Adrian Tepes X Fem!reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

An Uncertified Doctor

Alucard!smut x fem!reader, my man doesn't get enough attention :(((

synopsis: After an argument with your father about the nightly attacks and his reckless behavior, you find yourself in face with a demon who wants nothing more than to cause you pain. The curse you're given is brutal, needy, and utterly horrid. It's not until a man by the name of Alucard saves you, but at the cost of what's left of your dignity.

content warnings: blood, demons, corpses, drugging, cursed reader, fingering, it get super sticky here, blood, medicine play????, restraints, PIV, some light body mutilation (reader gets slashed across the arm), pullout method (USE PROTECTION PLEASE), oneshot

word count: 7.2k (went a little crzy)

An Uncertified Doctor

Prologue ~

The children held each other as your mother continued telling stories of monsters. You had heard these a million times, your tiny fingers finding the prickly grass beneath you much more interesting. It was scary the first time you were warned of the beast in the castle, it's thirst for blood. You had cried, much like how the other children cried right now. Begged your mom to not let this monster get you, kill you.

"No!" one of the children cried, making you stop pulling on the grass. "I don't want the monster to drink my blood!" More children started protesting against their invisible enemy, crying and screaming. You turned to your mother, seeing her hide back a smile.

"And it won't get you," she promised, her voice gentle. "You must stay within the village, never venturing too far. And you also must listen to your parents. This monster loves eating naughty children."

That's how you knew this story was meant to scare children into listen to their parents. It become obvious when you did something wrong or bad, they would threaten you with the same blood-sucking demon. Do you want to go to his castle?! Your dad had yelled. I'll drag you there and he'll keep you instead!

The other children began making promises of being good, submissive to their parents. You had a frown on your face, perhaps you were the odd one out. You had a bad habit of not listening to authority, taking things into your own hands. A small part of you thought these stories were made up for you, to make you listen.

It didn't take long for the children's parents to arrive, picking up their terrified children. You watched as your mom went to the parents, most likely to explain why they were so upset. You stood on your tiny legs, walking to eat the remaining snacks that were left over from the school session.

"Ah, sweetie you can't eat too much. Save some room for supper," your mom said behind you. You only laughed though, shoving the remaining goodies into your mouth as you ran. Your mom chased you, bursts of giggles escaping your lips as you let your stubby legs take you as far as they could go.

You squealed when she grabbed you, pulling you up in the air. "No fair!" you screamed. "You're bigger than me!" Your mom only laughed and held you in her arms. You secretly wiped your dirty hands on her shirt, but it was far too obvious to go unnoticed.

She let out an irritated groan and yelled your name, "You know better. Do you want to monster to come get you?" Your giggles quickly died down, your mood turning sour. You huffed and crossed your arms, looking away from your mother, "Monsters are not real! That doesn't scare me."

She tsked at you, setting you down on the grass gently. "Love," her voice was serious, in a way that made you stop your attitude and listen intently. "Monsters are more than demons from the underworld. There are monsters here, on the very dirt you and I walk on. They will hurt you and take you from your family if you wonder too far., if you keep disobeying your family. Do you understand?"

Your small body trembled at her seriousness. Despite being at a young age, you knew that not all people were nice. "Bad men," you whispered, eyes wide. Your mom nodded, seeming satisfied with your answer. "Yes," she said. "Bad men."

She picked you back up and took you inside your small house, your dad already setting up the table for dinner. It stuck with you though, her words, your genuine fear. Even after you had grown, after real, hell-born demons began walking the Earth after the wrongful death of Dracula's wife...

The real demons were human.

Present ~

Your village was in shambles, buildings were half torn down, the smell of death and rotting bodies was pungent, blood painted the ground and walls. Still, your dad tried to make a defense team. A group of men that would fight back against the demons, losing most of the time. You know this was in vain, no mere man could win against a devil's spawn. Your dad was determined however, especially after your mothers death.

You hated how injured he was when he came back home, blood dripping at an alarming rate as you tried to patch him up. Resources was another issue the village, it was depleting. You had to settle for using an old cloth to bandage his wounds, ignoring how your dad said to save any clothes for the upcoming winter.

You sat him on the chair, wrapping the cloth around his arm when tears started to prick your eyes. You sniffed, trying to ignoring the way you wanted to yell at him to stop, to stay safe. You and him had argued about this for months, both of you too stubborn to see the other side.

Still, you cried. Sobbed as you tightened the 'bandage.' Your dad frowned when he saw your tears, using his good hand to wipe them away. "Why are you crying?" You scoffed at his question, anger replacing your sadness.

"Why am I crying?" Your voice is clipped, almost aggressive. "Look at yourself! Your putting yourself in danger, your putting all those men with you in danger! You're going to get yourself killed out there! Do you not give a shit about if you die?"

"Do not speak to me with that tone. Do not curse at me," your father rose he spoke, an attempt to establish the power he has. Before you would have listened, apologize for stepping out of line. Now however, there's nothing to lose. There's not much joy in this house, your dad turned destructive after seeing your moms cold body. Her death changed both of you.

"I will do what I please!" You yelled, standing on your tippy toes to be the same height. "You do! Going out there in a suicide attempt. You don't give a fuck about anything anymore! Not yourself, not this house, not me! I'm your daughter! You're supposed to protect me. You're supposed to stay with me, not those damned beasts!"

You voice was strong, thick with emotion. Tears spilled down your face, hands trembling as you spoke. Your dad was growing angry, you could see how his face turned red and eyes grew dark. "I am protecting you," he argued. "After this village is rid of Dracula's demons, we will-"

You laughed bitterly, interrupting his sentence. "There is no end to this hell," your voice was calmer now, still laced with venom. "I'm not a stupid little girl anymore. It's clear to see that God has abandoned us, there is no way to rid of Dracula's beasts."

Your dad breathed deeply, stepping away from you in an attempt to clam down. You stayed silent as he collect his composure, his thoughts. "Do not speak about the Father is such a way," he warned. "This is a test, a way for the Messiah to see if we really are worthy of walking through heaven's gates."

The church? Your dad has the nerve to preach the church's message when they're the ones that put you in this mess? "You are a fool," you spit, ignoring how your dad balled his fists. "The priests are the ones that caused this havoc. They are the reason mother died."

"Do not!" Your dad yelled, screamed. No matter how upset he got, he never yelled. Sure he raised his voice, but shouted? Never. You jumped, taking a step back as he approached your form. You lowered your head down, shame fogging your thoughts. You went too far.

"Don't you dare speak her name on your mouth. You disgrace me by using her death as an excuse for your temper." Your weeps resumed, looking at the darkness in your dad's eyes. An excuse? You would never. If anything, he was the one using her death to act reckless. You can't keep being in this house, surrounded by the memories of your happy family, what your life was.

What it will never be again.

You pushed him hard, shoving him onto the ground as you ran out of house. He screamed your name, shouting at you to come back. You ignored him, you ignored the bodies you passed, the violent sobs that wrecked you. It's too much to stay here, to endure all the emotional turmoil you have to go though.

So you ran, barefoot. You feet grew wet with the mud and blood mixed. You ran through the gates that kept your village somewhat protecting, ignoring the men on guard that yelled at you. You ran until you couldn't hear them shouting, you ran until the village was nothing but a blurry image in the distance. The grass was soothing under your feet, wiping away some of the wet essence on there. You clutched at your chest, heaving.

Your chest burned, your feet ached, your mouth craved water. You kept pushing forward until you saw a stream. No longer able to keep yourself up, you collapsed, crawling to the water until you were submerged in it. You bathed, drank, and nearly drowned in the stream. Your clothes were drenched, but that didn't matter. They would dry, like your tears.

It had been so long when you had last bathed properly, when you drank clean water. Your dad was coming back home with filtered water, mud still seen in the cups. But this water was clear, it was so easy to see the fish that swam within it. You laid in the water, letting it engulf you with just your head peeking up.

You will have to make your way back home soon, you can't be exposed in the wilderness like that. Demons did not rest, they were active at all times. It's a wonder how you didn't notice any on your way here. The thought of going back home however, was dreadful. You couldn't face your dad, you can't keep pretending like everything is fine and he will be safe. Something needs to change, but what?

You sat up, head thinking of ideas. Prayers do not work like your village had thought. Holy water however, was the real savior. Smaller demons would bursts into flames, bigger ones would be severely wounded. If only the priests at your village weren't cowards, hiding in their sanctuary.

While you were deep in thought, you didn't notice a demon perched on a nearby tree. It watched as you as you stood, water dripping from your clothes. Demons were not dumb creatures, though same acted without thought. They had some intelligence, the ability to plan and strategize. This demon was quite intelligent unfortunately for you, salvia dripping down its lips. It craved to tear your flesh, to drink you screams and break your soft bones. It had a bad habit of playing with it's food.

You walked out of the water, squeezing the parts of your loose dress at the bottom. It wasn't until you heard the soft thud that you looked up, skin prickling in fear as your eyes scanned for an enemy. Then you saw it, a man. He had purplish hair, skin deathly pale, eyes red as blood. You knew his human stature was a way to lure you in, to trust him. This 'man' was a demon.

"Stay back!" you cried, arms out in front of you to keep a distance. "Go back to where your came from, demon!" Your voice shook, eyes watering in fear. It laughed at you, stalking closer.

"That's not very nice," it says, smiling. "I feel hurt by your words, come comfort me." It opens its arms as if it expects a hug, you make a disgusted face.

"Fuck off!" You shout before you run, not caring what direction you're going it. It laughs again, mouth puling back to reveal absurdly sharp teeth. It chased you, letting you tire out before you slowed. It would be easy to take you somewhat compliant.

It tackled you on the ground, rolling on the grass until you were dizzy. It laid on top of you, red eyes sparking in excitement.

"Vermin!" You screeched, arms and legs kicking. "You evil fuck! Get off me!" It caught your violent attempts, easily using one of its hands to hold both of your own above your head. It's weight heavily settled on your stomach, giving you legs no access to kick freely at him.

"I'll kill you!" You threat, knowing how impossible that is. This makes the demon laugh uncontrollably, just for a moment forgetting it's sinful desire to defile you. It used its free hand to wipe a joyous tear, shaking its head.

"Quite the jester are you!" it says excitedly. "You will be fun, but refrain from calling me such cruel names. I am Magnus." You spit in its face, not caring how some of the salvia drips down on you.

"I don't give a shit what you are called, demon," you speak maliciously. "I have to respect for monsters like yourself." It frowns then, wiping the slobber off its cheek and sighing.

"You know, I thought I would enjoy touching your body. Seeing you submit to me in the vilest way possible. However, I think I should just kill you. Painfully," Magnus almost looks sad as he speaks. He sounds as if he didn't really want to hurt you, but you can see the disgusting smile on his face.

Magnus uses his free hand to grab you face, making your lips pucker and shape and 'o' form. Before you have the chance to protest or scream, he spits. You think it's way to get revenge for spitting at him earlier, but he perfectly aimed for the inside of you mouth. On instinct, you swallow. You grimace at the thought, the way is slide down your throat, how sweet it tasted.

You've heard of this. Demons that take advantage of women in the night, ripping their bodies once they're done. Survivors had told stories of the drool. The way the demons saliva was able to make the women crazed with need, make the obedient. You shuddered, you knew his kind. An incubus.

You hated how hot your body got, the desire that pooled in your stomach. Your body was still soaked in water, but you can feel your folds begin dripping in arousal. You shook your head and cried, whimpering at how you body was betraying your throats. You were all to aware of his skin on yours, his body weight pressing down on you. You craved for something to be in the deepest parts you, places you had never bothered touching after the world went to shit.

Magnus smiled as he watched you pant, eyes going wild with hunger. He was not going to give you pleasure, instead he was shred the skin off your meat, make you watch he stuffed his face of your tender muscles. You would only moan he hurt you, your brain would be too far gone to know the difference between pain and pleasure.

