BITCH, WHAT?! - An Eternals STEM Trio Drabble
BITCH, WHAT?! - An Eternals STEM Trio Drabble

Pairings: Platonic!Phastos x Hectate!Eternal Reader, Phastos & Kaetlyn, Phastos x Ben, Kaet x Druig (Druig doesn't appear, but he is mentioned), mention of Ikaris x Sephia Words: ~1.0 k Summary: A lil' drabble that tells how Phastos found out about one wonderfully incredible flower goddess banging it out with one blue flying man with stupid hair. Warning: Nudity (but not sexual), Kaetlyn has ZERO shame, Phastos needs some aspirin from dealing with his crazyass magic shadow sister, unbetaed we die like Ajak (sorry Ajak) Notes: This drabble was inspired by a scene in Grey's Anatomy, if you know you know. Please reblog and like and comment! Shoutout to @ethereal-athalia & @valeskafics for being the most supportive people on this platform!

Phastos was a pacifist. He was a ‘thinker,’ not a ‘fighter.’ If there was a way to resolve a conflict peacefully with no potential loss of blood or bodily fluid, then he would take it. His inventions may have martial uses, but he remained steadfast in using his mind for peace and not violence. He lived this way for 7,000 years on Earth, and he would like it very much to keep it that way.
But lord-y lord, was he sorely tempted to break that right now.
“How could she not tell me?” you asked incredulously. “I mean, how could she not tell me?”
“Get out.” he told you.
Out of every one of his old family, Phastos was definitely not one to be ashamed to admit that he played favorites, and there was most definitely a ranking system. He wasn’t so petty to reveal who were at the bottom Sprite, but he knew it was obvious who were his favorites. Out of the remaining eleven members, he adored you and Sephia above everyone else. His love for the two of you reached to the point he considered the both you to be his sisters, and his respect went so far as to hold you two to a higher esteem than he held Ajak.
“I mean seriously, ME? What the fuck?”
“Please, get out.” he repeated in hopes that you would listen.
And of course, you didn’t.
Normally Phastos would more than happy with you visiting. After all, you and Sephia were the only ones that Phastos really trusted to be around his family so that his son could have a chance of a normal childhood without ‘excessive’ trauma. Jack adored his Aunties ‘Sophia’ and ‘Katie,’ and you both loved him. And while he would never admit it, he truly appreciated how either you or Sephie would happily take Jack off his dads’ hands so that they could spend some quality time together after he and Ben brough Jack home from the hospital.
But he would really appreciate it if you hadn’t just magicked yourself into his living room before barging yourself in the bathroom with him while he was showering so that he could prepare for an important interview with the magnet school Jack’s currently being waitlisted on. He’d appreciate even more if you picked up the very subtle hints that he’s been dropping while you were currently pacing on the other side of the shower curtain.
“He’s lying,” you went off, “he’s a lying liar – that’s it, that has to be it. I would know if my soul sister was in a relationship with someone.”
“Get out.” Maybe if he repeated it enough with gradual emphasis, it might actually sink into her head.
“I’m actually being gaslighted-” a cold blast of air hit his back as you pulled the curtain to one side – “Phastos this is criminal-”
Immediately pulling back the curtains to retain some sense of his dignity, Phastos decided that enough was enough. “Get out!”
Taken back, you asked: “What’s your problem?”
“What’s my problem- Kaety, I am in the shower. I am wet and n a k e d.” Phastos stressed the last word to point out the very glaring fact that he was wet and not wearing any clothes.
“Okay, and? I’ve seen it all before, no big deal! I’m in the middle of a crisis here!”
Did you really fail to see how fucking weird this situation was?
Feeling a migraine coming in, he needed to get you out so he could finish his shower in peace for five goddamn minutes. Looking you in the eyes, Phastos did his best to give you his best “I’m Pissed” stare.
Letting out a sigh, he thought that maybe you finally took the hint and would leave.
“Alright, fine,” you reasoned out, “your junk is…spectacular, really great. 10 out of 10, would bang you if you were straight and I wasn’t already madly obsessed with Druig’s nether regions. Ben is truly a lucky man…can we get back to me now?”
“Why are you making that face?” you groaned in distress.
“Kaety, I know I said that my door would always been open for you. But I have a very important interview with that magnet school for Jack, alright? Me and Ben have been prepping for this afternoon for over 3 months. I am sleep-deprived, I need to shower, and I need to be focused. Whatever you’re going through, go to Sephie, okay?”
“…It’s Ben and I.”
“Why are you here anyway? And where are the girls? Did you just leave them at the compound?”
“What? No, the girls are downstairs playing with Jack. Druig and Ben are watching over them.”
“Oh my god- Druig’s here too?”
“Well, what was I supposed to do? Leave my kids without telling the love of my life? Phastos, what kind of mother and wife do you think I am?”
“…Just get out.”
You were just about to leave when you finally registered what he said earlier - and you immediately turned back.
“HOLD UP!” you shouted as pulled the curtain again as Phastos pulled it back, “You mean to tell me that you haven’t been listening to me this ENTIRE TIME?”
“No, I haven’t! And I don’t particularly care about it right now!” he shouted whilst standing under the shower head to finally finish washing himself. “Just tell me later! When I am NOT NAKED!”
Still determined to get a proper reaction, you made sure to project very loudly. “SO, it wouldn’t interest you to know that I caught Ikaris and Sephie HAVING SEX?!”
“WHAT?!” This time, Phastos was the one to pull the curtains back. “NO! Wait- that’s- that’s- NO! Why would- NO!”
“Thank you.” you calmly stated before pulling his curtain between you two once more as you finally exited the bathroom- leaving your Inventor brother to stand under the streaming water in a state of extreme shock at the most horrific news he’s received since Thanos’ Snap.

