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3 years ago

@katsulovee come get ur burnt waffles smh 😒

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3 years ago

dreams that smell of caramel

Dreams That Smell Of Caramel

Hello, hello. I know I disappeared for a hot minute, i blame depression for everything. i think I’ll be more active from now on, and thank you for reading!

btw, I did take a break form my 400 followers event cuz I burned out really really bad sorry about it

pairing: Bakugou x gn!reader

genre: fluff

warnings: cursing, 3.6k

Dreams That Smell Of Caramel

synopsis: Really, who falls asleep in a subway? Apparently, you do, and Bakugou can’t help but feel protective over it. It’s because he’s training to be a hero, right? It’s not like he likes you, right? Right?!

Dreams That Smell Of Caramel

Bakugou hated the subway. 

There was almost nothing there to like. It was dirty, caused Bakugou to feel like he couldn’t breathe, and frankly, ever since the day he read that the air in a subway was %30 pieces of human skin, he didn’t want to breathe, either.

The traumatic effect that piece of information had on him was something he never got over. But it wasn’t only how dirty the air was, either. It was dusty and dry, and it always caused his eye contacts to dry on his eyes, causing him to see blurry for a while, and there had been many incidents where Bakugou had furiously rubbed his eyes, and made himself blind for a good few minutes.

People there always seemed to be almost as rude and angry as him, most of them thinking they had the right to sit wherever and whenever, and people invading his personal space wasn’t something unusual, either. And the smell, oh god, the smell. Some people obviously hadn’t discovered what a fucking soap or deodorant was since he could sometimes feel the smell in his brain. 

All this, even though he hadn’t even seen the real torture. With the mean, scary look on his face and the way he stood that screamed, stay away from me if you’re smart enough, people usually tried to do just that, so Bakugou didn’t know what his space being invaded actually could be, or how bad the smell could get.

It was a warm day when he had met you. When he saw you barging in the last second, right before the doors closed behind you, he scoffed, slightly amused. You looked like you were running for your dear life, chest heaving, a thin layer of sweat forming on your temples, clothes disheveled, and hair messy, but you had a proud smile on your lips despite all that.

Crimson eyes followed you as you happily sighed when you noticed the seat across Bakugou was free, dropping yourself on the hard surface. You looked around, realizing there was almost no one around the 10-meter radius of you, the seats were vacant, but people were crowding a bit further down the subway. Your brows furrowed with confusion, and only then did you notice the ash-blonde across you, his gaze piercing through you, the mean scowl on his lips reminding you of a wolf. 

The moment your eyes met, Bakugou had expected you to jump to your feet and run away since he had become well-known after the sports festival and many incidents that had forced him to the tv. And even if someone didn’t recognize him, the slightest glare from him was enough to make people run with their tails between their legs, but not this time, apparently, since you dared to cock your head to the side and smile at him.

Smile at him! It was almost an insult! When was the last time anyone actually did that? Especially a stranger? Or maybe you weren’t a stranger, was that it? Looking at it now, you did have a familiar face, and it felt like he had seen you quite a few times before. But the more he tried to remember, the more the memory of you went deeper into his brain, causing him to grit his teeth subconsciously and look at you even more intensely. Bakugou wasn’t aware he was staring at you like he was trying to see your soul, red gaze never faltering a second away from you.

It was when you tilted your brows slightly upwards, your pretty smile turning into an awkward one, he realized he was staring for the past station. Bakugou’s brows snapped together, annoyed at himself, but he was also aware of how his face felt warmer than usual. He gritted his teeth with an angry grunt, looking away from you and fixing his eyes on the stupid advertisement that was right across from him, and he could swear he heard a muffled laugh coming from your way. Bakugou was surprised at how much he wanted to look at you, but his pride wouldn’t let him do so, and so he kept staring at the poorly made advertisement brochure. 

Bakugou was a proud, smug man, and he always prided himself on the amount of control he had over himself. But that day, he had let himself down. What was this stupid force that kept making him flick his eyes your way almost every five minutes? It felt like his body was possessed, and it was impossible to suppress his curiosity and not look at you. Bakugou had looked around if there was anyone else looking at you and to try and see if this was a quirk of some sort since it made no sense. 

He grunted in annoyance when he couldn’t help himself once again and glance at you, but it wasn’t a curt look this time. His eyes narrowed and widened when he took a glimpse of you, of your relaxed body, head falling back and eyes closed. 

“What the hell?” He muttered to himself, leaning forward slightly to try and understand just what the fuck you were- were you sleeping? The realization of how you were, in fact, fucking sleeping had hit him hard, brows shooting upwards, his eyes were wide with confusion and a wave of slight anger. 

Were you dumb? Did you have no rational part in your brain? General knowledge of some sorts? Who in their right mind slept in a fucking subway? Where criminals swarmed, thieves lurking in the corners, waiting for people to slip for a second so they could steal a watch, phone, or a wallet easily, and you were sleeping? 

Bakugou had no idea why he was so fired up about someone he had seen only half an hour ago. He couldn’t help but jump in his place, ready to fight, hand itching for a punch whenever someone as much as walked before you, growling and shooting a dirty, scary look when he caught anyone looking your way more than half a second, even the baby that stood in the corner.

