Sky Linked Universe - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

So we've all seen this scene in skyward sword right Zelda being a grilboss and all that

So We've All Seen This Scene In Skyward Sword Right Zelda Being A Grilboss And All That

but what gets me is how OFFENDED Link looks when Zelda pushes him


So We've All Seen This Scene In Skyward Sword Right Zelda Being A Grilboss And All That

“BITCH you just pushed me tf??”

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8 months ago

I already covered how Legend reminded me of Rachel Maksy, but what about the others?? Well, I have figured out a potential one for both Wild and Hyrule but I have to look into it a bit more to be 99% sure. But for Sky, I think I've found 2 channels, the first one is Skogsdraken, also known as Just Carve, who focuses solely on the wood carving,

The second is Kevin-Wood who also focuses on Wood Carving and painting said wood.

Also, the reason I specifically put wood carving channels is because I headcanon every Link to have Autism and a special interest, I'll have to do both further research and write a new post soon enough that will be a more in depth talk about it!

Also, why do I need a password to log in to Tumblr from another device, just send me a confirmation password and we can be done with it TvT

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3 years ago

I changed my mind, and decided to que this up immediately after posting the first one. I won't be home when you see this because I'm attending a funeral, but tell me what you think of it and I will see you when I get home!

Note: this was made on Google docs mobile, so when I get a chance I will actually use tab instead of just paragraphs.

"Wars, you said you knew the area!"

"I thought I did, but this is sure as hell not the same way I remember! Those ruins we passed back there? Those are completely new to me! This forest? I don't even recognize half of these plants! We should have reached a town hours ago!"

"Hey, stop fighting, you two, or-"

The group Link had been following for the last few hours came to a halt as the one with pink-tipped hair argued with the one with a blue scarf. He couldn't tell if they were a threat yet, they just seemed like lost travelers. Then again, that was the main way the Yiga clan tried to trick him. 

Pinky and Wars kept arguing, until finally the smallest one in rainbow colors seemed to snap. "How about we admit it. We are lost, and just happened to find something that reminded Wars of home. It was NOONE's fault, because we ignored the obvious signs something was wrong. Now, we are lost in the middle of a forest, and unless you have an idea of what we should do, then SHUT UP!"

The group all seemed shocked by his outburst, Link and the rainbow included, and once they all seemed to get over it, the kid apologized. "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell."

The oldest one, probably the leader, said, "No, it's ok. Today has been a long day, and everyone seems on edge. Perhaps we should set up camp early, does that sound good to everyone?"

The group nodded collectively, and started to set up in the clearing that could barely fit all of them. The one in a green tunic and no pants volunteered for the night's first watch, and while it wouldn't be for a while, they seemed relaxed a bit more by the fact someone was willing to do it. 

Link, who had been hiding a good distance away from them, stood up. He got a stealth potion that would last him a few hours at least ready, then decided he would investigate that night.

As the sun set, an awful smell enveloped the forest. "Legend, what did you do?!"

"I don't know! It was fine a minute ago!"

"It's smoking! How did you burn SOUP of all things?!"

"I didn't burn it, it just got too hot!"

"Because you ****ed up, Legend! That's literally how things burn up!"

"Wind, watch your mouth."

Link had just come back from following the path the group of strangers had taken, looking to see if they dropped anything interesting, when he heard the commotion. It smelled like burning hair or that one shrine he had found with the awful cook. Maybe they were cousins? 

As Link got closer to get a better look, he saw four people standing around a large cooking pot with a brown/green liquid with chunks in it. Pathetic. Are all of them as bad cooks as that one? Link was amazed they had survived however long they had been traveling. 

Pinkey poked the 'soup' with a wooden ladle. "It's still edible, look, the vegetables seem cooked enough."

 "With all due respect, I don't know if I would want to eat that," the kid in a blue shirt said with a grimace. "I don't know if anyone else would either."

The old one took the ladle and used it to try a small sip of what they were calling a soup, and his face scrunched up immediately. 

"Uh, Time?" The blue kid tapped the man's shoulder. 

The man swallowed the drink, coughed, then said, "It is… certainly better than last time."

A few of the others gave their opinions, from encouraging to neutral, before deciding it was better than nothing. 

None of them looked that happy about it.


