They/them(or any)Fruity 🏳️‍🌈 (lesbian)FIC REQUEST ARE OPEN🪿

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Prompt because of boredom: Regina and Janis are cuddling, Regina gently tells her to scoot over then because Janis has her up against the edge clinging to her like a koala and then Janis gets pouty and rolls dramatically off the bed.

“You’re being a little dramatic.”

Janis ‘Imi’ike x Regina George

Warnings: fluff, implied smut at the end

“It’s the artist in me.”

Prompt Because Of Boredom: Regina And Janis Are Cuddling, Regina Gently Tells Her To Scoot Over Then

Life was pretty good right now. It was summer, their friends all had their own plans so it allowed Janis and Regina to spend time alone. Not that they didn’t see each other often, but usually, they’d be accompanied by their friends. Currently on the couch in Janis’ garage, sat Regina. And Janis, was laid very comfortably on top of the blonde. The brunette was pretty much clinging onto her like a koala, head snuggled against her chest. “Baby, can you scooch a little bit?”

“What?” Janis asks sleepily.

“Can you get off of me for a minute?” Regina rephrases her question.

“Why?” She whines.

“Come on.” Regina bites back a smile, “I gotta pee.”

“Fineeee.” Janis agrees reluctantly, playfully rolling completely off the couch instead of just enough to let Regina get up.

The thud causes Regina to stop walking and look back, her eyes widen, “Baby, what the hell?!”

Janis groans exaggeratedly, arms and legs sprawled on the ground. Regina could not help this little smile that was forming on her face, “I’ll be right back, Jay.”

Silence followed.

“I think you’re being a little dramatic, Jay.” Regina says while going up the stairs to enter the house.

“It’s the artist in me.” Janis responds, voice muffled. That did it for Regina, she laughs aloud as she entered the house— out of earshot.

As promised, Regina returns as quickly as she’d left. and Janis? She was still on the floor, but…at least she was now face up. Regina sits down by her on the floor, Janis gasps, “Wow, Regina George joining me on the floor?”

“Oh, yeah. Believe it.” Regina smirks, playing along her palm resting on the other girl’s torso reflexively.

“Huh. Lucky me.” Janis grins cheekily, “Can i get a kiss?”

“Aw, you want a kiss?” Regina teases.

The artist pouts, rolling over onto her side, fully committed to this little bit. Regina nearly snorted laughing, “Janis.” Her hand was now on Janis’ side, caressing the area comfortingly. “Come on, turn around.”

Janis hesitated, wanting to just have a little fun with it but still turned back around eventually. “Hey.” Regina allowed herself to smile as she leaned downwards to press a kiss to Janis’ lips.

Janis smiles back into the kiss, reciprocating similarly, her hand’s found its way to the back of Regina’s neck.

“I know you’re comfy but my back’ll kill me soon.” Regina says after pulling away from the kiss.

Janis kisses her again, unwilling to let those lips go but still sat up, “Back on the couch, then.”

Regina purrs, “I’m not done with you, baby. That’s not all we’re doing tonight.”

Prompt Because Of Boredom: Regina And Janis Are Cuddling, Regina Gently Tells Her To Scoot Over Then

🏷️Tag list

@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128


Here’s a little drabble for y’all. :) full length fics are on a break together with me😂

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More Posts from Cheesysoup-arlo

8 months ago


Hiiii how are you 💕

hi bubs!!!🫶🏼 just got off work but feeling kinda meh bc ribs are acting up. how ya doing?

8 months ago


Heyyy can I request something pride related?

Janis x reader

+the friend group (the plastics, Cady, Damian, and Aaron is optional)


They all go to pride together like a few years post canon

Where you are

Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader(ft. Damian + The Plastics)

Warnings: coarse language, fluff, a teensy bit of internalised homophobia

A few years into the future, the gang’s all together to celebrate pride

“Come on, people! We are going to be late, y’all.” Damian yells, “Out of the house, let’s go!”

“We’re literally about to leave the house.” Regina huffs, “Move.”

“We’re not going to be late.” Janis sighs, “It doesn’t matter what time we get there anyway. It’s an all-day thing.”

“Yes, Janis. It is an all-day thing. And I would very much like to be there all day.” Damian sassed.

Given the size of the group, you all split into two cars. You stayed with Janis in your own car, Gretchen and Damian sat in the back. Cady, Karen and Regina took her Jeep. But, it wasn’t like the blonde gave the gang much time to think about who took which car and pretty much once again rushed everyone into the vehicles. “My god, y/n. Stop staring at Janis like that.” Damian grumbles.