Tagging: @valeskafics, @chompchompluke, @ethereal-athalia, @aphroditesmoon, @jolixtreesunn, @beananacake, @tesha-i-guess, @deanthomaswhore, @vikingqueen28, @asa-do-your-thing, @arcielee, @she-wintersoldat, @bibissparkles, @hypnoticmistake, @grimbunnie, @getawaycardotmp3
Let me know if you want to be tagged!
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More Posts from Cdragons
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
Coriolanus: i hate you
Lucy Gray: you want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid
No, but for real 10/10!!!!! I love the idea of Tigris rebelling in her own way and being one of the few people that truly remember Lucy Gray Baird and the influence that girl had on people!
Also that part where Coriolanus said “honor them all after someone you didn’t really know,” is the pot calling the kettle black if I ever heard it.
Keep up the amazing writing!!! I’m off to reread all your works again lol (you can’t stop at just once)
somewhere over the rainbow
PART OF neither the angels in heaven above, nor the demons by the sea DRABBLE SERIES ↠ masterlist

- Lucy Gray Baird & Daughter!OC, endgame Lucy Gray Baird x Coriolanus Snow
Summary: 2.6k words - Coriolanus attends Tigris' first fashion collection.
a/n: idk why this is so long, coriolanus thinks a lotta thoughts
tags-list: @cdragons

There was something different about Tigris. Recently, her eyes have regained their twinkle and she pranced around with a determination about her and, dare he say, a glint of defiance. The last he’d seen her looking so dynamic was when he came home from District 12, looking harried but alive, holding in his hand the first among the many checks yet to come from the Plinth Prize.
Coriolanus was not oblivious to the distance that grew between him and Tigris. He had been busy trying to keep up with being apprentice gamemaker and a budding politician. The steps necessary to get from one to another were delicate and had needed all his attention. Coriolanus had thought refurnishing the penthouse and all the benefits his family indirectly reaped from his efforts would be enough to make up for his absence, but Tigris didn’t seem to think so. He’d only been made known of her decision to live on her own one cold morning when he found Tigris in the kitchen, nursing a cup of tea. She’d been nervous at first but she grew more confident and sure as she explained how it would be more convenient for her and how Ma Plinth would ensure that Grandma’am would be taken care of.
Coriolanus hadn’t been surprised. There’d been something flighty in Tigris eyes, something that had wanted to run ever since she’d made note of his similarity to his late father, ever since he stopped being Coryo to her.
He thought her a bit ungrateful. Why is it that the people he deemed worth keeping have a propensity for shying away from power? Why was he suddenly deemed undesirable just when he has the ability to provide and to protect them? Coriolanus wondered if that was the nature of his moving up in the world, to never be able to have everything and always having to trade what he always had for something greater.
Coriolanus refused to recognize the pervading feeling in his chest as loneliness. If Tigris no longer found her cousin charming because he was not helpless anymore, that was her decision. No matter how many diverging paths she chooses, Coriolanus will make sure that she would never be able to fully get out of his sight. Who knew what she would do when unsupervised? Get into trouble, that was what, if her behavior when given the distinct honor to be a stylist for the Games was any indication.
Coriolanus knew that she was more sympathetic to the tributes than most people. He had thought that giving her the job would curb those tendencies. Tigris had only ever seen the Games through the screen. If she had personal experience with the tributes, maybe she would realize that caring for the lives of the already dead was a futile gesture. There was no moral high ground to be found in it.
Looking back, perhaps it was the nail in the coffin for their once close relationship. Tigris’ first tribute won, but the rest had not been so lucky. There was a tendril of guilt in the sea of satisfaction he felt, seeing the haunted look in her eyes. Do you see it how I see it now? Caring won’t make a difference.