Your cunt though, he would not touch that at all. You would soon beg, not caring if he actually devoured your pussy. You would be craving just for someone to touch you there, to penetrate deep inside you. Magnus's fingernails sharpened, dipping his hand to your arms as he sliced the skin. You cried out, blood welting at the wound. He leaned down and licked, moaning at your taste.

"Someone's not a virgin," he muttered. Magnus thought for a moment. He was planning on taking your innocence, but now he's thinking of just fucking you cruelly. That would go against his point of torturing you, he wanted to deny you pleasure in any way possible in the most horrible way.

He sighed, torn between the two options. It was tempting, so tempting to cup your mound, take what little dignity you have left of yourself. Magnus watched as your face contorted in discomfort, fighting the aphrodisiac saliva that traveled in your throat and gut. He wanted to see it twist is pleasure, then rip it from you. Have you crumbling and breaking under him, begging him to stop while secretly wishing he wouldn't.

Before Magnus could choose, you cried out, hot tears falling down your face as you couldn't stop yourself from moaning. "Kill me," you croaked. He was used to this, it wasn't often, but some maidens would beg to be killed before fucked. "Just kill me already," you continued to weep.

The demon smiled, happy with your reactions and sorrow. "No, I quite like it when you beg."

Just as Magnus was going to slice the skin of your stomach with his nails, a large dog appeared, quickly knocking him down to the ground. Your body was released from the demons body weight, you cried in relief and distraught. It took so much strength to sit up, to ignore the aching in your body from running and the demon's drug.

Your unfocused eyes caught a glimpse of a white wolf and Magnus fighting. You groaned as you tried to stand, willing you legs to bend so you could place your weight on them. You were on your hands on knees, feeling disgusted at the drool that seeped down your legs.

You could hear them yelling, Magnus was talking to the animal like it could understand him. You wobbly stood, stop slightly hunched over as you trudged away from the fight.

Left... right... left... right... You walked slowly, trying to build the strength to continue. You should not have yelled at your dad, cursed him and his beliefs. The last thing you will have ever done with him is fight. Tears pricked your eyes again, the burning passion in your body was no match for the pain in your heart. If it's not Magnus that will kill you, it will be the wolf.

The ground rumbled, shaking so violently you feel to your knees. You yelled in frustration, it took so much just to stand. You can't possibly do it again, not when the loud sounds of punches and the pounding of your head rings. Not when your body violently shakes with need, with desire. You hate it, how you go limp on the ground. How your shaky hands find their way between your legs.

You needed something to soothe the ache. It was unbearable, it was inhumane. You placed your hand over your clothes cunt, moaning touch. You're disgusting, you're vile. You're succumbing to the demons liquid, his drug. It's not enough though, not with how tired your entire body is. You wanted more, no, you need more. Your eyes start to close, body shutting down from the deathly arousal your experiencing.

You miss how the white wolf managed to rid Magnus, having him flee from both of you. It moved to you, shape-shifting as it did. There stood a tall man, long limbs with blonde hair that reached his torso. He carefully picked you up, ignoring the lewd sounds you made when he touched you. You were unconscious, but your body was acting as if it was awake. Your sleepy hands gripped, grabbed, and clutched his body, trying to get closer to him.

The man let out an irritated sigh, eyes closing before he walked with you in his arms. He was dreading the thought of dealing with you and the aphrodisiac, but he took you nonetheless.

"This will be such a hassle," he mutters.


Three days. You have been in excruciating pain for three days and who knows how more to go. You were informed by the blonde man who saved you, Alucard, that you were cursed. It was a common one succumbi and incubi used for their victims. It was supposed to drive the person insane with need for an undetermined amount of time. It was painful not being touched, and painful being touched. Essentially, you had to choice to die in heat or be fucked to death.

Alucard was working on a potion, a reversal one that would undo what had been done to you by Magnus. He left you alone most of the time, bringing you food and water that you would nearly vomit. Both of you were beginning a routine; him bringing you food, you telling him that only food you need is dick, him forcing the food down you mouth, and you cumming whenever he grabbed your face to force your lips open.

You were beyond mortified when you had creamed your pants from a mere touch of his hand, but he didn't even mention it. By now, he was used to your howls of need, of pain. The way you voice echoed throughout his castle was a constant reminder of the pain you were in. Alucard treated you more like a cat in heat than a cursed human.

Even if it weren't for the curse, you would still want Alucard to stay besides you. It was so lonely to be in a room, chained to the bed (something he had to do for his and your protection). There was no one to talk to, no one to keep you company during this time, nothing to look at.


You tiredly fight against your chained hands, your chained legs. Sweat and tears drip down your face, and you could feel the nonstop wetness dripping onto the bed from between your thighs. You haven't touched yourself once since being here. Though you've came, without meaning to, it's still not enough. There's nothing for your pussy to clamp down on, nothing that you could rub between your thighs.

Instead you just lie there, sobbing and cursing at yourself, and Magnus, at leaving your village. None of this would have happened had you stay there. You would have been with company, with human contact, with the only family you have left. More tears slip down your face, and you know it's not just from painful arousal.

Your thoughts are stopped by the door opening, revealing Alucard who has a tray in his hand. You lift your head up to peer at him, taking in his slender frame, long fingers, gentle eyes, and unblemished skin. Just like that, your saddened thoughts are replaced by the familiar need for sex.

You force your head back down onto the bed, biting your lower lip. You're on the verge of begging him to fuck you, though you know he won't. It's futile to even consider, but the skin on your lip still breaks from staying silent. You close your eyes when you hear his footsteps getting closer, you won't be able to stand it if you see him.

"The potion in done," his voice is gentle besides you. This time you snap you eyes open, head turning to his direction. Your eyes land on the tray that has not only food, but a clear glass. It's swirling with green and blue, some gold flecks fluttering around. You left out a sigh of relief, but it comes out like a moan.

Without thinking, you reach for the bottle. You're quickly restricted by the chains, and you yell from frustration. "Fuck Alucard! Just give it to me." You know you're being rude, and it's the last thing you should be to the man helping you. Still, you're not sure if you're asking for the potion or something else.

He set the tray down on a nearby nightstand, grabbing the glass and looking at you wearily. "It's been days since you've been cursed. You could drink it now, but it would take a few more days for the symptoms to clear," Alucard trails off like there's something else, and truthfully you don't have the patience to keep waiting.

"It's possible to also make the symptoms clear up quickly, just within a few hours. However-"

You trash around the bed impatiently. "I don't care! Heal me quickly. I'm not sure I can take much longer." The smell of him has you keening, drooling at the scent. It's the most he's talked to you, and you're clenching around nothing just at his voice. You fear of what you'll do if you have to withstand this feeling any further, death is seeming like a much better alternative.

Alucard's fingers grip the glass a little more harder, and without a word, he sits at the edge of the bed. The dip of his weight makes you anxious, horny, needy. You pray that he quickly gets on with whatever he has to do, but you also wish he can take you. Your body starts shaking in anticipation. This man hasn't even touched you, yet his mere presence makes you vibrate with arousal.

You watch as his hands ghost over your thighs where your dress ends. Your breath hitches, and you nearly cry when he lifts up the dress. He bunches it at your waist, and when his knuckles graze your flesh, you cum. A sob wrecks your body, and your hips left off the bed. You feel so embarrassed, so disgusted with yourself, yet you can't stop the hot pleasure that raked through your body.

Alucard waits until you flop back down into the bed, heavy breathing. Though he's killed demons and his own father, he's never experienced someone with such a curse. You're tempting to him, your soft skin and pleading eyes. The noises you make are so pretty to him, but he knows better than to think anything else.

He's reserved, tucked away in a castle that teleports at will. He doesn't bother with much companionship, let alone a night with a woman. After what happened last time, he swore to stay away from helping people unless necessary. Humans are deceiving, selfish, and everything his father feared. Still, he has a heart, he had a human mother. There is evil in humans yes, but there is also good.

You don't notice how Alucard's eyes travel your body, how his pants start getting a little tighter around the crotch area. You're so out of it, so desperate, it's nearly impossible to ignore you. It takes unbelievable strength to pull your underwear to the side, more to ignore the way the cloth stick to your pussy. Alucard unconsciously licks his lips.

You moan at the feeling of being exposed, of being looked at. You dare to life your head up, peeking at Alucard who dips his middle finger in the cup to coax it in the liquid. He notices your staring, and looks up. "I promise to do nothing indecent. I just have to insert this inside," he explains.

You only moan in response, opening your legs wider for his access. With gentle movements, Alucard smears his finger all over you clit. You squeal, body quivering from the stimulation. He's applying it like ointment, but what he's doing is anything but doctor-like. Alucard is avoiding your bud, the place where you ache for him to touch the most. You try to maneuver your hips so he could graze it, but he keeps one hand at your hips to keep you still.

Though he's touching you, something you've been praying for since you got to his castle, now it's not enough. You begin begging, pleading with him to touch you. You've lost what decency you had left, opting to succumb to the effects of the curse.

"But I am touching you," Alucard protests. You watch as his lips fight from turning into a smirk. Oh he's into this. Now you finally take in how his tongue keeps licking his lip, how dilated his pupils are, the way his fangs poke out from his -

Wait, fangs?

Surely, you must be hallucinating. Delirious from pleasure that you've began seeing things. You blink a few times, trying to get your eyes right. When you open them, however, they're still there. Your eyes widen in disbelief, in shock. You open your mouth to ask about it, but he slips his finger inside.

You whimper instead, fingers clutching the sheets under you. Your eyes roll back to your head, letting your walls squeeze his finger. You're panting, thoughts of his inhuman teeth forgotten as you finally have something inside you.

"Forgive me if you're a maiden," his voice breaks through your moans. "This is the fastest way to the the results you want. Tell me to stop, I will."

You shake your head so harshly, Alucard worry it might fall off. "No! No," you cry out. "I'm not-fuck! I've had- shiiiiiit," Your mouth fails you. It's impossible to speak now that he's started pumping his finger inside you. It's nothing compared to cock, but it's still long enough to have make you squirm.

"Ahh," Alucard's voice is understanding, "I see." Truthfully, he's glad you're not a virgin. It would have been awkward when you've healed, he can't handle confrontation like that. He gives a few more pumps before he pulls out, a string of your essence still clinging to his finger as if begging to not leave.

"Put it back in!" You sob, fighting against the chains. You're left empty, pussy throbbing like it's also crying. Your teary eyes watch as he dips two fingers into the potion. You almost forgot he was giving you medicine, too distracted with how much your desire pooled for him.

"Please." There's no point in pleading, you know he will give you what you need. Still, the thought of being left here again to endure this pain has you worried. Alucard pulls his fingers out of the glass and rubs the liquid on your clit. This time, he does touch the bundle of nerves. You whimper, head thrown back as you relish in his touch.

Alucard releases his hand from your waist to dip his middle and ring finger into the potion. Now his two fingers on each hand soaked, he moves it to enter your cunt. He watched as you mouth falls open in a loud moan as he pumps and rubs you. You're tightening so much around him, convulsing like he's exorcising a demon.

A quiet groan escaped his mouth when you start fucking yourself on his fingers. With the little free movements you have, you shift your hips upwards and downwards. You don't have much energy, but doing this makes it so that his fingers are able to hit your sweet spots.

Alucard speeds up his movements on rubbing you, feeling your insides spasm around his fingers. You're close again, and your lower half is so sticky from all the combined wetness. You don't bother counting on how many times you've finished from his hands, but in how skilled he is. Alucard's movements are calculated, soft, and gentle. Despite making your pussy squelch and squirt, he does it as elegant as ever.

With another loud moan, you cum on his hand, letting your hips still as you savor your orgasm. Eyes closed, legs stiff, and mouth hanging open, Alucard pulls his finger completely away from your body. You gasp, looking up to see him eyeing your spasming walls. Sure, you might need this 'healing' more than him, but he looks as desperate.

It's not until you see Alucard move to the bottle that you notice it's almost empty. Truthfully, you've began to feel the beginning parts of the working medicine. You can think a little clearer, your head isn't pounding as hard, and your body doesn't ache as painfully with desire. Still, your body craves more. From the curse or from your own yearning, only God knows.

