Dayna Came To Visit Today, So We Went To See Inception (SO GOOD) And Toy Story 3. Since She's The One

Dayna came to visit today, so we went to see Inception (SO GOOD) and Toy Story 3. Since she's the one who gave me my starter clay and actually knows what she's doing, I asked if she wanted to sculpt with me when we got home and she very politely agreed. I made this little alien guy from Toy Story. Dayna decided to just wing it, and she made this totally awesome dragon.
Did I just say "totally awesome dragon?" Yikes.
Toy Story alien: Super Sculpey, ~70 min.
Dayna's dragon: Marblex, ~70 min.
More Posts from Caritrease
first things first
I promise to never make any jokes about or references to the movie Ghost.
Except for this one.

Pre-game warmup.

As if you hadn't figured it out by now, I'm a little on the nerdy side. When one of my all-time favorite shows, Futurama, came back from the dead last month, I may have gotten a little teary-eyed. Just a little. Which Bender would have totally disapproved of, of course.
(Look, a gray sculpture that's actually supposed to be gray!)
Marblex, ~50 min.

Usually, after I take a few pictures of the sculpture, I smoosh the little guy back into the scrap pile. But I was so enamored with my cute little Hypnotoad that I just couldn't. (I mean, I did, eventually...but I took a lot of pictures with him first. Possibly for my scrapbook. [Don't judge.])
Marblex, ~30 min.

Here's how my thought process worked on those scary zombie eyes:
1. Let's put small circles on top of the larger circles so it looks like pupils!
2. Hmmm, there's not very much contrast. I'll come back to that.
3. Hey, this mouth looks great! Maybe I should hollow out the pupils instead of trying to build them up...
5. (after taking pictures) Well, now he just kind of looks like he has goggles.
Lesson learned!
Marblex, ~60 min.