A few months before the 15th Hunger Games was set to begin, Coriolanus had been surprised when he saw Tigris at the breakfast table, conversing with Mrs.— rather, Ma Plinth while Grandma’am quietly ate. He stopped at the doorway, blinking away the sleepiness from staying up too late helping Dr. Gaul with the preparations. Upon seeing him, Ma jumped up excitedly and beckoned him inside the dining room, taking a short trip to the kitchen to fetch him a plate and a cup.
“Come sit, Coriolanus! Tigris has exciting news to share!”
He sat on the chair, picking up the envelope that Tigris slid across the table. The envelope was a sophisticated black color with holographic trimmings that shifted in the light, held close by a pressed flower wax seal. Coriolanus felt Tigris’ eyes on him, cataloging his reaction as he opened the invite to see the words “Tigris Snow’s Spectrum Collection” printed on the card inside.
Tigris’ work never suffered even when her spirits were down; but he felt as if this sudden burst of creativity came out of nowhere.
“I thought it was time for me to put out my first fashion collection,” she said. “I’ve been making custom orders and, of course, styling for the tributes but I’ve just been so inspired lately and, what better timing than doing it just before the Games? I would be too busy by then.” Tigris shook her head. “You’d come, won’t you? All of you. I would appreciate the support in case nobody else accepts the invite.”
“Oh don’t be silly, Tigris, dear. They would be a fool not to come.” Grandma’am interjected. “Only the mentally deficit would reject the invitation of the future president’s cousin.” Coriolanus held back a sigh. He loved the old woman but her fixation on his future presidency grew tiring sometimes.
“Fools indeed, Tigris,” Ma said with a kinder tone. “You’ve got real talent, the kind that changes the world. I can just see it.”
Tigris sent her a grateful smile. “You’re too kind.” She wasn’t wrong about Tigris’ talent even though Coriolanus highly disbelieved the extent to which the Plinth matriarch thought it would reach. These moments show just how district the woman was, no matter how hard she tried to hide it.
“And you’re too modest! Be sure to save me a spot. My husband is unfortunately unavailable at that date but I’ll bring my checkbook with me.”
“Checkbook? What for?” It was the first time he’d spoken since waking, his voice scratchy and hoarse. He took a sip of tea to clear his throat.
“I’m holding an auction for the pieces after.” Tigris said. Coriolanus’ brows furrowed in puzzlement. Typically, designers in the Capitol would showcase their collections then maybe do a magazine spread before waiting for orders to come to maximize returns. It was generally a slow process.
“I’m not lacking for money, Coriolanus,” she added, exasperation in her tone. “I just want to create a buzz. You know how the Capitol is, the value lies in how much it takes just to get it. For my collections to have a certain reputation, it has to be held to a high standard since the beginning. If you miss it, you’ll lose it forever. That’s what I want them to know.”
Coriolanus only hummed in response. What she said made sense, but there was a niggling feeling in the back of his mind that told him that that’s not all there was to it.
Hm, Coriolanus thought, tracing the calligraphy of the date on the card. If he finished the preliminary preparations by the end of the week, he just might be able to swing by. Perhaps it would be worth to find out what inspired his cousin.

Coriolanus began regretting his decision to go the moment he entered Tigris’ shop, which was bursting with a full crowd of Capitol citizens. The venue was ill-suited for the number of attendees. He seriously considered stepping out when a senator and his wife spotted him and called him out, attracting the attention of everybody else. He’d hoped to stay only for a short while, just enough to congratulate Tigris, and then go back to his work. His curiosity, unfortunately, would be left unfulfilled due to the mistake of one of the gamemakers under Dr. Gaul that the entire department was working hard to fix, including him. The Idiot, — because Coriolanus cannot be bothered to remember his name — went into the laboratory completely hungover, knocking over the delicate formulas of a hallucinogenic gas they were supposed to be already testing out two nights before.
He really did not have the patience to deal with people today.
With a practiced smile, he turned to greet Senator Carlisle and his simpering, overly-flirtatious wife. Coriolanus fought a recoil when she kissed his cheek, ruby red lips lingering just a bit too long. People really had no shame nowadays! She was, what, in her 60s now and married for more half of that if Coriolanus remembered correctly. She should be watching her back, not squeezing herself into stiff corsets that pulled her chest nearly to her neck.
Coriolanus was contemplating the merits of murder when he heard his name called out by a familiar voice. He sighed in relief when Tigris pulled him into a perfunctory hug, kissing his cheek and looping her arm around his.
“Thank you for coming, Coriolanus,” she smiled. “Will you excuse us Senator, Mrs. Carlisle? I have to escort my cousin to his seat.”
“I wasn’t expecting you to come,” Tigris said under her breath as she led him forward. “I heard through the grapevine that the gamemakers have been having some trouble with this year’s Games.”
Through the grapevine. If that was what you called the gossip about Dr. Gaul's very loud and very destructive outburst, sure.
“We’re making do,” he answered succinctly, finding his tongue tied about the exasperating details that he would have once shared with her. “We’ll be able to deliver on time, don’t worry.”
She muttered something under her breath that sounded an awful lot like “I wasn’t worried” but they’d already arrived at the seats. Only Ma Plinth was there, kissing his cheeks in greeting as she explained that Grandma’am had felt sickly today, thus the reason for her absence.
“Are you both comfortable? Anything I can get you?” Tigris asked in a rush. Coriolanus observed the telltale fiddling of her gloves that betrayed her nervousness.
“Nothing at all, my dear. I’m alright to just wait for the show.” Ma replied with a comforting smile.
Tigris turned to him. “Same goes with me.”
“Okay. Alright,” she took a deep breath. “The show is starting in a few minutes, I’ll be backstage for the most part, but I’ll be back during the intermission before the auction.”
Tigris turned to walk away before Coriolanus stopped her. He initially wanted to inform her that he was not going to be able to stay long, but sentiment got the best of him. This had been her lifelong dream, put on the back burner when she chose to not attend University in favor of working to support their family, to support him.
“Tigris,” he called out. “Congratulations.”
Surprise flickered in her eyes. “Thank you, Coriolanus.”

