Eternals X Reader - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Ocean eyes

Chapter 2

Pairing: Makkari x Reader x Druig

Warning: Confused reader, jealousy, angst, bad grammar (not proofread)

Notes: hehe. Part 2 is here my friends!

I hope to finish chapter 3 in the next days. Lovee💗for everyone who reads this, likes or comments. You make my day 😚

Ocean Eyes

Even at the end of the evening, when y/n lay down in her bed, she could not quite grasp what had happened that day. Half an hour after arriving at her small apartment, with a cup of tea in her hand, she was still thinking about what had happened after the pile of books had fallen out of her arms.

The surprise that had been waiting for makkari at the door of the small store was a group of friends from her collage days. That’s how people had introduced themselves to her, but Y/N didn't quite want to believe that. First, Makkari had never told her that she had been to collage, and second, one person in the group was a young girl who looked no older than 15. Everyone had introduced themselves kindly to y/n, except the man from the book store. He was standing a few feet away from the others and just gave her a nod and his name. Y/N was visibly confused as to how a group of such different study friends were so attractive. Thena a tall angelic woman with long blonde hair looked more like she was a runway model or maybe an angel. the man named Ikaris had more of a Clark Kent look than a simple fellow student. And even though she didn’t really wanted it to be true, y/n thought the dark haired man with his mysterious expression was really handsome too.

Y/N had a strange feeling the whole time the group was walking through the streets and also after they had gathered in Makkari's apartment. But she had felt least comfortable when makkari and the young man with blue eyes embraced. Y/N sensed the familiarity between the two. And although she tried everything to prevent it, a feeling spread through her whole body. Jealousy.

"Is everything okay, Honey?," Makkari signed to Y/N, and all the attention in the room was on her. Y/N looked around the faces starring at her. She felt quite uncomfortable. Her gaze lingered on the young man who had previously introduced himself (somewhat annoyed) as Druig. He was licking his upper lip and staring back at her. His blue eyes were almost hypnotizing. Y/N had the feeling that if he kept looking at her like that, he might be able to read her mind. Before anything like that could happen, he spoke up.

"Makkari we need to talk to you. There is a reason why we are all here. And well it would be good if we discussed this alone. Do you think your little girlfriend can wait for us outside?" he turned to Makkari and didn't look towards Y/N anymore. Not even when she stood up to say goodbye.

Somewhat apologetically, Makkari looked to her lover.

Y/N tried to leave the room as quickly as possible. Druig's words were running through her head. She just had the feeling of not being wanted. The others had at least been friendly. But this arrogant guy wanted nothing more than to make Y/N feel small. And then he also was so close to Makkari. Y/N felt the feeling of jealousy boiling up inside her again. She knew she was probably red-faced by now as she paced up and down in front of Makkari's apartment building. She also knew that her thoughts were irrational and overdramatic. It started raining and Y/N started getting more frustrated. The wind was still as cold as it had been in the morning, and Y/N was glad she had at least remembered to take an umbrella with her when they closed up the store at noon to walk with the group toward Makkari's home. Druig had not even glanced at Y/N as he walked arm in arm with her girlfriend, laughing and reminiscing of old adventures. Something bothered Y/N about Druig. Maybe it was his leather jacket hanging a little too big over his shoulders and the mischievous smile, or the ocean blue eyes that winked at her after she almost slipped on the sidewalk. Y/N knew she had a talent for getting into awkward situations and always walking through the world particularly clumsily. But one thing in particular struck her about the way he acted. She bet that he had never fallen down a staircase or tripped over anything. And why was he so weird towards her ? „ he just wants to make me feel uncomfortable.“ Y/N looked back at the front door. There he stood, looking at her mischievously. "Maybe he really could read minds" She thought as she walked towards the door. Makkari stood next to him and took Y/N in her arms as she reached the entrance. She pressed a kiss to her forehead and stood next to Druig again to give Y/N room.

"That's a real pretty little girlfriend you got there Makkari" he said and walked with big steps past Y/N and her partner. He joined Thena and the young girl named Sprite who had taken a seat on Makkari's sofa. Ikaris and Sersi, meanwhile, browsed the book collection that took up more than half of the living room. For the first time in years, life had come to the house. Often Y/N and Makkai had been alone. But now the big room with its orange walls, historical artifacts, and the smell of homemade vanilla cookies felt almost like a home with a big family.

"They are staying here for a while. I hope that's okay. We all haven't seen each other in decades, Makkari signed with a smile. Y/N immediately felt how much this small group meant to her. „they are my family. I missed them a lot."

Y/N merely nodded and smiled at her partner. As long as Druig wouldn't be there all the time, Y/N was content.

As if he had read her mind again the young man walked up to the two. " we decided to celebrate tonight, we haven't seen each other in so long, that should be reason enough." he looked to Y/n. He leaned way down to close the height difference of the two somewhat. Y/n felt his warm breath on her skin and similarly as before couldn't turn away from his eyes." And as for you, I really hope we get to know each other a little better." He grinned, leaving a smiling Makkari and a blushing Y/N behind as he joined the others in the kitchen.

Tags :
3 years ago

Ocean Eyes

Chapter 3

Pairing: Druig x Reader x Makkari

Warning: explicit language, not proofread

Notes: hey friends. Here is part 3. hope you like it lol. I hope I can finish writing part 4 this weekend. Keep up your nice comments. And if you have a story request feel free to send it. Love, Mai🍄

Ocean Eyes

Y/N looked at her girlfriend with a blushed face, but she just took her by the hand and ran after the others. They decided to go to a bar near the bookstore.

Makkari had recommended it, she had been there several times and loved the atmosphere. Y/N had always admired the small bar, but only ever from the outside. It was an old brick building. The windows were darkened and only the candlelight from inside could still be seen through them. If she had known at that moment how the evening would end, Y/N would have turned around immediately and gone home. But even though she was exhausted, tired, and a bit overwhelmed with the whole situation, she had still gratefully agreed when Makkari tickled her to convince her to stay.

Makkari's hand was in hers as the two stepped through the small entrance into the bar. Phastos was visibly having trouble stepping through the small entrance behind the two. Y/N could still hear him complaining. The big man was the last of the group. He was late because he had been on the phone with his husband, so he was the last to make his way to the bar. Makkari held her hand tightly and looked around the room searching for the rest of her family. The Eternals were seated at a large table in the back room of the bar. All but Sprite already had drinks in hand and seemed to be enjoying themselves. Especially Ikaris and Sersei were in a good mood and looked longingly into each other's eyes the whole time. Sprite sat annoyed at the other end of the table, building a tower of beer coasters with Kingo. Karun was cheering for the two of them and at the same time trying to keep his camera straight, which he visibly failed at. Makkari and Y/N went to join the others at the table, Thena slid a bit on the sofa to make room for them. Phastos joined Druig and Ajak and immediately began to talk about his family. "Can you believe that next week is my son's birthday again?"

Ajak looked proudly at Phastos. "Of course, of course, as if we could forget. We'll pay you and your family a visit if that's okay?"

Y/N listened intently to the conversation. Phastos had been the most kind so far. He had proudly told her about his husband and child and how difficult it was for him to be openly queer at first. Y/N loved listening to him. She hadn't often met other queer people and especially hardly any who could actually live a happy life. Too many still faced hate and ignorance on a daily basis. Even though she and Makkari hadn't been together long, she had caught herself thinking what it would be like to marry her one day. And maybe to live in a small family home with her, children and a pet.

Makkari unexpectedly snapped her out of her thoughts with a kiss. " isn't she cute?" she signed to Druig and Gilgamesh who were just talking on the other side of the table, enjoying a shot of tequila. Confused, Y/N looked back and forth between the two. She would have loved to know what they were talking about. "Everything's fine? you look like you're worried" Makkari signed.

Y/n couldn't really answer this question. But she didn't want to lie, she couldn't think of anything better than to flee from the situation. "I'll get us something to drink at the bar" she said instead and went outside the room without waiting for an answer.

She felt horrible as she waited at the bar for her drinks. She had been acting terribly out of line since druig showed up. Makkari was just being friendly and Y/n was ruining everything. Someone behind her tapped her shoulder.

"Hey you, Makkari's friend !, sorry forgot your name. Will you order me one too? I know I look young but I'm old enough. Honestly. I'm not lying, I promise. But I really can't stay sober with those two back there." Sprite pointed to the couple cuddled up on the sofa. Ikaris and sersei were now sitting in the same spot she and makkari had been a few minutes ago.

"I don't know if this is such a good idea Sprite."

"oh come on, please, I really thought you were cool. I really don't feel like seeing Ikaris like this all night."

Y/n briefly wondered if she should ask why Sprite was so Stressed out about the two. But without knowing her, she still kinda knew. Sprite felt much the same way she did.

"Alright, but just one beer! If you want another one you'll have to beg someone else." Sprite looked annoyed, but was still satisfied that she got what she wanted.

"I'd ask Kingo if I were you" Y/N pointed in the direction of the movie star. He and Karun had already emptied a few beer glasses and were now singing a birthday song for Phastos son for their somewhat strange documentary. Phastos just tried to get them from climbing on one of the tables. Even though this situation was funny and somewhat absurd, Y/N preferred to look past the two very drunk men. On one of the other sofas, Druig and makkari were now sitting and talking excitedly. The two of them looked so happy, she thought. Druig had put his hand on Makkari's arm while he was laughing. Y/N thought they looked beautiful together. They were the perfect couple. She felt a different feeling slowly spreading through her. Quite different from the angry jealousy of the afternoon,now she felt only anxious. What if Makkari would leave her. What if Makkari would rather have him? Druig was handsome and strong. And apparently he even was funny and friendly, even if he was only that way to Makkari. Fuck he was perfect for her. Even Y/N had caught herself thinking about his fucking ocean eyes over and over again throughout the day. And when he had taken off his leather jacket, she had to force herself not to look too long at his trained bizeps. The two of them would be better together than Y/N could ever be with anyone. Her hands began to shake and tears formed in her eye. "Excuse me, I'm going to step outside for some fresh air. Y/N picked up her glass and left the building as quickly as possible for the second time that day.

Y/N stood there for quite a while. She already finished her drink and also the one she had ordered for makkari. The alcohol helped, she told herself, while she thought about going back to the bar and getting another drink. But she also knew that she wouldn't be able to drink very much. She had hardly eaten and had been a bit overtired all day, all these factors were not a good basis for drinking away your sorrow. The wind was blowing through the streets again and she was annoyed not to have taken at least her jacket from the sofa, where sersei, Ikaris and Thena were sitting. But she refused to go inside like that. She had been gone from the table for half an hour already and makkari probably hadn't even noticed. She couldn't imagine her pretty girlfriend wandering around the bar looking for her. She was probably still sitting in Druig's arm laughing. Why did he have to look so good? Why didn't Makkari have any ugly, annoying or boring college friends?

"Well, Y/N, are you thinking about me?" said the voice with the thick Irish accent.

"What? Me? No, why should I?" she said, perplexed. She hadn't noticed how the man had opened the door and stood next to her.

"I was just kidding beautiful beautiful Y/N" he said as he lit a cigarette. He held the pack out to her, but Y/N just shook her head.

"Makkari likes you very much. She told me a lot about you before our visit. She even said that your book taste was better than mine." He laughed softly. "And to be honest, she's really right about that." Y/N had to smile. She turned her head and looked Druig in the face. His smile was beautiful. Why couldn't she stop staring at him.

"Makkari always said you were as loving as Sersei, as caring as Ajak, as stubborn as Sprite, and as beautiful as Thena."

Makkari had said something like that about her? Y/N hardly believed what Druig was listing. Did her girlfriend really think so well of her? Perhaps the doubts from before had not been necessary.

"Of course, I didn't believe her at first, how could a human being ever fulfill exactly that? But to be honest, I changed my mind. She forgot to mention how clumsy you are, but I think she was right about everything else."

Y/N's face began to glow. He was just being friendly after all. But then why was this warm feeling spreading through her stomach.

"Wow, you seem to be really cold, you are probably too stubborn to get your jacket.“ he winked“ Well wait, here put mine on." he held his jacket in front of her face.

"No, no, it's okay, it's not that cold."

"Don't talk such bullshit, take my jacket before you freeze to death. Or are you afraid that if you smell my good scent you'll fall in love with me right away?" teasingly he leaned a bit towards her. She was still looking into his blue eyes when he put the jacket around her. The two were now standing very close to each other. All the anger she had felt all day was gone. Maybe she wasn't mad at Druig at all. Maybe she was just mad at herself, how could she dream about this man all day long even though she was in a happy, loving relationship. A man who was a complete stranger. Y/N felt like Druig was a magnet that attracted her, and as she lowered her eyes and they caught at his lips, she couldn't help but imagine kissing him.

"Is that okay?" he asked. Without knowing what exactly he was getting at, she agreed by nodding.

He kissed her like it was all he ever wanted. Y/N had no idea what was happening to her, she just knew she wanted more. Their lips touched gently at first and then with more and more pressure and passion. His lips were warm and soft. They felt so similar to Makkaris. Makkari…

"Fuckkkk. What the hell did we just do." Y/N broke away from Druig aprubtly. She cursed over and over. And paced back and forth in front of the bar.

"I thought that was okay? I'm sorry I definitely didn't mean to pressure you, I thought we felt the same." Apologetically he took another step towards her. Y/N just pushed the jacket into his hand.

" I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. I love Makkari. We are really happy. I can't just ruin my relationship like that. I..."

Y/N gestured wildly. What the hell was she thinking. She really had to destroy everything. She hardly realized how drunk she was after all when she tripped over the sidewalk the second time that day.

Before she could fall onto the street, Druig held her by the wrist. "I got you, love. Please stay. Let's talk about this…“

But Y/N didn't want to talk. "Sorry I...I better go home." she said. He let go of her wrist and she ran across the street between the parked cars. Past the bookstore towards the Train station. Tears flushed her face and blocked her view.

An hour later, she sat in her kitchen, somewhat calm. She had just thought about todays events. It was like an awful nightmare.

Y/N made her favorite tea and sat on her bed. When she got up early in the morning, she definitely didn't think that the day would end like this. She took another sip. And her thoughts went from the beginning through the whole day again.

Tags :
3 years ago


(end credit scene spoilers)



Tags :
1 year ago

MCU Eternals Romantic!Ikaris X Reader & Platonic!Druig X Reader AU Idea (AKA my ADHD/Neurodivergent brain is whipping my butt)

Ok so, I'm just going to spare y'all the misery and brain spiral I put both @valeskafics & @its-actually-minicika through, and give the most recent one. This is a really long post as it will go into a lot of detail about the character's personality and her interactions with other characters. Please read through it, and if you hate the idea. Don't be a jerk! Just move on, and ignore this post! But if this is something that you think would be interesting to read: like it and/or let me know in the comments, or send it to a friend you think will find this idea interesting!

So it goes without saying that the MCU Eternals' fandom has unanimously agreed that Druig is best boi/edgelord, and I have no disagreements with that. Hell I basically live on Tumblr's 'druig x reader' tag. BUT I too thirst after Ikaris (AKA Not-Mother's-Favorite)...look, it's Richard Madden, I'm only human.

If you are one of the maybe 10 followers I have, you will know that I am already writing 2 other fics (a Robb Stark x Yi Tish!OC, and an Ikaris X Water Elemental!Reader). But if you read this post's will see that my ADHD brain refuses to listen to reason...and since starting to write has only gone into overdrive. You will also know that I love drawing inspiration from mythology...and dragons but that's another discussion.

BACK TO THE POINT! So I have seen a lot of Nature Eternal!Reader x Druig fics, and I love all of them. But I read @spacetalbot's Druig x Reader x Ikaris fic where the reader is basically Persephone, AND @winterlves's Ikaris x reader fic where the reader is Thor and Loki's sister who controls nature. Needless to say...I became obsessed.

Basically, I wanted to explore the idea of an Eternal!Reader whose powers are like Persephone (Chlorokinesis, Geokinesis, Fertility Manipulation, etc.). And while Druig is like Hades, he serves more as this reader's overprotective older brother/guardian. Instead, her main love interest in this idea will be Ikaris.

Druig and Hades actually share a good amount of similarities to each other. Both are mostly disliked/not popular amongst the Pantheon/Eternals and humanity, both are secluded to their own domain/community, both are much more somber compared to their family members, and the list can go on. But the reason I wanted to use Ikaris as the main love interest is mostly to due with his attitude towards humanity and how he interacts with them. While life goes on for everyone else, it just sort of "stops" for him. He doesn't really make any effort to connect with them outside of being with Sersi, and when he leaves her, we don't see any further attempts. And this is where Persephone!Eternal kind of comes in.

Now, unlike my other Oc's/Reader fics, I actively plan on writing this reader to show neurotypical symptoms. For example, she will show signs of having trouble emotionally connecting/socially interacting with others. Her mind will wander in meetings and need a nudge to focus back. She might unintentionally put off someone by how she phrases her question/response. She will prefer to study the differing flora and fauna in the places they visit than interact with people. While she does hold some love and affection towards them, she knows that it's not her the humans love, but rather what she can provide for them. This last part is kind of what lays the foundation to Ikaris' and the Reader's connection.

One scene I intend to write that really shows how Persephone!Eternal's mind works is how she interacts with Phastos when he describes the steam engine to Ajak. Personally, I headcanon that Druig likes to be around when Phastos is inventing something, but more just to be his annoying little brother. Persephone!Reader is not at all tech-savvy, but it's how Phastos' thinks of his ideas that fascinates her. What materials would be needed to build it? Does the materials need to be first sourced by humans? Is the conversion of high pressure to low pressure like when an area with a lot of water flowing into an area with low amount of water? If I decide to write Ikaris seeing this, it will make him notice how Persephone!Reader's mind definitely works differently than his. As normally, he wouldn't question Phastos, just accept it and move on. But he would notice how you are the only one to really connect with him by how you don't outwardly mock him like Kingo or Sprite, and by being the only Eternal to act genuinely interested despite not technologically inclined.

Another scene would be how Persephone!Reader was supposed to be attending a feast for the harvest, and so Ajak sends Ikaris to look for her. He finds her in a secluded area of a forest, and with a cow and her calf. He is confused and so Reader explains that she noticed that the cow had been eating much more lately and been much more tired and unable to work. She overheard the humans wanting to kill it, but then she noticed that the cow was in fact pregnant. So while the feast was busy, she snuck away and made an area so that the cow could safely give birth in peace. Ikaris would notice that Persephone!Reader is smiling and much more at peace alone, than in a crowded area with tons of laughter and noise. You are worried that Ajak will find out and make you not see the animals anymore, but Ikaris promises you that he will keep your secret, and that he will just tell her that you weren't feeling well. This furthers your connection.

Another one is where there had been a big dispute amongst the humans, and some people are severely hurt. Druig and Ikaris get into a fight about it since it was under Ikaris' order that Druig not engage. Ikaris is impassive and stern and Druig calls him a coward. Persephone!Reader is seeing the fight and asks Ikaris why he wouldn't let Druig stop it, if he can do it, why not let him? Ikaris retorts stating that it isn't their place to settle their disputes, to which Reader states that he should care about the humans, and not be so cruel. Ikaris gets angry and tells reader that it is not his job to justify his reasonings to Druig or anyone else, much less her. So he storms away. A few hours pass, and Ikaris hasn't been seen by anyone, not even Ajak or Sersi. Reader finds him in a hidden area and notices that his face is very tired looking. Reader realizes that she has made a big misjudgement on her part in saying that Ikaris doesn't care, and is very careful in saying she is sorry. Ikaris is still upset and tells her to go away. But Reader just stands there and doesn't move, refusing to leave him alone. She eventually gives him a hug stating that she was wrong and she was sorry, and that she should have known better. This comforts him a lot as he allows the hug. Reader also makes him a wreath of flowers of her appreciation of him as her leader, but mostly as her friend.

I got a ton of scenes planned, so like and/or comment of what you think!

If you are still waiting for my Robb Stark x OC fic! The 3rd chapter will be out soon!

Edit: I reblogged this post to add on some headcanons of an additional Eternal!Reader who is Hecate. Check out the reboot part in Notes to see it!

Tags :
1 year ago

Ok so I got some add-ons, but it's for an additional Goddess!Eternal, so let me know if I am going too far:

This is a Hecate!Eternal who is romantically paired with Druig bc I couldn't resist the tempation.

Would y'all be okay with Persephone!Eternal being besties with a Hecate!Eternal??? An Eternal who could control someone's shadows to attack that same person? Also they are the goddess of magic and they would be unhinged as FUCK! Literally I have an "abduction" scene planned out where Persephone!Eternal keeps making poisonous plants and Hecate!Eternal helps her make them into medicine and teaches them to human women as "witchcraft."

It's the pan!ENFP and demi!INFJ friendship we all dreamed about, and they share clothes.

Also she and Makkari have competitions on who can steal the most Hecate!Eternal has a dimensional magical library that has more rare magical artifacts than NYC Sanctum and it drives Strange fucking CRAZY.

For Persephone!Eternal, I am at war with 2 different colors schemes: 1) pink peony rose patterns with green vines over gold fabric; 2) black background with red poppies connected by gold twining. The second one would be like how her armor shifts after her abduction/when she attacks deviants. So normally her armor would be 1, but when she is in dark space it shifts to 2.

For Hecate!Eternal's color options: 1) red & black dominant w/ gold & white twining and moons; 2) blue to black ombre, gold rib cage armor, w/ ivory vines & moons; 3) black dominant, silver stars and moons, violet markings.

Hecate!Eternal is the mother of surgery & modern medicine, she has her own lab like Phastos in the Domo literally so she can teleport the dead deviants there so that she can cut them up to study their anatomy and physiology. It's her happy place and really only Druig, Makkari, and Persephone!Eternal are allowed to enter without knocking.

She absolutely has their body parts in glass jars, and uses them to scare the shit out of others.

Hecate!Eternal trolls Ikaris like it's her full-time job, but will give him advice on how to properly court and approach and understand Persephone!Eternal. She'll give him some dumb ideas for the laughs, but will be genuinely supportive of their friendship to relationship; especially if she believes that it is in Persephone!Eternal's best interest.

Also Hecate!Reader is 100% committed to Druig, and so most of her ideas involve Ikaris hanging out with Persephone!Eternal while she's in the woods riding Druig's brains out.

Ikaris is like, "Are you trying to help me to get with Persephone, or using me to distract her to be with Druig?" And Hecate!Eternal is out here being like, "Both you bitch."

Also Hecate!Eternal specifically learned dimensional/portal magic with her shadows just to cuddle with different animals from other worlds. Like the people in Ta Lo are used to her bc she does there to trade gossip with the Great Protector and cuddle with the Dijiang. When Druig wants a break from his commune duties, he goes with her.

Taglist: @spacetalbot, @valeskafics

Let me know that you guys think! Have a wonderful day!

MCU Eternals Romantic!Ikaris X Reader & Platonic!Druig X Reader AU Idea (AKA my ADHD/Neurodivergent brain is whipping my butt)

Ok so, I'm just going to spare y'all the misery and brain spiral I put both @valeskafics & @its-actually-minicika through, and give the most recent one. This is a really long post as it will go into a lot of detail about the character's personality and her interactions with other characters. Please read through it, and if you hate the idea. Don't be a jerk! Just move on, and ignore this post! But if this is something that you think would be interesting to read: like it and/or let me know in the comments, or send it to a friend you think will find this idea interesting!

So it goes without saying that the MCU Eternals' fandom has unanimously agreed that Druig is best boi/edgelord, and I have no disagreements with that. Hell I basically live on Tumblr's 'druig x reader' tag. BUT I too thirst after Ikaris (AKA Not-Mother's-Favorite)...look, it's Richard Madden, I'm only human.

