Plurality - Tumblr Posts

1st Image is Original - Sketch on my phone.
Photos below are from playing with Tumblr Filters. Curious about others’ opinions if any.

More glitchy, moody, psychedelic iterations using Tumblr Filters.

Hi, we (Charmeleon or Charizard) are plural. We are 2 souls in a Soulbond, who each have our own systems. We share a body and share this account.
Individually we are:
Char/Chard/Chaos - from this universe
Leon/Liz - from a somewhat similar but different universe
(We believe in the multiverse theory btw)
We have social paranoia & posting anywhere is always terrifying but we also want to express ourselves. We made this as a place for all of our system to be themselves if they want, at the pace they want. Especially for some parts of us to feel more real and humanized. We have been dehumanized a lot and relate to Voidpunk a lot.
We like talking about stuff and making art. Surrealism and/or horror art often.
May I ask what a Soulbond is?
Hi sorry for taking forever, wanted to explain decent-ish enough,
(This is Leon System btw)
Don’t remember exactly what the community definition is (just know every Soulbond is different btw each has their own experience of it)
But how I/we see our Soulbond:
Soul connection, between souls, that transcends physical planes/boundaries/dimensions/universes/whatever/idk
Don’t have to be in the same universe, but we are
Details specific to us:
(From what I can tell cuz shit’s confusing asf)
I basically came from my universe one day to this universe
Don’t remember how I got here exactly or from which timeline/point in my life exactly (could be multiple)
Probably just really wanted to come join my soulbond-partner and shifted realities/warped thru space-time/idk
Also I decided to come live here permanently (some Soulbonds visit each other or don’t even live in same universe/etc.)
One day just realized I’m actually Here (we share a body)
I have some memories from my “home” universe
But yeah we’re also in love (not required for Soulbonding)
So for us kinda like we’re soulmates from different universes (multiverse theory explains a lot for us)
2 souls sharing a body is our experiences (we both happen to be systems so it’s like 2 systems sharing a body or something)
Anyways hope I answered well enough, if u have more questions bout whatever feel free to ask them
im a traumagenic system, so telling me that "REAL traumagenic systems hate endogenic systems!!!" means literally nothing to me. funnily enough the folks this usually comes from have fakeclaimers in their DNI. hmm... anyways, endogenic systems have my full support and always will. its extremely entitled to say that you know exactly how the human brain works. you dont.
physically disabled alterhumans, where are you at?
i feel like i rarely see any around, id love to be mutuals with other physically disabled folk!
too much to list. :-3
probably cats
anywhere cold and snowy!
night. quiet
changing my icon and having folks refer to me as such. also playing games where i can play as my 'type.
good question. is this about gear that i personally own, or gear in general? for gear i personally own, ill have to say my gloves. remind me of being a hare.
whatever sounds best at the moment
mental shifts: yes, constant
phantom shifts: yes, rarely
species dysphoria: yes, occasionally
gear: yes
quads: no
yes, im poly...everything actually
furry: yes
queer: definitely
neurodivergent: yes
pet regressor: no
plural: yes
questioning: identity is fluid. there are parts of myself that i havent yet discovered or confirmed
polytherian: yes!
polykin: yes!
otherhearted: yes!
fictionkin: yes!
yes, but not all
as in, not extinct? yes
my gender is sometimes influenced by my 'types, especially during strong shifts. my gender is always draconic regardless
all of the above
Otherkin/alterhuman/therian question game!