The show went relatively well until the last part.
Coriolanus had been sitting back, using the opportunity to relax on the soft seat as he absentmindedly took note of the models walking down the runway. He had always been vaguely aware of the fashion trends, most of his knowledge absorbed by virtue of being around Tigris. The Capitol, recently recovered from the war, had a propensity for fine fabrics in rich colors, trying to chase away the smoke and silence of the Dark Days.
Tigris’ collection was decidedly more out-of the box, extravagant and loud, divided into bright, monochrome outfits following the color spectrum. The crowd ate it up, polite claps graduating to cheers and the occasional wolf whistle. The behavior was a bit uncouth, but he had supposed it was a good indication of just how much money was going to be shelled out later.
He’d been admittedly zoning out, trying to curb the headache that formed just from thinking of the work he needed to go back to when he caught sight of the last model.
Coriolanus’ limbs locked as he saw the rainbow dress. The skirt was layered in full layers of tulle, significantly shorter in front, forming a window, but longer in the back, giving it a slight trail. The blouse was made of sheer fabric with bishop sleeves, the v-neck meeting the dip of an intricately molded breastplate placed on top of it.
That was not his girl. That was not Lucy Gray nor her dress, the model’s hair pin straight and a shade lighter, the dress too new. It was not, but it was close enough that it made his palms clammy, the crowd’s cheer a dull roar in his ears.
Ma Plinth was saying something, but Coriolanus could only blankly agree to whatever it was, everything else drowned out by anger and the persistent urge to run.
So he did.
He slammed the door behind him, taking in a deep breath of the crisp air outside of Tigris’ shop.
He didn’t know how much time passed, and just why he didn’t immediately go back to his office, when the door opened more gently than he shut it. Tigris leaned on the glass beside him, irritatingly silent.
“You should pull out that collection.”
Tigris did a double-take. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
“I wish I didn’t,” she hissed. “The answer is no, Coriolanus.”
“Dear Tigris, right now I am asking quite nicely, aren’t I?” Coriolanus replied acidly. “I doubt you’d like me to resort to other methods. You know, I could eliminate your career before it even takes off. I could make it so that nobody would step into your little shop and all the clothes on that stage right now would gather dust.”
“You’d make them forget, then? What, just like how you made everybody forget about Lucy Gray Baird?” In his youth, Coriolanus rarely incurred Tigris’ wrath. In fact, Tigris was rarely mad at all, even when her ex-employer Fabricia would clearly take advantage of her time and skills. Right now, she had all but forgotten that restraint, face flushed and eyes flashing at him. “You think that I don’t know? Flickerman has said nothing about her or the 10th Hunger Games ever since then, and during his late night show where he made mention of a particular “songbird”, his feed was cut immediately, coming back after a few minutes due to “technical error.” She’s always skipped over during the re-runs of the Victors every year, and even the library archives don’t have the tapes, and they have everything dating back from the 1st.
“You know what, Coriolanus? You want to try to erase her existence in your life, fine. But you don’t have a monopoly on her memory. Other people are allowed to miss her, to remember her, or to be inspired by her.”
Coriolanus sputtered, not even trying to deny her accusations of tampering with the records. He could have said it was Dr. Gaul who had done it, which was the truth, but he didn’t counteract his mentor’s decisions either. “You think I did it because I want— because I miss her?” he asked incredulously.
“Don’t you?” she asked. “I think that you miss her so much that you hate it. You hate that something so simple as color and clothes reminds you of her. I think that because you couldn’t cage her, you’d make it so that you’ll be the only one who remembers her. And god forbid anybody else does.”
“Lucy Gray is nothing to me!” Coriolanus growled, jaw clenched to prevent himself from shouting. He could feel the tension forming at his temples. Tigris didn’t know him at all. “She was an insignificant girl from an insignificant district, who would have died without me. She’s nothing more than a mistake I learned the hard way, a ghost that’s better left alone.”
“A ghost,” Tigris echoed. “Is that why she haunts you now? Coriolanus, what did you do to her?”
The snake bite on his arm that had long since scarred over throbbed. “You know what, I don’t care. Keep making your dresses however you desire. Hell, honor them all after someone you didn’t really know.” He straightened his coat and stepped away from Tigris. “But I will make sure that you never escape the Games, Tigris. Every year, you’ll work with a tribute and you can dress them in whatever latest act of defiance you made. And every year, they will die and die and die. Then you’ll learn that all this is for nothing.”