If you are one of the maybe 10 followers I have, you will know that I am already writing 2 other fics (a Robb Stark x Yi Tish!OC, and an Ikaris X Water Elemental!Reader). But if you read this post's will see that my ADHD brain refuses to listen to reason...and since starting to write has only gone into overdrive. You will also know that I love drawing inspiration from mythology...and dragons but that's another discussion.

BACK TO THE POINT! So I have seen a lot of Nature Eternal!Reader x Druig fics, and I love all of them. But I read @spacetalbot's Druig x Reader x Ikaris fic where the reader is basically Persephone, AND @winterlves's Ikaris x reader fic where the reader is Thor and Loki's sister who controls nature. Needless to say...I became obsessed.

Basically, I wanted to explore the idea of an Eternal!Reader whose powers are like Persephone (Chlorokinesis, Geokinesis, Fertility Manipulation, etc.). And while Druig is like Hades, he serves more as this reader's overprotective older brother/guardian. Instead, her main love interest in this idea will be Ikaris.

Druig and Hades actually share a good amount of similarities to each other. Both are mostly disliked/not popular amongst the Pantheon/Eternals and humanity, both are secluded to their own domain/community, both are much more somber compared to their family members, and the list can go on. But the reason I wanted to use Ikaris as the main love interest is mostly to due with his attitude towards humanity and how he interacts with them. While life goes on for everyone else, it just sort of "stops" for him. He doesn't really make any effort to connect with them outside of being with Sersi, and when he leaves her, we don't see any further attempts. And this is where Persephone!Eternal kind of comes in.

Now, unlike my other Oc's/Reader fics, I actively plan on writing this reader to show neurotypical symptoms. For example, she will show signs of having trouble emotionally connecting/socially interacting with others. Her mind will wander in meetings and need a nudge to focus back. She might unintentionally put off someone by how she phrases her question/response. She will prefer to study the differing flora and fauna in the places they visit than interact with people. While she does hold some love and affection towards them, she knows that it's not her the humans love, but rather what she can provide for them. This last part is kind of what lays the foundation to Ikaris' and the Reader's connection.

One scene I intend to write that really shows how Persephone!Eternal's mind works is how she interacts with Phastos when he describes the steam engine to Ajak. Personally, I headcanon that Druig likes to be around when Phastos is inventing something, but more just to be his annoying little brother. Persephone!Reader is not at all tech-savvy, but it's how Phastos' thinks of his ideas that fascinates her. What materials would be needed to build it? Does the materials need to be first sourced by humans? Is the conversion of high pressure to low pressure like when an area with a lot of water flowing into an area with low amount of water? If I decide to write Ikaris seeing this, it will make him notice how Persephone!Reader's mind definitely works differently than his. As normally, he wouldn't question Phastos, just accept it and move on. But he would notice how you are the only one to really connect with him by how you don't outwardly mock him like Kingo or Sprite, and by being the only Eternal to act genuinely interested despite not technologically inclined.

Another scene would be how Persephone!Reader was supposed to be attending a feast for the harvest, and so Ajak sends Ikaris to look for her. He finds her in a secluded area of a forest, and with a cow and her calf. He is confused and so Reader explains that she noticed that the cow had been eating much more lately and been much more tired and unable to work. She overheard the humans wanting to kill it, but then she noticed that the cow was in fact pregnant. So while the feast was busy, she snuck away and made an area so that the cow could safely give birth in peace. Ikaris would notice that Persephone!Reader is smiling and much more at peace alone, than in a crowded area with tons of laughter and noise. You are worried that Ajak will find out and make you not see the animals anymore, but Ikaris promises you that he will keep your secret, and that he will just tell her that you weren't feeling well. This furthers your connection.

Another one is where there had been a big dispute amongst the humans, and some people are severely hurt. Druig and Ikaris get into a fight about it since it was under Ikaris' order that Druig not engage. Ikaris is impassive and stern and Druig calls him a coward. Persephone!Reader is seeing the fight and asks Ikaris why he wouldn't let Druig stop it, if he can do it, why not let him? Ikaris retorts stating that it isn't their place to settle their disputes, to which Reader states that he should care about the humans, and not be so cruel. Ikaris gets angry and tells reader that it is not his job to justify his reasonings to Druig or anyone else, much less her. So he storms away. A few hours pass, and Ikaris hasn't been seen by anyone, not even Ajak or Sersi. Reader finds him in a hidden area and notices that his face is very tired looking. Reader realizes that she has made a big misjudgement on her part in saying that Ikaris doesn't care, and is very careful in saying she is sorry. Ikaris is still upset and tells her to go away. But Reader just stands there and doesn't move, refusing to leave him alone. She eventually gives him a hug stating that she was wrong and she was sorry, and that she should have known better. This comforts him a lot as he allows the hug. Reader also makes him a wreath of flowers of her appreciation of him as her leader, but mostly as her friend.

I got a ton of scenes planned, so like and/or comment of what you think!

If you are still waiting for my Robb Stark x OC fic! The 3rd chapter will be out soon!

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1 year ago

Headcanons for Ikaris x Persephone!Eternal Reader (AKA Sephia)

Headcanons For Ikaris X Persephone!Eternal Reader (AKA Sephia)

Note: Persephone!Eternal’s name is Sephia (it’s still a Reader x Ikaris au, but it’s just easier for me to give her a name). Her powers are that she can make and create any kind of plant at any location. She is neurodivergent, and hopefully these headcanons will help me decide which scenes to write out in either oneshots or drabbles. So really these are Part 1 of the many headcanons I have planned for these two.

Also, because these are Ikaris x Reader headcanons, the reader will be referred as “You”. Please be kind, also I added an "Ask" button on my blog if you have any questions!

Ikaris never really paid any attention you since he opened his eyes on the Domo; he was more attracted to Sersi’s beauty and kindness to pay any attention to you (he’s a hoe)

But he noticed that you and her would always be kept close together as the both of you would help the humans with their crops and developing their agriculture.

He noticed that you would only do as you were told before going off and doing your own thing

He never paid any attention because all this meant was that he would spend more time with Sersi

You on the other hand…you were not a fan of Ikaris (don’t worry this changes)

Not only was it completely obvious to her that he was only “helping” the humans because he wanted to get together with Sersi

But also, because he was always so rude to her best friend Kaetlyn, just because of her powers were a little “dark” and that she had different views as him and Ajak

Furthermore, he liked to act like he knew more about how to harvest and plant the crops even though YOU were the one who designed and created them

It wasn’t until he overheard a discussion between you and her when he heard you call him a “fartface who is only acting nice because he wants to get together with her”

From that day on, he was determined to get you to like him…easier than done

He thought that getting you to like would be a walk in the park, ‘twas anything but!

Many of the Eternals thought that you were very shy and quiet, but you had a very sassy and petty personality that only comes out when you were experiencing a strong emotion

So, whenever Ikaris would try to make conversation, you would just straight up ignore his ass

He would get all pissy princess mode on you, and you would explain that you had no interest entertaining someone who’s only here to flirt and not actually do a good job

From there on out, Ikaris would actually get off his high horse and actually try to help out; and he would ask you for any help because he could tell that you knew more about the crops than Sersi

You and him would actually start to eventually trust one another, even enjoying each other’s company

He would also notice that you weren’t actually comfortable around the humans

You would often be really quiet when around them, even avoiding eye contact with them when they try to talk to you

Also, he found that you zoned out…a LOT

Like Ajak would be holding a group meeting, and you would just be unblinkingly staring at a corner with a blank expression; but then Kaetlyn would lightly nudge you with her elbow, and you would start paying attention again

When he asked you if you were okay because you were acting strange in the meeting; you explained that you heard Ajak mention the word “fruit,” and that made you start thinking about the new fruit that you and Kaety talked about

That led you to somehow thinking pollination and bees and… *cue the confusion on Scottish Space Homelander’s face*

He really starts paying attention to you when he notices that you always stayed behind the Thinkers’ meetings to ask Phastos about his inventions (will write out scene if y'all want me too)

He would start to look forward in seeing you, and always try to find you in the large gatherings and feasts hosted by the humans, only to find that you would only be there for a short period of time or just not show up at all

He would also notice that you would spend a LOT of time in the wilderness, and when he asked you about it, you said that “you wanted to find the areas with the best smells”

You then starting talking a lot of which plants the humans find to make oils and perfumes and how some are really light and how some are too strong

You became curious so you would explore the areas to find the plants and sometimes you would find animals

Then you would follow the animals and then you would find yourself in different parts of the woods altogether

You told him about the time you were trying to find this specific breed of wild mint, but then a squirrel was staring at you and so you started to chase it to its nest…and then you got lost so you had to call Kaety to take you back because you lost track of time and you didn’t want to be later than Sersi

You then go on a tangent on why you liked being around Kaety so much, and one of the reasons is that she always smells REALLY GOOD to cover up the smell of death from dissecting both deviants and human corpses

But one time she forgot to wash her face mask and it started to smell really chemically, so you made her stand about 5 feet away because you have a really good sense of smell and you loved her but she smelled super gross

You started to blush really hard because you just revealed that you were a smeller despite you trying so hard to hide this fact from the rest of the group as Kingo once noticed you doing it and almost called you out on it

Granted Kaetlyn used her shadow to tackle him off a cliff before he could

But you still crouched in flustered shame at your accidental reveal

Ikaris swears he has never laughed so hard ever in his life, and decided that he liked you way better when you got super talkative than when you were insanely quiet

This was when he realized that whatever attraction he felt towards Sersi was miniscule to what he felt for you

Sersi tells him that she knew this whole time and she is literally so excited to play matchmaker

Headcanons For Ikaris X Persephone!Eternal Reader (AKA Sephia)

Tagging: @spacetalbot, @valeskafics, @beananacake, @its-actually-minicika, @unfinished-sen, @siempre-bucky

Please let me know if you want to be tagged! I plan to make some Druig x Hecate!Eternal Reader (Kaetlyn) headcanons too!

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1 year ago

Druig x Hecate!Eternal Reader (AKA Kaetlyn) Headcanons Part 1

Druig X Hecate!Eternal Reader (AKA Kaetlyn) Headcanons Part 1

Note: Hecate!Eternal’s name is Kaetlyn (it’s still a Reader x Druig au, but it’s just easier for me to give her a name). Her powers are that of manipulating shadows and darkness. For the sake of easier writing, Kaetlyn is ENFP and Druig is INTJ. The MBTIs of the characters don’t really matter that much, but they do help me out when figuring out scenes and writing headcanons. Also, these headcanons are really Part 1 of many.

Also, because these are Druig x Reader headcanons, the reader will be referred as “You”.

In the simplest of terms, your two’s ship dynamic is very… cool & stoic on the outside, but soft on the inside (Druig) x Chaotic Dumbass Sunshine who hides their crippling anxiety (You)

You are clingy…like VERYYYYY clingy

But Druig LIVES for the fact that you love his attention so much, and genuinely thinks that you are the most adorable creature in the whole f*cking universe

Druig is constantly pissed off at everyone on the team except the following: You, Makkari, Sephia, and Thena (he drinks his respect women juice every damn day without fail)

Phastos and Gilgamesh are cool, but Gilgamesh is low-key kind of hyper for him (so are you, but at least you have the excuse of being the light of his life); also, he mostly just teases Phastos for his inventions

He also gets along with Sersi, but he low-key thinks she’s too much of a follower with how well she gets along with Ikaris and reveres Ajak

He assumed the same of you when you all first arrived on Earth, given how you and Kingo were pretty close to one another (very chaotic sibling-like antics)

But then he saw you throw a sandal at Ikaris’ face when he commented that you were too “menacing” to wear any of the human clothing gifted to you from the village women for all the childbirths you aided (leaving a VERY red imprint that resulted in a broken nose with how hard you threw it)

And then you basically converted your room at the Domo into a secret laboratory to sneak in all the Deviants you killed to study their anatomy & physiology, and just slept in Sephia’s room – all without Ajak’s permission!

You got in a HUGE amount of trouble, but you were stubborn in your belief that the deviants had to have shared some common anatomical features to target; and by studying them, this information would make killing them so much easier

It pissed Ikaris so much when Ajak ended up approving of your research (lol, what a loser), and it made you sooooo happy

To say he was intrigued – and little turned on – from that point on was a severe understatement

You, on the other hand, were fond of Druig pretty much from the beginning you laid eyes on him

Despite your stubbornness and hyperactive attitude, you were extremely observant and intuitive of those around you (you had to be, you were literally a shadow assassin), so when your gut told you that there was more than meets the eye when it came to someone – you listened

And you were not disappointed when it came to Druig

You adored how he wasn’t super showy in his kindness and affection towards humans, and you could see in the huge amount of love he had for them in his eyes

You would always try to make conversation with him, and try to get to know him so that you two could at least be friends

So, when HE was the first to approach you for conversation, you were over the moon – and it didn’t help how hypnotic you found his blue eyes to be, along with how soft his voice would get in teasing you, not to mention how soft his lips looked whenever he talked!

Makkari and Sephia both knew about your crush, and they (mostly Makkari) loved to tease you over it (but they were your #1 shippers); so did Kingo, but he thought something was wrong with you (your shadow slapped his head for that)

Druig was skeptical at first, and rebuffed your multiple attempts to befriend him – until Makkari literally smacked his head at learning this, and told him how nice you were and you honestly admired him

He decided to make amends to you by approaching you first for once – only to be sucker punched in the gut at your earnest warmth and affection towards him, and all those guarded walls came crashing down

He was NOT prepared to experience so much wholesomeness in someone who was LITERALLY the master of shadows and darkness, and he was even LESS prepared to discover how introspective you actually were compared to how you present yourself to others

He starts noticing things about you that just make him feel so warm and fuzzy, and it’s freaking him out; like how you will always have your arms open for those who civilization called “monsters” and “cursed”; always treating their wounds, making them laugh with your shadows, hiding them from real monsters (their abusers), etc.

When he asked you why you preferred their company, you explained to him that you knew what it was like to be judged by everyone around you – even going into detail of how insecure you were of your powers because some people (Ikaris & Sprite) liked to call you a monster

You then went on to tell him that you always seemed so happy and bubbly as a way for others not to see you as an enemy – and that you were so grateful for friends like Sephia and Makkari because they didn’t use your powers as an excuse to avoid you, and openly accepted you as a friend

You also go into detail that you didn’t like to use your powers that much, because you didn’t want to be seen as someone who takes pleasure in controlling others; that’s why you wanted to learn how to make medicine, so that you would be seen as helpful and not like a monster

Druig was blown away by how similar the two of you actually were to one another – he used his aloofness as a way to rebuff the others’ assumptions, while you used a mask of sunshine and happiness to avoid being excluded, but the two of you both understood the fear of rejection

And when he learned that you intended to use your skills in studying anatomy & physiology to hopefully study humans to help them (especially the women who go through childbirth and diseases) develop medicines and healing practices with Sephia (who you convinced to develop medicinal herbs and fruits)

You fell first, but he fell FAR HARDER

But you two wouldn’t get together for a couple of centuries because the two of you are convinced that the other is too good for someone like them, and so the mutual pining would continue for AGES (driving Makkari absolutely INSANE because her OTP is not getting together, like whyyyyyyy?????)

Makkari and Sersi totally have ranting sessions about how their dumbass friends aren’t getting together like they want them to

Also, your room is both a secret zoo and a mad surgeon’s laboratory

When it comes to animals (especially magical and strange ones), you have ZERO self-control, and Druig only encourages it

You found a newborn Doberman puppy with a little white spot on his belly so you named him Cerberus (Cerby for short), and when you were learning magic under Agamotto, your magic went a tiny bit haywire so then the baby pup got three heads instead of one

He typically only is shown with one head, but when he gets REALLY MAD, he will grow HUGE and with the 3 heads

Cerby’s favorites (after you) are the following: Druig, Sephia, Makkari, Thena, and Gilgamesh (bc Cerby will always be baby to them); but he gets along with everyone

Except Ikaris because he doesn’t like how the blue man is mean to his magic shadow mommy

Druig questions everything, and you want to know EVERYTHING…so naturally you are perfect for one another and NO ONE is surprised when the two of you finally get together

As always, please remain respectful and kind! If you liked these headcanons, please like/comment/reblog for more!

Taglist: @valeskafics, @its-actually-minicika, @spacetalbot, @siempre-bucky, @ethereal-athalia, and anyone else who think they might enjoy this!

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1 year ago

Truce Part 1

Truce Part 1

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Pairing(s): Ikaris x Persephone!Reader ft. Druig x Hecate!Reader Word Count: 2.7k Prompt/Summary: Ikaris and Druig have a discussion about the women in their lives (AKA: Ikaris is an idiot who thinks your best friend is a demon, and Druig is super in love with said demon). Warning: Slight mentions of death (no major characters tho), neurodivergent reader is neurodivergent, Hecate!Reader bestie is her own warning Note: Thank you to everyone who takes the times to read my writing even through it is likely way too self-indulgent to be considered in-character! Special thank you to the most amazing and incredible beta editor in the world, @valeskafics! If you have not, please go check her works! She mostly does HOTD, GOT, anything Ewan Mitchell, and literally EVERYTHING she writes is incredible!

Truce Part 1

It was safe to say that Ikaris was a confident individual.

This was a fact that applied to many aspects of his life.

He was confident in his abilities as an Eternal. He was confident in his faith in both his leader Ajak, and the Celestial that created him and his team members, Arishem. He was especially confident in his capability as a leader. This included carrying out missions, eliminating Deviants, and saving and “caring” about the fragile humans’ lives.

No matter what Druig implied.

But the one thing he could not say he was completely 100% confident about… was… understanding how he placed amongst the rest of the Eternals.

That wasn’t to say he wasn’t well-liked or even appreciated… but… he didn’t exactly know how some members “felt” about him.

He was more than well-received by certain members – Kingo and Sprite are the first Eternals that come to mind. He had earned the respect and trust of most of the group – as was shown by the trust Ajak put on him, along with the close bond he shared with Sersi. Thena and Gilgamesh certainly respected him as a fighter – but they never idolized him. In their eyes, he was more of a younger brother that they could share a drink and trade banter. He was on amicable terms with Makkari. Phastos and him never particularly bonded with each other, but the latter still trusted Ikaris’ judgement.

With Druig and Katelyn, both outright dismissing him most of the time –

No…that was putting it lightly…

Take the words “outright dismissed him,” and replaced them with “liked to act like bratty little shits and make him look like a fucking idiot;” along with the words “most of the time,” and replace them with “since they all left the goddamn Domo.”

…But he had no idea where he stood with you.

Sephia, the Eternal blessed by Arishem with the ability of absolute control of plants and the Earth. While Sersi made efforts to connect with the humans, you almost did everything in your power to avoid them. But no matter how you tried to avoid them, humans always adored you. They longed to catch a quick glimpse of the beautiful being that brought them aid whenever their crops were unable to bear fruit.

It was not only your powers that attracted them to you, but also the image you presented yourself to them. You were…heaven-sent – is how the humans saw you. Although fairly quiet, it was obvious to him that you were brilliant. Not only that, but you were fairly regimented in your diligence to your duties- something Ikaris greatly appreciated in a team member. You and Sersi worked together to only present them with their new crops, explain the various uses that would fit their lifestyle, show them how to properly harvest the crops and take a section of the seeds to replant, and then demonstrate how to properly plant them in a way that would yield the best results.

…It also helped how the sun would bring out that lovely flush to your skin in your demonstrations.

To them, your kindness and shy demeanor… along with your overwhelming beauty that was only further brought out from your flowing pink tunic with green twining and brass patterns… presented the very image of a Springtime Maiden.

You carried out your duties flawlessly, and always with so much efficiency that you always managed to have more than enough free time to go off on your little adventures to study the wildlife you had not created. You were curious as to how certain natural environments resulted in different lifestyle choices. You insisted that in studying the world around them, you would be able to better understand the humans’ lifestyle. A thought that was supported by Ajak whole-heartedly.

And it wasn’t only your duties to the humans that you carried out well – you even used your ability to control the plants that surrounded you to attack Deviants in desperate times. Sprite would spin tales of how the Sweet Spring Maiden Sephia could turn a little flower into a giant vine that could pierce through the skull of any deviant that came your way.

You were…different. That wasn’t to say you were strange…if anything…your differences made you…charming. Admittedly, he hadn’t paid much attention towards you at the beginning as he was initially attracted to Sersi’s kind demeanor. But he would always see you with her, and she would always insist on the two of you bonding. Your encounters with one another were awkward to say the least. But soon, he genuinely bonded with you…

Now, you were just the most fucking adorable being in the universe; which brought up the dire need to know where he stood in your life.

He just hoped that your “guardian angel” wasn’t with you at the moment.

“Well,” thought Ikaris, “demon would be a more accurate term in describing her.”

Kaetlyn was a different topic of conversation to say the least. Simply put, her abilities allow her to manipulate shadows and darkness. In battle, she would first scope out any areas that had Deviants to gain any information that would be an advantage. She would do this by either sending her shadows out, or just traveling through any shadows herself. Ikaris loathed to admit it, but her affinity for intelligence-gathering was far superior than the rest of them. Not only that, but she was a more than capable fighter. She would aim her dark arrows to the Deviant’s weakest point, and let the shadows embedded in it sink into their bodies to tear them from the inside out.

After its confirmed death, she would use her shadow portals to transport them to her personal laboratory at the Domo to “study” their anatomy and physiology. And if that wasn’t enough, Ajak just- just- ALLOWS IT! Even going so far as to ask for your assistance at certain times!

Ajak was one matter – after all, the Prime Eternal served as a maternal figure to everyone, including him – but he was more shocked at your eager involvement in the dark assassin’s hobbies. He could never forget how brightly you smiled when you ran towards him in excitement at your realization that encasing the decaying specimens in a mixture of various alcohol solutions and formaldehyde created a much more effective embalming methods than encasing it in an alcohol solution with herbs and spices.

You went on for hours about how you discovered the gas during one of the fires that nearly destroyed the village a few months back. Luckily very few of the villagers died, but you noticed how the victims who only died through exposure to the smoke decomposed much slower than normal. You then ended up trying to explain the process of precipitating the gas into a liquid solution, along with how to properly categorize it so that it wouldn’t be accidentally ingested. You and he ended up talking for so long that you ended up completely missing the feast held in celebration of the harvest that year. Ajak was quite cross with the both of you – Ikaris especially since he is usually so punctual with social engagements – but how could he be upset after having hours of your sole attention? You too were not put off by your leader’s slight scolding. On the contrary, you were more than relieved considering how much you hated these events.

You were kind and thoughtful; she was argumentative and crass. You were radiant brilliance; she was unhinged madness. You brought light and its hopeful beginnings; she oozed out darkness and all its mad chaos. You were life; she was death. So why did you latch onto her as if she was your only tether to the ground?

…You were being controlled by her- that had to have been it. Ikaris refused to believe that someone as wonderful and kind as yourself would willingly subject themselves to that-that-that- hell spawn!

“Y’know,” an annoyed voice broke his thoughts, “I’d really appreciate it if you’d didn’t call the love of my life a ‘hell spawn’.”

“For the love of Arishem,” thought Ikaris, “anyone but him.”

Taking a deep breath, he turned to find Druig.

“And I’m more than certain that our sweet Sephia wouldn’t exactly be ecstatic in knowing how you referred her very favorite person in the world that particular term either.” The mind controlling Eternal finished off with that damned trademark smirk of his.

