They/them(or any)Fruity 🏳️‍🌈 (lesbian)FIC REQUEST ARE OPEN🪿

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Im Ok, How Are Youuuuu :)

I’m ok, how are youuuuu :)


HIIIII :D how are yaa

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8 months ago

10. regina/janis

10. “I won’t let you.”

This is so not Janis's scene. Which is a weird thing to say, considering she's in Damian's house. But things have changed a lot in the last few months.

When Janis decided to forgive Cady at spring fling, she didn't realize she would be inheriting all of Cady's friends, too—people Janis previously found to be profoundly annoying, but most of whom turned out to be okay.

Still, she really has to ask herself how she ended up here, at a rager thrown by Damian, who has somehow become close with Shane Oman, with three-quarters of the North Shore basketball team, the mathletes, Gretchen Wieners, Karen Shetty, and Regina fucking George.

Janis enjoys a good party, but the combination of the jocks chanting chug, chug, chug and Damian and his theater friends belting out showtunes is giving her a headache.

She's looking for her jacket, ready to head home, when she sees Regina, stumbling a little as she tries to jam her foot into her shoe.

"Untying it first might help," Janis tells her, finally locating her jacket thrown over the banister, buried by three other jackets.

Regina makes an annoyed huff, but she does untie her shoe before finally sliding it in and re-lacing it. When she rights herself, the first thing Janis notices is how she sways a little where she stands, face flushed the way it gets sometimes when she's had too much to drink. (How Janis somehow knows this is beyond her.)

The second is that her car keys are in her hand.

"You're not driving yourself home, are you?" Janis asks cautiously.

"What? Yeah, I am," Regina says, rolling her eyes a little as she reaches for the front door.

Janis maneuvers herself so she's blocking Regina's path. "Slow down there, Justin Timberlake. You're drunk. You can't drive."

"I'm fine," Regina insists, irritation starting to color her voice. "Move."


"Janis! Get out of my way. I'm leaving," Regina says, drawing out the last word, like Janis is stupid.

Janis shakes her head. "I won't let you."

Regina's eyebrows rise. "You won't let me?"

"Nope," Janis tells her. "You know what it's like to get hit by a reckless driver. You want someone else to experience that?"

This seems to give Regina pause. Janis waits as the gears in her brain turn, slowed by alcohol.

"Ugh, fine," Regina grumbles. Then she pulls out her phone and starts clumsily tapping at the screen.

"What are you doing?" Janis asks.

"Calling an Uber, officer," Regina says.

Janis has no idea what possesses her to say, "I'll drive you home."

Regina blinks at her once, twice. "What?"

"I can drive you," Janis tells her. "I'm heading out anyway, and you're on the way, so..."

It's not that she and Regina aren't friends, but they're not exactly friends, either. They're still figuring out how to navigate that awkward space between being everything and nothing to each other. But this shouldn't be weird, right?


"Okay," Regina says after a moment. "Don't kill me."

Janis rolls her eyes and opens the front door. "Right. You're more of a do-it-yourself kind of girl."

Janis walks slowly to her car, Regina stumbling after her, walking gingerly on the frozen grass, breath curling like smoke in the winter air.

Janis turns on the car and blasts the heat once they're inside, slowly backing out of the driveway, maneuvering between the cars parked at the curb.

"It's cold in here," Regina complains like a petulant child.

"It'll warm up," Janis replies through gritted teeth. She contemplates making a joke about Regina being a frigid bitch, but decides against it.

"My car has heated seats."

"You can take off a star when you write your review."

Regina tilts her head back against the headrest and sighs. "Are you still seeing Grace?"

The question catches Janis completely off guard. "What?"

"Are you still seeing—"

"I heard you," Janis says. "Um, no, not anymore."

"Hmm," Regina hums contemplatively. "Well, there are lots of other girls out there. You'll find someone."

"You sound like my grandmother."

Regina huffs irritably. "I'm trying to be supportive."

