camilasstories - 🍊 stories to your bed 🍊
🍊 stories to your bed 🍊

☁️ i write stories you can read comfortably in your bed ☁️ masterlist in the near future, currently writting first fanfic -> wish me luck, friends

47 posts

Camilasstories - Stories To Your Bed - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

Hi! How are you? Hope you are doing great 🫶🏻

Not to pressure you, but may I ask when will you update next chapter for ink under your skin? And is there any smut scene (just asking) in this story?

Lots of love ❤️

Hi ❤️

I'm fine, thanks for asking! How about you?

Oh-, that's a hard question, really. I'm about to start my next year at the university and it might get prolonged, so sorry about that 😐

Smut scene? Well, are you just asking or you want one? 🤭 Because I may include it, I just don't know how people would react. There are so many stories with BTS that's based only on smut scenes that I think some of you may be fed up with that.

Personally, I'm searching for a good fanfic to read that has actual plot, fluff or angst but I can't find it. I don't know if it's just me or I'm just overreacting 😅 If you have something to recommend, tell me please!

And let me know if you want smut in IUYS 🤪

Hug ❤️

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1 year ago

Hey you ,

Yes you..... ily (ik I am silly) but I just re-read "iuys" so I thought I should tell you 😃

Hi there! 🥰

No! You're absolutely not silly! How are you by the way? But really? You re-read it? I wish I could post next chapter right now for you so you could finally read more than just these two chapters 😭

Much love to you, love! ❤️

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1 year ago

I got so motivated to write another chapter! Thanks for every message, comment, reblog and like. Seeing my work becoming more and more popular is really rewarding, I'm grateful for each one of you guys 🤎🧸☁️

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1 year ago

Sorry if i missed some of the detail but does oc ex-fiance cheated on her? Why does her parents still want her to be with her fiance ? Or you will reveal their back stories on next chapter?

Btw, i love your writing so much! Keep it up 👍🏻 and i’ll patiently waiting for your update 🥰

Hi! Thank you for your message 🤎

Unfortunately, I can't tell you - it's the whole point of the story, you would stop reading it if I revealed such details 😂 But! It's undeniable fact that yn has a tough past and trust issues. She put a wall between her and any romance that could linger in the air because of one stupid man... Touchy topic for her. Plus her parents aren't really subtle when it comes to her ex weeding plans. As much as they are supportive, they struggle to see the problem that was caused by her fiancé and they wish to see their daughter in a white dress one day... Preferably now 😬

I hope that my explanation made it a little bit clearer 😇

Have a nice week! Sending hugs 🧸

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1 year ago

I love "ink under your skin" . That's not healthy I mean i think about this whole day you are amazing at writing I love it .

Hello! 🌸

I’m truly happy that my writing got into your heart 🥺 IUYS will get messy at some point, I think yn’s life isn’t that easy and Jungkook will realise that soon…

Have a lovely day! 🧸🤎

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1 year ago

Hey are you done writing "iuys" dude I am waiting for update but if you're not done than let me tell you I am waiting . It's safe to say that you are amazing writer I even wait for more new stories that I hope you will write 😃 but now we want ink under your skin 😜

Have a good day thanks for giving incredible stories 😊

Hi 🌸

I know I know it’s been a long time sice I updated last time but don’t worry I’m still here it’s just taking some time to write a chapter that will be as good as I want it to be 😭 sometimes I spend thirty minutes starring at a the blank page and it’s annoying me so much but I will update it soon! In the meantime I work on other stories as well but I will post it when it will be all finished ready to be published because otherwise I keep you waiting…

Have a nice week ❤️❤️

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1 year ago

Hey ,

How you have been . haven't seen you for days I hope you good just checking on you😜 And missing you and your stories too 😉

Take your time to update I hope I'm not bothering you by asking about this just curious 😅

Take care stay hydrated and take your time 😘

Your fangirl 💓


I got additional hours at work so that’s why I was absent - so sorry. No, you don’t bother me at all! It’s nice to see that someone is waiting for me to update 😄

I’ve just posted another chapter of “feeling unreciprocated”! I hope you don’t mind being it short, next ones will be longer and maybe more shocking 🤭

Have a nice day! ❤️❤️

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1 year ago

❝feeling unreciprocated❞ chapter 4 | jungkook x reader

Feeling Unreciprocated Chapter 4 | Jungkook X Reader

summary: Sleeping with one guy after feeling rejected wasn't a good idea, but sleeping with another one and another seemed to be even worse plan. Especially with your handsome crush behind the wall, who is as confused as you about your ways of coping with a broken heart.

note: I’m sorry for such a short chapter. I just got some messages some of you were waiting for it so here you go!

trailer/masterlist | chapter 3 | next chapter

You got accustomed to your position as a Jungkook's friend. Somehow, it calmed your mind knowing you held any place in, maybe, his heart, which was ridiculous because you barely knew each other. Yet, you found peace in thinking of it like that.

This week passed by pretty fast with you being occupied with your studies and thinking about the project you were soon to present with your partners. It was also sparse in socializing with other people as Gia was preapring for her mock-exams, but especially with Jungkook as he devoted his free time to this new guy - Kim Taehyung whom he met at work. You were used to it, you told yourself and it was true as it was a completely normal state of things between you and him. However, there was this odd felling of uncertainty that manage to weigh you down. Although he mentioned before going out about seeing you later on your traditional movie night, you weren't sure whether his new friendships wouldn't drag him away from you because he was already running late. You couldn't hide the fact it was making you disappointed to the point you got yourself wondering if he even remembered you two were about to meet in your shared living room. Nevertheless, you had too much faith in him to say it out loud.

While you were waiting for him, you checked his instagram. Since you were following Jungkook, you had a full allowance to scroll though his photos and look at his stories he posted from time to time shamelessly without being scared of getting caught in his notifications. Because even if you would have, then it hadn't been seen as something weird or suspicious that you were almost stalking him on his social medias.

When it was half past eight you gave up the idea of waiting for him as thirty minutes already passed and you were one hundred percent sure he wouldn't be anytime soon so you just grabbed your quilt and a pillow to make your way back to your room quite bitter about his actions. He didn't even let you know he wasn't going to come today, which was quite disrespectful, in your opinion, because you were really looking forward to watch a movie with him. To be more precise, just to see him and you didn't ask for too much, right? On the other hand, you could have foresees that such a day would come sooner or later. You should have kicked Jungkook's ass before and met with the guy you slept with in more appropriate circumstances. Maybe you would actually have your love life back and stop daydreaming about this stupid, unreasonable, the most annoying-...

"What? You've finished watching already?"

You gasped agitated hearing the sound of shutting door and male's voice in the foyer. You turned around with bedding cover still in your arms towards the entry of your apartment. It felt like a burden was taken away from your shoulders, a big relief that he didn't ditch you after him having let you know he was actually present and, you hoped, ready to spend the evening with you. You had been so close to the edge in believing he would stood you out and this belief wasn't groundless.

"I haven't even started" you squeezed your quilt even tighter leaning on the wall as you watched him kicking off his shoes.

"Why?" he asked putting away his jacket and leaving his hoodie on with questioning, but cool look visible on his face "Did you pick something, though?"

Taking into consideration that you were busy battling gloomy thoughts in your mind, it was obvious you didn't even touch the remote.

"No, I didn’t" you replied shortly “I thought you wouldn't come, to be honest”.

Jungkook was observing you. There you were standing in a foyer with white material over your chest as you didn’t make it back to your room yet. But he didn’t know why you were not in the living room already watching something on the TV.

"I might have been a little late" he admitted shrugging his shoulders "My phone died, but I grabbed us some things on the way" he showed a see-through bag with colorful packages in it "Am I forgiven?”

"If it's your way to say sorry, then I guess so" you murmured this time with more soft expression on your face.

"Then stop looking so offended" he chuckled reaching his hands to you "Give me this, you're almost drowning" he took the bedding out of your hands and put it back on the couch, while you checked what he had bought.

In general, there were his favourite snacks, but he didn’t think only of himself as you found some crisps and cookies you often ate when you had a bad day. Your heart warmed up at his gesture. But you realized it just wasn’t adding up. Why did he care? Was he just nice? Did he know you overheard him? You sighed and placed the bag on the console in the foyer. The longer you were gazing at it, the more it felt like something was missing in the whole picture. Like everything was on its place, but there was one thing that you couldn't come up with that was lacking. Your forehead wrinkled as your eyebrows raised. You were sure you put them right there. There was no other place in your flat to fit them in.

"Hey, Junkook! Where are the flowers?" you shouted after him still standing in a foyer slightly dumbfounded.

"What flowers?" he stuck his head out after he had stopped searching for his charger.

“The ones that were standing in a foyer” you pointed at the vase with your head after having drawn his attention “Or they used to stand”.

You wondered if he even noticed them in the first place, maybe it was pointless to ask him this, but there were no more people living in this flat, so you presumed might have put them somewhere else. You watched as confusion that was plastered on his face changed into clarity as his expression lit up apparently knowing what you were talking about.

"Ah, right. I've thrown them away" he told casually and made his way to the living room indifferent to his action that managed to baffle you out.

"What? Why?" your squinted your eyes being perplexed "Jungkook, answer me!" you added feeling he didn't listen to you.

"They were dead, I guess" he shrugged his shoulders and took TV remote in his hand looking at the screen “What do you want to watch? Psychological series or comedy?"

"Jungkook!" you watched him in disbelief.

"What? They looked fucking rubbish” he looked at you as you struggled to find words “I’m just telling the truth. They've been withered” he kept convincing you.

You didn't remember them to start to wither, actually. You changed the water in vase almost every day and you even cut their ends one time. It sounded impossible. And rubbish? Okay, maybe it wasn't the prettiest bouquet, but still it was a kind gesture that you appreciated even though it wasn't given by your dream person.

"Did you even think they could have been from somebody?" you folded your arms on your chest while he sat on the couch.

"Were they?" he raised an eyebrow at you waiting for your response.

