changbinslovelylegs - I Won’t Bite Unless Your Into It
I Won’t Bite Unless Your Into It

Ruby / -18 dni / masterlist is πŸ“Œ/ requests are CLOSED but hard hours are always open

735 posts

Am I Satisfactory?

Am I satisfactory?

A/N: Got this idea after listening to Kevin Moon's cover of bury a friend however I chose a diff idol since I don't write for Kevin :)

Pairing: Bang Chan (skz) (dom) x Orignal character (sub)

Rating: Mature/Explicit

WC: 5152

Blurb: Why don't you run from me? why aren't you scared of me? In a world where everyone possesses a power, Yuna is outcast since her power only brings negative effects, people don't like her, people are scared of her, she barely hangs onto her job as a tattoo artist by being the best drawer in the shop, that is until she meets Chan. Chan doesn't run away, Chan isn't afraid, Chan just wants to show Yuna that she is deserving of love.

Warnings: language, needles (tattoo gun), masturbation, smut, choking, hair pulling, violet wand, vibrator, praise, aftercare of course! the main character is very into pain and talks about it in a way majority of people wouldn't, (there is no self harm Yuna may be into pain but only sexual types) this fic while loving in ways is also very dark, please proceed with caution if anything above does not interest you then please don't read!


As she briskly walked through the harsh wind, arms wrapped around herself to keep from shivering, Yuna prayed to herself that she would make it to work in one piece. Having been an outcast ever since she presented her power, her life was never the same.

People were scared of her, afraid that if they said something or did something wrong then she would use her power against them. People ran away from her, never liking to get close. Which is why sadly Yuna doesn't have many friends or even family, they cast her aside too. Yuna was just thankful that her landlord didn't kick her out but he says it's just because her rent is never late. Yuna was also thankful that she was able to keep her job too, not only did she enjoy being a tattoo artist but it's hard finding a job when your an outcast.

Picking up the pace, since the wind did the same, Yuna walked faster, not enjoying the way the mother and daughter duo behind her slowed down so they wouldn't be as close when walking. A red light stopped them from going any further, and the mother had to pull the daughter further back by saying "baby stay close to me ok, don't go near that disgusting girl."

Luckily they were going separate ways, the tattoo shop actually being just across the road in one of the strips of shops. Just before the light turned green, Yuna turned her head and gave the mother a deadly look, gripping her wrist and using her power to burn it; "You know I can hear you right bitch? think twice next time" Yuna spat, then let go and started walking once the light did turn green, smiling to herself when the mother let out a cry of pain.

"What the fuck?! you burned me!" the women yelled out as Yuna crossed the street, but she paid the women no mind, neither the child because she knew that she would grow up to be just as hateful as her mother.

A distinctive ding ran throughout the shop once Yuna opened the door and was quick to shut it behind her since the weather was so poor today. "Good morning Yuna, sleep well?" San, who was the shops receptionist greeted kindly, a warm and welcoming look on his face. Everyone in the shop was wary of her, even Yuna herself knew this however for some reason they never treated her badly, maybe it was because she worked there?

Her coworkers were the only people she considered friends, since they treated her the nicest out of all the people she knew. It felt at times as if they were the only people keeping her sane, keeping her from going crazy.

"Hi San yes I did sleep well thank you for asking" she smiled back at him while going into the back to make herself a coffee, an americano specifically because she didn't like sweet things. "Yuna, you have a customer waiting for you in your room, he's a new guy" Hyunjin, another tattoo artist peered in to let her know. Felix, the piercer added that he thought he was hot too which Hyunjin replied that Felix should shut up and "am I not hot enough?" which started a cute bickering between the couple, bickering like this made them seem old and married.

"Thanks, Hyunjin, I'm done with my coffee anyway" Yuna replied and off she went to start her day at work. Felix was right in saying that the client was hot, he had brown hair and was swept neatly to the side, a few tattoos here and there but not too many so he wasn't a virgin but also not an ink addict. There was a black lip ring on the ride side of his lower lip, she watched for a moment as the client played with it.

He was wearing your classic black jeans, white top and black leather jacket look but on him it just looked much more interesting. Yuna had to will herself to put down her thoughts, no one liked her anyway so how was she ever to find love, Yuna at times didn't even think she deserved love, not with what her power brings.

"Hello my name is Yuna and I will be your artist today, how are you?" she greeted warmly as she sat on her small stool. While waiting for an answer she adjusted the tattoo bed/chair height to her liking.

"Oh, I'm fine thanks, I'm Chan and I just decided to treat myself today I guess" Chan shrugged his shoulders. Chan. It fell so beautifully from his lips, oh the thoughts that invaded her mind at the mere mention of his name. Yuna had to force herself to take a deep breath so that she could focus on the task at hand instead of daydreaming about how chan would look while fucking her while he had his hands around her throat, Woah where did these thoughts come from!

"Chan, what a lovely name. How may I help you today Chan?" Yuna was getting all the things that she would need ready, wanting to be 100% prepared before anything started. She turned on her speaker, making sure it was on low but she always needed music to get through the day, Lavinia by the the Viels came on.

"Well I have this design that I drew, was thinking of getting it on my lower hip" Chan reached into his back pocket, only to pull out a small piece of paper with what looked like a rose skull on it, the design pulled her in. Yuna might have stared at it for a little longer than needed and was only pulled from your thoughts when Chan sneezed.

"Oh Bless you, since you want it in a not so accessible place, I have to ask you to please take off your jacket and pull your pants down a little" Yuna's face was flushed, Chan definitely noticed and took a mental note. Ever since Chan laid his eyes on Yuna, he hasn't been able to look away, the way her eyes lit up when looking at the design, so invested. Chan couldn't wait to get to know this girl more. As chan started to undress leaving him in only a white tee and boxers, Yuna pretended to be on her phone, reading chats from the work group chat.

Felix: Hyung why am I always stuck with the children!

Minho: Because your our only piercer dumbass

Felix: But Hyung, why don't any cute guys wanna be pierced? it's always mothers bringing their daughters in for their first ever piercing or it's a pain junkie covered in them however managed to find a spare spot, UGH!

Jeongin: Maybe it's because you complain too much

Felix: Fuck you Jeongin πŸ–•πŸΌ

Hyunjin: Babe please calm down no need to fret however you should say sorry to Innie for swearing

Minho: Who swore at my baby!

Yuna: It's ok Felix, no need to stress πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ’–

San: oh god not this again 😩

They were the closest you would ever get to friends, it made you giggle at how cute Felix sounded when he tried to be mad. Chan also made a mental note to try and make you giggle more often, it was the sweetest sound.

"Um... I guess I should start? If you ever need a break just let me know yeah?" for Yuna this was just one of her usual safeties, sometimes it made her smile to see others in pain, the way each different person handles pain, it was such a wonderful sight.

Chan got back on the table once undressed and placed his hands above his head once he realized they covered the spot he wanted the tattoo. Bracing himself, Chan knew what was coming however it had been so long since last time so he held onto the chair arm just in case.

"Alright, take a deep breath for me."




"Oh fuck" Chan groaned and threw his head back, tried his best to not move his lower body. "It's been so long, I always forget that first initial sting" A long lingering sting after. A new song came on through the speakers, Billie Eilish's bury a friend which always had a sinister vibe to it however it was one of Yuna's current favourites.

"Does it hurt?" she inquired, yet her actions did not stop.

"Hmm" was all Chan replied with. Yuna smiled to herself once again, seeing Chan, cute mysterious Chan in pain was hot. She had no idea why except maybe for her weird liking to the sensation.

"Pain is all mental you know, pain can be whatever you want it to be, it doesn't even have to be pain if you don't want it to be" she tried to make conversation, to the best of her ability.

"Are all your conversations always this morbid?" Chan turned to face her, a confused look on his face.

"I'm not always good at this part" Yuna admitted, not having many friends affected her social skills, but Yuna always tried her best.

"HA! clearly, getting a tattoo already hurts enough, I say we chat about something not related to the constant sting in my hip" Chan laughed a little before another groan escaped him, the boney parts were always the worst.

"Breathe, Chan, what do you do for a living?" Yuna tried a different approach, a less socially awkward one. Yuna may be relishing in the way Chan's hand's grip at the chair arm or how he shakes his head and mentally tells himself to keep breathing, Though Yuna wasn't a monster, she could be polite.

"Oh, I work at an entertainment company as a producer actually with two of my friends Changbin and Jisung, we've produced a lot of got7 and twice songs, we work for JYP entertainment" Chan ranted on about his job, it was refreshing to hear about such an awesome lifestyle.

"Ooooh what's Yugyeom like? he's my favorite" Yuna couldn't pinpoint why she was admitting to a lot of things today, it made her mentally facepalm.

"Ahahah Yugyeom is nice, the same age as me actually we get along great. What about you Yuna, what do you do in your free time?"

"I draw alot and make designs for the shop. I also love just laying flat on my back playing some music and letting the emotions take me." Yuna trailed off, afraid that she may have said too much.

"And where do they take you exactly?" Oh, so she hadn't said too much?

"Wherever I feel like going" Yuna smirked just as a forget me too by machine gun kelly came on, another artist that Yuna has grown to love. Besides her love for got7 Yuna was really into alternative artists, music makers who pushed the boundaries. Yuna didn't even notice that she had gone too much into her headspace until Chan started whining and asked for a break, you took your hands off of him and noticed a slight red mark, you had burned him, only slightly but a burn nonetheless.