"Yeah, and it's freaking me out, honestly," Janis tells her. If someone had told her even half an hour ago that she'd be talking to Regina about girls in her car, she would have laughed.

"Well, fine," Regina says, crossing her arms. She actually sounds a little hurt. And for some crazy reason, Janis doesn't want to hurt Regina's feelings.

"But, um, thanks," Janis says. "It just didn't work out."

Regina rests her head against the window, breath fogging the glass as she speaks. "You're hot and smart. You'll be okay."

Janis is grateful that she's pulling into Regina's driveway, because her instinct is to slam on the brakes. "What?"

Regina looks at her. She looks exhausted. "What?"

"What did you just say?" Janis needs to hear it again, for some reason.

Regina pauses to think. "You'll be okay."

"No, before—you know what? Never mind." Janis cuts the ignition. "Here you are, Cinderella."

Regina frowns. "Does that make you the pumpkin?"

Janis ignores the question. "Good night."

But Regina doesn't get out. She looks down at her hands, twisted in her lap. "Thanks for driving me home."

"Well, I didn't want to be an accessory to vehicular homicide. I'm applying to colleges, and that would look bad."

"Right," Regina says. She looks at Janis again, searching her face for something.

Janis isn't sure why the air in the car suddenly feels so charged, and it occurs to her that this is the longest she's been alone with Regina since middle school. She has the crazy thought that she's missed Regina, actually.

Finally, Regina pops open her door. "Well, thank you," she says quietly. "Good night."

"Night," Janis echoes, watching Regina disappear into her house.

Janis sits for a few minutes in her car in the driveway, trying to untangle the strange feeling in her stomach. Finally, she turns on her car, resolving to tuck this weird night in the file in the back of her brain labeled times Regina seemed human.

8 months ago

💞💞💞 love ya *hugs*

You’re a cutie patootie 💞

*gasps* Silly, sweet lil goose ☺️✨🩷

8 months ago


Capri with needy!reader?? I'm so in love with her!!! She's actually such a cutie pie 🥹😭💕

I’m saying…what the fuck

Capri Donahue x needy! fem reader

Warnings: MDNI, smut— guided self-gratification, striptease, fingering, oral, toy use, hickeys, orgasm denial, spanking, pet names, overstimulation(all reader receiving)

In which Capri uses her ability to astral project, to mess with reader and rile her up for a damn long night

Requested? Yes / No

This is 2 requests merged into 1. Enjoy, I guess😗 (anon + astral

Capri was away from home for a few days with her team of students for a cheer competition— in town, but she wouldn’t be home for a few nights. See, you were supposed to tag along. You wanted to go with her as some sort of a getaway, but your decision was soon made for you came down with a cold the morning she was supposed to leave and Capri encouraged you to stay home to rest instead of putting the stress of traveling on your body.

48 hours later, you woke up feeling almost back at 100%, but still had some lingering…ickiness of a cold. You felt a little gross and clammy despite your fever being gone for the last day, you’d also randomly feel a tad giddy. But it was nowhere as bad as how you felt at first. Kicking off the covers and dragging your feet to the bathroom, your eyes were barely open. You were sitting on the toilet doing your business when you suddenly got the feeling of someone watching you. You looked up and nearly screamed the house down.

Her face fell seeing how terrified you were. “Sorry, babe.”

“Look, I know I didn’t get enough sleep last night, but I cannot be hallucinating right now. So, what is this, Capri?”

“It’s me.” She says gleefully.

You sigh, “Yes, but how—”

“Oh.” She replies, “Astral projection.”

“‘Oh’? Just ‘oh’? And you somehow guessed that I’d be in the bathroom?” You squinted, suddenly remembering that you were still seated on the toilet.

“I know you.” She laughs, “Knew you’d be here by this time of day. Which also tells me you’re feeling a lot better.”

“Yeah, so?” You asked, tossing the toilet paper in and flushing it then washing your hands.

