after Rancher left the group, a battle horn resounded from behind the heroes. They were being ambushed, and now there were only seven of them.