Caroline-Maria, 24, french writer & book cover artist. Requests: closed. My novels - My masterlist - buy me a ko-fi please 💜 - my rules - My AO3: BetrayedWriter
196 posts
Can I Just Say I'm A British Native English Speaker And Tbh There Are So Many Regional Accents And Dialogues
Can I just say I'm a British native English speaker and tbh there are so many regional accents and dialogues that half the time no one can understand people outside of a 5 mile radius so don't worry if it's not 100% perfect cos it's fine, because you're writing in English you'll find it easier to get right or understand hopefully and if not I'm sure anyone with half a brain cell will figure out so don't worry! Xx
I already know aha, but I want to have the best English possible to facilitate my interactions with English speakers and I would like to leave France to live in the US or Canada (even England) in a few years. So, I still have to improve myself. :) In addition to that, my English teachers have never been completely satisfied and I feel l have regressed because at university I only have two hours of English a week while in high school I had five hours...
But thank you for your message. :) ♡
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Work of art (Michael Gray x reader)

Request: Michael gray x reader where the reader is ashamed of her strech marks and hides them from him and he finds out and just loves her???
To the anon who requested this: I'm sorry but I have the feeling that your request is really good for a headcannon, more than an imagine. So, I hope it doesn't bother you! ♡
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I’m french and even if I’m learning English for eight fucking years, it’s not perfect and I’m sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes. If English is your native language (or if you’re bilingual), I would really appreciate it if you could help me by correcting my errors. Just don’t be too harsh, please. :)
➳ You started dating Michael a few months ago and, yet, you never had sex with him. So, he thought you wanted to save your virginity for the wedding and he never forced you.
➳ Like all men, he had desires. Desires that he showed when you were making out, but you couldn't blame him, far from it. You wanted it, but you were afraid, afraid he would see your body. You've always been very complexed because of your stretch marks.
➳ Many times you thought about making love in the dark, but it was too risky for you. This complex was eating you as much as shame was consuming you ...
➳ Your boyfriend asked repeatedly questions about why he couldn't see you naked, whereas you had already seen his body, but it doesn't go further than kisses and some caresses:
- "You don't want me?"
- "You still have your period?"
- "Is it length and the fat of my cock that scares you?" he asked in jest, helping you to relax a bit. Of course, you couldn't help but laugh. You had never seen a penis before his so you didn't had the chance to compare.
➳ You always managed to dodge the question that would make you tell the truth, but you were afraid that he would get tired of you and go elsewhere to satisfy his sexual desires.
➳ You were always at Michael's or he was at your home when your parents were away. One day, while you were waiting for Michael at his place, you decided to run a bath since you still had a good hour to wait before he returned to his place. When your clothes littered the floor, you were completely naked and getting ready to enter the bathtub, the door opened.
➳ You immediately grabbed the towel and covered your body the best you could even if it was already too late. Of course, you were embarrassed because you would have preferred him seeing you for the first time in other circumstances, but also because he had probably seen your stretch marks.
➳ "Michael, couldn't you knock?!"
"It's my flat and I didn't think you would be here." he protested, raising hands in the air to show his innocence, but the smile of this cheeky little bastard said otherwise.
➳ Approaching you, he pulled slowly on the towel to finally have the chance to see your body, but also not to rush you and make sure you wanted the same thing. Except you hold the towel, having crimson cheeks.
➳ "Stop, please..." you whispered.
"Why? Everytime we're about to have sex, you're blocking yourself and I still don't know why... Tell me what's wrong, what I can do to put you at ease..." he said before he kissed the tip of your nose with tenderness.
"It's not your fault, Michael. I just don't like my body... To be honest, I hate it..."
➳ He looked at you like you were crazy and he frowned, obviously he didn't understand. So, when he began to gently pull on the towel again, you let him do it while you closed your eyes, refusing to see his reaction. You were sure he would look at you with disgust.
➳ The towel slipped and you felt embarrassed like you had never been before. When you felt the tips of his fingers trace each curve of your body, you shivered. He was so delicate... At this moment, you felt less ashamed.
➳ "You're very beautiful. What's the problem, baby girl?"
You opened your eyelids and you looked into his beautiful gray-greenish eyes while a glimmer of desire shone there.
"I hate the stretch marks I wear on my body. I hate them so much, Michael..." you explained shyly.
➳ Caressing your stretch marks before he laid kisses on EVERY part of your skin that was affected by your complex.
➳ "Your body is a work of art and these marks are a detail of it, love."
Hey! I just wanted to say that I still have 8 imagines to write so don’t panic if you don’t see your request posted today and in the next few days. :)
Oh nice, thanks, because I'm 4'9 (I'm not the person who requested tho) and Seb is 6'0 and always think is gonna be weird when one day I meet him (🤞🏻) because I'm too small 😂😂😂
I just said what I think so don’t thanks me aha ♡
Hi sweetie! I think it’s awesome how well you’ve learned English and your wording and spelling is very good!
Hey! Thank you so much, it’s very nice of you! I would like so much to speak English as good as I write it aha
Everything I touch (Thomas Shelby x reader)

Request: Basically, enemies of Peaky Blinders attack me, then Tommy arrives at that moment to save me, he fights and wins but he is hurt. So I look after him and he makes a declaration of love to me, he has been very scared for me, and realizes that he loves me more than a friend....
