Crush 2022 - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago


Hiiii my name is Arlo 👋

I use any pronouns but a preference for they/them. I’m genderqueer/agender. I’m a lesbian (if you think nb people can’t be lesbians respectfully leave, this page is not for you).

I live in the United States đŸ‡ș🇾 my time zone is Pacific Standard Time (PST)

Feel free to DM me whenever 👍 my message are always open (to chat, vent, whatever you need)

My asks/requests are also open so ask me anything or send requests following my rules linked at the bottom

Current hyper focus/obsessions:

Mean girls (mostly 2024 but I also like the og movie and musical)

Sex lives of college girls (Slocg) (Renee Rapp brainrot is very apparent lmao)

Auli’i Cravalho (I love her she’s awesome)



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11 months ago

Hey y’all I’m taking fic requests right now. So send me any ideas you want and I’ll try my best to make them.

Characters I’m willing to write about right now:

Mean girls: (any girls)

The sex lives of college girls: Leighton or Whitney

Crush: Aj Campos

Darby and the dead: Capri

Things I will not write:

Rape/non con

I’m open to (character x character) and (character x reader)

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10 months ago

Art Presentation

Aj Campos x Reader fluff/angst (hurt/comfort)

Aj had her first art presentation. She was so excited. She told her parents about it a month in advance so they would have no excuse to not show up. Right?

(Y/N): hey baby đŸ„°

Aj (my love)❀‍đŸ©č: hi bubs wsp?

(Y/N): what time does your art thing start? My mom is bugging me about it lol

Aj (my love)❀‍đŸ©č: 6 pm but do you think we could meet a little earlier?

(Y/N): yeah baby what time do you wanna meet up?

Aj (my love)❀‍đŸ©č: 5?

(Y/N): ok baby I can do that

(Y/N): I love you

Aj (my love)❀‍đŸ©č: I love you more đŸ„°

(Y/N): you’re so adorable 😘

“Mom Aj said to meet up with her at 5, ok?” you shout downstairs to your mom. “Ok honey” your mom said. It was 3 now so you decided to start getting ready. You finished getting ready around 4:30 so you decided to leave so you could get your girlfriend some flowers. “Hey mom I’m gonna head out now” you say coming down stairs. “Ok honey, do you need anything? Money for gas or food or something?” “Ooo yes please I’m about to use the rest of my allowance on flowers for Aj” “since this is something special I’ll send you some extra money, I know how happy she makes you” your mom says giving you some money from her purse. “Let me know if you need more and I’ll send it to your account, ok?” “Thank you so much mom” you say giving her a hug and heading to your car. “You’re welcome, bye honey” “bye mom” you leave heading to your favorite flower shop it was close to Aj’s house. You got Aj a bouquet of her favorite flowers and very carefully put them in your backseat so Aj wouldn’t notice them.

(Y/N): hey baby I’m here

Aj (my love)❀‍đŸ©č: ok I’ll be right out just gotta grab something

You sat in your car a couple of minutes until your girlfriend came out. “Hi bubs” Aj said leaning through the drivers seat window to kiss you. “Hi baby, get in” you say giggling. She gets in “how was your day?” She asks buckling up “pretty good I hung out with my mom a little and did my math homework, how was your day” you said driving to this small coffee shop you two always go to “oh I just worked on a few more art pieces for my portfolio” she said smiling down at her hands “I’m so happy that you’re coming to my presentation it means a lot” “baby I wouldn’t miss it, it’s important to you so it’s important to me” Aj smiled and blushed “I love you so much” “I love you more baby” you said giving her a quick kiss at the red light. You arrived at the coffee shop at around 5:00 it was less than five minutes away from the place for the art presentation. You two order your coffee and talk. It’s 5:30 and Aj wants to be there early just to make sure everything’s good so you two head over to the place. “Wow this is awesome” Aj says in awe of the building and the various pieces of art around her while heading to her table.

Mother: Aj sweetie your father and I can’t make it. Something came up with your sister.