Ok, so I’m a little delirious from NyQuil and congestion. But I thought of a possible HOTD fic idea that I would like some opinions on. I haven’t watched the show, but I love reading the fics. Jace and Aemond are my favorites to read about out of all of them.
So let’s say that reader’s mom was a childhood friend for both Alicent and Rhaenyra, and she was actually a very talented seamstress. Both Rhaenyra and Alicent were lowkey obsessed with reader’s mom and wanted her for themselves. But one day, reader’s mom got sick and died, and the only person that comes close to having the same talent in designing and sewing is the reader, her daughter. Alicent and Rhaenyra kind of latch onto reader bc they remind them so much of their mother. It goes to the point where Jace and Aemond have also developed obsessive feelings of love toward the reader. But the reader is very aware of the Royal family’s obsessive tendencies, and does everything she can to avoid them. She isn’t grateful for the attention, she’s terrified. She doesn’t want to be noticed, she just wants to do her work quietly who taking care of her ailing father. But as time passes, Jace and Aemond continue to obsess over the reader and keep trying to put her in compromising positions so that the reader would have no choice but be their personal seamstress that would stay by their sides at all times.
Jace is a very soft boy who wants to woo the reader. He wants nothing but you. Seducing you with warm kisses and kind words. Sometimes reader thinks he’s too soft, but he has his moments where he’s in command and truly like a dragon. It brings him into a whole different light. Reader can’t help but long for his warmth and wonder what it would feel like if he placed his beautiful and warm lips on her skin.
Aemond is a tremendous storm with a powerful temper, and he wants nothing more than to possess the reader’s everything, body and soul. He calls the reader horrible names, “slut,” “whore,” etc. He’s horrible, but sometimes he will be so vulnerable and let down the walls he puts up. Reader can’t help the ache she feels between her legs at the thought of his hands on her body.
Sexy times ensues, there may be some dp-ing, who knows?
Also Alicent and Rhaenyra don’t like reader’s dad, because her mom fell in love with him and they blame him for her dying.
Any thoughts? I’m very tempted to write this out, but what do y’all think?
Tagging: @valeskafics, @aphroditesmoon, @jacevelaryonswife, @barbiedragon, @its-actually-minicika, @arcielee, @asa-do-your-thing, @dreaming-for-an-escape, @foxyanon
Ikaris and Sephia live for the seasons changing, especially during the colder months. It always means that they get a chance to warm up in the morning more...intimately 😘
Fall Family Chaos Fun - An Ikaris x Persephone!Eternal Halloween Oneshot

Pairings: Sephia x Ikaris Word Count: ~2.1k Summary: A lil'l slice of insight to how Ikaris' and Sephia's home life goes in the fall with their three gremlins angels. This fic also introduces a lot of new characters that will make strong appearances in future works of this AU! Warning(s): Heavy petting on Ikaris' part (man's a horndog for our Sephie), Aggie is a menace who takes after her Aunt Kaety, Ikaris is older than dirt and doesn't understand teens, Laurie being a teen, and Sephia & Arthur just being adorable
Notes: Yes, I know that Halloween has technically passed, but I had midterms and projects during the time so I'm using the rest of the season as a Free Fall fics pass until December. So this oneshot was beta read by the ever-so lovely @ethereal-athalia, who has so graciously sacrificed herself agreed to beta read all of my fics for the upcoming future while my usual beta reader @valeskafics, is currently really busy with law school until the foreseeable future! Even so, please go visit her blog because she is one of the best writers on Tumblr, especially if you are a fan of Ewan Mitchell, and the HOTD/GOT universe! If you have read any of my past works, you know that my girl @ethereal-athalia is pretty much the co-parent of this Eternals AU idea, and I absolutely love sharing ideas with her, and making connections to make these fics more interesting. Anyway, please be kind and enjoy!

