They/them(or any)Fruity 🏳️‍🌈 (lesbian)FIC REQUEST ARE OPEN🪿

588 posts

Going By My Preferred Name Online Is Literally So Fun I Love It Here (Im Not Ready To Try My Name Irl

Going by my preferred name online is literally so fun I love it here (I’m not ready to try my name irl so I will safely use it here judgement free lol)

  • livil589
    livil589 liked this · 10 months ago
  • bugs013
    bugs013 liked this · 10 months ago

More Posts from Cheesysoup-arlo

10 months ago

I had a mental breakdown now I’m a silly mustache man hehehehe

I Had A Mental Breakdown Now Im A Silly Mustache Man Hehehehe
I Had A Mental Breakdown Now Im A Silly Mustache Man Hehehehe

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10 months ago

Confess something you've thought about me on anon

10 months ago

“You slipped a piece of paper into her back pocket while the reibt took” - a sentence from a wip of mine

is this a sign to stop writing while falling asleep?

I don’t even know what I was trying to say lmao

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10 months ago

Wearing shorts is so fun until you’re sitting on a plastic chair and have to get up (the pain I just experienced AAAAHHH)

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10 months ago

*cough* *cough* Sick day

Reader is sick and AJ comes over to take care of her

A/N: so sorry this is so short also I totally didn’t make this for my sick mutual @ashecampos (I did lol)

You have been sick for the past couple days. You have an absolutely horrible cough and you feel like shit. You stayed home from school which sucked because you really missed your girlfriend.

AJ(bubs)🛹💕: hey baby how are you feeling?

(Y/N): like shit 😞

AJ(bubs)🛹💕: aw I’m sorry to hear that, is it ok if I come over after school I miss you

(Y/N): I would absolutely love that

AJ(bubs)🛹💕: ok I’ll be over after school, try to get some rest ok?

(Y/N): ok bubs I’ll try, I love you 💕

AJ(bubs)🛹💕: I love you more baby sleep good 😘

You decided your girlfriend was right and you had like 3 hours before she’d be over so you let sleep take over your body.

~3 hours later~

You woke up feeling a little bit better not a lot better but a little

*knock knock* someone’s at your door you sluggishly walked over wrapped in a blanket

You open the door and see “AJ!” You immediately pull her in for a hug “hi baby” you pulled away and coughed like a lot “aw baby go lay down, I got you your favorite soup from that one place you like and some crackers” “you’re the best girlfriend ugh I wish I wasn’t sick so I could kiss you” “it’s ok baby, you go put a movie on and I’ll get your food all set up” she says kissing your forehead, you head over to the living room to clean up a little then putting on the tv and looking for a movie for you and Aj to watch. “Here you go my love, have you taken any medicine for your cough yet?” Aj asked setting the food and a few other things on the table “mhm but it’s been like 4 ish hours?” You say a little unsure of when you took medicine last “hmm you should probably retake it soon if it’s a 4 hour one” “it’s a 6 hour one” you say grabbing a couple crackers “I missed you so much today” you say leaning into her “I missed you more, now eat your soup beautiful” you ate some of your soup while Aj played with your hair, you loved being with her so much…your happy thoughts were interrupted by the overwhelming need to cough you quickly got up and set your soup down coughing so hard your body ached. Aj quickly went over to you to rub your back while you coughed and then hugging you when you finished “poor baby” Aj said holding you close and rubbing your back as you melt into her arms “I hate being sick” you pout “I know baby, how about you lay down ok maybe some more sleep will help” “but-“ she puts her finger on your lips and pulls you over to the couch “no buts you need rest or you’re not gonna get better, I promise to be here when you wake up, ok?” “Fine I’ll sleep I guess” you say as she helps you lay down on her, pulling the blanket over you “good night Aj, thank you for taking care of me” “of course I’ll always be her to take care of you baby, sleep well” she says playing with your hair as you slowly doze off thinking about how lucky you are to have her in your life

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