“So, I was thinking since we both have some time on our hands and that I’ve been trying to master this new power, how about you and I have a little fun?”

“And how do you suggest we do that, babe? You’re a projection— you can’t touch me, I can’t touch you.”

“We have a lot of fun, anyway. You remember that right? I always find a way to make you a mess.” A smirk tugs at her lips as she watches you closely.

“Oh, absolutely no way I’m letting you do anything to me when I’m still contagious.”

“Hey, if you are in the mood, I can still help y’know? It’s not like we haven’t done that before over the phone and shit.”

“Over the phone.” You repeated, leaning against the doorway as she side stepped you and sat on the bed, “This is literally you split into two while the other one is doing something else, elsewhere!”

“You’re so cute when you’re like this.” She laughs lightly, eyeing you up and down, “Also I highly doubt this version of me can catch a cold.”

You sulked, beginning to pace the room, “You’re such a brat.”

“Oh, honey.” She stifles a laugh, “That’s long been established and I’m owning it.”

“I’ll admit— I’m tempted but I can’t today because I am so damn lightheaded.”

“Stop pacing then.” She looked at you with wide eyes for a moment, “Sit down.”

“I’ll see how I feel tomorrow.” You shrug, sitting down beside her.

“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to, you know that. Just rest, okay? For now, at least. Do you need me to come home?”

You couldn’t help but laugh a bit, she was home. Just not in a way that she could actually take care of you like she’d hoped to be able to. “I know, but hey, maybe if I keep working on it…it could work eventually. You know? Being able to project myself and make sure that we can both touch each other.”

“Maybe.” You nodded.

“Okay, you do what you need to do, I’m gonna…get back to the comps.”

“Okay, babe.” You agreed, “Please don’t show up like that again for a bit, if I pass out, I’m dead meat.”

“Alright, love. I promise.” She grins, giving you a wave. Before you knew it, she vanishes into thin air. Shit, that was something you definitely had to get used to. She’s been doing that a lot over the last two weeks or so, determine to master that particular power as well. Capri has telekinesis, but the whole deal with astral projection? It fucked with your head more than you thought it would. As cool as it was, it freaked you the hell out when you first learned about her ability to do so.

The rest of your day went by pretty quick and uneventful. Thank goodness, but the giddiness was annoying the fuck outta you. Because it was beginning to make you feel a whole other symptom: nausea. You hated that. Sat on the couch with your head buried in your hands and your eyes shut, you prayed for it to pass. You could not deal with throwing up tonight. No way. Some deep breaths later, it calms down. Your world stopped spinning, and you managed to lie down on the couch and watch some TV to pass time. You managed to tough it out and eventually fell asleep lying there, though you were going to pay for it in the morning when your back starts to hurt with a vengeance.


"Like what you're seeing, baby?"

Capri? Oh, damn.

"What are you-?"

"Doing in your dreams? Ask yourself, maybe."

She smirks.

"Are you doing this?"

With a playful glint in her eyes, she shrugs, "I dunno."

You huffed, feeling the frustration build up within you. "You've got the whole place to yourself, baby. Touch yourself, you know you want to."

"But I- yeah, fuck it. Yes, I do."

That grin, it doesn't leave her face. And it was slowly but surely driving you crazy. Capri started doing something utterly provocative, literally doing a striptease in your mind.

Quickly, she was able to rile you up. You start feeling the ache between your thighs, your heart beating faster, your hands itching to roam down south. "Eyes on me." Capri says, voice low and sending a swarm of butterflies around your core, "Rub your clit. Keep your eyes...on me."

At this very moment, her bra gets unclipped and her chest was fully revealed to you. "Oh, shit." You muttered, a whine getting caught in your throat.

"So fast?" She teases, "Squeeze your tits for me, baby."

Not a single thought was running through your head other than complying with her, mind already clouded by arousal. "Does that feel good?"