Somewhere deep in an enchanted forest hidden from most of the world, there stood an impressive house. This house was the home to a very special family. It was built by a beautiful woman and her besotted husband, and became their home for them and their three incredible children. Every day the home was laughter and peace and a calming air-
-unless it was October, December, summer, or… actually, it hard to remember when the word “calm” could be used to describe their home.
“Which one Aggie?”
“The one that had the pretty gold swirls and stars! I need it to match with Hamy!”
“Aggie sweetie, I put it on the chair next to Pope Butterscotch the Golden Sheep!”
“Thanks mommy!”
“Mama? Have you seen Bun-Bun?”
“Bun-Bun had an accident with the breakfast this morning, so I put him in the wash! But he should be waiting for you in the dryer!”
“Thanks, Da!”
A frazzled Ikaris crouched on top of the stairwell, scrubbing away the evidence of markers and crayons from the wall-paint. When the colored outlines were only just barely visible, he made his way down the stairwell to find the one person whose sole presence would wash away all his fatigue. Standing over the massive sink - bathed in golden sunlight - stood the love of his eternal and immortal life. You were washing the vegetables that came from their gardens. Ikaris saw an array of vegetables – carrots that ranged from yellow to dark purple, deep red beetroots and radishes, a mountain of spinach, and a pumpkin of impressive size (just to new a few).
With sweat running down her brow and small streaks of dirt on your cheek, you was a vision of pure beauty. Ikaris could spend all his time listing all the parts he loved about you, and the Earth would long be dead from war and famine and any other forms of destruction that came from humanity. No time with you would be enough- it would never be enough. Wrapping his arms around your waist, Ikaris lowered his head until his nose was pressed into the crook of your neck.
Taking in a deep breath, your natural essence of clean and fresh aromas overtook his senses as a wave of calm washed over him. Your natural perfume mixed with the notes of your sweat formed a new sweet and tantalizing fragrance that caused a growl to emerge deep from his throat as Ikaris started to lay kisses over your skin. Given your deep connection to the Earth, your scent always seemed to change with the seasons. As the autumn chill chased away the summer breeze, gone were the fresh and soft fragrances of grapefruit and sandalwood. But Ikaris did not mind the loss as he took notice of notes of patchouli and orange. Reaching behind you to stroke your husband’s hair, you let a light chuckle escape under your breath.
“If you’re hoping to get lucky,” you teased with a mirthful smirk, “I would suggest that you wait until I am not sweating like a pig with dirt all over me.”
“Please,” Ikaris scoffed, “you say that if I haven’t taken you in the dirt a thousand times by now, each time leaving you more flushed with sweat than you washing some greens.” He emphasized his point by creeping his hands under your the massive green and cream flannel you stole from his closet until he reached your breasts. His eyes widened slightly at the lack of a certain apparel, until the corners of his mouth curled to a lecherous grin.
“No bra today?” He whispered with a low and husky tone. “Such a naughty flower, I wonder if I touched you down there, would I find your cunt bare and dripping, or your underwear soaked?” He pinched your nipple to emphasize his point, and let his ears drink in your soft mewling.
“Ikaris,” you rasped, “our kids could walk in any moment-”
Lightly chuckling at the immediate downfallen expression on your husband’s face in response to their children’s call to him. Turning your head to press a kiss on his furrowed brow, you reassured him that you would play the mediator this time.
“And while I’m at it,” you reasoned, “you can check on our less problematic son.”
“Laurie?” Ikaris’ expression immediately shifted to worry. “Is he alright? Has he experienced any chest pains or breathing troubles? He barely finished his breakfast this morning. Do I need to call Kaet-”
“No, no, no,” you reassured, already on damage control to prevent her husband from hovering over their firstborn like he had when Laurie was still a baby. “He’s just been holed up in his room all day, and I want to make sure that he isn’t overly stressed about anything.” You pressed her palm on his face, and stroked your thumb across his cheek. “Don’t worry so much, it might just be teen angst – Sersi told us that it’s very common at his age!”
Still a bit disturbed at his son’s unusual behavior, Ikaris quickly kissed your palm before making his way up the deep mahogany stairwell. Thinking over the past few months, Ikaris was making mental notes of his son’s strange behavior. He knew that it wasn’t his studies or his athletics at school, but he was acting more secretive. He would come home later than usual, check his phone more frequently, and even finish his meals as quickly as possible to dash to his room.

Quickly flying past the many rooms – including the one that was currently occupied by his two youngest children, who were still arguing over the correct ownership over a particularly shiny ribbon – he finally made it to the end of the hall where his first child’s room was located. On the deep red-stained wood was a little piece of signage that was covered in laurel leaves with the only negative space spelling out “Laurie.” Softly knocking three times twice (a little signal between father and son) before a soft voice was heard through the door.