Warnings: sad, angst
Disclaimer: I'm french and even if I'm learning English for eight fucking years, it's not perfect and I'm sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes. If English is your native language (or if you’re bilingual), I would really appreciate it if you could help me by correcting my errors. Just don't be too harsh, please. :)
+ it’s a request from my book “Imagines for dreamers” on Wattpad
Small Heath wasn't the best district of Birmingham but you lived there since you were a kid and you knew half of its population. For many years, it was ruled by The Peaky Blinders, a fearsome gang. However, their members aren't what people imagined. To be honest, the first time you met their leader, Thomas, he seemed really cold, but with time you were surprised that he was kind. Kind and protective towards his family and his very closest friends. Lucky, you were one of them. The Shelby family was one of the best you knew, you couldn't lie about that, it's was very different from your family who always had been torn, burst like a nebula.
Every friday night, you had this habit to go to the Garrison and drink with your friends. At the same time, you saw Tommy with his brothers and used to skylark with John or Arthur. But that night, you didn't see Tommy, his brothers told you he was occupied.
"Probably occupied to fuck Lizzie or another whore, huh?" you whispered, shaking your head, which made John smirk and play with the toothpick between his lips.
"Jealous?" Arthur asked, putting an arm around your shoulder.
"No, if he catches the clap and his cock finish by unhooking itself from his crotch, it's his problem!" you replied coldly with a shrug.
John burst into laughter before he held you in his arms and ruffled your hair, making you groan ungracefully at the same time. Even if they were annoying the shit out of you, you couldn't help but laugh with them.
Even if Tommy was your best friend, you never understood his need to fuck every woman! It always had been the case before and after Grace. Why couldn't he stay with someone? The bastard was aware of his charm's powers and never failed to use them. Jealous, were you? It was stronger than you. With time, the leader of the Peaky Blinders became more than a friend, you started to really like him, then to develop feelings for him and those feelings grown and in the end, you fell in love.
A few hours later, you decided to come home, letting the brothers and your friends smiling, laughing and singing happily, all of them drunk. When you were younger, your parents always told you to be careful and never walk alone in the empty and dark streets of Small Heath, but tonight you ignored that rule.
You heard a "flirting" and disgusting whistle towards you before hearing a man's voice, probably very drunk. "Hey beauty'! What ya doin' here by yourself at this hour?"
You decided to ignore him and continue on your way.
"Bitch! I'm talking to ya!"
Suddenly, your back hit the wall and the man pushed his hand around your throat, trying to choke you. You struggled against him, fearing for your life because you thought he wanted to kill you for some reasons, but when he slided his big and calloused hand under your skirt, you shuddered of disgust. You gave him a kick in the groin which had the effect to release you.
"HELP!" you screamed in the hope to draw the attention of a gentleman passing in the area.
"Shut up, Peaky's slut!" he grunted.
He punched you right in the jaw, making you whimper. You thought for an instant that nobody will come to your rescue, until the man fled against garbages. It was so dark, seeing the faces of the two men was difficult. You savior was extremely violent with the rapist, but you were glad he was there. You heard bones breaking, groans of pain and finally a gunshot. Then, the silence hovered. Afraid and curled up against the wall, you hardly dared to look at the man.
"Y/N... It's alright, he won't try to hurt you anymore." you recognized that voice, she belonged to Tommy.
Immediately, you stood up and took refuge in his arms, head resting against his torso. You weren't stupid, but close enough to the Shelby's to guess your attacker was clearly dead, shot in the head. When you drew back, still in shock, you kept your hands on him as a support. Some of your phalanges were humid and when you take a close look, you saw this warm red liquid you hated. Blood.
"Oh god, Thomas, you're hurt..." you murmured, wide eyes.
"That's nothing, I just need stitches. I'm not bleeding to death, love."
My heart missed a beat and I just nodded.
"If Tommy was hurt because of me, my role was to stitch him, right?" you thought. When you made sure your best friend was okay and didn't need anymore sutures points on his left flank and his arms because of that crazy man and his knife, you tried to not stare at his body. To be honest, you find it pretty hard. So you couldn't help and glance quickly.
"I'm so grateful you came, Tommy. I can't imagine what would have happened if you didn't..."
"Well... I probably would hate myself for a long time, but you'll never relive it. I'll make sure no fuckers touch you that way anymore, alright?" he replied, softly stroking my cheek.
When you looked into his icy blue eyes, contrasting with his dark lashes, you saw a glimmer that you were unable to name.
"Let me take care you."
"How..?" you whispered as he ran his digits in your hair and played with the strands.
"When Grace passed away, I never thought I could love someone else so deeply. You made me change my mind and I realised I was blind, you were under my eyes all this time and I pushed my feelings away. Everything I touch ends up breaking, maybe they're right when they call me the Devil, that's the reason. Loving you was condemning you. Ignoring those fucking feelings after Grace was to protect you. Yet, I failed and I'm sorry. And I'm lost because I don't want to break your heart or someone to hurt you because of me." he confessed, locking his gaze into yours.
Your heart felt like he was going to explode. Sadness, excitation, happiness and love took you by storm and there was nothing you could do. You loved him so much. You dared to kiss him and you were proud. He replied to the kiss, letting your lips discover each other before your tongue met his with passion and intensity. With ease, he placed his hands on your hips and made you sit on his lap. Breathless, you broke the kiss as slowly as you initiated it. Forehead against forehead, staring into his blue eyes and your nose coaxing his.
"Having my heart broken by you would be an honor, Thomas Shelby."
It was a dangerous game you were playing at, but you were willing to.