Gods, Ikaris wanted nothing more than to shove that face a thousand feet in the ground right now. But he didn’t want to afford to lose his temper now. Not when he still hoped to find you.

“Pretty sure Ajak made it a rule for you not to use your powers on your fellow Eternals,” he snapped, “considering your habit of using it on the humans already.”

“Please,” he quipped back, “you’re the one pacing and muttering like a mad man in the middle of the courtyard.” He slightly cocked his head to the side in a facetious manner, “Anything I could help with?”

Ikaris didn’t want to tell Druig his plans…he wanted less for Druig to know about his plans with you. But Druig was close to you…even only through mutual association by Kaetlyn.

“Why are Sephia and Kaetlyn friends?” He blurted out.

“…Seriously?” Druig asked, “that’s what making act so crazy?”

“Just answer the damn question Druig.”

“…Why do you want to know?” The mind controller asked, very sure he wasn’t going to like Golden Boy’s response, but felt it necessary for his own peace of mind.

“…It doesn’t make any sense to me.”

“Excuse me?” His tone was growing colder with each passing second.

“Druig, I understand that you are incapable of being objective towards your… lover,” Ikaris started, “but even you have to admit you found their friendship to be unusual?”

“I can’t say that I have,” Druig answered, “I happen to think my angel as a lovely individual. A sentiment also agreed on by most members of the team- even your biggest fan Kingo adores her. Unconventional views? Maybe. Relentless tenacity? Absolutely. But that is exactly the foundation my beautiful Kaet’s adoration of Sephia, and vice versa.”

“I don’t- wait- I don’t understand?” Ikaris interrogated the besotted Eternal, “All she does is question Ajak’s authority, and commit senseless acts of childish rebellion! How does that lead to her being close with someone -”

Druig’s blank stare was almost terrifying.

“What Ikaris?” he asked, “Someone like Sephia? And how do you see our Sephia? Someone dutiful? Beautiful? Kind? Sweet? Perfect? How wretchedly mundane and so very one-dimensional- even for you.”

“That’s not it,” Ikaris was getting angry, “stop putting words in my mouth-”

“It’s not exactly a hard thing to do with you, my friend. But you and Sephia aren’t particularly close. She may be cordial with you, but she’s like that with everyone. So why the interest?”

“…I know that…Sephia is considered…different,” Ikaris began, “from a behavioral standpoint – but- tha- that’s not- I don’t think of her any less because of it.” This was much harder than he expected.

Druig lifted one of his eyebrows, signaling for the taller Eternal to continue.

“I like her ‘quirks’ – I can’t say I understand what they are, but – I know that-that they are a part of her, and not in a way that her powers are hers. But I also know that, that they don’t make up who she is as a whole.” Why was his throat closing up? “And…I like that she sees me.”

“…Yeah, no shit genius, it’s not like you can turn invisible. Believe me, not seeing your face would be a great improvement to my life.”

Ikaris scowled while turning so he could fly far from the black-clad armored telepath, “Forget it, I don’t know why I thought to share this with you of all people-”

“You don’t feel judged around her, is that it?”

Ikaris stopped, and once more faced Druig. The shock on his face was almost hilarious…if only Druig wasn’t about to completely expose himself at the moment, then he could at least properly enjoy the dumbfounded look on Ikaris’ face.

“Do you feel like you can talk to her about anything? That you could trust someone with something so humiliating? And then you’re angry because once you actually said those, you’ve realized that you’ve given someone full ammunition of yourself for them to use against you?”

The silence between the two powerful immortals was stifling.

“But then time passes,” Druig continues on, “and even after you pushed them away, they still accept you. Because they saw you, not an image other people projected on to you. And despite all reason, they decided to stand beside you.”

Ikaris’ eyes were bulging out of his head, “How- how did you know-?”

“I know, because I’ve been there,” Druig’s eyes softened just a tad, “with Kaety.”


“…Well, if you’re so curious about their companionship, I suppose the best way would be to ask directly from the source.” Druig reasoned as he pointed his head to two figures walking towards them.

You, in a soft white tunic with a long pink skirt with some brass jewelry. Today, you decided to let your hair loose with a few braids. Ikaris thought it was a bit curious on how you detested the humans’ worship of you, yet you still preferred their clothing options as opposed to your armor that showed your Olympian origins. However, armor or not, you still glowed a soft and heavenly aura unique only to you. You were in deep conversation with Kaetlyn, who wore a simple white linen dress with a patterned dark blue border skirt and a silver chained belt, and styled her hair in a loose braid.

Noticing the figures in front of them, Kaetlyn immediately pulled a look of just absolute disgust at the realization that Ikaris of all people was interrupting her peaceful day. Curious to your friend’s strange reaction, you turned your head and let out a warm smile and waved enthusiastically to the two men. You were well-aware of your friend’s distaste of the taller Eternal, but he was always kind with you. Besides, if you could occasionally put up with Kingo’s hubris, Kaety could certainly tolerate Ikaris’ company for a few moments.

Druig stepped in view, and Ikaris saw how quickly your feral companion’s expression changed at the sight of her lover. She lightly jogged to meet him in the middle as she threw her arms around his neck. Looking the strange sight, Ikaris noted that when she genuinely smiled, she looked almost…approachable? Druig took Kaetlyn in his arms, and the two pressed their lips together in a tender kiss. And just like that, the spell was broken and Ikaris was inwardly cringing from disgust as he turned his head away from the sight.

As a result, he was unable to see Druig lean forward and softly whisper to her ear of the plight that their mutual grey-streaked hair irritation was experiencing. Wanting to dismiss it immediately, Kaetlyn recalls all the times your cheeks lightly flushed in Ikaris’ company. And despite her obvious distaste for the man, she could tell that he at least wanted to genuinely understand her best friend. And she was more than positive that you were feeling “something” for him; however unaware you were of it yourself. Taking pity on the man, she walked over to you and explained how Druig wanted to explore the area for hidden caves. As a result, you and her would have to continue your discussions of how to properly develop the Punica granatum and its nutritional benefits for expectant mothers at another time. But luckily, Ikaris would be more than happy to escort you back to the Domo.

Before walking away, Ikaris felt a sharp pinch to his side, and looked down to find Kaetlyn’s shadow pinching his? Annoyed, he looked up to reprimand her, but his blood ran cold meeting the shadow Eternal’s gaze.

“Do anything that causes her discomfort,” her eyes seemed to shout, “and I will make your own shadow tear you apart bit by bit.” Quickly turning her head, the dark wisps quickly reattached themselves to their mistress. And the two Eternals were left alone with only themselves for company.

Looking back at you as you basked in the daylight, its golden light only enhancing the glow from your softness. Ikaris had only one thought in his head as he tries his damnedest to not reach out and press your suppleness against his hard frame.


Truce Part 1

Tagging: @its-actually-minicika, @spacetalbot, @siempre-bucky, @beananacake, @ethereal-athalia

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1 year ago

Persephone!Eternal (Sephia) & Hecate!Eternal (Kaetlyn) Vaguely Sapphic Friendship Headcanons

Persephone!Eternal (Sephia) & Hecate!Eternal (Kaetlyn) Vaguely Sapphic Friendship Headcanons

(AKA: Just All-Powerful Immortal Gals being All-Powerful Immortal Pals/Necessary Rundown of these Besties Powers & Dynamics)

Warning(s): mad bad b*tch energy, gals being gals, neurodivergent reader/OC being neurodivergent, Kaet is her own warning honestly, Druig x Hecate!Eternal & Ikaris x Persephone!Eternal if you squint

So, let’s review these two beautiful, i n c r e d i b l e, powerhouse Eternal goddesses, shall we?

Persephone!Eternal Reader (AKA Sephia) is an INFJ Thinker Eternal who can control crops and plants, as well as make any plant in any environment thrive. However, being the smart cookie she is, she knows that plants need to fit in their surrounding environment in order for an ecosystem to properly thrive and humanity to properly evolve from there. She does this through a very unique ability of actually listening to that specific region’s terrain depending where she is on Earth. Each specific region/different terrain has their own unique personality. Sephia listens and makes the plants/crops and can control from there. And yes, this technically also makes her an earthbender. She also has some neurodivergent tendencies, and has a lot of trouble connecting with her fellow Eternals, and especially humans. Although her mind works differently, she is extremely brilliant and find connections that most of the others in the team could never consider.

Hecate!Eternal Reader (AKA Kaetlyn) is an ENFP Fighter Eternal who has umbrakinesis (the ability to generate and manipulate shadows/darkness). She can control the shadows of her surroundings whether the objects are sentient or non-sentient. She can also use her shadows to create portals as a way to teleport, or she can merge with them and shadow travel. She is also incredibly intuitive and ambitious, always wanting to know more. It was through her perserverance to gain knowledge that she attracted the attentions of Agamotto, Freja, and Dormammu as her three teachers in the mystic arts. By the time she left with Druig, she had amassed such a huge amount of power and knowledge that she was sworn to make her identity unknown unless there was absolutely no other way. She was also the Eternal who founded many medicines and surgical techniques, as well as delivered the earliest human women’s children.

If you are still here, great! Let’s move forward!

Ok first things first, these two practically INVENTED the idea of best friends. They literally love each other so much, there are no words. These two make the term “opposite attract” because they are the perfect inverse of each other.

Also, how these two act around one another is pretty much the number one reason why Druig and Kaetlyn took so damn long to get together in the first place. If you don’t include the fact that the two dumbasses are also just oblivious idiots.

Sephia is very uncomfortable with social interaction, with both her family and humans. But all that goes out the window when she is around Kaetlyn.

Kaetlyn is insanely touchy and affectionate, she will never NOT shower Sephia with praise and love when they are together.

She will also typically be the one to initiate the affectionate acts, but Sephia has moments when she first acts too.

These two at any time of the day will likely be doing any of the following: holding hands; lying on each other’s laps; take naps while lying on said laps; dancing with each other; kissing each other on the nose, cheek, back of hand, hand’s palm, forehead, hair, etc.; arms wrapped around each other’s waist while chin placed in neck crook; finding free time to go on picnics; whispering inside jokes and giggling; giving each other flowers; feeding each other; wiping each other's tears; linking pinkies; linking arms; forehead touches; tender stares; sharing soft smiles; braiding each other’s hair; going shopping with each other; sleeping in the same bed

Honestly, the list could go on forever

Why would these two lovely ladies sleep in the same bed? Well that easy to answer! See Kaet may have dissected too many deviants and preserved them in so many jars to the point her old room had been secretly converted to a mad doctor’s surgical suite. As a result, she'll just sleep over at Sephia’s room.

Sephia had ZERO problem with this arrangement, and the girls tried their very best to keep it a secret. Granted she made sure Kaet thoroughly washed herself of any blood stains and bodily fluids because Sephia refuses to cuddle Kaet smelling like rotting flesh and chemicals.

But Ajak found out when Kaet had to leave for an emergency deviant ambush, and Cerbie wandered into her room because he missed his mama’s scent and he left the door opened a crack.

The reveal wasn’t that bad, but Phastos did in fact scream and faint, and Kaet thought it would be funny for him to wake up on her metal surgical table, only for Phastos to scream even louder and faint again.

Kaet is the definition of a mad lass menace

She did end up getting a new bedroom, but she still liked to sometimes have sleepovers with Sephia.

Kaet was so happy to get her lab approved, but she thought that Sephia deserved a place to conduct her own research too.

So naturally she fills Sephia’s room with her experimental crops to convince Ajak to get Phastos to make her another room so that this old new room can be used for plant research.

This poor man is so tired y’all

He just wants to go to one week without Kaet causing him a migraine but he loves her like a sibling

A very annoying younger sibling who won’t stop attempting to give him a heart attack

Also, because Sephia is so introverted, she will not go to social engagements

And if she’s there, it was done by one of the following: 1) forced by Ajak, 2) dragged by Sersi, 3) attached by Kaet’s side for the entire night

If at any point she loses sight of Kaet, she will freeze and just dart to the nearest empty corner to plan out her escape

But sometimes she will be approached by Ikaris, and she'll stay because he makes her feel comfortable and they will converse interesting topics

Once she escapes the party she is not stopping until she reaches the Domo and under her blankets and surrounded by her animals

Oh right, I should mention that Sephia has a serious love for animals

She and Kaet indulge each other on this so much

It drives everyone insane but they also love it because they love the animal cuddles

Guys these girls love each other so much, I actually can't-

Author's Note: Hey everyone! I hope you liked this post and its content! I am a little frazzled from my internship, but I really wanted to post these headcanons! A lot of these headcanons I came up with my actual psychic soulmate @ethereal-athalia! She's so wonderful and brilliant, and I have a lot more ideas planned out since she helped me! Of course, I want to also thank my brilliant beta @valeskafics who has always been so kind to look at my stuff despite how busy she always is! Please be sure to visit her works, your jaw will drop. I opened an ask box on my page, if you have any questions related to my fics or characters, please drop one in! Just don't be mean as Tumblr should remain a safe space for all users. Please like/comment/reblog if you enjoyed it! Have a wonderful day!

PS: If you want to be tagged for notifs of any of works/posts, please drop an ask at my ask box!

Tagging: @valeskafics, @ethereal-athalia, @vikingqueen28, @unfinished-sen, @hold-my-dragons, @themeanestlittlewitch, @beananacake

Tags :
1 year ago

Our Love is Eternal-Chapter 2 

Our Love Is Eternal-Chapter 2
Our Love Is Eternal-Chapter 2

Previous Chapter Pairing(s): Ikaris x fem!Elemental!Reader; Sersi x Dane Whitman Word Count: 5.0k words Chapter Summary: Ikaris continues to reminisce of the love you two shared while Sersi is about to meet an old friend Warning: slight angst, overload of fluff, Sersi mentally cursing, past natural violence, mention of abusive childhood, past violence Author's Note: Once again, a special thank you to the one and only @valeskafics for kindly agreeing to being my beta despite her insanely busy schedule! I could not have continued this fic (or any of my fics) without your help! Also thank you to everyone who decided to keep reading my works, I cannot tell you enough how grateful I am for all the likes and reblogs! I sincerely apologize for how long this chapter took, it is shorter than the last one. I'm trying to see if making my chapters shorter, I can post more frequently. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Be kind and like, reblog, and/or comment if you want me to continue!

Our Love Is Eternal-Chapter 2


It’s you. You were calling out to him. 

Ikaris reaches out to hold you, to press your frame against his for a single moment of bliss to fight the ocean of misery that had been his life since you left him. He feels your body shaking, and he looks down to see tears streaming down your cheeks. 

“Ikaris, I love you.” You swore to him. 

Why are you crying? 

“I love you so much.” 

Do you? 

“I’m sorry; I’m so, so sorry.” 

Then stay – please just stay. 

“Please, I’m begging you. Just forget me.” 

My cruel darling, how could you ask such a thing from me? How could you even think of mocking my pain with such an impossible favor? 

“Forget our vow, just be free of me.” 

If forgetting you is freedom, then let me be damned by your haunting. 

And then he woke up, and once more you were gone. 

Opening his eyes only to see that the sun had not risen yet, Ikaris stretched his tired muscles before rubbing his face to loudly groan at the idea of going through another tedious day of pretending to be human. Looking at the clock on his left bedside, he sees that it was only 4:42 am. Despite not needing to meet Sersi until at least 10, he knew that there was little point in attempting to sleep again. Instead, he decided to take a quick run to hopefully get his mind off you. He would have flown, but he felt the need to purposely limit himself to distract himself. Quickly getting dressed in a navy-blue cotton compression tee with black running shorts, he decided to make a route that would start at his building in Hammersmith to around Hyde Park’s perimeter, before returning. Putting a dark-grey hoodie, he quickly put in his ear buds before listening to one of the playlists Sersi made for him when she dragged him to buy a new phone after learning he only carried a flip phone. 

Being an Eternal – especially one that can literally fly – there was little point in exercising, as they cannot age, get sick, or physically change. But Ikaris found that it took a tremendous amount of both mental and physical concentration in limiting his physical capabilities to that of an average human male. He learned this when you made fun of his being unable to shoot an arrow from a bow like a human during one of your earlier outings together. 

He was grateful that the sun hadn’t risen yet, otherwise he certainly would have gotten some unwanted stares from civilians. While he was running, he tried to keep his head from glancing around the world around him – but it was futile. All he could see was the changes made to the city since its founding. What was once a tiny settlement from the Roman Empire expanded to the bustling metropolis now. By the time his run is over, the sun is rising, his playlist has ended, and he is ripping off his clothes to wash away all the sweat on his body to prepare for the day. He doesn’t bother to wait for the water to heat up before letting it pour against his skin. As the water slowly starts to warm up, he closes his eyes and lets his mind drift off to the entirety of his life. 

Ikaris remembered every moment of his seven-thousand-year lifespan on Earth. He remembered everything from the moment he awoke on the Domo, to the first time he spilled the blood of his first deviant, saving that young boy whose father was cruelly devoured by that same monstrosity. He couldn’t claim that he particularly enjoyed his existence, only that he knew he had a purpose to achieve, one bestowed upon him by Arishem. A purpose he intended to fulfill to the best of his abilities and expected the very same by his fellow Eternals. Although the mission had its obstacles, knowing that he was an integral component in carrying out Arishem’s plan for this planet was more than enough to him. According to Ajak, the Grand Celestial was very pleased by their progress and dedication in their faith towards him.  

Everything was going smoothly, until a sudden windstorm annihilated one of the settlements, they had been watching over for over a decade. Thankfully none of the humans were harmed, but the destruction was unsettling. Ajak assured both the humans and her children that the storm resulted from the Earth’s evolving climatology. But the storms continued, and the powerful gales were accompanied by heavy rain, followed by constant thunder and lightning. Even worse, the constant downpour of rain caused a rise in water levels, resulting in any settlement close to any water body to be completely flooded beyond repair. 

Ajak and Sersi had been completely beside themselves with panic for humanity’s tedious fragility, their tender and soft hearts breaking more and more with each loss of life.  

The kind and noble Makkari had fallen into bouts of depression in knowing that her extraordinary speed could only save so many; along with the fact that more links of humanity’s past were lost forever.  

Sprite was losing more of her spark and grew more aggravated as she could no longer use her illusions to lift their spirits, camouflaging herself into her surroundings to avoid any interaction.  

The ever so cheerful Kingo no longer flaunted their home, and only grew more withdrawn and taciturn.  

Thena only continued to train herself harder, growing more agitated by her unquenched thirst for battle, and her self-frustration at her inability to strike the cause of humans’ plight.  

Gilgamesh took it upon himself to be her sparring partner and emotional tether when her frustration grew too much.  

Phastos had nearly worked himself into a damn stupor in trying to figure out the cause of such calamity, only to discover that the natural disasters could not be considered “natural” at all.  

No, to classify the cause as “not natural” was a gross understatement. The chaos that erupted in the Domo in discovering that the abnormal wind patterns were from an all-powerful wind goddess referred to as Zephyr, “Mistress of the Winds.” However, it was not she who was the mastermind of all this destruction. No, that honor belongs solely to you…the younger sister of her most prized protégé who she adored to dote on.  

Despite what his other Eternals assumed of him; Ikaris was more than aware of his flaws. He knew that he could be at times overbearing and arrogant, that he can seem unkind and indifferent to humanity he had sworn to protect, that he at times had “tunnel vision” when it came to his mission and was uncompromising, and that he was too easily baited by his fellow eternal and rival Druig. But he could gladly accept all of his faults, if only so that he would be burdened by his greatest weakness, you.  

You, who pillaged the land with endless floods and harrowing winds, inflicting more damage upon the humans than any deviant. You, who plagued his mind since the very first time he laid eyes on you over six-thousand years ago on the shores of what is now referred to as the Mediterranean Sea. Ikaris remembered that time well, as he was sent with Ajak and Druig to not only formally announce their presence on Earth, but hopefully form a sort of partnership between them and the offenders. For Ajak to lower herself to ask for permission to meet with you was insulting to say the least, even Druig agreed with him on this matter.  

At first glance, Ikaris dismissed you as a spoiled goddess, drunk enough on her otherworldly power to delude her into thinking herself more important than his purpose to Arishem. How could he not, with your fine cerulean silk robes wrapped around your pliant body, further lavished in silver adornments and precious sea stones? It had not been until he looked into your eyes that he was taken back by their intensity and forced to reevaluate his original assessment. Those dazzling, glorious, beckoning (e/c) eyes that stared back at him with such blazing ferocity that he wondered if you were actually a fire demon disguised as a water goddess. 

The introductions were fairly straightforward; it was the matter of the “negotiations” that led to the problem. Ajak tried to explain that their mission as the “Eternals” was to protect humanity from the “Deviants” in order to aid them to prosper and evolve. She tried to explain how the flooding is a risk to their mission, and how their creator “Arishem” would bring dire consequences on those who intend to disrupt their assignment to the people of Earth.  

You then explained that you did actually care about the “surface walkers.” In your eyes, the moment they left the sea, you held no responsibility over them. What concerned you was the fact that since the “Eternals” arrived on Earth, the deviants had started to target those who relied on your protection. Not only that, but there have been multiple instances of territories being destroyed by strange energy beams. You and your brothers did not fight in a three-thousand-year war to banish your tyrant of a father and restore the sea’s delicate balance only for a band of pretty aliens in shiny tights to ruin it. Stating all of this, you demanded the head of the one who caused so much destruction in return for the flooding to cease. 

This is where the discussion got a bit…overzealous on both ends. As Ikaris admitted himself to be the one who could create the energy beams from his eyes – even giving you and your aunt a demonstration by destroying the impressive rock formation behind you into a million tiny pebbles. He then outright demanded that your childish temper tantrum cease, as you and your “people” were not more important than the orders from the Great Celestial Arishem. He told you of how as an Eternal, nothing was more important than the fulfillment of his grand design.  

This outraged you to no end, as you slammed the stone table as you quickly stood to meet your opponent’s gaze. You then countered Ikaris by stating that your family and kingdom had existed long before the surface walkers, let alone the Eternals. You went so far to blatantly called him a “puppet” to this Arishem character, for so willingly going along with his so called “grand design.” In your eyes, those who blindly followed a higher being were no different than pawns. And in your experience, pawns were the ones who were always the first to be sacrificed by the masters they followed. 

The two of you argued back and forth at one another for what seemed to be hours. Ajak and Lady Zephyr both appeared to be extremely nervous at the heated exchange; while Druig seemed more amused than nervous at the heated discussion. He didn’t want to voice his opinion, but he was intrigued by your honest skepticism. You were clearly someone who believed in proof through action and evidence as opposed to blind faith.  

Although, it wasn’t until you torpedoed sea water to Ikaris – no doubt resulting in a concussion and few dozen broken bones, added by you throwing your sandal to his battered face for good measure (leaving a clear red imprint of the shoe that would last for at least an hour) – that truly made you earn the mind controller’s respect. Ikaris would later flush in embarrassment every time Druig told this story to the team, describing in excessive detail how pathetic the Golden Son looked with his armor completely soaked, and how his body was ruined to the point he couldn’t even fly. 

However, in learning that your main concern remained in your people’s protection. Ajak suggested that you would aid the Eternals in preventing the deviants from consuming the humans, so long that they provide help to prevent the same from being done to your people as well. Along with that, Ikaris would be much more careful in making sure that his energy beams do not damage any of the ocean reefs.  