You sealed your lips immediately muted. You could have spared the information and let these silly flowers go, but obviously you couldn't keep your mouth closed at the right time. Especially when he wasn't supposed to know you were seeing someone. You didn't want to embarrass yourself with the fact it was just one-time thing. It would potentially cross your chances with him. And hooking up was just a way of coping for the time being.

"W-Well..." you stuttered losing the courage feeling the pressure of his gaze "Maybe".

"From whom?" he picked a series since you didn't answer him, but you just shrugged your shoulders not bothering to reply as shame came all over you.

You felt his burning gaze on your back as you sat down on the floor fixing the duvet under your but to make yourself comfortable on the hard ground. Nevertheless, you kept being silent with your blank eyes turned towards TV.

"Not my business, I get it" you heard him fidgeting in his sit and stretching out his legs.

"No, it's just..." you had blurted out before pursing your lips not knowing whether you should speak out "Just a guy, nothing serious".

"You don't have to explain yourself" his immediate answer and him chuckling made you flush even more "Easy there".

"Fine" you sat there for a few minutes not even daring to touch the sweets he had brought with him, somehow losing your appetite as you almost gave yourself away.

"You know you can sit next to me" Jungkook made an offer with his eyes glued to the screen "I don't bite".

In fact, you took Gia's advice to your heart not wanting your feelings to escalate even more, seeing how much it could cost you. Still, you hesitated as you also yearned for his presence, but the damage it could make outweighed the benefits. After your analyzations, you came to one, precious conclusion that it would be healthier for you to leave some free space between you and him. To leave it as it was. To make a safe deal for both of the sides.

"No, no. It's okay" you turned it down knowing what could happen if you let yourself feel more than you allowed to.

Sometimes, saying no to some invitations should be just done. Even to such a dissent one like this. But you had a good head on your shoulders trying not to melt because of his tempting proposition.

"It's not like we've just met, (Y/N)" you almost felt him rolling his eyes at you, but you decided to shrug it off.

Keeping a safe distance between you and Jungkook gave you the sense of control over your absurd feelings and decreased your chances of making embarrassing gaffe in his presence. Although he didn't acknowledge your sympathy towards him, you had to be the one who would be reasonable enough to draw a thick line between both of you, just in case. You had no idea what would happen if any signs of crushing over him came out.

"It's quite comfortable here" you brought your knees closer to your chest which enabled you to rest your chin there "But thanks".

"Yeah, I'm sure of it" he used his sarcasm to deny your silly statement and without giving a hoot he leaned down to slip his hands under your arms.

"What are you doing?" your body became stiff under his firm grip, but instantly it woke up due to the pluck trying to wiggle out from his hold.

"Stop squirming. You're making this difficult" Jungkook groaned silently as he pulled you up from the floor to the cozy couch next to him "And you are not as light as you seem to be".

Actually, when you let yourself feel the intensity of your intimacy after giving up a fight, there came a nice feeling of having him so close to your body. For the first time. Though, you doubted whether he was going through the same thing, you didn't seem to care at the moment completely drowning in a pleasant sensation. He was warm, you felt it only by touching each other with shoulders. And his scent was something else. Fresh, strong and manly. You squeezed yourself deeper into seat back. Fuck, you were melting.

"Comfy, kitten?" he sneered seeing your face expression softening.

Kitten. You gulped down, shaking yourself out. You must have misheard something.

"Not enough" you responded pretending to be serious "You take too much space".

"Better keep your mouth closed or you will get back to that floor" he sighed because of your indication and moved his body to the left side of the sofa "Here, happy?"

As much as you wanted to, you shouldn't, right? Well, avoiding being so close to him to prevent your feelings escalating even more was demanding. In addition, his actions unabled you from doing so. How you were supposed to stay away from him?

“No” you scoffed and started to slide down from the couch to get back to the floor "It was my turn anyway".

"I don't think you're going anywhere farer than this fucking sofa" he grabbed you once again this time placing his hands on your waist as it was easier to lift you up.

"Jungkook, please. Leave-" you couldn't finish your sentence as you felt his hands on your body.

"No way. Get your ass here" he tilted his head amused "You're so irritating sometimes. It must be so tiring, why don't you quit that?"

"Oh, get away" you huffed, but he shrugged it off with a laugh while he put you back next to him "You see me barely once a week, you don't know me" you stated.

"And let's leave it that way" you assumed he made a joke, but you couldn't help feeling a sharp pinning in your chest. He kept mocking "I don't know what's hidden behind this innocent face of yours".

Crush. Random hookup. You name it.

"A lot".

"I imagine" he nodded his head pretending to be serious "How was your week?" the standard question came out of his mouth.


"With your style of living?" he folded his arms not really believing you "What? Were you on some party? Did you went clubbing?" he kept inquiring.

"Yes? I was at..." you stuttered "At..."

"Caleido? Zoid club?" he started to list every place he visited "Because for sure not at Vixen's".

"Well, one of them".

He turned his head towards you while scanning your face as if something was not right with you.

"You are such a bad liar" he said looking straight into your eyes.

"Why do you think I'm lying?" you broke under his intense gaze while gulping down knowing he caught you already. Your heart started to bump strongly in your chest to the point you almost heard it in your ears "Why you don't believe I went clubbing?"

Maybe you were too obvious, too predictable, too… boring to get his attention.

"Because it's just... you".

taglist: @smwhrinthehaze, @betysotelo18

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1 year ago

To be honest, I generally don’t read much fanfic. But your one caught my attention. They all seems stereotypes but your one is so heartwarming . I am really impressed with your writing style. Keep it up! You are such a natural storyteller 💓

Hi dear!

I really appreciate your message, seeing such texts in my box makes me happy that I gave it a try and posted some chapters. It's lovely to have you here on my page 🤗

Have a nice day ❤️

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1 year ago

Wanna know when are you plan to update ink under your skin . Just telling you that I like this story very much you can take you time though.

I am waiting ✨


Hello dear!

I’m happy to hear that really! I will try to update IUYS this week, I took one weekend off to clear my head and find new ideas 😬

Have a nice day! ❤️❤️

1 year ago

ink under your skin jk is so cute he already attracted to y/n

he is but I think he doesn’t realise that 😬

1 year ago

I must say you don't have much stories but as much you have they are amazing I like your writing skills. Thank God I found an author who don't upload too much smut . I mean in general they just come up with idea called smut no focus on any storyline. Your stories and unique and very interesting

Well I already read all of them keep going I am gonna be you first reader forever fr.

Sending love I am fan of you ❤️😃

Have a very great day and I hope you got good response to your all stories 😽

Omg, I don't know who you are, but you are way too kind. I love interacting with you all, it's making my day somehow happier ❤️

I have the same problem. I miss stories which had the actual plot and twists, it's hard to find ones, but it is not impossible. Still, I think it's likely that I will squeeze smut scene in my fanfic, but it won't be all about it. It's just a way to spice up the story a little bit and I believe we like that, right? 😉

You may find some mistakes in my work, though. English isn't my first language, but I hope it's not hard to read.

Thank your for sending me this and supporting me! Have a lovely day! ❤️

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1 year ago

Thank you!

Guys, you are completely insane! Thank you so much for your feedback, for all likes, comments, texts and reblogs. I never thought that when I would wake up in the morning I would get so many notifications and almost one hundred followers. I've never posted publicly, it's my first time and you greet me here so kindly showering with nice comments and likes.

I'm overly excited that you like my work and that you welcomed my new fanfiction in such a positive way.

Thank you so much! I hope we'll build here our little community in the near future ❤️

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1 year ago

I just finished "feeling unreciprocated" and that was amazing I like it are you planning to update nearly. I am excited for next one 🤠

Hi! I’m in the middle of writing another chapter but it can get prolong because I’m preparing another fanfic 🤪 I will try to post it as soon as possible ❤️ have a nice day!

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1 year ago

Maybe this information will interest you 🥹

I'm finishing first chapter of a new fanficition, but I will post it when I get the storyline straight and clear ❤️

AU! tattoo artist!jungkook x broken-hearted reader

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1 year ago

Just stumbled across “feeling unreciprocated” and I can’t wait for more updates!!!!!

Thank you dear! I’m really slow on updates though, but I will do my best to post more often it makes me so happy to see you on my page! ❤️

Sending love and some hugs 🤗

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1 year ago

❝feeling unreciprocated❞ chapter 3 | jungkook x reader

Feeling Unreciprocated Chapter 3 | Jungkook X Reader

summary: Sleeping with one guy after feeling rejected wasn't a good idea, but sleeping with another one and another seemed to be even worse plan. Especially with your handsome crush behind the wall, who is as confused as you about your ways of coping with a broken heart.

chapter 2 | chapter 3 | next chapter

She’s just my roommate.

Those words somehow managed to stay in your head since you walked out of the flat. It was pretty clear to understand, quite straightforward you could say and they cut your skin like some kind of daggers with toxic substances at the end of them. Deeply and painfully. And there you were explaining all the things that weighted you down to the only one person who could stand your messy life.

„You did what?” your friend’s voice went higher than was intended making you cringe in your sit. In fact, it didn’t take much for you to realise how badly you had damaged your reputation and you were bravely enduring it listening to the moralising monologue.

After your accidental meeting with Jungkook’s friends you rushed to Gia as you felt like all the emotions could blow out in your chest in any moment. Firstly, you thought you could save the information about last night for yourself that you wouldn’t need anyone to know about it, but you soon found out you were completely wrong. Just few hours passed and you were dying to reveal your feelings and search for any supportive talk. Secondly, Jungkook didn't even look at you when you waved your hand at him to simply say goodbye and automatically your smile dropped and your heart stopped for a moment feeling offended by his lack of a reply. That totally sucked, but you deduced it could be because of his friends who were first in the picture that moment. You got that, but when you heard those words coming out of his mind, you lost it completely.

“Yeah, it may have happened” you looked at your taken off white trainers that were laying on a car mat.

