chanloeylcvfics - park chanyeol || johnny suh
park chanyeol || johnny suh

Last updated 190419 || Side blog for fics || here to expose myself tbh || angst, fluff, smut, pg, r, kinks, nc-17, pg-13, etc, if I like it then it will be here || NO EXPLICIT FICS INVOLVING UNDERAGED MINORS, must be pure fluff, pg, pg-13 || mainly exo, nct, wayv, also multifandom

496 posts

For Once

For Once

length: 1,459 words

genre: angst

 Come and see me for once, you don’t ever come to me


Your eyes slowly opened at the buzzing sound of your phone at your bedside. It was late, you already knew that. But the screen showing the time of 2:30 am still surprised you. And so did the text you eyes fell upon.

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More Posts from Chanloeylcvfics

6 years ago

☂ 안아보자 - Hug Me


w/c: ~1200

listen to hug me by IKON while reading.^^

i will probably write one scenario for each song in the album for every member and i know i always do hanbin first but i thought this fit him so well haha! next will be probably jerk or don’t forget c: 

- moyo

Let me seriously hug you for just 10 seconds.

Mambin [2.48 am]: I’m waiting in front of your apartment.. can u come out for a few seconds?

You thought you read it wrong when you looked at your phone with heavy-lidded sleepy eyes and there was a message from Hanbin. It didn’t really hit you until a few seconds later when you unlocked your phone just to read the same message one more time. It still said the same thing.

With a confused look you gazed at the clock that struck exactly 4 am. You were so sure that he must have been gone by now, yet uneasiness settled in every nerve of your body. Just in case you dialed the only number that you knew by heart. There wasn’t even a beeping sound before he had already picked up.

“Hey.” His deep voice resounded on the other line and for a while it was only silence that unfurled between the both of you. Why was it suddenly so hard to speak to your childhood best friend that you could once tell everything to?

“Hey…I saw your message,” you uttered quietly, “is everything okay? Are you back home now?”

You could only hear his heavy breathing until he spoke again. “I’m.. still here. I’m so cold Y/N…” He whispered.

You got up immediately, grabbed a jacket and ran out the door. It was heavily raining but that didn’t stop you from stepping outside and looking for Hanbin. It wasn’t hard to find him. Even though it was completely dark outside, you saw a small familiar figure standing under a headlight.

His hair was reflecting the light in a golden color as the rain danced quietly in the distance and the stars drowned the night sky in a dim light. If the situation didn’t feel so odd in that moment the view would have been breathtaking.

When you reached him, your heart sank. He was completely wet and shaking. When he spotted you his eyes turned somewhat sad and you didn’t know why it hit you so hard. It felt like someone ran you over with a truck. Just seeing him like that hurt so much.

Without another thought you wrapped the padded jacket around him in hope that it would make him feel better. “Hanbin what are you doing here?? It’s fucking cold and raining!-“

This is how it feels like in your arms, if unrequited love is still love, can my heart be settled.

He interrupted you with a tight hug. For a while you just stood there and you had such strong urge to just pull him closer, yet you pushed him away.

“What are you doing?” It came out as a mere whisper. You really had to concentrate to let proper words leave your mouth. You were so overwhelmed in that moment that you couldn’t actually function properly.

Let me hug you for just 10 seconds. Let me hug you before you go to him.

“Can I just hug you for 10 seconds?” Again, he looked at you with that sorrowful look in his eyes and if hugging you would take away the hopelessness that hid behind all that, you would have let him. However you knew that it wasn’t just that. Deep inside you, you knew there was much more behind his actions and that scared you.

You must have been surprised, I was drunk on late night mood. I was thinking about this and that and came all the way here.

“A-Are you drunk?” You questioned perplexed. You were shaking and you didn’t even know if it was because of the cold or Hanbin.

“No— I mean yeah… a little.” Hanbin murmured.