Despite knowing that this arrangement would be mutually beneficial to both parties, you still had to discuss it with your brothers before a final decision could be reached. However, you assured the Prime Eternal that you would immediately reach out to inform her when a final decision has been made and announce it in person. Ajak countered this by telling you that she would send both Druig and Ikaris as escorts as a symbol of good faith and respect between both families. Although he protested a great deal at the time, Ikaris knew that it was his duty as Ajak’s second-in-command to follow her orders. Looking back, he couldn’t help but feel very grateful for Ajak’s insistence of his company. If she had never done so, he would never have had the opportunity to get to know the beautiful complexity that was you. 

Since that meeting, he had to learn to tolerate your quips and pranks. He would be forced to make conversation with you in order to diminish the overwhelming awkward and silent tension. You would be forced to pretend that his company was welcome. He would learn about your complicated relationship with your mother, and the scars you carried from your father. You would apologize for calling him a puppet and admit that you were jealous of his ability to have faith in ideas and places and people he had no recollection of ever meeting before his mission on Earth. He would buy your first loaf of bread and smile fondly at how large your cheeks would get in how much you stuffed them. You would show him how to eat sea grapes raw and laugh at his bewildered reaction and gagging. He would see that beneath all the scars and sarcasm, was a girl who was robbed of any sense of security as a child. You would see that behind the stoicism and preaching, laid a soldier whose faith was his only constant in his role of an observer to constant change. 

In a way, you both were not so different from one another. You both were warriors with purpose forced upon them by higher beings with no choice in the matter. You both had to make sacrifices that painted yourselves as strong and hid away the cracks and broken pieces. But somehow, the broken parts of either of you made the most beautiful mosaic when put together. And that made all of the pain worth it. 

Ikaris was then brought out of his wistful melancholy at the realization that the warm water had turned icy on his skin. Immediately shutting off faucet, he stepped onto the rug and quickly dried himself before tossing his running clothes into the laundry hamper next to the bidet. He briskly sauntered off to his wardrobe and pulled out his typical daytime casual wear of a black crew neck t-shirt with black jeans and a dark peacoat with black leather Oxfords.  

Making an adequate breakfast of toast, eggs, and black coffee; he quickly ate as he watched the boats sail on the river from the view in his flat’s reception room. Glancing at his phone to note the time, he was shocked to find that he had less than fifteen minutes to get to the museum. Although his attendance was in no way expected and necessary today, he made a commitment to his friend and was determined to see it through. He swiftly washed his dishes and checked his home to make sure that nothing could burn, nor flood the apartment while he was away. Taking only his phone and his keys, he locked the door and exited his building. Greeting the daytime porter, Norman, who managed to expertly hail him a cab within seconds. As Ikaris handed Norman a generous tip for his service, he entered the cab before sinking into the seat as he looked at the river to his side. 

No matter how pretty the view might have been, no amount of picturesque sunlight could hide the heaps of grime and waste that laid on the bottom of the river floor. While London was never the most hygienic of cities, it has only worsened to an irreversible extent since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. If Ikaris was grateful for only one thing since your disappearance, it was that you were absent from the horrors he is forced to witness every day. While you were never a fan of England, you and he shared many fond memories of Europe; the time you two spent in the early 3000 BC Scandinavia held an especially special place in his mind.  

You knew what snow was, and how it looked – your eldest brother’s domain was in the Artic Circle for Gods’ sake– but you had never been allowed to touch it, let alone play with it. And when you saw a small group of human children throwing snowballs at one another, you decided to make the biggest one you could make before chucking it directly to Ikaris’ face. Ikaris was so taken back by the assault, he barely registered what happened before you decided to throw another aimed at his solar plexus. Naturally, this led to a full-heated battle that lasted for the rest of the day. By the end of it, Ikaris couldn’t remember the last time he felt so young and laughed so hard. In fact, he couldn’t recall smiling so much before meeting you. But as the two of you laid on your backs, watching the stars and moon fill up the night sky, he heard you whisper something that he would never forget. 

“These lands must have magic inside its bones.” 

Confused, Ikaris wanted you to repeat yourself. But when he turned his head, there were no words. Because there you laid, soft smiles and flushed cheeks; but all he saw were your eyes. In that moment, there were more stars in your eyes than there were in the galaxy. Realizing you were expecting a response. Ikaris thought back to all the stories Sprite told to the humans at banquets and feasts. He would laugh at her made-up tales of magic and themselves as gods.  

But if someone like him can laugh and play like a human; if you were by his side laughing with soft smiles, flushed cheeks, and eyes filled with stars; if the two of you can lie on the snow-covered ground as time flies by; then maybe magic truly did exist beyond stories and ideas. 

“I think you’re right.” 

And he found that he meant it with all his heart. 

As Ikaris continued to reminisce about simpler times, he felt a soft mechanical buzzing. Knowing that it was most likely Sersi questioning him of his location, he reached into his pocket to silence the ring without even looking. Not even realizing that he was about to get everything he ever wanted for the last 600 years in the most unexpected way possible. 

Our Love Is Eternal-Chapter 2


Since Ajak had split the team, and each member had decided to venture off in their own lives, Sersi was determined to continue to live amongst humans. She had seen millions killed by their own hand, but her love for humanity remained steadfast. As she continued to roam, she would live a life with a new role. Sometimes she was a wandering healer who could transform a rock into medicine; other times she would pretend to be a midwife, witnessing first-hand the wonders and joys of life and creation. In this time however, working as a museum scientist to one of the most prestigious institutions in the modern world was thrilling in a different way. She was able to meet so many people from all around the world, not including sharing her knowledge from her early life to the next generation of potential scholars. She may have been terrible with punctuality, but her natural ability to teach had saved her many close calls. However, she made sure to leave her shared flat with Sprite about 30 minutes earlier than usual to meet Dane and finally meet the mysterious historian this morning. But as she prepared herself, she slightly regretted that decision. 

Sersi couldn’t remember the last time she was so anxious to meet someone in a professional setting. She loved her job, and she was good at it too. Ever since her first day, she was always in her element. As she walked into her office, she was immediately relieved by the sight of a strong dark figure in a handsome white cover that was sitting on her papers.  

“One iced americano with 2 espresso shots and an avocado on toast for you my lady, from yours truly.”  

Oh, and Dane was there too! 

Sersi chuckled fondly at the sight of her boyfriend as he made a grand sweeping arm gesture to the takeaway feast before her eyes.  

“My hero,” she cooed as she held her hand over her chest as she pretended to swoon. “How did know?” 

“Well, considering how long we’ve been together,” he started, “I figured that the only way you were going to get here early enough to make a decent impression on our special guest was if you skipped your usual morning meal routine. So, I thought that some caffeine and overpriced toast would be enough to get you through the morning.”  

“Well, you thought correctly.” Sersi gave Dane a quick peck on the cheek before walking to her desk and setting her things down. “Isn’t this coffee shop really busy around this time?” 

“Yeah, but don’t worry. I’ve got an old schoolmate who works there as the chef. He made sure to set my order aside when I asked him last night.” 

“Oh no, was it any trouble?” No matter how sweet the gesture was, Sersi hated the idea of causing trouble for others, especially those she held close to her heart. 

“Nah,” Dane quickly reassured her, “I just owe him a pint or two when I next see him for drinks.”  

“Well, I’m very grateful for you and your friend.” She stated as she opened the takeaway box, only for her jaw to drop and her eyes to stare back at her human boyfriend. 

“You ate it?” The lovely eternal exclaimed in shock and betrayal, but Dane only shrugged while sucking a breath through his teeth. 

“Yeah,” he drawled out with his hands in his slacks’ pockets, “I didn’t actually expect you to show up early, and please hear me out before you get angry!” Putting his hands in front of him in an attempt to make peace, “I didn’t want it to go to waste, and I only really ate half of it.” As if pointing out that last bit would grant him any mercy. 

But seeing that he crossed a line, Dr. Dane Whitman made sure to save his ultimate weapon for guaranteed forgiveness.  

“Forgive me?” He begged, pouting slightly as he pulled out the most pitiful puppy-eyed expression he could manage. Fingers crossed behind his back in hopes that it would work. 

“Damn it,” thought Sersi, “he knows I can’t NOT forgive him when he does that.” Whatever defenses Sersi had were always knocked completely down whenever Dane pulled out that expression. It didn’t help that she found his pout incredibly adorable. She sighed in mock defeat. 

“Fine,” she conceded, “I suppose that I can forgive you this one time.” Walking over to her mortal lover as she wrapped her arms around his neck, she closed the distance until their lips were a breath apart.  

“But don’t ever eat my toast again.” Sersi stated with an expression too serious to be taken seriously. 

“Deal,” Dane nodded in mocking serious expression, the ends of his mouth lifting as Sersi leaned in for a kiss. It was almost pitiful how devastated she was when she pulled away to eat the rest of her feast. 

“By the way,” she stated after taking a large sip of her coffee to wash down the toast, “Isaac is coming to visit today. To see the historian visiting today.” 

“Since when was he interested in nautical folklore and oceanography?”  

It was a fair question to ask. Ikaris may have been an ancient immortal being that watched over humanity’s evolution, but Isaac Harris was a man with PhD’s in both Classical and Historical Archeology.  

“He just wants to make sure that our time and resources aren’t going to be wasted,” reassured Sersi, “that’s all. But I think he’s more curious to see if I can actually manage to come in before him in anything.” 

 “Well,” Dane chuckled, “good to know you beat him today at least. But seriously, how are you feeling today?”  

“Yeah!” Sersi cheerfully replied, “This wouldn’t be my first rodeo, and knowing that she is closer to our age will help smooth any awkward tension!” 

“At the very least, she’s closer to the age I put on my resume,” thought Sersi. 

“Good to know at least one of us is confident,” chided Dane to the beautiful Eternal. But his next words were very sincere, “it’s impossible to not adore you though.” 

Sersi did genuinely swoon that time. She was surprised that her knees managed to keep her steady. Luckily, the clock above her office’s entrance showed her that they were both dangerously close to being barely early in meeting their guest. 

“Well, we better head down now,” she softly stated as she walked toward the door with her incredible boyfriend’s hand locked with hers. “After all, first impressions and punctuality are the things that mean a great deal to us Brits.”  

Dane’s smile grew even larger at her terrible joke, “Most of us at least.” And he swore that his morning became ten times better at hearing her laugh on his own. 

After what seemed like an eternity of impatient walking in the familiar halls and corridors to finally reach the grand lobby, both Dr. Sersi and Dr. Dane Whitman hurried down the ornate staircase. To their shock and amazement, their mystery guest was already there, standing with their backs turned toward them and staring at the colossal skeleton hanging above her. Reaching the bottom, Sersi felt there was something strange about this person, almost…familiar. 

“Hello,” Dane called out, “I am so sorry for making you wait. Although, it’s a huge relief to know that someone of your caliber would find our institution’s Hope to be worthy of your attention. The full story is quite remarkable actually, see she-” 

“She was found in 1891, along the Irish coastline,” a hauntingly familiar voice interjected, “judging from the sheer size of the skeleton, I’d say that the fisherman must have gained a fortune by auctioning the corpse. I can’t imagine how long it must have taken the buyer to butcher the meat and boil down the blubber.”  

Sersi swore she stopped breathing. It couldn’t be…could it? 

It wasn’t until their guest paused to turn and faced the couple that Sersi felt her heart beating more rapidly by the second.  

Over 5000 years ago, Sersi met a young woman who came from the sea. The young woman was the product of two great beings, each containing powers that existed before time itself. She lived a hard life, but she grew strong. She learned to control the sea she came from, along with banishing a primordial evil. But with peace came solitude, and with solitude came loneliness. But she eventually found the Eternals, or rather they learned of her. An agreement was brokered between the two parties, and what was an alliance of necessity came a bond willingly forged of fond memories. But around 600 years ago, the young woman disappeared for unknown reasons, and was never seen again. 

Until now apparently. 

Sersi couldn’t believe her eyes. It was over 600 years ago in Mesoamerica. You had donned your battle armor and unsheathed the blade the finest sea smiths forged in honor of your first kill in the name of your eldest brother’s new empire. Sersi remembered how terrified Ikaris was in that battle; he could not remain by your side since the Deviants were scattered across the region, and you alone had to cover the coastline. It was a brutal battle that day. By the end, your pristine robes were shredded and whatever remained was drenched in tar-like blood. She could see new scars and bruises littered on the skin that peaked through the torn cloth. That steady stance that could only come from a seasoned warrior such as yourself was gone; in fact, you looked less like a warrior and more like a beggar. Your body had taken so much damage that you could only be healed by your second eldest brother. Sersi remembered being terrified of your well-being, but you reassured her that you would soon return. She wept for days after learning from Ajak that you could no longer return. 

And yet, here you were! You were right in front of her! Except that it seems you traded your warrior aesthetic for modern business casual. She took in the sight in front of her. You were smartly dressed in a double-breasted blazer with gold buttons over a striped cotton zip sweater, and light-wash straight leg jeans paired with a pair of flat-heeled light brown loafers. The familiar braids you styled daily were replaced with a sleeker, more modern style. She took in your figure, pitifully attempting to find any resemblance between the image of the woman before her and the memory of her friend who she thought was gone. The only thing that confirmed your identity to her was the lapis lazuli charm attached to a gold chain around your neck. 

“It matches his eyes.” You told her when showing her the gift Ikaris gave all those years ago. 

As if sensing that Sersi finally confirmed your identity for herself, you gave out a warm smile. 

“Hey Sersi,” you cheerfully stated, “it’s been a while huh?” You walked forward and wrapped your arms around her to give her a tight hug. 

Reciprocating your embrace, Sersi had only one thought going through her head as she warmly greeted you back. 

“You bitch.” 

Our Love Is Eternal-Chapter 2

Tagging: @ethereal-athalia, @chompchompluke, @asa-do-your-thing, @themeanestlittlewitch, @dorkybimbo, @peacheerries, @its-actually-minicika, @beananacake, @vikingqueen28, @aliceinwondwonderland, @spacetalbot

Let me know if you wanna be tagged!

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1 year ago

Eternals STEM TRIO: Chaotic Siblings from Infinity to Beyond Part 1 of ???

Eternals STEM TRIO: Chaotic Siblings From Infinity To Beyond Part 1 Of ???

Pairing(s): platonic!Phastos x Persephone!Eternal (Sephia) x Hecate!Eternal (Kaetlyn); Phastos x Ben; Ikaris x Persephone!Eternal (Sephia); Druig x Hecate!Eternal (Kaetlyn) Word Count: 2.1 k Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, or Eternals; I only own the two characters I made up and their offsprings. Author's Note: A big shout-out to my girl @ethereal-athalia for indulging my madness! I couldn't come up with half of these ideas without you, and answering all of my manic ideas and questions Warning(s): neurodivergent characters being neurodivergent, Ikaris being an idiot, Druig being a simp for his wife, Kaetlyn being her own damn warning, Phastos being tired, discussion of sexuality and the journey of identifying, Kaet & Sephia having offspring (eventually), some sexual themes (but most crack), profanity

Before Tenochtitlan

Phastos along with our girls make up the ultimate STEM dream team that could literally achieve anything.

Phastos is physics, technology, astronomy, mathematics, architecture, and engineering; Kaet is magic, medicine, biochemistry, healthcare, and anatomy & physiology; Sephia is agriculture, zoology, biology, chemistry, food science, and environmental sciences

But whenever Phastos gets stuck on a math problem, the first person he’ll go to would be Sephia

Oh yeah, this pink flower goddess is huge math nerd. Her mind is wired a bit differently from others, and numbers just make sense to her.

And while sometimes her short attention span will get the best of her, when she is in the zone, she is in the ZONE

One time she and Phastos were stuck on a math theorem during the Renaissance, and didn’t sleep for about a week straight.

Kaet ended up using her shadows to swaddle them straight jacket style for them to sleep, literally to only wake up 3 hours later with Sephia poking her cheek to wake her up to tell her that they proved it.

But Kaet is also the biggest hypocrite because she will research and dissect organisms for days on end with Phastos too.

These three invented the term “insomnia.”

Phastos does typically have a healthy sleeping schedule unless he is really focused, Sephia is the same in a slightly more extreme manner, but Kaet will deliberately not sleep until she has found her answer or satisfied with her work.

 Everyone wants her to sleep, and her reply will probably be something along the lines of “can’t die, won’t sleep, suck my magic dick.”

The only one that can really manage to get her to sleep at times is Druig, and that’s during the times he has to physically pry the tools out of her hands and strip her down and wrangle her into a shower before forcing her to cuddle with him to sleep

He’ll also make sure to sneak in some sexy times with her in the shower for good measure

Honestly, Kaet lowkey really loves the attention and will purposely stay up to late just to rile Druig up

Listen, she can't help it if all that pent up energy transitions to mind-blowing sex

But she also wants to find out the physical limits of her own bodily functions by staying awake as long as possible, and to see if she’ll eventually hallucinate.

"I want to see if this rib cage can turn into a xylophone"

Once it got so bad that Sephia made a sleeping powder of dried gardenias and valerian to blow in Kaet’s face. She immediately conked out, and sleep for a solid week.

When Ajak confronted Sephia, her only response was so fucking chaotic and unhinged.

“Oh, don’t worry, Kaety’s not poisoned. She’s just drugged.”

And everyone just stared at her while Sephia was smiling like there was nothing wrong in the world.

On the plus side, she monitored Kaet’s vitals and functions in her coma and was able to get some really great data on the benefits of those plants used for anti-anxiety and insomnia medication

This launched an era of the two gals cultivating and drying various plants to be used as medicine for various ailments and even pain relievers

They definitely used the other Eternals to test the drugs (mostly Ikaris) and some of the side effects were…interesting to say the least

One-time, Ikaris was so high off this preliminary version of anesthesia from poppy seeds that he might have gone on a 3-hour spiel about how Sephia’s hair was so super pretty, and how it smelled so nice, and how it looked so soft, and how he would cut his own ear if it meant he could see her boobs and cu-

Don’t worry the drugs kicked in again before he could finish (in more ways than one lol)

Speaking of Ikaris, while Kaetlyn is the most protective over she sweet Sephia, Phastos is a VERY close second

This inventor man does not believe for a second that this puffed-up chested man with his dumb quaffed hair is good enough for Sephia

Sephia would be the only Eternal who is genuinely interested and fascinated by Phastos' ideas and inventions, and will ask very good questions

And he's beyond grateful for her

On another note, just imagine the dread that overtook Phastos when Ajak basically assigned him on Kaet & Sephia watch duty.

Poor man just wanted Arishem to send him to another planet right then and there.

So…when Phastos learned that Ajak died, he was extremely sad…but mostly terrified because this meant only one thing now

HE had to be the mother figure of both Kaetlyn and Sephia

Throwback to the image at the top is literally all you need to know about the dynamic between this man and the two gals he’s in between

Fun fact about Sephia: sometimes she will be really quiet, and her mind will be like a million miles away, and then she will think of the most random stuff and start giggling like crazy

Phastos actually thought she was possessed by a demon and wanted Kaet to perform an exorcism…only to remember that Kaetlyn is even crazier

Phastos has seen Kaet do the Naruto run before it was even a thing at the most random times and always with the most chaotic crackling laughter the world has ever known

Kaet has purposely summoned and captured the weirdest monsters and ghosts FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE of freaking out Phastos

Migraines have become a good portion of this man’s daily lifestyle

But luckily, Sephia is there to save his mental health by brewing the most calming tea and shoving a super fluffy animal for him to cuddle with whilst asking him questions about his inventions

The three came up with their own STEM TRIO manifesto around the same time the Magna Carta came out

Phastos and Sephia are each other's worst enable when it comes to missing social engagements because they will literally come up with the worst excuses for their absence when facing Ajak's interrogation

"Phastos, why were you not at the party last night?"

"I-" "He had to help me make a contraption to help an aging ape give birth to a mutated baby"

"..." "..."

"What she said"

"Sephia, these celebrations are in your honor, it offends the chief if you do not make an appearance."

"Maybe the chief should stop mistreating his goats, and then maybe she would consider"

"Yeah! Tell 'em Phastos!"

Meanwhile, Kaetlyn and Druig are watching this entire exchange and feeding each other snacks as Kaet is sitting on Druig's lap

When Kaetlyn and Sephia left with Druig at Tenochtitlan, they secretly came back and begged Phastos to go with them as they were setting up the community

When Phastos refused, the three promised each other that they would always make sure to keep in contact with one another

Lordy Lord, pray for Ben when he's given the shovel talk by these two girls

Although in the end, they are like the sisters he's never had, and only Phastos is the one who is bothered (not really) by their constant unexpected visits

Modern Times:

When Phastos found Ben and started dating him, Kaetlyn and Sephia fully vetted the poor human

They remembered how broken and devastated their brother was in the aftermath of the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and they were not about to let someone else hurt him

By the way, Kaetlyn and Sephia were the first Eternals to know Phastos was gay since they were the only ones he trusted to come out to

It was the same the other way around too

Phastos was the first one ever to help Sephia really understand her sexuality (demisexual) since she thought something was wrong with her since she had never really felt any sexual attraction like that to anyone ever in the 7,000 years she lived on Earth

She has tried throughout multiple occasions tried to have sex, but it never really worked out and she never felt those feelings associated with sexual attraction

For the longest time, she thought she was asexual until Ikaris turned out not to be dead from the sun, and she’s connected with him on a more emotionally intimate level than ever before, and now she’s feeling all these new feelings that are scaring the crap out of her

There were instances that she felt attraction and even had fantasies over certain fictional characters but she to experience something in her head as a fantasy as opposed to experiencing it in reality was a whole different topic of conversation

And she’s even experienced romantic feelings whenever she tried to put herself in relationships, but those romantic feelings only stayed romantic and she never felt any sexual feelings

So, when those new feelings emerged…a conference call was set up between the STEM Trio and it was a chaos call that was primarily about going over literature of the sexuality spectrum and the fluidity of identification

When Ikaris had trouble wrapping his head around it when Sephia came out to him, he ended up getting a whole explanation on it from Phastos and Kaet over Zoom

But yeah, these three are each other’s ride or die at any point of time

They literally choked down their hatred for this man so that their girl could have the chance to be in a happy relationship

On the plus side, these three always went to Pride together

Druig usually stayed at the Amazon during these events because he’s not a big fan of the crowds and despises the practice of rainbow capitalism

Once gay marriage was legalized, both Kaet and Sephia were the witnesses for Phastos and Ben’s courthouse wedding

Phastos DID try to hide Jack’s adoption…only for Sephia and Kaet to already be in the house when the couple brought him home for the first time and announce themselves as Jack’s godmothers

Their disappointment was imminent and their hearts could only be healed by holding their new godson

It’s just one heart attack after another for Phastos with these two girls around

Ben and Sephia get along so freaking well

They are constantly swapping recipes; Sephia crochets baby clothes and stuffed animals for Jack and Ben sends her the pictures; and whenever Phastos and Ben need a night out or are burned out, Sephia will be right there helping out

Sephia would be the one to tell Jack no matter what, he would always be perfect in her eyes, and teaches him that his differences from others are the things that would also turn into his strengths

Kaet is there bringing the chaos for baby Jack; she’s constantly popping her head into view when he least expects it and makes the sweetest giggles in the universe

One time, Phastos caught Kaet’s shadows tossing Jack in the air with him laughing without a care in world…he fainted

But Ben thought it was cute though so he was cool with it

But Kaet would also be the one to teach Jack the importance of staying true to yourself regardless of the pressure of whatever society may force upon him, and always encourages him to think like a mad genius

Seeing Phastos with his family gave Kaet the little push that made her realize that she really wants to start a family with Druig as well as helping her gain hope for humanity by just being around Ben and Jack

It had always been on the back of her mind, she always liked kids

But she had lost so much faith in humanity and the world around her that she was always putting it off

When she and Druig were pregnant, Kaet immediately set up a conference call with Sephia and Phastos to tell them before the rest of the eternals

When the twins (Laoise and Aisling) were born, Kaet asked Sephia and Phastos if they were willing to be the godparents (along with Makkari and Gilgamesh)

Phastos cried just as hard holding his baby goddaughters for the first time as he did when he first held baby Jack, and cried again when he held his godson a few years later

Phastos also became the godfather for Sephia’s and Ikaris’ kids (he also cried when he held all of their kids)

BTW remember Ikaris' drugged out confession from above?

