calysimps - Calypso💋

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26 posts

I Have Bridgerton Brainriot Right Now

I have Bridgerton brainriot right now

I just read Benedict's book and he is living in my mind rent free I need someone to scream at

Feel free to comment or send asks because aaaaajdysk

I need him spiritually, carnally, literally, artistically, formally, poetically, musically, religiously, mentally, sickeningly, lovingly, hatefully, violently, gently, I don't know more words but you get the point

He angered me beyond measure in the book but I cannot help but want him

And I hate it because the regency setting makes me say shit like "plagues my mind" instead of more modern less pompous stuff and it sounds even more exaggerated

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More Posts from Calysimps

10 months ago

I don't know why I haven't seen this done yet because The sound of music!au is PERFECT for Bruce Wayne and his 700 children

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1 year ago

I've seen people posting about their Tavs and I wanted to join in soooo

I've Seen People Posting About Their Tavs And I Wanted To Join In Soooo

This is Scoria Doesnthavealastnameyet! She's not really a Tav as much as an OC because my computer cannot run BG3 but oh well.

She's a water genasi sorceress and princess of a human kingdom.

My initial idea was to have a basic spoiled mermaid-like princess but then I found out genasi are rare and often ignored or disliked by their parents so I had to give her a tragic backstory, poor me (I love handing out trauma to characters)

Scoria of Stillbay (random city name I got from random name generator for her kingdom) born to the king and queen (They don't have names either, basically no one relevant in this story does yet) or so everyone expected. So you can imagine the surprise on everyone's face when the human couple's kid was born blue, with gills and finned ears. Everyone came to the reasonable conclusion that the queen had committed adultery with some sort of magical being or perhaps a monster. Why she would engage in such an affair right after her marriage, compromising the royal family and bloodline while doing so, and with a magical creature no less, knowing magic is looked down upon in her husband's kingdom slipped everyone's mind. As many questions as everyone had, the queen didn't get the chance to answer them as she died in childbirth.

The child's name (Scoria, meaning scum) was chosen by the king. The option of killing her was heavily considered but some members of the court called for grace for the kid, since being born wasn't really her fault. The child was given to an orphanage and not talked about. It wasn't unusual for the palace to hold information from it's citizens so why stop now?

The kingdom still didn't have an heir so the king remarried. And didn't have children with his new wife. So he remarried. But she didn't get pregnant either. After a year of sleeping with two wives and as many lovers he could find no children was born so in a last attempt to have some sort of heir, even if it was just a backup plan, Scoria was picked up from the orphanage and brought back to the castle.

She was introduced as her mother's kid to the people with excuses of wanting a big celebration, grief, other compromises that stopped the palace from giving her the proper introduction. She kept her name and was forced to disguise her appearance. Her hair and ears were concealed under a wig, her gills hid under clothing and her skin was painted a natural skin tone.

Meanwhile, the king kept marrying and trying to produce an actual heir so he could get rid of Scoria as soon as possible. But this never happened. So Scoria grew up a princess. Always disguised as long as she wanted to take a step out of the palace. Not allowed to look out of windows too closely or to go out on the balconies.

She was a sheltered kid. She didn't know anyone asides from palace staff, her father and spouses and the occasional noble she met at parties.

Since there wasn't much to do she occupied her time learning. What? Anything. She read all the time. She became proficient in any art that she was allowed to try. She knew every word of her etiquette books. She was never one for sports since practising inside was quite difficult. This lead her to be very smart and polite in controlled, predictable noble environments but God knows if she had to survive on her own she wouldn't last a day.

This was her life until one day, when she was around 18, another woman came into her life. A witch. She knew the king was always changing wives and wanted another heir (she didn't know of Scoria's identity since no one outside the palace did). Magic *was* looked down upon but the king had come to terms with his infertility. This was his only chance to get rid of the bastard. So he agreed to marry her. One last royal wedding for him. They got married and soon enough the woman was with child. A miracle? A spell? No one cared. The king had what he wanted and as soon as that child was born he could finally live peacefully.

So, the new prince was born. And the next day Scoria received a message.

"Get dressed. Your father wants to see you." A maid told her when she woke her up. Scoria sprung up from her bed. The king had never been one to request time with her. He was always distant and uncaring. So she was elated. She put on her disguise as quickly as she could and got dressed, running downstairs to meet up with her father.

He looked happy. Calm. He greeted her with a smile and took her arm, leading her towards the outside of the palace to the ports. They rode on a boat, just the two of them; had tea and watched the landscape. Scoria didn't know what she should pay attention to with how overwhelmed she felt. Did she care more about her father's conversation or the beautiful river she had never been allowed to visit?

Soon enough the king stood up, getting near the edge of the deck. Scoria stood up to continue the conversation besides him. And then everything turned somber. He started explaining everything. Her mother, her affair, her looks, his disdain for her. He admitted he did not know what she was and that he didn't care. That he wanted nothing to do with her. As Scoria's heartbeat sped up so did the river's corrent, nearing a bifurcation. One of the paths calmed down quickly, the other was quick and some sharp rocks where visible. A morbid smile formed on the King's face "And now I have an actual kid. Someone to take over my kingdom. I also have no use for you." As he said this his hands went to Scoria's shoulders and pushed her overboard.

She tried to float. She gasped for air. She had never swam, she wasn't ready for this. She didn't have time to worry though. Soon after she hit a rock and was knocked out.

Minutes? Hours? Days? Later she woke up on an unknown house. She was laying on the couch as a woman made tea. The woman turned around and started asking questions "Are you okay?" "What happened to you?" "What's your name?". Scoria didn't want to answer. She was scared and traumatized. Her disguise was no longer. She had always been told she was a monstrosity. How could she expect anything except fear and rejection? But that wasn't what she got. The woman gave her food and drink. Allowed her to keep to herself and insisted she take some food with her when Scoria told her she had no choice but to leave.

She left the kingdom, knowing if she was seen alive she would be killed.

And this is where her adventure would begin in a DND campaign. Meeting the party and having to decide what backstory to make up for herself. In my mind she keeps the princess part since it explains her personality and knowledge but she makes up her family and her kingdom. If she still has her disguise this is even more plausible.

When talking about BG3 instead of meeting the party she would get kidnapped by the Elithids and then they'd meet the party.

If literally a single person likes this I will do another post about what I think her questline would be. I might even if no one cares just to have it written down somewhere.

Some more drawings just cause:

I've Seen People Posting About Their Tavs And I Wanted To Join In Soooo

"Scoria disguised"

I've Seen People Posting About Their Tavs And I Wanted To Join In Soooo

"Scoria sketch coloured"

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1 year ago
Tumblr Has An AI Toggle You Should Turn On To Prevent Your Work Being Shared With Training Models/etc!

tumblr has an AI toggle you should turn on to prevent your work being shared with training models/etc! it's under settings & visibility.

1 year ago

Snow could've avoided being dragged by Finnick on national TV for his bloody mouth by having a cunty teapot with different chambers.

They're genuinely so cool and it's so hard for me to believe a man whose best scientists could figure out mutts couldn't figure out two chambers and air flow.

Snow Could've Avoided Being Dragged By Finnick On National TV For His Bloody Mouth By Having A Cunty

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