Caroline-Maria, 24, french writer & book cover artist. Requests: closed. My novels - My masterlist - buy me a ko-fi please 💜 - my rules - My AO3: BetrayedWriter
196 posts
Sebastian Stan : The Reader Is A New Chris's Friend And They Met And Get A Long Well, Become Friends,
Sebastian Stan : the reader is a new Chris's friend and they met and get a long well, become friends, Seb start to have a crush on her and ask her out on a date, she was kind of in shock and after the 3 date she decides to stop going out with him because she doesn't think she's good/attractive enough for him and because she's too young but he insists because he's falling in love with her
Your idea is interesting and for sure, I will write your imagine. :)
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Protection (Bucky Barnes x reader)
Request: Je n'ai pas réellement d'idée mais je peux découvrir que j'ai des pouvoirs ou alors il me sauve d'une menace en vrai je te fais confiance je suis sure que tu sauras trouver 🤗Je l'aurais bien faite en anglais mais je suis pas doué pour écrire mais je le comprends bien ha ha 😛(Translation: I don't really have an idea but I can discover that I have powers or he saves me from a threat. In real, I trust you, I'm sure you'll find. I would have done it in English but I'm not good at writing but I understand it well haha.)
Warning: slight violence
Disclaimer: I’m french and even if I’m learning English for eight fucking years, it’s not perfect and I’m sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes. If English is your native language (or if you’re bilingual), I would really appreciate it if you could help me by correcting my errors. Just don’t be too harsh, please. :)
Magic always ran in your family or that's what you mother made you think all your life, until now. You still remember her telling stories about your female ancestors, all of them endowed with telekinesis, cell regeneration capacity and being able to cast spells. When you asked if you were witches, with little voice shy and silvery at six years old, she corrected you "You're better than a witch, you're the good evolution of bad people." What was supposed to mean ? You didn't dare to ask and with time, you forgot that mysterious sentence.
However, your mother never really trained you to use your powers, even when you begged her as a teenager when your biggest desire was to hang Alec Johnson by the feet on his basketball hoop. Typically, you hated the Casanova of your high school. You never gave up and learnt by yourself little tricks, but you have always remained discreet and benevolent. So, you never used your gifts to make a living.
At eighteen, you had the chance to attend university and several years later, you graduated and finally you got the job of your dreams. Except, it was too beautiful to be real. As a great and young journalist, you knew the existence of Hydra and their work interested you. That's how you knew the evil organization could transform DNA and give special abilities to normal people. Something in your head clicked and you kept digging, to know the truth about your nature, your family...
And if Hydra seemed extinct, you were anxious and that's why you tried to contact the Avengers. Your status as a journalist should have helped you, but you never got an appointment with one the beloved heroes, except that life always taught you to never give up.
"Oh shit!"
Unfortunately, you were drawn from your thoughts not only because of the taxi's driver shout, but also by the jolts felt and the sound of an explosion. You jumped on your seat and looked out the window before you noticed that the traffic was blocked at the end of the roadway, apparently a car was on fire.
"What the hell is happening?!" you thought.
You were stuck here for a moment before you decided you couldn't wait anymore and you should walk if you wanted to be in time at your meeting with some of your colleagues. For the next twenty minutes, you felt observed but you brushed away the feeling, not wanting to become paranoid. At two blocks from your office, passing in front of a dark alley, you were surprised to hear kind of tired and desperate meows. You frowned and your gaze scanned the place before you saw a kitten almost crushed under a trash.
"Poor little thing..."
You couldn't help but approached the animal and lifted the rubbish, restoring freedom to the kitten. You couldn't even blow that you were hit on the back, which had the effect of making you fall to the ground, on your knees.
"Sir, we have her!" said a man's voice. You tried to get up, but he rested his foot on your back, making you lie on your stomach.
"Take her to the base, if you have to, sedate her." responded another man through a talkie-walkie.
"Oka-" you didn't let him the chance to finish his sentence that he flew against a wall. You could try to kill him with your powers, but you were like a doe in front a car's lights ; scared and lost. You could run away, but they did not count the presence of a dozen heavily armed men, worthy of elite killers. In seconds, your chances of escape fell back to zero and you were almost ready to receive hits or any injections.
You closed your eyes. Nothing happened. You only heard men shoutings and the sound of broken bones which turn your blood to ice. Fractured limbs and men in coma, that's all you saw when you carefully opened your eyes. You didn't have the time to properly react that an unknown and deep voice interpelled you.
"You're Y/N, right? I promise you, you're safe and sound." you turned your head and immediately recognized the mysterious and yet so known savior. Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes was standing in front of you, his new vibranium arm not even hidden, probably because it was a lot more discreet than the old one.
"Yes... No- I- I don't... Perhaps?" you stammered, lost and utterly shocked. Finally, you nodded, wanted to slap yourself for looking that dumb!
"We are sorry for reacting so slowly while you were in danger ... We know about your powers and I refuse to let someone hurt because of a completely deranged organization. These men aren't angels, they're mercenaries, killing machines. And others will come for you if you refuse to follow me."
His voice was husky and his tone a bit cold and you knew his reasons, after the hell he lived for seventy years. But those baby blue eyes, they were the reflection of understanding and kindness behind the sadness they held.