"Wait," you speak up. Alucard halts his movements, fingers just above the cup. "What is it?" He asks, "Are you in pain?" Some of the lust in his eyes was replaced with worry, and you would've melted on the spot had you not had your exposed pussy bared to him.

"No, I'm fine," your voice is reassuring. "Actually, I think it's working." Alucard nods, "It seems so, you can speak in full sentences now." You laugh at his words, a little embarrassed at your previous behavior. You chew on your lower lip, now able to feel some shame from what you want to ask.

"Is it possible to..." you trail off. Your eyes scan your nude legs, his wet fingers, then your eyes land on the tent in his pants. Alucard notices this, blushing at your bold vision. "To what?" He pushes. Even if you're being very direct with your eyes, he still needs that verbal confirmation.

You think on how to word it properly so that you don't further humiliate yourself. Then you think, fuck it. "You have already seen my womanhood and felt it yourself. What's the harm in using your cock to apply the serum?" There, you asked him. You let out an exhale, surprised at yourself with your own bluntness.

His eyes widen, then he scans your body. You're tied, chained to the bed. You can't do him any harm even if you wished to, plus you did not seem skilled in hunting demons or anything of the sort. Alucard weighs the pros and cons in his head before coming to a conclusion. "I suppose you're right, there is no difference at this point."

Alcuard stands off the bed, and you watch in anticipation as he rids himself of his pants. Wet hands untie the knot, gently dragging the material down his thighs, calfs, until he hits his ankles. Even in undressing, he is as poise as ever. With nothing underneath, you watch how his dick touches his lower abdomen, the head screaming to the played with.

A hum leaves your lips, legs opening a little wider upon seeing him. Alucard is far too embarrassed to look at you, but you can tell he appreciates your reaction from the red in his face. You yank of the chains enough to have them rattle, forcing him to look up at you. "Rid of these quickly. I think my arms are about to fall off."

You watch as his expression falls a little, a small look of pain crosses his eyes. "I cannot."

You raise an eyebrow, "You cannot?" He nods, confirming your question. "I find it more...comfortable to keep you bind." His tone is set, but the way his eyes meet yours shows his nervousness. You sigh, a little irritated at his request. You click your tongue a few times, thinking. "What about my legs then? Could you unchain them at least?"

He taps his chin thoughtfully, almost forgetting the fact that his dick is still out and proud. "Yes," Alucard comes to a resolution. "Tell me if you feel discomfort." You thank him and watch as he bends over to the bed, easily opening the clamps on your ankles to set you free.

Once your legs are released, you stretch. You feel a few bones pop and groan in satisfaction. Alucard chuckles at you, now finding himself on the bed as he crawls to your hips. Without missing a beat, you reopen your legs. You push your knees up to your chest, letting him adjust in front of you.

Anticipation relights in your chest as you observe him between your legs. Alucard soothingly rubs his hands up and down the back of your thighs, planting kisses on your somewhat sore ankles.

Gentle, you think. You haven't been with a lover in a while, and to be treated so tenderly after so long does something to you. Alucard's sweet, golden eyes meet you. Though you can see the passion and lust in them, you can't help but see fear. It's strange. Why is he one scared when you're the one who's tied? At his will and power literally beneath him, yet it's him who trembles in anxiousness.

"I'm not going to hurt you," you don't know why you say it. Perhaps it's because you want to make him feel better. A part of you regrets even speaking up, but that feeling goes away quickly when he smiles almost shyly at you. "I know," he says. "It's just been a while."

You were going to say that you have also been abstinent, but you moan instead when you feel the head of his cock sliding against your clit. From the previous cum and orgasms, Alucard finds himself humping against you eagerly. He uses his hands to reach down and press his cock harder against you, making sure to apply pressure.

You quiver, eyes locked on his as you hear the slickness of your connecting bodies. Alucard keeps his other hand at the back of you thigh to keep your leg open. His hips move with determination, captivated by your soft flesh.

The curse has not yet fully gone away, so it's not long before you feel the impending build up of yet another orgasm. You're moaning at every thrust Alcuard provides you to let him know that you're close. He watches how his dick glistens from your wetness despite not even being inside you once. Alucard knows it's just the curse effects, but a small part of his hopes it's from his actions.

Just to experiment, Allured dips the head of his cock into your entrance before sliding back out. You clench around emptiness, suddenly eager to cream his cock. "Alucard," his name is magic on your tongue. He doesn't even need to ask what you need nor do you need to say more. You both want it inside.

Alucard groans as he gentle slides his cock in you. There's little to no resistance, and even if there was, you would take only pleasure in the stretch. It's already hard not to when he fills you up so nicely, his girth spreading your lower lips perfectly. You didn't intend to come with his first breach, but you did anyway.

Your body tightens, your warm walls clamping on his dick like you did to his fingers not too long ago. An actual whimper leaves his lips, and you only squeeze him tighter. You can feel yourself pulsing around him, the leaking of your cum down your ass. Surely, you must look exhausted. With a heaving chest, sweaty body, and knotted hair, there must be nothing appealing to your appearance.

Still, Alucard finds beauty in your afterglow. The wet and dry cum spread between your thighs, the way your eyes seem to gloss over every time you finish, truly a sight to behold. It's been so long since he has experienced pleasure to this extent. Alcuard will cherish this moment for as long as he can.

It's why he thrusts into you again, relishing in your overstimulated noises. All you can do, and want to do, is take it. Let Alucard take you as he pleases, as he deserves. He's been so patient, so kind. This is the last he deserves.

Now that both of his hands are on your thighs, you start honing in on his touches. His long hair tickles your legs, even a part of your stomach when he leans down to get a better angle. His fingers dig into your soft flesh, almost possessively. His mouth is open, panting as he fucks into you.

Even in his most primal state, Alucard is still graceful in his movements. You don't think it's possible for any man to look as beautiful as he does in the moment, yet here he is. You unconsciously tug at the restraints at your wrists, desperate to touch him, to kiss him.

His pink, soft lips are all you can look at while Alucard is too distracted with looked at how your cunt eats him up. Now with more confidence, he lifts your legs higher. He pins your thighs to your chest so tightly that it constricts some of your air flow. The current mating press has him close to your face, dick adjusting to the new position.

There's no way you can't not pay attention to his mouth now, his breath on your skin. Alucard is on his feet now, crouched so he could slam into your overstimulated pussy perfectly. He's so deep, so thick that you feel his tip go almost in to your cervix. You cry out, eyes teary as he finally looks up at you.

Alucard looks at you as if he's hurt you, but now he can see the pure lust gaze you have. It's almost as if Alucard had heard your wish to kiss him because the next thing you know, those same lips are pressing down on yours. You moan into his mouth, a sudden burst of pleasure explodes in your stomach.

"Holy shit," you manage to speak. Your legs are spasming insanely, his grip had turned a little harsh just to keep you still. You don't pulling away from his sloppy kiss, you know his thighs must be soaked in your cum.

He is first to break the kiss, letting out a choked laugh before driving into you harder. You didn't even get the chance to come down from your high. Instead, your body moves like a rag doll underneath him from the intense overstimulation. Now you're somewhat thankful for the chains, you have something to grab onto without worry of hurting anyone (besides yourself).

Alucard knows he won't last much longer. Not only is his dick going to explode, but his legs will give out from staying at a squatting position. With loud groans and unfocused eyes, you know he's close. After days of watching your struggle, the desperation for Alucard's touch, he finally gets to soak in all your being.

A part of you wishes that you could do more for him, but the way his face begins to twist in pleasure tells you that he's perfectly happy with how things are now. His hips stutter, your name leaves his lips in aroused chants, and he pulls out.

You gasp at the sudden lost of contact, immediately begging for him to put it back in. Though you have cum an already unknown amount of times on his cock and fingers, you think it's only fair for him to get the same treatment in finishing in your soft pussy no matter how fuck out you are.

He ignores your wails though, he continues stroking himself the completion on your stomach. Wet cum sprouts on your tummy, legs still stuck in the previous position. Though you know you should be grateful for him not cumming inside, you're still thoroughly disappointed. Alucard has the same feeling as you, but he's still gentleman.

You slowly let your legs down, wincing at the soreness and stiffness you're met with. Alucard is quick to help you, gently placing your legs on the bed. You're still breathing heavily, on the brink of passing out when he awkwardly lays besides you. From the way he's panting, he's also just as tired as you.

It takes a while before he's able to speak, turning his head to you. "Are you okay?"

You laugh, also turning to meet his eyes, "Yes, Alucard. I feel great." He hums thoughtfully at your answer, a soft smile on his lips. You want to talk to him more. You want to ask about his castle, how he seems like to be the only one here, where he came from, where he learned to fuck like that.

Despite your curiosity, sleep gets the best of you. And you think this will be the first time you get a good nights rest in years.

a/n: this is my man frfr

taglist: @whatamidoing89, @panda-wolf, @fatgumsbby, @nekohollowsychogoth

Tags :
1 year ago

He who was found in chains, set free. | VI.

A/N: This is where I'll probably start changing the timeline a bit for the sake of the fic. Canon compliant, for the most part. But you will notice instances of change.

TW: mention of self harm, mention of abuse.

I hope you're all still enjoying the fic as much as I'm enjoying writing it! mwuah xoxo

(Also if anyone would like to be part of a tag list for this fic hmu I will start tagging y'all!)

Can be found on AO3, here!

He Who Was Found In Chains, Set Free. | VI.
He Who Was Found In Chains, Set Free. | VI.

The days would pass as they normally did, except now you had a safe haven, with food and shelter and a bath, along with the company that wanted you there. It was an absolute dream in your eyes. This was probably the most normal you had felt since being sold. Instances were still difficult for you, like going out to the market. Alucard...Adrian, had asked you if you would like to accompany him to a nearby village, to gather more spices and vegetables he hadn’t grown himself yet. Dread filled your existence with the mere thought of going back out to a public space. You feared you would see someone you knew, somehow, and tell him where you had gone. Hell, you didn’t even know if the man was still alive with all the attacks happening every night. He could have been dead for all you knew. Still, the chance that he could have possibly caught wind of your current settlement was enough to have all the color drain from your face. You politely declined, with a forced smile, stating you’d rather ‘stay here and finish up the housework.’ (He knew you were just making an excuse, he saw how terrified you were. His heart broke for you.)

To make it up to you, he bought you a few journals, he figured you wanted them with how many marked pages there were in your books. You beamed at him like the sun. 

Most nights would be the same also: you and Adrian reading more on magic, him teaching you more of the basic elemental skills witches can learn easily. You also asked him questions on the book of the human body, how to say certain words and to explain certain excerpts better. He happily obliged, giving you time to write down in your fresh journal a few notes. You studied something more akin to druidic magic as you came to learn. More restorative, healing magic abilities. Combining the forces of nature. These studies were mostly on your own, with Adrian reading up on his own studies. He wasn’t able to help you much in that regard, his own magical abilities stopping at the basics or transfiguration, simply there to help with incantations you couldn’t say. But you enjoyed his company. Other nights, well, other nights were...difficult. On more than one occasion Adrian had woken up to the sounds of you screaming, crying hysterically in your sleep. Usually you would wake up before it got too bad, or calmed yourself before Adrian ever opened your door.

Tonight wasn’t one of those nights.

It was always difficult for Adrian to sleep, nightmares coming to him regularly as well. But tonight he was glad he had still been awake, as he heard faint sounds of you crying from down the hall. He was instantly on his feet, making his way down to your room, trying his best to stay calm as he approached you. You were balled up, hands and jaw clenched, tears staining your face. You hyperventilated, nearly choking when oxygen couldn’t come fast enough. He called out to you, trying to coax you awake, but it was so difficult when you jerked away even in slumber. Calling your name once more, he slowly went to reach a hand onto your shoulder and you jostled awake, screaming out.