"I'm so sorry Chan oh my god this is so unprofessional" Yuna started to rant, annoyed with herself that she let her powers take control once again. Chan was quick to take her shaking hands into his own, everything was now starting to make sense for Chan however he wasn't mad.

"Yuna it's ok, please don't work yourself up, so you're an outcast who even cares?"

"Oh my- the whole world cares or else I wouldn't be an outcast. I can make people feel any kind of pain I desire by just a touch. From simple things like headaches all the way to birth contractions even if you're not having a baby. Just this morning I got called disgusting by someone that I don't even know."

"Hey hey, you could never be disgusting. I haven't known you for very long but you are already such a far cry from disgusting"

"You wouldn't like some of the things I'm into."

"Try me."

"I like a lot of creepy things, Halloween is my favorite holiday, I wear darker colours, I enjoy horror films, I'm fascinated by blood, death doesn't scare me, and they're just surface-level shit" Yuna answered while also getting back to work, she was almost finished with the outline.

"Well, what's under the surface?" Chan pried even more, and Yuna didn't know whether to feel offended or grateful that someone was talking to her and not spewing insults. Most of the time when people get tattooed by her, they stay silent except for small grunts or hisses of pain.

Deciding to avoid the question for now because it may be too soon, Yuna opted to say something else in return. "People don't really talk to me you know? There so uneasy about the fact that I'm an outcast that they choose to stay silent unless there asking for a break" Yuna's face fell, and Chan would be an idiot not to notice, frowning himself as Overcome by better than ezra came on. People can be such assholes sometimes, Chan found his thoughts swimming, fighting with each other actually. Chan hardly knew this girl yet he wanted to protect her with every fibre of his being.

"Hmm, you didn't answer my question though" Chan mused, not even realising that his dominant side was coming forth until he heard Yuna gasp. All he wanted was for her not to think about the assholes that gave her that ugly title, outcast. Honestly, how dare they? A small blush made its way onto Yuna's cheeks, spreading its warm pink all over her face. Chan watched as she thought for a moment, stopping the tattoo to quickly change colours from black to red. She didn't answer until she started the shading on the rose.

"It's a little dark. I like to inflict pain on myself, only in sexual situations however, it helps escape the numbness I sometimes feel. Like it hurts but at least I'm feeling something and sometimes it's soo good, I can also get real kinky in bed I- oh wow I just revealed so much already I hardly even know you" Yuna's cheeks got even red-er, if that was even possible, the fact that Chan wasn't staying silent like most customers do was enough to send Yuna spiralling and telling her whole life story. But Chan seemed different, he didn't interrupt, he just listened the whole way though. It was coming out like word vomit at this point. She was annoyed that she basically became a submissive chatter box the second anyone showed her any kindness.

"It's ok Yuna, I can get kinky too" Chan winked in her direction, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Would it make you feel better if I overshared now?" Chan chuckled slightly, "Sure if you want to. but please don't move too much."

"Oh sorry, I'll stop laughing" Chan took a moment to compose himself, Maybe Chan should start with his power?

"Where should I start, My power is the ability to make plants grow faster like it's such a shitty power I hardly use it. Changbin's is cooler, he can command people to do whatever he wants like this one time we all planned to go out a few years ago but Jisung and my other friend Seungmin weren't 21 yet so Changbin just used his power to make the bouncer let Jisung and Seungmin inside" It was now Chan's turn to ramble, his friends were always a happy topic for him. "what else hmm? I can get kinky in bed too you know, I have a thing for choking and spanking" Chan spoke as if choking and spanking were mundane topics, it made Yuna's eyes wide.

"Do you feel better?" Chan asked with a grin, relishing in the way her eyes widened and your jaw fell slightly open. "I mean you did share a lot" Yuna replied, quietly finishing up the shading, smiling at her work. "I'm done, wanna have a look?"

Chan stood up to look at his tattoo in the mirror while she explained how he was to take care of it. "I love it so much, thank you" and before she could even register it, Chan's big arms embraced her in a hug, Yuna breathed in his warm scent.

"I'm glad you like it, I've never done a skull before" she pulled away to take off her disposable gloves.

"Hey so, this might be a little soon however with what we talked about just before I don't think I'll be pushing it, I kinda like you and would love to get to know you better, can I have your number?"

Yuna thought on it for a moment, people never ask for her number, people never even talk to her unless they have to. On the other hand, Chan spoke to her, and he did it because he wanted to, not because he had to. The way he smiled when not groaning from pain and he gave her a glimpse that maybe all people weren't bad, Chan wasn't bad. "Oh sure."

The moment Yuna got home is when she let her thoughts take over, she tried to repress them at work but now she was in the comfort of her own home so. There was no doubt in her mind that Chan was a good looking man and she couldn't stop yourself from wondering what his hands would look like wrapped around her throat or slapping her ass as he fucked her.

Which is why Yuna wanted to have some fun with herself, she couldn't stop herself at this point.

Grabbing her two favourite toys which happen to be a violet wand and rabbet vibrator, blasting music because he apartment walls were very thin, she got to work.

Lying down on her bed, completely naked but with the heater going since it was a very cold day, she first decided to tease herself with the violet wand. Letting it trail down her stomach and shock her as it goes.

Deep moans leave her mouth as she closes her eyes and thinks of Chan, hot tattooed Chan and his thick arms as they wrap themselves around her, pinning her to the bed.

She continues this for a while, the thrilling pain turning her on even more, she continues to shock herself until she is almost crying for relief, and she actually does once she turns on the vibrator and places it on her clit.

The pleasure is overwhelmingly good, bringing her to the edge sooner than she hoped but she was also far too gone to care, moan after moan cry after cry.

Yuna came not long after, her whole body shaking so much that it takes her a few minutes to calm down, breathing deeply and listening to the sweet melodies of cigarettes after sex, which makes her really crave a special brownie and a long soak in the bath tub.

Before she can even think of having one her phone rings, bringing her out of her thoughts and into the real world.

"Hi Yuna, it's Chan from earlier today" he greets politely, she can practically hear his smile.

"Hi Chan, it's nice to hear your voice" Yuna finds herself admitting, Chan just does that to her.

"I was wondering if you would like to see a movie with me tomorrow? you mentioned that you liked horror films and so do I and theres this movie called-"

"Yes Chan I would love too!" Yuna answered before Chan could even finish, a movie sounds wonderful, anything with you sounds wonderful...

"Perfect! Shall I pick you up say 6pm?"

"Yeah ok, I'll send you my address"

After that Yuna did indulge in a special brownie and a long soak, Felix from work likes to bake in his spare time and both his regular and special brownies were always his biggest winners!!!

As Yuna soaked, she let her thoughts take her away and the lyrics from whatever song was playing, she was too excited for tomorrow to care about anything else.

It was another cold day, and another dark day. While Yuna was at work no one talked to her unless it was her co workers. All her customers stayed silent, she could see the glare in their eyes and the annoyed look on their faces because she could tell that they would have rather been tattooed by someone else.

Yuna never understood why people couldn't be more accepting, like yeah she causes pain but only when she wants too. Yuna has complete control over her power and if she never wanted to use it then she didn't have to.

One client even had the nerve to be rude to her throughout his appointment, making it clear that she was nothing but scum and it took all she had not to yell at him and wonder why he was letting her tattoo him them. It took all she had not to use her power on him and give him stomach cramps or something.

That's how Yuna found herself silently crying during her lunch break, wiping tears away as she thought about her sad life. She only had 4 friends, everyone else detested her, even her own parents detested her, everywhere she went she was met with stares and cold glares.

Sometimes she was asked to leave cafes or shops because they didn't want outcasts in their businesses, and sometimes this all just got to her and made her feel very out of place in this world.

"Oh Yuna, sweetheart" Minho's smile dropped once he entered the staff room and saw her like this; sobbing into her hands.

"I'm so sorry I-"

"None of that, shh come here" Minho brought her into his arms and slightly rocked them until her sobs died down.

"Having a bad day?" Minho asked once he thought Yuna was calm enough to answer.

"Yeah... it all just came crashing down earlier, being called scum among other things does that to you" Yuna sighed, looking down at her un eaten meat pie.

"Please don't tell me you believe any of that?"

"I try my best not too, it's just hard sometimes"

"That's ok, just know that I love you and the rest of the team love you. Don't you have that date later today?"

"Uh yeah, he's picking me up at 6"

"Go take the rest of the day off, go take a walk" Minho prompts, considering he owns the store he can do whatever he wants.

"Are you sure?" Yuna asks, looking up.

"You clearly need a break, a proper break, just go"

By the tine 6pm rolled around, Yuna was beyond nervous.

This was going to be her first date ever!

Ever since people found out about her power no one ever wanted to date her, they were always too scared. Everyone was always too scared that one day they would say something to make Yuna upset and then she would use her power on them. People were always afraid of pain, too afraid that it makes people become even worse than her.

Yuna had never had a date, nor a kiss, nor anything further than that.

Love was all Yuna ever wanted, she watched the people around her find their true love and it always made her sad that she never got to experience that. Being a 25 year old virgin mary didn't do much for her confidence.

Since it was just the movies she kept it simple, black skinny jeans, maroon turtleneck and a black leather jacket, the jacket she wore most often. She greeted Chan at the door but didn't invite him in otherwise they would be late for the movie.

