catbusdriver - A Driver of Catbuses
A Driver of Catbuses

Fan of Digimon, Twst, PKMN, FGO, whatever else catches my attention

773 posts

Seraph Manga Edgemiya > FGO Walking Racist Stereotype

Seraph manga Edgemiya > FGO Walking racist stereotype

So fun fact, looking at his characterization across mediums, there's not that much difference. The SERAPH artist just doesn't add the racist "Black guy lips" .

More Posts from Catbusdriver

1 year ago
Before the release of Tears of the Kingdom I had to ask myself

What if Zelda was Pokemon?

— Vincent (@domesticus1) May 12, 2023
These Are All Absolutely Genius And Im Not Just Saying That Because My Brother Drew This

these are all absolutely genius and I’m not just saying that because my brother drew this

1 year ago


I can't believe Japanese players think Nasu is dead


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1 year ago

So this might be something of a rant, so if you want to avoid negativity, please scroll by

So this has been bothering me for years now, it's hardly ever talked about but, why do we have to go through so many hoops to teach Pikachu (the series mascot by the by) its signature move? There are only three games where Volt Tackle can be repeatedly tutored ( the Gen 7 games and PLA) Other than that? Hope you enjoy grinding for an item that only has a 5% CHANCE OF SHOWING UP. (note: you could use the Cram-o-matic but still) What means this even worse s the fact the other two Pikaclones with signature moves (Pawmot and Morpeko) do learn said moves naturally! Pikachu is stuck with a move it only gets through breeding and Events. This just pisses the fuck off.

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1 year ago


022 XXS - XXL Pawmi023 XXS - XXL Pawmo024 XXS - XXL Pawmot
022 XXS - XXL Pawmi023 XXS - XXL Pawmo024 XXS - XXL Pawmot
022 XXS - XXL Pawmi023 XXS - XXL Pawmo024 XXS - XXL Pawmot
022 XXS - XXL Pawmi023 XXS - XXL Pawmo024 XXS - XXL Pawmot
022 XXS - XXL Pawmi023 XXS - XXL Pawmo024 XXS - XXL Pawmot
022 XXS - XXL Pawmi023 XXS - XXL Pawmo024 XXS - XXL Pawmot

022 XXS - XXL Pawmi 023 XXS - XXL Pawmo 024 XXS - XXL Pawmot

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