Mother: I’m sorry

Aj looks at her phone and reads the messages about to cry. “They’re not coming
” Aj said on the verge of tears. “What baby? Who’s not coming?” “My parents, they said they would be here but I just got a text saying th-they’re not coming.” her eyes brimming with tears as you pull her into a hug “oh baby shh shh shh it’s ok I’m here I’m here” “but (Y/N) they promised” she cried while you cupped her face “baby I know you’re upset and you have every right to be but do you think you can still do the presentation or should we just-“ “I can do it” sniffled Aj as you wiped her tears. You gave Aj some water from your water bottle to help her calm down. The presentation went really well you were so proud of her. Aj finished and was trying to find you. “Oh there you are bubs I was looking for you” you pulled her in for a hug and squeezed her close “you did so amazing baby I’m so proud of you” Aj blushed, hiding her face in the crook of your neck. “We should do something to celebrate” “oh (Y/N) we don’t have to it’s ok” “AJ I want to do something nice for you, you deserve it plus my mom gave me extra just for today so please let me spoil you a little” you say trying to convince her “what did I do to deserve you” AJ says pulling you in for a kiss. You two hold hands and walk to your car “oh my gosh I completely forgot” you say reaching in you backseat and grabbing the flowers you got for AJ “aw (y/n) these are my favorite” “I know” you say with a big smile “you are seriously the best girlfriend ever” AJ says pulling you in for a kiss you blush when she says this “I love you so much, never forget I’ll always be here for you, ok?” You say holding her hand and giving it a small squeeze “thank you bubs, for everything” you guys head to the grocery store to get ice cream and some other snacks “sleepover at my house?” “Absolutely, I don’t think I can stand seeing my parents right now, wait are you sure your mom won’t mind?” “AJ, my mom absolutely adores you I can 100% guarantee she won’t mind at all” you two head back to your house and just chill in your room watching movies and eating snacks till you both start falling asleep cuddled up together. “I love you baby” you say kissing her on her forehead head “I love you too, good night bubs” she says sleepily snuggling closer to you. “good night”

A/N: guys don’t blame/hate Gaby I promise it’s not her fault lmao

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10 months ago

*cough* *cough* Sick day

Reader is sick and AJ comes over to take care of her

A/N: so sorry this is so short also I totally didn’t make this for my sick mutual @ashecampos (I did lol)

You have been sick for the past couple days. You have an absolutely horrible cough and you feel like shit. You stayed home from school which sucked because you really missed your girlfriend.

AJ(bubs)đŸ›č💕: hey baby how are you feeling?

(Y/N): like shit 😞

AJ(bubs)đŸ›č💕: aw I’m sorry to hear that, is it ok if I come over after school I miss you

(Y/N): I would absolutely love that

AJ(bubs)đŸ›č💕: ok I’ll be over after school, try to get some rest ok?

(Y/N): ok bubs I’ll try, I love you 💕

AJ(bubs)đŸ›č💕: I love you more baby sleep good 😘

You decided your girlfriend was right and you had like 3 hours before she’d be over so you let sleep take over your body.

~3 hours later~

You woke up feeling a little bit better not a lot better but a little

*knock knock* someone’s at your door you sluggishly walked over wrapped in a blanket