You had texted her right before stepping out of your flat and running downstairs. Obviously she got the assignment and drove her way to a place where you managed to walk up which happened to be the middle of your neighborhood. She had already prepared all the sweets she had in her cupboard, so you two could munch on them while talking with each other in her car with your legs stretched. You often organize this type of car meetings where you have something important to share, so she knew right away something was in the air and it wasn't anything good.

“I don’t believe you’ve done this” Gia threw her arms in the air gesticulating as much as she could to add some drama “(Y/N), wake up for fuck sake. It's not a romantic comedy” she sounded worried and mad at the same time which didn't surprise you at all.

The situation you got yourself into was far from responsible, but you weren't here to get judge. You needed her ears right now, not just her lips that were moving all the time since you two got into a car.

“I don’t need a lecture, Gia” you stopped her and turned on the heating keeping your eyes at the buttons as you felt overwhelmed by the amount of words “I need a friend, right now”.

Her gaze softened as she let a quiet sigh looking through the front window meditating over your problematic life. She couldn't believe that you got so easily friend-zoned. If you could even say that because in Gia's opinion Jungkook wasn't your friend. In her eyes, he was just enjoying your stable nature and exploring the area far from his favorite places and people like clubs and drunk friends just to see what is it like. Her worry was justified by her observations and your occasional talk that involved Jungkook. She heard it all, that he was almost every night out of home, that he got many texts from girls and that he wasn't interested in anything but good fun. Gia was aware that it wasn't wrong of him to do such things. They were young trying to experience as much as they could and it wasn't the problem at all. The real problem was that you were his roommate and in addition you were his complete opposite. You two got along, she got it and it was totally fine, but since you developed feelings for him you started to wear blinkers. You stopped caring about yourself, your self-esteem lowered down and you stopped going out as much on Fridays because of your movie nights with him not even taking a step back and looking at the situation with clear vision. You didn't even try to think about whether he had true intentions or you were his excuse not to go out with his friends because he needed one day off to sober up. Gia saw him differently than you worried if he was really worthy of your time and then you did this because of lack of other options. It was disappointing how much you were depending on him. You weren't yourself, but she was your best friend. She had your back even if your decisions were nothing but stupid and even if you had a crush on Jungkook. They were your valid feelings and she respected that.

“Sorry, I just can’t believe you slept with this guy” she started again this time with a tranquil voice “Like... It’s just not you” she leaned back on the car seat breathing out the air.

You knew that it wasn't something you usually did, correct, you never did that in your life, but you didn't feel guilty or shame for what you have done. It was an adult decision, quite spontaneous and impetuous, but only your decision which might or not be a bad one. You didn't care as much as there was no way back. Time couldn't be turned back, so in your opinion there was no point in dwelling on the subject more than it was needed. What's done is done, you shrugged your shoulders carelessly thinking if your reaction was appropriate taking into consideration that you had just given yourself to a random guy. Were you this stupid or infatuated? Or maybe it didn't come to you yet and when it does it will be two times harder to handle. You bet it would be the second option, but for now you were living in your pink bubble until it would pop. However, small talk with Gia wouldn't hurt you, maybe you would even come to your senses after that.

“I know, right. It was so random” you bite your lips playing with a strawberry jelly in your fingers “I'm trying to understand how it happened, but it just happened, I guess. He texted me first, then I texted back and agreed for a meeting. That's all" you put a sweet in your mouth.

Gia observed you carefully for longer that it should last as if she wanted to say something, but was hesitant to speak up. You gave her the chance to choose the right words, but nothing came from her mouth so you decided to help her as you noticed she kept fidgeting in her seat.

"What is it?" you asked eventually with hidden curiosity.

“Did you have orgasm at least?” she blurted out "Well, I mean if you had to have sex, you should enjoy it at some point".

When you thought about it, you realized you hadn't reached a peak while doing it with him, even though he wasn't bad at this stuff. Hyun Woo was almost perfect guy to have sex with. You just didn't feel anything towards him so it might have been the reason for not breaking the record - it was just meaningless sex. You weren't all in it and actually he had put more effort than you did. Despite the foreplay and kissing it just wasn't it. You enjoyed it, but they only word that fit to describe was 'fine', nothing too extraordinary or fulfilling, which kept you wondering how it would be with Jungkook and it was a nasty thing to do taking into consideration you 'cheated' on the idea of him with another guy.

“No, that's the problem” you groaned sadly biting your inner cheek “But he was nice. He gave me flowers” you took a glance at her waiting for her to say something uplifting, but she just looked at you with a visible grimace.

“Its the bare minimum, (Y/N)”.

It was funny for Gia how readily you got satisfied with mundane things that guys did and she contemplated why you were fulfilled with just a smile that Jungkook offered you or even worse - just a look. Something told her that it was simply a phase that would pass anytime soon. She had to wait for his wrong move, something that would unfortunately break you so you could understand it wasn't worth it, but somehow she wished for happy ending for you. Gia just didn't trust Jungkook.

„Well, maybe for a relationship, but last time I checked it was just a hookup” your sarcasm was perceptible, but you weren’t mean to her while doing it “In this situation it was the maximum and maybe even more than that”.

„But he failed in giving you orgasm” Gia reminded you again emphasizing the problem in this case, though you were right in this case.

“He wasn’t supposed to give me one. It's not a must” you took Hyun Woo's back a little bit guilty to talk about him like that, though you weren't close with him “But I admit, it would be a pleasant addition if he did”.

"And how was he? In general".

“Good. He started with foreplay, that's a plus. Very handsy, I must say” your reply sounded stiff because it turned out that it wasn’t comfortable to talk about such stuff out loud “But he didn’t listen to me most of the time, he just went for it, you know” some flashbacks from yesterday hit you while you were narrating your previous night.

“The worst type” Gia squinted her eyes judgmentally “Peasure-seekers”.

Pleasure-seeker. You wanted to pin a blame on somebody else than yourself, but there was no one else to accuse. Your decision changed your vision when you weren’t even looking, were you such a person? You pushed these thoughts away as if you tried to avoid the judgement. It scared you to be this person, searching only for pleasure, not taking into account somebody else's feelings. It scared you that Jungkook could be one.

“If you put it that way I may have been this pleasure-seeker” you joked, but even to you it didn't come as funny "I mean I looked for a hookup, just like him".

“No, it's different!” Gia rapidly denied your theory seeing your expression lowering down “Okay, maybe not so different, but different in some way. You looked for... fun?” she tried to make it sound less horrible, but she failed obviously. It was a stupid explanation.

“That's the same" you said it more like to yourself as you felt creeping guilt you hadn’t felt before. Maybe you should have thought twice before introducing Hyun Woo to your bed. Maybe you shouldn't have started this talk with Gia seeing how your feelings were changing. Regret was coming out of you.

“Again. What were you thinking?” she changed the subject knowing her efforts weren't effective in making you feel better “That a random hook-up would change your mind about your crush?”

It hit you hard how weird it sounded from her lips and it was another reason to bury yourself in a grave from embarrassment. You knew she tried to understand you and give you a hand, but apparently it only increased your self-doubt.

“It was supposed to be exactly like you said” you nodded weakly realizing how silly it must have been.


Nothing. You couldn’t take it as a win if your mind kept wandering to Jungkook through the sex session. You couldn’t take it as a victory if you almost cried in front of the guy realising you still have your crush on your mind and it didn’t want to let you free.

“It was close at the beginning, I thought maybe he would kick him out of my head because I felt excited, really” your lips were sealed in a thin line as you didn't share more details “And suddenly this feeling disappeared and I just… hate it more and more as we continue”.

“No brainer” she rolled her eyes sighing deeply “It would be easier to just tell him how you feel”.

“It would be way harder, are you crazy?” skin on your head wrinkled as you raised your eyebrows.

“Me? Crazy? Let’s not forget you are the one who found a random guy from the Internet and invited him to your bed. It's a fucking circus” she scoffed, but smiled at the end “Girl, it can’t get any worse”.

“Okay, okay! Just listen to me and try to imagine this” you raised your hands to show an invisible rainbow “Me, Jungkook’s roommate, after having a random hook-up to forget all about him, tells him how badly I’m crushing on him since I moved in. How does it sound? Gia, he would either start searching for a new candidate for his roommate or he would kick me out. I’m not even prepared for higher bills” you gesticulated with your hands in a chaotic way.

“Are you worried about him kicking you out?” her eyebrows snapped together and her head went back as if she were disgusted with this idea. She would kick his ass if he did that to you.

“No? Maybe? I don’t know, it’s just a side story. I don’t think he would dare, he isn't like that” your words were galloping so as your thoughts which contradicted each other as in your mind there was a total mess.

“He would be a fool if he did that” she put her hand on your shoulder and rubbed it gently trying to soothe you “But if he did, you could live with me so give it a try. You have some options”.

“No, thanks. I prefer peace not trouble” your response was immediate "Maybe Hyun Woo wasn't the appropriate guy to work this out".

"I don't think that any guy would solve your problem".

"And I think there is still a chance" you were adamant.

If you stopped, you would think 'well, it's not working, let's stop", but you didn't stop and you didn't think. You choose to hold tightly to the idea that another guy would heal your heart so strongly that you missed the craziness of it and it was a bad omen.

“Is it even his apartment?”

“It’s his uncle’s free flat. He rents us for a lower price”.

“I see” Gia mutter something under her nose “Maybe try to give yourself a little bit of space”.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean if you can’t just tell him… don’t force yourself for now” she started to count it on her fingers “Go out, try new stuff like food, maybe a hobby, meet new people, go travel somewhere. Just don’t be in your shared flat. It's stealing your positive energy, you think about him all the time because everything reminds you of him”.

“Should I distance myself?”

“Well, if you don’t want to tell him then why should you keep bringing yourself down everyday” he shrugged her shoulders “Be brave or find another solution, girl. It’s not the end of the world, after all. You know it, you have just proved it with this guy so it can’t be that hard”.