You can bet your entire life savings that Phastos made sure to record every single glorious second of it and then played it Ikaris’ and Sephia’s wedding as part of his toast

Ikaris’ face turned so fucking red and he just wanted to DIE

Sephia thought it was super cute and funny and reassured him that he is the only one who has seen her boobs like that

There’s someone for everyone lol

Also, Phastos was the one to walk Sephia down the aisle since she looks up to him like he’s her tech-savvy older brother who will always teach her how to use her computer because she is terrible with tech

STEM trio became the STEM Parent Trio

When they get together, they trade gossip whilst sipping wine and watching Bluey and playing that fantasy game when you create a map using rice whilst cuddling with their Squishmallows

One-time all three got so plastered, they designed a whole-ass utopian city with modern technology whilst also being environmentally friendly and also filled with magic and affordable healthcare and reusable energy

Muffin reminds Phastos too much of Kaetlyn back in the old days and he straight up got a war flashback in “Faceytalk” and “The Sleepover”

All that being said and done, despite all the headaches and near heart attacks, there isn’t anything in the world Phastos would trade for Kaetlyn and Sephia; he loves his two crazy sisters more than anything

Whenever Halloween came, it became a tradition that Kaetlyn and Druig would go to Chicago so that Laoise and Aisling would go trick-or-treating with Jack

One year Aisling went as Silena Beauregard, Jack as Charles Beckendorf, and Laoise as Clarisse La Rue from Percy Jackson

Phastos made the lightning staff for Laoise to complete her costume

That was a mistake to say the least

But that’s a story for another time

Tagging: @valeskafics , @ethereal-athalia , @bibissparkles , @spacetalbot , @its-actually-minicika , @ineedmyaccountback , @jediruins , @mistresschaos99 , @vikingqueen28 , @idohknow , @hold-my-dragons

Please like, comment, reblog, or share to anyone you think might like this work! Also let me know if you want to be tagged in the comments!

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1 year ago

Memes for my Persephone!Eternal & Hecate!Eternal AU

*WARNING*: these memes are real bad, only proceed if you are prepared to experience high levels of cringe, also this contains spoilers for the AU (sort of) so you might not get it...but I'm bored and I don't wanna do work

Tagging: @ethereal-athalia, @aphroditesmoon, @valeskafics, @bel-bottoms, @grimbunnie, @bellamys-girls, @lex-g-t, @mimireaken, @futureartpresaon, @spacetalbot, @beananacake, @its-actually-minicika, @junopur, @vikingqueen28, @dreaming-for-an-escape, @allisonoops12, @bibissparkles

Let me know if you want to be tagged!

Laurie: *breathes*

Memes For My Persephone!Eternal & Hecate!Eternal AU

The start of the romance of a lifetime

Memes For My Persephone!Eternal & Hecate!Eternal AU

Mama Prime Eternal just can't get a break

Memes For My Persephone!Eternal & Hecate!Eternal AU

Memes For My Persephone!Eternal & Hecate!Eternal AU

Sucks to Suck

Memes For My Persephone!Eternal & Hecate!Eternal AU

Everyday for 6000+ years

Memes For My Persephone!Eternal & Hecate!Eternal AU

Sephia: Don't take this wrong way, but I'm really surprised with how understanding of my sexuality.

Ikaris: ummm... *cues flashback*

Memes For My Persephone!Eternal & Hecate!Eternal AU

Ikaris: I had help

When Thena and Mara aren't home

Memes For My Persephone!Eternal & Hecate!Eternal AU

She's got her priorities figured out alrite???

Memes For My Persephone!Eternal & Hecate!Eternal AU

No one:

Memes For My Persephone!Eternal & Hecate!Eternal AU

Memes For My Persephone!Eternal & Hecate!Eternal AU

Ya gotta respect the hustle

Love at first sight

Memes For My Persephone!Eternal & Hecate!Eternal AU

If you made it this far... I am so sorry

Tags :
1 year ago

Persephone!Eternal Reader (Sephia) & Hecate!Eternal Reader (Kaetlyn) Masterlist

All these works have these two characters together, but they will have ships featured

Persephone!Eternal Reader (Sephia) & Hecate!Eternal Reader (Kaetlyn) Masterlist

The big brain idea that started all this- Mostly Ikaris x Sephia, but ft. Kaetlyn x Druig, and Sephia & Kaetlyn

General Ikaris x Persephone!Eternal Reader Headcanons - mostly Ikaris x Sephia, but ft. Kaetlyn x Druig, and Sephia & Kaet

Sephia & Kaetlyn Vaguely Sapphic Friendship Headcanons - mostly Sephia & Kaetlyn, but also ft. Druig and Ikaris (sort of)

Druig x Hecate!Eternal Reader AKA Kaetlyn Headcanons - mostly Druig x Kaetlyn; ft. Sephia & Kaet

Eternals STEM Trio Headcanons - typical ships and pairings, but also ft. platonic Phastos x reader(s)

Should I make Druig and Kaetlyn Parents?- Druig x Hecate!Eternal Reader

Persephone!Eternal Reader (Sephia) & Hecate!Eternal Reader (Kaetlyn) Masterlist

Blood & Pain - Druig x Hecate!Eternal Reader Halloween Oneshot

Fall Family Chaos Fun - Ikaris x Persephone!Eternal Reader Halloween Oneshot

ProcesiĂłn de la Muerte- Druig x Hecate!Eternal Reader Halloween Oneshot, ft. Hamish (Druig & Kaet's son/youngest baby)

Fashion Mistakes - Ikaris x Persephone!Eternal Reader ft. Druig x Hecate!Eternal Reader

La Vie En Rose - Ikaris x Persephone!Reader; SMUT, MDNI 18+

Persephone!Eternal Reader (Sephia) & Hecate!Eternal Reader (Kaetlyn) Masterlist

Truce - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Mostly Ikaris x Sephia, but also ft. Kaetlyn x Druig

Persephone!Eternal Reader (Sephia) & Hecate!Eternal Reader (Kaetlyn) Masterlist

From the Beginning - A Sephia & Kaetlyn Drabble

ft. hints of Ikaris x Sephia, and Druig x Kaetlyn

BITCH, WHAT?! - An Eternals STEM Trio Drabble

ft. typical ships and pairings, but also ft. platonic Phastos x reader(s)

Persephone!Eternal Reader (Sephia) & Hecate!Eternal Reader (Kaetlyn) Masterlist

Memes for Persephone!Eternal Reader & Hecate!Eternal Reader AU

More Eternals & Eternal!OCs Memes w/ Incorrect Quotes

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1 year ago

Truce Part 2

Truce Part 2

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Pairing(s): Ikaris x Persephone!Reader Word Count: 1.8k Prompt/Summary: Part 2 of Truce Miniseries! Warning: Neurodivergent reader is neurodivergent, Hecate!Reader bestie is her own warning, Ikaris was kind of a douche Note: Thank you to everyone who takes the times to read my writing even through it is likely way too self-indulgent to be considered in-character! Special thank you to the most amazing and incredible beta editor in the world, @valeskafics! If you have not, please go check her works! She mostly does HOTD, GOT, anything Ewan Mitchell, and literally EVERYTHING she writes is incredible! Also a HUGE shoutout and thank you to @ethereal-athalia, who is literally my psychic soulmate when it came to thinking of literally ANYTHING for this AU! She was a major part in figuring out the plot and events of this world, and provided me so many ideas that I would not have been able to create any of these works for Sephia and Kaetlyn if it weren't for her help.

Truce Part 2

As moments passed since Kaetlyn and Druig left together, hand-in-hand, Ikaris was caught up in the sudden realization that he was now alone in a very public courtyard of the Hanging Gardens with you.

And with each moment passing, it was brought to his attention that he hadn’t even the slightest clue of how to act around you, let alone what to say.

“Fuck,” he thought, “this is getting awkward.”

Noticing your friend’s shift in demeanor, you immediately assumed that his discomfort must have been caused by your sudden appearance. So, you attempted to remove yourself from his company so to not cause him any further distress.

“Um, Ikaris,” you started, “if you had other engagements, I really don’t mind walking back to the Domo myself. I know that Kaety sort of pushed me to you, and I don’t want to make you uncom-”

But Ikaris quickly interjected with so much panic that his voice actually cracked, “NO!” Upon hearing his own voice, he flushed in embarrassment before clearing his throat before continuing, “I mean – no – I don’t mind at all.” Not wanting to further embarrass himself in front of the women who held his heart, he shut himself up before he could continue to stammer like an idiot.

“Thank Arishem that Druig and Kaetlyn are not here to witness me in my current state,” he thought to himself, “I would never be able to live with the humiliation.”

Staring at the man before you, you took advantage of the silence to take in all his features. It was a rare sight to see Ikaris so flustered, especially when one considered the sheer number of Deviants he’s killed is only rivaled by Thena and Kaet. You ended up letting out a very unattractive snort as a small grin crept up the corners of your mouth, and upon seeing Ikaris’ perplexed reaction, you couldn’t help continuing to laugh at his very evident confusion.

“No, no, I’m sorry,” you tried to explain, “I am not laughing at you-well, I suppose I am laughing at you, but it is not so much you that I am laughing at, but the situation.” You could hardly breathe with how hard your body shook in hysterics, leaving your explanation much to be desired by the Eternal whose confusion only increased at your reasoning.

Raising a singular eyebrow, Ikaris’ expression was a mixture of equal measures of distress and incredulity as he was forced to witness to the love of his immortal life laugh at him. Scoffing in response, he couldn’t help but comment with a slightly bitter tone, “Forgive me if I find that very hard to believe at the moment.”

“No, no, no- I promise,” you tried to explain. Taking a deep breath, you finally stopped laughing while still maintaining a bright smile that cause Ikaris’ body to flush for a very different reason, “Alright, I’m very sorry, that was rude of me. It’s just that- I’m not so used to you being so…not you?”

With a deadpan expression, mouth lines pursed together to further showcase his lack of amusement, he decided to at least hear you out, “Go on?”

“It’s just that,” you paused to find your voice, “I’m not used to seeing you act so different from yourself. You’re usually so overly confident and can be a bit arrogant. So, seeing you flustered and a bit vulnerable, it’s nice! It makes me feel closer to you. And it makes me so happy seeing this way now, compared to how you were at the beginning.”

Ikaris let out a massive groan while pinching his nose bridge. He knew that you had no intention of offending him, but it pained him in hearing your early opinion of him several millennia ago. Despite your shy personality, you were brutally honest and straightforward. A lesson he learned the hard way and a little late to his embarrassment.

He could still feel the sting on his face after you slapped him for his insensitive comments toward your powers, and the role you played in humanity. Ikaris was immediately struck dumb by your temper. Despite being a thinker, you had the ferocity of a fighter. The events that followed the uproar caused an immediate shift in dynamics amongst the fighters. Kaetlyn practically made it her life’s mission to make Ikaris’ life beyond insufferable. She and her shadows played a number of cruel pranks that would scare the life of any human. If it weren’t for his superior physical durability and strength, Ikaris was sure that he would be knocking on death’s door with each passing day. Ashamed to admit it, it took several attempts for you to truly forgive him.

The first could at best be described as a reluctant admission of harsh words that were exchanged, along with the guilt of how Ikaris’ words made you feel. It goes without saying that you were less than pleased, and refused to even pretend that his meager words were sufficient enough to even qualify as an apology.

The second time was when Ikaris approached you whilst you were instructing the humans on how to properly harvest and store the crops as food storage in preparation for the off-seasons. Try as he did, you refused to even spare him a glance as you remained steadfast in your work to prepare the Earth for the bountiful gifts it provided to humans as a result of your tender care.

The third time could not really qualify as an apology, as Ikaris was fed up with your attitude despite his multiple attempts of reconciliation. Outright demanding that you stop your childish behavior, he was struck dumb by your cool composure. In a steady voice, you explained that he had never once showed genuine remorse for his behavior, only how you felt. As a result, he made no action to change his actions, and continued to behave as if he were superior to you. Even when Ajak tried to conciliate, she was promptly stopped by Kaetlyn physically stepping in front of her; and in a low tone, she warned their leader of the unspoken consequences should she intervene. You proceeded to express your displeasure with him by further announcing that you had no interest in being forced to endure the company of someone whose only interest in her work was so that he would have an easier time to seduce Sersi. When you were done, you swiftly turned away to your quarters, eager to put as much distance as possible between you and him.

Kaetlyn followed after you, but not before snickering at the stupefied expression on Ikaris’ face. She certainly lived for the moments where the man’s overwhelming hubris got him in trouble.

It was the most mortifying experience in Ikaris’ existence. Being Ajak’s second-in-command, he was unused to the idea of being questioned, let alone outright dismissed. To bear witness to your fire, you both humbled and ensnared him with your words. And on that day, he was determined to make a true effort in gaining your loyalty and friendship. Upon changing his ways, you graciously gave him another chance, albeit still keeping him at arm’s length. But he had never been so grateful for his decision, as it marked the start of a friendship between mutual respect. And if he dared to hope, perhaps it could possibly lead to more.

Taking in his embarrassment, you decided that you’ve teased Ikaris enough, and wanted to make amends.

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” you quickly apologized- hoping to keep the atmosphere light and not spiraling to depressing, “Please, let me make it up to you! I packed a picnic for me and Kaety to share, but since she’s- OH NO!” Your sweet tone shifted to distress as the realization that the basket that carried all the products of your labor and research was carried by your friend, who was now long gone to who knows where with her telepathic lover.

Seeing your afflicted expression sent warning signs to flash across Ikaris’ mind, “What is it? What’s wrong?”

“The picnic basket! I forgot that Kaety was the one carrying it! She wanted to test out a new spell she learned from Lady Frigga!” Your eyes were filled with agony at your absent-mindfulness, now how were you to make it up to Ikaris?

“Sephia, I don’t understand. Why is the basket so important?” Ikaris was sure that there was nothing dangerous enough that would possibly cause so much worry, but he never knew with you and Kaetlyn.

“That basket was filled with crops that I personally cultivated in my lab at the Domo! I was planning to show them to Kaety so that she could taste them, and we would discuss how to possibly integrate them into their lifestyle! I even had Gilgamesh’s help in preparing some of the dishes with the new herbs and spices I developed to be paired with the vegetation!”

Taking a slight pause to gather your thoughts, Ikaris was enthralled at the pink tint blooming on your cheeks as you stammered out your next words, “And- well- I figured that since Kaety would now be spending the day with Druig, I thought that it would be nice if I could share them with you as an apology for laughing earlier. And, I figured that it would be a good idea for you to taste them. Since- well, I do value your opinion- since that- you are my friend.”

Touched that you trusted his opinion of all people on a matter so important to you, Ikaris immediately softened his tone as he walked forward to grasp your shoulders, and lowered himself to face you at eye-level.

“Sephia,” he whispered out- his rich accent was so warm but somehow leaving you with chills- “you have no idea how honored it would make me to try your creations. But you don’t need to apologize for anything. I know you didn’t mean anything by it.” Tracing his hands from your shoulders, down your arms, and stopping to grasp your hands, “Whether you like to believe it or not, I do know you enough to know that you aren’t the kind of person to intentionally ridicule others at their own expense.”

Despite melting at your Ikaris’ comforting statement, you still felt a twinge of guilt stubbornly creeping into your heart. Summoning all the courage in your heart, you stood on the tips of your toes to ask something a bit forward for your standards.

“Ikaris,” you breathily purred out, “come with me to my room.”

Taken back, Ikaris thought that his mind had conjured up your voice. Jumping back to look into your eyes, only to see that you were completely serious.

“Sweet Sephia,” he thought out, “you will be the death of me.”

Truce Part 2

Tagging: @valeskafics, @ethereal-athalia, @aphroditesmoon, @asa-do-your-thing, @vikingqueen28, @justmymindandstuff, @spacetalbot, @beananacake, @grimbunnie, @bellamys-girls, @lex-g-t, @mimireaken, @futureartpresaon, @spacetalbot, @beananacake, @its-actually-minicika, @junopur, @vikingqueen28, @dreaming-for-an-escape, @allisonoops12, @bibissparkles, @karimac

ps: if I bolded your name, I couldn't find the link (sorry)

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1 year ago

From the Beginning - A Persephone!Eternal Reader & Hecate!Eternal Reader Drabble

From The Beginning - A Persephone!Eternal Reader & Hecate!Eternal Reader Drabble
From The Beginning - A Persephone!Eternal Reader & Hecate!Eternal Reader Drabble
From The Beginning - A Persephone!Eternal Reader & Hecate!Eternal Reader Drabble

Pairings: Persephone!Eternal Reader & Hecate!Eternal Reader, ft. Sephia x Ikaris, and Kaetlyn x Druig Word Count: 1.1k Summary: A lil' drabble idea to show how it all started for our favorite thinker and fighter, and how they would soon change everything for everyone. Warning(s): none it's so fluffy Notes: Once again, thank you to the most wonderful beta reader a new fanfic writer can ask for in the history of everything, @valeskafics! She is an incredibly kind and patient human and one of the best and most incredible fanfic writers for HOTD, GOT, and the Ewanverse on Tumblr! If you love any of Ewan Mitchell's works or are a fan of GOT/HOTD, I highly recommend checking her blog out! You will not regret it! Also, the BIGGEST thank you and shout of love to @ethereal-athalia, my good man in the storm, I have never clicked so well with someone on this platform when it came to crazy ideas, and thanks to her, I can write out my ideas and share them on this site! If you want to read more from this AU, please click on this masterlist!

“It is time,” were the first words uttered that would mark the beginning of a mission that would change their lives forever. Long gone were their lives on their home planet, Olympia. Now, their only priority was their mission on the planet Earth.  

Twelve individuals stood from their seats and made their way to their positions that marked their roles in humanity’s growth. Six on one side, and six on the other.  

Six Eternals would serve as “fighters,” protecting humanity from the hideous creatures that threatened their feeble existence known as “Deviants.”  

The other six would take on their roles as “thinkers,” guiding humanity to evolve in their intelligence so that they would be able to create wonders without assistance.  

But regardless, “thinker” or “fighter,” each Eternal was blessed with abilities that would play an integral role for their mission. Each Eternal stood in their place, golden streams of celestial energy encompassed their bodies as they could now wear the armor that marked their Olympian origins and culture.  

With their bodies equipped, and minds ready, each Eternal made their way to gaze out from the many windows that their starship, the Domo, was built with in preparation for their travel.  

As each Eternal introduced themselves to one another, hoping to gain common ground with the team to settle rattled nerves, only two individuals had no need for introduction. 

As one Eternal gazed out the Domo - bereft at the sight of the planet where her new life would begin – she wondered if Earth would ever be home the way Olympia had been to her despite her having no true memory of it. She wondered if her abilities would prove useful, and she was worried that she would be incapable of making any friends. Luckily, that fear would be one that would pass very, very soon. 


Her name was all she heard before arms encased by iridescently dark blue with pearly ivory entwining into celestial bodies that wrapped around her nimble but powerful form. A wide smile grew as she registered the familiarity of the voice.  

It was Kaetlyn, her very best friend.  

Instant relief filled her body as she shifted her body to return the hug. Sephia’s joy knew no bounds as she realized that she would at least be in the company of one of the greatest warriors Olympia had ever produced. But even without her arrows, Kaetlyn was the best person Sephia could think of for as long as she remembered. The fact that she left her home and was aboard with too many strangers no longer mattered to her. So long as her beloved Kaet was by her side, Sephia would get through anything that came her way. It was if their bond was testified and bound by the stars themselves. 

“Aren’t you so excited? Look at it! It’s so beautiful! I wonder what sites we’ll see!”  

As Kaetlyn’s curiosity grew, so did her excitement. Her voice could hardly contain the sheer ecstaticity that was flowing throughout her entire body. The next words that escape her would mark the shadow archer’s true intentions.  

“Think of all the adventures we’ll have,” she whispered out so that only Sephia would be able to hear her, “The stories we’ll be able to tell!”  

If Kaetlyn was known for anything besides her skills in combat, it was her insatiable curiosity. For as long as Sephia had known her, Kaetlyn was never ever satisfied with only knowing whatever she currently knew. She always wanted to know MORE. Sephia smiled at a memory of Kaet once explaining to her that it was her solemn oath that she would never EVER be satisfied with only what anyone gave her, and that she’d always find her way to learn more. That oath felt like it was from a lifetime ago. 

These words were from another lifetime, in more ways than one. But that will come to light at another time. 

But despite Kaetlyn’s contagious excitement, dread began to course through Sephia’s veins. As her nerves began to eat at her, Sephia couldn’t help but pick at her fingers. A horrible habit that would always result in inflamed tissue, bleeding, and ugly scars.  

“I’m scared,” she timidly replied, eyes turned away so that she wouldn’t let her friend see her cowardice. “What if the life forms on this planet are horrible? What if they are beyond help?” As Sephia continued to list her concerns, Kaetlyn understood that it wasn’t the fear of others that terrified Sephia, it was the idea that she would be of no use to Arishem’s grand design. 

“It will be alright Seph,” Kaet declared in a tone that filled herself with confidence and Sephia with reassurance, “After all, as long as we’re together, nothing will be too terrible.” 

“…I suppose that’s true,” Sephia let herself agree to her most trusted companion’s advice, but her heart was still heavy with anxiety. 

Very softly, she dared ask the most stupid question that ever left her mouth. 

“Will we always be together?” 

Kaetlyn looked at her most cherished friend with so much warmth in her eyes that it was as if all the most beautiful things in the universe were born into the very person in front of her.  

“Sephie,” she began with love in her voice and stars in her eyes as she leaned forward to press their foreheads together, “As if you even need to ask.” 

Unbeknownst to either of the girls, two men from opposite sides of the room gazed at the loving embrace with curious eyes.  

One came from Ikaris, a fighter gifted with the ability to fly and emit optic beams of celestial energy, as well as a commanding figure and attitude. His watch was fixed on the beautiful Eternal, with flowing blush fabric draped across her lovely figure as strategically placed brass armor hinted at the curves of her physique. He could not stop staring at her, despite the impossibly lovely Sersi that stood beside him at that very moment. 

The other came from Druig, a thinker who was known across Olympia for his telepathic abilities, along with his quick wit and surly demeanor. But all somber thoughts came to a halt at the sight of the slim figure, who after donning her armor, disappeared into the shadows of the room. Only to reappear to embrace her friend with so much delight, it surprised him.  

Two very different individuals, but both somehow staring at the sight before them for so long, that it would set in motion the events that would be all four individuals’ joy, as well as their end. 

From The Beginning - A Persephone!Eternal Reader & Hecate!Eternal Reader Drabble

Please like, comment, reblog, and/or share this post with anyone who might enjoy it! Please be kind, and live an extraordinary life!