After what theoretically could have been called dinner, the one in the green tunic, which Link had identified as being named "Hyrule," started circling around the camp, gradually making them larger and larger before returning close and starting again. Near the middle of the third round, Link drank his stealth potion and snuck into the campsite. 

There was a young adult in tan with a tall belt, there was a boy in blue(wind), there was a kid in rainbow, there was a young adult with a wolf pelt on his shoulders, still on in his sleep for some reason, there was one in red with pink hair tips(legend), and then there was the leader. Link got a good look at him. He had a fancy set of armour, a big sword, a bad eye, but the strangest thing was he had familiar markings covering his face. They were almost the same… 

As the ones Link saw in nearly every mirror, looking right back at himself. 


Link turned towards the voice to see the one called Hyrule looking at him. He had to play this right. "Yes?"

"Oh, thank the goddess. What are you up to?"

"I couldn't sleep, so I was going to see if you wanted off early." This was dangerous. If he realized the real Time was sleeping soundly next to him, he would wake up all the others, and then he'd have eight grumpy travelers armed to the teeth on his trail in seconds. 

"You sure that's ok with you?"

"Yes, get some rest."

"Thanks, Time," the boy said with a smile. "I will."

Link somewhat directed Hyrule towards the opposite side of where Time was. He was extremely lucky the fire was ruining the boy's night vision. 


Link stopped and turned his head a bit. "Yeah?"

There was a pause. "Thank you for being here for us."

Link smiled. "You don't have to mention it," mimicking the somewhat fancy way he had heard Time use words. "Goodnight."

Hyrule mumbled it back, seemingly exhausted from the travel. 


The next morning, Hyrule woke up feeling well rested. The birds were singing a song only they knew, the trees provided shade from the early morning sun, the wind rustled leaves and bushes softly, and a nice smell emanated from the cooking pot. 

Wait, did someone cook something edible? Hyrule shot up, feeling excited to see what had made someone unlock their inner cook. 

"Hey, mornin, Hyrule!" 

"Goodmorning, Wind! What's cooking?"

Wind was grinning like an idiot. "No idea, but none of us made it, that's for sure! Four woke up and saw it cooking, then woke up the rest of us, except for you and sky. Time says you didn't wake him up for his shift, so we thought you could use some re-"

Hyrule was confused. "Wait, what? Run that by me one more time." 

Wind's grin fell just a little bit, before coming back up. "Four woke up first, saw something was cooking, and woke everyone but you and sky because we thought you must have kept watch the whole night. Is that not what happened?"

"Yeah, Time said he couldn't sleep last night, so he took over the watch early for me."

Time, who had been listening in, said "I think I would know my sleep schedule better than you would. You didn't wake me up last night, and I didn't wake myself up, that's for certain."

"Then who-"

Four hit the pot a few times. "Breakfast is ready, guys!"

The questions could wait. Nobody had had a good meal for at least a week or two, so they were excited to try the mysterious meal.

It. Was. Delicious!

After discussion, it was determined to be a mushroom, meat and rice based meal. The meat used was probably venison, and a high quality type at that. It was served with some mushrooms nobody recognized but everybody loved, and a strange rice they couldn't find an exact comparison of.

Idle conversation was of generally positive things and how beautiful the world was. All of their problems seemed far away, and the day promised to be a great one. As the last of the food was eaten up, and the bowl was starting to be wiped as clean as it would get, Twilight brought up the question on everyone's mind. 

"I wonder who made this for us."

"Maybe it was a ghost!" Wind exclaimed.

"Maybe it was a passing traveler?" Four said at the same time.

Legend laughed. "It was not a ghost, you idiot!"

"You don't know that," Wind huffed. "I met a ghost once, she was nice!"

"You did NOT meet a ghost!"

"Yeah I did!"

"Cut it out you two," Time said with his signature 'stop' look. "Whoever did it, they must have been a nice person. Don't argue about things this good, ok?"

"Ok!" Wind said. Legend just scoffed. 

Nobody noticed the person sitting on top of a tree, fiddling a strange ocarina.

I hope this was ok! I will be the first to admit my writing style isn't the best, but I think this is one of my better works at the moment. Comments and criticism is appreciated, and I may edit this if I find stupid things I want to change/fix. I should be home Friday, probably Thursday afternoon. Anyway, see you next time!