“But that’s not the reason I’m doing this. I wish I was actually drunk to use it as an excuse. But I’m so frustrated Y/N… and I’m so cold. I just want to hug you for a few seconds…”

“Hanbin— I— I think you should go home.” You felt tears prickling in your eyes and this wasn’t something you wanted at all. You wanted to hug him too and bring him home and wrap him in a warm blanket and love him for the rest of your life.

But you couldn’t.

It just wasn’t right.

You turned around in hope it would be easier to reject him. Yet you were still standing.

If a conversation is too much then just listen. I’ve been politely holding it in but it’s weighing so heavy on my heart and I’m about to get sick from stress.

You may be his woman but I love, no, I like you a lot.

“You know I love- I mean— I like you more than him. You know that Y/N. So why won’t you give me a chance? Why can’t I even seriously hold you for 10 seconds. Is that too much to ask from you?”

“No!” You yelled, “You can’t Hanbin! This isn’t right…”

“Stop it.” It hit you and you couldn’t bear it any longer. If he didn’t quit then you would seriously let him hug you for more than 10 seconds and in your heart you wanted exactly that to happen. But in your mind everything felt so wrong and complicated.

“I like you” Hanbin whispered, “So much.”

You reacted so quickly that you pulled him into your embrace before you even realized it. And just that felt so satisfying but bad at the same time.

This is how it feels like in your arms, you’re so warm. Maybe it’s because I love you but I can’t have you and you’re still so beautiful.

“I don’t feel cold anymore,” Hanbin replied, “I wish I could make this last forever.”

“Can you?”

“What?” He pulled away and looked you into your eyes.

“Can you make this last forever?”


“Just give me an answer.”

“Yeah,” it was just a word but it turned your entire world upside down, “I can…if you let me.”

“I broke up with him months ago Hanbin. But I’m so scared.

I’m scared to love again. I’m scared to love you because what if you leave me, too?”

You could see the pain that disturbed the beauty in his loving brown eyes, this time it wasn’t his misery but yours that reflected in the corner of his eyes.

You’re perfect to me like a dream, like playing in the water in the summer. My life is a draught and you’re like a spring shower story.

“I don’t really know how to take your fears away but if there is one thing that I am completely sure of is that I will never stop loving you. Even when you left me to be in his arms did I stop? I held it in for such a long time… it hurt so much Y/N and back then I wished nothing more than to stop my heart from loving you but I couldn’t. I can’t stop. You’re too beautiful.” He breathed out.

“Just hug me,” You murmured, “but not for only 10 seconds.”

He held you so firmly in his arms, you almost couldn’t breathe. It was so warm suddenly and maybe this was what real love felt like. Even when everything around you screamed piercing darkness, you felt so safe in his embrace. All your worries washed away in a matter of seconds.

Indeed, Hanbin never broke his promise.

The only reason he ever let go was to gaze at you with his loving eyes and tell you something extremely stupid (but sweet at the same time) and then attack you with a bunch of kisses.

He always made sure to keep you safe and happy in his arms.

Let me seriously hug you for just 10 seconds.

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6 years ago

Red velvet

Genre: SMUT

Please, do not engage with my work if you’re underage.

Pairing: Hui x female reader

Warnings: Dirty talk. Edging. Overstimulation.

Note: This is an anonymous request! I hope you enjoy it! Original message: “hello!!! found your tumblr a while ago and i already am in love!! 💗 can I request a Hui smut please? with pet names and dirty talk? like something intense/romantic but “spicy” at the same time if you know what i meansjfg 🙈 you can feel free to write abt whatever you want and i’d be happy 😭 it’s just so rare to find good stuff with him on here. thank you!!!!”

Word count: 1.4k


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6 years ago

Cute annoyance

Genre: SMUT with a bit of FLUFF

Please, do not engage with my work if you’re underage.

Pairing: sub!Jinho x dom!female reader

Warnings: Dirty talk.