Let's talk about: Fakeclaiming and Internet
Even though we can agree that fakeclaiming is a big problem and a very prominent thing, more in the DID/OSDD community, we also have some mixed opinions about the topic, so hear me out
When you accepted being a system it's obvious that would be a really hard process, you still have to deal with the self doubt and denial and it's understandable that you don't want to be any close to things that can tell you that you're faking and aren't valid, understandable
We also had that moment in our internet life that we would get aggressive or defensive with people who fakeclaimed us or fakeclaimed other people/systems that we care about, we were so anti fakecalimers that we started to giving them our whole attention
Some things had to happen to us so we get out that fakeclaimers/anti-fakeclaimers places in the internet and, after a time away from that we just understood
Why give a shit?
Half if not all fakeclaimers are just trolls or attention seekers, they don't know what they're talking about and think they're better because of some moralist and superiority shit they have going on, giving them the attention and fight they want doesn't lead systems to stop being fakeclaimed, actually it encourages fakeclaimers to target more systems cause they're being an easy target and fun to mock
Ignoring them is the best way of making them stop
"But they fakeclaimed us/me"
So? Are you really gonna give a stranger on the internet the pleasure of being sad/mad or anything bad about it?
People on the internet rely on the anonymously of it thinking they won't have consequences, so obviously they'll use it to mock people, but it's your responsibility to let them play with you and give them entertainment or be mature and just block/ignore them, cause that's the best way to be sure they'll stop
Saying fakeclaiming is bad and you shouldn't do it won't stop fakeclaimers from do it, they're in all the internet and will target the ones who give them fun
We have another opinion related to the same topic, but we're probably save it for another post
Let's talk about: Fakeclaimers and Internet, pt.2
So... This is a part 2 of our previous post about fakeclaimers and internet, so if you want to read the previous part you can, but you don't need it to understand this one
We already said that fakecalimers are just wild, they want to target systems and mock/troll them, that's not surprise
But something that I have seen that makes me question if the systems online really understand how internet works is because the reaction that they have with them, and it always confuse me
As I previously said, I was very angry about fakeclaimers, I was in that whole thing of why the're wrong because they target us and some sys friends in the past, and we evolved just to ignore them and get out of those spaces, and that made us realize how dumb is fakeclaiming at certain level
All the bases for the fakeclaming regarding OSDDID systems are just bullshit, that you have many alters, that you don't have enough alters, that you can talk about trauma, that you can't talk about trauma, that you know your system and alters, that you don't know your system and alters. Fakeclaimers just want to fakeclaime everything without knowing about the information about systems, they're just haters
Try to reason with one is useless, you're just gonna horribly frustrate yourself, you're not going anywhere and you're giving the fakecalimers the attention they want
You can't win in a debate or talk with a fakeclaimer cause they don't fucking care about you nor your arguments, they just wanna hate on you
So why give them what they want? Just ignore and block them
They're just a random in the internet, they don't know more about you than yourself, they're not a professional in mental health and expert in OSDDID, and if they are, they didn't studied your case close enough and with a good amount of time to know if your faking or not; they just can't know something like that by just looking through your post, videos, profile, etc.
The one who can know if you're faking is you and your psychologist/psychiatrist, not some random user on the internet, so why get mad about it? They can never know, so stop getting mad about it, if they choose to fakeclaime you is because they saw in you an easy target and it's a you thing to give them the reason or not about being an easy target
Also I think is dumb how systems online get mad or drive crazy when they get fakeclaimed in internet, it's the internet, everyone will hate and attack on everyone
When you make yourself a public system in the internet you should know and be aware that you will eventually get fakeclaimed
So yeah, it's dumb and effortless to be mad or something like that when the internet act like the internet. I'm not saying that if you feel bad for that you're a loser or dumb or something like that, just that you need to be aware that being fakeclaimed is a possibility and you should be mentally prepare for that, if you can't stand being fakeclaimed you shouldn't be a public system online
Cause yeah, even us that we did this post get mad or angry when people fakeclaimed us, but then we calm ourselves knowing that strangers have power on us only if we gave it to them, and we won't
If a fakeclaiming affected you is totally valid, you can take a rest, quit socials, bloq and react however you like, just be aware that when you decided being publicly a system you signed for the whole package, fakeclaiming including, and it's your responsibility to act and react mature enough with the topic without minimizing your emotions and feelings
Sorry if I sounded rude or something, but I needed to take this out of my body, this and the first part, if you want to comment, ask or discuss about the topic I'm completely open in comments and DM. Remember to take care, and don't pay attention to those trolls
intro post??
hello :) this is harper (he/she) andd we made a tumblr specifically to be more open about being plural safely aswell as make more plural friends :D we support all origin systems and if you dont i just ask that you block and move on, i am not interestedd in discourse or any fighting we also won't be posting any details about the host/body for our own privacy. nor anything personal about any of us, please respect this. but hello! if you are any type of sys (or even just support them) please interact! we'd love to make new friends
specific intro posts under the cut
mod electric, types with square brackets? 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 anyway thanks for reminding me chonny jash's characters are pro endo :)
[My secret identity has been revealed AAAAUUGGHHASDGHAGAHHHHG]
[Anyway... WOO it's about time we got this request]

