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Venom Of The Past Chapter 1

Venom of the Past chapter 1

Buried memories

(thank you to Fiya for helping me with the Spanish bits!)

Venom Of The Past Chapter 1

Sugarboo, Seth and Alphonse got to live a happy life, knowing that everything from the past had been dealt with, in one way or another, and they were free to live their lives.

And they all lived happily ever after, the end!

...Except, is it really the end?

As they always say, when one door closes, another one opens, and this door, was to a path that wasn't so forgiving.

It was an early spring, and Sugarboo's home bakery was booming. they were able to quit their old boring job to pursue their love of sweets.

It was a dream come true, baking all through the day, spreading love and cheer through the town, and then coming back home to 2 loving idiots who showered Sugarboo with love. They couldn't ask for it any way else.

They had been away all day delivering orders to happy customers. It was the best part of their job, getting to see their happy faces.

It was while they were on their way to deliver the last of the sweets, that things started to

Sugarboo started to get this odd feeling, a sense of anxiety that they hadn't felt in a long time. They brushed it off, thinking it was just anxiety for tomorrow's orders they still had to bake, but the feeling continued.

It got worse, though, when they were almost to the customer's house,


"¿Que?" Sugarboo was surprised with the sound, their car starting to lose speed as, what was most likely, the tire lost air.

"¡Fantastico!" Sugarboo sighed, "flat tire. Hopefully I can make it back to Al's so Seth can help me out with it"

Their car rumbled along the rest of the way to their destination. After giving the older man the cake with a smile, Sugarboo stalked back to their car to check out their tire. When they got there, though, something unexpected caught their attention.

"What the-?" Sugarboo questioned as they rounded the corner. Sticking out of their back tire was an arrow. They squatted down to take a look at it. It was deep in the tire, if it's presence itself wasn't odd enough. This gave Sugarboo a bad feeling, as they got back in their car to drive to Alphonse's house.

As they drove, though, the feeling of anxiety deepened. They couldn't pinpoint it exactly, but it felt like they were being watched. No matter where they turned, it felt like there were eyes boring into the back of their head.

When they finally rolled to a stop in front of Alphonse's house, they felt too scared to get out of their car, calling Seth's phone instead.

Ring ring!

Ring r-

"Hey Sugar!" Seth's voice rang through the unsettling silence that had settled in the car, comforting Sugarboo.

"Hey Seth. I'm outside in my car right now, can you come get me?" Sugarboo looked around, trying to see if they could place where the feeling of being watched was coming from.

"Really Sugar? You're a big boy, you don't need me to come get you" Seth laughed, but that did nothing to calm Sugarboo's anxiety.

"Seth, please" Sugarboo begged him.

It seemed like Seth could tell that something was wrong, because Sugarboo could hear rustling from the other end of the phone as he talked. "Well alrighty then, I'm comin"

Sugarboo only sighed as their anxiety was calmed, hanging up the phone as Seth came around the corner.

Sugarboo unlocked their door to finally collapse in their boyfriend's arms.

"Oof- jeez Sugar, miss me that much?" Seth joked as he hugged Sugarboo.

"Hmmm, you could say that" Sugarboo sighed as they melted in Seth's arms. Even if they were in his arms, though, they could still feel eyes everywhere.

"You ok there? You seemed really scared over the phon- what the?" Seth loosened his grip on Sugarboo as he noticed the arrow in the car's tire.

The two separated to let Seth take a look at the arrow. He tried to pull it out by hand, but it wouldn't budge.

"Jeez, what happened?" Seth looked up at Sugarboo from where he was squat down.

"I don't know. I was on my way to my last delivery when I heard a loud noise and my tire started to loose air. After I got out and did my delivery, I found that" Sugarboo concluded by pointing at the offending arrow.

"Hm, d'ya think it might have been an accident..?" Seth tried, but Sugarboo could tell he was also getting the same feeling of anxiety they had been having for the past 10 minutes.

"No... It's too early for hunting season yet, and" Sugarboo tried to pull the arrow out themself, struggling. "that thing's lodged in there good, whoever shot that did it deliberately."