The movie they went to see was called a quite place 2, Yuna remembers watching the first one and enjoying it so she was glad about seeing the second one.

They didn't talk much, just some small talk in the car and then stayed silent during the movie because well... it was a movie after all.

Once the movie was over was when they really had a chance to talk, as Chan drove back to Yuna's place they discovered a lot of things about each other.

Chan and Yuna had very similar taste in music for one thing, both loving Machine gun kelly and older bands from the early 2000's. They also both really liked horror films, as discovered tonight when Chan went into detail about all his favourite ones and he even named a few very old ones.

"What else hmm? I prefer bars over clubs, because you can actually talk to a person not to mention the music is better. Jisung loves clubbing tho so I'm always dragged along" Chan rambled on, his smile never fading the whole time.

"I don't really go to either, I actually don't go out very often I usually just stay in and order takeaway" Yuna laughed to herself but it made Chan frown, because he knew why Yuna never went out.

"Maybe we should go sometime, I can introduce you to my friends?" Chan offered just as he pulled up to Yuna apartment building.

Yuna actually invited Chan in this time, and it was then that Chan had the chance to look at the way Yuna liked to decorate. Since she offered him a tour of her place.

The walls were a dark grey, with multiple pictures and prints of the things she liked up on her walls, the only real amount of white was in the bathrooms, but conisdering white, yellow and pink were Yuna's least favourite colours Chan could understand that.

Yuna's bedroom was the last place, she had black fluffy bed covers, plus one of those life sized mood octo plushies sitting on her arm chair. The door to her walk in wardrobe was left open, it was filled with lots of black and red and green, dark green of course and mostly gold jewellery because she preferred it over silver.

"So this is my room..." Yuna trailed off, the moonlight reflecting perfectly on Chans face, the veins in his neck standing out from it but she could tell he wasn't angry.

"So it is..." Chan trailed off too, walking closer until he was just inches away from Yuna's face. Ever since he set foot in her place he was turned on.

Actually ever his he got that tattoo he couldn't stop thinking about everything Yuna said. She liked to be kinky, she liked pain, she liked it rough, and Chan could so get behind that.

"What should we do now?" Yuna asked, as if he wasn't eye undressing her.

"I can think of a few things" was all Chan could take before closing the gab between them.

Their lips collided with such passion Yuna was unsure of how much she could take, if this is the way she felt from just kissing imagine how she would feel from something more.

They kissed for a while, lying down on her bed and just basking in each other, getting lost in the simple pleasures of just kissing almost melting away from it.

"Before we progress, do you have any limits?" Chan mumbled against her lips, using his hands to take off her jacket and top, also taking off his own.

"Just one, please don't degrade me, people degrade me everyday and I don't like it"

"Of course, I wouldn't dream of saying any of those things angel"


One small word.

A word that has Yuna's pussy dripping and heart throbbing, no one has ever called her angel before.

"Oh please just take me" Yuna practically moaned she was so turned on.

"All in due time, do you have any toys?"

"Yeah, bottom drawer left side"

Chan leaned over and opened the draw, revealing many things that he would love to use on her but decided against it for tonight considering it was their first tine together.

"Great to know for next time, thanks angel"

It didn't take long for them to start fucking, the both of them so needy for it they couldn't hold off any longer.

Chan pushed in slowly, even though he knew she liked it rough, it was still her first time ever so he had to be somewhat careful so she wouldn't bleed.

"How does that feel?" Chan asked once he was fully inside.

"Like heaven, fuck me" Yuna moaned once again, and Chan took this as his sign to continue on.

"Yeah you like that, you like being fucked angel" one of Chans hands came down to pull her hair hard so that she would look straight at him. "I asked you a question"

"Oh yes Chan!" Yuna obeyed his every word, because she wanted to be good for him.

"That's it, only I can make you feel this way" One of Chans hands clamped around her throat, blocking her airways as the other started rubbing her clit, making sure she was feeling just as much pleasure as he was.

Chan had no idea where all this possessive energy came from, maybe it was because no one had ever treated Yuna with such care before and all Chan really wanted to do was show Yuna that she could be loved and that the whole world wasn't so cruel.

Chan continued to fuck and choke and rub all at the same time. Relishing in all the sinful sounds coming from Yuna's mouth, they seemed never ending.

As for Yuna, she never felt more on cloud nine, Chans fingers expectly rubbing inthe way that she loved as if this wasn't their first time. The blocked airways only adding to the pleasure, and it was building up fast.

"Close, Chan, ughhh ohhh" was all Yuna managed to say.

"Yeah baby so am I, come with me yeah?" Chans thrusts became more sloppier and somehow deeper before he was pulling out and cumming all over Yuna's chest, this caused Yuna's orgasm to wash over her like an automatic cash wash.

Her legs shaking as she gasps for breath, whole body invested in the orgasm. They both laid there for a moment, no one saying anything but no one needing to anyway.

After a few minutes Chan got up to start the clean up process, that's when he was first to break the silence.

"You were amazing, absolutely amazing angel" as he was cleaning up his cum he leaned down to place a wet kiss to Yuna's lips.

Yuna smiled and sighed at this, tiredness evident in her face but also euphoria. Yuna had never been so satisfied in her life.

"So I was satisfactory then hmm?"

"Oh angel" Chan smirked, climbing in bed and wrapping her in his arms, "you were more than satisfactory."

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- Fast dances to a slow song and laughs with you

- Is in complete aw of how beautiful you are

KinnPorsche Cast Take You To Prom

- Total gentlemen when meeting the fam and picking you up from your house

- Goes to a fancy dinner beforehand because you both know the food is gonna suck

- Stutters but is charming

- Smiles everytime he twirls you around

- Pretends to dance the whole night but in reality take 100 breaks

KinnPorsche Cast Take You To Prom

- Holds your hand the whole night

- Nervous when he first sees you

- Shows off by dipping you

- Takes many breaks as your both not into dancing

- Leaves early to go get burgers

Tags :
2 years ago

Am I satisfactory?

A/N: Got this idea after listening to Kevin Moon's cover of bury a friend however I chose a diff idol since I don't write for Kevin :)

Pairing: Bang Chan (skz) (dom) x Orignal character (sub)

Rating: Mature/Explicit

WC: 5152

Blurb: Why don't you run from me? why aren't you scared of me? In a world where everyone possesses a power, Yuna is outcast since her power only brings negative effects, people don't like her, people are scared of her, she barely hangs onto her job as a tattoo artist by being the best drawer in the shop, that is until she meets Chan. Chan doesn't run away, Chan isn't afraid, Chan just wants to show Yuna that she is deserving of love.

Warnings: language, needles (tattoo gun), masturbation, smut, choking, hair pulling, violet wand, vibrator, praise, aftercare of course! the main character is very into pain and talks about it in a way majority of people wouldn't, (there is no self harm Yuna may be into pain but only sexual types) this fic while loving in ways is also very dark, please proceed with caution if anything above does not interest you then please don't read!


As she briskly walked through the harsh wind, arms wrapped around herself to keep from shivering, Yuna prayed to herself that she would make it to work in one piece. Having been an outcast ever since she presented her power, her life was never the same.

People were scared of her, afraid that if they said something or did something wrong then she would use her power against them. People ran away from her, never liking to get close. Which is why sadly Yuna doesn't have many friends or even family, they cast her aside too. Yuna was just thankful that her landlord didn't kick her out but he says it's just because her rent is never late. Yuna was also thankful that she was able to keep her job too, not only did she enjoy being a tattoo artist but it's hard finding a job when your an outcast.

Picking up the pace, since the wind did the same, Yuna walked faster, not enjoying the way the mother and daughter duo behind her slowed down so they wouldn't be as close when walking. A red light stopped them from going any further, and the mother had to pull the daughter further back by saying "baby stay close to me ok, don't go near that disgusting girl."

Luckily they were going separate ways, the tattoo shop actually being just across the road in one of the strips of shops. Just before the light turned green, Yuna turned her head and gave the mother a deadly look, gripping her wrist and using her power to burn it; "You know I can hear you right bitch? think twice next time" Yuna spat, then let go and started walking once the light did turn green, smiling to herself when the mother let out a cry of pain.

"What the fuck?! you burned me!" the women yelled out as Yuna crossed the street, but she paid the women no mind, neither the child because she knew that she would grow up to be just as hateful as her mother.

A distinctive ding ran throughout the shop once Yuna opened the door and was quick to shut it behind her since the weather was so poor today. "Good morning Yuna, sleep well?" San, who was the shops receptionist greeted kindly, a warm and welcoming look on his face. Everyone in the shop was wary of her, even Yuna herself knew this however for some reason they never treated her badly, maybe it was because she worked there?

Her coworkers were the only people she considered friends, since they treated her the nicest out of all the people she knew. It felt at times as if they were the only people keeping her sane, keeping her from going crazy.

"Hi San yes I did sleep well thank you for asking" she smiled back at him while going into the back to make herself a coffee, an americano specifically because she didn't like sweet things. "Yuna, you have a customer waiting for you in your room, he's a new guy" Hyunjin, another tattoo artist peered in to let her know. Felix, the piercer added that he thought he was hot too which Hyunjin replied that Felix should shut up and "am I not hot enough?" which started a cute bickering between the couple, bickering like this made them seem old and married.