Note: This is an anonymous request! I hope you enjoy it! Original message: “Hi! First of all I really enjoy your writing, it’s really good! 😊 Can I request an smut with a dom!reader x Jinho and bit of fluff? The idea behind it would be : the dom!reader is pretty much tired of Jinho trying so hard to act cute and innocent, but deep down really likes him! Thank you!”

Word count: 1.5k


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6 years ago

My Property [Junhoe]

My Property [Junhoe]


“I promise, I’ll have everyone in the city hearing how I’ll have you tonight.”

It wasn’t unusual that your legs bounced with fear and your hands constantly rubbed away at your thighs; he’d been staring directly at you for twenty minutes. You remembered what he mouthed to you not even a few moments earlier when you finally found the courage to look into his eyes, I’m going to break you played over and over in your head while you sat at the YG family dinner. You were invited as Junhoe’s date and no one really knew the two of you were in a serious relationship; you wanted to make sure that it didn’t seem obvious so as Mino flirted with you it wasn’t bad you entertained it, you loved Junhoe and he knew it but that didn’t stop him from getting angry. When his eyes finally tore away from your frame a small buzz was heard from your purse, knowing it was from Junhoe you ignored it afraid of what it’d say. His throat pushed forth a small growl only you heard because everyone else was so wrapped up in their own conversations.

Reaching in your bag you grabbed the device and opened the message from him, say you aren’t feeling well and ask me to take you home, now. With a small gulp you cleared your throat loudly catching everyone’s attention. “I’m sorry to interrupt the evening but I’m not feeling all too well and I just wanted to thank everyone and I enjoyed your company. Oppa may you please take me home?” You lowered you head softly in a bow and everyone gave sympathy to you not feeling well so early in the night. “I think we’ll head out with June too.” Hanbin spoke up to saying something about their comeback preparations, you could see the irritation of it on Junhoe’s face. He tilted his head towards the door and you stood grabbing your purse, his hand laced in yours and pulled you towards your car. Softly pushing you into the passengers side, he took his time walking around to the driver’s side. 

His voice was quiet as he started the car for the 10 minute drive back to their dorm. Once he left the lot, his hand pushed up your short dress over your panties and you knew all too well what happened when you spoke without being spoken to. “Do you want it, hm? Say my name the entire time, I don’t want to hear anything else and if you cum I’ll make this much worse than what I plan for it to be.” You weren’t expecting him to be like this, his jealousy wasn’t something too big but tonight all of a sudden he was different. Before you could think any further, his finger was slipping into your shamefully wet pussy. “June.” Was so soft from your lips since the car was so quiet he chuckled when he heard his name pant from your lips.

“Who owns you?” 

“You do.” You were so wrapped up in pleasure but caught your mistake once the words fell from your lips and his finger retracted from your sopping core with a lewd sound. Whining his name, apologies fell from your lips and he made a sharp turn and you noticed he started taking the long way. Stopping in the middle of the empty street he unbuckled the tightening pants and began driving again. “I’ll think about sparing your precious little ass if you can make me cum before we get home. You knew that was nearly impossible because he could last so long when he needed to but you were going to try; bending over your seat his throbbing cock pulsed inside his boxer briefs. You were admiring his length too long because a frustrated groan left his lips. “Sorry.” Pulling the briefs down his length stood proudly with all its pride against his stomach. Taking a deep breath before you sunk down on him became routine for you, hearing his hiss from the exhale along the tip of his cock was music for you.

Lips curling around his cock you found the back of your throat before pulling back up to breathe again. His hand had laced in your hair not having time for your antics, “You’re being fucking stupid.” He directed your head and it wasn’t anything nice, you probably looked a mess, knowing your lipstick was smudged all around your face and he probably was speeding. As this went on for minutes. your throat began to have a numb feeling as his cock rushing to the back of your throat and disappeared within a second. “Tsk, even with my help you still failed.” He pushed you off and fixed himself before leaving the car and walking towards the dorm entrance. Stepping out of the car, you adjusted your dress and smoothed your hair down and followed behind him with your head down.