"It’s just difficult because we live together”.

“Then maybe start searching for another flat”.

You bite your lips knowing you couldn’t afford apartment that was as close to your collage as this where you lived. It wasn’t an option and deep down you didn’t want to leave.

“Not possible” you uttered “Not for now” you added so she wouldn’t ask about this topic.

“Do you even talk with Jungkook?”

“Yes, of course I do. I’m not a creep” you rolled your eyes hearing her silly question “Not everyday, though”

“And everything is fine between you two? Is he rude to you or something?”

“Yeah, everything is perfect. We don’t argue and him insulting me? It never happen, but maybe it is because he’s not at home so often” you replied confused by the question „How come?”

„I’m just searching for an excuse for you to ditch your crush” she folded her arms thinking heavily.

“And? How it is going?”

“Terrible” she put it bluntly “He’s fine. I just feel like your relation is neutral”.

“Well, that was the problem till today” you rambles on this time with more sad voice “He just told his friends I’m just a roommate”.

“That’s the truth, you know?”

“What should I do then?” you breathed out the air after you had gave her deadly stare.

“I don’t know maybe mix his socks or…” Gia thought for a second looking for some solutions “Drink his favorite milk or juice or…. break his pad. Nothing could break a man like a damage pad” she gave you examples to make him hate you.

“That would be so stupid” you laughed at her “But I will let this go as a plan C”.

“Not plan B?”

“No, it’s a way too risky for a plan B”.

“There you go, you smile” she beamed at you victoriously “My mission as a best friend is accomplished”.

“You’re crazy, Gia”.

“So are you, but seriously go out to people, stop living only for this shitty idea of romance”.

“But he is not shitty” you moaned leaning your head on her shoulder.

“I know” she hugged you which happened to be very uncomfortable as there was little space in a car.

You took your phone still having her arms around your body.

“See” you press his instagram account.

His account was minimalistic and almost empty, but he still managed to post some photos so anybody could grasp the idea of him. On every picture his tattoos were exposed even long sleeves and hoodies didn't prevent him from showing them off. Just every time he had them more and more on his body and it was a nice view for every female creature. One image was taken in someone's car while he was sitting on the passenger sit looking at his phone with a smile and the other one with his friends with drinks up. That was him.

“Okay, he is a perfect candidate for a hot boyfriend. I must say that” Gia nodded her head in approval looking at the pictures you showed her "He's handsome, but look! Maybe that's it? You are just attracted to him, that's all".

"That's how crushes work" you murmured while starring at his profile picture "It's not like I'm in love".

“Okay that’s enough, we don't have time for these googly eyes" Gia clapped her hands and reached out to you "Give me your phone. I'm confiscating it" she tried to take it away from you but you managed to back away a little bit.

"Forget it, you are not my dad... Hey!" you shouted and laughed at the same time when she snatched away the device "Give it back now".

“I won’t! You need to cut him out from your…” she looked at the screen with panic “Oh”.


“Is there a chance that you had followed him before?” she asked this question very carefully being scared of your reaction.

“No, why?” your eyebrows snapped together not getting her point.

“Well, now you do”.

“What?!” you screamed trying to get back your phone to see the mess she had made “Oh god, give it to me! What should I do now? Unfollow him?”

“What? No, it would look stupid” she immediately took this idea out of your head “Please, tell me how is it possible that you haven’t followed him before?”

“I don’t know! He didn’t follow me so I didn’t either” you said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Well maybe he couldn’t find you? You have your name and some random letters in your nick and nothing else. You haven’t even your surname”.

“Namjoon did find me” you murmured in defence.

“Well maybe Jungkook isn’t that smart” Gia shrugged your shoulders.

“Fuck, what now?”

“Just wait. It's only Instagram, right?"

"And following him after few months? I don't think so" you were stressed out.

"I'm so sorry, but it can't be that bad. It's just a follow, (Y/N)".

"First, you tell me to distance myself from him and then in behalf of me you follow the same guy I'm trying to push away. Where's the logic?" you moaned a little bit angry at your friend.

"It was an accident and I'm really sorry" Gia tried to light up the atmosphere as she knew her move made unnecessary problem "Calm down, (Y/N). It's almost nothing".

"I don't know... How did you even... You're right, sorry" you sighed and turned down your phone "I've been thinking too much lately".

You leaned your head on the cold window and closed your eyes. It was high time to focus on yourself which was quite a challenge these days. Of course, you managed to have some days off, but often your head was occupied by negative thoughts and thoughts about Jungkook. But there had to be a limit. You weren't crazy about him, but you weren't indifferent either. You were constantly hanging in a middle and you wanted to get out of it, you had to make a choice on which side you were. It was either to tell him about your crush or keep your mouth shut and move on.

"Should I really tell him?"

"I guess so" she nodded and added “If you don’t want to go crazy in the near future”.

Maybe it should have been considered by you earlier. Confessing would show you if you had a chance with Jungkook or where you were standing when it came to his feelings. It could make your life easier or harder and it was depended on him which drove you nuts. You were mad that you had lost control over it. It seemed like you had it for most of the time - you had been surviving it with a satisfying outcome but something changed for the past few days. It got stronger and more noticeable and at the same time more difficult to cover in his presence. You became skittish and nervous when you spent time together which might be visible on the outside and it was something you strongly wanted to avoid. Maybe it was happening on a purpose. Maybe you should come out to him. You couldn't even hide it well lately, anyway.

"Come on, (Y/N)" she woke you up from intrusive thoughts "Let's go somewhere, we won't sit here forever".

"Let me grab my things" you said putting on your trainers and your cardigan that was laying on the backseat.

You were still siting in Gia's car wrapping material over your body, when you feel buzzing in your pocket so automatically your hand went to your sweatpants. You took your phone and looked at the screen.

"Gia?" your best friend was about to get out from the car, but you stopped her by catching her hand with your eyes glued to your phone.

"Yes?" she turned her head towards you confused by your sudden move.

There was an odd, but pleasant feeling forming around your tummy that indicated your building excitement because of what you had just seen. A lump in your throat was becoming bigger, but somehow you managed to choke out:

"He followed me back, just now".

Gia's eyes went wide. She immediately shut the door with a loud bang and hung over your shoulder to have a better view.

"Let me see that" she whipped your phone from your hands and started to look through the notification completely focused "He liked your photo a minute ago".

"He did?"

"Look" she put the phone so close to your face that you had to pull it away as you didn't see anything from such a distance.

It was your favorite photo of you and your sister's dog Nala. This poor thing struggled with her health as she got diagnosed with cancer when she was on her regular checks at vet's. It was sudden, but fortunately they said it was an early stage, so your sweet Nala had really high chances to survive and she did, but on the condition they had to amputate one paw. It was heart-breaking to see her learning how to walk again. Just before you moved out, you had taken the selfie where only your face and Nala's head was in the frame. Your lips were forming in a duck face and dog stuck out its tongue. Both of you were laying on the fresh green grass and the sky was bright blue then. You remembered it well.

“Just so you know. It indicates nothing. He nas already said he didn’t care, right?" she pointed a finger at you as if she wanted to warn you "Don't overthink it".

"I’m aware, Gia".

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1 year ago

❝pleasure and money❞ | jungkook x reader

note: really short imagine between longer fanfic, just trying out new styles and forms of writing, also brushing up on my skills, it turned out to be quite interesting - have a lovely day :)

His eyes were moving with each swing of your hips almost ogling, from his perspective, fragile body of yours that happened to be one of the most desired attraction here. This fact wasn't astonishing taking into consideration how these cheap, sleazy work clothes clung to your figure flawlessly giving free rain to their imagination. He must have admitted it was repulsive to think of the woman in such a disgusting way so he kept a stiff upper lip preventing nasty thought from appearing in his mind. Your stiff movements didn't come as unnoticed as you were almost guarding your uncomfortable, leather skirt from rolling up your thighs when you were getting ready to come closer to the next customer with a serving tray in your left hand. He observed how nervously, but at the same time quickly and skillfully you had put another beer glasses in front of their noses before taking away finished ones. Then also hungry looks from men who were siting one table farer from where you were standing which made him form his lips in a thin line and check for the card in his pocket he had prepared before coming to this bar.

It's your lucky day, love, he thought in his mind while his gaze was still accompanying you as you were working fulfilling their wishes.

He clenched his fist catching how a dirty hand of one of the customer met your but with a loud clasp which pissed him off, but he managed to control himself and stay motionlessly in his place. Causing a scene would make too much drama and unnecessary problems. In addition, you were already out of his sight wanting to escape from the assailant and he wondered how the management of this pub let him get away with it, but apparently it was solely a business matter.

Jungkook lowered his gaze as he realized he was watching you for too long than he should have which could draw needless attention. He was supposed to look normal, boring even, and secretive. Despite all of it, he wore an expensive formal suit with some shiny signet rings on his fingers, but it didn't matter anymore because he had found you in a big crowd taking some steps towards his table with a notes in your hand.

"What can I get for you, sir?"

Your voice seemed to be weary, even though you still had some strength to make it sound polite and nice to his ears, which he found endearing. In the meantime, you searched for your pen and he took his time to analyze every feature of your face with unhidden pleasure. Some strings of your hair stuck to your forehead due to the heat, your cheeks were flushed and appeared to be warm because of its colour. Only your eyes appeared to be the same beaming with youth and curiosity from the beginning of your night shift till late hours.

"Water" he looked straight into your eyes making a choice.

"Water? We don't serve water here" your eyebrows snapped together rapidly, but it seemed like you came to your senses straight away realizing the tone of your voice which could be inappropriate "Of course, I'll bring it to you in a moment. Is there something else, sir?"

Obviously, he knew that. It was a pub, quite popular one, with only heavy drinks and shots that could twirl with your mind like a rollercoaster so it was ridiculous to ask for some water as if it was a cafeteria in a city centre. It wouldn't have been strange if you had put a question if he was sane, taking into account that every person that came was here to get tipsy. Nevertheless, he didn't seem to mind as there were no noticeable signs of becoming perplexed. He sensed that you would at least try to fulfill the order to do your job correctly as you run against your work colleagues for a pay-rise which in this industry was quite a challenge.

