welcome to hell may I take your order? ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ multi fandom: Dteam, Audio RP, Epic
983 posts
Ccstiles - CCstiles - Tumblr Blog
Finally listened to Chronus Seven and

Escaped, you need to put warning labels on your audios
More Penelope art that I'm cooking 🙏

WIP(rendering process)
Day 3: Full Speed Ahead

Yes I know I am a bit behind on Epictober 😅 college and life are taking all my time
Ill catch up though!

He shall stay there, FOR EVERRRR
Did I learn how to use Alight Motion just for this? ...noo-
Anyways, enjoy!!
Also @yuurivoice
He looked at me funny, into the black hole he goes

Did I learn how to use Alight Motion just for this? ...noo-
Anyways, enjoy!!
Also @yuurivoice
"Why didn't they just fish?" in Epic: The Musical
I'm more active with the Epic fandom on tiktok than I am on tumblr (in the sense that interact with it more often), but one common joke/criticism I see there is that Odysseus and his crew could've avoided Polyphemus entirely if they just fished. At first I thought it was a funny joke, but then I saw people like, actually criticizing Odysseus and his crew for it. And it slowly stopped being funny, and now I'm just sick of it.
So, why couldn't they just fish?
Right off the bat, I can think of several reasons why.
Lack of proper equipment
Time (Preparation, Longevity of the fish, the time it takes to fish, etc)
Proper Fishing Areas
To start with: Odysseus and his crew just off the bat don't have the equipment to fish. Yes, I'm aware they have harpoons as mentioned in "Storm". I don't know why they have harpoons, but they do. Harpoons in fishing are used against large, deep sea fish. Fish you are most likely going to see in deeper parts of the water that require speciality equipment that ancient grecian soldiers straight up don't have. And if you use a harpoon against a smaller fish, you're more than likely going to mostly destroy or otherwise damage the fish and leave less meat behind to eat. You're going to break bones, and fish bones are thin, fragile, and easily choke-able on. It's a waste of time and effort.
Then, what about nets? Those also don't work, because if they have nets on their ships, then those nets are not going to be fishing nets. They're going to be nets made as tools or equipment for the ship, which means the holes in between are likely too big to catch anything. Those nets also are likely not weighted so that they can sink to the bottom and catch fish; those nets are gonna float. And, those nets probably aren't going to be big enough to catch a mass haul either, and they have six hundred men to feed.
"Why not use their ropes to make fishing nets." Well, they could! They live on an island, and six hundred men there's bound to be someone who knows how to make a fisher's net. But they need that rope. That rope serves a purpose. Rope is an essential equipment on ships, even in modern day, ships will have hundreds to thousands of pounds of rope because they need it.
All rope has its breaking point. Rope frays, it snaps, it weakens over time. They need rope for the sails, for anchoring, if that rope breaks, they need to have the tools ready to replace it, and they can't do that if that rope has been turned into a fishing net. Plus, ship rope and fishing rope are entirely different things and have different thickness and material.
"They can just undo the net" no they could not! Making a fishing net by hand takes approximately eight hours. Those knots have to be tight enough to not loosen up when something pushes against it, unknotting a fishing net would take hours to do, and to do that every time they need to fish? It's just not worth the energy and time, especially if they have a low quantity of soldiers who know (and remember!) how to make a fisher net. Plus, undoing the net would just fray the rope and make it unusable.
Also, fish don't swim up at the top of the ocean. They're going to be found deeper down in the cooler parts, or in the shallows and reefs by the islands. And fish startle really easily. They're going to zip away and hide at the first sign of movement or sound. When I was little and my dad would take us fishing, he would remind us to be quiet so we didn't scare the fish away.
The fish in the reef are finite too. There are also going to be different amounts of fish in each area. Even on the river, there were some parts that were teeming with fish, and then spots that were completely dead. Odysseus and his crew would have to find where these spots are, and then try, with their ill-equipped nets and harpoons, to catch those fish.
Which brings me to my next issue: quantity. One medium-sized mammal like a sheep could feed, what, at least fifteen men. Fifteen fish could feed about three. In a family of four we needed to catch at least twenty palm-sized blue-gills in order for us to all eat and not be hungry after, and that's with other food with us too.
The amount of fish that would need to get caught in order to adequately feed six hundred men enough that they have the energy to row their 50-men ships -- which are about 50 tons -- would have to be industrial amount, they'd need to be catching fish every day. There wouldn't be enough fish on a single island to feed six hundred men. They'd need to hop from island to island in order to get enough fish to feed everyone, and then they wouldn't get anywhere.
And why do that when there's twenty, perfectly good sheep, right over there? Which is another thing. They're hunting animals on an island, a finite space. Fishing in a reef or shallows, the fish has access to the massive ocean right next to it. Those fish can get spooked away at a moment's notice and poof, gone. Meanwhile, there's only so much space that a sheep on an island can go, and only so many places they can hide. If it runs, we're persistence predators! We can just follow them, and corner them. We can't follow fish into the ocean, that's when we're on the fishes terms.
Fishing also takes hours. Which yes, hunting also does too. But the payout for hunting a sheep (can feed at least fifteen men) is far greater than the payout of fishing (could feed three, maybe four). Plus again, island; there's only so far they can go, and they have bows and arrows. The time it'd take to hunt the sheep and get enough to feed everyone would be significantly less than the time it'd take to catch fish for everyone.
In two hours you could not have caught a single fish, even in modern day (and I know this from personal experience). In two hours, on an island, you could have probably already caught a deer, or a sheep.
Preparation too. Longevity. Essential nutrients that fish do not have. There are certain fish you can't eat because they're poisonous, or they lack certain nutrients, or they just don't get big enough to feed even a single man. As I mentioned before, fish have these iitty bitty bones that are thin, sharp, and easily choke-able. Descaling and deboning a fish takes time that these soldiers don't really have; they're trying to row this great big ship back home. They can't waste effort on picking apart the bones of a fish so they don't choke or otherwise hurt themselves. Mammals have a ton of meat, and big bones! No worries there about choking or deboning.
Fish spoils faster than meat does. Yes there are all these preparations for food that go against spoiling, but still, those preparations would be for meat, veggies, fruits. Fish would need to be preserved differently, and if they don't they'd need to be constantly fishing in order to make up for the loss of stock. Then they'd never get anywhere because you can't fish on the open ocean without the proper equipment, that they would not have as ancient greeks AND soldiers. Like this is a warship, not a fisher ship.
Think of it this way: you're trying to feed six hundred men, and not only that, you're trying to get enough food to keep them fed for at least the rest of the journey or long enough to find another island that has food on it.
Would you rather: risk your hand trying to fish with shoddily, ill-equipped nets or harpoons that are not made for fishing, and catch maybe twenty fish within ten hours? And maybe six are big enough to feed one or two men?
See if there are any large animals on the island that you can hunt, as well as any edible fruits or plants that you can bring back with you and do this in four.
Which one are you choosing?
Overall, there are just too many negatives in fishing that makes it, as a whole, completely pointless to do. Lack of proper equipment, quantity, time, and fishing spots are all things that come into play. I can appreciate it as a funny joke, and I did at first, but when it's taken as an actual criticism is where I go "hold on, have you ever actually gone fishing before?"