You open the door and see “AJ!” You immediately pull her in for a hug “hi baby” you pulled away and coughed like a lot “aw baby go lay down, I got you your favorite soup from that one place you like and some crackers” “you’re the best girlfriend ugh I wish I wasn’t sick so I could kiss you” “it’s ok baby, you go put a movie on and I’ll get your food all set up” she says kissing your forehead, you head over to the living room to clean up a little then putting on the tv and looking for a movie for you and Aj to watch. “Here you go my love, have you taken any medicine for your cough yet?” Aj asked setting the food and a few other things on the table “mhm but it’s been like 4 ish hours?” You say a little unsure of when you took medicine last “hmm you should probably retake it soon if it’s a 4 hour one” “it’s a 6 hour one” you say grabbing a couple crackers “I missed you so much today” you say leaning into her “I missed you more, now eat your soup beautiful” you ate some of your soup while Aj played with your hair, you loved being with her so much
your happy thoughts were interrupted by the overwhelming need to cough you quickly got up and set your soup down coughing so hard your body ached. Aj quickly went over to you to rub your back while you coughed and then hugging you when you finished “poor baby” Aj said holding you close and rubbing your back as you melt into her arms “I hate being sick” you pout “I know baby, how about you lay down ok maybe some more sleep will help” “but-“ she puts her finger on your lips and pulls you over to the couch “no buts you need rest or you’re not gonna get better, I promise to be here when you wake up, ok?” “Fine I’ll sleep I guess” you say as she helps you lay down on her, pulling the blanket over you “good night Aj, thank you for taking care of me” “of course I’ll always be her to take care of you baby, sleep well” she says playing with your hair as you slowly doze off thinking about how lucky you are to have her in your life

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10 months ago


Reader is on their period and Aj takes care of them

“Y/n? What are you doing?” Aj said looking at you curled up in a ball on the floor “leave me alone” a muffled groan comes from you “y/n” Aj says squating next to her “leave me alone to die” you say looking up at her “alright, I guess I’ll just go
” Aj says walking away slowly “nooo don’t leave me, why do you hate me” you say sitting up slowly and pouting. Aj sits next to you and hands you a bag of snacks “awww you got me snacks you’re the best girlfriend ever” you say about to cry “oh baby don’t cry, how about we get off the floor and go cuddle, does that sounds good?” Aj says rubbing your back, you nod and you two head to your room. Laying on to Aj while she plays with your hair. You took some meds for your cramps and ate some snacks so you were feeling better. “Sorry for being so grumpy earlier” you said looking up at her “baby you don’t have to apologize, you’re literally bleeding and cramping you’re allowed to be grumpy” she says kissing your forehead “can we watch a movie and order food?” You ask hoping she’ll say yes “of course” Aj says putting on your favorite movie and ordering your favorite food comfort food. Aj played with your hair while watching the movie and waiting for the food “y/n
” Aj said “yeah?” You said looking up at her “can you please get up really quick baby, I gotta get our food” you groan “I guess” you say rolling off of Aj “I’ll be right back” Aj said giving you a kiss then going to the front door to grab the food, you went to the bathroom so when Aj came back you were gone “baby?” “I’m in the bathroom, be out in a minute” “ok, take your time my love” Aj said getting the food set out. You came back out and sat next to Aj “thank you so much bubs, I really appreciate you” giving her a kiss on the cheek and grabbing your food. The two of you sit there quietly watching the movie and eating. Your cramps start getting bad again “mmm Aj can you pass me my heating pad it’s ok the floor next to you” you say holding your stomach in pain “of course baby” she says handing you your heating pad. You put it on then burry your face into Aj’s arm. “Are you getting sleepy my love?” You nod sleepily “ok baby let me clean up a little then we can take a nap, sound good” Aj says rubbing your back “mkay” you say with a slight nod. Aj put the food away and threw away some of the trash then got in the bed and pulled the blanket over the two of you pulling you in close and rubbing your back with one hand while the other gently massages your scalp. You both slowly doze off, limbs tangled together, completely at peace with just being together.

A/N: sorry this is short lol hope you enjoy

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10 months ago

Leave me alone

Content warning: underage drug use (weed)

Aj x Reader (Angst/fluff or hurt/comfort)