He was a hero, after all, right? It was only normal he wanted to protect you, right? Right? God fucking damn it, when were you even going to wake up? He had no idea how you were so relaxed to be able to sleep in a subway, but it caused him more stress than he had felt the past ten years. 

When Bakugou noticed you finally shifting in your place and opening your eyes the second the next station’s name was announced, he took a breath of relief. You started to gather your stuff as if you hadn’t just woken up from a deep ass slumber, yawning and checking your phone for the time. Bakugou was watching you dazed, shocked at how someone could even do that. If pulling his interest and gaze towards you wasn’t your quirk, this had to be it. 

You glanced at him, his gaze meeting yours, and you smile once again, causing his heart to make an odd fucking pause, a snarl appearing on his lips, and he scoffs. But instead of that making you furrow your brows and turn around, you laugh again and turn around. 


Bakugou had replayed that day over and over again in his head and had arrived at one conclusion. 

You were mad.


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3 years ago

Shinsou's routes date is now set! It's going to be published this sunday- don't miss it!

“Have you heard, have you heard?” Someone in the crowd whispers, “The circus is coming to town.”


Send an ask, dm or comment on this post to be added to the tag list! These are going to be +18, so minors do not interact.


The distorted music coming from the giant tent is ringing in your ears. The night has fallen, but the lights the circus provides gives the impression that it’s still daytime.

Floods of people are entering the tent, they seem never-ending, but the tent always has a place for more people. People who exit the tent have souvenirs, colorful hats, and unusually big candies. Some are with family, some are with friends, but they all have a smile on their lips, eyes sparkling with the miracles they just witnessed.

You witnessed it, too.

You’re fresh out of the show that had ended. The torch-lit room still makes you shiver when you think of it, excitement prickling on your skin despite the show already being over.

You saw a man carry an elephant in his arms without breaking a sweat, the hypnotizer who can command people at will, a man creating ice and fire out of thin air, there was even someone who could make explosions with his hands. A pink-skinned girl, invisible girl, a man with 111 piercings, a redhead with skin as hard as a rock- they all had something weird, special about them.

You are standing in front of the entrance, not going in, neither going out. Your eyes wander over the flyer that’s pinned on the board. It’s the flyer you’ve seen the past week everywhere, the streets are littered with it, but you never picked it and read what was on it. You find yourself looking at it, hoping to feel the remnants of the magic of the show on it.

The paper is adorned with reds, purples, and greens, and you bring your hand up to touch the smooth surface of it as you read the golden, big lettered headline.

“The greatest circus in the world!” It says, listing the shows right under it, you find something similar to envy bubbling inside you as you read about the shows, the quirky people who would be an outcast if they were anywhere but here. You envy them, the life they have, how free they are, going around the world and just being themselves, being as weird as they want, it still gains them money.

A circus is just what you need; you find yourself thinking. Leave your life behind and join them.

“Do you want to see a man lift a whole house with his pinky? Someone who can create explosions out of thin air? There’s more, more to the freaks. Come then, come closer.” You read, unconsciously stepping forward and nearing the paper.

You bite down on your lip, an audible gasp makes your eyes widen when you read the small box that’s in the corner of the flyer.

“Want to be a part of the show?” It says, so small you would’ve missed it any other day. “Show us what you have, and you might become one of us.”

“You have to prove yourself first, though.”



3 years ago

Love is dead

word count: 290 warnings: none really, just a little angst ahead notes: repost from my old account!

♡ reblogs are highly appreciated! 

pspsps happy birthday katsuki <333

Love Is Dead

“I shouldn’t love you anymore, we just keep colliding.” 

Those were the last words you heard from your ex-boyfriend and the love of your life, Katsuki Bakugou. It’s been months since that fall out happened. That day, you ran to your best friend’s dorm and knocked on the door. Eijirou Kirishima, your best friend since you were both babies. Before he could even say a word, you ran into his arms and just started sobbing. Your painful screams and cries made his heart sink and he already knew the reason why you were this upset.

Kirishima laid you on his bed and told you that he was gonna be right back. He has been through hell with you and as you both were growing up he became very protective of you. You always went to kirishima for everything, and comfort playing the biggest role. Kirishima marches down the hallway to bakugou’s dorm to ask why, just why you but the only answer he got from the blonde was “love is dead.”

Ever since that day it’s just been you and kirishima, kirishima does still talk to bakugou since you three are in the same class together but you do keep your distance. You do talk to your other classmates but you’re afraid to make new relationships. All because of what he said.

You would try to forget the words that he said. You’d try to forget the feeling of being in love, hoping and wishing for someone else to take your breath away like he did. But no one ever has, and no one ever will. 

Love is dead is the last words you heard from him and he is indeed right about that one thing.

Love is really dead.

Love Is Dead

taglist: @peaxhcringe @cutiekawa @loisuke @sugas-sweetheart @aiiishiiiteru @admiringlove @prettysetterbaby @haikyuu-appreciation-club @milktyama @kohis-simp @catzula​ (open!)

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3 years ago

Gojo and chopin's music have the same vibe and I don't accept criticism on this.

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