In honor of plushie Alphonse, here's Alphonse in my clothes- I mean, my persona's clothes.
(...it totally wasn't coincidental that finished this on the release and that I just made this piece for my own fan-service...)
Anyways, here's some alternative lighting for this piece. ^^

Little does he know I’m a…
I recommend seeing it with highest brightness cause it came out too dark for somereason kms
Absolutely not 😞
Poor baby 😭
Bug Army Halloween Day
(Yes, I know this is late, I've had a busy day.)
Could your Bug survive in a horror movie?
I think Amber could because of hunter training, time in the swamp, and being an average wild child.
@rozeliyawashereyall @willowve01 @asmrbrainrot @kaiamtt @iistxrmyskyii @insignificant-anarchy @stxph-artist @aspenm00n @keyaartz @fangsshadow @rustycopper4use @piffany666 @dreamyshape @idontevenknow7878 @lunaritychuwolf @littlesiren79 @castbracelet240 @strayharmony943 @proxdragon @tiefling-chaos @threeweekinsomnia
@recated @wilderrorcard @diamondzoey @fennaboysenberry @lunnats
@lightdragon789 @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid @itsargyle @not-5-rats
@ccstiles @puffin-smoke @fruity0salad @takashishihoin @megapugman
@reefhastoomanyaccs @kaydenskiwi @greaysharkboi @itzscribz @blingzyya
@atonalasmr @headstrashdump @gatorboys22 @drowziestar @howdyimmaia
Did I learn how to use Alight Motion just for this? ...noo-
Anyways, enjoy!!
Also @yuurivoice

@yuurivoice haii again pookie :3
I was supposed to catch up on my missing work, but then the Alphonse plush meme competition was announced and-

There will be more, this is both a promise and a threat @yuurivoice

that was the first thought I had when I saw the comparison of these two
I'm sorry (not really)
I was supposed to catch up on my missing work, but then the Alphonse plush meme competition was announced and-