“What?” You scoffed, glaring at him jokingly.

“She can look at me if she wants to look at me. What’s the problem?” Janis chortled.

“The problem is, y’all are horny as fuck. And I’m always the one stuck with y’all’s antics and PDA.”

“Oh, please.” Janis continued, “What you do see, is nothing.”

“Believe me, I know, bitch. I walked in on y’all senior year of high school and I haven’t recovered from it.”

“That’ll teach you to leave us the hell alone.” Janis couldn’t help it but laugh.

“Your makeup looks so good, Jan.” You ignored Damian.

“Aw, thank you baby.” Janis grins. It was nothing extravagant, just the colours of the lesbian pride flag as eye makeup. Her outfit was one she’d wear on the regular— little silly but all in good fun. You and Janis were both wearing ‘I ❤️ My Girlfriend’ t-shirts that Regina got you both as a joke. Let’s just say she did not expect either of you to be so unfazed about wearing it. Especially you. Janis was out and proud. But you, you struggled with it…letting people know about your sexuality. Due to many reasons, so when the gang saw you happily put on that shirt, they were proud of you.

Once there, the bunch of you found a spot to gather at while waiting for the actual parade to start. But in the meantime, it did not take Janis all that long to get recognised by a few of the parade-goers. Janis had prepared pins for the occasion and if they asked for one, they sure as hell got one. You stood a little off to the side, watching her. But soon, she grabs you by the waist to have you beside her instead. You didn’t resist and just let it happen, since you were feeling very comfortable considering where you were. The music was loud, people were dancing, singing along, chatting and laughing. But yet, you wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Though you knew that your ears would definitely be ringing for awhile afterwards.

“Want a drink?” Regina asks while approaching you and Janis. You didn’t even notice that she’d went to mingle elsewhere.

“We’ll go get one ourselves. Where’d you get yours?” Janis scrunched up her face seeing Regina offer to share the can.

“Is it good?” You ask.

“Oh, it’s great.” She nods, “I got it right there. That stall with the green plastic sheet on their table.”

“Cool.” Janis took you by the hand and walked up to said stall to purchase the drinks. The weather was pretty warm, and humid, actually so a drink was definitely necessary.


Now at a quieter section of the event, Janis asks, “You okay?”

“Hm? Yeah, I’m fine.” You answered, opening the can to take a swig of the beverage. “Why’re you asking?”

“Because the weather’s crazy today and I wanna make sure you’re not gonna pass out from a heatstroke.” She tells you, holding you closer to herself as she led you to a bench.

“I’m okay. The people are really nice and everything looks like such a vibe but I’ve just never been to Pride and feel a little overstimulated to be honest.” You admit.

“Let’s just sit here for a bit, then.” She smiled, giving your hand a little squeeze. “Look at them.”

You followed her gaze which lands on Damian and Regina laughing with each other, Regina taking selfies with Damian and then Cady, Gretchen and Karen. “Is she tipsy or suddenly nice?” You bite back a laugh.

“Definitely tipsy.” Janis exhales harshly in amusement— she didn’t even chuckle. Then, the two of you just chatted for a little while, looking back at it…you weren’t even sure what the conversation was about exactly, but there was this:

“I know I’ve got my own shit to come to terms with, but I love you, and that’s the one thing I have never been unsure about my whole life. No matter where you are, as long as I’m with you, I’m so fucking happy.”

“That’s all I need to hear, baby.” She smiles brightly, “Take it easy, don’t stress yourself over it. I know you know that you’re safe with me, with us.“

You mirrored her smile, getting the urge to lean in and just kiss her. And so, that’s what you did and though shocked, Janis instantly reciprocated. And then came the squealing. No, not from either one of you— even though Janis was overjoyed to finally be kissed instead of the one kissing.

“Oh, you guys!” Gretchen exclaimed, “I got such a cute photo of that.” You turned away, hiding your head in the crook of Janis’ neck.

“Come on! Let’s go dance!” Karen cut through the silence, pulling you off the bench. You laugh, cheeks still warm but they paid no mind to you blushing. Janis followed closely behind you, hand on the low of your back. “Hell yeah, party time.”

“Woo!” Damian cheered, clinking his can with Janis.

“Could you send me that photo, Gretch?”

“Of course! I was gonna send it to you anyway even if you didn’t ask.” She nods, “There! Done.”