“Come in,” called out his son as Ikaris gently opened the door, a faint creak screeched out from the worn-down hinge and its pin. At first glance, the main focus of the room would be the queen-sized bed frame with a hand-embroidered eggshell-white cotton quilt, or the thousands of stars that were painted on the ceiling, or even the gilded golden crossbow hanging over his bed. But all the Eternal could focus on was the sight of his eldest child, Laurus Orion Harris, or “Laurie” as was so lovingly dubbed by his glorious wife. And he couldn’t help but feel immense pride in the fact that he had any part (even if it was only genetically) in creating the child in front of him.
“Everything alright dad?” Laurie asked.
“Yeah, everything’s okay,” Ikaris replied, “well, your mother is trying to separate your brother and sister over a very sparkly ribbon. But other than that, everything is fine.” He paused for a minute to notice that his eldest was acting a bit antsy, as if he was expecting something very important. “But are you sure there isn’t anything bothering you?”
“Huh, what do you mean?”
“Well, it’s just unusual for you to be holed up in your room. It’s usually not because of your studies because your Aunt Sersi always tells your mum and me how well you’re doing. At the very least, you’d probably be outside enjoying the changing leaves with your horse.” Ikaris tried not to seem too intrusive, his son had the right to his own privacy after all, and he trusted him to always make good choices. But with everything he had seen for the past few months, he wanted to make sure that Laurie wasn’t involved in anything dangerous. “I just want you to know that if there’s anything that’s at all bothering you, me or your mum are always going to be there to listen.”
Laurie took in what his dad said, and decided that it wouldn’t hurt to tell him a little bit. “Well, now that you mention it. I was just wondering…do you think Uncle Gil and Aunt Thena will bring Mara and Uriel over for Hamish’s birthday?”
And suddenly everything was clear for Ikaris. It was no wonder his child had been acting so nervous lately.
“Laurie,” he began, “are you worried over how you’ll act around Thena’s new ward?”
When his fourteen-year-old son’s face turned bright red, Ikaris knew he hit the nail on the head.
“You know, if you’re really that worried, I can ask Thena and Gil to maybe reconsider coming this year. I am sure they’ll understand, it’s only been a little over a year since-”
“NO! That’s alright!” Laurie was so panicked that he didn’t even notice his voice cracking, “I don’t want to do that to Hamish, he looks forward to all of us coming together for his birthday. And I rarely see Uncle Gil and Aunt Thena that much as it is – plus, Aggie seems to be alright with her, and Arthur is already getting along with Uriel really well. So…I just want to make sure that she knows that she’s welcome and…safe with us.”
“Oh my sweet boy,” mentally sorrowed Ikaris, “that little fire hellion has got him petrified.” No matter how long since it’s been since he last fought, the Eternal would tell when someone was trying to put on a brave face. Not wanting to embarrass his son, Ikaris decided that it would be best to just drop the matter for now. Worst case scenario, he would no issue to take matters in his own hands if that little flame demon tried to pull anything on Laurie like she had the first time.
“Alright,” he relented, “but you shouldn’t worry so much. I’m sure that you two will soon be good friends. But if there is anything that happens with her that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, you tell me or you mum straight away. Do you understand that?”
“Yeah dad, I understand.”
“Good, I want you to know that-”
Letting out a deep sigh before walking over to the foot of the bed next to his son, Ikaris swept aside a bit of his unruly curls to drop a quick kiss on the top of his forehead. A wave of rosemary and frankincense wafted into his nose.
“Seems like your mum needs some help,” he chuckled, “remember what I told you. I love you.”
“Love you too dad,” replied Laurie as he watched his father walk out of his room and closing the door. He tried his best to gather his thoughts for the upcoming holiday, but that was easier said than done.
“Agalia Sersi Harris!” He heard his mother yell out – which happened very rarely. “You tell Germain to lower your brother on the ground this instant young lady!”
Not being able to hold back the laugh escape his throat, Laurie let out a series of soft chuckles. He thought back to all of the comments his friends at his school would make about his family.
They would marvel over how his mum would always make sure his lunches would look so delicious, and laugh whenever he never rejected her hugs and kisses.
Sometimes, they’d jealously gripe over how close he would be with his dad because he would always be there for his games and always act so proud of how he played – even if he did terribly.
There was the occasional snide comment about how Aggie would act so uppity and prissy, and then they’d immediately piss themselves at the sight of her barreling toward them at full speed to deliver her fury.
And then they would talk about how weird it’d be whenever Little Ari would always try to play with them, and Laurie would never brush him off and make sure that there was a way to include him.
It made the young man sad to realize that it wasn’t considered “normal” to be so close to your own parents and siblings. But if being a “normal” meant having to pretend that he didn’t have most incredible family in the history of the world, then he would gladly wear the title “freak” proudly.

