catarsis96 - Tulipanes De La Escritura
Tulipanes De La Escritura

Amo leer, me encanta el anime, series y muchas cosas más, 27 años, espero poder escribir algo pronto por aquí, mexicana. I hope they continue to take care of themselves against the covid and you are well

225 posts

Alucard With A Vampire Hateing S/o Like Trevors Baby Sister

Alucard with a vampire hateing s/o like trevors baby sister


You were so frustrating to love.

Belmont had spoiled you, kept you as sheltered as he could. 

It was unacceptable, honestly. Alucard had been…happy to relieve him of his charge. Of course, you’d thrown a fit about it. But that sort of codependency wasn’t healthy. A permanent separation was in order.

You were so hateful, a child who’d been fed stories about what monsters vampires were and had grown into a ball of spite that hated him on principal. Fanaticism at its finest.

He’d resolved to make you understand. Trevor had begun to clue in that they were people.

Surely you would accept his love, wouldn’t you?

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More Posts from Catarsis96

1 year ago

For you

Request : really like your stories. I want a request. I want a story for Dracula. If you want, I want him to be possessive like Yandere. I want it to be long, a little long. I hope you continue writing stories.

Another repost from my deleted side blog

🔞18+only! MDNI!🔞




Dracula never thought he’d find love again, much less a third time. After all the tragedy and heartbreak he’s been forced to face, and to go through, he found a place with you.

Just another human.

But your kindness, your compassion made him fall all over again.

How you saw him, a mere stranger who looked troubled, and offered him company.

Your presence was warm, with a smile that outshined the morning sun. How you gazed at him like he was worth more than gold, how you attentively listened to everything he had to say.

Especially so late at night.

Dracula hung onto your every word, taking in everything you had to say to him. Every word you spoke, every question you asked him, had him enthralled with you.

He knew then he had to protect you, to keep you safe from the world.

To protect you from the same fate as those before. He can’t lose you too.

Even after meeting with you, and taking small walks around your little town every night, he can’t bring himself to leave back to his castle.

Not without you in tow, he needed to have you, to protect you, to hold you.

You remain unaware of the second shadow you have, but you do feel eyes on you almost every night. But you happily close your door, not seeing the nearly nine foot tall shadow behind you, with dim glowing red eyes staring at you as he trails silently after you.

Following you around your home.

Mutely cooing at your decor, already making a mental listen of anything that looks important to take with him. Oh! Maybe he will give you your own personal room next to his, just for all your things.

The vampire quietly purrs, watching you get snuggled into bed. You’re too precious, he can’t wait to finally have you in his arms, safe and showered in his love.

You’re oblivious to the man carefully picking up your sleeping form.

You awake with a yawn and a stretch, having felt like you got the best sleep in the world. You rub the sleep from your eyes, yawning once more before looking around, before sitting up, adrenaline rushing through your veins.

Everything in the room was black, red, and gold, looking like you went back in time.

The bed was massive, and incredibly comfortable. The room is dark, with the only source of light coming from a lit set of candles, dimly glowing.

Your breathing picks up, as your eyes dart around trying to find a clear way out.

This wasn’t your room, nor your home.

You needed to get back, and fast, before whoever took you came back. Though your arms are shaking, you slowly move closer to the edge of the bed, only to pause, feeling like you’re being watched.

You can feel your hair standing on end.

Yet, you feel almost….safe? You can’t explain it, you feel as though whatever or whoever is watching you, won’t hurt you.

But although you feel welcomed here, it feels hostile.

You slide off the bed as quietly as you could. Trembling as the coldness of the room washes over you, you are still only dressed in your sleep shirt and shorts, so you aren’t sure if that’s a good sign or not.

You slowly walk towards the door, pausing when the floor creaks under you. You wait to see if anyone comes, yet nothing happens. You let out a mute sigh before continuing, internally cheering once you reached the grand door.

You take a deep breath as you grasp the gold handle, placing your other hand where the door and door frame meet to soften the sounds of it opening. Peeking through the decent gap, you nearly choke.

Before you stand two inhumanly tall knights in gold armor, both their heads looking towards you, causing the bright blue feathering on their helms to move.

Your eyes keep darting between the two, and their monstrous swords. The moment one moved, you jumped back and slammed the door shut.

Your heart is pounding, and your skin becomes tacky with sweat.

Well, there goes sneaking out that way, it could never be easy. They two guards never enter the room, so you suppose it’s safe in here for now. Walking back, you try the windows, seeing if you could open those.

You push, you pull, you push, but the windows never budge, it’s like some invisible force is keeping them shut.

You huff, realizing you’re truly trapped here.

With those knights of whatever they are staying outside your door, you will have to wait until they leave. But you doubt they will ever move.