Janis quickly took her phone out to see the photo, but not before she took a glance at you— watching you getting twirled around by Karen. You were happy, giggling…and she was relieved to see you finally letting loose and enjoying yourself without having to worry about what other people thought about you.

“Thanks, Gretch. It’s a great pic.”

The brunette grins, “Don’t mention it. Cheers.”

“Cheers.” Janis shrugs, taking a sip and jogging up to you to dance with you. Gretchen quickly found her way to Karen, too. Regina was eventually dancing with Cady and Damian? He met a guy. (That he could not shut up about afterwards)

But all in all, it was a great day. “Happy pride, my bitches.” Regina declares as you all left the event later that day.

“Not your bitch.” Janis smirked, “I’m her bitch.”

“We know, ‘Imi’ike.” Regina had a similar expression on her face, “You’re so whipped.”

To the blonde’s surprise, she earned a shove from you. “You are too. So in love with Cady.”

“Good point.” Regina shrugs, “But that was a cute little moment at the bench.”

“I know!” The rest of them chimed in.

“Oh, by the way. I know you’ve been giving out those pins you designed.” Regina slows down a little bit to talk to Janis, “Do you have anything left? I…I want one.”

“Oh. Yeah, I have some left. I kept one for each of us.” Janis took her tote bag from you and rummaged through it, grabbing a handful of the pins she saved.

Regina took one from the little pile and told the rest of the group to wait. Eventually, everyone had a pride pin on. And Regina even suggested a photo taken together. “Okay, who’s up for some dinner before we go home?” Regina asks.

“Me!” The group chorused.

You held Janis’ hand tighter on the rest of the walk back to the parking garage, sneaking a kiss to her cheek on the way which made her giggle and kiss you back. “A little affectionate today, aren’t ya?” She teased.

You shrug, “Just felt like kissing my girl.”

Now she was the one blushing, “Not gonna argue with that, baby. I love you.”

“Guys, keep up and keep outta each other’s pants for a while longer.” Damian complains.

“Oop.” Janis cackled, running the short distance to your car hand in hand.

Heyyy Can I Request Something Pride Related?

🏷️ Tag list

@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128

💭 A/N

Okay, this’ll be the last fic for a couple days at least🫣 gonna stop myself from writing for awhile and just catch a breath. But I’ll be back soon with a pretty good one for Jos👀

8 months ago

Same 💞

What are your Rejanis headcannons?

I got two request for this so I’ll write twice the headcanons

Rejanis Headcanons!

Competitive as shit. Will fight over who loves who more which everyone in their friend group finds sickeningly sweet and extremely annoying at the same time

Both big on PDA, Janis being affectionate in general and Regina being pretty much only affectionate with Regina.

Janis eyes her hair tips pink for Regina at one point as a surprise, she got lots of kisses for it (and maybe more)

Janis likes to show off to Regina whenever she can and Regina fine it extremely cute. It also boost Janis pride (something she cherishes)

Janis gets her way very quickly, bat those doe eyes of her and Regina will cave. (Regina will never admit that she has the biggest soft stop for the brunette)

Janis I’ll shamelessly use Regina as a pillow whenever she feelings like it. Regina will use her as a head rest, which annoys the shit out of Janis but she’s hot so it’s fine.

They listen to Sapphic music together and often end up making out. (By often I mean every single time)

Also Regina tops.

Janis likes to style Regina hair, Regina actually adores it.

8 months ago

Arlo! How are you, baby? You hydrating and eating?

Hiiiii I’m alright

I’ve been pretty hydrated and I’ve been eating kinda lol food is difficult especially during rehearsals

My body is so tired

But how are you hun 💞

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8 months ago

Awww loved this

would you be open to writing a janis x reader smut fic? just kinda feel like reading one hehe. if you’d rather not, that’s totally fine. i want like a soft s*x kinda vibe 😗

That essay can wait

Summary: You’re stressed, Janis can help with that. Warnings: MDNI- smut, swearing, fluff. Janis get a bit irritated and so does reader. Pairings: Janis x reader

Would You Be Open To Writing A Janis X Reader Smut Fic? Just Kinda Feel Like Reading One Hehe. If Youd

You felt your hand cramping as you continued to write, you had to Han din a hand-written essay and you were almost finished but we’re stuck on the last part. You felt like you were going nuts.

This had to be perfect and you haven’t take a break in hours. A knock on your door pulled you from your work, you knew it was Janis and you also knew she’d scold you for stressing yourself out so much.