“Don’t touch me!” you screeched, arms covering your head as you sat up, nails clawing at your own scalp. Adrian took a step back, kneeling down next to the bed and tried your name again. “Please, look at me, it’s Alucard..” He paused, correcting himself. “It’s just me, Adrian. Come on, look at me.” You heard him, muffled and so distant, but you heard him. Your screams dulled down, able to concentrate a bit more on the sound of his voice. All you saw was him. Filling your senses and your mind, was only him. And it was so hard to drown it all out and focus on Adrian. Your eyes were looking at him, but still so unfocused, scanning the room out of fear. “He’s, he was here, he was here!” You sobbed, clawing at your marred arms. Alucard shushed you as best he could, reaching out for you again, stopping you from puncturing skin with how harshly you were scratching at yourself.

“He wasn’t, he was never here, it was a nightmare that’s all.” He whispered, taking your face into his hands once he deemed you calm enough to let go of your hands. Finally, finally you focused on Adrian, silently weeping into his hands. He whispered your name, brushing away the tears from your face. “It’s okay, you’re safe.” 

Even after fleeing from that hell you’ve endured all your life, you couldn’t escape it. You closed your eyes tight and cried, softly, hands grasping at the sleeves of Alucard’s pajamas. You didn’t know what to say, feeling too scared to even feel embarrassment over what had happened. Alucard dipped in closer, pressing his forehead to yours and continued reassuring you that no one would touch you. 

The two of you stayed like this for some time.


You danced awkwardly around each other for the first few hours of the day. You didn’t know how to address what had happened the night before, and Alucard had been feeling entirely too many emotions after being so close to you. You both thought the same thing however: the entire situation was much more intimate than the circumstance allowed. It felt like too much, Alucard hadn’t touched someone since Sumi and Taka arrived at his door, and you had never had a man touch you without taking advantage of you. This was unchartered territory, and neither of you were ready to explore that.

So you didn’t.

And you ignored it.

Today was a bit different, after breakfast and washing up you accompanied him outside to the small homestead he had begun behind the castle. You had helped with the weeding, tending to the vegetables and herbs, and even picked some that were ready to be consumed. You already had some ideas for the next few dinners seeing all the fresh goods you had just gathered. Unknown to you, Adrian had looked over while your back was turned and he couldn’t help but smile. And then looked at your exposed arms and legs, remembering all the lacerations he had seen when you first got there. And his smile dropped. 

He supposed today was as good a day as any to ask about them.


Alucard made dinner tonight- spatchcocked chicken with carrots and potatoes- you had grown more accustomed to being able to eat delicious meals freely (though some days you still stuttered through a meal, constantly reminding yourself you didn’t have to wait for him to finish his food before beginning). And then he spoke your name.

“What of..what of the lacerations on your arms? And legs? Did he...did he--” Did he make them? Or did you?

You swallowed, and looked anywhere else rather than his direction. Shame filled you, and you tightened your grip on the silverware. “I, uhm, well...--most of them came from him.” Most. Adrian held his breath, and tongue. “I told him the first ones were an accident, but he didn’t like that. So he....he, ah,” your breath quickened, reminded of the terrors.

“So you think it’s cute to fuck with my property, huh? You think it’s fun to damage what’s mine?!” He screamed, towering over you with a knife in one hand, makeshift gag in another. “No one gets to do that but me, you hear me you witch whore?!” You opened your mouth to apologize, instead a wad of fabric was shoved into your mouth and tied behind your head, muffling any sound. You eyes wide, frantically looking at your master trying to scoot away from him from the floor. 

“If you want cuts so bad, then that’s what I’ll give you.” He smirked, before getting to work.

 “I don’t, uhm, I don’t want to talk about it anymore.” You choked out, drinking some water to calm yourself. 

“I’m sorry,” Adrian started “It wasn’t my intention to harm you, I shouldn’t have pried.” 

You shook your head. “No, it’s okay, I understand. I am still a stranger to you.” Not really he wanted to rebuttal, but let you continue. “I would be curious too.”

“Well, are you?” You blinked, looking at Adrian with confusion.

“Curious, I mean. Are you curious about me? We are still strangers.” You could hear a hint of teasing in his tone, the small smirk showing a fang. You smiled.

“I’m curious to learn whatever you will share with me, Adrian.”


You and Alucard spoke for hours, well after dinner and cleaning up. Well after it was time for bed. He shared with you his childhood, stories of his mother, looking fondly at the portraits painted of her and his father. He shared tales of Dracula’s travels, how he was a man of science with knowledge to save the world if he really wanted to. And then he told you about Sumi and Taka. And what they had done to him, and what he had done to them. That answered the question of the corpses hanging in front of the castle.

 You, in turn, shared with him any fond memories you can remember. Memories in Gresit with villagers that treated you kindly. You were never sure if they knew the horrors your master had inflicted upon you. And if they did, they never spoke a word of it. All you could be sure was that they never found out you were a witch, something he always hung over your head as a threat. You told him stories of the children you had babysat a few times, stories of their parents.

You told him a story of someone you could have loved, maybe, if times were different.

His chest tightened as you spoke that one. 

You noticed a shift.

“Have you..have you ever been in love, Adrian?” You whispered, almost embarrassed to ask. 

“, I don’t think I have.” He looked towards the fire that had been burning in the study. “I don’t think I’ve ever had the opportunity to. It’s been...quite the journey since Dracula.” 

You frowned, thinking aloud to yourself, “I wonder what it feels like, being in love...” you sighed, scribbling nothing in particular in the corner of a journal. 

“I don’t think it’d feel any different.” Adrian answered. “I think...I think you’ll just..know, when you’re in love. And the world will look a bit brighter.” Even if the world’s on fire, it might be bearable with someone you love. 

 The two of you ended up staring at each other, and your breath hitched. Alucard spoke first. “I think it’s time for bed.” Barely above a whisper, and you nodded, bidding him a good night. 


It had been a month since you first arrived, and there had been a drastic shift in the air since. What started off tense, volatile, and overwhelming had turned comforting, safe. You felt, dare you say it, almost at home. Sure, there had been times were the line between friend and something else was blurred, but the two of you managed to live together without issues.

A month of studying, slowly learning magic. Apparently you were a natural, according to Adrian. You had been able to catch on much quicker than he had thought possible in the beginning. You were so willing to learn, and absorb as much knowledge that you could that in all honesty it shouldn’t have been a shock to him. But it was a shock to you, how quickly you were able to use regenerative properties to heal, learn how to grow vegetation around you, even shift some soil around you. You had been doing so well, you were learning how to breathe again.

And then it felt a little harder to breathe, when they returned.

You were in the library when you heard a man you’ve never heard before boom his voice throughout the castle. Followed by a more demure voice, a woman perhaps. And then footsteps. And then the footsteps got closer, until they were outside the door that had just swung open. 

“Uh...who the hell are you?”

“Belmont! Be nice” 

You shrunk into yourself. It’d been too long since you’ve had to learn how to interact with people. Trusting Adrian as much as you did now had been an arduous process, and now there are strangers in front of you, asking who you are, bickering with each other. And it was getting harder to breathe, and harder to focus, and your chest felt tight. “Ah, I’m--I’ve been here, living--I uhm,” you couldn’t get any real sentence out, backing yourself towards the towering shelf and gripping onto the sleeves of another blouse gifted to you.

“I’m sorry, my brain damaged partner here is a brute and doesn’t know how to address women properly.” The woman scowled at the man she was with. “Although, I am curious to know what you’re doing here, Alucard normally doesn’t allow...guests. Who are you?” She questioned you again, and you couldn’t find your voice. Everything was suddenly too loud, heart beating in your ears. Your breaths were shallow, going into a state of shock. You wanted to shrink, you wanted to disappear, you wanted to--

“I would appreciate it if you didn’t crowd my guest.” Alucard spoke from behind the pair. Except he was smiling. He was smiling at these strangers, and welcomed them into his home with open arms. You tasted bitterness on your tongue. “Sypha,” he regarded the woman with a smile. Your heart clenched. “Belmont.” He sounded annoyed speaking to the other, but there was still a smile on his face. “She’s a friend.” He introduced you to the two still in front of you, and you forced a smile and a small bow, hands now gripping the front of your blouse by your chest. It was still difficult to breathe. “It’s nice to meet you both. I’m sorry, but I just remembered I have to do something, excuse me.” You scurried away without further explanation, and without shooting a glance at Alucard who seemed lost. 

Belmont, as you knew him, snorted out a laugh. “Finally brought home a woman, huh Alucard? What, only one you could find is as skittish as a mouse?” He really thought he was so funny. And in any other case Alucard would retort with something witty or taunting. Instead, he was cold in response.

“Do not speak about her like that.” 

The man in question furrowed his brows and sighed, dropping it. Sypha chimed in. “Oookay, we came here to catch up! And...ask for help. There’s trouble.”


While you were initially going to make the two of you dinner, you feigned suddenly ill, and stayed in your room for the rest of the evening. Alucard, worried, had made dinner with you in mind anyways and fed the two strangers, who had left an hour later to the Belmont hold beneath the Castle. Alucard went to your door, then. 

He knocked. No response. He knocked again, and waited. Maybe you were ill, or perhaps sleeping. Maybe in the bath? He called out your name, and he heard a squeak of a chair. Then patters of your feet. And then the click of the latch.

“Yes?” You spoke, watching him between the crack of the door you had opened. 

“Will you eat dinner with me?” He asked, hopeful. You shook your head. “I’m sorry Adrian I don’t feel well, I wouldn’t want to get you sick--”

“They went to the hold outside. They won’t be back for at least an hour, I assume.” He interrupted. “Please...have dinner with me.”

It was hard to say no to him when he asked so kindly.

You ate in silence, silverware scraping across the plates. You didn’t know how to express how or what  you had been feeling. So you didn’t. And stayed quiet. But Adrian wouldn’t have it.

“Those are my friends. Trevor, and Sypha. They’re good people.” He started, feeling your apprehension. “They helped me defeat Dracula. They have...saved my life on some occasions. I’m very grateful to them.” He’ll never tell Trevor that though. “I do hope you can give them some grace, they don’t know about your, ah, past. But I understand you needing time for that also.”

You could have cried right then and there. Adrian always knows when you need to hear something.

“I’m sorry.” You choked. “I’m sorry for being rude to your friends.”

“Don’t misunderstand, I don’t want nor need your apologies. You’ve done nothing wrong. I only wish for you to know who they are...that’s all.” He reached over the table, extending a hand, open palm, towards you. You don’t know why you felt so inclined to, but your hand met his. Fingers barely touching, but touching nonetheless. You smiled, looking down towards the table. 

The doors swung open, startled you retracted your hand back to your lap. 

It looked like Trevor was going to speak up, but Sypha beat him to it. 

“We need to go, Alucard.” 

“Adrian, where are you going?”

The pair looked on, almost shocked at the name that came out of your mouth. Don’t they know his name is Adrian and not Alucard? 

“There’s...There’s trouble. And they need me to be Alucard. I..I have to go.” It almost pained him to say those words to you. 

You said nothing, tears pooling at the corners of your eyes. But you knew better than to be selfish. You had grown so accustomed to being here, it never occurred to you that you might have to leave. “I’ll pack my things, I’ll just be a minute--”

“You’re staying here.”

You paused for a moment. “But you’re leaving, why would you let me stay in your home unattended?”

“Because it’s your home now, too.” Alucard forgot he had an audience. Trevor cleared his throat, and then grunted with Sypha elbowing him in the side. His neck burned, embarrassed anyone else was here to witness this. He sighed, taking strides towards you and squatting down to your level at the table.

“Stay here. Take care of the castle. I’ll be back soon, alright?”

You nodded.

He left.

And the castle felt just as lonely and cold as the day you left Gresit.

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1 year ago

Welcome to KD: KINK Discussions

Today’s Kink of Discussion is: *drumroll* Breeding. Who don’t like babies, huh? In theory at least if not in practice? This is 18+ (Don’t play with me 👀 ) I’ll probably be adding a part 2 to this.