Seth's face darkened as the two looked at the arrow. "Let's head inside"

"Yeah," Sugarboo agreed as Seth started to get up. Before they could turn and leave, though, they noticed something tied to the arrow.

"C'mon Sugar, this don't feel right to me" Seth urged them to follow, but Sugarboo squatted down to untie the paper. "What's that?" He asked as the paper came into view.

"It was on the arrow I wonder if..." Sugarboo trailed off as they read the note. Their eyes widening and face pale as they read the short note.

Baking cookies? You've gone soft BS


Seth read the note in confusion over Sugarboo's shoulder.

"BS? What does that mean Su- woah!" Seth yelped as Sugarboo grabbed his hand and dragged him into the house.

Slamming the door behind them, Sugarboo began to lock the front door before running to the back and locking that one too.

"Hm? Oh hey boo! What's... What's going on?" Alphonse greeted them as they ran through the house, making sure all of the windows were locked, and then covered. "Seth, what's going on?"

"I don't know. They came home with an arrow lodged in their tire and there was this weird note attached" Seth explained as much as he could, as the two watched Sugarboo race around, making double sure that everything was locked and covered.

"Hey, boo, what's wrong?" Alphonse got up from where he was sitting and walked towards a wide-eyed Sugarboo, trying to comfort them.

"You... You need to go sit down" Sugarboo pointed towards the dining room table, "you too Seth."

"Sugar c'mon, what's wrong?" Seth walked towards them as well.

"Would you just cállete and sit down?!" Sugarboo snapped at the two, pausing after realizing what they've just said.

Seth and Alphonse just sat at the table quietly, waiting for Sugarboo to calm down.

The two watched Sugarboo as they paced back and forth in the living room, a look of anxiety stuck on their face.

They finally turned and strode towards the table, standing behind the chair.

"...hey, boo?" Alphonse tried to start the conversation, "what's, uh, what's going on?"

Sugarboo stayed silent for a while, still trying to form the words in their head. This would probably be the hardest conversation they've ever had in their life.

"You... You remember how before Seth came back to town, there had been a lot about your past you never shared with me?" Sugarboo looked at Alphonse.

"Yeah?" Al looked at Seth before looking back at Sugarboo.

"Well," Sugarboo sighed, before placing the piece of paper in the middle of the table, "let's just say that arrow was my version of Seth"

Alphonse took the paper and held it for the two boys to read. After reading it, though, they were puzzled.

"boo, what does this mean?" Alphonse was the first to ask, "I mean, 'BS' and 'Boss', what do those mean or, who are they?"

Sugarboo looked away again, trying to figure out which to answer first, and how.

"BS stands for... It was a shortened version of my code name" they finally landed on an answer, but that only left the other two confused.

"Code name? For what? And, why?" Alphonse questioned them, "boo you're scaring me, what does this all mean?"

"It means I was in the mob"

The room was silent as Sugarboo blurted it out. Seth and Alphonse stared wide-eyed at Sugarboo as they tried their best to continue.

"I... I was in the mob. It's not something I'm proud of, and it's not something I thought would come back to haunt me," Sugarboo explained, "I thought I covered my trail well enough but... It seems like they found me again."

The boys just continued to stare in astonishment at Sugarboo before Alphonse broke the silence.

"Boo, why... Why didn't you tell us? We told you about what we did in the gang, why didn't you tell us? I thought-"

"Being in the mob is different than being in a gang Alphonse!" Sugarboo snapped at him, "being in the mob means death is the first option, and being murdered is considered mercy."

The room fell to silence once more as the trio let everything sink in.

"I didn't want to tell you I was in the mob because..." Sugarboo's voice started to crack before they stopped speaking.

"... because why sugar?" Seth's voice was soft as he looked at them.

"Because I didn't want you two to look at me different" Sugarboo looked down at where their hands were gripping the back of the chair, their knuckles white.

"Why would we look at you any different?" Seth asked, "you know what we've done, we would be hypocrites to judge you sugar."