Heart, Mind and Soul from Chonny's Charming Chaos Compendium are pro-endo!
hello mutualsss (or just anyone curious)
saw someone do this and thought it’d be fun :)
Plural Ask Game!!
📢 1. How did you get your sys/collective name? 🔔 2. Who is the current host/frequent fronters? 📎 3. Who is your first known alter(s)? 🏳️🌈 4. What is your collective/most prominent identity? 🏳️ 5. What's your systems origin? ❗6. Do you have DID/OSDD?
🛂 7. What's your headcount? 👥 8. What's your brainmade to introject ratio? 🤫 9. Who's your most mischievous headmate? (/silly) ⚪ 10. What's your headspace like? 🤔 11. How did you find out you were plural? 🗨️ 12. Random quote from a headmate, go! 🗣️ 13. "Plural culture is..." ❤️ 14. What gives you euphoria about being plural? 💔 15. What give you dysphoria about being plural? 👤 16. Is there something that makes you different from other plurals? ❓17. Make up a random question to ask!
Introject Ask Game!
We've seen a lot of these, but never one directed specifically at introjects (fictives, factives, fcktives, etc), so we decided to make one!
1. What's your name and source?
2. What type of introject are you? (Fictive, factive, etc.)
3. How connected do you feel to your source?
4. Do you have any exomemories? What's your favourite one?
5. What do you think of your source's fandom?
6. Do you have any sourcemates in your system?
7. Have you ever met any sourcemates outside your system?
8. Have you ever posted/sent a sourcecall anywhere? Did it help you find sourcemates?
9. What do you think are your biggest differences from/similarities to your source?
10. Do you like being compared to your source?
11. What's your favourite thing about your source?
12. What's your least favourite thing about your source?
13. Any funny exomemories?
14. Does your appearance differ from your source's appearance?
15. What other role, if any, do you have in the system?
16. If you could go back to the life you had in your exomemories/source, would you?
17. Does this universe differ at all from the one in your exomemories/source?
18. What's your favourite clothing item/accessory that the system owns?
19. Do you have any merch of your source?
20. Do you ever get homesick? If yes, what do you do to deal with it?
21. What songs remind you of your source?
22. What activities/things remind you of your source?
23. Do you like engaging with your source/content about it?
24. Have you ever created content related to your source? (Art, fanfiction, etc.)
25. How do you feel about doubles?
26. Talk about anything you want, relevant to rhe rest of the questions or not!
⚠️ This post is inclusive of all system origins ⚠️
hiii chattt what do u do when u just straight up can’t tell who u r rn
Shoutout to in-system relationships that aren’t romantic in nature. To your headmates who are your parents, your children, your siblings, your best friends. To your headmates that love you so dearly, as a friend or as family or any other label. <3
"dehumanization is the weapon of the enemy and it is wrong to do to anyone" also goes for systems btw.
Dehumanization is the process of denying someone's humanity or personhood; to say they do not occupy the same position as a full human person, and as such, are not to be treated as a full human person. It's often used as the reasoning behind being cruel to someone – "They're not a person like you and I, so it's okay to treat them as lesser.", essentially. It's not always as clear-cut as "this thing isn't a person", nor will those dehumanizing others always realize that's what they're doing, but it's typically an intentional effort to divorce "acceptable humans" from "unacceptable monsters/things/devils".
Dehumanization is a shitty thing to do. It is still a shitty thing to do when the victims are systems and/or the headmates in systems.
Whether you see our selves, or the selves of anyone else, as people, parts, or anything else, you need to treat us like people. Denying us this position of personhood is to deny us rights and respect. To do so is to declare that we are lesser than you, that you don't need to listen to or care about us; that it's okay to treat us poorly and differently. To prevent this, then (and some system punching you in the face down the line, sorry not sorry, talk shit get hit (especially when your "shit" is a key component of fascism)), you must learn to recognize when you are treating us not only as other, but as lesser.