"Thanks, Hyunjin, I'm done with my coffee anyway" Yuna replied and off she went to start her day at work. Felix was right in saying that the client was hot, he had brown hair and was swept neatly to the side, a few tattoos here and there but not too many so he wasn't a virgin but also not an ink addict. There was a black lip ring on the ride side of his lower lip, she watched for a moment as the client played with it.

He was wearing your classic black jeans, white top and black leather jacket look but on him it just looked much more interesting. Yuna had to will herself to put down her thoughts, no one liked her anyway so how was she ever to find love, Yuna at times didn't even think she deserved love, not with what her power brings.

"Hello my name is Yuna and I will be your artist today, how are you?" she greeted warmly as she sat on her small stool. While waiting for an answer she adjusted the tattoo bed/chair height to her liking.

"Oh, I'm fine thanks, I'm Chan and I just decided to treat myself today I guess" Chan shrugged his shoulders. Chan. It fell so beautifully from his lips, oh the thoughts that invaded her mind at the mere mention of his name. Yuna had to force herself to take a deep breath so that she could focus on the task at hand instead of daydreaming about how chan would look while fucking her while he had his hands around her throat, Woah where did these thoughts come from!

"Chan, what a lovely name. How may I help you today Chan?" Yuna was getting all the things that she would need ready, wanting to be 100% prepared before anything started. She turned on her speaker, making sure it was on low but she always needed music to get through the day, Lavinia by the the Viels came on.

"Well I have this design that I drew, was thinking of getting it on my lower hip" Chan reached into his back pocket, only to pull out a small piece of paper with what looked like a rose skull on it, the design pulled her in. Yuna might have stared at it for a little longer than needed and was only pulled from your thoughts when Chan sneezed.

"Oh Bless you, since you want it in a not so accessible place, I have to ask you to please take off your jacket and pull your pants down a little" Yuna's face was flushed, Chan definitely noticed and took a mental note. Ever since Chan laid his eyes on Yuna, he hasn't been able to look away, the way her eyes lit up when looking at the design, so invested. Chan couldn't wait to get to know this girl more. As chan started to undress leaving him in only a white tee and boxers, Yuna pretended to be on her phone, reading chats from the work group chat.

Felix: Hyung why am I always stuck with the children!

Minho: Because your our only piercer dumbass

Felix: But Hyung, why don't any cute guys wanna be pierced? it's always mothers bringing their daughters in for their first ever piercing or it's a pain junkie covered in them however managed to find a spare spot, UGH!

Jeongin: Maybe it's because you complain too much

Felix: Fuck you Jeongin πŸ–•πŸΌ

Hyunjin: Babe please calm down no need to fret however you should say sorry to Innie for swearing

Minho: Who swore at my baby!

Yuna: It's ok Felix, no need to stress πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ’–

San: oh god not this again 😩

They were the closest you would ever get to friends, it made you giggle at how cute Felix sounded when he tried to be mad. Chan also made a mental note to try and make you giggle more often, it was the sweetest sound.

"Um... I guess I should start? If you ever need a break just let me know yeah?" for Yuna this was just one of her usual safeties, sometimes it made her smile to see others in pain, the way each different person handles pain, it was such a wonderful sight.

Chan got back on the table once undressed and placed his hands above his head once he realized they covered the spot he wanted the tattoo. Bracing himself, Chan knew what was coming however it had been so long since last time so he held onto the chair arm just in case.

"Alright, take a deep breath for me."




"Oh fuck" Chan groaned and threw his head back, tried his best to not move his lower body. "It's been so long, I always forget that first initial sting" A long lingering sting after. A new song came on through the speakers, Billie Eilish's bury a friend which always had a sinister vibe to it however it was one of Yuna's current favourites.

"Does it hurt?" she inquired, yet her actions did not stop.

"Hmm" was all Chan replied with. Yuna smiled to herself once again, seeing Chan, cute mysterious Chan in pain was hot. She had no idea why except maybe for her weird liking to the sensation.

"Pain is all mental you know, pain can be whatever you want it to be, it doesn't even have to be pain if you don't want it to be" she tried to make conversation, to the best of her ability.

"Are all your conversations always this morbid?" Chan turned to face her, a confused look on his face.

"I'm not always good at this part" Yuna admitted, not having many friends affected her social skills, but Yuna always tried her best.

"HA! clearly, getting a tattoo already hurts enough, I say we chat about something not related to the constant sting in my hip" Chan laughed a little before another groan escaped him, the boney parts were always the worst.

"Breathe, Chan, what do you do for a living?" Yuna tried a different approach, a less socially awkward one. Yuna may be relishing in the way Chan's hand's grip at the chair arm or how he shakes his head and mentally tells himself to keep breathing, Though Yuna wasn't a monster, she could be polite.

"Oh, I work at an entertainment company as a producer actually with two of my friends Changbin and Jisung, we've produced a lot of got7 and twice songs, we work for JYP entertainment" Chan ranted on about his job, it was refreshing to hear about such an awesome lifestyle.

"Ooooh what's Yugyeom like? he's my favorite" Yuna couldn't pinpoint why she was admitting to a lot of things today, it made her mentally facepalm.

"Ahahah Yugyeom is nice, the same age as me actually we get along great. What about you Yuna, what do you do in your free time?"

"I draw alot and make designs for the shop. I also love just laying flat on my back playing some music and letting the emotions take me." Yuna trailed off, afraid that she may have said too much.

"And where do they take you exactly?" Oh, so she hadn't said too much?

"Wherever I feel like going" Yuna smirked just as a forget me too by machine gun kelly came on, another artist that Yuna has grown to love. Besides her love for got7 Yuna was really into alternative artists, music makers who pushed the boundaries. Yuna didn't even notice that she had gone too much into her headspace until Chan started whining and asked for a break, you took your hands off of him and noticed a slight red mark, you had burned him, only slightly but a burn nonetheless.

"I'm so sorry Chan oh my god this is so unprofessional" Yuna started to rant, annoyed with herself that she let her powers take control once again. Chan was quick to take her shaking hands into his own, everything was now starting to make sense for Chan however he wasn't mad.

"Yuna it's ok, please don't work yourself up, so you're an outcast who even cares?"

"Oh my- the whole world cares or else I wouldn't be an outcast. I can make people feel any kind of pain I desire by just a touch. From simple things like headaches all the way to birth contractions even if you're not having a baby. Just this morning I got called disgusting by someone that I don't even know."

"Hey hey, you could never be disgusting. I haven't known you for very long but you are already such a far cry from disgusting"

"You wouldn't like some of the things I'm into."

"Try me."

"I like a lot of creepy things, Halloween is my favorite holiday, I wear darker colours, I enjoy horror films, I'm fascinated by blood, death doesn't scare me, and they're just surface-level shit" Yuna answered while also getting back to work, she was almost finished with the outline.

"Well, what's under the surface?" Chan pried even more, and Yuna didn't know whether to feel offended or grateful that someone was talking to her and not spewing insults. Most of the time when people get tattooed by her, they stay silent except for small grunts or hisses of pain.

Deciding to avoid the question for now because it may be too soon, Yuna opted to say something else in return. "People don't really talk to me you know? There so uneasy about the fact that I'm an outcast that they choose to stay silent unless there asking for a break" Yuna's face fell, and Chan would be an idiot not to notice, frowning himself as Overcome by better than ezra came on. People can be such assholes sometimes, Chan found his thoughts swimming, fighting with each other actually. Chan hardly knew this girl yet he wanted to protect her with every fibre of his being.

"Hmm, you didn't answer my question though" Chan mused, not even realising that his dominant side was coming forth until he heard Yuna gasp. All he wanted was for her not to think about the assholes that gave her that ugly title, outcast. Honestly, how dare they? A small blush made its way onto Yuna's cheeks, spreading its warm pink all over her face. Chan watched as she thought for a moment, stopping the tattoo to quickly change colours from black to red. She didn't answer until she started the shading on the rose.

"It's a little dark. I like to inflict pain on myself, only in sexual situations however, it helps escape the numbness I sometimes feel. Like it hurts but at least I'm feeling something and sometimes it's soo good, I can also get real kinky in bed I- oh wow I just revealed so much already I hardly even know you" Yuna's cheeks got even red-er, if that was even possible, the fact that Chan wasn't staying silent like most customers do was enough to send Yuna spiralling and telling her whole life story. But Chan seemed different, he didn't interrupt, he just listened the whole way though. It was coming out like word vomit at this point. She was annoyed that she basically became a submissive chatter box the second anyone showed her any kindness.

"It's ok Yuna, I can get kinky too" Chan winked in her direction, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Would it make you feel better if I overshared now?" Chan chuckled slightly, "Sure if you want to. but please don't move too much."

"Oh sorry, I'll stop laughing" Chan took a moment to compose himself, Maybe Chan should start with his power?

"Where should I start, My power is the ability to make plants grow faster like it's such a shitty power I hardly use it. Changbin's is cooler, he can command people to do whatever he wants like this one time we all planned to go out a few years ago but Jisung and my other friend Seungmin weren't 21 yet so Changbin just used his power to make the bouncer let Jisung and Seungmin inside" It was now Chan's turn to ramble, his friends were always a happy topic for him. "what else hmm? I can get kinky in bed too you know, I have a thing for choking and spanking" Chan spoke as if choking and spanking were mundane topics, it made Yuna's eyes wide.

