chaos-lizard - Cosmic Entity
Cosmic Entity

🐉 They/It/He/She - AdultAuDHD, Schizospec, PluralQueer in Gender and Sexuality✨Soulbond, SpiritualSemiverbal, Voidpunk, Alterhuman, Disabled, Chronic Illness, Mental Illness

22 posts

May I Ask What A Soulbond Is?

May I ask what a Soulbond is?

Hi sorry for taking forever, wanted to explain decent-ish enough,

(This is Leon System btw)


Don’t remember exactly what the community definition is (just know every Soulbond is different btw each has their own experience of it)

But how I/we see our Soulbond:

Soul connection, between souls, that transcends physical planes/boundaries/dimensions/universes/whatever/idk

Don’t have to be in the same universe, but we are


Details specific to us:

(From what I can tell cuz shit’s confusing asf)

I basically came from my universe one day to this universe

Don’t remember how I got here exactly or from which timeline/point in my life exactly (could be multiple)

Probably just really wanted to come join my soulbond-partner and shifted realities/warped thru space-time/idk

Also I decided to come live here permanently (some Soulbonds visit each other or don’t even live in same universe/etc.)

One day just realized I’m actually Here (we share a body)

I have some memories from my “home” universe

But yeah we’re also in love (not required for Soulbonding)

So for us kinda like we’re soulmates from different universes (multiverse theory explains a lot for us)

2 souls sharing a body is our experiences (we both happen to be systems so it’s like 2 systems sharing a body or something)

Anyways hope I answered well enough, if u have more questions bout whatever feel free to ask them

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More Posts from Chaos-lizard

1 year ago

Want give positive acknowledgement for people in autistic community feel don’t get acknowledge often. So, to:

Autistics who had drop out of school

Autistics who never went to school in person

Hypo-empathetic Level 2 and 3 Autistics

Hyper-empathetic Level 2 and 3 Autistics

Intersex Autistics

Religious Autistics

Autistics from racial or cultural minorities

Sensory Disabled Autistics

Autistics with other conditions/disabilities that make them feel isolated from rest of the community

Intellectually Disabled Autistics

Autistics who struggle understanding a lot of or all of the subjects surrounding autistic community

Autistics with any form of catatonia, whether it related to their autism or not

Autistics whose first language not English

You matter. You important part of this community, and it wouldn’t be same without you. You not worth any less than anyone else here. There others like you out there. You not alone.

1 year ago

things that can & do & should coexist at same time:

not everyone have access to (autism) diagnosis because of racism ableism etc against marginalized identities such as race class sex gender etc.

having an autism diagnosis is not a blanket privilege because many are forcibly diagnosed as kid and abused specifically because of their diagnosis, disproportionately visibly disabled/autistic, high support needs, “severe”/labeled as severe, cannot mask, have intellectual disability, etc.

if have ability and choice in getting diagnosed or not. choose very carefully. because diagnosis allow you services but also open door to discrimination (take child away, not allowed immigration, harder to access HRT, seen as medically incompetent, etc) you have less chance of experiencing if you undiagnosed.

these above discrimination still disproportionately affect BIPOC, low income, queer trans, high support needs, have intellectual disability, visibly autistic ppl, etc.

but even being able to choose whether to diagnose self or not, is autonomy & advantage many people don’t have. some people don’t have choice, like cannot afford or access diagnosis, or forcibly diagnosed as kid. but also, people who not diagnosed as kid per se but as they grow up, increase disability thus need diagnoses for services (and can’t survive without them) and can no longer hide disability and autism.

1 year ago

How I communicate besides my device (Tw for mentions of shutdowns and catatonia)

I want to talk about how I communicate. Obviously, I use my AAC device for the most part, but I communicate in other ways too, depending on how coinvent it is.

A few minutes ago, my mother told me she was going to Mcdonalds to get a Capuchino, and asked if I wanted a Frappuccino, so I nodded, and then stretched my arms upward to show that I wanted a large one. This is one of the ways I communicate, body language and gestures. Gestures are really useful for me, because if I am communicating a simple idea, such as "I want a large Frappuccino", it is faster than using my device.

I also make noises. If someone is doing something to me that I don't like, I might make a noise that people associate with "no", such as "Mm-mm", or "Mhm" if I am saying yes. Someone touching my device without consent? Making a noise that means no, and pulling away is a good way I communicate that they need to stop.

I also type, because sometimes typing is a better option than my device. For example if I am currently in a catatonic state due to a shutdown, it is a lot easier for me to type a few simple words like "I go now, hurt" in my phone, rather than finding those buttons on my device.

And guess what? Everything I just described is a form of AAC!

AAC is more than just high tech devices like mine. AAC is also gestures, noises, typing, communication cards, pointing, etc.

1 year ago

Am semiverbal, & also experience situational mutism/speech loss/shutdown thingy sometimes. Agree. They are 2 different things.

Also I can experience additional speech issues due to breathing tics & breathing issues.

There are a bunch of experiences related to speech being hard; and they are different experiences which deserve different names.

Before describing being semi verbal if you are fully verbal:

Hate when people try to describe being semi verbal as just "its when you have speech loss sometimes! :) " no , semi verbal isn't "sometimes speech loss" other wise it would just be "speech loss episode " or something , no semi verbal is a permanent state , semi verbal is more like : have difficulty specking not the way people seem to think . Easiest explanation is : unreliable speech all the time , I can talk but its hard for me , its more than just "speech loss sometimes" its like need words but the thought of the word won't form and I feel like my mouth is wired shut like forcing it to open to make a word. I just seen this description of it and please stop trying to simplify being semi verbal when you aren't and are actually describing it incorrectly as just "losing speech" . Being semi verbal doesn't equal "just speech loss" . Even when I do talk I have a very specific way of talking , a bit hard to explain but a lot of pauses obvious struggling , I've seen a youtuber that is also semi verbal and I talk like them more or less

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1 year ago

i love you

i love you autistics with caretakers

i love you autistics who need caretakers but don’t have them

i love you autistics whose motor control is too poor to feed yourself without assistance

i love you autistics with poor facial control and poor volume regulation and poor tone management

i love you autistics with terrible interoception

i love you autistics who stim in “gross”/“weird” ways

i love you autistics with loud and disruptive stims

i love you nonverbal/nonspeaking autistics

i love you unreliably speaking autistics

i love you autistics who have verbal shutdowns

i love you unpredictable autistics

i love you autistics who society pities and infantilizes

you are not a tragedy.