"Yes, there is something else" he licked his lips pondering how he could approach you so it wouldn't come as off-putting and comparable to all the men who already tried to win your attention.

"I'm all ears, sir" your grip tightened on the pen being ready to scribble down his next order.

Jungkook stood up from his chair pushing it back behind him which was met with you fringing and taking a coy step back as reply. Your nervousness could be felt from here to the pub counter where the bartender was preparing drinks. Moreover, your skirt was out of control as it pulled up almost to your ass uncovering your naked thighs. He just smirked under his nose and averted his head from you trying to hide his amusement hearing your sweet swearing under your breath because of the piece of your clothing for not fulfilling its role.

"This place it's not for a ballerina like you" he whispered in your ear after having leaned down to your level which you didn't acknowledge being busy with fixing your skirt.

His warm breath on your skin gave you goseboombs as you didn't expect him to come so close. His personality was intimidating, especially when there was almost no space between his and your body and it was the first time you got yourself into a conversation after hearing first words of attempting to draw your attention. You realized he didn't even have to try, confidence was literally radiating from him as if he knew it wouldn't take much to make you speak and at the same time he didn't put any pressure on you. You reciprocated his heavy look while you partly opened your lips not knowing how to respond.

"Excuse me?"

"You are made for better things" you heard his voice echoing in your head as you watched him completely astonished "Do you like it here?"

"No" you muttered not knowing where the conversation was going to "But my bills do like it" his chuckle at your honesty made you taken aback.

"Well, you can do both" he tucked some strings of your hair behind your ear which made you freeze due to stranger's closure "If you want to" he added not taking away his hand from the area of your temple.

"What does that mean?" you asked and then he leaned down once again to put his business card right into your back pocket.

"Some pleasure and money".

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1 year ago

my imagination has no end, i just hit on the idea for a plot twist for "feeling unreciprocated" and it made me laugh so hard and cry at the same time, poor (Y/N) she has to endure it all and well... sorry not sorry 😂❤️

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1 year ago

your writing is incredible. i love it 💞💞💞💞 i just discovered your blog and immediately read everything you wrote. i know you just started and wow your fic has really inspired me. so perfectly angsty cannot wait to see where this story goes!!!!

omg I didn't expect any message in my box! I'm so happy that you like my work and thank you so much for reaching out to me you can't even imagine what I feel right now it made my day ❤️ I want to post another chapter now so badly, but it needs still a little bit shaping...

have a lovely day! sending much love!

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1 year ago

❝feeling unreciprocated❞ chapter 2 | jungkook x reader

Feeling Unreciprocated Chapter 2 | Jungkook X Reader

summary: Sleeping with one guy after feeling rejected wasn't a good idea, but sleeping with another one and another seemed to be even worse plan. Especially with your handsome crush behind the wall, who is as confused as you about your ways of coping with a broken heart.

warnings: +18

note: Thank you so much for your feedback! I couldn't believe how many of you liked the first chapter, it means a lot. I'm not sure whether my style of writing is good enough, I tend to write long descriptions of mundane things which might be boring to read, but I think it's real and gives a lot to the story. Let me know, I may improve the story :) Have a nice day!

trailer | chapter 1 | next chapter

It was suffocating to know that you were almost cheating on your true feelings right in the moment. You couldn’t breath from guilt building in your heart as it felt completely terrible to consciously muffle them down just so you may find peace when he was in your presence. So you could remain emotionless to the joy that came from interacting with Jungkook.

It was so wrong but so right at the same time, giving you nightmares and surprisingly rest in mind. It would be easy one thing, you thought, and it would be all done with this specific guy and Jungkook forever. You wished this night would close the most distraught chapter in your life so you had prepared seeing it coming up to a close. Before he came, in the morning you were breathing steadily while looking at the plain white ceiling trying to remind yourself when did you fall asleep. The fact that you weren’t woken up by your alarm signalled it was earlier than usual so you just stayed in your bed a little bit longer with intention to make yourself a warm coffee in a moment. The reason your body decided to wake up at five o’clock may have been becuase of your brain knowing you were waiting for a reply from this guy. Magically, it wanted you to get the answer as fast as possible and stop worrying about whether he thought if you were crazy or not. In the evening you managed to take a long, hot shower which was previously interrupted by a message, but it fulfilled its function as it released the tension from your muscles.

You didn't want to use your phone right then. You made an excuse that the reason behind it was just to start this morning differently and perhaps break a bad habit, but to be honest you were still wondering if a hookup was a decent idea and if your decision-making device in your head was in order those days. Probably not, however it was the first step to drag yourself away from Jungkook. Once you tried to suggest him somebody in his environment may have feelings form him, but he brushed it off with a laugh saying it's too bad as he was not interested in anyone that time. So you presumed that if he's not attracted even to hot girls in a club then it felt like you did not stand a chance with him really, so trying to make him see you more than just a far friend was pointless in your opinion. Maybe if he had showed some signs that he was interested in a romantic way, you would have taken the action, but he gave you nothing apart from your movie nights and saying hello during the day. It was the moment you felt rejected even if you didn't confess to him and you didn't get the answer. It was clear enough and you weren't even mourning. It was like it was. The whole situation got accepted by you, just not by your heart, but you were slowly handling it.

When you went out of your room you knew he was in a flat. Keys that were laying on the foyer console hit you with thought that yesterday you didn't have a opportunity to see Jungkook after your movie night which you found quite odd comparing to the other ones that were full of jokes and just light atmosphere. You had no idea when he got home, but his keys gave away his presence, which made you settle down. For some reasons you felt calmer when you knew he got home safe, that he was near although you might have not exchanged any words. It didn't matter. Perhaps, it would change soon, you came to conclusion as you analyzed your texts with a guy named Hyun Won.

At the beginning they were quite normal texts where two people wanted to know something more about each other... until they weren't and it wasn't even a slow process. They soon intensified and escalated to the point you doubted who you really were. Topics changed drastically to more nasty ones and he got straight to the point you wanted to make from the start. You just didn't get the answer from him as he became inactive.

You winced at your cringey ways.

"Fuck it, now or never" you murmured against your mug with coffee and entered your password "Please, just don't block me, stranger".

To your surprise it didn't happen, though it made you look like a simple night lady, which wasn't something you were proud of, but hey! You had a fine explanation for it - people your age were doing the same things and maybe even worse over and over again. And sex? Sex was normal, right? Okay, maybe not with strangers, this part was obvious, but again it was totally normal to make love spontaneously. Moreover, there was a new message written at one in the morning in your box "can't wait to see you in bed this evening", so the guy was keen on meeting with you, therefore it couldn't be that horrible. He didn't shoo you off. You read it again with frowned eyebrows because you believed there was something you had missed.

"This evening?" you touched your forehead with your hand letting out a groan "This can't be...".

And another one that came after it: "your place?"

You were hoping to do it rather somewhere else than in your apartment, but what would be more responsible in this situation? Be killed in somebody's house and as a result nobody would be able to find your body or in yours where everyone knew where you lived? Well, both options sucked to be honest. He would have known where you resided if you invited him over. You consented in the end hoping Jungkook would be away at some party which was highly likely. And it happened. He did informed you again he would be out this evening. It made you roll your eyes in annoyance you felt knowing there was no hope to make him change his mind so you could text the guy you couldn’t meet, that something important popped up and you’re truly sorry which would be a lie. But Jungkook decided unconsciously not to make your life easier and there you were giving yourself to a guy you knew only from the Internet and his skills in bed that he wanted to show instantly in your bedroom.

“Fuck, baby” you heard husky voice in your ear while your body shivered from cold as you found yourself in situation where no material was covering your skin “You’re a fucking angel, I hope you know that”.

You were completely naked, laying on your bed waiting for his moves as you didn’t have enough courage to take initiative, but he seemed not to mind. You felt light, feather kisses going from your jaw down to your collarbones which made you close your eyes. It felt weird, pleasant but odd as your body was becoming covered in red marks and tracks of teeth.

“Thank you” you whispered touching his chest with your hand as if you wanted him to slow down the peace, but he didn’t get the signal which irritated you much “Could you please do it slower?” you gasped as it hit you even harder.

He was muscular and handsome even but he wasn’t a good listener, though he did everything like it should be. He brought you flowers, a small cute bouquet that now beautifully decorated your foyer, but soon after he had given them to you, he grasped your hips tightly bringing you closer to his body and smashed his lips into yours starting your way to your room. Like he was trying to be a gentleman whom he wasn’t, but at least he tried to mimic gestures and actions that could only resemble a guy with good manners.

“Shit, but I want you so bad” he moaned in your lips thrusting into you harder and harder which didn’t hurt fortunately, but it could, seeing only lust forming in his eyes “So bad, angel. I think I might be coming” he groaned keeping his peace the way he wished not really taking into consideration your needs.

You weren’t close although it felt good to have his hands wandering on your waist and sometimes grabbing one of your breast and caressing it with fingers. But it wasn’t even near to your fantasy dreams with Jungkook in the main role which made you slightly wet even with just thinking about such kind of scenario. You felt shame when the ideas came to your mind but you couldn’t help it sometimes when you caught his smile towards you contemplating if it meant something more. Often you were dragged away by your feelings immersing yourself in pleasure of dreaming about him in general which was not right in the end.

“I don’t want you to come yet” you commanded whining as you sensed your plan didn’t work. As if you wanted to postpone the intercourse because somehow you wanted it to work, to finally change your view of Jungkook in your helpless mind.

It would have to work. There was no way it wouldn’t.

“I know, I know” he cooed holding your hand “Wanna change positions?” he hided his face in your neck trying to shoo away pleasant feeling down his body.

“If it helps” you murmured against his skin knowing it could prevent it from ending the intercourse “Please” moan escaped your lips as he touched you down there with just a tip of his finger.