There will be more, this is both a promise and a threat @yuurivoice
ultimate character development template
name: meaning of name: nicknames/titles: age: gender: location: birthday: strengths + example where it's shown: weaknesses + example where it's shown: how it affects others:
emotional depth
attachment style + how it manifests in the story: physical fear: emotional/abstract fear: happy memory: sad memory: object of significance: philosophical outlook/belief: what characters are ignorant about themselves: how confident are they: goal: long-term dreams: what they're embarrassed/ashamed to tell others about: regrets: source of pride: source of misery: what they admire above all else: do they believe in fate:
mbti: enneagram: big five: character archetype: star sign: who they pretend to be on the outside: who they actually are/how they feel towards the mask: mental health conditions: how it manifests for them: iq: eq: humour: reputation:
bad habits: mannerisms when stressed: mannerisms when content: mannerisms when scared: mannerisms normally: verbal mannerisms/distinctive speaking style: how do they move across a room: what do they say and what remains unsaid: how they express love: hobbies:
defining features: eye shape + colour: hair texture + colour: skin texture + tone: vibe: height: build: clothing: any bodily disfigurement (scars, etc.): overall attractiveness: their opinion on their appearance: appeals to:
who they trust most: what they wish they could do for them: what's holding them back: who they hate most: what they wish they could do to them: what's holding them back: relationship with the protagonist: relationship with the antagonist: siblings: relationship with them: parents/step-parents: relationship with them: previous broken relationships: why did it break: what others expect of them: who believes in them: their mentor character/who they look up to: political/religious/other affiliations: what makes them different from every other character: non-human relationships + why: romantic "type" + why: relationship dynamics:
primary emotion towards their past: primary feelings while in their past: where did they grow up: defining incidents: earliest childhood memory: saddest memory: happiest memory: major accomplishments: their opinion on it: notable people in their backstory: effect on them today: trauma: what have they already lost: financial circumstance:
why are they important (eg. why're they the only one able to do something?): what do they learn about themselves throughout the story: what do they learn about the world: how do they feel towards their newfound knowledge: character arc (positive, negative, neutral): how relationships change because of their actions: what mistakes do they make: what scene is their character highlighted: do they get what they want: why or why not: what happens to them after the story ends:

this is so stupid i’m so sorry

love in paradise
Stop giving this notes it isn't even that funny-
Listening to Epic: where's my comfort crackship at??? 😞
Finding the manwhore AU for Epic: ah, there's my comfort crackship :]

fight, little wolf!
Hm, other world for Sammy would be their bio parents actually loving them and him not being forced to be a hunter
Bug Army Halloween Day 2:
BUG ARMY HEAR MY CALL! A Coraline AU! What would your Bug’s Other World look like?
For Amber, her family would be very similar to the family in the Coraline movie, very attentive, and loving. Riding horses in the field with her father, cooking with her mother. And the house would look like her family farm.
@rozeliyawashereyall @willowve01 @asmrbrainrot @kaiamtt @iistxrmyskyii @insignificant-anarchy @stxph-artist @aspenm00n @keyaartz @fangsshadow @rustycopper4use @piffany666 @dreamyshape @idontevenknow7878 @lunaritychuwolf @littlesiren79 @castbracelet240 @strayharmony943 @proxdragon @tiefling-chaos @threeweekinsomnia
@recated @wilderrorcard @diamondzoey @fennaboysenberry @lunnats
@lightdragon789 @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid @itsargyle @not-5-rats
@ccstiles @puffin-smoke @fruity0salad @takashishihoin @megapugman
@reefhastoomanyaccs @kaydenskiwi @greaysharkboi @itzscribz @blingzyya
@atonalasmr @headstrashdump @gatorboys22 @drowziestar @howdyimmaia
I NEED SOMEONE to redraw this as aeolus and winion

Headcanon that Helios never quite forgave Odysseus for the whole cattle thing and cursed him to forever wake up with the sun in his eyes,it doesn't matter if he sleeps in a room with no windows he'll magically wake up in one that does and the sun will be shining directly in his eyes
Marco: Timothy, I forgot my mask when I went out, I hope I don't catch a corvid!
Timmy: it's not funny. The panda-mick ain't over, you should be takin it a whole load more seriously-
Marco: *holds up maria* oh no! a corvid!
It's the guyest guy to ever guy's birthday!! Mitch!!

This is so messy I can't- rushed almost everything cuz of life stuff, so I didn't have time to put unnecessary details 😔

My favourite moment 😮💨