You jump back, head whipping around towards the door at the sound of three knocks. Your heart drops, only to be left more confused and nervous.

You’re shocked to see the man you’ve been talking to late at night, but a part of you feels like you should’ve seen it coming.

Dracula chuckles at your shocked face.

“I didn’t mean to frighten you, my love.”

You realize he’s holding a bed tray, one that’s filled with food and a nice cold drink for you.

“I apologize if the food isn’t perfect, it’s been centuries since I last cooked anything.”

Your brain is slowly clicking things into place.

Why else would he be nearly nine feet tall, if he wasn’t something supernatural. Your heart stops, now realizing escape would be impossible, unless you had help from another inhuman creature.

You try to think, and fast. It would be best to just play along, until he gives you an opening. You hesitantly sit down on the bed, allowing him to place the tray over your lap.

The food looks amazing, and like he took every precaution while making it just right for you. The bed dips under his weight as he sits next to you, looking at you expectingly.

You stare at the food before you, your adrenaline still going, making you not feel hungry at all.

“Is it not what you’d like?”

You jolt, looking up at him as you have so many times before, yet this time feels different.

“It looks good! Just a little nervous, I guess.”

You try to laugh your nerves away, but the way he’s looking at you only makes it worse. Your laughter gets caught in your throat, watching him drop to the floor, moving to his knees in front of you

Even still, he’s only now at eye level with you.

“Would you prefer me to feed you instead?”

He takes the fork, stabbing some of the food and holding it to your lips. You look between him and the fork before opening your mouth, as you aren’t sure if you should be afraid to disobey.

You hum as your chew the food.

“Wow, that's actually really good.”

Dracula purrs at your priase, as he happily keeps feeding you, taking breaks in between to hold a glass of water to you, helping your drink from it. He seems so happy just to pamper you, you aren’t sure what his intent is, but after all this time you feel like it’s not anything malicious.

He coos at you, joy clear on his face seeing that you’ve cleaned your plate. You watch him pick up the bed tray and make his way to the door.

Maybe, if you can ask him you can get a better lay out of this home of his.


He pauses instantly, like you have a hold on him. He turns back to you, black hair swaying with his sharp movements.

“Yes, Dear?”

You feel your words stuck in your throat. Swallowing thickly you finally ask.

“Can…can I go with you? I don’t want to be alone.”

You voice barely a whisper, but he hears you loud and clear.

“Of course you can, but please, stay close.”

The large vampire nearly melts when you get behind him, and hold onto him by his cloak. He knew he made the right choice, you’re perfect for him! By the second he can feel his love deepening.

You truly are too precious.

So trusting.

So bashful.

He finds you so endearing.

The guards you saw earlier, watch you both leave the room, but stay in their places. You take notes as you two walk.

You try to memorize the hallway as best you can.

Until you realize just how long this one hallway is, and how many stairs there are, just how big is this place!?

“This is quite the home you have, how do you not get lost?”

Dracula’s laugh echoes throughout the wide area.

“I’ve lived here for centuries, my sweet. Soon you will learn the layout as well.”

He is sure of it, once you get comfortable he will make you immortal like him, so you can never leave him, and if you are to die, he could revive you easily. Dracula lets out a soft sigh, dreaming of the day you call him your husband, and living a sweet, domestic life with him.

You two fall into silence, from him daydreaming, and you watching all the creatures you two pass. Fear grips your heart at the plethora of other worldly monsters you see, from walking skeletons, to axe wielding knights, to zombies and anything in between or more.

You’ve never seen anything like them, and all of them watch you, or not even bother you.

It’s like you walking with Vlad protected you.

You move closer, pressing yourself against his back, hoping to put as much distance between you and the other monsters.

Dracula snaps from his thoughts, glancing down at you and taking in your visibly uncomfortable expression, how you look as scared of the things around you.

While he knows with time you’ll grow use to them, now is not then, and you need safety and comfort above all else. You don’t see the harsh look he gives the mindless zombie, who’s wandering too close.

Dracula shifts the bed tray to one hand, as to free up the one closest to you, and within an instant the creature flies, slamming to the wall and becoming nothing but a messy pile stuck to it.

You gasp, jumping at the sight, and watching Dracula shake his hand a bit, as if to get off the decomposing skin off his hand.

“There, that’s taken care of. I can assure you I will make sure nothing happens to you.”

You believe him, but that’s what you dread.

By the time you two reach the extravagant kitchen, your adrenaline has disappeared, leaving you tired and exhausted.

So much so, you don’t fight back when he picks you up, jusg simply laying your head against his chest.

You hear no heartbeat, and his skin is cool to the touch, leaving you less than settled. With a flash of light, and what felt like the world spinning, you ended up in a completely different room.