You pulled yourself up with his help in a hurry and bended on your elbows so he could take you from behind. You heard his deep sigh as he entranced you feeling even much better than before having the access to the deepest parts of your body. It seemed like you felt nothing but physical pleasure and it wasn’t something you wanted to achieve. Your aim was different - you wanted to scream forgetting all about your roommate by hanging out with Hyun Woo. Not just orgasm.

Emotions soon managed to overwhelm you. It was too much for you to handle as you were expecting something more than just a quick fuck with your mind wandering to Jungkook over and over. You uncontrollably let yourself a quite sob knowing it didn’t work. How fucked up it was to hook up with a guy to forget about the other one? It was even more strange that you thought this way was the most reasonable and that dating others would change your point of view.

“Oh, are you crying baby? I didn’t know you are this close” he took a pride in it while having his hand on your butt “Let it go, come with me”.

You just nodded your head so he could take it as as a inverbal yes knowing for yourself it wasn’t true, but how much you wanted it to be. He couldn’t even imagine, in your opinion. You wished it to work, but all you could think about was Jungkook having fun at Vixen’s with his friends and god knew who else.

“You are amazing” he still gave you compliments, but your head wasn’t there.

You weren’t present desiring it to be over so you could lay alone in your bed after having changed your sheets to fresh ones. Your room smelled like sex, this strange smell of light sweat, manly cologne and mint preservatives mixed with the smell of your lavender washing liquid on your clothes and balsams on your skin. If someone had entered your room, he would have guessed you weren’t alone this night, but there was nobody that could really check on you apart from definitely drunk right now Jungkook. But it was too early for him to come home as he tended to come back from 2 a.m. to the early morning.

“I’m so close, fuck”.

You felt how fast he was going with the sounds of slaps against your body which you endured bravely with your fists clenched on your pillow. Soon, he pulled out not wanting to come in you. He did wear condom though and he held it while pulling his cock out to make sure it wouldn’t slip. At least, there was one person that was reasonable in this flat.

You looked around searching for your clothes while he was taking off the condom.

“That was it, I suppose…” you said a little bit awkwardly stroking your thigh from nerves.

As long as there was tension between two of you you felt confident, but it was gone and so was your feeling of casualty and calmness. It made distress you, there was no doubt in it. It was nice to have somebody new in your life, another story to tell and laugh at it, but you were disappointed to say it didn’t do much with your feelings.

“Thanks for your time” you hurried up to find your shirt laying on the floor so you could put it on.

“Can we catch up later?”

The question was totally unexpected as you thought he knew it was just a hook up. You bit your lower lip trying to find a solid lie. You weren’t sure if he was playing with you or he was serious, but you didn’t want to risk hurting his feelings. You knew from autopsy what was it like to like someone who didn’t exactly care about your crush.

“We will be in touch, for sure” you assured him with a fake but soft smile “I just don’t know when I would need…” you tried to find appropriate word but nothing came to your mind.

“A bit fun?” he looked up at you with a grin while putting his boxer on.

“Yeah…” you chuckled amused at least once during this evening, you didn’t want to insult him “We can say that”.

“Great” he smiled to himself gathering his things “Because I’m looking forward to meet with you again. It was a nice treat I must say” Hyun winked at you half-naked.

“I can say the same thing” you put on you rest of your clothes “Thanks for the flowers again” you murmured thinking of his kind gesture from before.

“You’re welcome” he shrugged his shoulders like it was nothing.

You watched carefully as he tighten his belt totally lost in his thoughts. You caught him giving you some glances, so you presumed he wanted to say something, but you weren't sure if you wanted to know what it was. Frankly speaking, for you it was a final and it shouldn't have happened in the first place, but you didn't regret it. Just a new experience.

“Can I kiss you?” he blurted up suddenly.

"What?" you almost choked with air looking straight at his face and then you bite your lips realizing your reaction was too harsh "Sorry, well... I don't think it's... a good idea" you nodded your head to somehow prove your rightness.

He smiled.

“Listen, I feel like it would be our last meeting. You say nice things, but… Just by looking at you, I know you won’t call me again or text me” he sealed his lips in a line and scratched his neck “One kiss, only one? Please”.

He was right. You hoped it was your last meeting and that no more ideas like this would came to your mind.

"Why would you want us to kiss again?" you asked folding your arms "It was just a hookup... I think you know it".

"I know it, so?"

You sighed rubbing your face with your hand trying to focus. Why would he want it to continue? He was supposed to get his things and go out through your doors without any strings attached and you are supposed to close this door and forget about love, boyfriends and all of this shit. But it might have been too simple, too ideal. As always nothing was going as it should have.

He came closer and grabbed your face waiting for your approval. You weren't sure if you should let him do it, maybe it wouldn't do any more harm. Just a small kiss. A peck. Nothing more.

You saw him lowering his head. You still hadn't made your decision contemplating in your mind if it was okay for you to kiss again.

“Hyun Woo…” you took his hands in yours and pulled it away “You should go now”.

It wasn't okay. Not with this state of mind.

"Nice play, baby".

You knew what he exactly meant. You let him come closer, let him believe he would have the chance to touch your lips last time and he was ready for it, but you stopped him. And he wasn't happy about it seeing his facial expression.

"Go, I mean it".

"Yeah, I should go".

You walked with him to your door, passing by flowers from him in a vase and the second he stepped out your flat you shut the door and locked it. It was wrong of you, but from the beginning it wasn't something serious so you allowed yourself for rudeness for once. You just set the boundary he must respected, that was it. Nothing you were guilty of.

You looked around your empty flat, it was almost midnight so it was likely in two or three hours Jungkook would come to your flat silently kicking off his shoes. Then he would bump once or twice on the wall as he wouldn't be sober and he would go back to his room to end his night. You covered your face feeling burning in your eyes, but you didn't allow the tears to fall down. It was your idea in the end, it didn't work, but at least you tried to burn down these feelings.

"Get over it" you mumbled to yourself and made your way back to your room.

You didn't fall asleep until you heard the sound of unlocking the door and clashing keys which gave you a comforting signal Jungkook came back home safely.


It was Sunday so it was odd that you were already on your feet picking your outfit. You grabbed your oversized, soft, beige sweatpants, tight, white camis and long socks in the same colour. This set made you desire to come back to your bed, but you were adamant to make use of the morning as you tend to wake up late during the weekend to make up for the lost sleep. Your courses weren't getting easier so your lifestyle was becoming more and more unhealthy each day. This was your day to relax and gain some energy for the rest of your afternoon and evening.

Mentally you were exhausted, mainly because of yesterday's night and the fact that Hyun decided not to let you forget he was present in your room and in your life. Firstly, he had left his undershirt under your night desk. Secondly, he texted you when he got back home and he was waiting for the reply. So it wasn't over yet, but you decided not to make something big out of it and you didn't even read the message from him and the garment he left was thrown into the trash bin under your sink. You had to take the garbage out, anyway.

You had taken your planner with you and made your way to the kitchen, where the first thing you did was to open the blinds to refresh yourself with sunbeams. Then you put the kettle on and made your favorite coffee to start the day.

You took a sip and then you started to scribble in your planner. Apart from your romantic failures you remembered well your other problems and sadly you had to take care of them too. Your finances were tight these month as you spent a good amount on your laptop that decided to log out from life this time forever. Of course you worked hard during summer to earn more money. If it hadn't been for your note-gathering device, you wouldn't have problem with budgeting, but well it was time to find yourself a casual work to pay the rent. Even if you split it between you and Jungkook the cost was still high as you were living almost in the city centre. You couldn't be still depended on your parents, though they still bankrolled you in some ways telling you it's they duty until you are still studying which you were grateful for.

It was almost nine when you finished planning your budget, ten when you finished eating your breakfast and Jungkook still didn't show up or at least leave his room to take a shower. He must have passed out drunk if he slept to this hour. If he was at Vixen's again, but you weren't sure if it was the place he went to. You cleaned your mess in the kitchen and grabbed a thick, long cardigan. You wanted to take a walk to clear up your head, but just before you left the place a black car had appeared in front of your block and you saw familiar faces approaching your doors.

"Hi, (Y/N)!" you discerned your roommate's friends Namjoon and Jimin at once, quite surprised they were here at this early our "Is Jungkook home?"

"I think he's still sleeping, but yes" you chuckled seeing him rolling his eyes "Were you supposed to meet with him now?" you asked folding your arms to warm yourself up as you overestimated the weather this time.

"Yes" Namjoon scratched his neck thinking heavily and put a question politely "Would you mind if we..."

"No, of course not" you knew right away what he wanted to ask and of course you didn't mind "Come in" you came back to your flat this time with two guys following you to the living room.

You didn't know each other well, but you believed Namjoon was the kindest and always starting the conversations with you. First time you two met, you were kind of uncomfortable as Jungkook also didn't tell you somebody would be with him, and you had been standing in your door in comfy pants and white crop-top with your famous pink slippers with big flamings on them. He wasn't judgmental, he had just smiled at you and started a chit-chat, while the rest of the group stayed in his car waiting for them to hurry up because they were already late for a birthday's party. You didn't meet Jimin in reality, you knew him from Jungkook's story and you sometimes checked his social media, but nothing more.

"I'm (Y/N), by the way" you said to a new guest.

"I know" he chuckled sitting on your legendary sofa "Namjoon showed me your profile and some photos. Sorry if it sounded creepy" he made himself clear right away after he had seen your confused expression.

You started grabbing Jungkook's things and yours so his friends could feel less overwhelmed by your small mess. His pads from the console and your DVD's that weren't even scratched after all these years of having them in your possession. They were a gift from your sister after she had moved out from city so it was no way you would damage them in any way.

"Sorry for the mess, he hasn't told me you were going to come" you explained and smiled at them having all these things in your hands.

"Just leave it, (Y/N)" Namjoon waved his arm at you "He could move his lazy ass too" you giggled, but did it anyway not wanting to leave the room in front of them looking like that.