Let’s be honest. Alucard won’t tell you anything. Not at first. He’ll quietly think about all the different ways he’d like to make you his.

One of these ways most definitely includes impregnating you.

It shocked him when the thought first occurred to him. Innocent in the beginning. A question of what’d you’d be like as a mother and then it took a dip when he realized what he’d have to do to make that happen.

The thought of holding you near looking deep into your eyes while his seed coats your walls made him dizzy 

Over time, he would sit and think about it over and over again until he was in a frenzy. At these times he’d disappear into the woods and wouldn’t come back for hours. 

Noticing the change in his routine and demeanor you purposefully do your best to be near him often and soon enough it finally comes out. 

You’re sitting on a writing desk, legs slightly open beckoning him closer as your hands explore all the places you know will make him talk without thinking. 

His soft lips are brushing against yours as you speak. “You’ve been so distant lately, so far. Why are you hiding from me?” He sighs as your hand slides up his abdomen, all the way to his neck. “I can’t stop thinking about it. I want to make you mine.” Giggling, you trace delicate circles on the side of his throat. “I already am yours.” 

“No.” He whispers, pulling you back with serious eyes, hand on your abdomen. “Really mine.” Understanding what he means makes you giddy, your eyes widen and you laugh.  

Breathlessly, you tell him that you want it. You want him, and everything that comes with it. And so it begins. But once the doors are open, they aren’t closed again and they just keep getting wider. 

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1 year ago

Kinktober Day 13: Blindfolds(I'll do anything, to make you...)

Kinktober Day 13: Blindfolds(I'll Do Anything, To Make You...)

warnings/kinks: mentions of past trauma, blindfolds, dhampir related things, biting, blood sucking, unprotected sex, boobplay word count: 1.3k pairings: Alucard Tepes x Fem!Reader teaser: “Such a pretty girl,” he mutters against your skin, his fangs grazing your hip bone. taglist: @beneathstarryskies. @loki-love. @witchofcustom. @dreadsuitsamus. @pyrofanatic. @butterflieskeepcominback.

Kinktober Day 13: Blindfolds(I'll Do Anything, To Make You...)

The idea alone was crazy, but you were so sure it would help him if he would agree to it. After everything Alucard has been through, you wouldn’t be surprised if he were to get angry and send you away for even suggesting something like this. But the more you thought about it, the more it became clear that something like this could just help him ease through some of that trauma.

You didn’t want to make him upset. You wanted him to feel loved and cared for. The idea of introducing blindfolds into the bedroom was just another way to get him to fully trust someone again. You began to think of all the ways you would be able to give him such mind blowing pleasure this way.

It’s after dinner one night that you finally gain the courage to mention your idea. Alucard and you are sitting in one of the comfortable reading rooms drinking some red wine. He’s reading to you while you sit on his lap. You’re nervous but you know you really want to share this idea with him.


Kinktober Day 13: Blindfolds(I'll Do Anything, To Make You...)

He looks at you and smiles softly. He knows you usually want something whenever you call him Adrian. There’s a moment of silence before he presses a soft kiss to your temple.

“What is it, my darling?” He murmurs against your skin.

You look down at your lap, “I had…an idea. I was wondering if you’d like to indulge.”

He cocks his head to the side, “indulge? In what, my love?”

You swallow hard. This is the most difficult part. You know that you’re not going to get a better chance than this but you also don’t want to offend your lover either. He’s the one you love the most and you know what he’s been through, especially when it comes to having intimate moments.

“I was thinking about doing something different in the bedroom,” you swallow hard again. “I was wondering if you’d let me blindfold you and—”


His response was so clear and it took you aback. You knew better than to push the issue, but you wanted to see if maybe you could make this work.

“I know that you’re scared, and you have every right to be. So I wondered if maybe you’d want to do it to me instead,” 

He considers your compromise. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you but he’s just so afraid of all those traumatizing memories to come flooding back and to make him so uneasy that he wouldn’t be able to finish the act of making love.

“Is this something you truly want?” He asks, a curious look in his eyes.

You give him a soft smile, “I’d love to explore this facet of intimacy with you.”

And with that, he takes your hand and gets you to lead him into the bedroom. There the lighting is dim and the bed is inviting. You aren’t sure where this is going to lead to, but you’re more than happy to let Alucard take the reins. 

He pushes you gently onto the bed and straddles you, making you giggle softly. The sound of your laughter is something that soothes him so much. Alucard then leans in to kiss you passionately, his hair covering the both of you like a curtain. It feels so sensual like this. He’s never felt this excited, despite the fact that your idea frightened him in so many ways. Your kisses become even more heated, and Alucard begins rutting against you.

“Let me blindfold you first. It’ll show me that I can truly trust this sort of situation.”

You don’t hesitate to agree to this. You want him to feel completely in control of the situation. So before he blindfolds you, he decides to slowly undress you. With every piece of clothing pulled off your body, Alucard teases the exposed body parts with his tongue and fangs.

“Such a pretty girl,” he mutters against your skin, his fangs grazing your hip bone.

Once you’ve got only your underwear on, this is when he decides to use the silk scarf to blindfold you. He makes sure you’re comfortable before he pulls away completely. You whine so softly at the loss of contact, but this only makes Alucard even more excited and aroused.

He strips himself, leaving himself bare to you. But a chuckle falls from his lips when he realizes you aren’t even able to admire his naked form. He crawls onto the bed, teasing you with his hands. They hover over your skin, causing the hair to stand on end.

“Adrian, please…”

Your words are so honeyed and sweet as they fall from your plump lips. Alucard smirks at just how pitiful you look. To a predator like him, this has to be one of the most exciting moments. He knows he’d never do anything to truly hurt you, but knowing you’re a little helpless without one of your most important senses excites him. But he also knows that it’ll be so much more arousing this way for you to feel him teasing you.

His long and graceful fingers ghost over your skin once more before he leans in to give you a passionate and hungry kiss. Your teeth clash together as your tongues rub and roll together. Alucard then spreads your thighs, making you gasp. He chuckles darkly before letting his lips hover over your pulse point on your neck.

“Such a horny little thing,” He comments as one of his fingers presses against your clothed clit.

You buck up into his touch, so desperate to feel even more. He’s loving every moment of this. It’s so much more feral and needy with you without your eyesight. You’re just a slave to all this pleasure.

The sweet sounds that come from you when he pulls your panties off and he begins rubbing your clit are so whiny. Alucard feels his cock throbbing with every whimper and whine. Then he proceeds to slowly kiss a trail down your body.

He stops at your breasts, cupping them together and pressing his face between them to smell your sweet musk. He begins sucking on one of the nipples before giving the other one equal treatment. And before you can wrap your brain around this amazing pleasure, Alucard sinks his fangs deep into your breast.

“Ah!” You cry out, reaching down for his head. You had no idea he’d be doing something like this, but it turns you on like nothing else.

Alucard drinks his fill, enjoying the sweetness of your blood. When he’s done, he continues his trail of kisses. Then he spreads your thighs even more, loving the way your cunt is pulsing around nothing. You look even more delicious now. He then presses one finger deep inside of you, watching as your mouth opens wide as you let out the cutest moan.

“I should blindfold you more often,”

You nod your head desperately, hoping that he’ll always be treating you to this kind of torture. It’s so pleasurable and to think you wanted to blindfold him. With the way he keeps pumping his finger in and out of you with precise expertise, you know you’ve made no mistake with letting him reverse the rolls. You’re panting and moaning as the pleasure keeps building. You can feel the coil in your stomach tightening. Your walls are clenching and clamping down on the long digit.

“Cumming! ‘M Cumming!”

Alucard has half a mind to pull away, but he’s too taken by your beauty. It’s so sexy to see you get off like this. As the pleasure washes over you, he watches you carefully. He doesn’t let up his ministrations either, just allowing you to ride out this very intense high.

When he does eventually pull away, he takes off your blindfold so you can watch him suck your juices off his finger.

“You are a good little pet, you know that?”

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1 year ago

An Uncertified Doctor

Alucard!smut x fem!reader, my man doesn't get enough attention :(((

synopsis: After an argument with your father about the nightly attacks and his reckless behavior, you find yourself in face with a demon who wants nothing more than to cause you pain. The curse you're given is brutal, needy, and utterly horrid. It's not until a man by the name of Alucard saves you, but at the cost of what's left of your dignity.

content warnings: blood, demons, corpses, drugging, cursed reader, fingering, it get super sticky here, blood, medicine play????, restraints, PIV, some light body mutilation (reader gets slashed across the arm), pullout method (USE PROTECTION PLEASE), oneshot

word count: 7.2k (went a little crzy)

An Uncertified Doctor

Prologue ~

The children held each other as your mother continued telling stories of monsters. You had heard these a million times, your tiny fingers finding the prickly grass beneath you much more interesting. It was scary the first time you were warned of the beast in the castle, it's thirst for blood. You had cried, much like how the other children cried right now. Begged your mom to not let this monster get you, kill you.

"No!" one of the children cried, making you stop pulling on the grass. "I don't want the monster to drink my blood!" More children started protesting against their invisible enemy, crying and screaming. You turned to your mother, seeing her hide back a smile.

"And it won't get you," she promised, her voice gentle. "You must stay within the village, never venturing too far. And you also must listen to your parents. This monster loves eating naughty children."

That's how you knew this story was meant to scare children into listen to their parents. It become obvious when you did something wrong or bad, they would threaten you with the same blood-sucking demon. Do you want to go to his castle?! Your dad had yelled. I'll drag you there and he'll keep you instead!

The other children began making promises of being good, submissive to their parents. You had a frown on your face, perhaps you were the odd one out. You had a bad habit of not listening to authority, taking things into your own hands. A small part of you thought these stories were made up for you, to make you listen.

It didn't take long for the children's parents to arrive, picking up their terrified children. You watched as your mom went to the parents, most likely to explain why they were so upset. You stood on your tiny legs, walking to eat the remaining snacks that were left over from the school session.

"Ah, sweetie you can't eat too much. Save some room for supper," your mom said behind you. You only laughed though, shoving the remaining goodies into your mouth as you ran. Your mom chased you, bursts of giggles escaping your lips as you let your stubby legs take you as far as they could go.

You squealed when she grabbed you, pulling you up in the air. "No fair!" you screamed. "You're bigger than me!" Your mom only laughed and held you in her arms. You secretly wiped your dirty hands on her shirt, but it was far too obvious to go unnoticed.

She let out an irritated groan and yelled your name, "You know better. Do you want to monster to come get you?" Your giggles quickly died down, your mood turning sour. You huffed and crossed your arms, looking away from your mother, "Monsters are not real! That doesn't scare me."

She tsked at you, setting you down on the grass gently. "Love," her voice was serious, in a way that made you stop your attitude and listen intently. "Monsters are more than demons from the underworld. There are monsters here, on the very dirt you and I walk on. They will hurt you and take you from your family if you wonder too far., if you keep disobeying your family. Do you understand?"

Your small body trembled at her seriousness. Despite being at a young age, you knew that not all people were nice. "Bad men," you whispered, eyes wide. Your mom nodded, seeming satisfied with your answer. "Yes," she said. "Bad men."

She picked you back up and took you inside your small house, your dad already setting up the table for dinner. It stuck with you though, her words, your genuine fear. Even after you had grown, after real, hell-born demons began walking the Earth after the wrongful death of Dracula's wife...

The real demons were human.

Present ~

Your village was in shambles, buildings were half torn down, the smell of death and rotting bodies was pungent, blood painted the ground and walls. Still, your dad tried to make a defense team. A group of men that would fight back against the demons, losing most of the time. You know this was in vain, no mere man could win against a devil's spawn. Your dad was determined however, especially after your mothers death.

You hated how injured he was when he came back home, blood dripping at an alarming rate as you tried to patch him up. Resources was another issue the village, it was depleting. You had to settle for using an old cloth to bandage his wounds, ignoring how your dad said to save any clothes for the upcoming winter.