Today was horrible. You woke up in pain, moving hurt, not moving hurt, just existing hurt. Unfortunately you had school which was boring and your cramps were killing you all day. On top of that you got partnered with the worst person in your class this stupid football boy that you knew wasn’t going to help you for this presentation that was worth 30% of your grade. Then throughout the day your friends kept asking if you’re ok, you honestly think Stacey asked you like 5 times which was annoying and if you were being honest with yourself you weren’t ok so every time you were asked you wanted to burst into tears. It was lunch time and you were way too nauseous to eat so you were just gonna go to the library when someone bumped into you causing you to drop all your stuff, you felt the tears welling up in your eyes, your lip started to tremble. Most people were out of the hallway when AJ entered and say you “Hey y/n, you ok love?” She asked seeing you on the floor trying to get all your stuff “I’m fine, go away” you said in an almost whisper “you don’t look fine” Aj said getting closer to you, you picked up your stuff frustrated “Leave me alone Aj!” You said about to sob the sadness present in your voice as you ran away from the track star trying to get to the nearest restroom to hopefully calm yourself. Just before you reached the restroom Aj stops you “y/n” she says pulling you in for a hug and you just start sobbing. You feel so safe in her arms, like it’s just the two of you alone in this world. The two of you just stand there for a while with her hugging you close and you sobbing your eyeballs out. “
’m sorry Aj” you say muffled do to your face being buried in Aj’s shoulder/chest “shh shh it’s ok I got you you don’t need to say sorry” Aj says rubbing your back. You sit up and rest your chin on Aj’s shoulder “today has been absolutely horrible” you say with a sigh “just one more class, ok? And if you want we can do something after school to take your mind off today” Aj says holding your shoulders gently “if you’re suggesting we get high and watch cartoons I’m down, my mom won’t be home until late and she doesn’t mind if I smoke as long as I’m safe” your mood shifting to a less sad slightly excited mood “oh yeah absolutely and we’re stoping to get food, my treat so don’t even think about trying to pay” Aj says grabbing your hand and walking you to your next class “oh how would I live without you” you say laughing a little. Your last class goes by quickly, Aj meets you at your locker after school “hey you ready to go?” Aj said leaning on your locker “yeah” you nod and grab her hand interlocking your fingers with hers while you two walk to your car. You guys went to a gas station to get snacks “pizza? or” Aj started to ask “pizza, definitely pizza” you interrupt her causing her to laugh a little “ok pizza it is” she orders the pizza so it will get there when you guys get to your house. You get to you house and take the snacks to your room when the door bell rings “pizza” Aj says leaving your room to get the pizza, you go in your closet to grab your bong and a few other things. “Ok cartoons, which one? I’m personally leaning towards amazing world of Gumball or SpongeBob?” “Ooo tough choices” you two decided on a show and started to smoke “ooo your weed is really good” Aj says after hitting the bong “the joys of having the coolest mom” you say opening a bag of chips. You guys spend the next hour or so smoking and giggling until your both high enough to feel like the room was melting and your body felt tingly “woah” you say laying on the floor Aj is just staring at the tv giggling every once in a while “pssst Aj” you said giggling a little “what?” She says turning to look at you “want ice cream?” You say sitting up a little “ooo yeah” the two of you head to the kitchen and get ice cream from the freezer “this was the best idea ever” Aj says sitting on the counter eating ice cream while you sat on the floor “I love ice cream” you and Aj went back to your room and laid in your bed staring at the ceiling and both fell asleep