"He'll get out soon guys" you informed as you heard a noise of opening doors from Jungkook's room and running water in a bathroom, so you guessed he had woken up and started getting ready "Do you want something to drink?" you asked and just before you took a step towards the kitchen your phone started buzzing.

"No, but thanks" they both replied so you let yourself take phone in your hands again this morning to check who was bothering your peace.

Another messages were waiting for you to open them and all of them were from Hyun Won, unfortunately he didn't give up. You looked at the display of notifications and rolled your eyes. He made quite sexual remarks in them so you would have hidden under the ground if someone had read them right now. You put your phone away, but it didn't stop giving out rings and sounds, which made you even more mad at yourself that you texted him first.

"Wow, it seems like someone desires your attention" Jimin winked at you with a playful smirk "Who's that?"

"Nobody, really" you answered his uncomfortable question knowing he didn't have anything bad in mind, you presumed he just wanted to have something you could talk about as you two just met "Just a... friend. I guess" you were getting lost in your words as you didn't know how to cover the subject without disclosing details to almost a stranger. You only trusted Gia with these matters, but this time you weren't sure if you would like to share it, even with her.

"Jungkook! Did you know your cute roommate has a boyfriend?" he shouted which met with Namjoon's deadly stare "I would check him out if I were you" he tried to hover over the table a take a look at your screen, but you took your phone immediately from reach of his sight.

"Jimin!" Namjoon pushed him back to the sofa, but his action was met with a loud laugh from intruder and you just blushed at the previous words heavily. You wanted to get out from here as quick as possible because no way you could handle his friends knowing how much impact Jungkook's topic had on you.

"Stop saying shit" you mumbled embarrassed to Jimin "It's not my boyfriend" you didn't know why you were even explaining yourself to him, it wasn't your obligation, but you wanted to make it clear so no gossips could travel to the ears of Jungkook's circle of friends.

"But soon to be one?"

"What did you read?" you raised your eyebrow quite angry with him inside.

"Not much, but enough to know what is going on" he winked at you in a friendly way.

"Oh, shut your mouth, Jimin" Namjoon slapped his head "You're making her uncomfortable".

It was really not okay to look at private text and of course you got mad until you reminded yourself that you did the same thing with Jungkook so you just sighed with a mild smile. You weren't going to be hypocrite.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have" he said to you still being in a good mood and trying not to beam too much "I was just kidding".

"It's okay, just..."

"Stop harassing my roommate, fuckers" Jungkook said entering the room "She pays half of my bills" he added.

He had in fact overheard the conversation, but didn't made out everything as running water muffled their voices. Despite strongly believing in his friends' ways with girls, he decided to hurry up as he didn't think leaving you to take care of them alone was a good idea since they were very specific. The first thing he was worried about was you getting overwhelmed by them and silly things they tended to say, the second one was Jimin's flirtatious nature that could effectively scare you off. It felt like it was his responsibility to keep his friends in check. Especially when you kindly welcomed them, although you could have ignored them and keep minding your own business. He didn't even blow-dry his hair.

"Talking about finances in lady's presence? Where are your manners?" he was met with a snarky comment.

"Fuck off, Jimin".

"You look like shit, man" Namjoon changed the topic and it seemed like he noticed his unhealthy appearance too, but Jungkook answered nothing not wanting to raise a subject in your presence and you noticed it right away.

"Morning" he murmured towards you with a soft voice and you just smiled sadly in return which he didn't catch as he turned back taking his energetic from the fridge "You can throw them out the door next time. You have my allowance".

"Thanks, Jungkook" you saw Jimin folding his arms "I love being your friend, seriously".

"And I don't" Jeon opened the can and shrugged his shoulders looking at you "Make them wait, don't bother to even get up".

"I wouldn't do that, you know it" you shook your head and bended down to put your mug to the dishwasher.

Jungkook watched you carefully as you lower down your body.

Your white cami had a large neckline so it exposed your chest even more when you leaned down giving him the full view of your breast and even the scratch of your light pink bra. Both of the garments had a lace on them so it gave him girly vibes which in his opinion suited you well. He licked his lips hooking against his ring. To him, you came as a the nicest girl who couldn't hurt even a fly and he liked your presence and he? He was the opposite, which kind of prevented him unconsciously from bending with you or creating any relationship apart from being your friend. It was sufficient regarding his ways. Jungkook was a heavy partier, you were stay-at-home person, at least he had such a view of you and it wasn't something negative. He was just attractive to different type of girls and he liked their attention and that there was no drama in his life because both sides knew what they were signing for. With you it would be completely another story, he would have to go out of his comfort zone if he had something in mind with you. Relationships were something new to him and he didn't want to explore it.

But when he noticed some red marks on your breast which had signs of trying helplessly to cover them with some concealer his mind went numb. The hickeys on your soft body which he discovered by accident didn't get slipped through his sight and then he connected the dots. The flowers in the foyer, your tired expression and signs of sex on your skin. Were you with some guy yesterday when he wasn't home? He got lost in thoughts. He wasn't sure, because when he came back all the lights were down and there was silence so he knew you were asleep or at least laying in your room.

Maybe naked, which kind of turned him on and made him feel guilty.

But it couldn't be, right? He didn't catch any tracks of a guest or maybe he was just too drunk to notice them. Moreover, you never invited anyone to your house and he didn't either to respect each other spaces and boundaries. And you didn't have a boyfriend, but maybe something changed. He felt something weird inside, like a small, mischievous sting which was enough to bother him in some ways.

He let it go with a frowned expression on his face. It wasn't his business whether you were dating somebody, it shouldn't be at least, but when he heard the scream from the living room about you having somebody and Jimin's remark about you being cute he got irritated and rapidly put his boxers on to get out from the bathroom. He was going crazy, he thought madly about himself.

"You good?" Namjoon asked waking him up from his thoughts.

"Huh?" he looked at him realizing you were no longer present in the kitchen.

"You didn't answer her".

"Answer who?"

"(Y/N)" Jimin rolled his eyes and laid himself on the kitchen island having changed the previous place "She said goodbye to you".

Jungkook opened his lips as he got taken aback at first but quickly got himself together not to give his friends something to talk about. Was he really so lost in his thoughts? About you? He let out an angry sigh, he must have got himself together because he thought it was stupid of him to think about his roommate's love life and adding himself to its story. Jungkook didn't even know you well and the only thing he cared about was going to parties and get drunk. Although, he must admitted he liked Friday's evenings with you, it was something different from his routine. Something refreshing that managed to slow down his peace of life. He was always running enjoying his twenties not wanting to sit down for a minute being scared of losing his fun time and thanks to you Jungkook could have a moment of rest.

"I haven't heard" he admitted with a casual, not caring type of voice "Not a big deal, I'll see her later" but inside he hoped you didn't think of it as a insult or that he didn't want to talk with you.

"You watched her boobs then you didn't answer her and now you say it's not a big deal, huh?" Jimin put it bluntly and laughed with the oldest "Are you stupid or me?"

Me, Jungkook answered in his head with a twist. That was so wrong of him to think about you like that.

"We're not blind" Namjoon added sensing Jungkook was faking it "I mean, I wouldn't judge you. She is attractive, but apparently not free".

Not free. So perhaps you had a boyfriend which he didn't know about, but he convinced himself he couldn't care less.

"Fuck it" he took his gym bag from the foyer "She's just my roommate, not my interest. Let's go".

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1 year ago

Chapter 2 will be soon released 😬 the story will gain momentum for sure

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1 year ago

❝feeling unreciprocated❞ chapter 1 | jungkook x reader

Feeling Unreciprocated Chapter 1 | Jungkook X Reader

summary: Sleeping with one guy after feeling rejected wasn't a good idea, but sleeping with another one and another seemed to be even worse plan. Especially with your handsome crush behind the wall, who is as confused as you about your ways of coping with a broken heart.

trailer | next chapter

Your phone was buzzing from all the notifications you got after you had turned on wi-fi in your settings. You ignored them and started to scroll mindlessly through your Instagram to kill the time as you were waiting for popcorn to be ready in the microwave.

The anxiety and nervousness were escalating to the point you were bitting your lower lip which became more red and puffy. Like on every Friday night since you and your roommate made an arrangement that once a week you two would organize a small movie-night that nobody else could take part in it. And you weren't exactly sure what was the reason behind you distressing about such a trivial matter, but you fathomed soon enough, with a minor help of your dear friend, it was because of the second arranger of your undertaking.

You sighed as you rubbed your cheek in defense.

It had been already three months since you two ended up living together and for these three precious months you were truly fucked, frankly speaking, but who wouldn't be in your place? Let’s be honest - everyone would lose their mind over this boy sooner or later. Moreover, it wasn’t just your personal opinion as far as you knew, but you were the only one who had to endure this killing pleasure all by yourself. You should be grateful, you thought to yourself with a pity that you couldn’t use the circumstances to your advantage. You just couldn’t figure out how and you were afraid it would stay that way if you kept behaving like a simple coward. On the other hand, it would be super discomforting if you ended up stop talking to each other because of your sweet, silly crush. So you were trying to shut it down once and forever, but with no effects.

"Is it ready?" you jumped a little hearing a male voice behind your back.

"No, not yet".

"And now?"

"No, Jungkook, it's not ready yet” you shook your head to emphasise that he would have to wait just a little bit longer for a 3-minute meal “Just pick a movie, I’ll bring it to you in a moment”.

“Okay, just don’t eat it all”.

“Mhm” you managed to utter while you lowered down your head to stare into the screen, but you kept observing him from the corner of your eye.

He was wearing a plain white T-shirt and grey pants that hung from his hips giving away its oversized cut. He looked casual, but his tattoos elevated the outfit making it look… hot. Not to forget his messy hair that were a bit too long. You liked it, but you were able to hide it, anyway. You weren’t crazy to such a point you would run after him, right?

