Pawmot - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
BTW I Made These Last Night Yea Its Not Good
BTW I Made These Last Night Yea Its Not Good

BTW I made these last night yea its not good

You may ask why there two of me? Welll...

I got bored last night and get on 2 Pokémon quizz and ye i got both of them

Here some bonus

BTW I Made These Last Night Yea Its Not Good
BTW I Made These Last Night Yea Its Not Good
BTW I Made These Last Night Yea Its Not Good

bonus again

BTW I Made These Last Night Yea Its Not Good
BTW I Made These Last Night Yea Its Not Good
BTW I Made These Last Night Yea Its Not Good

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5 months ago
Been Super Artblocked Lately So I Picked A Random Pokemon To Draw : )

been super artblocked lately so i picked a random pokemon to draw : )

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10 months ago

Ever After High Pokemon Teams - Apple White

This will be a series on my headcanons for what Ever After High characters would be like if they were in the Pokemon World. This will include what their trainer class is, why, their teams and their Pokemon's movesets, why and their motivations. Without further ado, lets get started!

Apple White

Ever After High Pokemon Teams - Apple White

Daughter of the Ever After Region’s Champion, Snow White, Apple is determined to follow in her mother’s footsteps and become the Region’s next Champion. 

Apple hoped that the daughter of her mother’s rival, Raven Queen, would become a Trainer too so they could compete with each other like their mother’s did. However, this did not come to pass as Raven chose to become a Coordinator instead. 

Apple does not understand why Raven became a Coordinator, mostly because Raven never seems to catch “beautiful” Pokemon. She often tries to dissuade Raven from the Pokemon Contests because she doesn't think she has the right team for it and she does not want Raven to be hurt - but Raven never listens to her!

Trainer Class: Pokemon Trainer

Apple's team is made up of Pokemon that look good while also being well balanced and honor her story.

Candy the Hyrapple

Ever After High Pokemon Teams - Apple White


Syrup Bomb

Fickle Beam


Earth Power

Apple's first Pokemon and main partner, Apple did so much research to figure out which of Candy's branch evolutions would be best for her and her team and by Grimm did she make it happen!

I was always gonna put an Applin and one of it's evolutions on Apple's team - it was so obvious - and I thought Hyrapple suited her and her team the best.

Crispin the Ninetales

Ever After High Pokemon Teams - Apple White





Energy Ball

Apple's secondary main Pokemon, Apple caught Crispin as a Vulpix and Apple strategically planned when to evolve her!

Ninetales was also an easy Pokemon to place on Apple's team to represent Apple's pet Arctic Fox, Gala, from the books. I didn't give her an Alolan Ninetales because I felt like the OG Ninetales suited her better. Both in color scheme and for her team.

Pacific Rose the Milotic

Ever After High Pokemon Teams - Apple White



Ice Beam

Dragon Pulse

Draining Kiss

Apple was never gonna pass on the opportunity to own a Milotic! On top of them being know as the most beautiful Pokemon, it is also a strong Pokemon with a great moveset!

Milotic was another obvious choice for Apple, with her being the future "Fairest of the All", it wasn't even a choice! Apple had to have a Milotic!

Jazz the Lopunny

Ever After High Pokemon Teams - Apple White





High Jump Kick

Caught as a Buneary, Jazz evolved rather quickly due to Apple's ability to befriend almost anyone! Lopunny is quick on their feet and their moves and will almost always strike first!

Apple has been frequently shown to love bunnies, both in the show and the books, so Lopunny was another obvious choice.

Melrose the Clefable

Ever After High Pokemon Teams - Apple White



Dew Life



Apple found Melrose as a shy and scared Clefairy that quickly bonded with the Pokemon who soon joined her team. She has often saved the team when using Metronome, which Apple is grateful for despite not liking the unpredictability of the move.

I really wanted Apple to have a Fairy Type Pokemon because I thought the Type would fit. I landed on Clefairy and Clefable because the have "fairy" and "fable" in the names.

Honeycrisp the Pawmot

Ever After High Pokemon Teams - Apple White


Thunder Punch

Brick Break



Apple's final team member! A cute little mouse-like Pokemon like Pawmi was an easy sell for Apple! This was also a good Pokemon to help Apple round out her team!

I really thought that an Electric Type Pokemon for Apple's team and, after looking through the options, Pawmot fit Apple the best.

Aaannd that is Apple's Pokemon Team! Raven will be the next one! Hope you liked it!

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2 years ago

Sorry, it's not obvious that they're drinking hot chocolate. I still think it turned out cute though! Thank you for the request 🙌

Sorry, It's Not Obvious That They're Drinking Hot Chocolate. I Still Think It Turned Out Cute Though!

Hi may I request Pawmot with Cinderace (Pokemon) drinking hot chocolate?

That sound awesome!!! And simple lmao I'll definitely work on that!

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5 months ago
Pawmot Sketches

Pawmot Sketches

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2 years ago

Kamalei Fujimura's Pokemon

Short post as we FINALLY get the list of Kam's Pokemon! (Slight Violet Spoilers under the cut)

Freyr the Meowscarada, He seems confident in his power, but is a deeply lonely Pokemon that's desperate for approval.