"Do you feel better?" Chan asked with a grin, relishing in the way her eyes widened and your jaw fell slightly open. "I mean you did share a lot" Yuna replied, quietly finishing up the shading, smiling at her work. "I'm done, wanna have a look?"

Chan stood up to look at his tattoo in the mirror while she explained how he was to take care of it. "I love it so much, thank you" and before she could even register it, Chan's big arms embraced her in a hug, Yuna breathed in his warm scent.

"I'm glad you like it, I've never done a skull before" she pulled away to take off her disposable gloves.

"Hey so, this might be a little soon however with what we talked about just before I don't think I'll be pushing it, I kinda like you and would love to get to know you better, can I have your number?"

Yuna thought on it for a moment, people never ask for her number, people never even talk to her unless they have to. On the other hand, Chan spoke to her, and he did it because he wanted to, not because he had to. The way he smiled when not groaning from pain and he gave her a glimpse that maybe all people weren't bad, Chan wasn't bad. "Oh sure."

The moment Yuna got home is when she let her thoughts take over, she tried to repress them at work but now she was in the comfort of her own home so. There was no doubt in her mind that Chan was a good looking man and she couldn't stop yourself from wondering what his hands would look like wrapped around her throat or slapping her ass as he fucked her.

Which is why Yuna wanted to have some fun with herself, she couldn't stop herself at this point.

Grabbing her two favourite toys which happen to be a violet wand and rabbet vibrator, blasting music because he apartment walls were very thin, she got to work.

Lying down on her bed, completely naked but with the heater going since it was a very cold day, she first decided to tease herself with the violet wand. Letting it trail down her stomach and shock her as it goes.

Deep moans leave her mouth as she closes her eyes and thinks of Chan, hot tattooed Chan and his thick arms as they wrap themselves around her, pinning her to the bed.

She continues this for a while, the thrilling pain turning her on even more, she continues to shock herself until she is almost crying for relief, and she actually does once she turns on the vibrator and places it on her clit.

The pleasure is overwhelmingly good, bringing her to the edge sooner than she hoped but she was also far too gone to care, moan after moan cry after cry.

Yuna came not long after, her whole body shaking so much that it takes her a few minutes to calm down, breathing deeply and listening to the sweet melodies of cigarettes after sex, which makes her really crave a special brownie and a long soak in the bath tub.

Before she can even think of having one her phone rings, bringing her out of her thoughts and into the real world.

"Hi Yuna, it's Chan from earlier today" he greets politely, she can practically hear his smile.

"Hi Chan, it's nice to hear your voice" Yuna finds herself admitting, Chan just does that to her.

"I was wondering if you would like to see a movie with me tomorrow? you mentioned that you liked horror films and so do I and theres this movie called-"

"Yes Chan I would love too!" Yuna answered before Chan could even finish, a movie sounds wonderful, anything with you sounds wonderful...

"Perfect! Shall I pick you up say 6pm?"

"Yeah ok, I'll send you my address"

After that Yuna did indulge in a special brownie and a long soak, Felix from work likes to bake in his spare time and both his regular and special brownies were always his biggest winners!!!

As Yuna soaked, she let her thoughts take her away and the lyrics from whatever song was playing, she was too excited for tomorrow to care about anything else.

It was another cold day, and another dark day. While Yuna was at work no one talked to her unless it was her co workers. All her customers stayed silent, she could see the glare in their eyes and the annoyed look on their faces because she could tell that they would have rather been tattooed by someone else.

Yuna never understood why people couldn't be more accepting, like yeah she causes pain but only when she wants too. Yuna has complete control over her power and if she never wanted to use it then she didn't have to.

One client even had the nerve to be rude to her throughout his appointment, making it clear that she was nothing but scum and it took all she had not to yell at him and wonder why he was letting her tattoo him them. It took all she had not to use her power on him and give him stomach cramps or something.

That's how Yuna found herself silently crying during her lunch break, wiping tears away as she thought about her sad life. She only had 4 friends, everyone else detested her, even her own parents detested her, everywhere she went she was met with stares and cold glares.

Sometimes she was asked to leave cafes or shops because they didn't want outcasts in their businesses, and sometimes this all just got to her and made her feel very out of place in this world.

"Oh Yuna, sweetheart" Minho's smile dropped once he entered the staff room and saw her like this; sobbing into her hands.

"I'm so sorry I-"

"None of that, shh come here" Minho brought her into his arms and slightly rocked them until her sobs died down.

"Having a bad day?" Minho asked once he thought Yuna was calm enough to answer.

"Yeah... it all just came crashing down earlier, being called scum among other things does that to you" Yuna sighed, looking down at her un eaten meat pie.

"Please don't tell me you believe any of that?"

"I try my best not too, it's just hard sometimes"

"That's ok, just know that I love you and the rest of the team love you. Don't you have that date later today?"

"Uh yeah, he's picking me up at 6"

"Go take the rest of the day off, go take a walk" Minho prompts, considering he owns the store he can do whatever he wants.

"Are you sure?" Yuna asks, looking up.

"You clearly need a break, a proper break, just go"

By the tine 6pm rolled around, Yuna was beyond nervous.

This was going to be her first date ever!

Ever since people found out about her power no one ever wanted to date her, they were always too scared. Everyone was always too scared that one day they would say something to make Yuna upset and then she would use her power on them. People were always afraid of pain, too afraid that it makes people become even worse than her.

Yuna had never had a date, nor a kiss, nor anything further than that.

Love was all Yuna ever wanted, she watched the people around her find their true love and it always made her sad that she never got to experience that. Being a 25 year old virgin mary didn't do much for her confidence.

Since it was just the movies she kept it simple, black skinny jeans, maroon turtleneck and a black leather jacket, the jacket she wore most often. She greeted Chan at the door but didn't invite him in otherwise they would be late for the movie.

The movie they went to see was called a quite place 2, Yuna remembers watching the first one and enjoying it so she was glad about seeing the second one.

They didn't talk much, just some small talk in the car and then stayed silent during the movie because well... it was a movie after all.

Once the movie was over was when they really had a chance to talk, as Chan drove back to Yuna's place they discovered a lot of things about each other.

Chan and Yuna had very similar taste in music for one thing, both loving Machine gun kelly and older bands from the early 2000's. They also both really liked horror films, as discovered tonight when Chan went into detail about all his favourite ones and he even named a few very old ones.

"What else hmm? I prefer bars over clubs, because you can actually talk to a person not to mention the music is better. Jisung loves clubbing tho so I'm always dragged along" Chan rambled on, his smile never fading the whole time.

"I don't really go to either, I actually don't go out very often I usually just stay in and order takeaway" Yuna laughed to herself but it made Chan frown, because he knew why Yuna never went out.

"Maybe we should go sometime, I can introduce you to my friends?" Chan offered just as he pulled up to Yuna apartment building.

Yuna actually invited Chan in this time, and it was then that Chan had the chance to look at the way Yuna liked to decorate. Since she offered him a tour of her place.

The walls were a dark grey, with multiple pictures and prints of the things she liked up on her walls, the only real amount of white was in the bathrooms, but conisdering white, yellow and pink were Yuna's least favourite colours Chan could understand that.

Yuna's bedroom was the last place, she had black fluffy bed covers, plus one of those life sized mood octo plushies sitting on her arm chair. The door to her walk in wardrobe was left open, it was filled with lots of black and red and green, dark green of course and mostly gold jewellery because she preferred it over silver.

"So this is my room..." Yuna trailed off, the moonlight reflecting perfectly on Chans face, the veins in his neck standing out from it but she could tell he wasn't angry.

"So it is..." Chan trailed off too, walking closer until he was just inches away from Yuna's face. Ever since he set foot in her place he was turned on.

Actually ever his he got that tattoo he couldn't stop thinking about everything Yuna said. She liked to be kinky, she liked pain, she liked it rough, and Chan could so get behind that.

"What should we do now?" Yuna asked, as if he wasn't eye undressing her.

"I can think of a few things" was all Chan could take before closing the gab between them.

Their lips collided with such passion Yuna was unsure of how much she could take, if this is the way she felt from just kissing imagine how she would feel from something more.

They kissed for a while, lying down on her bed and just basking in each other, getting lost in the simple pleasures of just kissing almost melting away from it.

"Before we progress, do you have any limits?" Chan mumbled against her lips, using his hands to take off her jacket and top, also taking off his own.

"Just one, please don't degrade me, people degrade me everyday and I don't like it"

"Of course, I wouldn't dream of saying any of those things angel"


One small word.

A word that has Yuna's pussy dripping and heart throbbing, no one has ever called her angel before.

"Oh please just take me" Yuna practically moaned she was so turned on.

"All in due time, do you have any toys?"

"Yeah, bottom drawer left side"

Chan leaned over and opened the draw, revealing many things that he would love to use on her but decided against it for tonight considering it was their first tine together.

"Great to know for next time, thanks angel"

It didn't take long for them to start fucking, the both of them so needy for it they couldn't hold off any longer.

Chan pushed in slowly, even though he knew she liked it rough, it was still her first time ever so he had to be somewhat careful so she wouldn't bleed.

"How does that feel?" Chan asked once he was fully inside.

"Like heaven, fuck me" Yuna moaned once again, and Chan took this as his sign to continue on.