You sat him on the chair, wrapping the cloth around his arm when tears started to prick your eyes. You sniffed, trying to ignoring the way you wanted to yell at him to stop, to stay safe. You and him had argued about this for months, both of you too stubborn to see the other side.

Still, you cried. Sobbed as you tightened the 'bandage.' Your dad frowned when he saw your tears, using his good hand to wipe them away. "Why are you crying?" You scoffed at his question, anger replacing your sadness.

"Why am I crying?" Your voice is clipped, almost aggressive. "Look at yourself! Your putting yourself in danger, your putting all those men with you in danger! You're going to get yourself killed out there! Do you not give a shit about if you die?"

"Do not speak to me with that tone. Do not curse at me," your father rose he spoke, an attempt to establish the power he has. Before you would have listened, apologize for stepping out of line. Now however, there's nothing to lose. There's not much joy in this house, your dad turned destructive after seeing your moms cold body. Her death changed both of you.

"I will do what I please!" You yelled, standing on your tippy toes to be the same height. "You do! Going out there in a suicide attempt. You don't give a fuck about anything anymore! Not yourself, not this house, not me! I'm your daughter! You're supposed to protect me. You're supposed to stay with me, not those damned beasts!"

You voice was strong, thick with emotion. Tears spilled down your face, hands trembling as you spoke. Your dad was growing angry, you could see how his face turned red and eyes grew dark. "I am protecting you," he argued. "After this village is rid of Dracula's demons, we will-"

You laughed bitterly, interrupting his sentence. "There is no end to this hell," your voice was calmer now, still laced with venom. "I'm not a stupid little girl anymore. It's clear to see that God has abandoned us, there is no way to rid of Dracula's beasts."

Your dad breathed deeply, stepping away from you in an attempt to clam down. You stayed silent as he collect his composure, his thoughts. "Do not speak about the Father is such a way," he warned. "This is a test, a way for the Messiah to see if we really are worthy of walking through heaven's gates."

The church? Your dad has the nerve to preach the church's message when they're the ones that put you in this mess? "You are a fool," you spit, ignoring how your dad balled his fists. "The priests are the ones that caused this havoc. They are the reason mother died."

"Do not!" Your dad yelled, screamed. No matter how upset he got, he never yelled. Sure he raised his voice, but shouted? Never. You jumped, taking a step back as he approached your form. You lowered your head down, shame fogging your thoughts. You went too far.

"Don't you dare speak her name on your mouth. You disgrace me by using her death as an excuse for your temper." Your weeps resumed, looking at the darkness in your dad's eyes. An excuse? You would never. If anything, he was the one using her death to act reckless. You can't keep being in this house, surrounded by the memories of your happy family, what your life was.

What it will never be again.

You pushed him hard, shoving him onto the ground as you ran out of house. He screamed your name, shouting at you to come back. You ignored him, you ignored the bodies you passed, the violent sobs that wrecked you. It's too much to stay here, to endure all the emotional turmoil you have to go though.

So you ran, barefoot. You feet grew wet with the mud and blood mixed. You ran through the gates that kept your village somewhat protecting, ignoring the men on guard that yelled at you. You ran until you couldn't hear them shouting, you ran until the village was nothing but a blurry image in the distance. The grass was soothing under your feet, wiping away some of the wet essence on there. You clutched at your chest, heaving.

Your chest burned, your feet ached, your mouth craved water. You kept pushing forward until you saw a stream. No longer able to keep yourself up, you collapsed, crawling to the water until you were submerged in it. You bathed, drank, and nearly drowned in the stream. Your clothes were drenched, but that didn't matter. They would dry, like your tears.

It had been so long when you had last bathed properly, when you drank clean water. Your dad was coming back home with filtered water, mud still seen in the cups. But this water was clear, it was so easy to see the fish that swam within it. You laid in the water, letting it engulf you with just your head peeking up.

You will have to make your way back home soon, you can't be exposed in the wilderness like that. Demons did not rest, they were active at all times. It's a wonder how you didn't notice any on your way here. The thought of going back home however, was dreadful. You couldn't face your dad, you can't keep pretending like everything is fine and he will be safe. Something needs to change, but what?

You sat up, head thinking of ideas. Prayers do not work like your village had thought. Holy water however, was the real savior. Smaller demons would bursts into flames, bigger ones would be severely wounded. If only the priests at your village weren't cowards, hiding in their sanctuary.

While you were deep in thought, you didn't notice a demon perched on a nearby tree. It watched as you as you stood, water dripping from your clothes. Demons were not dumb creatures, though same acted without thought. They had some intelligence, the ability to plan and strategize. This demon was quite intelligent unfortunately for you, salvia dripping down its lips. It craved to tear your flesh, to drink you screams and break your soft bones. It had a bad habit of playing with it's food.

You walked out of the water, squeezing the parts of your loose dress at the bottom. It wasn't until you heard the soft thud that you looked up, skin prickling in fear as your eyes scanned for an enemy. Then you saw it, a man. He had purplish hair, skin deathly pale, eyes red as blood. You knew his human stature was a way to lure you in, to trust him. This 'man' was a demon.

"Stay back!" you cried, arms out in front of you to keep a distance. "Go back to where your came from, demon!" Your voice shook, eyes watering in fear. It laughed at you, stalking closer.

"That's not very nice," it says, smiling. "I feel hurt by your words, come comfort me." It opens its arms as if it expects a hug, you make a disgusted face.

"Fuck off!" You shout before you run, not caring what direction you're going it. It laughs again, mouth puling back to reveal absurdly sharp teeth. It chased you, letting you tire out before you slowed. It would be easy to take you somewhat compliant.

It tackled you on the ground, rolling on the grass until you were dizzy. It laid on top of you, red eyes sparking in excitement.

"Vermin!" You screeched, arms and legs kicking. "You evil fuck! Get off me!" It caught your violent attempts, easily using one of its hands to hold both of your own above your head. It's weight heavily settled on your stomach, giving you legs no access to kick freely at him.

"I'll kill you!" You threat, knowing how impossible that is. This makes the demon laugh uncontrollably, just for a moment forgetting it's sinful desire to defile you. It used its free hand to wipe a joyous tear, shaking its head.

"Quite the jester are you!" it says excitedly. "You will be fun, but refrain from calling me such cruel names. I am Magnus." You spit in its face, not caring how some of the salvia drips down on you.

"I don't give a shit what you are called, demon," you speak maliciously. "I have to respect for monsters like yourself." It frowns then, wiping the slobber off its cheek and sighing.

"You know, I thought I would enjoy touching your body. Seeing you submit to me in the vilest way possible. However, I think I should just kill you. Painfully," Magnus almost looks sad as he speaks. He sounds as if he didn't really want to hurt you, but you can see the disgusting smile on his face.

Magnus uses his free hand to grab you face, making your lips pucker and shape and 'o' form. Before you have the chance to protest or scream, he spits. You think it's way to get revenge for spitting at him earlier, but he perfectly aimed for the inside of you mouth. On instinct, you swallow. You grimace at the thought, the way is slide down your throat, how sweet it tasted.

You've heard of this. Demons that take advantage of women in the night, ripping their bodies once they're done. Survivors had told stories of the drool. The way the demons saliva was able to make the women crazed with need, make the obedient. You shuddered, you knew his kind. An incubus.

You hated how hot your body got, the desire that pooled in your stomach. Your body was still soaked in water, but you can feel your folds begin dripping in arousal. You shook your head and cried, whimpering at how you body was betraying your throats. You were all to aware of his skin on yours, his body weight pressing down on you. You craved for something to be in the deepest parts you, places you had never bothered touching after the world went to shit.

Magnus smiled as he watched you pant, eyes going wild with hunger. He was not going to give you pleasure, instead he was shred the skin off your meat, make you watch he stuffed his face of your tender muscles. You would only moan he hurt you, your brain would be too far gone to know the difference between pain and pleasure.

Your cunt though, he would not touch that at all. You would soon beg, not caring if he actually devoured your pussy. You would be craving just for someone to touch you there, to penetrate deep inside you. Magnus's fingernails sharpened, dipping his hand to your arms as he sliced the skin. You cried out, blood welting at the wound. He leaned down and licked, moaning at your taste.

"Someone's not a virgin," he muttered. Magnus thought for a moment. He was planning on taking your innocence, but now he's thinking of just fucking you cruelly. That would go against his point of torturing you, he wanted to deny you pleasure in any way possible in the most horrible way.

He sighed, torn between the two options. It was tempting, so tempting to cup your mound, take what little dignity you have left of yourself. Magnus watched as your face contorted in discomfort, fighting the aphrodisiac saliva that traveled in your throat and gut. He wanted to see it twist is pleasure, then rip it from you. Have you crumbling and breaking under him, begging him to stop while secretly wishing he wouldn't.

Before Magnus could choose, you cried out, hot tears falling down your face as you couldn't stop yourself from moaning. "Kill me," you croaked. He was used to this, it wasn't often, but some maidens would beg to be killed before fucked. "Just kill me already," you continued to weep.

The demon smiled, happy with your reactions and sorrow. "No, I quite like it when you beg."

Just as Magnus was going to slice the skin of your stomach with his nails, a large dog appeared, quickly knocking him down to the ground. Your body was released from the demons body weight, you cried in relief and distraught. It took so much strength to sit up, to ignore the aching in your body from running and the demon's drug.

Your unfocused eyes caught a glimpse of a white wolf and Magnus fighting. You groaned as you tried to stand, willing you legs to bend so you could place your weight on them. You were on your hands on knees, feeling disgusted at the drool that seeped down your legs.

You could hear them yelling, Magnus was talking to the animal like it could understand him. You wobbly stood, stop slightly hunched over as you trudged away from the fight.

Left... right... left... right... You walked slowly, trying to build the strength to continue. You should not have yelled at your dad, cursed him and his beliefs. The last thing you will have ever done with him is fight. Tears pricked your eyes again, the burning passion in your body was no match for the pain in your heart. If it's not Magnus that will kill you, it will be the wolf.

The ground rumbled, shaking so violently you feel to your knees. You yelled in frustration, it took so much just to stand. You can't possibly do it again, not when the loud sounds of punches and the pounding of your head rings. Not when your body violently shakes with need, with desire. You hate it, how you go limp on the ground. How your shaky hands find their way between your legs.

You needed something to soothe the ache. It was unbearable, it was inhumane. You placed your hand over your clothes cunt, moaning touch. You're disgusting, you're vile. You're succumbing to the demons liquid, his drug. It's not enough though, not with how tired your entire body is. You wanted more, no, you need more. Your eyes start to close, body shutting down from the deathly arousal your experiencing.

You miss how the white wolf managed to rid Magnus, having him flee from both of you. It moved to you, shape-shifting as it did. There stood a tall man, long limbs with blonde hair that reached his torso. He carefully picked you up, ignoring the lewd sounds you made when he touched you. You were unconscious, but your body was acting as if it was awake. Your sleepy hands gripped, grabbed, and clutched his body, trying to get closer to him.

The man let out an irritated sigh, eyes closing before he walked with you in his arms. He was dreading the thought of dealing with you and the aphrodisiac, but he took you nonetheless.

"This will be such a hassle," he mutters.


Three days. You have been in excruciating pain for three days and who knows how more to go. You were informed by the blonde man who saved you, Alucard, that you were cursed. It was a common one succumbi and incubi used for their victims. It was supposed to drive the person insane with need for an undetermined amount of time. It was painful not being touched, and painful being touched. Essentially, you had to choice to die in heat or be fucked to death.

Alucard was working on a potion, a reversal one that would undo what had been done to you by Magnus. He left you alone most of the time, bringing you food and water that you would nearly vomit. Both of you were beginning a routine; him bringing you food, you telling him that only food you need is dick, him forcing the food down you mouth, and you cumming whenever he grabbed your face to force your lips open.

You were beyond mortified when you had creamed your pants from a mere touch of his hand, but he didn't even mention it. By now, he was used to your howls of need, of pain. The way you voice echoed throughout his castle was a constant reminder of the pain you were in. Alucard treated you more like a cat in heat than a cursed human.