Tempestas the Pawmot, She's something of a prankster who considers everyone in Chaldea a target. Not even FIRST HASSAN is safe.

Dionysus the Oinkologne, enjoys relaxation, and would rather be pampered instead of going out to save a history that isn't his

Hestia the Ceruledge, She's a natural pessimist who prefers to wait out a situation but is absolutely brutal in combat

Hebe the Daschbun, Is a bit shy, being hesitant to show her face around new Servants, but can be just as much of a troll as Tempestas around those she trusts

Achilles the Iron Treads, Just as prideful as his namesake, Achilles loves being the center of attention, even if he has to make someone else look bad. Because of his origins, his loyalty's in question.

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2 years ago

Fate/Battle Order incorrect quotes!

Can't believe I get to say this but MiNORS don't interact!!

Kamalei: Explain yerself now

Muramasa: Well first ascension s less "Senj Muramasa" and more "Emiya Shirou f he lived to his mid-60s" which is why I get along great with Lalter. The second ascension is "Muramasa as a young man" which is why I flirted with Musashi in that form. The third ascension is where things get interesting because that's a perfect blend between Emiya Shirou and Senj Muramasa. An that's all ther's to know about the Servant "Senji Muramasa"


Muramasa: Oh I just thought it'd be cool. I'm getting burned ain't I?

Kamalei: whot do ya think,?


Achilles: Hey Kam, you'd love me no matter what right?

Kamalei: (not looking up from his Rotomphone) Was whacha broke important?

Achilles: maybe.


Kama: Let me see if I understand this. The dog somehow managed to undo 29 command spells, super concentrated grail mud shot straight into your viens, and 1,506 years worth of suppressed anger and grief, with SEX?

Bedivere:(Covered in bite and claw marks) It's a tad more complicated than that. My beloved(points to Barghest, who's squealing in the corner ) filled me with love, light and hope. I just couldn't bear to let my pain, misery, and darkness touch her. So I just submitted.

Barghest:( Is dying of an odd mixture of glee and embarrassment)

Kama: I'm gonna be sick. Not just because of the love, but because of that joke.


Arven(Sharpening his Katana): Some one made Jackie cry do da do da!(Begins cleaning Mabosstiff's fangs) That piece shit is gonna die! All tha do da day!


(Douman and Kiara): Are in genuine romantic love 💕💕

Kamalei: Ha hahaha we are FUCKED!

Douman(dreamily): 💕Literally💕


Nemona: I don't see a problem

MHXX: Master, you tried to catch a Demon pillar.

Nemona: You normally don't complain when I do catch a Demon pillar though?

MHXX: This one was a Saber!!!

Nemona: 😒


Okkie(visibly nervous) Are you sure Ma-kun's cool with this H-doujin we made about him and the Carrot?

Penny: Of course he is! I Legit asked



During S.E.Ra.P.H

Nemona:( trying to convince Medusa to have a battle with her and Melt)

Melt: Who would love someone that dumb?

(after watching Nemona get mind broken then SLOWLY assimilated by Kiara)

Melt:(sobbing) Me I would!!


Tempestas: What have we learned about pranking people?

Jack: To do it in good humor?

Janta: To not do it to people we no will not ap-apapreciate our jokes

Nursery: To not get caught?

Jack and Janta: Nursery!!

Tempestas: No no she's right


Kamalei: Why would ya think this was a good idea?

Musashi: I haven't done anything yet?!

Kamalei: Ah know. Jus practicin fer when ya do.

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2 years ago

This Is more or less what happened in France, just replace the Gyarados with wyverns.

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1 year ago

I will never NOT rag on Tpc for how they handled Scarvio, but I will give credit where it's due. They handled the Pikaclone of this Gen wonderfully 😁

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1 year ago


022 XXS - XXL Pawmi023 XXS - XXL Pawmo024 XXS - XXL Pawmot
022 XXS - XXL Pawmi023 XXS - XXL Pawmo024 XXS - XXL Pawmot
022 XXS - XXL Pawmi023 XXS - XXL Pawmo024 XXS - XXL Pawmot
022 XXS - XXL Pawmi023 XXS - XXL Pawmo024 XXS - XXL Pawmot
022 XXS - XXL Pawmi023 XXS - XXL Pawmo024 XXS - XXL Pawmot
022 XXS - XXL Pawmi023 XXS - XXL Pawmo024 XXS - XXL Pawmot

022 XXS - XXL Pawmi 023 XXS - XXL Pawmo 024 XXS - XXL Pawmot

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1 year ago

So this might be something of a rant, so if you want to avoid negativity, please scroll by

So this has been bothering me for years now, it's hardly ever talked about but, why do we have to go through so many hoops to teach Pikachu (the series mascot by the by) its signature move? There are only three games where Volt Tackle can be repeatedly tutored ( the Gen 7 games and PLA) Other than that? Hope you enjoy grinding for an item that only has a 5% CHANCE OF SHOWING UP. (note: you could use the Cram-o-matic but still) What means this even worse s the fact the other two Pikaclones with signature moves (Pawmot and Morpeko) do learn said moves naturally! Pikachu is stuck with a move it only gets through breeding and Events. This just pisses the fuck off.

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