Early 40s, heterosexual, life long cardiophile, 🇺🇸I love stethoscopes, auscultating and being auscultated. Not into dark.
14 posts
Cardiophilewoman83 - Female Cardiophile
Figured it out…. 😒 user error. I mistyped my email address and now it obviously can’t be verified…. Well 💩. Guess I’ll have to just leave this and start over….
Um? 😐 It won’t let me reply to comments made on my posts? So if you commented on any of my posts thank you! 😊☺️ I tried to reply to each one multiple times unsuccessfully. 😤 I promise I’m not a rude person or ignoring the comments. I am having technical difficulties that I currently cannot figure out. 😠

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PLEASE?! And take your time and be very very thorough! Let’s both savor it!

5 reasons why it's great to be in a relationship with a cardiophile
These are the reasons from my point of view. It cannot be generalized ;-).
1, We love physical contact.
Cuddling and touching are a necessity and a passion for them (earstething, feeling the heartbeat by touch, etc. ...).
2, It is not difficult to find a gift for us :).
There are many types of stethoscopes, echocardiograms, heart-shaped things, etc. on the market.
3, We are grateful.
The fact that you accept us as we are is the most important thing for us. We will always cherish it and never forget it.
4, We don't judge others.
By nature, we are tolerant (most of us :D) of others and their interests. We ourselves know what it's like to be judged.
5, No one has to "force" us to have sex.
Heartbeat is a big (really big...) turn on for us. All you need is to press our hand, stethoscope or ear to your chest and you can do whatever you want with us :).
Can you think of any other reason? Feel free to add it here :).
🤬 yeah! PLEASE?!

Well… I guess I would