Tagging: @ethereal-athalia, @valeskafics, @aphroditesmoon, @its-actually-minicika, @spacetalbot, @angelnyx, @vikingqueen28, @redheadspark, @siempre-bucky, @beananacake, @asa-do-your-thing, @heliosphere8, @bambiandbam, @sunphyre, @bryandechartisasmolbean, @getawaycardotmp3, @americanprometheuss, @karimac

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1 year ago

Truce Part 3

Truce Part 3

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Pairing(s): Ikaris x Persephone!Reader, Persephone!Eternal Reader & Hecate!Eternal Reader Word Count: 4.1k Prompt/Summary: Part 3 of Truce Miniseries! Warning: SMUTTY TOPICS (Ikaris is a horndog), Neurodivergent reader is neurodivergent, Hecate!Reader bestie is her own warning, Ikaris was kind of a douche (but he gets better), Phastos needs a raise and some aspirin Note: I cannot believe that I managed to update this miniseries so quickly, but my longer fics that forever to write out smh. ANYWAY, once again, thank you to the most wonderful beta reader a new fanfic writer can ask for in the history of everything, @valeskafics ! She is an incredibly kind and patient human and one of the best and most incredible fanfic writers for HOTD, GOT, and the Ewanverse on Tumblr! If you love any of Ewan Mitchell's works or are a fan of GOT/HOTD, I highly recommend checking her blog out! You will not regret it! Also, the BIGGEST thank you and shout of love to @ethereal-athalia , my good man in the storm, I have never clicked so well with someone on this platform when it came to crazy ideas, and thanks to her, I can write out my ideas and share them on this site! If you want to read more from this AU, please click on this masterlist!

Truce Part 3

“Ikaris,” you breathily purred out, “come with me to my room.”

The second your lips touched the outer rim of his ear, and breathily whispered out your near silent command, Ikaris thought that he must have died and reached paradise. The idea of coming into your bedroom, alone with you, and with no risk of interruptions. He fucked his hand more times than he was willing to admit at the idea. But in every fantasy that entered his mind, that took hold of his body every time you so much as smiled his way, it was you who initiated the coupling. The first thing he registered was the intense wave of your fragrance that overwhelmed his senses, followed by the thought of how the sight of your bed was begging him to throw you on top of the covers, and ravage you until the only word you could remember was his name.

In every reverie that his mind could possibly conjure, you would slowly strip yourself bare before shyly crawling to your bed and draping your figure with coverings. And after he would remove his own armor, he would remove the covers in order to witness you in all of your bare glory, before crawling on top of you. He would be patient with you, only holding you in his arms so that you could feel the rapid beating of his heart. No matter what, Ikaris wanted you to understand that while out of the two of you- he may have been the fighter, but it was you who held the power.

He would treat you with only the utmost tenderness and care that was necessary for an ethereal being such as yourself. He’d kiss you- softly, sweetly- taking in the memory of your lips pressed against his, before he would slowly make his way in devouring you. He often wondered if you tasted as sweet as you smelled. After taking his fill with your lips, he would lay kisses across your jaw, and down your neck until he would pause to take in the view of your perfect breasts.

Oh, to be able to hold your chest in his hands would be a dream come true. To mark your supple skin with his kisses would be his greatest dream. The idea of hearing you moan out his name was enough to get him hard. The only part of you that could rival the glory of your chest was the marvel of your perfect ass. Under no circumstances was there to be any space on your skin unblemished by his design, all leading that moment when he will find your clit, with hopes to find you soaked. And if you needed more stimulation, he would be more than happy to help you climax in any way; tongue, fingers, cock, his body was yours. He would not stop kissing, marking, and breathing in you until there was not a single part of your body that wasn’t completely and thoroughly loved by him.

Granted, when you told Ikaris to walk with you to your private quarters at the Domo, he probably should have known it was too good to be true that you would ever intend to be… “physical” with him.

But never in his wildest imagination would he have thought that the room conjoining your bed quarters would house such an impressive field hosting dozens of different kinds of fruits and vegetation, each having an impressive number of subspecies. Nor would he have expected to be in the position of harvesting said crops with you as you begin to talk his ear off about you design the crop, and what qualifications need to be met before you can properly introduce and integrate them to humanity’s budding culture. Ikaris tried his best to follow along, but the moment you uttered the words “sustainable agriculture” he was completely lost. But all hope in maintaining his composure was lost when you reached your grove of root vegetables. Due to some more deeply rooted than others, you had to crouch on your knees in order to gain a steady enough foundation to grip the crop by its stalk to pull it out, forcing Ikaris to test his willpower as he tried his best to not stare too long at the sight of your glorious backside.

And when the two of you moved on, he swore that he wasn’t imagining how tightly you’d grip his cock as he furiously took you from behind, or to have you crouch in front of him as you took his cock in your mouth, or to-

“Ikaris,” your voice brought him back to reality and away from his shameful imagination, “would you mind tasting these Morbus nigra for me? I can’t decide if I should make them sweeter.” You were standing in front him holding the dark fruit to his lips, its dark pigment staining your skin with its juices.

Ikaris’ Adam’s apple bobbed as he silently nodded in order to not voice his impulse to pin you down and ravish you with only the fruits of your labor and research as the witnesses to him worshipping you. Stiffly leaning down to eat the fruit, Ikaris’ tongue brushed against the tips of your purple-stained fingers. An explosion of tart and sweetness burst within his mouth, and Ikaris held his gaze to you as he gave his answer.

“…It’s perfect,” he replied, “once again you’ve outdone yourself, Sephia.”

Ikaris would have fought a thousand deviants alone if you could keep smiling the way you did now.

About 2 hours must have passed of you and Ikaris inspecting, harvesting, and taste-testing in your little paradise. It wasn’t until you were satisfied with the yield resulting from your and Ikaris’ efforts that you rushed Ikaris away to wash off the dirt in your private showers, and was instructed to meet you in the kitchen area of the Domo. And as Ikaris stood in your bathroom, stripping himself of his azure and gold armor, he couldn’t help but to take in all the details of the room’s interior. Each bedroom of the Domo was identical in both layout and furnishing, but as time passed, each Eternal started to leave subtle hints that hallmarked their individuality.

Assuming that your room would be neat and systemic, he was amazed to see the cartography of beautiful disorder and chaos from vines creeping up your walls, bundles of flowers hung to dry, tins of stones and pebbles covering the surface of your desk, and several heaps of bound paper filled to the brim with notes from past observations and hopes for future experiments scattered on the floor. To see the inside of your lodgings allowed him to look into your mind, to see a part of you that was so carefully tucked away from everyone else, and it was driving him mad.

Realizing that he was standing in the middle of your room naked, Ikaris retreated back to the bathroom to turn on the water and quickly washed off any evidence of dirt and sweat from his skin before he met up with you. He made sure to close his eyes to center himself. If he thought too long of how he was in your shower, and would use your soaps and oils to result in him smelling like you for the rest of the day, then he would be forced to rush his pleasure and your image deserved to be savored.

Redressing himself, Ikaris quickly walked over to your arranged location, and when he saw you standing behind the island counter, washing the vegetables, he could only stand in awe. While there wasn’t a time he hadn’t thought you weren’t beautiful. Ikaris was utterly enchanted at the sight of you now. Your body was slightly swaying to a tune you once heard at one of the many gatherings held in their honor. Unaware that you were humming, you were so focused on preparing your harvest that you hadn’t heard Ikaris enter the room. It seems that you also washed yourself, as evidenced by the messy bun with a few stubborn damp tendrils escaping and clinging to your brow. Your face was beautifully flushed, as he was sure as was the rest of you, despite being hidden by your Eternal’s uniform. You were the image of serenity and beauty.

Clearing his throat to gain your attention, you quickly turned around and flushed in embarrassment.

“Oh Ikaris,” you exclaimed, “I’m sorry, were you standing there for long?”

“No, I just got here,” he replied, “I’m sorry for taking so long, and you should have just let me use my own shower if you wanted to take one yourself.”

Waving your hand to dismiss him as you chuckled, “No, no, no! Don’t worry about that! I just showered in Kaety’s room! Besides it’s only fair considered how many times she’s used mine.”

…What? Why would- why would Kaetlyn- huh?

Furrowing his slight displeasure at this new knowledge, Ikaris quickly asked you to clarify, “Wait, what do you mean by that?”

“Oh, you didn’t know?” You seemed genuinely surprised at his question, but you shrugged it off, “Phastos had to design 2 extra rooms because Kaety ended up making a secret lab for her dissections and practices out of her original room. She transformed the bed into a surgical table, filling the room with weird jars- which is how I ended up helping her with the preserving solution since the bodies would degrade so quickly- and it got to the point where Phastos ended up FAINTING when he accidentally walked into the room because Cerbie left the door open. Can you hand me a few of those Allium praecox, they’re the ones that look like big white spheres?”

“…But why did she use your shower?” Maybe it was stupid for Ikaris to feel so jealous at an event that happened so long ago, but he hated your friend more than ever now.

“Well, she and I ended up sharing my room because she transformed her bed, so we slept in the same bed and everything! And I love Kaety, but she smelled HORRIBLE after dealing with Deviants, so I always made her shower before coming to bed. She would be soaked in that blood- and I know that our uniforms are made of energy that allow them to clean and mend themselves, but the smell still stuck to her skin, her hair- there was even blood under her fingernails!”

Your body shuddered at remembering it before continuing, “So I made it kind of a rule that whenever you enter my room, you have to shower. Otherwise, you were barred from entering my room. Can you please pass me the Allium praecox now- oh, and the Allium sativum? They look like the Allium praecox, but they’re smaller, and look kind of lumpy. Anyway, Kaety ended up getting her own room and a lab, and then I kind of wanted an area that I could have full control over what I could grow- so, I ended doing the same thing but instead of blood, it was dirt.”

Head still screaming questions, Ikaris only silently handed you the bulbous vegetables as you continue with your tasks. For the rest of the time being, he just handed you whatever ingredients you needed, and observed you as you prepared everything to cook them. Watching you calmed his temper immensely, as he made sure to make minimal comments and only asking questions whenever there was something he was truly confused by. Soon, there was no speaking necessary as the two of you worked in amicable silence.

When Ikaris was focusing on mashing the Cicer arietinum into a smooth paste with the mortar and pastel per your instructions, you couldn’t help but take in the man beside you. You couldn’t believe how much he’s changed since you first acquainted yourself with him.

You were always aware of Ikaris since the moment you stepped off the Domo to first meet humanity, one couldn’t help but always be aware of him. Ikaris always had such a commanding presence, an attitude that demanded all attention from everyone in the same room as him- even the way he walked and stood screamed for attention.

From the beginning, it was obvious to you that he only pretended to try to get along with you so that he could gain Sersi’s affections. That was the other thing that made Ikaris so unbearable to you initially, his hubris. He had an inane talent of holding himself to such a high degree of competency that it baffled you whenever you saw someone as sweet as Sersi smiling and laughing with him. Sersi may not have been as close to you as Kaety, but you and her grew very close as you worked together in aiding humanity with their crops and developing their agriculture. As such, you saw it as your duty to warn her of Ikaris’ intentions, not wanting her to fall victim to such a pathetic man- no matter how much Ajak trusted him. Furthermore, it enraged you to no end how he would have the temerity to instruct YOU of all people on how to properly plant and harvest the crops YOU designed! He would even go out of his way to critique your reluctance in interacting with humanity, constantly comparing you to the other team members, mostly Sersi and himself. It was unbearable, and every time he would finish his “lecture,” you would lock yourself in your room to try to stop the cruel voices in your head that doubted you. Every time you saw him, your detest grew and grew until a boiling point had been reached, and the limits of your patience had passed the point of no return.

That was the day Ikaris thought it would be a good idea to publicly critique your behavior in front of the team, and question whether or not you were trying to hold them back with your inattentiveness and lack of commitment.

And that was the comment that broke the metaphorical camel’s back.

Not even Makkari was quick enough to stop you as you launched yourself to Ikaris, and delivered a slap with the most satisfying crack as a result of all of your strength being poured into it. You were done. If Ikaris had ever thought you to be a meek little flower before, that was officially over as you began to scream your anger at his deplorable behavior and complete lack of respect. You told him exactly how you felt every time: he wasted your time intruding on your duties to flirt with your friend, made snide comments of your crop designs and purpose, and would only pretend to be cordial to you whenever Sersi was looking, only to revert back to his neanderthal ways the second she turned away.

By the time you were done, you could feel your body vibrating with the adrenaline from your outburst. Ikaris- along with everyone else on the team- stood still and slack jawed at the event they just witnessed. Not wanting to risk the embarrassment from your impulsivity taking over, you quickly left the Domo to find a quiet place for your own thoughts. It was late at night, and so you quickly managed to find a private area of the gardens. But it wasn’t long until Kaet ended up finding you- as she always does, thank Arishem for that. She didn’t say a word as she laid by your side before she gathered you in her arms, and letting your head rest in the crook of her neck.

You loved so many things about Kaety- her courage, her intellect, her kindness and overwhelming empathy- but if there was anything you were grateful for, it was that she had the ability to understand you without the need for words. You knew she was proud that you stood up for yourself- that you finally defended yourself against your oppressor- but that wasn’t what you needed then. At that moment, your senses were going into overdrive. Your heart was beating so fast, and you just wanted everything but Kaety to disappear. Your brain felt so wired, but your body was beyond exhausted. Conjuring up a blanket, she covered the two of you as you let yourself simply feel- crying yourself to sleep as your best friend’s arms protected you from the rest of the world.

The sun rose from the west, the world still stood, and everything from the night before remained. You dreaded the idea of seeing the team, but Kaety knew you and her needed to return.

“Don’t you dare lower your head,” she told you, “don’t you dare let him take this from you.”

And so, with the both of you returning the starship, you refused to let yourself acknowledge the stares of everyone at you. Kaety was your steady boulder, stopping anyone who approached the two of you with just a single stare. The two of you managed to make it back to your room before you felt all the air leave your body as you sunk to the ground. Knowing that you haven’t even washed yourself after working in the fields yesterday, Kaet ordered you to take a long shower. She hadn’t even left the room as you did so, going so far as to tuck you into bed, assuring you that she will inform Ajak that you would take no visitors or interruptions. She even left a little part of her shadow to guard your entrance from the hall, giving it strict instruction to inform her immediately if anyone so much as tried to knock on your door.

The next few weeks went by with your mind in a slight haze. Druig and Phastos congratulated you for standing up to Ikaris, along with promising protection should their leader’s second-in-command attempt to say anything about you behind your back. You and Phastos had always been very close to one another, as you always liked to ask questions about his inventions, and made sure to offer encouragements whenever Ajak had to reject them for being too advanced- but Druig was a surprise.

While you and the telepath were well-acquainted with one another due to the other’s relationship with Kaetlyn, you and him were never truly close. However, your outburst changed that, opening a doorway to a strange, but comforting friendship a bit similar to the one you shared with Phastos. 

You were worried about Sersi, as you enjoyed your time with her and didn’t want things to be awkward with the two of you. So, you were shocked when you saw her apologize to you for missing all the signs of Ikaris’ inappropriate behavior. You dismissed all of her worries, assuring her that she was not to blame for Ikaris being himself. Luckily, it was as if nothing had changed- a huge comfort to you to say the least.

All was peaceful within the team until Ikaris would approach you to “apologize.” An attempt that would always result in you ignoring him, refusing to give the neither the satisfaction nor the time of day. It wasn’t until he declared that you were acting like a child for not even seeing that he was doing his best to make amends. But you quickly shut him down, outright stating that he had done nothing to show his remorse, and that you had better things to do than to waste your time on someone who thought himself a leader, but couldn’t even admit his own mistakes. You pushed past him, thinking that was the final attempt, and Ikaris would forever remain the man with too much pride and not enough humility to gain your respect.

But despite all your doubts, Ikaris proved himself capable of admitting his own mistakes, and showed genuine remorse and actively changed his behavior. He would no longer approach you with such haughty behavior, and would genuinely ask for your help when he had trouble understanding something. He would no longer try to deflect whenever you pointed out a mistake, and would be patient in your explanation. And try as hard as you did, you couldn’t help but see Ikaris in a different light. You forgave him, and you were so glad to at this moment.

Still staring at him, you took in all his features with keen observation. While Kaet still insistently compared the flying Eternal’s physical features to a sight less pleasant than having a Deviant’s gonads shoved in your face, you could admit that the man before was an extremely handsome one. Despite all his bravado and apparent confidence, you could more than understand why so many female humans were enamored at the sight of him. Even you occasionally couldn’t help but admire Ikaris’ deep blue eyes, eyes that were staring back at you at this very moment.

“Something on my face?” He asked with a raised brow that only further highlighted his sharp features. You blinked for a bit.

“Sorry, I was just thinking that you are very handsome.” You revealed with a straight face.

Not bothering to hide the pleased expression on his face with a light tint of red on his cheeks, Ikaris turned his body to fully face you.

“Handsome, am I?” He smugly asked, “Careful Sephia, you might risk filling my ego if continue those sweet words.”

Now it was your turn to blush.

“Oh, come off it,” you snarked as you rolled your eyes, “don’t bother to pretend you don’t know how the women always clamor to get your attention at every gathering since we first came here.”

“I assure you I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Yes, you do you scoundrel.”

“Scoundrel?” Ikaris mocked, “Do you really think this face belongs to that of a scoundrel?”

“Yes, it absolutely does” you replied- before pretending to be deep in thought, “Your face shows me that you are about...48% scoundrel- no wait, now it’s 67% because of that smirk.”

Eyebrows lifted and lips tucked in, Ikaris closed his eyes and gave a deep nod- if only to show that he took your 67% scoundrel assessment very seriously. Seeing him like that must have pleased you, as you began to smile.

“You know,” you began, “you should smile a lot more. It makes you look more approachable, and maybe Kaety wouldn’t give you such a hard time if she saw you like I’m seeing you now.”

Ikaris stood there, contemplating what you just said. It wasn’t that he was incapable of showing his vulnerable sides, you just had that natural ability to bring out the parts of himself that he hadn’t thought were there to begin with- maybe, it was a gift that only you possessed. But at the mention of your friend’s name, Ikaris suddenly remembered why he sought out your company in the first place.

“Sephia,” he began- lowering his voice a bit to steel himself, “about you and Kaetlyn- I just wanted-”

He couldn’t even finish his question at the sight of your full attention at him. Not wanting to ruin all the mood, he decided that he would just leave it for another time.

“I wanted to let you know that- I’m glad,” he ended up stating, “I’m glad that Kaetlyn is someone you can always rely on- even if she and I don’t get along, it makes me happy to know that you’ll always be safe with her around.”

Unable to hide how touched you were by his words- knowing fully well how little he and Kaet got along- you flung yourself to Ikaris, wrapping your arms around his neck, and gave him the biggest hug like you have only ever given to Kaety. And although he was a bit caught off-guard, Ikaris gladly reciprocated your embrace, burrowing his face in your shoulder, bliss filling his entire frame.

“Ikaris,” you whispered, “you have no idea how much that means to me.”

The two of you stood there for a few more minutes before you unwrapped yourself from him, and immediately resumed cooking. Although no words were exchanged, there was a lightness and warmth added to the atmosphere of the room that was not there before. Soon enough, the two of you finished and set the dishes on the counter before tucking into your well-deserved meal.

“…Did Phastos really faint after seeing Kaetlyn’s room?”

“YES! Oh, it was so funny- well, at least to Kaety, but I admit that she may have gone too far when she placed his body on top of her surgery table, and put on a deviant’s skull and stood over him when he woke up- he ended up fainting all over again!”

Truce Part 3

Please like, comment, reblog, and/or share this post with anyone who might enjoy it! Please be kind, and live an extraordinary life!

Tagging: @ethereal-athalia , @valeskafics , @aphroditesmoon , @its-actually-minicika , @spacetalbot , @angelnyx , @vikingqueen28 , @redheadspark , @siempre-bucky , @beananacake , @asa-do-your-thing , @justmymindandstuff , @heliosphere8 , @bambiandbam, @sunphyre , @bryandechartisasmolbean, @getawaycardotmp3 , @americanprometheuss , @themeanestlittlewitch, @katiemaysworld, @atomwritez , @karimac

Please let me know if you want to be tagged in future posts!

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1 year ago

Blood & Pain - Druig x Hecate!Eternal Reader (Kaetlyn) Oneshot

Blood & Pain - Druig X Hecate!Eternal Reader (Kaetlyn) Oneshot
Blood & Pain - Druig X Hecate!Eternal Reader (Kaetlyn) Oneshot
Blood & Pain - Druig X Hecate!Eternal Reader (Kaetlyn) Oneshot

Pairings: Persephone!Eternal Reader & Hecate!Eternal Reader, ft. Sephia x Ikaris, and Kaetlyn x Druig Word Count: ~3.5k Summary: A lil' oneshot to show how Druig and his wife got together, and what way to show that than with hot and heavy SMUT! Warning(s): SMUT (if you are under 18 DNI), some angst if you squint, mention of bullying (sort of), slight mention of blood, knife conjuring, Druig is obsessed and we love that, I just really wanted to write something to get me into the Halloween Spirit Notes: This a surprise oneshot to my wonderful beta reader, @valeskafics! She is in the middle of midterms, so I wanted to gift her a lil' oneshot to thank her for all of her help and encouragement! She is an incredibly kind and patient human and one of the best and most incredible fanfic writers for HOTD, GOT, and the Ewanverse on Tumblr! If you love any of Ewan Mitchell's works or are a fan of GOT/HOTD, I highly recommend checking her blog out! You will not regret it! Also, the BIGGEST thank you and shout of love to @ethereal-athalia my good man in the storm, I have never clicked so well with someone on this platform when it came to crazy ideas, and thanks to her, I can write out my ideas and share them on this site!If you want to read more from this AU, please click on this masterlist!

Blood & Pain - Druig X Hecate!Eternal Reader (Kaetlyn) Oneshot

No matter how the rest of the team believed, what ideas his own children liked to conjure, how the tale was spun by generations -- Druig did not fall in love with his wife at first sight. He knew who you were, Kaetlyn, a fighter who could manipulate the shadows of every living being. You would later the mother of surgery and modern medicine- and even beyond that, a scholar and pioneer for feats of magic that remain untouched even by the greatest of the Supremes in the Mystic Arts.

He couldn’t remember the time he first realized that he loved you- he only knew that when he recognized it, he had fallen so deeply that he could no longer remember what it felt like not to be in love you. You were everywhere. There was simply no place left on this planet where Druig would wander that you wouldn’t be there beckoning him to you.

It was almost shameful how long it took for him to fall in love with you in comparison to how quickly you adored him. It had taken him over 100 years for you to fully gain his attention, and another 200 years for you to wait for him to confess his reciprocation. 200 years of clever banter and harmless flirting that shifted to longing gazes and lingering touches, until you finally had enough of his lame patience and reluctance. You dragged Druig to a secluded area- away from the Domo and humans alike, and took his face in your hands and forced his lips to yours. One kiss become two, two became five, and soon you and he had joined together in an explosion of passion that would bind you to him for the rest of eternity.

The sun had long set, and stars and moon glittered in the night. The two of you were as naked as the days you were born. Your need to have each other was beyond a matter of lust, it was primal need. Druig had torn your clothes without any thought- he starved for you. Any barrier that separated your body from him was flung away. Your skin glowed in the moonlight, every curve and line of your frame gloriously highlighted for his eyes alone. His lily-bloomed skin laid under you, ready for anything and everything you would give him. He still remembered the words you whispered to warn him all that would come as a result of your love.

“Druig, I must warn you,” you whispered. Druig kissed you across your collarbone, and you tugged on his hair to gaze into his eyes. “I can be very selfish- I will have all of you, or none of you.” 

He could feel your wet center throb with each wince that escaped his lips. “You already do, my love,” he whispered back, silently pleading you to let him continue. “I swear you do.”