"Yeah you like that, you like being fucked angel" one of Chans hands came down to pull her hair hard so that she would look straight at him. "I asked you a question"

"Oh yes Chan!" Yuna obeyed his every word, because she wanted to be good for him.

"That's it, only I can make you feel this way" One of Chans hands clamped around her throat, blocking her airways as the other started rubbing her clit, making sure she was feeling just as much pleasure as he was.

Chan had no idea where all this possessive energy came from, maybe it was because no one had ever treated Yuna with such care before and all Chan really wanted to do was show Yuna that she could be loved and that the whole world wasn't so cruel.

Chan continued to fuck and choke and rub all at the same time. Relishing in all the sinful sounds coming from Yuna's mouth, they seemed never ending.

As for Yuna, she never felt more on cloud nine, Chans fingers expectly rubbing inthe way that she loved as if this wasn't their first time. The blocked airways only adding to the pleasure, and it was building up fast.

"Close, Chan, ughhh ohhh" was all Yuna managed to say.

"Yeah baby so am I, come with me yeah?" Chans thrusts became more sloppier and somehow deeper before he was pulling out and cumming all over Yuna's chest, this caused Yuna's orgasm to wash over her like an automatic cash wash.

Her legs shaking as she gasps for breath, whole body invested in the orgasm. They both laid there for a moment, no one saying anything but no one needing to anyway.

After a few minutes Chan got up to start the clean up process, that's when he was first to break the silence.

"You were amazing, absolutely amazing angel" as he was cleaning up his cum he leaned down to place a wet kiss to Yuna's lips.

Yuna smiled and sighed at this, tiredness evident in her face but also euphoria. Yuna had never been so satisfied in her life.

"So I was satisfactory then hmm?"

"Oh angel" Chan smirked, climbing in bed and wrapping her in his arms, "you were more than satisfactory."

2 years ago

AH I love when any author opens up a hard hours!!! Anyway what do you think Minho’s kinks are?


Thank you my dear I hope you do like x

Edging and denial - Minho is such a tease so it's pretty ovby that this kink is on this list. It can go a few ways. Maybe Minho wants you to earn it before he lets you cum, maybe he wants to edge you as a punishment, maybe he wants to do it for fun and to be a tease, maybe he wants to edge you because he's weirdly being nice and he knows the more edges you have when you finally cum it's even more amazing. This all depends on his mood. Denial however is only when Minho wants to be the biggest tease of all, for punishment reasons or maybe dabbling in some long term denial. I don't think that would be for too long maybe just a week or something.

Voyeurism - LET ME EXPLAIN. I don't think Minho would want to watch strangers what I mean is he would love to watch you masturbate for him while he sits in a chair on the other side of the room. Whether he just wants to watch you lose yourself when he's in a softer mood or he wants to do a guided masturbation thing when in a harder mood Minho just loves to watch you and you only.

Anal - I don't think Minho would want to do anal all the time but I can see this as a kink that Minho would like to dabble in from time to time. Lets call it an anal mood shall we? Whenever Minho is just craving your ass is when he wants it. He just loves the feeling of you clenching around him it makes him go wild. Bonus points sometimes he might even spank you during.

Degradation/Praise scale - I think Minho enjoys both but leans more towards degradation since he can be a hard dom most of the time. Also enjoys when the two mesh together like "such a good whore." I see Minho wanting more degradation during sex with a sprinkle of praise but lots of praise during aftercare so that you know you did well and are loved. Has a thing for calling you kitten.

On the side (Kinks he's only sometimes in the mood for) - Extreme pain play so things like e-stim, wax play, tit and clit slapping. Would never do anything to cause bleeding though that's a no for him and would never do anything you weren't ok with. Minho just has a thing for inflicting pain he secretly loves it. Would so be that person who got turned on from their partner crying but would coo at them with praise. Might also try total sensory deprivation; blindfold, earmuffs, and a gag the whole package but he always assures you that he will never leave the room and also why would he want to because he wants to watch you.

2 years ago

From kpop fan to kpop fan, please help a girl out!!!!!

If anyone knows of any website or YouTube video link where I can watch both mama n melon awards (full show) please send it to me I would greatly appreciate it as I wanna watch them xx

future edit: full melon awards uploaded to their youtube channel but still unable to find full mama show

Tags :
2 years ago

Am I satisfactory?

A/N: Got this idea after listening to Kevin Moon's cover of bury a friend however I chose a diff idol since I don't write for Kevin :)

Pairing: Bang Chan (skz) (dom) x Orignal character (sub)

Rating: Mature/Explicit

WC: 5152

Blurb: Why don't you run from me? why aren't you scared of me? In a world where everyone possesses a power, Yuna is outcast since her power only brings negative effects, people don't like her, people are scared of her, she barely hangs onto her job as a tattoo artist by being the best drawer in the shop, that is until she meets Chan. Chan doesn't run away, Chan isn't afraid, Chan just wants to show Yuna that she is deserving of love.

Warnings: language, needles (tattoo gun), masturbation, smut, choking, hair pulling, violet wand, vibrator, praise, aftercare of course! the main character is very into pain and talks about it in a way majority of people wouldn't, (there is no self harm Yuna may be into pain but only sexual types) this fic while loving in ways is also very dark, please proceed with caution if anything above does not interest you then please don't read!


As she briskly walked through the harsh wind, arms wrapped around herself to keep from shivering, Yuna prayed to herself that she would make it to work in one piece. Having been an outcast ever since she presented her power, her life was never the same.

People were scared of her, afraid that if they said something or did something wrong then she would use her power against them. People ran away from her, never liking to get close. Which is why sadly Yuna doesn't have many friends or even family, they cast her aside too. Yuna was just thankful that her landlord didn't kick her out but he says it's just because her rent is never late. Yuna was also thankful that she was able to keep her job too, not only did she enjoy being a tattoo artist but it's hard finding a job when your an outcast.

Picking up the pace, since the wind did the same, Yuna walked faster, not enjoying the way the mother and daughter duo behind her slowed down so they wouldn't be as close when walking. A red light stopped them from going any further, and the mother had to pull the daughter further back by saying "baby stay close to me ok, don't go near that disgusting girl."

Luckily they were going separate ways, the tattoo shop actually being just across the road in one of the strips of shops. Just before the light turned green, Yuna turned her head and gave the mother a deadly look, gripping her wrist and using her power to burn it; "You know I can hear you right bitch? think twice next time" Yuna spat, then let go and started walking once the light did turn green, smiling to herself when the mother let out a cry of pain.

"What the fuck?! you burned me!" the women yelled out as Yuna crossed the street, but she paid the women no mind, neither the child because she knew that she would grow up to be just as hateful as her mother.

A distinctive ding ran throughout the shop once Yuna opened the door and was quick to shut it behind her since the weather was so poor today. "Good morning Yuna, sleep well?" San, who was the shops receptionist greeted kindly, a warm and welcoming look on his face. Everyone in the shop was wary of her, even Yuna herself knew this however for some reason they never treated her badly, maybe it was because she worked there?

Her coworkers were the only people she considered friends, since they treated her the nicest out of all the people she knew. It felt at times as if they were the only people keeping her sane, keeping her from going crazy.

"Hi San yes I did sleep well thank you for asking" she smiled back at him while going into the back to make herself a coffee, an americano specifically because she didn't like sweet things. "Yuna, you have a customer waiting for you in your room, he's a new guy" Hyunjin, another tattoo artist peered in to let her know. Felix, the piercer added that he thought he was hot too which Hyunjin replied that Felix should shut up and "am I not hot enough?" which started a cute bickering between the couple, bickering like this made them seem old and married.

"Thanks, Hyunjin, I'm done with my coffee anyway" Yuna replied and off she went to start her day at work. Felix was right in saying that the client was hot, he had brown hair and was swept neatly to the side, a few tattoos here and there but not too many so he wasn't a virgin but also not an ink addict. There was a black lip ring on the ride side of his lower lip, she watched for a moment as the client played with it.

He was wearing your classic black jeans, white top and black leather jacket look but on him it just looked much more interesting. Yuna had to will herself to put down her thoughts, no one liked her anyway so how was she ever to find love, Yuna at times didn't even think she deserved love, not with what her power brings.

"Hello my name is Yuna and I will be your artist today, how are you?" she greeted warmly as she sat on her small stool. While waiting for an answer she adjusted the tattoo bed/chair height to her liking.

"Oh, I'm fine thanks, I'm Chan and I just decided to treat myself today I guess" Chan shrugged his shoulders. Chan. It fell so beautifully from his lips, oh the thoughts that invaded her mind at the mere mention of his name. Yuna had to force herself to take a deep breath so that she could focus on the task at hand instead of daydreaming about how chan would look while fucking her while he had his hands around her throat, Woah where did these thoughts come from!

"Chan, what a lovely name. How may I help you today Chan?" Yuna was getting all the things that she would need ready, wanting to be 100% prepared before anything started. She turned on her speaker, making sure it was on low but she always needed music to get through the day, Lavinia by the the Viels came on.

"Well I have this design that I drew, was thinking of getting it on my lower hip" Chan reached into his back pocket, only to pull out a small piece of paper with what looked like a rose skull on it, the design pulled her in. Yuna might have stared at it for a little longer than needed and was only pulled from your thoughts when Chan sneezed.