" don't know what I've done." Sugarboo sighed as they finally dropped down into the chair.

"Then what did you do?" Alphonse piped up, trying to keep his voice light.

Sugarboo let the air fall silent once more as they thought about the best way to answer. But who were they kidding, there was no 'best way' to tell your two loving partners the horrific acts you'd done just a few years prior.

"I... I murdered people" Sugarboo's voice broke as they told Seth and Al what they had done. "dios, I-I killed so many people."

Alphonse and Seth just watched Sugarboo as they broke down in tears, sobbing as they told the two everything they had done.

"I hurt them. I hurt them all. I tortured, I killed, I did so, so many things" Sugarboo sobbed into their hands, rambling on and on, "I thought I could get away from it all, I thought I could get away from them but I should have known better. Should have known I couldn't run away from what I'd done. No puedo huir de lo que soy"

"I'm un monstruo, and I thought I could lie to myself, lie to you two, and make everything better. I should have known better." Sugarboo couldn't hear anything outside of the sound of their sobbing and the noise coming from their brain, so they didn't hear the two boys getting up.

Before they knew what was happening, they felt two pairs of arms wrap around them, sandwiching them in a tight embrace as they continued to cry into whoever's shoulder was closest.

"Oh boo, you know I would never look at you different" Alphonse's voice came from somewhere within the warm embrace Sugarboo found themselves in.

"Yeah sugar, we love you too much, we don't care what you've done" Seth's voice was close to their ear, whispering comfort that calmed Sugarboo down.

Sugarboo just shook their head as they gripped onto the person in front of them.

"You two are pendejos. I don't know how you survived this long with a mindset like that" Sugarboo laughed as they began to calm down, "but thank you. It means a lot to hear that."

"Of course sugar," it was easier to pinpoint Seth's voice now that they weren't sobbing, and they realized that Seth was the one in front of them, and that they had been sobbing into his chest.

Once they had calmed down, Sugarboo pulled away from the giant hug they had been squished in, looking at the boys as they smiled. "Thank you again. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you two idiots with me."

"Hey!" Alphonse gasped as he grabbed Sugarboo, "take that back!"

"No!" Sugarboo giggled as Alphonse started tickling them, laughing harder as he started to tickle them. "Seth! Help!"

Seth just smiled at the two and chuckled. "Alright, alright. Break it up you two."

It took a minute before all the giggles stopped, after that, Sugarboo just basked in the peaceful silence. They didn't know how they did it, but somehow, Seth and Al always knew how to put a smile on their face no matter what the problem was.

"So..." Seth scratched the back of his neck, "not that I love just laughing with you two, but I think now we need to talk about what this whole arrow situation means."

"Right" Sugarboo sighed as they flopped down at the table with their head in their hands.

They stared at the note in deep thought, trying to form a plan in their head. For the first time in a while, Sugarboo didn't know where to start. They never thought they would be found, they did their best to cover their tail, but it seems, even after everything they did to hide, they really couldn't run from their past. Finally, their thoughts straightened some details out enough to start to plan.

"Alright, here's what we're gonna do," Sugarboo stood up and turned towards the two boys, "Alphonse, I need you to start packing some bags, we can't stay here. Seth, I think it's best if we take my car so I need you to fix the tire. After that go help Alphonse with the bags."

Seth and Alphonse nodded before moving to start their tasks. Before Alphonse left the room, though, he turned to Sugarboo.

"By the way boo. While we're doing all this, what are you going to be doing?" Alphonse asked them.

"I'm gonna make a call," Sugarboo looked at Alphonse, "there's an old friend that might have some information on what's happening."

"Ah ok. Good luck boo" Alphonse kissed them before heading off to pack the bags.

Sugarboo smiled at him before their face fell. This was not something they wanted to do, and this was not someone they wanted to talk to after... Everything. No matter how much they didn't want to, they knew that they would be the only way to get to the bottom of this.

With a sigh, they picked up their phone and dialed a number they hoped was still the same after all this time.

Ring ring!

Ring ring!

Ring ring!

Ring ri-


"Hi, is this...

Is this Rook?"

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