He craved you. He desperately wanted to map his tongue and lips across your body; he wanted to memorize the feel of your skin, the smell of your sweat, the taste of your cum. Whatever you gave him, he wanted it all.

Pushing him to lay on his back, you crawled forward to hover your soaked cunt over his cock. “I’m selfish- relentlessly so, any other woman that catches your eye will feel no end of my wrath.” You lowered yourself only enough so that his tip could paint its precum on your clit, the corner of your lips curled into a cruel smirk in response to the strangled moan he let out. Your body trembled from the sheer delight you felt at witnessing the surly telepath whine so pathetically from your touch.

“Please,” he begged, “please angel. Let me feel you- I need it- I need you.” Druig could feel his eyes filled with tears from the overwhelming pleasure that would fill him. “I want to touch you, please-”

Druig’s whimpers were brutally cut off as you placed a finger over his lips.

“Shhhh- not yet,” you breathily whispered, “you need to earn your pleasure, my love.” Your pupils dilated seeing him take your finger in his mouth, and used his tongue to suck on it. “I need to know if you understand what it means to love me, and have it in return.”

Before Druig could respond, you lowered yourself further- until he filled you to the brim with only a single thrust. You were so taken back by the sheer size of him that you felt your climax wash over as every part of you trembled from the intense euphoria.

“By Arishem,” you thought, “how is he so big?”

You wanted to make him beg, to drown him in so much pleasure that it would hurt. Whatever pain you inflicted on him now, it was nothing compared to the torture you experienced in having to wait for him to admit his feelings. You lost count on the number of times you pleasured yourself at the thought of the man beneath you. So many times, you wanted to sneak into his bed, and wake him to witness the maddening effect he had on you. But having him inside you was better than anything you could imagine.

Gripping his shoulders, you lifted yourself until only his tip remained-before slamming your hips down to his- repeating this motion until falling into a rhythm that was accompanied by a song of wild moans and gasps. Everything about this man- the aquamarine shine in his eyes, the glowing pallor of his body, the tone and strength in his muscles- screamed the image of perfection to you.

“Druig, Druig,” you could only cry out his name- as if it was the only word you knew, “I love you, I love you, I love- FUCK!” You screamed out at the feel of his hips moving to meet yours, and before you could blink, he shifted your positions so that you would be laying on your back as he caged your body with his frame.

Druig couldn’t take it anymore, it tormented him to not take you without abandon. For so long, he dreamed of having you like this- warm, teasing, and his. You called yourself selfish, so what? Druig knew what it meant to be selfish, to want to possess and devour every part of you until there was nothing left for anyone else to take or see.

You must have blind to not see his desperation for you. How could someone so bright and brilliant not understand that he would gladly let you tear him limb by limb if it meant to be loved by you.

To have you under him like this- writhing in ecstasy, crying from exquisite pain, your soft curves molded against his hard frame- it was as if this was his true purpose. It was not to assist in humanity’s evolution, but to belong to you as you would belong to him. It was to have you like this at every waking moment- filling you with love, and overwhelming you with desire.

As he continued to slam his hips against yours with reckless abandon, he trailed his lips down your throat, sharply nipping your collarbones, until all that he could reach were your heaving breasts that moved in tandem with his thrusts. He was so enraptured by your presence that when you peaked once more on his cock, his rutting only grew more relentless and rougher than what you thought was possible.

Stars, he loved the way you screamed his name. He wanted everyone to know it was him who made you mad with elation. He wanted the whole world to know that you, Kaetlyn- gloriously headstrong, brilliantly beautiful Kaetlyn- the wielder of shadows, and master of the darkness and night, was begging for his cock like a common whore.

“Look at you,” he snarled- jaw clenched so tightly that his teeth threatened to break from the pressure, “what were you saying m’darling? I could have sworn that you were trying to get me to beg- but look at you now.” Your head thrown back as your hair sprayed around you like a beckoning halo as you babbled nonsensically, legs wrapped around his torso to minimize any potential loss of distance, your wickedly sharp nails cutting into his skin to leave vibrant trails on his back as blood leaked from the wounds. “You can’t get enough of me, can you?”

Your only response was whimpers and cries, so Druig decided to be a bit cruel, and slowed down before pulling himself out and stopping completely. The loss of your warmth was complete agony, but the consequence was well-worth the pain at the sight of your immediate reaction.

“DRUIG!” You cried out in pain. You tried to move yourself to feel more of him, but the smug bastard had pinned your torso down- and your body was still recovering from the overstimulation of your previous orgasm. Still maintaining his grip, Druig towered above you in order to gain a better vantage point. Staring down at the aftermath of his onslaught, he almost came right then and there. You were the very likeness of desired perfection- tears had leaked from your eyes and were trailing down your face, your flush travelled down to the tips of your breasts, and there was not a corner of your body that wasn’t covered in marks left by his teeth.

“Please, Druig, please-” you begged him, “don’t stop! I need you!” You felt you were dying from his loss, you felt so empty. It was like you finally felt complete, and when he pulled away it was as if all the air in your lungs were completely snuffed out. You couldn’t bear the pain- it was tearing you apart. You tried to pull him down to get him to kiss- you needed his love; nothing would ever be enough- not when it came from him.

Your soul craved his.

Crystalline blue eyes softened momentarily before steeling once more to grip your hips even tighter, Druig barely lowered himself- just enough to mix his throbbing tip’s precum with your slick. No matter how much he adored you -- however much he wanted to give in to you-- he needed you to admit that you were his first.

“Open your eyes,” his rasp sent chills to run throughout your entire body, “and see what you do to me.” When you looked into his eyes, you were taken back by how dark they had become- that beautiful pale hue had minimized into a thin ring from how dilated his pupils had become. It wasn’t just lust that swam in his gaze, but also mania and lunacy. His piercing gaze, along with his heaving breaths created such a stark contrast to the calm and collected mask he showcased to everyone- humans and Eternals alike. Druig looked less like the usual apathetic god everyone thought him to be, and more like a raging terrifying beast that fed on savagery and only cared to fulfill his most primal urges.

You have never seen such a magnificent and enthralling sight before, and you prayed to the stars above that this time would not be the last.

Druig could hear your thoughts, and he didn’t care how insane he looked. He wanted you to see all that you did to him- how you engrained yourself into his very soul and being. You called yourself infatuated, but he was obsessed. And as aware he was of his own delusion; he didn’t ever plan to stop.

Fuck Arishem- fuck anyone and everyone who would dare keep you from him. He didn’t care the lengths he would have to go to keep you by his side. Let them paint him the villain- it was all worth it if it meant having your love.

“Tell me.” He pleaded you, “please, my angel- tell me your mine. Let me in, I want all of you and only you.” His eyes held so much love and trust that it took your breath away, and it made your heart swell with so much adoration for the man that caged you between his arms. There was only one thing to say, the only thing that mattered that would seal a vow between you both for the rest of eternity.

Summoning all your courage, leaving behind all your bravado, letting all your insecurities to be put on display, you whispered, “Yes.”

Immediately after you condemned your soul to his, Druig speared himself into you to the hilt with a single thrust, and pressed his lips to yours to drink in every one of your throes of passion. Setting off at a relentless pace, it was not long until another brutal climax sheared through your body. With each push, Druig’s cock hit that spot inside you – resulting in stars to bloom around you as your mind was clouded in lust. With each thrust of his length, tremendous stimulation tearing through your walls. The sound of skin-on-skin surrounded the area around you, creating a forcefield of bliss that could not be intruded by anyone but the two immortal beings engaged in their act of fervor. The only other sounds that could be heard were the gentle whispers of the night breeze, along the soft chirpings of the crickets.

Feeling his cock throbbing, Druig knew that he was reaching his limit. However, he refused to finish without you going over the edge with him. Setting an even more ruthless pace, he could feel the trembles that ran throughout your body as he fights to hold control over himself, and not releasing himself deep inside you. Only being able to get a few more thrusts in, Druig viciously cursed as he let out a snarled cry – the loudest you have ever heard from him. With one final push, he came deep inside your cunt, painting your walls with his cum as you felt his warmth flooding inside you. The sensation of the thick ropes of cum engulfing your cunt triggered your final climax, and you felt the evidence of your indescribable pleasure that washed over you mixed with his thick cum that overflowed within you to the point where it leaked out of your core.

Refusing to part, the both of you let yourselves bask in the bliss-filled bubble that was the aftermath of your lovemaking. But as happy as you were, dread filled your mind as you realized what you had done. You knew how the others saw you. How Kingo and Sprite liked to poke fun at your darkness, how Ikaris would voice his doubts of your ability to protect with ill-hidden snarks to Ajak, even the humans would whisper in fear at the sight of you soaked in deviants’ blood in the aftermath of your many onslaughts. It was bad enough that they looked down on Sephia for how she so faithfully remained at your side, you couldn’t let the man you loved be dragged down as well – it would have been too much.

No matter how Druig liked to present himself as cool and indifferent to human conflict – you knew that it was far from true. You’ve watched him for centuries, and there was no one else on the world whose soul was as gentle and carried more love for humanity than even Ajak and Sersi. You couldn’t let your own selfish desires bring his ruin, you refused to let that happen.

“This was a mistake,” you forced yourself to say as you faced away from him to locate your attire, you couldn’t bear it if he saw how much it killed you to say it, but it needs to be done, “I never should have let it go this far.” You crawled on your knees to reach your tunic, “Let’s just forget this ever hap-”

A vicious growl cut you off as Druig’s hands grabbed your wrist to the point where you were sure bruises would show tomorrow. “Don’t,” he snarled, “even try to insult me by suggesting to pretend that this never happened- that we never happened.” Pulling you back to cage you in his arms, Druig buried his face into the crook of your neck- as if imprinting the scent of your skin to his memory in fear that you would disappear before his very eyes.

Leaning forward to whisper in your ear. “How could you ever think for a second that I could possibly go on with my life after finally having you? Tell me angel, how do you expect a man to simply live on weeds after finally partaking a drop of ambrosia?”

Your heart melted at his words, but you could not let yourself be swayed. “Druig,” you started, “you don’t understand the cost of being with me. You deserve someone who is kind and warm and-”

Druig forced you to look into his eyes. “Stop. Don’t you dare let the words of those idiots make you see yourself as less than the perfection you are. Do you know what I see when I look at you?” His eyes softened for what he was about to ask next. “Let me show you, my love.”

As his pale blue irises glowed into a golden hue, making him transform into a sight akin to godliness, you opened your mind to his, and what you saw shook you to your core. You saw scenes of yourself travelling through your shadows, taking down dozens of deviants with only a few arrows from your quiver, as well as the aftermath of you standing alone in a field of mangled corpses dyed with black tarlike blood. You saw yourself as the humans did, embodied darkness that killed with cold precision and controlled beings with their own shadows.

But soon you saw moments that you had forgotten, moments that you believed were private. You saw yourself sneaking away at night in the cover of darkness to watch ghosts roaming aimlessly, along with the pity in your eyes from hearing their sorrows. You saw yourself in your room at the Domo, surrounded by scrolls from topics ranging from rare spells to hand-drawn diagrams of the human body. You witnessed the smile spread across your face when you helped a spirit finally reach their peace to the other world. You saw the time Ajak approached you to ask for your assistance in delivering the children from expectant mothers in the village. You saw yourself come outside the tent to hand over the child of your first delivery to the father, who thanked you with tears in his eyes after being informed that both the child and mother safe and healthy. You watched yourself stare in shock of his praise before seeing the child reach for your finger, and let yourself feel the disbelief that flooded you at the sight of pure innocence staring back at you.

“You call yourself selfish and unkind,” Druig’s voice brought you back to reality- his eyes returned to that familiar blue, “but that couldn’t be more untrue.” He softly pressed his forehead to yours as he continued. “Would a selfish person spend night after night gathering impossible texts to study for an unnamed spirit to finally reach peace? Would someone unkind research every possibility in order to ensure that a mother could hold her child? How could you let someone as pathetic as Ikaris and Sprite taint your own views of yourself so much? Kaetlyn, I was a coward for waiting for so long to tell you my feelings, I was selfish in thinking of my own pride and dignity was more important than your strife. But still you loved me, and I could not be more grateful for your existence for that.”

Tears ran down your cheeks as you felt all your walls crashing down, how could someone so frustratingly wonderful exist? If this was all a dream, you never wanted to wake up. But just to be sure, you took a stone that just fit into the palm of your hand and transmuted it into a silver dagger. Holding it just above his heart, you warned him one final time.

“Druig, no matter what sweet words you whisper, I am selfish. I could kill you now without hesitation. I could cut you and cause you so much pain that you would beg for death. Do you still wish to remain by my side?”

Staring back at you with only ardent love and unfiltered adoration, Druig grasped your hand and dragged the blade’s tip across his chest. Thin trails of dark red life leaked from the wounds, but there was no indication of pain. “If loving you is pain,” he whispered as he wiped the blood from his wound with his finger, only to smear it across your lips, “then let me bleed.” He repeated those same words a year later, when he married you in a private ceremony after the two of you sneaked away from the village’s harvest banquet.

Blood & Pain - Druig X Hecate!Eternal Reader (Kaetlyn) Oneshot

Tagging: @valeskafics, @ethereal-athalia, @aphroditesmoon, @3vergr3en, @its-actually-minicika, @fivebefore21, @asa-do-your-thing, @hypnoticmistake, @blog-100, @tacorice, @prettyvintageafternoon, @deanthomaswhore, @angelnyx, @henesseyhaven, @xcharlottemikaelsonx, @sunphyre, @beananacake, @atomwritez, @vikingqueen28, @getawaycardotmp3, @redheadspark, @heliosphere8, @bambiandbam, @americanprometheuss, @chaoticdetectivewidow, @mazerunnermarvel, @bryandechartisasmolbean,

Let me know if you want to be tagged! Have a happy October! Please be kind, and leave a like/comment/reblog!

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1 year ago

Would it be weird if I posted Halloween-themed fics past Halloween?

So I know I am a little late to the Halloween content works this late into October, but I have a lot of ideas for headcanons and oneshots. I just can't post them all since I am in midterm season, and I got a lot of scheduling to work on with applications to more schools. But I still really want to post them since Halloween is my favorite holiday and this holiday just brings a lot of happy memories for me!

So would it be weird if I posted Halloween-themed content past Halloween, or would that be alright? Please vote to let me know!

Also if you have any ideas or suggestions or themes that I could write about, let me know in the comments! I’m facing serious writer’s block right now!

Tagging: @valeskafics, @aphroditesmoon, @ethereal-athalia, @dreaming-for-an-escape

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1 year ago

Fall Family Chaos Fun - An Ikaris x Persephone!Eternal Halloween Oneshot

Fall Family Chaos Fun - An Ikaris X Persephone!Eternal Halloween Oneshot
Fall Family Chaos Fun - An Ikaris X Persephone!Eternal Halloween Oneshot
Fall Family Chaos Fun - An Ikaris X Persephone!Eternal Halloween Oneshot

Pairings: Sephia x Ikaris Word Count: ~2.1k Summary: A lil'l slice of insight to how Ikaris' and Sephia's home life goes in the fall with their three gremlins angels. This fic also introduces a lot of new characters that will make strong appearances in future works of this AU! Warning(s): Heavy petting on Ikaris' part (man's a horndog for our Sephie), Aggie is a menace who takes after her Aunt Kaety, Ikaris is older than dirt and doesn't understand teens, Laurie being a teen, and Sephia & Arthur just being adorable

Notes: Yes, I know that Halloween has technically passed, but I had midterms and projects during the time so I'm using the rest of the season as a Free Fall fics pass until December. So this oneshot was beta read by the ever-so lovely @ethereal-athalia, who has so graciously sacrificed herself agreed to beta read all of my fics for the upcoming future while my usual beta reader @valeskafics, is currently really busy with law school until the foreseeable future! Even so, please go visit her blog because she is one of the best writers on Tumblr, especially if you are a fan of Ewan Mitchell, and the HOTD/GOT universe! If you have read any of my past works, you know that my girl @ethereal-athalia is pretty much the co-parent of this Eternals AU idea, and I absolutely love sharing ideas with her, and making connections to make these fics more interesting. Anyway, please be kind and enjoy!

Fall Family Chaos Fun - An Ikaris X Persephone!Eternal Halloween Oneshot

Somewhere deep in an enchanted forest hidden from most of the world, there stood an impressive house. This house was the home to a very special family. It was built by a beautiful woman and her besotted husband, and became their home for them and their three incredible children. Every day the home was laughter and peace and a calming air-


-unless it was October, December, summer, or… actually, it hard to remember when the word “calm” could be used to describe their home.

“Which one Aggie?”

“The one that had the pretty gold swirls and stars! I need it to match with Hamy!”

“Aggie sweetie, I put it on the chair next to Pope Butterscotch the Golden Sheep!”

“Thanks mommy!”

“Mama? Have you seen Bun-Bun?”

“Bun-Bun had an accident with the breakfast this morning, so I put him in the wash! But he should be waiting for you in the dryer!”

“Thanks, Da!”

A frazzled Ikaris crouched on top of the stairwell, scrubbing away the evidence of markers and crayons from the wall-paint. When the colored outlines were only just barely visible, he made his way down the stairwell to find the one person whose sole presence would wash away all his fatigue. Standing over the massive sink - bathed in golden sunlight - stood the love of his eternal and immortal life. You were washing the vegetables that came from their gardens. Ikaris saw an array of vegetables – carrots that ranged from yellow to dark purple, deep red beetroots and radishes, a mountain of spinach, and a pumpkin of impressive size (just to new a few).

With sweat running down her brow and small streaks of dirt on your cheek, you was a vision of pure beauty. Ikaris could spend all his time listing all the parts he loved about you, and the Earth would long be dead from war and famine and any other forms of destruction that came from humanity. No time with you would be enough- it would never be enough. Wrapping his arms around your waist, Ikaris lowered his head until his nose was pressed into the crook of your neck.

Taking in a deep breath, your natural essence of clean and fresh aromas overtook his senses as a wave of calm washed over him. Your natural perfume mixed with the notes of your sweat formed a new sweet and tantalizing fragrance that caused a growl to emerge deep from his throat as Ikaris started to lay kisses over your skin. Given your deep connection to the Earth, your scent always seemed to change with the seasons. As the autumn chill chased away the summer breeze, gone were the fresh and soft fragrances of grapefruit and sandalwood. But Ikaris did not mind the loss as he took notice of notes of patchouli and orange. Reaching behind you to stroke your husband’s hair, you let a light chuckle escape under your breath.

“If you’re hoping to get lucky,” you teased with a mirthful smirk, “I would suggest that you wait until I am not sweating like a pig with dirt all over me.”

“Please,” Ikaris scoffed, “you say that if I haven’t taken you in the dirt a thousand times by now, each time leaving you more flushed with sweat than you washing some greens.” He emphasized his point by creeping his hands under your the massive green and cream flannel you stole from his closet until he reached your breasts. His eyes widened slightly at the lack of a certain apparel, until the corners of his mouth curled to a lecherous grin.

“No bra today?” He whispered with a low and husky tone. “Such a naughty flower, I wonder if I touched you down there, would I find your cunt bare and dripping, or your underwear soaked?” He pinched your nipple to emphasize his point, and let his ears drink in your soft mewling.

“Ikaris,” you rasped, “our kids could walk in any moment-”





Lightly chuckling at the immediate downfallen expression on your husband’s face in response to their children’s call to him. Turning your head to press a kiss on his furrowed brow, you reassured him that you would play the mediator this time.

“And while I’m at it,” you reasoned, “you can check on our less problematic son.”

“Laurie?” Ikaris’ expression immediately shifted to worry. “Is he alright? Has he experienced any chest pains or breathing troubles? He barely finished his breakfast this morning. Do I need to call Kaet-”

“No, no, no,” you reassured, already on damage control to prevent her husband from hovering over their firstborn like he had when Laurie was still a baby. “He’s just been holed up in his room all day, and I want to make sure that he isn’t overly stressed about anything.” You pressed her palm on his face, and stroked your thumb across his cheek. “Don’t worry so much, it might just be teen angst – Sersi told us that it’s very common at his age!”

Still a bit disturbed at his son’s unusual behavior, Ikaris quickly kissed your palm before making his way up the deep mahogany stairwell. Thinking over the past few months, Ikaris was making mental notes of his son’s strange behavior. He knew that it wasn’t his studies or his athletics at school, but he was acting more secretive. He would come home later than usual, check his phone more frequently, and even finish his meals as quickly as possible to dash to his room.

Fall Family Chaos Fun - An Ikaris X Persephone!Eternal Halloween Oneshot

Quickly flying past the many rooms – including the one that was currently occupied by his two youngest children, who were still arguing over the correct ownership over a particularly shiny ribbon – he finally made it to the end of the hall where his first child’s room was located. On the deep red-stained wood was a little piece of signage that was covered in laurel leaves with the only negative space spelling out “Laurie.” Softly knocking three times twice (a little signal between father and son) before a soft voice was heard through the door.

“Come in,” called out his son as Ikaris gently opened the door, a faint creak screeched out from the worn-down hinge and its pin. At first glance, the main focus of the room would be the queen-sized bed frame with a hand-embroidered eggshell-white cotton quilt, or the thousands of stars that were painted on the ceiling, or even the gilded golden crossbow hanging over his bed. But all the Eternal could focus on was the sight of his eldest child, Laurus Orion Harris, or “Laurie” as was so lovingly dubbed by his glorious wife. And he couldn’t help but feel immense pride in the fact that he had any part (even if it was only genetically) in creating the child in front of him.

“Everything alright dad?” Laurie asked.

“Yeah, everything’s okay,” Ikaris replied, “well, your mother is trying to separate your brother and sister over a very sparkly ribbon. But other than that, everything is fine.” He paused for a minute to notice that his eldest was acting a bit antsy, as if he was expecting something very important. “But are you sure there isn’t anything bothering you?”

“Huh, what do you mean?”

“Well, it’s just unusual for you to be holed up in your room. It’s usually not because of your studies because your Aunt Sersi always tells your mum and me how well you’re doing. At the very least, you’d probably be outside enjoying the changing leaves with your horse.” Ikaris tried not to seem too intrusive, his son had the right to his own privacy after all, and he trusted him to always make good choices. But with everything he had seen for the past few months, he wanted to make sure that Laurie wasn’t involved in anything dangerous. “I just want you to know that if there’s anything that’s at all bothering you, me or your mum are always going to be there to listen.”

Laurie took in what his dad said, and decided that it wouldn’t hurt to tell him a little bit. “Well, now that you mention it. I was just wondering…do you think Uncle Gil and Aunt Thena will bring Mara and Uriel over for Hamish’s birthday?”

And suddenly everything was clear for Ikaris. It was no wonder his child had been acting so nervous lately.

“Laurie,” he began, “are you worried over how you’ll act around Thena’s new ward?”

When his fourteen-year-old son’s face turned bright red, Ikaris knew he hit the nail on the head.

“You know, if you’re really that worried, I can ask Thena and Gil to maybe reconsider coming this year. I am sure they’ll understand, it’s only been a little over a year since-”

“NO! That’s alright!” Laurie was so panicked that he didn’t even notice his voice cracking, “I don’t want to do that to Hamish, he looks forward to all of us coming together for his birthday. And I rarely see Uncle Gil and Aunt Thena that much as it is – plus, Aggie seems to be alright with her, and Arthur is already getting along with Uriel really well. So…I just want to make sure that she knows that she’s welcome and…safe with us.”