You nod, "Yes. Fuck, yes."

Something compelled you to open your eyes, and what do you know? It was the next morning- it must've been a dream. You always had dreams whenever you were about to wake up from sleep. Your phone buzzes on the side table.

'I'll be home soon!’

Right. She was coming home today. And she'd absolutely know that you were being a horny ass thinking about her and doing whatever the hell that was. Scurrying to the bedroom with your phone in hand, you respond to her text.

She replies, 'Get yourself ready😈’

Real subtle.

You laugh when you simply texted back an

'Okay. As if you weren't already worked up.


The second she arrived home, you knew she had something up her sleeve because of that look on her face. Capri nearly gave you a heart attack astral projecting right in front of you.

"So we're doing that with no warning now? Cool, cool, cool, cool. I told you not to do that.” You seethed at the end.

“Oh, a little fiesty today, aren’t we?” She smirks, capturing your lips into her own.

“Shut up.” You scoffed, “Okay, I don’t know who to look at.”

“Do you want me to shut you up?” She stared at you in the eye.

“I dunno, Capri. Was three nights of teasing me fair?” You sat on the couch, legs crossed, looking up between actual Capri, and her projection.

“Hey, you came.” She mentions.

“You know damn well how far I can go, Capri.” You sigh, “So— I’m all yours to use.”

“Well damn.” Capri raised a brow, “You are a needy little thing aren’t you?”

“Like you don’t know that already.” You laughed, she shuts you up with a kiss, over and over again until you were both fighting for air. Capri straddles you, hands hurriedly yanking your clothes off. Her eyes? Admired each part of your skin as they gradually got exposed to her.

“So is…” Your breath hitches, “Why’d you do that?”

“Oh, she’s um…for your visual enjoyment.” Capri chuckles, “She can strip.”

“Yeah, so can you.”

Capri bites down on her lower lip, eyes tracing your lips. “So you want me to?”

“I mean, you said she could so why don’t you let her handle that while you fuck me because Capri Donahue you have driven me insane while you were gone.”

“Oh, our neighbours are so gonna hear you.” She chuckles lowly, hand grabbing your chin and squeezing your cheeks.

“Wow, would you look at that. She is stripping.”

Capri barely let you finish talking before attacking your neck with a trail of kisses. She eventually settled on your sensitive spot and kept sucking at it knowing how easily you could get riled up during that specific week or two of the month. Her little show was definitely helping, and the fact that she’s been away for a few days? You were in for a long night. After a heated make-out session on the couch, you two moved to the living room— and the projection too. You nearly forgot about it, having your eyes close to take in the building pleasure.

“Fuck!” You exclaimed.

“What?” She huffs, breaking away from your neck. “Wow. That— I’m sorry that’s gotta hurt.”

“Keep going.” You demanded.


“Yeah.” You nodded, whining.

“Okay.” Capri hums.

Despite it all, you keep feeling a pair of eyes on you— that projection. You were so tempted to keep your eyes open and look at her but it was hard.

“Capri…” You panted, swallowing harshly.

“Hm?” She asks while roaming lower, hands on either side of you.

“I need you.” You looked at her directly.

“Beg me.” She requested smugly, hands groping your ass then inner thighs.

You squirmed and whined beneath her ministrations, feeling the ache and wetness growing and growing scary easily. “Tell me exactly what you want me to do.”

A whimper gets caught in your throat as you licked your lips.

“What’s the matter, baby? Can’t talk to me now?” She asks, squeezing your butt, “Look at her, y/n. Do you like that?”

Why was she holding a strap—

You gulped, breathing beginning to quicken just a tad. “y/n, what do you want?” She interjects and watches you while her hand ghosts your apex. You whimpered, feeling yourself throb.

“Come on, be a good girl and tell me how you want me to make you feel good.” She coaxed, finger gently gliding down your folds before she stuck it into her mouth.