As you both entered the dorm you could hear Mino’s laugh, “Oh Mino nice of you to join the dorm tonight.” Junhoe chuckled walking to the kitchen to retrieve water as you scurried to his bedroom, quickly grabbing a makeup wipe from your bag you cleaned the makeup off your face. You were afraid of what he’d do but your body ached for his touch. “Seems like you’re about to have an audience tonight.” His hands massaged at your shoulder while his lips played along your neck. “Why are you so jealous?” The words made him knit his eyebrows together and he made ticking noise before whispering in your ear. “He looked like he wanted to fuck you across that table in front of everyone, you belong to me, I own you and it pissed me off that you entertained his bullshit.” He looked incredibly attractive in front of the wall mirror you stood in front of, knowing how jealous he was did turn you on and that’s one thing your panties weren’t lying about “Fuck me.”

A smirk spread across his lips and he pulled the dress off you exposing the fact you didn’t wear a bra? “For him, hm?” Although he seemed to have calmed down, you could still tell the venom in his voice was strong. His bedroom held two large windows and he pressed your against one, your nipples hardening against the cold glass, His hands roamed your body and pulled down your soiled panties. Slow drips of your arousal fell in the new unclothed position, anyone that looked up could see him fucking you but it was damn near 10 o’clock anyone walking by this building would be another artist coming in for their own sleeping quarters. You could hear him stripping of his clothes but didn’t dare more from the spot, the words fell from his lips as he teased at your entrance with his cock that seeped precum. “I will break you.” He shoved his length into your warm core causing you to whimper loudly, you noticed the laughing in the living room come to an abrupt halt, they heard you.

Junhoe wanted them and everyone else to hear you and he made that know, “I promise I’ll have everyone in this city hearing how I’ll have you tonight.” His thrust became harsh and you couldn’t help but pant out his name. His hand grabbed a handful of your hair pulling you towards his chest, his lips captured your but only for a second before you pulled away to scream his name. “Tell him who you belong to.” He growled in your ear as his thrust became erratic and rough. His named filled everyone’s ears on repeat, “Please.” His lips kissed your shoulders and his hand reached around to rub at your swollen clit. It took a mere 3 seconds before you were screaming at the top of your lungs as cum spilled onto his cock. 

Expecting him to slow down, he chuckled as your body tensed back up when he slapped your ass, “Count for me and I’ll let you cum again.” His hand slammed against your plump ass, “One.” Your voice rasped out and he continued on, your walls were contacting around him once again when the fifth hit landed, “Scream how good I fuck you when you cum.” He was close to cumming since his pace slowed with harsh movements, his breathing close together and he twisted your nipple with his free hand. With another hard thrust he left you screaming, “Fuck- June I belong to you, I’m yours. You can only fuck me like this.” You were screaming with a voice you’d know be gone in the morning. As your second arousal coated his cock, he groaned and with a few final thrust he came filling you till you overflowed with his thick release.

His cum seeped from your abused pussy once he pulled out, quick to pick you up before your legs gave out, he laid your on the bed and grabbing a loose towel on the floor to clean you both. Tucking you under the covers his kissed your lips sweetly, “I’ll be right back.” He slipped on some underwear and shorts before quietly stepping out of the room walking towards the kitchen with all eyes on him. “Next time Mino, don’t flirt with my property.” All anyone could do was blink at the man that just broke the small framed little girl he wore on his arm to the party.

Admin Zendaya

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6 years ago

Park Chanyeol | Fairytale


Summary: Your cousin Minseok always holds the best parties - crazy Jongdae is there, bartender Yixing and of course, matchmaker Baekhyun who’s always trying to set you up. Maybe this time, he’s actually got it right.  Scenario: halloween!au, fluff Word Count: 4,895

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