A knock on your bedroom door woke the both of you “Y/n, I’m home” “hi mom, Aj’s here too you can come in” your mom comes in “hey girls” “hi Ms. (L/N)” Aj says sitting up “hi Aj, you two being responsible?” She says looking down at your bong on the floor “always” you say with a thumbs up “good, I’m gonna make dinner soon Aj will you be stay in with us?” Your mom asks “yeah, my parents are out of town and Gabi’s hanging out with Stacey” Aj says. Your mom loves having Aj around she like a daughter to her and really hopes you finally tell Aj about your feelings but doesn’t bring it up “Awesome I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me” you mom says leaving “bye mom, love you” “I love you too y/n” your mom says closing your door and heading to the kitchen “your mom is the best” Aj says leaning on you, both of you no longer high. There’s a semi uncomfortable silence bet you two “Um” you both says at the same time causing the two of you to laugh “you can go first” you say “ok um so we’re close right?” Aj asks kind of awkwardly “yeah I think so” you say thinking you know where this is going “um good friends right?” Aj asks “Aj what’s going on you’re being weird” “Y/n I like you” “oh thank goodness I thought I was going to have to make the first move that would’ve been-“ “can I kiss you?” Aj asks interrupting you “what?” You heard her but you were shocked “I said can I kiss you?” Aj said blushing a little “Yeah, I think I’d really like that actually” you say turning so you’re facing Aj completely, she gently grabs your cheek as you both lean in. The kiss was everything you were expecting, her lips were soft and so were her hands. You wrapped your arms around her bringing her in closer before you both pulled away for air “woah” Aj says “we should um do that again some time” you say blushing “how about right now?” Aj says with a slight smirk “oh ok um yeah, yeah” you say as you both lean in this kiss was different, more passionate, Aj pushed you back on the bed while kissing you, then you both pulled away from the kiss. “So girlfriends?” You ask “um yeah I think I’d like that” she says giving you a quick kiss and then a long hug “my beautiful girlfriend” Aj says with a smile and kisses your forehead. *knock* *knock* “Y/n, Aj foods ready when you are” your mom says after knocking on the door “ok mom we’ll be out right now” you pull Aj in for one more kiss “woah” Aj said blushing a lot “come on cutie let’s go” you grab Aj’s hand and go into the kitchen to eat dinner with your mom and Aj ends up spending the night , you two just cuddle and watch movies till you both fall asleep.

A/N: I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it I real liked this one lol

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10 months ago

Careful (Aj x reader)

Reader uses a binder, gender isn’t mentioned (also semi-based on personal experience lol)

This art fair was going to be the death of you. You knew you need to take your binder off. You’d been wearing it for 12 hours (four more than the recommended). You felt that familiar ache in you back and shoulder but decided to push through, you still had two more hours before you’d be home and you didn’t bring your sports bra to change into so you were screwed. “y/n? You ok baby? You look, I don’t know tense?” Aj asks “ ‘m fine” you say trying not to think about it “Y/n don’t lie to me, we agreed no lying” Aj said in a tone that you knew you couldn’t lie to. You mumbled something “what?” Aj said visibly confused “I’ve been wearing my binder for like over 12 hours
” you said looking down at your feet embarrassed “Y/N, you can’t do that that’s really dangerous and you’ve been carrying heavy stuff- what were you thinking?” Aj said getting upset with you “oh my gosh, calm down” you said with a sigh “CALM DOWN?! YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN?! YOURE BEING STUPID AND HURTING YOUR-“ she cut herself off and took a deep breath “I know we still technically have two hours left but there is no way in hell I’m letting keep working in your condition, we need to go home” she says gently grabbing your arm causing you to snatch your arm away “MY condition?! I’m fine, you do NOT need to yell at me and boss me around like I’m some stupid little kid Aj” you almost never call her by her name but you were embarrassed and angry that she yelled at you in front of people. Aj realized she messed up, maybe she went too far “Y/n
” she said in an apologetic tone “No Aj leave me alone, I need to go help pack up booths” you stormed off really upset and didn’t want to talk to her right now. You start helping pack up a few booths when the pain in your ribs increased, 13 and a half hours of binding? what were you thinking, your body was definitely not happy. The pain was just getting worse and you just wanted your girlfriend but you remembered how you reacted about earlier so you didn’t know if she would even want to see you right now. Your train of thought was interrupted by

*buzz* *buzz* a text from Aj

My loveđŸ›č💕: hey baby I’m sorry about earlier but I’ll be at the car waiting for you whenever you’re ready I love you

(Y/N): hi bubs I’m also really sorry about earlier but I’ll be out in a minute I just gotta put one more tent away I love you too see you in a bit