"Oh Bless you, since you want it in a not so accessible place, I have to ask you to please take off your jacket and pull your pants down a little" Yuna's face was flushed, Chan definitely noticed and took a mental note. Ever since Chan laid his eyes on Yuna, he hasn't been able to look away, the way her eyes lit up when looking at the design, so invested. Chan couldn't wait to get to know this girl more. As chan started to undress leaving him in only a white tee and boxers, Yuna pretended to be on her phone, reading chats from the work group chat.

Felix: Hyung why am I always stuck with the children!

Minho: Because your our only piercer dumbass

Felix: But Hyung, why don't any cute guys wanna be pierced? it's always mothers bringing their daughters in for their first ever piercing or it's a pain junkie covered in them however managed to find a spare spot, UGH!

Jeongin: Maybe it's because you complain too much

Felix: Fuck you Jeongin πŸ–•πŸΌ

Hyunjin: Babe please calm down no need to fret however you should say sorry to Innie for swearing

Minho: Who swore at my baby!

Yuna: It's ok Felix, no need to stress πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ’–

San: oh god not this again 😩

They were the closest you would ever get to friends, it made you giggle at how cute Felix sounded when he tried to be mad. Chan also made a mental note to try and make you giggle more often, it was the sweetest sound.

"Um... I guess I should start? If you ever need a break just let me know yeah?" for Yuna this was just one of her usual safeties, sometimes it made her smile to see others in pain, the way each different person handles pain, it was such a wonderful sight.

Chan got back on the table once undressed and placed his hands above his head once he realized they covered the spot he wanted the tattoo. Bracing himself, Chan knew what was coming however it had been so long since last time so he held onto the chair arm just in case.

"Alright, take a deep breath for me."




"Oh fuck" Chan groaned and threw his head back, tried his best to not move his lower body. "It's been so long, I always forget that first initial sting" A long lingering sting after. A new song came on through the speakers, Billie Eilish's bury a friend which always had a sinister vibe to it however it was one of Yuna's current favourites.

"Does it hurt?" she inquired, yet her actions did not stop.

"Hmm" was all Chan replied with. Yuna smiled to herself once again, seeing Chan, cute mysterious Chan in pain was hot. She had no idea why except maybe for her weird liking to the sensation.

"Pain is all mental you know, pain can be whatever you want it to be, it doesn't even have to be pain if you don't want it to be" she tried to make conversation, to the best of her ability.

"Are all your conversations always this morbid?" Chan turned to face her, a confused look on his face.

"I'm not always good at this part" Yuna admitted, not having many friends affected her social skills, but Yuna always tried her best.

"HA! clearly, getting a tattoo already hurts enough, I say we chat about something not related to the constant sting in my hip" Chan laughed a little before another groan escaped him, the boney parts were always the worst.

"Breathe, Chan, what do you do for a living?" Yuna tried a different approach, a less socially awkward one. Yuna may be relishing in the way Chan's hand's grip at the chair arm or how he shakes his head and mentally tells himself to keep breathing, Though Yuna wasn't a monster, she could be polite.

"Oh, I work at an entertainment company as a producer actually with two of my friends Changbin and Jisung, we've produced a lot of got7 and twice songs, we work for JYP entertainment" Chan ranted on about his job, it was refreshing to hear about such an awesome lifestyle.

"Ooooh what's Yugyeom like? he's my favorite" Yuna couldn't pinpoint why she was admitting to a lot of things today, it made her mentally facepalm.

"Ahahah Yugyeom is nice, the same age as me actually we get along great. What about you Yuna, what do you do in your free time?"

"I draw alot and make designs for the shop. I also love just laying flat on my back playing some music and letting the emotions take me." Yuna trailed off, afraid that she may have said too much.

"And where do they take you exactly?" Oh, so she hadn't said too much?

"Wherever I feel like going" Yuna smirked just as a forget me too by machine gun kelly came on, another artist that Yuna has grown to love. Besides her love for got7 Yuna was really into alternative artists, music makers who pushed the boundaries. Yuna didn't even notice that she had gone too much into her headspace until Chan started whining and asked for a break, you took your hands off of him and noticed a slight red mark, you had burned him, only slightly but a burn nonetheless.

"I'm so sorry Chan oh my god this is so unprofessional" Yuna started to rant, annoyed with herself that she let her powers take control once again. Chan was quick to take her shaking hands into his own, everything was now starting to make sense for Chan however he wasn't mad.

"Yuna it's ok, please don't work yourself up, so you're an outcast who even cares?"

"Oh my- the whole world cares or else I wouldn't be an outcast. I can make people feel any kind of pain I desire by just a touch. From simple things like headaches all the way to birth contractions even if you're not having a baby. Just this morning I got called disgusting by someone that I don't even know."

"Hey hey, you could never be disgusting. I haven't known you for very long but you are already such a far cry from disgusting"

"You wouldn't like some of the things I'm into."

"Try me."

"I like a lot of creepy things, Halloween is my favorite holiday, I wear darker colours, I enjoy horror films, I'm fascinated by blood, death doesn't scare me, and they're just surface-level shit" Yuna answered while also getting back to work, she was almost finished with the outline.

"Well, what's under the surface?" Chan pried even more, and Yuna didn't know whether to feel offended or grateful that someone was talking to her and not spewing insults. Most of the time when people get tattooed by her, they stay silent except for small grunts or hisses of pain.

Deciding to avoid the question for now because it may be too soon, Yuna opted to say something else in return. "People don't really talk to me you know? There so uneasy about the fact that I'm an outcast that they choose to stay silent unless there asking for a break" Yuna's face fell, and Chan would be an idiot not to notice, frowning himself as Overcome by better than ezra came on. People can be such assholes sometimes, Chan found his thoughts swimming, fighting with each other actually. Chan hardly knew this girl yet he wanted to protect her with every fibre of his being.

"Hmm, you didn't answer my question though" Chan mused, not even realising that his dominant side was coming forth until he heard Yuna gasp. All he wanted was for her not to think about the assholes that gave her that ugly title, outcast. Honestly, how dare they? A small blush made its way onto Yuna's cheeks, spreading its warm pink all over her face. Chan watched as she thought for a moment, stopping the tattoo to quickly change colours from black to red. She didn't answer until she started the shading on the rose.

"It's a little dark. I like to inflict pain on myself, only in sexual situations however, it helps escape the numbness I sometimes feel. Like it hurts but at least I'm feeling something and sometimes it's soo good, I can also get real kinky in bed I- oh wow I just revealed so much already I hardly even know you" Yuna's cheeks got even red-er, if that was even possible, the fact that Chan wasn't staying silent like most customers do was enough to send Yuna spiralling and telling her whole life story. But Chan seemed different, he didn't interrupt, he just listened the whole way though. It was coming out like word vomit at this point. She was annoyed that she basically became a submissive chatter box the second anyone showed her any kindness.

"It's ok Yuna, I can get kinky too" Chan winked in her direction, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Would it make you feel better if I overshared now?" Chan chuckled slightly, "Sure if you want to. but please don't move too much."

"Oh sorry, I'll stop laughing" Chan took a moment to compose himself, Maybe Chan should start with his power?

"Where should I start, My power is the ability to make plants grow faster like it's such a shitty power I hardly use it. Changbin's is cooler, he can command people to do whatever he wants like this one time we all planned to go out a few years ago but Jisung and my other friend Seungmin weren't 21 yet so Changbin just used his power to make the bouncer let Jisung and Seungmin inside" It was now Chan's turn to ramble, his friends were always a happy topic for him. "what else hmm? I can get kinky in bed too you know, I have a thing for choking and spanking" Chan spoke as if choking and spanking were mundane topics, it made Yuna's eyes wide.

"Do you feel better?" Chan asked with a grin, relishing in the way her eyes widened and your jaw fell slightly open. "I mean you did share a lot" Yuna replied, quietly finishing up the shading, smiling at her work. "I'm done, wanna have a look?"

Chan stood up to look at his tattoo in the mirror while she explained how he was to take care of it. "I love it so much, thank you" and before she could even register it, Chan's big arms embraced her in a hug, Yuna breathed in his warm scent.

"I'm glad you like it, I've never done a skull before" she pulled away to take off her disposable gloves.

"Hey so, this might be a little soon however with what we talked about just before I don't think I'll be pushing it, I kinda like you and would love to get to know you better, can I have your number?"

Yuna thought on it for a moment, people never ask for her number, people never even talk to her unless they have to. On the other hand, Chan spoke to her, and he did it because he wanted to, not because he had to. The way he smiled when not groaning from pain and he gave her a glimpse that maybe all people weren't bad, Chan wasn't bad. "Oh sure."

The moment Yuna got home is when she let her thoughts take over, she tried to repress them at work but now she was in the comfort of her own home so. There was no doubt in her mind that Chan was a good looking man and she couldn't stop yourself from wondering what his hands would look like wrapped around her throat or slapping her ass as he fucked her.

Which is why Yuna wanted to have some fun with herself, she couldn't stop herself at this point.

Grabbing her two favourite toys which happen to be a violet wand and rabbet vibrator, blasting music because he apartment walls were very thin, she got to work.

Lying down on her bed, completely naked but with the heater going since it was a very cold day, she first decided to tease herself with the violet wand. Letting it trail down her stomach and shock her as it goes.

Deep moans leave her mouth as she closes her eyes and thinks of Chan, hot tattooed Chan and his thick arms as they wrap themselves around her, pinning her to the bed.