“Fuck me with your fingers, the strap, your mouth. Please, please— anything— I’ve had it—” You pleaded, fighting back tears.

“Don’t cry, now.” She caresses your ass, “That’s all you have to say, baby. I got you.” Capri begins to kiss her way down your neck to your cunt, covering it all with kisses and some marks along the way, absolutely just taking her sweet time with you.

“Capri, please…” You muttered, “Do it.” Her lips wrap around your clit on that request, giving it the attention it was craving. You let a soft moan slip, biting down on your lip to stop yourself. She swiftly swatted your hand away, too. “Make those noises, baby.” She smiled sweetly, “You deserve to do that. After all, I have been teasing you so much, haven’t I?”

The smack came out of nowhere, making you yelp. “Aren’t you such a good girl, honey? Just laying right here for me…all for me to taste, to savour.”

You let out a high-pitched whimper as her tongue started lapping at your folds and clit, causing the wetness to leak out of you rapidly. “Shit, you’re so wet…” She purrs against your heat. Tears pricked at your eyes and you cursed, “Shit. Oh, keep going. Don’t— don’t stop.”

“The projection is turning you on that much?” Capri asks, nearly offended.

“Well it’s you, no?” You let out a shaky breath, “Fuck, fuck, hands. God— fuck!”

Capri was on cloud nine hearing you like this, “You know I love hearing you make these noises for me…you know what I’ll do, babe~ Just to hear more of them…” Capri’s mouth has barely left your cunt, her breath and the warmth making you twitch forcefully in her mouth. Her projection gave you a damn cheeky look, making you blush in the midst of having double the attention. Capri slides a finger in without warning, but you almost instinctively bucked your hips upward for more contact. “So needy…” She teases while poking at your g-spot repeatedly, causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head, “Feel good, princess?”

You mumbled something absolutely incoherent and ended up whimpering while you nodded. She laughs, giving your clit the hardest suck she’s ever done. You nearly screamed at this abrupt increase in pressure. The thing was this, she’d do a lot but also suddenly stop doing anything at all, right when you feel yourself going to unravel. So you were extremely frustrated and riled up already, and she was just getting started. Capri definitely wasn’t going to let you off with just one climax. No, she always went for multiple. You always wanted multiple. Sometimes, you didn’t even think about it but she easily makes it happen anyway. And it always feels so fucking—

“Mm- mm— fuck…” You whined, “Just like that, Capri.”

Her tongue circling the sensitive bundle of nerves, then her mouth sucking it, her tongue lapping up and down your folds eagerly trying to taste every last bit of you. God you loved it, you loved how much pleasure you were feeling, everything she was doing was exactly how you liked it. Exactly what you needed for an orgasm.


“How are we feeling about the strap, y/n?” She questions while massaging inner thighs. Her lust-filled gaze ignited a swarm of butterflies in your chest, causing a needy noise to fall from your lips. “Is…that a yes?” Capri asks, a grin forming on her face, her fingers so casually pumping in and out of your without resistance while she kept the eye contact.

Somehow, you still had one question running through your mind. “How come she can hold things? I thought—”

“She couldn’t at first. But I mastered another thing after all.” She shrugs, “So…yes or no?”

“Yes.” You nodded in confirmation, “Yes, fuck me with it.”

“Love that.” She massages your ass too while flashing you a smug smile, “Okay, baby.” Capri held her hand out behind her, gesturing for the projection to hand the strap over to her. You saw it happening, but you were still confused about how it was even possible. But hey, in this moment? You couldn’t think about anything but wanting to come…your mind was just clouded by arousal. Capri leaves you for a bit to put it on, leaving you with her projection while she stood off to the side. The projection smiles, then bit the air. You gulped, a whimper slides out of your mouth without a thought. Your eyes fall onto her bare chest, your mind running while, your desire to touch her then came over you. “Capri, take— take off your top.” The words flew out of your mouth way faster than your brain processed them.