Even if it weren't for the curse, you would still want Alucard to stay besides you. It was so lonely to be in a room, chained to the bed (something he had to do for his and your protection). There was no one to talk to, no one to keep you company during this time, nothing to look at.


You tiredly fight against your chained hands, your chained legs. Sweat and tears drip down your face, and you could feel the nonstop wetness dripping onto the bed from between your thighs. You haven't touched yourself once since being here. Though you've came, without meaning to, it's still not enough. There's nothing for your pussy to clamp down on, nothing that you could rub between your thighs.

Instead you just lie there, sobbing and cursing at yourself, and Magnus, at leaving your village. None of this would have happened had you stay there. You would have been with company, with human contact, with the only family you have left. More tears slip down your face, and you know it's not just from painful arousal.

Your thoughts are stopped by the door opening, revealing Alucard who has a tray in his hand. You lift your head up to peer at him, taking in his slender frame, long fingers, gentle eyes, and unblemished skin. Just like that, your saddened thoughts are replaced by the familiar need for sex.

You force your head back down onto the bed, biting your lower lip. You're on the verge of begging him to fuck you, though you know he won't. It's futile to even consider, but the skin on your lip still breaks from staying silent. You close your eyes when you hear his footsteps getting closer, you won't be able to stand it if you see him.

"The potion in done," his voice is gentle besides you. This time you snap you eyes open, head turning to his direction. Your eyes land on the tray that has not only food, but a clear glass. It's swirling with green and blue, some gold flecks fluttering around. You left out a sigh of relief, but it comes out like a moan.

Without thinking, you reach for the bottle. You're quickly restricted by the chains, and you yell from frustration. "Fuck Alucard! Just give it to me." You know you're being rude, and it's the last thing you should be to the man helping you. Still, you're not sure if you're asking for the potion or something else.

He set the tray down on a nearby nightstand, grabbing the glass and looking at you wearily. "It's been days since you've been cursed. You could drink it now, but it would take a few more days for the symptoms to clear," Alucard trails off like there's something else, and truthfully you don't have the patience to keep waiting.

"It's possible to also make the symptoms clear up quickly, just within a few hours. However-"

You trash around the bed impatiently. "I don't care! Heal me quickly. I'm not sure I can take much longer." The smell of him has you keening, drooling at the scent. It's the most he's talked to you, and you're clenching around nothing just at his voice. You fear of what you'll do if you have to withstand this feeling any further, death is seeming like a much better alternative.

Alucard's fingers grip the glass a little more harder, and without a word, he sits at the edge of the bed. The dip of his weight makes you anxious, horny, needy. You pray that he quickly gets on with whatever he has to do, but you also wish he can take you. Your body starts shaking in anticipation. This man hasn't even touched you, yet his mere presence makes you vibrate with arousal.

You watch as his hands ghost over your thighs where your dress ends. Your breath hitches, and you nearly cry when he lifts up the dress. He bunches it at your waist, and when his knuckles graze your flesh, you cum. A sob wrecks your body, and your hips left off the bed. You feel so embarrassed, so disgusted with yourself, yet you can't stop the hot pleasure that raked through your body.

Alucard waits until you flop back down into the bed, heavy breathing. Though he's killed demons and his own father, he's never experienced someone with such a curse. You're tempting to him, your soft skin and pleading eyes. The noises you make are so pretty to him, but he knows better than to think anything else.

He's reserved, tucked away in a castle that teleports at will. He doesn't bother with much companionship, let alone a night with a woman. After what happened last time, he swore to stay away from helping people unless necessary. Humans are deceiving, selfish, and everything his father feared. Still, he has a heart, he had a human mother. There is evil in humans yes, but there is also good.

You don't notice how Alucard's eyes travel your body, how his pants start getting a little tighter around the crotch area. You're so out of it, so desperate, it's nearly impossible to ignore you. It takes unbelievable strength to pull your underwear to the side, more to ignore the way the cloth stick to your pussy. Alucard unconsciously licks his lips.

You moan at the feeling of being exposed, of being looked at. You dare to life your head up, peeking at Alucard who dips his middle finger in the cup to coax it in the liquid. He notices your staring, and looks up. "I promise to do nothing indecent. I just have to insert this inside," he explains.

You only moan in response, opening your legs wider for his access. With gentle movements, Alucard smears his finger all over you clit. You squeal, body quivering from the stimulation. He's applying it like ointment, but what he's doing is anything but doctor-like. Alucard is avoiding your bud, the place where you ache for him to touch the most. You try to maneuver your hips so he could graze it, but he keeps one hand at your hips to keep you still.

Though he's touching you, something you've been praying for since you got to his castle, now it's not enough. You begin begging, pleading with him to touch you. You've lost what decency you had left, opting to succumb to the effects of the curse.

"But I am touching you," Alucard protests. You watch as his lips fight from turning into a smirk. Oh he's into this. Now you finally take in how his tongue keeps licking his lip, how dilated his pupils are, the way his fangs poke out from his -

Wait, fangs?

Surely, you must be hallucinating. Delirious from pleasure that you've began seeing things. You blink a few times, trying to get your eyes right. When you open them, however, they're still there. Your eyes widen in disbelief, in shock. You open your mouth to ask about it, but he slips his finger inside.

You whimper instead, fingers clutching the sheets under you. Your eyes roll back to your head, letting your walls squeeze his finger. You're panting, thoughts of his inhuman teeth forgotten as you finally have something inside you.

"Forgive me if you're a maiden," his voice breaks through your moans. "This is the fastest way to the the results you want. Tell me to stop, I will."

You shake your head so harshly, Alucard worry it might fall off. "No! No," you cry out. "I'm not-fuck! I've had- shiiiiiit," Your mouth fails you. It's impossible to speak now that he's started pumping his finger inside you. It's nothing compared to cock, but it's still long enough to have make you squirm.

"Ahh," Alucard's voice is understanding, "I see." Truthfully, he's glad you're not a virgin. It would have been awkward when you've healed, he can't handle confrontation like that. He gives a few more pumps before he pulls out, a string of your essence still clinging to his finger as if begging to not leave.

"Put it back in!" You sob, fighting against the chains. You're left empty, pussy throbbing like it's also crying. Your teary eyes watch as he dips two fingers into the potion. You almost forgot he was giving you medicine, too distracted with how much your desire pooled for him.

"Please." There's no point in pleading, you know he will give you what you need. Still, the thought of being left here again to endure this pain has you worried. Alucard pulls his fingers out of the glass and rubs the liquid on your clit. This time, he does touch the bundle of nerves. You whimper, head thrown back as you relish in his touch.

Alucard releases his hand from your waist to dip his middle and ring finger into the potion. Now his two fingers on each hand soaked, he moves it to enter your cunt. He watched as you mouth falls open in a loud moan as he pumps and rubs you. You're tightening so much around him, convulsing like he's exorcising a demon.

A quiet groan escaped his mouth when you start fucking yourself on his fingers. With the little free movements you have, you shift your hips upwards and downwards. You don't have much energy, but doing this makes it so that his fingers are able to hit your sweet spots.

Alucard speeds up his movements on rubbing you, feeling your insides spasm around his fingers. You're close again, and your lower half is so sticky from all the combined wetness. You don't bother counting on how many times you've finished from his hands, but in how skilled he is. Alucard's movements are calculated, soft, and gentle. Despite making your pussy squelch and squirt, he does it as elegant as ever.

With another loud moan, you cum on his hand, letting your hips still as you savor your orgasm. Eyes closed, legs stiff, and mouth hanging open, Alucard pulls his finger completely away from your body. You gasp, looking up to see him eyeing your spasming walls. Sure, you might need this 'healing' more than him, but he looks as desperate.

It's not until you see Alucard move to the bottle that you notice it's almost empty. Truthfully, you've began to feel the beginning parts of the working medicine. You can think a little clearer, your head isn't pounding as hard, and your body doesn't ache as painfully with desire. Still, your body craves more. From the curse or from your own yearning, only God knows.

"Wait," you speak up. Alucard halts his movements, fingers just above the cup. "What is it?" He asks, "Are you in pain?" Some of the lust in his eyes was replaced with worry, and you would've melted on the spot had you not had your exposed pussy bared to him.

"No, I'm fine," your voice is reassuring. "Actually, I think it's working." Alucard nods, "It seems so, you can speak in full sentences now." You laugh at his words, a little embarrassed at your previous behavior. You chew on your lower lip, now able to feel some shame from what you want to ask.

"Is it possible to..." you trail off. Your eyes scan your nude legs, his wet fingers, then your eyes land on the tent in his pants. Alucard notices this, blushing at your bold vision. "To what?" He pushes. Even if you're being very direct with your eyes, he still needs that verbal confirmation.

You think on how to word it properly so that you don't further humiliate yourself. Then you think, fuck it. "You have already seen my womanhood and felt it yourself. What's the harm in using your cock to apply the serum?" There, you asked him. You let out an exhale, surprised at yourself with your own bluntness.

His eyes widen, then he scans your body. You're tied, chained to the bed. You can't do him any harm even if you wished to, plus you did not seem skilled in hunting demons or anything of the sort. Alucard weighs the pros and cons in his head before coming to a conclusion. "I suppose you're right, there is no difference at this point."

Alcuard stands off the bed, and you watch in anticipation as he rids himself of his pants. Wet hands untie the knot, gently dragging the material down his thighs, calfs, until he hits his ankles. Even in undressing, he is as poise as ever. With nothing underneath, you watch how his dick touches his lower abdomen, the head screaming to the played with.

A hum leaves your lips, legs opening a little wider upon seeing him. Alucard is far too embarrassed to look at you, but you can tell he appreciates your reaction from the red in his face. You yank of the chains enough to have them rattle, forcing him to look up at you. "Rid of these quickly. I think my arms are about to fall off."

You watch as his expression falls a little, a small look of pain crosses his eyes. "I cannot."

You raise an eyebrow, "You cannot?" He nods, confirming your question. "I find it more...comfortable to keep you bind." His tone is set, but the way his eyes meet yours shows his nervousness. You sigh, a little irritated at his request. You click your tongue a few times, thinking. "What about my legs then? Could you unchain them at least?"

He taps his chin thoughtfully, almost forgetting the fact that his dick is still out and proud. "Yes," Alucard comes to a resolution. "Tell me if you feel discomfort." You thank him and watch as he bends over to the bed, easily opening the clamps on your ankles to set you free.

Once your legs are released, you stretch. You feel a few bones pop and groan in satisfaction. Alucard chuckles at you, now finding himself on the bed as he crawls to your hips. Without missing a beat, you reopen your legs. You push your knees up to your chest, letting him adjust in front of you.

Anticipation relights in your chest as you observe him between your legs. Alucard soothingly rubs his hands up and down the back of your thighs, planting kisses on your somewhat sore ankles.

Gentle, you think. You haven't been with a lover in a while, and to be treated so tenderly after so long does something to you. Alucard's sweet, golden eyes meet you. Though you can see the passion and lust in them, you can't help but see fear. It's strange. Why is he one scared when you're the one who's tied? At his will and power literally beneath him, yet it's him who trembles in anxiousness.

"I'm not going to hurt you," you don't know why you say it. Perhaps it's because you want to make him feel better. A part of you regrets even speaking up, but that feeling goes away quickly when he smiles almost shyly at you. "I know," he says. "It's just been a while."

You were going to say that you have also been abstinent, but you moan instead when you feel the head of his cock sliding against your clit. From the previous cum and orgasms, Alucard finds himself humping against you eagerly. He uses his hands to reach down and press his cock harder against you, making sure to apply pressure.

You quiver, eyes locked on his as you hear the slickness of your connecting bodies. Alucard keeps his other hand at the back of you thigh to keep your leg open. His hips move with determination, captivated by your soft flesh.