Sluggishly, you lift your head, taking in the sight of such a lavish throne room, and a very large chair, covered in gold detailing, with deep red cushions.

He sits down, keeping you in his lap and to his chest, as if you’d disappear. He kisses the top of your head, cooing at how tired you are.

He looks at you, taking in your much smaller form, and how perfectly you rest against him, like puzzle pieces fitting together.

He would wipe out his entire undead army for you, if they scared you so much.

“I love you, darling.”

His ears twitch, picking up the sound of your heartbeat speeding up.

“I would do anything for you, to protect you. You are mine to hold, mine to love. I will keep you from harms way.”

You lazily blink, feeling his grip getting tighter as he takes deep inhales of your scent.

“Your presence and warmth alone are more addicting than the finest ambrosia. I want you to myself.”


You fight back a flinch when he growls low and deeply, you can feel it in your chest.

“Say it, say you’re mine, please.”

You can feel yourself sweating, unsure how to answer him.

Do you want to escape and go home?

Or do you want to stay here, with the lord of the night as your beloved?

You weigh the pros and cons of everything.

Finally, you look into those deep crimson eyes.

“I’m yours.”

He smiles, fangs poking from his lips before he pulls you into a breathtaking kiss. His arms around you, hugging you to his chest, keeping you in place.

His lips firmly on yours, only pulling away so you could breathe.

As you pant, he can’t help but think about when he finally turns you into a vampire like him, you won’t need air, and can kiss him for as long as possible.

You’ll be tied to him forever, stuck with him.

He trembles at the thought.

He can’t wait to keep you with him forever.

1 year ago

Al fin me animé a escribir y publicar algo por aquí, aun no me acostumbro a tumblr, pero poco a poco lo haré, quise dejar mi aporte a Castlevania y escribir para Adrian Tepes, lo amo🥺

@milkywaydrabbles espero que te guste!




Su luz.

Eras su luz entre toda la oscuridad que lo acompañaba.

Alucard había hecho tanto y recibido poco, había ofrecido sus conocimientos y obtenido lo peor de la humanidad, con crueldad y cinismo. 

Él esperaba ahogarse entre tanto alcohol o poder morir de una sobredosis de vino, si es que eso se podía. Ya no quería saber nada, si la humanidad le daría la espalda y le intentaría atacar en el momento que él se distrajera, entonces no quería nada.

Había logrado acabar y detener la guerra de su padre, con la ayuda de quienes se volvieron sus primeros amigos, para después quedarse otra vez solo. Y cuando parecía que la vida le daba una oportunidad para ayudar a los demás, recibió odio y traición por parte de dos humanos que creyó que se volverían sus nuevos amigos. 

Lo engañaron, lo utilizaron y vulneraron. 

Alucard se derrumbó en la miseria, no quería ni ver su reflejo porque sabía que si lo hacía, vería solo un cuerpo vacío. Un lamentable pedazo de hombre o lo que quedara de ese quién fue antes. 

Hasta que llegaste tú.

Fuiste otra desafortunada alma que se detuvo frente a su castillo. Habías sido perseguida por otros humanos, querían dañarte, querían abusar de ti.

Por eso cuando vio y comprendió todo lo que se estaba desarrollando frente a su casa, no había dudado en entrar en acción. Él no quería que alguien más se sintiera utilizado y rebajado. 

A pesar de estar resentido con la humanidad, actuó en son de la justicia y te ayudó, te salvó, rompió los huesos y advirtió a aquellos hombres que te estaban cazando como si fueras un animal de deporte.

Te permitió quedarte en su hogar, a pesar de que aún tenía desconfianza en los demás, hasta que poco a poco comenzaron a tener conversaciones, tu preguntabas y él respondía con pocas palabras.

Aquello se volvió una rutina hasta que su desconfianza se desvaneció poco a poco.

Ahora eras su compañera,  su confidente. Su amor. Su luz entre toda esa oscuridad que lo consumía.

Los primeros rayos del sol lo despertaron, casi no dormía, pero desde que estabas tú en su vida, dormir se volvió reconfortante, te vio junto a él y sonrió.

"Buenos días, cariño …" Sonreíste, te sentías observada por unos ojos miel, logrando que te despertaran.

" Buenos días, ¿Dormiste bien?…" Él sonrió, admirando tu desnudez, Alucard aun no podía creer que llegaría a estar así contigo. 

"Después de lo que hicimos anoche y quedar muy agotada, sí." Hacer el amor con él te había dejado tan fatigada que poco a poco el sueño te invadió.

Alucard rió suavemente, llevó una de sus pálidas manos a tu mejilla cálida. 

"Gracias mi amor." Murmuró el bello Damphir.

"¿ Por qué?" Lo miraste sin comprender.

"Por ser mi luz entre toda la oscuridad."