“Gladly, babe.” She complied with the request immediately. Oh, she’d already put the harness on. Damn.

She kneels before you pushing your legs apart gently, then you feel her positioning the tip of the shaft against your dripping entrance. “You ready?” An impatient nod came from you as she pushed the shaft inside you, inch by inch. You took it all without any resistance, that was how wet you were. What a sight that was for her, and what a sound to hear when that low groan emitted from your lips as she entered you and stretched you out.

She studied your face, to make sure you weren’t in pain but her worries were quickly calmed when she heard you pleading for her to go faster. “Yeah, baby? You want that?” She coos, one hand hoisting one of your legs up just because. It didn’t feel that different whether or not she did that, but you didn’t mind it. Anyway, she did start pounding into you faster. Your noises matched up with her motions, driving both of you insane…giddy with pleasure. The tightening in your core makes itself known soon enough, while you were watching the projection approach the bed and sit down right next to you. “Shit, shit— oh, y—” You cried out, averting your gaze. “So pretty…” Came the voice beside you. You whimpered, gnawing onto your lower lip, your cheeks heating up.

“Why so shy, princess? You’re so fucking beautiful.” That light, airy tone of her voice coupled with her relentless gestures made your eyes roll to the back of your head, pushing you right to the edge. “I—I’m gonna come—” Your voice was exceptionally shrill, making you cringe as a result but the momentary embarrassment was soon overpowered by pleasure. Wave after wave after wave as she consistently rammed into your g-spot. “Come for me.” She smiles. You backed up a bit, body trembling lightly as you came down from your high after what seemed like forever. She holds onto your hip, pulling you back, still pushing into you, but slower. “Good girl~”

Hearing that always ignites something in you, it makes you more aroused, feeling the ache return after a rush of heat. “More.” You said, tears brimming at your eyes.

“Of course, my love.” She replies, backing away so the shaft leaves you completely. You felt empty, and desperate for stimulation. You needed that second high. You wanted her to push you until you were begging for her to stop. Her fingers slid down your cunt and you flinched. She swatted at your clit just to draw out a noise, then rubs it with her thumb as though to soothe it. Of course, it was doing just the opposite of that. “Look at me, y/n…” Said the projection. You bit back a whimper and did as she said while you felt Capri dragging the tip up and down your folds to force more wetness to leak out of you.

Fuck, that girl was touching herself right in front of you. Your head snapped back to look at Capri, “You—”

“I know it’s helping, babe…” She winks, climbing up to hover you, “All yours, y/n.” Your gaze locked in with hers at first, then wandered down to her breasts. That’s what she meant. Meek little whimpers and whines assaulted your ear on one side, you tried to ignore them but that’s all you were hearing. And with a small shift, the strap was once again inside you again entirely. You were satisfied with just feeling that fullness right now, your hands reaching up to grab a handful of her breast. She exhales harshly the second you did, grinning. As she fucked you with the strap, she decided to attack that one spot on your neck at the same time, so technically she was almost pressed up against you but you found a way to do what you wanted, too.

“Fuck…” You breathed out, “I cannot believe— oh— fuck~”

“You close?” You asks, breath fanning against your neck.

“Mm—ah— f— yes.”

You approached your second high insanely quick, yet somehow the pleasure was still more intense than the previous time. You let her know that you’d came, but she kept going and going, pushing you like she knew you liked. You could not stop, it just kept leaking out of you as you clenched around that silicone. But she pulls out quickly, replacing it with her mouth. Though you weren’t too happy about not being able to touch her tits. “So sweet…” She remarked, her voice low. So low, it made you feel things. You throbbed against her mouth and felt the climax apparently still happening. “Fuck, you’re the best.” She chuckles, very gently licking you clean.

“I want— I want to come again.”

Capri’s eyes flicked up to look at you, purely concerned as her tongue slowed to a halt. “I can.” You assured her, “Keep going. Keep going until I tell you to stop.”