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6 months ago

This is too wholesome to be real...

I LOVE IT!!!!!!



I'm not that good at lighting... So I wanted to try!

I also can't draw backgrounds, so it's just a slightly edited picture I took of my yard lmao

If you think it looks like trash, here's the plain version:


I like them both, I think :D

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6 months ago

I love this so much! LOOK AT SKY ON THE TUBA!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Ok here me out..

LU Marching Band AU

Ok Here Me Out..

Of course, I'm in marching band, and I force Linked Universe into everything I do soooo


I could yap about this for ages of y'all wanna here

(also don't mind winds heterochromia, I couldn't decide which eye color and then I was like wait, both is good)

Oh, and I have a playlist for y'all too

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5 months ago

Team Trials- Chapter 4: Four

Chapter 4 HAD to be Four. Here you go 😁

Warnings: Suggestion of injury, injury, blood

They had been ambushed by monsters. AGAIN. Four was defending the camp when he heard shouting behind him.

“We need to send more to the field! We can’t have everyone here tending to him.”

“We need as many hands as possible. This isn’t a minor injury.”

“Ask for help- you know you can’t hold them off!”

“What is happening? Who is injured? Are they going to die? Please tell me they won’t die!”

“Let the others work this out. Protect the camp!”

“Why isn’t anyone out here with me?!”

“Everything will work out. Hylia is with us and against the enemy!”

  “Shut up!” Four muttered to himself, knowing that his emotions would either help or absolutely destroy every chance they had of making it out alive. But then he reconsidered what one of them said… “Ask for help- you know you can’t hold them off!”

He considered using the true power of the Four Sword. His hand was drawing on the power in his grip. The hilt burned his hand.

“Why not?” he asked, grabbing again. He would defend the camp, even if that required them.

He divided into four. Red was trying to encourage the group, going along with the situation. At least he wasn’t a problem.

Vio, naturally, was wreaking havoc on the vitality of the group. He was anxious about whoever was injured, and could not focus on the moment.

Blue was calling furiously for someone at camp to help. He hacked through three to four enemies at a time, completely disregarding defending himself and thus getting little cuts and bruises everywhere.

Green was trying to calm everyone down, but his need for peace and unity did not make him the strongest fighter. He didn’t get hit, but he didn’t fight particularly effectively either. 

Someone from camp shouted furiously, then three heroes rushed over. Wars, who was the likely culprit for the yelling, Legend, who looked like he wanted to murder so much more than just the bokoblins responsible for his brother’s injury, and Sky, who was lacking his sailcloth. To Four that was a potent induction of the severity of the injury.

With the other’s aid, he could become one person again. He tried, but he forgot how. Vio panicked, Blue was in a rage, and Red got hit by a blow. Green attempted again, and it worked.

The colors combined. Four thought his strategy was flawless, but as soon as he locked back into the battle, he noticed his grip slipping on his sword. There was blood running all the way down his arm from a deep cut in his shoulder. It was agonizing. He plowed through as many enemies as he could, but as he fought he lost more blood. He collapsed after a few minutes of intense fighting. The realization that he had messed up was bitter.

The heroes who had joined him fought furiously. When the numbers of the monsters had decreased enough for the others to deal with, Sky rushed over to Four. 

Sky slipped his arm under Four. “Just hold still, okay?”

Four nodded, wincing. Sky pulled a piece of cloth from his pouch and wrapped Four’s shoulder. 

“I let my emotions control my actions… I’m sorry! I failed…” Four started, his regrets pouring out of his mouth.

“It’s hard with so much stress, I know. Calm down, you’re going to be fine!’

“But on my journey-”

Sky clasped his hands in his own. “You’re going to be fine.” Four nodded, somehow much calmer. Sky lifted him up and carried him back to camp. After Sky laid Four down and gave him a potion, Sky made his way to the outskirts of the camp and into the woods.

He chose to leave Sky alone until he came back.

But he didn’t come back.

Four searched the camp for Sky, but he couldn’t find him. He dashed to the others to tell them, but they were already gathered, grim-faced and gaunt.

“Twilight’s gone missing.”

“He won’t be hard to find,” Legend snarled angrily. “Just follow the blood trail.”


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