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Silly Character Interaction Based Off The Fact @frogs00 Said Janis Bites

Silly character interaction based off the fact @frogs00 said Janis bites

*janis and y/n sitting on the couch*

Janis: hey can I see your arm really quick

Y/n: uh yeah sure *gives Janis their arm*

Janis: *gently bites y/n*

Y/n: OW WHAT THE FUCK *pulls their arm away* why would you do that?

Janis: *shrugs* nom nom

Y/n: how would you feel if I bit you?!?!

Janis: *give y/n their arm*

Y/n: *bites Janis gently* wait that’s actually kind of fun


Damian: why are you two so weird?

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More Posts from Cheesysoup-arlo

9 months ago

Nooo I’m not built for running :(

*bites* *bites* *bites*

That's all, bye. 🏃

Hey no come back let me bite you back :(

9 months ago

Writing two very different smut fics is so silly because one is like consent is key and they’re being very communicative and the other one is very dom/sub lol this is silly

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9 months ago

Good morning you hurt my feelings but it’s ok Janis will fix it

Birds Of A Feather

Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader

Warnings: angst, coarse language, mentions/descriptions of suicide & sickness, chronic pain

In which reader has had enough of the physical pain and wants to put her suffering to an end.

“What’s wrong, Janis?” Damian asked.

“Have you talked to y/n?”

“No, why?”

“I’m worried about her. She hasn’t been answering my texts
or calls. And she hasn’t been in school for what, two days now?”

“Did you go—”

“First thing I did.” Janis sighs, “Her Mom says she’s in the hospital but doesn’t want to see anyone. But apparently that means cutting everyone off.”

“Girl, you know she’s having a hard time right now.”

“When is she not?” Janis snaps.

“Janis.” Damian gasped, “That’s not like you.”

Janis sighs, shutting her locker. “She’s my best friend, I love her. But every time, every time she has a bad day, or has a bad flare up, god forbid she gets a migraine episode— she doesn’t tell me. She doesn’t tell you, she just suffers in silence. I have to pry and then she gets upset, then I get upset for upsetting her. Why is it so bad that she talks to me about stuff like that? Why does she have to go through all of that alone?”

You and Janis have been neighbours your whole entire lives. Quickly, you two became friends, then best friends. Going to the same school, you two only grew closer and became a trio with Damian. But there was a stark difference between your personality and theirs— while they were outspoken, you were an introvert. Janis loved you to bits but hate that you were so hard to get through to. Stubborn, afraid to be a bother, anxious.

Janis was the only one who knew how to handle you. Other people didn’t exactly know you like she did. Janis knew you were dealing with all sorts of shit— you have been for a big part of your life. You’ve been sick, due to more conditions than one. Well, other people couldn’t tell that you were. They were what your doctors called ‘invisible conditions’ and thanks to your freakishly high pain tolerance that you’ve built up over the years, you could function even when in pain. Janis could never figure when you needed help because you never asked for it. What’s more, this wasn’t the only time you were in the hospital for similar reasons and didn’t tell anyone.

You’d admit, you would love to just be held by Janis while you cried and slept through the pain and be comforted by her— your best friend. You knew she’d readily agree, but you couldn’t help but feel embarrassed if you did ask so never did, and just went through each and every ‘episode’ alone. You and Janis did everything together, everything. Experience a lot of firsts together. Everything, but this. Your chronic illness and pain was something you shared with her but she’s never witnessed your lowest of lows. Ever.

Eventually, Janis persuaded your Mother to give her the hospital’s address and your room number. You thought you were hallucinating when you saw Janis walking down the hall to your room. You locked eyes with her right before she knocks on the door and stepped inside the hospital room.

“Why the fuck are you here, Janis?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because you’re my best friend and I’m worried about you?” Janis bites back a scoff, but her words cut through your heart, “I don’t get it. Why is it so hard to admit to me that you’re in pain. I may not be able to take it away, but I want to help you. Be there for you. We’ve been friends our whole lives, y/n.”

“All my life
I was always the problem kid. Something’s always wrong with me, something about me always worries someone, keeps someone up at night. ‘oh, she needs to take this medication every six hours’, ‘y/n has to go for an MRI scan every four months’, ‘oh, no, poor y/n needs to go get poked and prodded again because the tumor grew back’. I’m sick of it. I don’t know why you even bother with me, Janis. Why? Why can’t you just leave me like everyone else? I don’t want to be someone else’s burden. Anymore than I already have been. Especially not yours.”

“So that’s it, you just want me to get up and leave?” Janis sighs, her words harsh but her eyes
they were filled with heartache, brimming with tears. Janis couldn’t bear to leave you, not when you were so distraught. Not when you clearly need someone there to hold you.

“Don’t you want to get up and leave?” You answered, “I know I want to. I want to leave and never come back. Leave this earth so I don’t have to be in pain anymore. I don’t want this anymore.”

” Janis exhales, “That’s so selfish.”

“Is it so wrong for me to be just a little selfish? I haven’t felt like myself in years, Janis. So I’m sorry, I’m feeling this way but I’ve had enough of pretending to be okay when I’m clearly not.”

For the first time in your life, Janis bursts into tears. She was sobbing, right in front of you. “Baby,” She holds your hands in her own, “Please don’t leave me.”

You swallowed the painful lump in your throat, trying to free your hands from hers, but you fail. “I’m tired of fighting, Jan.”

“Let me do it. Let me do that for you, I’ll stay strong for you when you can’t.” Janis says as tears streamed down her face, “I can’t live without you, y/n. Please, we’ve always done everything together. I don’t want you to give up now, baby. Anything you need, I’ll do my best to give it to you, to help you get through the bad days, please.”

Seeing her cry made you cry like a baby, “What the hell— what the hell are you saying, Jan? You don’t—”

“I mean every word. From this moment on, you tell me when you need to take the time off school to stay home. You tell me if you need painkillers, a heating pad, soup, tea, for me to hold you, cuddle with you and kiss you till you fall asleep and get some rest. I don’t care what time of day it is, I don’t care how shitty you look, I don’t care how far away I am from you, I will be there to look after you. I care about you, please don’t push me away. I love you.”

“You— what
?” Your breathing hitches.

“I love you.” She looks at you right in the eyes, “I love you, y/n. I’ve got you, it’s okay to
not be okay all the time. With me, you’re safe. I will never ever leave you like other people did. We made a promise remember? That we’ll always stick together.”

“Like birds of a feather.”

“Like birds of a feather.” You nodded, sniffling.


Okay, full disclosure, my mind just wandered and I thought of this little scenario and I had to get it out of my system so it’s not a polished fic by any means, but here it is anyway.

9 months ago

Time isn’t real because what do you mean it’s only been four days since I last posted a fic? I thought it was at least a week and a half lmao I think I’m living on auto pilot right now

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9 months ago

*bites* *bites* *bites*

That's all, bye. 🏃

Hey no come back let me bite you back :(

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