“If that’s what you want…” She says while groping your inner thighs then peppering soft little kisses all over them, “That’s exactly what you’re gonna get. How do you want me to do it?”

You let out a long breath, shakily, but still managed, “Use your mouth. Go as far as you can, absolutely push me.” That was all she needed to hear to get started on round three. The girl was skilled, she was like an expert when it comes to something like this. This type of ‘situation’, she was no stranger to it. You two have done it to each other— going as much as either of you could go. She easily coaxes climax number three out of you, leaving you more whiny than ever beneath her. Your noises spurred her on, leaving her wanting to hear more. So she did whatever she could to also get what she wanted. But, she was also surprisingly gentle, which drove you even crazier, honestly. What shocked you was the sheer ease of her ability to make you come even with the slightest effort. The sweet words, gentle fingers of hers, the warmth of her lips and her tongue slowly building up your arousal to the brink of unraveling. You had shit your eyes, allowing yourself to take all of it in without distraction. The projection had evidently decided to go for a round two of her little party for one and it was making you seem so incredibly needy and noisy. Soon, your brain had turned itself off, turning into mush the more you felt her in you. Suddenly, you feel a different build up in your core. “Cap— you might want to—” With your fingers tangled in her hair, you tried to move her away, knowing what was gonna come out of you soon. “No, just let it go.” She says, wrapping her lips around your extremely swollen bundle of nerves to help you unravel yet again. With a string of profanities and her name, you were as good as convulsing when you squirted. “Oh, fuck.” She laughs, “Good girl, damn. So hot.”

Tears have also fallen from your eyes due to the intensity of this climax. Her hands steadied you, bringing you back into a state of relative calmness quickly. She somehow got a towel(from the projection, but you didn’t know), and started to clean you up. “You’re alright.” She hums, gently caressing your thigh. “Look at me, baby. You’re okay, you’re okay.” Through your clouded vision, you saw her silhouette, but hell you wanted her to hold you, you wanted to be in her arms. It seems that she knows, because she was right next to you in the matter of seconds. Well, actually, it did take her awhile because she had to remove the harness, but hey, she was fast.

Capri presses a kiss to your lips, fingers brushing your cheek, “You did so good, my love.”

That made you feel all warm and fuzzy, also very sleepy. Especially now that you were in her embrace. “You need anything?”

You shook your head, snuggled up against her chest, “No. Just you.”

“Okay.” She says with a smile, holding you closer and rubbing your back, “What about dinner?”

“Whatever you…whatever you decide is fine.” You managed.

“So then what do ya say to having me for dessert?” She asks as if it was a regular question.

Your eyes widened in shock, gaining you a definite moment of being awake. The sleepiness abruptly leaves your body. You laughed in disbelief, “I’m saying…what the fuck. But absolutely, yes. I can’t believe you just asked it like that—”

Capri giggles, oh god. That sound was one of your favourites. It always made you happy just to hear it. “Can’t wait~”

“No projection, though.” You broke away just enough to lock eyes with her, “She’s a— distraction.”

“God, remember how wet you got from her whining?” She asks nonchalantly.

“Fuck you.” You laughed, burying your head against her chest again, “Stop that.”

Silence falls between you two as she held you close, “I love you.”

“…I love you too.” You dozed off with the biggest smile plastered on your face. Capri, too, fell asleep feeling absolutely content. She was delighted to finally be back home with you. “Rest up, baby.” She whispers, kissing the top of your head, “God, I missed you so much.”

Capri With Needy!reader?? I'm So In Love With Her!!! She's Actually Such A Cutie Pie

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@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128

💭 A/N

The astral projection request was from end of May😭😭 to whoever requested that, I’m sorry it took so long. Hopefully this was okay😮‍💨 I don’t really like it that much but maybe because I’ve seen it too much already😂

8 months ago


Tags :
8 months ago


Janis: Go big or go home!

Damian: Please, for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. Go. Home.

Janis: I'm going big!