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Dude if Annie Rose sings the “Ballad of Lucy Gray” on the ukulele during her interview with Lucky Flickerman, I’m officially going to lose my shit laughing at President Snow
the 26th hunger games
PART OF neither the angels in heaven above, nor the demons by the sea DRABBLE SERIES ↠ masterlist

- Lucy Gray Baird & Daughter!OC, endgame Lucy Gray Baird x Coriolanus Snow
Summary: 1.5k words - Annie gets reaped as District 12's female tribute.
a/n: those who read annie's original you didn't. i just realized that Covey names include a color as their second name lol

"And for our final tribute from District 12…" Flickerman squinted at his card, confusion overtaking his features. "Annabel Rose Baird."
Annie's blood froze in her veins. The sounds of gasps and general unease of her classmates were drowned by the high-pitched noise of panic in her ears. Her full name was something she’d not heard often, only spoken by her mother when she’s feeling particularly irate with her, and by Annie herself in the mirror every morning, trying to remind herself that she was still her mother’s daughter, despite having to hide the fact from virtually everyone she knew.
Her Ma, oh god. Annie hoped she and Tigris were together watching so they might find some semblance of comfort in each other. After all the hardships she faced just to keep her alive, only to see her daughter put on the chopping block for the same twisted games that still gave her nightmares, it was too much for one to bear.
Flickerman looked around fretfully, nervously tapping his ear piece. "It seems the feed won't come from District 12, folks but from our own…academy."
The big screen was suddenly filled with Annie's pale face. Compared to the other transmissions, this one was more grainy, likely coming from a security camera. It would be a huge giveaway otherwise.
On it, the balm she applied on her lips earlier looked almost blood red on the canvas of her skin. The words "Annabel Rose Baird" were shining in bright letters. She could feel her heart rate pick up. Her right hand twitched, wanting to follow the soothing motion she typically does over her chest, but her limbs were locked.
"Well, that was certainly a surprise. But the Capitol has confirmed that the Academy's district scholars are not discounted from the reaping. This is certainly a step up from last year’s Quarter Quell. It seems our gamemakers are very hard at work to keep us on our toes!" Flickerman laughed awkwardly.
Lies, thought Annie. She and her Ma read that contract top to bottom, ensuring nothing in it would endanger her. Besides, Tigris was the one who offered the opportunity to her and she would never have agreed to be her scholarship sponsor if this was included in the conditions.
Annie tuned out the Flickerman’s parting words. The silence after the broadcast had ended only served to highlight the drumbeat of her heart. She only snapped to attention when two Peacekeepers seemed to have come out of nowhere, guns at hand and ready to escort her.
Cassius was the first to block them, then followed the rest of her friends and the other district scholars. Annie felt more grounded as she watched her classmates form a wall around her. She surveyed their faces. Annie didn’t know most of them but she had observed over the years how the district scholars became friends with the Capitol students, softening their perception and treatment of people coming from the districts compared to the generations before them. Did the Capitol expect this, she wondered, when they first accepted twenty-four district scholars in the hallowed halls of their Academy?
She looked up to the stands where President Snow stood. He had a glazed look to his eyes, as if seeing a ghost. Did he know, then? Was he starting to figure out?
A thrum of nervousness went through Annie, that part of her that always sought out his approval rearing up. What would he think of her now, the girl who he’d promised to take under his wing after graduating at the Academy? Was he looking back at their every interaction over the years, looking for the signs that led to this moment?
“Stand down.” The Peacekeepers cocked their guns, making her classmates flinch. Despite the bravado, they were just children, and some of them never had any reason their whole life to fear the Capitol’s military arm.
Cassius had the gall to step in front of one of the Peacekeepers, the muzzle pressing to his chest. Annie wanted to scream at the brave, stupid boy. Wasn’t it only last year that this same boy was antagonizing her, calling her a Snow bastard child and Capitol-wannabe? He wasn’t wrong on the former, but he had been thinking about the wrong person as her parent.
“Back off!” Cassius shouted. “Annabel Rose is not going to be a tribute!”
Shouts of agreement rose up in the crowd. “The reaping policy is bullshit, they never said that when they sent out the acceptance letters for district scholars!”
From the stands, Crane stood up, looking annoyed at the proceedings. “And you district bastards wouldn’t have had any opportunities if the Capitol hadn’t picked up you up,” he said. “You would be starving still, and illiterate, dying in the slums you call home. Stop being so ungrateful. The least you could do is provide entertainment.”
The sound of a fist smashing against his cheek echoed in the auditorium. After the first punch was thrown, it was utter pandemonium. Annie ducked, narrowly missing getting a black eye. She had to get out of here fast. If the chaos went on for long enough maybe she could slip through the gates and run to Tigris’ house. If she knew her mother, she would be packing their things already. They would just need a mode of transportation so they could get out of this—
Annie startled when someone grabbed her arm, almost kicking the person until she realized it was President Snow. Damn, she hadn’t even made it to the door.
“I—" I need to go, please let me go, was what she wanted to say. Annie knew he was not indifferent to her. By virtue of being a talented student who was also close to Tigris, he treated her more warmly and gave her more privileges compared to any other student from the Academy, Capitol or not. Annie might not be the Dean’s golden student but, in her opinion, President Snow’s attention was far more worth than any praise from Dr. Gaul.
Annie didn’t know how far his regard went, if he appreciated her for her use or for her as a person. It was difficult to read him no matter how hard she tried.
President Snow seemed like he wanted to say something when the Peacekeepers began firing. They both jumped. Annie wanted to break away from him to run but he was quick to pull her behind him.
“What in Panem’s name do they think they’re doing?” he muttered angrily. Annie peeked around his side and, to her relief, nobody seemed to be gravely injured. The Peacekeepers had fired into the air as some sort of warning. There was no damage besides the holes on the ceiling of the auditorium.
A bark of laughter broke through the ensuing silence. Dr. Volumnia Gaul clapped slowly. Annie couldn’t tell if her piercing stare was directed at her or the president.
“Well that was some spectacle!” she said. “You’ve all provided such a good performance, but alas, the matter has been decided.” Well, that answered the question of who was responsible for the sudden change. But the question was why? Annie never antagonized Dr. Gaul nor given her any reason to suspect her identity. Why now?
“It hasn’t been.” President Snow’s clear voice answered. “Decided, that is. How come, Dean Gaul, that it is only now that I hear of this change? It certainly wasn’t detailed in the proposal you sent to me.”
Neither of them seemed concerned about the well-being of the Academy students, engrossed in what looked like a power play that stemmed from an ongoing argument. Meanwhile, Annie’s classmates were congregating together, assisting the injured ones onto chairs. The few brave ones skirted past the Peacekeepers to retrieve first-aid kits from the clinic.
“After the success of last year’s Quarter Quell, I thought I would create another twist of my own making, seeing how much our audiences loved it. And isn’t that our purpose, President Snow? To entertain?” Dean Gaul smiled toothily, teeth stark white against her blood-red lips. “Besides, Mr. Crane had the right idea of it— somewhat. What would the people think of us, President Snow, if we started treating fodder as our equals?”
The crowd stood divided. It was a strange sight. Stranger yet, perhaps, that the president was on theirs (hers?).
“Or perhaps your outlook has changed since Sejanus Plinth?” President Snow stiffened. Dean Gaul caught his reaction, looking like the cat that got the cream.
“Sejanus was my friend,” he answered. “It is partly in his honor that our Academy’s district scholars are given the opportunity here in the Capitol, under my express approval, to be given the privilege of knowledge and a good future. To share what the common Capitol citizen has.”
“I will not be criticizing your…initiative, esteemed president,” she said in a tone that definitely meant she was criticizing heavily. “In fact, I’ll give her that. A privilege to be the first from the District 12 tributes to enjoy the mentorship program like how it was intended to be.”
Two Peacekeepers came in, marching forward a woman who was, for all intents and purposes, forgotten by the Capitol.