“Oh my sweet boy,” mentally sorrowed Ikaris, “that little fire hellion has got him petrified.” No matter how long since it’s been since he last fought, the Eternal would tell when someone was trying to put on a brave face. Not wanting to embarrass his son, Ikaris decided that it would be best to just drop the matter for now. Worst case scenario, he would no issue to take matters in his own hands if that little flame demon tried to pull anything on Laurie like she had the first time.

“Alright,” he relented, “but you shouldn’t worry so much. I’m sure that you two will soon be good friends. But if there is anything that happens with her that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, you tell me or you mum straight away. Do you understand that?”

“Yeah dad, I understand.”

“Good, I want you to know that-”



Letting out a deep sigh before walking over to the foot of the bed next to his son, Ikaris swept aside a bit of his unruly curls to drop a quick kiss on the top of his forehead. A wave of rosemary and frankincense wafted into his nose.

“Seems like your mum needs some help,” he chuckled, “remember what I told you. I love you.”

“Love you too dad,” replied Laurie as he watched his father walk out of his room and closing the door. He tried his best to gather his thoughts for the upcoming holiday, but that was easier said than done.

“Agalia Sersi Harris!” He heard his mother yell out – which happened very rarely. “You tell Germain to lower your brother on the ground this instant young lady!”

Not being able to hold back the laugh escape his throat, Laurie let out a series of soft chuckles. He thought back to all of the comments his friends at his school would make about his family.

They would marvel over how his mum would always make sure his lunches would look so delicious, and laugh whenever he never rejected her hugs and kisses.

Sometimes, they’d jealously gripe over how close he would be with his dad because he would always be there for his games and always act so proud of how he played – even if he did terribly.

There was the occasional snide comment about how Aggie would act so uppity and prissy, and then they’d immediately piss themselves at the sight of her barreling toward them at full speed to deliver her fury.

And then they would talk about how weird it’d be whenever Little Ari would always try to play with them, and Laurie would never brush him off and make sure that there was a way to include him.

It made the young man sad to realize that it wasn’t considered “normal” to be so close to your own parents and siblings. But if being a “normal” meant having to pretend that he didn’t have most incredible family in the history of the world, then he would gladly wear the title “freak” proudly.

Fall Family Chaos Fun - An Ikaris X Persephone!Eternal Halloween Oneshot

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1 year ago

ProcesiĂłn de la Muerte (Procession of the Dead) - Druig x Hecate!Eternal Reader Halloween Oneshot

Procesin De La Muerte (Procession Of The Dead) - Druig X Hecate!Eternal Reader Halloween Oneshot
Procesin De La Muerte (Procession Of The Dead) - Druig X Hecate!Eternal Reader Halloween Oneshot
Procesin De La Muerte (Procession Of The Dead) - Druig X Hecate!Eternal Reader Halloween Oneshot

Pairings: Druig x Hecate!Eternal Reader, Druig x Kaetlyn Word Count: over 4.0k Summary: How a wife's love for her emo-pacifist mind-controller husband accidentally created a centuries old legend of the Amazon Rainforest, ended up bringing to light one of the most sacred and honored celebrated traditions in South and Central America. Warning(s): Words that are bold and italisized indicate spoken in another language bc I can't speak nor write Spanish & don't want to offend anyone by using Google Translate, Angst, mention of death & genocide & war (fun stuff y'all), mentions of depression and PTSD, slight mention of blood, necromancy practices, probably really inaccurate descriptions of magic and magical practices, Kaet is seriously so gone for Druig (i fucking love these two dorks), Cerberus is the goodest boi,

Notes: Yes, I know that Halloween has technically passed, but I had midterms and projects during the time so I'm using the rest of the season as a Free Fall fics pass until December. So this oneshot was beta read by the ever-so lovely @ethereal-athalia, who has so graciously sacrificed herself agreed to beta read all of my fics for the upcoming future while my usual beta reader @valeskafics, is currently really busy with law school until the foreseeable future! Even so, please go visit her blog because she is one of the best writers on Tumblr, especially if you are a fan of Ewan Mitchell, and the HOTD/GOT universe! If you have read any of my past works, you know that my girl @ethereal-athalia is pretty much the co-parent of this Eternals AU idea, and I absolutely love sharing ideas with her, and making connections to make these fics more interesting. Anyway, please be kind and enjoy!

Procesin De La Muerte (Procession Of The Dead) - Druig X Hecate!Eternal Reader Halloween Oneshot

There was an energy that encompassed the autumnal season’s high holiday that made its ancient magic so enchanting and powerful. It was a time known across practitioners of the mystic arts of any field that autumn was a season known more than for its abundance and harvest. It was a time of transformation, of when summer’s green fertility gave way to winter’s bleak barrenness. It was when the veil between the physical and spiritual planes was at its thinnest. A time in which both magic practitioners and mundane were able to catch the slightest glimpse to the other side. This was the time where magic was at its peak, and it was all because of you- his love; his wife; his angel of shadow & death who was also his harbinger of light & life.

Although the environment of his home rarely changes throughout the year, Druig still felt the unmistakable chills that danced on his bare skin that came with transition from summer to autumn, and from there approached winter’s foreshadowing. Despite the abandonment of summer’s warmth, the mind-controller Eternal was often teased by you for being considered an avid enthusiast for the unforgiving seasons by the standards of their family. However, it was Samhain that made your husband greet the year’s end with such glee. Furthermore, it was a day that would forever be etched into the bareness of his being by the testaments of your love and devotion towards him. Each act from you followed from an event that harrowed him.

But the only way to best understand was by starting at the beginning.

Procesin De La Muerte (Procession Of The Dead) - Druig X Hecate!Eternal Reader Halloween Oneshot

It was no secret that you worked best at night with the only witnesses to your work being the moon and stars. Although you adored the bustling livelihood that thrived in the village you and your husband created, there was something about the darkness and solitude of the night that made Kaetlyn feel more connected to her magic than the garish light of day could ever dream to accomplish. It was common for Kaetlyn would burn the midnight oil conducting experiments and immerse herself in research to secrets that still remained a mystery to her – even after 7000 years of existence.

Meanwhile, Druig would fall into a deep state that vaguely resembled a still corpse if it were not for the subtle rising and falling of his chest in tandem with his breathing. When the lily-pale mind-controller fell asleep, there was little that could get him up from his slumber. Too many times Ajak had lectured him for how late he would sleep into the day – not to mention the staggering occurrences in which he would accidentally sleep through a natural catastrophe. It became commonplace for their former leader to ask his lover to awaken him in the most compromising acts. It was inconvenient, but it got the job done.

 But since the couple separated from their family as a result of witnessing the fall and horrific genocide of the once glorious Aztec civilization centered around Tenochtitlan from the Spanish Conquistadors, there would be nights where Druig would be unable to fall asleep. It did not matter what he would do in attempt to tire him, his memory of fire and screams plagued his mind in an endless cycle of misery and devastation. It did not matter that he prevented further bloodshed by taking over the minds of the humans; it mattered even less when he and his angel led the horde of mortals south from the ruins to the land that they now call home. Sleep always evaded the somber Eternal, and whatever sleep he managed to get would be afflicted by memories turned nightmares of the horrors he had been forced to witness as a bystander to humanity’s cruelty by orders of their former leader.

The sight of your dearest in such agony tore your heart in the most brutal manner. Although you had also been long tormented by watching 7000 years of destruction, your heart had been hardened as a consequence to the multitude of deaths that you had to personally oversaw as a physician and a fighter. While you still carried hope for mankind, most of the naïve idealist dreams expired with time. However, this was not the case for Druig. You knew more than anyone that the strength of your lover’s will was overshadowed by the tenderness in his heart for those weaker than him and his family. It was that persisting quality of the beautiful mind-controller that drew the impulsive shadow wielder into his orbit, and eventually what caused such enduring steadfastness from your part.

It was not without tremendous effort from his wife’s part to get the immortal insomniac to get some rest. But all of your efforts were wasted on her part. Every night you would lead Druig to your shared bed, and whisper sweet words of comfort, as well as voicing your desperate pleas for him to finally rest. You would carefully stroke the firm lines of his frame with the tender touch of her fingertips, quickly finding areas of taut muscle to knead away any knots with your skillful hands. You had created countless versions of sleeping draughts that would calm his mind, and thousands of potions that would prevent him from dreams. But memories held more power than dreams, and so all of your efforts were met with the continued grief of your beloved.

Not being able to bear the sight of Druig’s turmoil, you decided to take further action. With your talents in the arcane, you designed a complex ritual that could only be completed at a grand scale- one that would take over an entire continent. It involved a form of magic that took up so much power and energy, it was only to be used as a last resort in any form of situation- necromancy. A magic that was only possible in theory, its crudest form was born before the outermost Walls of Babylon had yet to be constructed. You were approached by a shaman that was outcasted by her tribe when her husband discovered that she had been sacrificing their livestock to Ereshikigal, the Mesopotamian Queen of the Dead that ruled the Underworld. The woman had thought the Eternal to be the goddess herself, and begged you to allow the woman to see her late son that died in a raid.

Replying with only that her son was in peace in the higher dome in the heavens, you advised the shaman to return to her husband and perform a cleansing ritual to purify their home from the anger of the murdered animals. However, the shaman only pressed further, blurting out that the spirit of her son had been calling out to her in dreams. She revealed that she would stop until her son was at peace in the arms of Anu in An. Against you better judgement, you allowed yourself to be swayed by the mother’s grief, telling her that she would try her best to guide her son to the heavens so that he may rest in peace, but there would be no guarantee of success. After the woman gave her thanks by kneeling to the ground in a deep bow, you set off to work.

The Eternal spent months scouring over texts that theorized the use of magic manifestation, and detailed dreams of the dead rising. You recruited Makkari to search for more artifacts and texts in efforts to make the poor woman’s request a reality, a favor the silent speedster was more than happy to fulfill. It was only when winter was soon to be upon them that you were able to summon enough energy to prepare the ritual. Tracing a circle into the earth to serve as a temporary portal to the spiritual realm, the Eternal carved in the symbols that would allow you to put greater focus into directing the energy in the circle to attract the spirit’s energies before trapping it within its boundaries. From there, you would use the symbols that you painted on your skin to allow the magic around you to deconstruct the spirit’s current form into unbound electromagnetic particles, before reconstructing the matter into a more visible form. This flow of energy and change in the state of matter could only be achieved by physically placing your hands in the center of the circle. Using a mixture of your blood and the mother’s as a medium for the spirit to bind to so that there would not be such a large gap in the energy needed to activate the spell, it was finally complete.

It should have not have come as a surprise to her when she lost consciousness towards the end of the ritual. The raw power that connected her body to the earth felt as if liquid fire was coursing through her veins. The painted symbols became carvings as they dug into her body with searing pain as blood poured from the wounds. And though her body collapsed and she was too exhausted to keep her eyes open, Kaet knew that she was successful. As she laid on the ground, two words belonged to a young man’s voice echoed in her ear.

“Thank you.”

And from a budding magical practitioner’s too soft heart, came forth the rawest and crudest form of one of the most innately unstable and powerful fields of magic- necromancy.

From that day, the symbols took permanent residence on your skin, along with the ability to see the dead that were tied to the physical world, unable to move on for whatever reason. And although you adored your newfound power, Druig made you promise to never commit such acts on your own ever again. The ancient witch was met with screams of panic from Sersi when she and Sephia ventured out in search for you after seeing that you had not been in your room that morning. The site of you lying in a pool of your own blood with unfamiliar symbols etched into your skin was haunting to say the least.

Procesin De La Muerte (Procession Of The Dead) - Druig X Hecate!Eternal Reader Halloween Oneshot

The risk of your husband staring at you with glaring disappointment and furious worry was one worth taking if it meant that he could finally allow himself to rest. It took years of careful preparation; painfully precise attention to detail and timing; and endless travels across the globe to scour for masters in various fields of magic that specialized in divination, transformation, and theology. After nearly 10 years, when the veils between the two worlds finally overlapped for magic to reach its peak- along with the aid provided by the appearance in the hare moon’s rarity (when the earth was in perfect alignment with the Sun and Moon)- you knew that there was no time better than now.

That night, you sent out your shadows to search for any souls from the same genocide that haunted her beloved, and if they were in a state of unrest. You handed the village’s Head Weaver a small leather bag filled with ebony wood beads strung together and red string. While you hated to keep secrets from Druig, you knew that he would be able to sense the shift in the energies that surrounded them if you were successful. When the preparations were finally completed and your oldest shadow informed you of the location of the ritual, you left the bracelet that the Weaver finished – enchanted with spell that would be activated the same time of the ritual – on your pillow of their bed as you laid a tender kiss on his brow before setting off with only Cerberus by your side.

Procesin De La Muerte (Procession Of The Dead) - Druig X Hecate!Eternal Reader Halloween Oneshot

When Druig rose from his slumber – still wrought with gunpowder and fire – he instinctually reached for his wife, only for his fingers to feel a smooth, rounded texture. Opening his eyes, he noticed that your pillow was cold, but showed signs being slept in from the previous night. While such a sight would cause a much more panicked reaction from the man, he was comforted by the small note that laid carefully next to his gift. Picking up the parchment, a sense of calm washed over Druig as he took in the notes of jasmine and myrrh that come from your natural parfum.

Contents of Letter Below it:

Procesin De La Muerte (Procession Of The Dead) - Druig X Hecate!Eternal Reader Halloween Oneshot

My dearest Beloved,

I am sure that my absence from our bed must have been a rather awful shock to you. Please know that I am more than well, and have only been informed of unusual occurrences full of malicious whispers and daunting sights. And as much as I adore our home and your company, you know more than anyone of how my curiosity cannot be satisfied with only rumors and tales. No, I decided that it would be best to see it with my very own eyes. And although it would bring me nothing but joy to have you by my side, I could not bear wake you from your slumber. Rest suits my love, and it has been decades since you have slept so fitfully. Your dreams have been a constant source of your misery, and I do believe that this area may hold some promise to show me of how to ease your mind.

Rest assured my darling that I have travelled alone in my endeavors, I would never be so careless as to travel so far from you without the company of our sweet boy. Do not dare tell another soul of this, but I believe that the trek will do our boy some good. He has grown very lazy as a result of your spoiling. Yes, your spoiling, Druig- all coddling of Cerbie has been solely enacted by you, and none whatsoever committed by me. Do not dare attempt to argue this matter with me, for I would deny it till my final breath (and you know how stubborn I can be).

What did you think of my gift? During one of my many wanderings in the woods surrounding our home, I spied a dying tree with jet-black lumber. It stood in solitude from its thicket, but that only made its splendor even more enchanting, so much so that it reminded me of you. I used one of its branches to make some wooden beads, and asked for some leather to bind them. Please make sure that you wear them at all times, as they’ll reveal a little secret that will be revealed to you on the night of the full moon that will be arriving soon.

All of my love for you and your heart,


Despite the overall lack of sleep over the years, all of Druig’s anxiety seemed to wash away at your thoughtfulness. The bracelet was very elegant in its simplicity, but he could tell that it was made to last for lifetimes. Placing it on his wrist, a blanket of subtle warmth washed over him as he admired the little symbols carved into the wood. Tracing his finger over the design, he certified them to match that were etched into his angel’s lovely form. He would recognize the markings anywhere; it would be shameful if he didn’t after spending hours tracing their outline with his tongue. The knowledge that the full moon’s rising would begin tomorrow, and last for around 2-3 days. Relieved that he would not be without the company of his love for very long, Druig prepared himself for another day in protecting the compound and the humans that reside within its boundaries.

Procesin De La Muerte (Procession Of The Dead) - Druig X Hecate!Eternal Reader Halloween Oneshot

After you managed to track down the location of the largest gathering of souls, you set off preparations for the ritual immediately. A ceremony of this magnitude would shift the energies between the two worlds for the rest of eternity, so it was imperative that there would be no mistakes. Sephia already had instructions of ensuring that pathways that followed the ley lines in her journey would remain clear of any natural obstacles. It seemed too perfect that the fall of such a grand civilization that met its end with war and genocide would be at the center of such innate hidden supernatural energy. Tracing the circle around the entire city, you sat at the top of the very same temple where she and Druig had last seen the others. As the time of the moon’s rising grew shorter, you could feel the power felt only like a whisper gradually grow into a rumbling growl. You could hear the spirits that surrounded her being pulled toward inside the circle. 





Pain- so much pain

But they would all be at peace in the end.

Before long, twilight passed and dusk had come and the stars glittered in the endless expanse of the darkness. But all had paled in comparison to the illustrious light of the moon. Every month during the full moon, you and your husband would spend the nights locked in each other’s embrace, frozen in their admiration of its ivory glow and taking in their heightened emotional energies.

You wondered it was natural to feel so much pleasure from the power that came from being bathed in the blood red rays that came from the rare eclipse. Cerberus watched in silent obedience, not daring to move in fear of disrupting his mother’s spell, and thus ruining all of her work.

As the moon’s shadow hit the circle, the outermost boundary began to glow. As the celestial body inched across the sky, the faint howls echoed until it ascended into a deafening roar. When the moon reached it apex – directly in the center of the circle – the symbols engraved to her skin glowed while the ground beneath her feet rumbled and sang as her body collapsed from the overwhelming pressure. You could faintly hear your beloved hound’s frantic barking in the distance, trying to scare away all and any threat that came to his mother and savior. But soon they lessened into panicked whimpers at the sight of the millions of forms that were appearing before his very eyes.

In a village far away, a certain brunette’s enchanted bracelet’s beads with identical scores began to hum and glow against the lily-petal pallor on his wrist.

Before the power could tear you apart, the moon passed the circle’s boundaries, and it borders and symbols no longer sang and glowed. And when you lifted yourself with as much strength she had, you couldn’t stop the smile that took over her your as tears streamed from your eyes from the overwhelming joy that flooded your heart.

“I’m sorry for the pain you’ve had to endure for so long, but I’m happy to tell you that it will not be for much longer.”

Procesin De La Muerte (Procession Of The Dead) - Druig X Hecate!Eternal Reader Halloween Oneshot

While normally Druig wouldn’t need to be so intensely involved in matters of the village, it allowed his mind distracted him from missing his wife enough to just through the day. In any case, the earthquake from last night frightened the residents of the compound with how close they were to winter. The days were getting shorter, and this meant that they needed to prepare for the harshness that would come for their crops, their families, and eventually their way of life. Multiple people came up to Druig to ask if last night’s earthquake was a sign of larger disaster brought by the gods. While he did his best to placate their concerns, the patience he had was wearing thin. Luckily Sephia managed to intercept their line of questioning before he would lose his temper, and he was able to take a short rest.

It wasn’t until he heard a familiar barking in the distance that immediately caught his attention. Dashing out the hut he shared with you, he saw Cerberus sitting on his hind legs as his little tail wagged in glee and the little taps echoed in his ears.

“Cerberus,” he exclaimed in joy as he gathered the black Doberman in his arms, “where have you been? Where’s your mum?”

At the mention of his Mum, Cerberus immediately began tugging on his Da’s dark blue robe. While it wasn’t enough to cause any tear or inspire any panic, it did tell the man enough information to know that something or someone was coming- and it would be best that Druig gave his entire attention over it. Following his wife’s hound over to commune’s outermost edge, he was only met with the familiar chirps and song of the forest. A few minutes passed by and Cerberus remained still, as if he were just waiting for something great.

Suddenly, the fine hairs across Druig’s body stood up straight as an overwhelming presence of otherworldly beings began to approach close to where he and Cerberus stood. Sensing that they were no longer alone, the hound starting howling to the moon that hung above them. Running toward the strange energy, Druig watched in awed rapture at the figure that stood front center with familiar designs that glowed gold down their arms, leading the army of apparitions with a singular torch. Recognizing the haunting designs, Druig was engulfed in frozen wonder at the army that you managed to summon, and the control and strain your body had to endure to stage such a feat.

When the two ancient lovers reached one another, with only pockets of space between their bodies, Druig launched himself to embrace his angel. Gladly reciprocating the act, you made sure that the torch you were holding remained in the air as you let yourself be enveloped in the security of your husband’s arms while taking in the sweet smell of his sweat.

“I should have known that little rumble was from you,” he whispered while laying small and frequent kisses across her neck, “nothin’ you do can ever be done halfway, can it?”

“Never,” she whispered back, “are you ready for my surprise?”

You stepped aside so that her husband could truly understood what you had done. Although Druig was initially upset by the loss of warmth that came from you leaving his embrace, he stopped and stared at the sight ahead of him.

Hundreds of thousands of specters that held a pearly blue glow that went as far out as his eyes could take him. But instead of fear, Druig felt…warm, and strangely…at peace. Taking a step closer, he slowly reached out his hand as a way to ask for permission. The nearest spirit was that of a child, going no higher than his knee, eagerly taking his hand before a wide smile overtook his face.

“Hello Mister Druig, it has been so long.”

Eyes wide in shock, Druig turned his head to stare at his wife in disbelief.

It couldn’t be…it shouldn’t be possible. Then again, you always took the label “impossible” as just a simple label.

As Druig turned back to stare at vision before him, familiar faces that he thought were forever gone flooded his sight.

Before him were all the souls that were lost so young at the fall of Tenochtitlan over 10 years ago.

You did this…you brought them all back. As his body failed to support him in shock, all Druig could do was openly weep in joy at the knowledge that his love- his wonderful, incredible, truly magnificent marvel of a woman- risked everything so that these people could have just the slightest chance of closure and peace.

Taking your husband’s frame in your arms, you softly turned him until he could face you.

“Do you think there might be some space in our home for our guests, my dearest?” You asked with bright eyes and youthful mirth as you knew full-well his answer.

Druig could only let out a wet laugh – his tears hadn’t stopped, but he never felt so at peace and happy for so long.

“Kaet my darling,” he started, “nothing would give me more pleasure.”

Procesin De La Muerte (Procession Of The Dead) - Druig X Hecate!Eternal Reader Halloween Oneshot

500 Years Later

‘The Procession of the Dead had been a tale that has been passed down by the many indigenous tribes located in the Amazonian Rainforest for over twenty generations. They say that the first procession began as an act of mercy from Mictecacihuatl, who was known as the “lady of the dead.” Legends state that it was Mictecacihuatl who summoned the spirits of tormented souls, and led them on a journey across the Amazon rainforest so that the souls may find fulfillment and peace in order to move on to the afterlife. The earliest record of the procession stated that the procession began with a ritual of a cursed city, followed by a powerful earthquake. But it was granted by the Guardians of the Forest, as the trees and rocks cleared the path in order to make the journey easier for the merciful goddess. Although there have been multiple cases of alleged sightings of the legend even now, many of the tribes that still reside in the forest celebrate October 31st as the day where the dead would find peace in the physical world, before finally finding peace in their next life. It is for that reason that multiple towns in countries of South America will build a straw monument of Mictecacihuatl holding a burning torch, so that the spirits of the lost was make the journey for peace.’

A small boy with large aquamarine eyes and patiently sat in front of a large easel in his art room, gleefully listening to his favorite educational podcast. He loved to listen to the origins of how his birthday started out, even if he wasn’t there when it started.

“Hamish,” he heard his Da call out, “you wanna get ready so that we can make it to your Tio Phastos’ house in Chicago to meet with everyone! It’s rude for the birthday boy to arrive last!”

Making the finishing touches to the canvas, Hamish silently grabbed his Mimikyu costume from his bedpost before racing down the stairs. He couldn’t wait to show his Mami his painting when they got back tomorrow, she was going to love it!

Procesin De La Muerte (Procession Of The Dead) - Druig X Hecate!Eternal Reader Halloween Oneshot
Procesin De La Muerte (Procession Of The Dead) - Druig X Hecate!Eternal Reader Halloween Oneshot

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