"We, the Avengers, will take you under our wing and I will personally take care of your protection. You have a lot to learn about your origins, so let me take you to our headquarters. Will you, doll?" he added with a slight smile.
You didn't know what the future was for you, but you had to take the chance to discover who you are, what people want from you and take the opportunity to be protected by someone like him. Yes, this meeting was the most unexpected of your life and by extension, the most important.
When he stretched his flesh hand towards you, you could only take it.
As I told the requester, without a real plot it would be a bit difficult to write her request since I'm still not used to write imagines but I hope it's okay. :)
Can I just say I'm a British native English speaker and tbh there are so many regional accents and dialogues that half the time no one can understand people outside of a 5 mile radius so don't worry if it's not 100% perfect cos it's fine, because you're writing in English you'll find it easier to get right or understand hopefully and if not I'm sure anyone with half a brain cell will figure out so don't worry! Xx
I already know aha, but I want to have the best English possible to facilitate my interactions with English speakers and I would like to leave France to live in the US or Canada (even England) in a few years. So, I still have to improve myself. :) In addition to that, my English teachers have never been completely satisfied and I feel l have regressed because at university I only have two hours of English a week while in high school I had five hours...
But thank you for your message. :) ♡
Work of art (Michael Gray x reader)

Request: Michael gray x reader where the reader is ashamed of her strech marks and hides them from him and he finds out and just loves her???
To the anon who requested this: I'm sorry but I have the feeling that your request is really good for a headcannon, more than an imagine. So, I hope it doesn't bother you! ♡
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I’m french and even if I’m learning English for eight fucking years, it’s not perfect and I’m sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes. If English is your native language (or if you’re bilingual), I would really appreciate it if you could help me by correcting my errors. Just don’t be too harsh, please. :)
➳ You started dating Michael a few months ago and, yet, you never had sex with him. So, he thought you wanted to save your virginity for the wedding and he never forced you.
➳ Like all men, he had desires. Desires that he showed when you were making out, but you couldn't blame him, far from it. You wanted it, but you were afraid, afraid he would see your body. You've always been very complexed because of your stretch marks.
➳ Many times you thought about making love in the dark, but it was too risky for you. This complex was eating you as much as shame was consuming you ...
➳ Your boyfriend asked repeatedly questions about why he couldn't see you naked, whereas you had already seen his body, but it doesn't go further than kisses and some caresses:
- "You don't want me?"
- "You still have your period?"
- "Is it length and the fat of my cock that scares you?" he asked in jest, helping you to relax a bit. Of course, you couldn't help but laugh. You had never seen a penis before his so you didn't had the chance to compare.
➳ You always managed to dodge the question that would make you tell the truth, but you were afraid that he would get tired of you and go elsewhere to satisfy his sexual desires.
➳ You were always at Michael's or he was at your home when your parents were away. One day, while you were waiting for Michael at his place, you decided to run a bath since you still had a good hour to wait before he returned to his place. When your clothes littered the floor, you were completely naked and getting ready to enter the bathtub, the door opened.
➳ You immediately grabbed the towel and covered your body the best you could even if it was already too late. Of course, you were embarrassed because you would have preferred him seeing you for the first time in other circumstances, but also because he had probably seen your stretch marks.
➳ "Michael, couldn't you knock?!"
"It's my flat and I didn't think you would be here." he protested, raising hands in the air to show his innocence, but the smile of this cheeky little bastard said otherwise.
➳ Approaching you, he pulled slowly on the towel to finally have the chance to see your body, but also not to rush you and make sure you wanted the same thing. Except you hold the towel, having crimson cheeks.
➳ "Stop, please..." you whispered.
"Why? Everytime we're about to have sex, you're blocking yourself and I still don't know why... Tell me what's wrong, what I can do to put you at ease..." he said before he kissed the tip of your nose with tenderness.
"It's not your fault, Michael. I just don't like my body... To be honest, I hate it..."
➳ He looked at you like you were crazy and he frowned, obviously he didn't understand. So, when he began to gently pull on the towel again, you let him do it while you closed your eyes, refusing to see his reaction. You were sure he would look at you with disgust.
➳ The towel slipped and you felt embarrassed like you had never been before. When you felt the tips of his fingers trace each curve of your body, you shivered. He was so delicate... At this moment, you felt less ashamed.
➳ "You're very beautiful. What's the problem, baby girl?"
You opened your eyelids and you looked into his beautiful gray-greenish eyes while a glimmer of desire shone there.
"I hate the stretch marks I wear on my body. I hate them so much, Michael..." you explained shyly.
➳ Caressing your stretch marks before he laid kisses on EVERY part of your skin that was affected by your complex.
➳ "Your body is a work of art and these marks are a detail of it, love."

Jordan Connor when he was a student and a part of Thunderbirds (the University of British Columbia) + apparently his real name is Jordan Yuen (?) (I became a spy… Sorry. I feel bad for sharing because these are not random gif or mine. Is that bad? 😭)
Hi sweetie! I think it’s awesome how well you’ve learned English and your wording and spelling is very good!
Hey! Thank you so much, it’s very nice of you! I would like so much to speak English as good as I write it aha