The curse has not yet fully gone away, so it's not long before you feel the impending build up of yet another orgasm. You're moaning at every thrust Alcuard provides you to let him know that you're close. He watches how his dick glistens from your wetness despite not even being inside you once. Alucard knows it's just the curse effects, but a small part of his hopes it's from his actions.

Just to experiment, Allured dips the head of his cock into your entrance before sliding back out. You clench around emptiness, suddenly eager to cream his cock. "Alucard," his name is magic on your tongue. He doesn't even need to ask what you need nor do you need to say more. You both want it inside.

Alucard groans as he gentle slides his cock in you. There's little to no resistance, and even if there was, you would take only pleasure in the stretch. It's already hard not to when he fills you up so nicely, his girth spreading your lower lips perfectly. You didn't intend to come with his first breach, but you did anyway.

Your body tightens, your warm walls clamping on his dick like you did to his fingers not too long ago. An actual whimper leaves his lips, and you only squeeze him tighter. You can feel yourself pulsing around him, the leaking of your cum down your ass. Surely, you must look exhausted. With a heaving chest, sweaty body, and knotted hair, there must be nothing appealing to your appearance.

Still, Alucard finds beauty in your afterglow. The wet and dry cum spread between your thighs, the way your eyes seem to gloss over every time you finish, truly a sight to behold. It's been so long since he has experienced pleasure to this extent. Alcuard will cherish this moment for as long as he can.

It's why he thrusts into you again, relishing in your overstimulated noises. All you can do, and want to do, is take it. Let Alucard take you as he pleases, as he deserves. He's been so patient, so kind. This is the last he deserves.

Now that both of his hands are on your thighs, you start honing in on his touches. His long hair tickles your legs, even a part of your stomach when he leans down to get a better angle. His fingers dig into your soft flesh, almost possessively. His mouth is open, panting as he fucks into you.

Even in his most primal state, Alucard is still graceful in his movements. You don't think it's possible for any man to look as beautiful as he does in the moment, yet here he is. You unconsciously tug at the restraints at your wrists, desperate to touch him, to kiss him.

His pink, soft lips are all you can look at while Alucard is too distracted with looked at how your cunt eats him up. Now with more confidence, he lifts your legs higher. He pins your thighs to your chest so tightly that it constricts some of your air flow. The current mating press has him close to your face, dick adjusting to the new position.

There's no way you can't not pay attention to his mouth now, his breath on your skin. Alucard is on his feet now, crouched so he could slam into your overstimulated pussy perfectly. He's so deep, so thick that you feel his tip go almost in to your cervix. You cry out, eyes teary as he finally looks up at you.

Alucard looks at you as if he's hurt you, but now he can see the pure lust gaze you have. It's almost as if Alucard had heard your wish to kiss him because the next thing you know, those same lips are pressing down on yours. You moan into his mouth, a sudden burst of pleasure explodes in your stomach.

"Holy shit," you manage to speak. Your legs are spasming insanely, his grip had turned a little harsh just to keep you still. You don't pulling away from his sloppy kiss, you know his thighs must be soaked in your cum.

He is first to break the kiss, letting out a choked laugh before driving into you harder. You didn't even get the chance to come down from your high. Instead, your body moves like a rag doll underneath him from the intense overstimulation. Now you're somewhat thankful for the chains, you have something to grab onto without worry of hurting anyone (besides yourself).

Alucard knows he won't last much longer. Not only is his dick going to explode, but his legs will give out from staying at a squatting position. With loud groans and unfocused eyes, you know he's close. After days of watching your struggle, the desperation for Alucard's touch, he finally gets to soak in all your being.

A part of you wishes that you could do more for him, but the way his face begins to twist in pleasure tells you that he's perfectly happy with how things are now. His hips stutter, your name leaves his lips in aroused chants, and he pulls out.

You gasp at the sudden lost of contact, immediately begging for him to put it back in. Though you have cum an already unknown amount of times on his cock and fingers, you think it's only fair for him to get the same treatment in finishing in your soft pussy no matter how fuck out you are.

He ignores your wails though, he continues stroking himself the completion on your stomach. Wet cum sprouts on your tummy, legs still stuck in the previous position. Though you know you should be grateful for him not cumming inside, you're still thoroughly disappointed. Alucard has the same feeling as you, but he's still gentleman.

You slowly let your legs down, wincing at the soreness and stiffness you're met with. Alucard is quick to help you, gently placing your legs on the bed. You're still breathing heavily, on the brink of passing out when he awkwardly lays besides you. From the way he's panting, he's also just as tired as you.

It takes a while before he's able to speak, turning his head to you. "Are you okay?"

You laugh, also turning to meet his eyes, "Yes, Alucard. I feel great." He hums thoughtfully at your answer, a soft smile on his lips. You want to talk to him more. You want to ask about his castle, how he seems like to be the only one here, where he came from, where he learned to fuck like that.

Despite your curiosity, sleep gets the best of you. And you think this will be the first time you get a good nights rest in years.

a/n: this is my man frfr

taglist: @whatamidoing89, @panda-wolf, @fatgumsbby, @nekohollowsychogoth

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1 year ago

Al fin me animé a escribir y publicar algo por aquí, aun no me acostumbro a tumblr, pero poco a poco lo haré, quise dejar mi aporte a Castlevania y escribir para Adrian Tepes, lo amo🥺

@milkywaydrabbles espero que te guste!




Su luz.

Eras su luz entre toda la oscuridad que lo acompañaba.

Alucard había hecho tanto y recibido poco, había ofrecido sus conocimientos y obtenido lo peor de la humanidad, con crueldad y cinismo. 

Él esperaba ahogarse entre tanto alcohol o poder morir de una sobredosis de vino, si es que eso se podía. Ya no quería saber nada, si la humanidad le daría la espalda y le intentaría atacar en el momento que él se distrajera, entonces no quería nada.

Había logrado acabar y detener la guerra de su padre, con la ayuda de quienes se volvieron sus primeros amigos, para después quedarse otra vez solo. Y cuando parecía que la vida le daba una oportunidad para ayudar a los demás, recibió odio y traición por parte de dos humanos que creyó que se volverían sus nuevos amigos. 

Lo engañaron, lo utilizaron y vulneraron. 

Alucard se derrumbó en la miseria, no quería ni ver su reflejo porque sabía que si lo hacía, vería solo un cuerpo vacío. Un lamentable pedazo de hombre o lo que quedara de ese quién fue antes. 

Hasta que llegaste tú.

Fuiste otra desafortunada alma que se detuvo frente a su castillo. Habías sido perseguida por otros humanos, querían dañarte, querían abusar de ti.

Por eso cuando vio y comprendió todo lo que se estaba desarrollando frente a su casa, no había dudado en entrar en acción. Él no quería que alguien más se sintiera utilizado y rebajado. 

A pesar de estar resentido con la humanidad, actuó en son de la justicia y te ayudó, te salvó, rompió los huesos y advirtió a aquellos hombres que te estaban cazando como si fueras un animal de deporte.

Te permitió quedarte en su hogar, a pesar de que aún tenía desconfianza en los demás, hasta que poco a poco comenzaron a tener conversaciones, tu preguntabas y él respondía con pocas palabras.

Aquello se volvió una rutina hasta que su desconfianza se desvaneció poco a poco.

Ahora eras su compañera,  su confidente. Su amor. Su luz entre toda esa oscuridad que lo consumía.

Los primeros rayos del sol lo despertaron, casi no dormía, pero desde que estabas tú en su vida, dormir se volvió reconfortante, te vio junto a él y sonrió.

"Buenos días, cariño …" Sonreíste, te sentías observada por unos ojos miel, logrando que te despertaran.

" Buenos días, ¿Dormiste bien?…" Él sonrió, admirando tu desnudez, Alucard aun no podía creer que llegaría a estar así contigo. 

"Después de lo que hicimos anoche y quedar muy agotada, sí." Hacer el amor con él te había dejado tan fatigada que poco a poco el sueño te invadió.

Alucard rió suavemente, llevó una de sus pálidas manos a tu mejilla cálida. 

"Gracias mi amor." Murmuró el bello Damphir.

"¿ Por qué?" Lo miraste sin comprender.

"Por ser mi luz entre toda la oscuridad."

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1 year ago

He visto que varios blogs ponen reglas, no sé que tipo de reglas podría poner pero espero que estas funcionen como reglas para mi blog:

Respetar, por favor, tanto a las personas que leen como al escritor.

Si eres menor de edad, no te gusta el contenido adulto o lo que se escriba en el blog, no lo leas.

No acepto solicitudes, quizás con el tiempo sí.

Tener paciencia, ya que cuando escribo un fanfic con más capítulos, tiendo a tardar en publicar, también porque mi salud no es la mejor y hay tiempos en los que me alejo de la escritura por esas razones.

Antes solía escribir y ahora he decidido volver a retomarlo. Espero que las personas que lleguen a leer mis ideas, les gusten y puedan compartirlas.

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1 year ago

Quise escribir otro yandere y practicar este tipo de fanfics, espero sea del agrado del lector. Gracias por leer mis otros drabbles.

Quise Escribir Otro Yandere Y Practicar Este Tipo De Fanfics, Espero Sea Del Agrado Del Lector. Gracias

Advertencias: Yandere Alucard Tepes x Reader femenino. No acepto o consiento cualquier comportamiento dañino, obsesivo y/o posesivo cualquier otro. Esto es sólo una ficción.

Alucard no había sido egoísta en su vida. Pero cuando lo fue por primera vez él mismo se sorprendió de serlo. Fue como un nuevo descubrimiento de sí mismo, de algo que no pensó que había en su ser..

El sentimiento de querer que tú solo te interesaras en él y en su amor, lo volvió loco, no necesitabas a nadie más, no necesitas convivir con tus amigos y tu familia, podían hacer una nueva familia juntos, tan grande como quisieras, porque solo debías estar con él, amarlo, adorarlo, como él hace contigo.

Su amor por ti era tan grande que lo hacía querer poseerte en el momento en que estuvieran solos.

Sabías que te amaba, te lo había dicho, pero fuiste tan ingenua y rechazaste lo que te ofrecía, a él lo enfureció. ¿Cómo podías no amarlo? Él era perfecto y mejor que un hombre común, tenía todo lo que pudieras desear, te daría todo lo que le pidieras, pondría el mundo ante tus pies si se lo pidieras; pero fuiste tan tonta y decidiste rechazarlo.

Y ahora, como consecuencia de tu decisión, Alucard te había secuestrado, llevado con él a su casa y puesto en lo más oscuro de su castillo.

"Corazón mío." La puerta de acero chirrió, lo miraste entrar, viste sus ojos dorados, parecían brillar con un toque de oscuridad.

La poca luz de las velas lo ayudaban para que pudiera apreciar tu belleza, aunque no las necesitaba ya que su vista le hacía apreciar muy bien todo.

" Hace mucho frío esta noche. Te traje unas mantas para que puedas cubrirte." Adrián caminó hacia ti, dejando en el suelo las cobijas.

"¿Cuándo me dejarás salir de aquí, Alucard?" Preguntaste, estabas molesta y al mismo tiempo triste por lo que él hacía. 

"¿Me amas, al fin?" Ahora preguntó él, mirando entre tu ser.

"... No."

"Entonces aún no podrás dejar este lugar"

"¡No puedes tenerme aquí! ¡No puedes obligar a alguien a qué te ame!"

Alucard ignoró tu grito, estaba caminando hacia la puerta por dónde había entrado momentos antes, sentiste que tus esperanzas de salir de ese frío calabozo se iban con él.

"¡Alucard, por favor!'' 

Escuchó que le llamaba, pero ya era tarde cuando la gran puerta se cerró.

Sabía que estaba haciendo mal, su lado humano se lo decía, pero aún así la tenía retenida. Solo quería que lo amaras, que fueras tan devota a él. Y si tenía que hacer esto para que cambiaras de opinión y le dieras lo que quería, entonces lo haría. Haría cualquier cosa para que dijeras que estarías con él para siempre, voluntariamente o no.

Amar era una locura letal para los vampiros.

Ahora entendía a su padre.

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