You stared down at the essay for a moment before sighing and going to open the door.

“Hey,” was all you said to her, turning even before she could greet you with a kiss. Walking back to your room.

Janis followed, fairly confused, then she realized when you plopped down at your desk.

“God, is that why you haven’t answered any of my texts? Have you even eaten?” She sounded irritated and it irked you.

You didn’t respond, instead you picked up the pencil and tapped it, trying to get refocused.

“Y/n? Seriously? You’re just going to ignore me?” Janis placed her hand on your shoulder, and you shrugged it off.

“Okay.” Janis scoffed. You knew this came from a place of love but-

“Would you stop?! I’m stressed enough without you getting on my ass, I need to finish this!” You realized you were yelling and you fell silent.

“Sorry.” Janis said after a second, “I was just worried.” She turned your chair, then cupped your face and kissed your forehead softly.

“Sorry for yelling.” You murmured, sighing.

“It’s okay, sorry for snapping.” She caressed your face with her thumbs softly.

“Wanna take a break? I could…” she smiled, eyes warm, “help you de-stress.” She offered.

“You’re convincing,” you shook your head giggling, “okay, fine.”

“Lay down on the bed, I’ll do all the work.” She seemed adorably excited so you got up without a thought laying down as she said,

“Good girl.” She purred and followed you.

That got you going for sure. She crawls up beside you, lifting off your shirt effortlessly. She kissed down your neck, your chest, going lower and lower almost teasingly.

All this while her hand planted firmly on your thighs, rubbing circles into them with her thumbs.

“Such a pretty girl.” She murmured, you shook your head and rolled your eyes.

Janis’s eye softened, “Say it for me.” She urged.

“Say what?” You asked, trying to play dumb.

“Tell me you’re pretty.” She in the mean time moved her hand from your thighs to your back, undoing your bra and removing it, throwing it aside. She was being extremely gentle with you today.

She knew you struggled with that. How you saw yourself. “Rather not.” You blushed, turning away only for her to tap your thigh to get your attention.

“Eyes on me, love,” she said sternly, “You are the prettiest girl in the world to me.” She left it at that and massaged your breast, pressing a kiss to it before making her way down south again.

She looked up at you as if asking for permission to take off your pants. You gaze her a firm nod and she slipped them off your hips and past your ankles.

“Oh, you got wet fast for me, baby.” She teased, running two fingers down your clothed folds, you shuddered.

“No shit,” You muttered, letting your head fall back. Janis gaze your thigh another tap, this time more urgent, you looked back at her. She rose an eyebrow and you swallowed.

God she was hot.

“Sorry, can you…” you trailed off as you fly her breath on her thigh, already growing dizzy and impatient.

“Can I what?” Janis teased, running another finger down your fold, this time finding your clit and testing it.

“Fuck…fuck me, please.” You whined, adding the ‘please’ for good measure.

“There it is, good girl.” She pulled down your underwear licking a stripe up your folds. You let out a moan as you grew wetter by the second.

“God, you’re so perfect.” She murmured against your cunt, sending vibrations threw your core, making you shiver. She continued to lap at your cunt, tongue swirling around the sensitive bud. You felt your back arch with pleasure. She was going way to slow but god was it hot. “Fuck, faster, please.” You moved your hand to her hair tugging at it slightly.

She chuckled again and you let out another moan as she added her fingers to the mix. Dipping into your entrance while her tongue stimulated your clit. You were in heaven.

She pushed two finger in your effortlessly and slowly started moving them, pressing that perfect spot over and over again.

You whimpered and pushed your hips forward, feeling yourself already approach your climax. She knew this and picked up the pace, sucking you dry.

“Shit, shit, shit-“ you cursed, she hooked her fingers hitting your G-spot and you came instantly. Letting out a series of whines and moans.

She didn’t stop moving until you came all the way down, pulling out her finger then kissing you all over your face, “Good job, such a good job, baby.” She praised.

“I love you.” You pushed yourself upright and kissed her, moaning as you tasted yourself on her lips.

“I love you too.” She pressed her forward against yours and she smiled.

“Want to go again or is your work to important?” She teased after a peaceful moment of silence.

“Oh, my essay can wait.”

Would You Be Open To Writing A Janis X Reader Smut Fic? Just Kinda Feel Like Reading One Hehe. If Youd

I know it’s short but I got a bit sleepy, enjoy! A honor to write for you hun!