She continues this for a while, the thrilling pain turning her on even more, she continues to shock herself until she is almost crying for relief, and she actually does once she turns on the vibrator and places it on her clit.

The pleasure is overwhelmingly good, bringing her to the edge sooner than she hoped but she was also far too gone to care, moan after moan cry after cry.

Yuna came not long after, her whole body shaking so much that it takes her a few minutes to calm down, breathing deeply and listening to the sweet melodies of cigarettes after sex, which makes her really crave a special brownie and a long soak in the bath tub.

Before she can even think of having one her phone rings, bringing her out of her thoughts and into the real world.

"Hi Yuna, it's Chan from earlier today" he greets politely, she can practically hear his smile.

"Hi Chan, it's nice to hear your voice" Yuna finds herself admitting, Chan just does that to her.

"I was wondering if you would like to see a movie with me tomorrow? you mentioned that you liked horror films and so do I and theres this movie called-"

"Yes Chan I would love too!" Yuna answered before Chan could even finish, a movie sounds wonderful, anything with you sounds wonderful...

"Perfect! Shall I pick you up say 6pm?"

"Yeah ok, I'll send you my address"

After that Yuna did indulge in a special brownie and a long soak, Felix from work likes to bake in his spare time and both his regular and special brownies were always his biggest winners!!!

As Yuna soaked, she let her thoughts take her away and the lyrics from whatever song was playing, she was too excited for tomorrow to care about anything else.

It was another cold day, and another dark day. While Yuna was at work no one talked to her unless it was her co workers. All her customers stayed silent, she could see the glare in their eyes and the annoyed look on their faces because she could tell that they would have rather been tattooed by someone else.

Yuna never understood why people couldn't be more accepting, like yeah she causes pain but only when she wants too. Yuna has complete control over her power and if she never wanted to use it then she didn't have to.

One client even had the nerve to be rude to her throughout his appointment, making it clear that she was nothing but scum and it took all she had not to yell at him and wonder why he was letting her tattoo him them. It took all she had not to use her power on him and give him stomach cramps or something.

That's how Yuna found herself silently crying during her lunch break, wiping tears away as she thought about her sad life. She only had 4 friends, everyone else detested her, even her own parents detested her, everywhere she went she was met with stares and cold glares.

Sometimes she was asked to leave cafes or shops because they didn't want outcasts in their businesses, and sometimes this all just got to her and made her feel very out of place in this world.

"Oh Yuna, sweetheart" Minho's smile dropped once he entered the staff room and saw her like this; sobbing into her hands.

"I'm so sorry I-"

"None of that, shh come here" Minho brought her into his arms and slightly rocked them until her sobs died down.

"Having a bad day?" Minho asked once he thought Yuna was calm enough to answer.

"Yeah... it all just came crashing down earlier, being called scum among other things does that to you" Yuna sighed, looking down at her un eaten meat pie.

"Please don't tell me you believe any of that?"

"I try my best not too, it's just hard sometimes"

"That's ok, just know that I love you and the rest of the team love you. Don't you have that date later today?"

"Uh yeah, he's picking me up at 6"

"Go take the rest of the day off, go take a walk" Minho prompts, considering he owns the store he can do whatever he wants.

"Are you sure?" Yuna asks, looking up.

"You clearly need a break, a proper break, just go"

By the tine 6pm rolled around, Yuna was beyond nervous.

This was going to be her first date ever!

Ever since people found out about her power no one ever wanted to date her, they were always too scared. Everyone was always too scared that one day they would say something to make Yuna upset and then she would use her power on them. People were always afraid of pain, too afraid that it makes people become even worse than her.

Yuna had never had a date, nor a kiss, nor anything further than that.

Love was all Yuna ever wanted, she watched the people around her find their true love and it always made her sad that she never got to experience that. Being a 25 year old virgin mary didn't do much for her confidence.

Since it was just the movies she kept it simple, black skinny jeans, maroon turtleneck and a black leather jacket, the jacket she wore most often. She greeted Chan at the door but didn't invite him in otherwise they would be late for the movie.

The movie they went to see was called a quite place 2, Yuna remembers watching the first one and enjoying it so she was glad about seeing the second one.

They didn't talk much, just some small talk in the car and then stayed silent during the movie because well... it was a movie after all.

Once the movie was over was when they really had a chance to talk, as Chan drove back to Yuna's place they discovered a lot of things about each other.

Chan and Yuna had very similar taste in music for one thing, both loving Machine gun kelly and older bands from the early 2000's. They also both really liked horror films, as discovered tonight when Chan went into detail about all his favourite ones and he even named a few very old ones.

"What else hmm? I prefer bars over clubs, because you can actually talk to a person not to mention the music is better. Jisung loves clubbing tho so I'm always dragged along" Chan rambled on, his smile never fading the whole time.

"I don't really go to either, I actually don't go out very often I usually just stay in and order takeaway" Yuna laughed to herself but it made Chan frown, because he knew why Yuna never went out.

"Maybe we should go sometime, I can introduce you to my friends?" Chan offered just as he pulled up to Yuna apartment building.

Yuna actually invited Chan in this time, and it was then that Chan had the chance to look at the way Yuna liked to decorate. Since she offered him a tour of her place.

The walls were a dark grey, with multiple pictures and prints of the things she liked up on her walls, the only real amount of white was in the bathrooms, but conisdering white, yellow and pink were Yuna's least favourite colours Chan could understand that.

Yuna's bedroom was the last place, she had black fluffy bed covers, plus one of those life sized mood octo plushies sitting on her arm chair. The door to her walk in wardrobe was left open, it was filled with lots of black and red and green, dark green of course and mostly gold jewellery because she preferred it over silver.

"So this is my room..." Yuna trailed off, the moonlight reflecting perfectly on Chans face, the veins in his neck standing out from it but she could tell he wasn't angry.

"So it is..." Chan trailed off too, walking closer until he was just inches away from Yuna's face. Ever since he set foot in her place he was turned on.

Actually ever his he got that tattoo he couldn't stop thinking about everything Yuna said. She liked to be kinky, she liked pain, she liked it rough, and Chan could so get behind that.

"What should we do now?" Yuna asked, as if he wasn't eye undressing her.

"I can think of a few things" was all Chan could take before closing the gab between them.

Their lips collided with such passion Yuna was unsure of how much she could take, if this is the way she felt from just kissing imagine how she would feel from something more.

They kissed for a while, lying down on her bed and just basking in each other, getting lost in the simple pleasures of just kissing almost melting away from it.

"Before we progress, do you have any limits?" Chan mumbled against her lips, using his hands to take off her jacket and top, also taking off his own.

"Just one, please don't degrade me, people degrade me everyday and I don't like it"

"Of course, I wouldn't dream of saying any of those things angel"


One small word.

A word that has Yuna's pussy dripping and heart throbbing, no one has ever called her angel before.

"Oh please just take me" Yuna practically moaned she was so turned on.

"All in due time, do you have any toys?"

"Yeah, bottom drawer left side"

Chan leaned over and opened the draw, revealing many things that he would love to use on her but decided against it for tonight considering it was their first tine together.

"Great to know for next time, thanks angel"

It didn't take long for them to start fucking, the both of them so needy for it they couldn't hold off any longer.

Chan pushed in slowly, even though he knew she liked it rough, it was still her first time ever so he had to be somewhat careful so she wouldn't bleed.

"How does that feel?" Chan asked once he was fully inside.

"Like heaven, fuck me" Yuna moaned once again, and Chan took this as his sign to continue on.

"Yeah you like that, you like being fucked angel" one of Chans hands came down to pull her hair hard so that she would look straight at him. "I asked you a question"

"Oh yes Chan!" Yuna obeyed his every word, because she wanted to be good for him.

"That's it, only I can make you feel this way" One of Chans hands clamped around her throat, blocking her airways as the other started rubbing her clit, making sure she was feeling just as much pleasure as he was.

Chan had no idea where all this possessive energy came from, maybe it was because no one had ever treated Yuna with such care before and all Chan really wanted to do was show Yuna that she could be loved and that the whole world wasn't so cruel.

Chan continued to fuck and choke and rub all at the same time. Relishing in all the sinful sounds coming from Yuna's mouth, they seemed never ending.

As for Yuna, she never felt more on cloud nine, Chans fingers expectly rubbing inthe way that she loved as if this wasn't their first time. The blocked airways only adding to the pleasure, and it was building up fast.

"Close, Chan, ughhh ohhh" was all Yuna managed to say.

"Yeah baby so am I, come with me yeah?" Chans thrusts became more sloppier and somehow deeper before he was pulling out and cumming all over Yuna's chest, this caused Yuna's orgasm to wash over her like an automatic cash wash.

Her legs shaking as she gasps for breath, whole body invested in the orgasm. They both laid there for a moment, no one saying anything but no one needing to anyway.

After a few minutes Chan got up to start the clean up process, that's when he was first to break the silence.

"You were amazing, absolutely amazing angel" as he was cleaning up his cum he leaned down to place a wet kiss to Yuna's lips.

Yuna smiled and sighed at this, tiredness evident in her face but also euphoria. Yuna had never been so satisfied in her life.

"So I was satisfactory then hmm?"

"Oh angel" Chan smirked, climbing in bed and wrapping her in his arms, "you were more than satisfactory."