“You have some stains on your shirt” you had told him before he entered the living room, but he just shrugged his shoulders and made his way to the sofa that happened to be the most expensive furniture in your flat. You pitched in together at the beginning of your moving in. It was his condition, actually, but then he didn’t know you were a girl. Had he known it, he wouldn't have made you chip in, however it was too late to cancel the order. You didn't mind. At least you two were in a happy possession of a brand new sofa, which you used very often. Not in this way, of course.

You put the popcorn in front of him, which made him turn his gaze from his phone at you.

"You're addicted" you said slightly amused.

"I didn't complain when you were using yours" he scoffed and put it away "But okay, mummy" he made sure he stressed the last word.

You knew he was just being cordial, but you were flushed anyway, because of the mummy part. The teasing was unbearable when was done by him, because well, you used to take everything he said too seriously and keep second-guessing what he actually meant. Soon, you realized it needed to stop as you were going mad because of it and the worst part was you was aware his words didn't indicate anything more serious than just a friendly reminder you were his "bro". And it sucked.

You didn't let yourself to make a comment so you just sat in the sofa making yourself comfortable.

"What are we watching?"

"Something random, we've watched almost everything" he left the pilot on the coffee table and stuck a pillow behind his back to have something to lean on "So how was your week, miss smart brain?"

You didn’t have to think for too long about your reply.

"As always. Lectures, then practice and lectures again and... meetings with Gia. I'm just happy it's Friday again" you sighed and folded your arms thinking about the last five days "And you?"

"The same thing. Almost" he chuckled seeing your discontent, grumpy expression "I didn't sit with books ninety percent of my time" obviously, It was an exaggeration, but it might have been true if you wouldn't have Gia by your side. Your best friend.

"So it wasn't the same. I should have known that" you rolled your eyes, but smiled anyway "So..." you waited for him to elaborate, but he didn't bother too much to shower you with details.

"I was at Vixen's with my friends".

It was predictable his place to go to was another new club. Somehow, it suited him. Such places were perfect for him. He was outgoing, open with conversation with newly met people and he just liked the atmosphere of big crowds and loud music. Nothing you could compare yourself to so it was a nice surprise you two got along. Still, you thought there was an abyss between him and you on so many levels that even his friends looked at you oddly the first time you met them, but you were just his roommate. Not his girlfriend he choose.

"You should go one day" you looked at him surprised taking popcorn into your mouth "With Gia, for example".

"Maybe" you changed the topic looking at TV. It would be nicer to go with him this time "You picked a trashy film".

"Hey, it's random. I told you" he pushed your leg with his feet "Get lost!" you just laughed shortly and lied down on the sofa making him choose the floor this time.

"My turn" he murmured something under his breath, but sat on the floor, eventually.

The fact was, you saw each other only one day during the week, on every Friday, of course. Sometimes maybe in the mornings or in the evenings if your schedules allowed that. You totally understood he had his own friends, plan etc. so you weren't disappointed, because you weren't even certain if he saw you as his friend or only as his roommate. You just expected from him a little, little attention.

"Do you want pillows?" you asked noticing he took his place without anything to cover or make himself comfortable.

"No, I'm good" he didn't even look at you while answering your question and took his phone out from his pocket.

That was the hard part in all of this. He wasn't that invested in your friendship, at least he was giving this type of impression, so you had the right to be doubtful when it came to his feelings. Maybe it stood on the level called "roommates, nothing less, nothing more" with an arrow "you will never get to the next level, we're sorry for the inconvenience" next to it, so you were stuck.

His position enabled you to see everything as well as to smell his scent because his head at the level of your face as he was sitting in front of you. If you wanted to have a picture of what it was like - just imagine a really heavy, manly perfume coming right into your nose. It wasn't getting any easier for you, unfortunately. You were melting.

You tried hard to focus on the movie, but the ring tones were successfully preventing you from doing so.

You didn't want to come as being nosy, but somehow you couldn't help yourself so you raised your head from a comfy pillow, so you could have a full view of his phone's screen. He was checking his instagram account as you did earlier, nevertheless it wasn't what made you disturbed.

The texts were one by one showing on his notification bar with a loud sound, so Jungkook turned the silent mode on his phone. You saw him frowning his eyebrows and playing with his lip ring at the same time, which got you to make an ultimate move. You pulled yourself up a little bit so you could follow his actions, he opened the conversation. You knew it was wrong of you to look at his private texts, but he didn't move or change his place so you took it as an allowance to give it a look. Just one, you promised, but you could tell it may not have been the last.

min_bora: hi jungkook! min_bora: it was great to see you at vixen's typing...

It wasn't confusing at all. It was just a normal text, however still a hard thing to swallow, again. It was from a girl, overall, so it made you reckon if he was really with his friends like he had said? Like Jimin or Taehyung. Or Namjoon. It wasn't your business, but still you weren't exactly the most happy person in the world if he really lied to you.

min_bora: you looked so handsome without your tshirt ;) not my words but harin's haha

You almost groaned seeing the last text. What was that? A pub or a social club with stripping? Or even worse - harem, which was an obvious overstatement. You just hoped it wasn't it and he would deny it. Fun thing, it shouldn't have concerned you but it did. Maybe if it happened to be the truth, you would finally get rid of your stupid feelings. Perhaps, it was the key to let it go...

"Did you just look at my fucking texts?" he smirked leaning his head back so he had the picture of your face upside down.

Jungkook saw your empty expression as you had got lost in your thought few seconds earlier. You opened your lips wanting to say something, but you were too cogitative to reply right away.

"No, of course not" you shook your head lowering your gaze, but it seemed like you had a large writing "a liar" on your forehead.

Of course, he didn't believe you as he felt your gaze on his back when he was about to text back so he took a pillow and threw it at your face, while you blushed immediately all over your cheeks. This thing was something he didn't notice to your liking.

"Instead of making fun of me, you could help your friend" he pretended to whine while looking at the messages.

Friend? So maybe you were already on another level, which made you instantly worried about getting friendzoned, but it felt like it already was the thing in your situation.

You weren’t making fun of Jungkook, it was far from it. Curiosity just won over your honour and your morals.

"Difficult task" you held your chin with your one hand, bitting your lips and reckoning if you should say it "I don't know what to do with a text that says you look handsome without your t-shirt".

"Any advice?" he rolled his eyes watching "min_bora" sending him some silly emojis, which didn't get slipped by you.

"Don't take your t-shirt off next time?"

"Oh, you don't say" he hissed "She spilled her drink on me by accident. I had to change".

"You bring your clothes with you?"

"Yeah, gym clothes" he said brushed his hair back "They were in Namjoon's car, I forgot them two days earlier".


jeon_jk: hi bora jeon_jk: to the next one :)

You weren't expecting this kind of text got typed to this girl, but he was a free man. He could do anything he wanted, not like you had something to say in this matter, but this one coming...

min_bora: i was wondering... min_bora: do you have tattoos only on your arm or maybe somewhere lower... ;)

"Are you kidding me?" you mumbled quietly so he couldn't made out what you had said and you covered your face with your hand completely uncomfortable.

And envious at the same time, knowing you wouldn't get the courage to simply ask him for a coffee, yet these girls had all of it. Even the view.

You thought that maybe he would react in some way. Like getting embarrassed that you saw it or something, but no. He was unfazed, like nothing too extraordinary happened. Maybe he got used to it, to attention and it didn't surprise him. He just sighed and closed the conversation down leaving Bora on a read.

Jungkook leaned even more so his head was laying on the sofa and his long hair were within reach of your hand. His eyes were closed and his breathing was calm and steady as if he was ready to take a nap or just thinking heavily.

"Are you okay?" you asked with a tranquil voice not to disturb his peace.

"Yeah" he replied with his eyes closed, but this time the tone he used managed to put you off "Let's just finish this movie".

It was a clear signal something happen or it was just his casual attitude towards random things, like everything was the enemy to him and his job was to brace himself. You never talked about your problems, not even complaining about something more private than your day or how bad the lunch tasted. Everything was kept to yourselves and you didn’t have the nerve to ask him what was the reason behind his changing moods. Maybe he was like that. His nature could be edgy, even by looking at his image anybody could say that. You didn’t dwell on the subject assuming he would prefer it to be talked with his closest friends rather than a roommate.

So you just stuffed your mouth with popcorn contemplating what could be wrong with him until you saw closing credits at the end of the movie.

When it finished, he stood from the floor and helped you with cleaning the mess, but soon he went to his room, got changed. Of course, he didn’t stay that night in a flat which made you sad for a known reason, but who you were to stop him.

Honestly, having this type of a crush was quite a burden if you were the one to speak up. Constantly feeling the strain was exhausting, sometimes you couldn’t sleep and think straight in situations which he was involved in. It wasn’t normal and you wished you could do something with it, because it was getting you nowhere. Maybe if you made the decision but… You didn’t want to ask him out and at the same time you didn’t want to let it go. It was a total rollercoaster of mixed feelings that day by day made you run out of energy.

The rest of the evening was calm as usual and you spent it on your phone waiting for a new story from Jungkook which sometimes he posted on his Instagram, but it didn’t happen. You thought about checking Jimin’s account, but you gave yourself a break.

You took a towel and your pyjamas so you could get a shower and you were on your way to the bathroom when you got a new notification, which you checked right away. In your message box was a text that was totally unexpected.

hyunn_wonn: hi there, love

You looked at it confused bringing your knees close to your chest after you had returned to your bed.

And then not the best idea came to your mind.

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1 year ago

❝feeling unreciprocated❞ - jungkook x reader (upcoming story - 01.08.2023)

Feeling Unreciprocated - Jungkook X Reader (upcoming Story - 01.08.2023)

Sleeping with one guy after feeling rejected wasn't a good idea, but sleeping with another one and another seemed to be even worse plan. Especially with your handsome crush behind the wall, who is as confused as you about your ways of coping with a broken heart.

🫦 chapter 1 🫦 chapter 2 🫦 chapter 3 🫦 chapter 4

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