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1 year ago

Al fin me animé a escribir y publicar algo por aquí, aun no me acostumbro a tumblr, pero poco a poco lo haré, quise dejar mi aporte a Castlevania y escribir para Adrian Tepes, lo amo🥺

@milkywaydrabbles espero que te guste!




Su luz.

Eras su luz entre toda la oscuridad que lo acompañaba.

Alucard había hecho tanto y recibido poco, había ofrecido sus conocimientos y obtenido lo peor de la humanidad, con crueldad y cinismo. 

Él esperaba ahogarse entre tanto alcohol o poder morir de una sobredosis de vino, si es que eso se podía. Ya no quería saber nada, si la humanidad le daría la espalda y le intentaría atacar en el momento que él se distrajera, entonces no quería nada.

Había logrado acabar y detener la guerra de su padre, con la ayuda de quienes se volvieron sus primeros amigos, para después quedarse otra vez solo. Y cuando parecía que la vida le daba una oportunidad para ayudar a los demás, recibió odio y traición por parte de dos humanos que creyó que se volverían sus nuevos amigos. 

Lo engañaron, lo utilizaron y vulneraron. 

Alucard se derrumbó en la miseria, no quería ni ver su reflejo porque sabía que si lo hacía, vería solo un cuerpo vacío. Un lamentable pedazo de hombre o lo que quedara de ese quién fue antes. 

Hasta que llegaste tú.

Fuiste otra desafortunada alma que se detuvo frente a su castillo. Habías sido perseguida por otros humanos, querían dañarte, querían abusar de ti.

Por eso cuando vio y comprendió todo lo que se estaba desarrollando frente a su casa, no había dudado en entrar en acción. Él no quería que alguien más se sintiera utilizado y rebajado. 

A pesar de estar resentido con la humanidad, actuó en son de la justicia y te ayudó, te salvó, rompió los huesos y advirtió a aquellos hombres que te estaban cazando como si fueras un animal de deporte.

Te permitió quedarte en su hogar, a pesar de que aún tenía desconfianza en los demás, hasta que poco a poco comenzaron a tener conversaciones, tu preguntabas y él respondía con pocas palabras.

Aquello se volvió una rutina hasta que su desconfianza se desvaneció poco a poco.

Ahora eras su compañera,  su confidente. Su amor. Su luz entre toda esa oscuridad que lo consumía.

Los primeros rayos del sol lo despertaron, casi no dormía, pero desde que estabas tú en su vida, dormir se volvió reconfortante, te vio junto a él y sonrió.

"Buenos días, cariño …" Sonreíste, te sentías observada por unos ojos miel, logrando que te despertaran.

" Buenos días, ¿Dormiste bien?…" Él sonrió, admirando tu desnudez, Alucard aun no podía creer que llegaría a estar así contigo. 

"Después de lo que hicimos anoche y quedar muy agotada, sí." Hacer el amor con él te había dejado tan fatigada que poco a poco el sueño te invadió.

Alucard rió suavemente, llevó una de sus pálidas manos a tu mejilla cálida. 

"Gracias mi amor." Murmuró el bello Damphir.

"¿ Por qué?" Lo miraste sin comprender.

"Por ser mi luz entre toda la oscuridad."

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1 year ago

Hi i was woundering if you could do a alucard forcing his darling to marry him


Alucard dressed you that morning.

“You look beautiful,” he murmured in awe, kissing your cheek.

Your parents didn’t walk you up the aisle, there were no loved ones waiting to cheer when the vows were said. Alucard held your arm in an iron grip, smiling all the while.

Your last hope was the shaking officiate, who couldn’t look you in the eye.

Alucard spoke for you, even.

“I now pronounce you married,” the officiate murmured.

You wept, and he held you.

“Don’t cry,” he begged, “our life together has only begun.”

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1 year ago

Alucard going yandere over trevors sister and yandere big brother trevor trying to keep him away from her?


Things were tense around the campfire lately, and it was all your fault.

Trevor, and by extension, you, had a duty to stop Dracula, and so did Alucard. But Trevor didn’t like Alucard. Alucard wasn’t fond of Trevor, either. That might have been bearable, if you hadn’t been a factor. Because Alucard seemed to like you.

It wasn’t obvious. He hadn’t tried to put his hands on you, and he hadn’t been vulgar, both problems you’d faced growing up. But he talked to you, and he just…he hovered, almost as much as Trevor.

Trevor, in turn, hated it, and went out of his way to never leave you alone, smothering you.

You hated all of that.

Being pulled between them, like you had no autonomy…

Sypha was a welcome reprieve, until both Trevor and Alucard stepped between you and your only friend.

Sypha protested, loudly, but they’d talked to her, out of your hearing, and she stopped.

So you were caught between a rock and a hard place.