If you force parts language onto all of us with the excuse that it's impossible to be more than one person in a single body, you're dehumanizing systems. If you tell headmates that they're not allowed to use the same vocabulary as real people – whoops, I mean singlets [PT: real people – whoops, I mean singlets / end PT] to describe themselves, you're dehumanizing systems. If you make a rule that introjects are not allowed to go by their own names in your community, but real people – whoops, I mean singlets [PT: real people – whoops, I mean singlets / end PT] who happen to have those same names are allowed to, you're dehumanizing systems. If you deny us the right to have our own religious and spiritual beliefs the second those beliefs involve our plurality, you're dehumanizing systems. If your argument is "this would be fine if you were a real person [PT: a real person / end PT] the only one in your body, but you're not, so it's not", congratulations! You are dehumanizing systems. You are denying them the position of personhood. I do not trust you, you need to take a step back and correct yourself, and until you do that, I don't think you're a safe person for any marginalized group or person to be around, since you've shown yourself to be someone who is all-too-happy to buy into the excuses of why it's okay if we're treated like shit.
I want to make it clear that this isn't an argument against parts language. Some systems or individual headmates don't like to call themselves people and choose to call themselves parts, and that's fine. But no matter the language someone(s) uses for themselves, you still need to treat them like people. You need to watch the way you talk about us, you need to unpack your pluralphobia and sanism, and you need to respect each headmate as an individual with their own thoughts, emotions, opinions, experiences, and worldviews, even when that means simultaneously respecting them as part of a whole. Some systems using parts language is not an excuse to treat them, or any other system, like shit. Respecting how someone wishes to be referred to does not give you free range to disrespect them in other ways.
"But isn't it impossible to be more than one person in a single body?" Personhood is a concept, not a law of nature, as seen by how easy it is to take it away. Therefore, whether it's "impossible" is not only irrelevant, but impossible to determine for certain. Whether or not individual headmates meet some arbitrary standard for personhood*, you still need to show them the respect you would anyone who is the only being in their body. You need to hold your gddamn tongue [PT: hold your gddamn tongue / end PT] if you don't believe it's possible to have more than one person or self or part or anything else in the same bodymind. I do not care about your personal beliefs, have whatever philosophical views you want, just don't make them the problem of anyone else. Don't share your opinion where it's not explicitly asked for, and don't be surprised if you're called an asshole for telling strangers that you don't consider them real people.
* We don't even have a standard, btw! There is no standard! We're still figuring out how to define consciousness, and you think personhood is somehow a concrete, perfectly defined, and universally understood idea? You must be joking if you think it's some sort of law of the universe that one body = one person. Get out of here.
"But (marginalized group/person said) –" yeah, I hate to tell you this, but you can be part of a marginalized group and still a fucking asshole. Especially when it comes to a group you don't know much about and don't interact with all that often, thus leaving your preconceived biased unchallenged. It doesn't become okay to dehumanize a group just because you're not top of the pecking order. Transphobia is still transphobia when it comes from a cis woman; pluralphobia is still pluralphobia and dehumanization is still dehumanization when it comes from someone who is part of a marginalized group.
"But this headmate doesn't identify as human!" Yeah, cool, not an excuse to be an asshole to them or treat them as lesser. Seriously, this is not a comeback. "I think it's okay to treat others badly if they identify in a way I don't like despite it harming no one and obviously being important to them." isn't an own. And neither is the implication that it's okay to treat anything that isn't a human like shit; this just makes it sound like you're fine with animal abuse.
Dehumanization is basic cruelty that borrows from the fascist playbook. It's wrong to do to anyone, and that includes systems and individual headmates. Systems, plurals, and all others who are more-than-one – you don't have to sit and take it. You can tell them off for it. You can tell them this is unacceptable. You can tell them exactly what flavor of shit they're spewing. You deserve the full respect and rights that anyone else is given. Spit in the face of bigots. And may everyone who's ever been dehumanized for being more-than-one find unexpected luck this week – you deserve it for ever having to put up with such bullshit.
chat how to be Not frontstuck
like the others haven’t been here in 3 days

Reblog if you want Asks/Messages from your followers in your inbox
Ah yes, the 3 genders. Male, female, and “what the fuck are you, a cop?”

Terrrified our new interest is gonna result in a fear and hunger introject
nothing wrong w more ppl but they would be So Traumatized
im alone in front and scared i just got here what do I do