My loveđŸ›č 💕: alright baby see you soon

You finished helping and held your side in pain as you walked to your girlfriend’s car. When you got to the car Aj noticed you grabbing your side “ok I’m sorry for earlier but we really need to get that off of you” Aj said with a frown “can we just go home? I promise I’ll take it off as soon as we get there” you said buckling up with a small groan of pain “yeah ok baby my house or yours?” Aj asks starting the car “yours, if my mom sees me like this she’ll kill me and take my binder away for “being too reckless” I don’t want to hear that right now” you said gently rubbing your ribs. The two of you made it to Aj’s and went to her room, her parents weren’t home “can we please get this off of you now” Aj says gently reaching under your shirt and you nod. She takes off your shirt then helps you out of your binder “lay down baby I’m gonna grab us some clothes then we’re gonna shower” she says kissing you on the forehead then going to her closet to grab a hoodie for you and some boxers from your bucket of stuff you leave over then grabs her self some clothes “ok baby come on let’s get in the shower” she says giving you a quick kiss then helping you stand up. You two get in the shower, it feels really nice on your achy skin and it’s warm. You lean your head on Aj while she gently rubs soap all over your back and sides, her delicate touch making you melt into her making you felling a little sleepy. “You ok baby? Getting sleepy?” She asks, you just respond with a nod and help rub soap on her back then kissing her. You two finish your shower and she helps you get dressed “come on baby, arms up” she says trying to help you with your hoodie “it hurts bubs” you say trying to lift your arms “I know baby, I know but you gotta put something on or you’re gonna be cold” she pulls the hoodie over your head and gently helps your arms into the holes “ok lay down baby, I’m gonna get us some water and snacks, go ahead and just relax” Aj says then she gives you a kiss before heading to her door “I love you bubs, thank you for taking care of me” you say with a half smile “I love you too baby” she says heading down stairs, you snuggle into Aj’s bed trying not to move too much because moving hurts. As you start slowly dozing off Aj walks into the room “aw my poor sleepy baby, can you drink a little bit of water before you go to sleep?” You nod and sit up as she hands you a cold water bottle. Aj gently scratches your scalp, messing with your hair as you drift off to sleep.


You slept for like an hour or two. Waking up with you tangled up in Aj’s arms, her head on the top of yours. “Good morning sleepyhead” Aj said kissing the top of your head “hi bubs, can you pass me water?” you said groggy, trying to sit up as she passes you a water bottle “here you go baby” she says as she lays back down next to you. You drink some water then carefully set it on her nightstand, reaching over causes some pain and Aj notices it immediately. “Baby come here” you slowly make your way over to her and she starts rubbing small gentle circles into your sore sides “how does that feel” she says pressing a kiss to your forehead while you lay with your back against her front “good” you say closing your eyes relaxing into her touch. “I love you baby” she says “I love you too bubs, I love you so much” you say looking up at her “you gotta take care of yourself baby, I don’t like seeing you hurt” she says lifting your hoodie a little more to reach a little higher on your ribs, you lean into her touch but lift your head to try and give her a kiss, she smiles at you then leans down to connect your lips. It’s a soft gentle kiss, you both smile in the kiss then pull away, she looks at you and says “you’re so adorable
I’m really sorry for yelling at you earlier I know how you feel about yelling, I just really care about you and you had me really worried” she said with a frown “I’m sorry too bubs, I overreacted and was really dumb and didn’t listen to my body, I didn’t mean to worry you and I’ll try to do better next time” you say messing with your hoodie string because you don’t want to make eye contact “I appreciate you apologizing
wanna watch a movie now?” She says with a smile “ooo yes please” you say rolling over to lay on her with your chest against hers. She puts on a random Disney movie you both like and you both slowly doze off playing with each other’s hair.

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10 months ago


I'm open to (character x character) and (character x reader)

Characters I'm willing to write about right now:

Mean girls: any of girls (I mainly write Janis but I’m 100% open to write the others)

The sex lives of college girls: Leighton or Whitney

Crush: Aj Campos

Darby and the dead: Capri

Things I will not write:

Rape/non con

real people (example: Renee x reader)

NOTE: when making requests the more details the better and the more likely I write it lol

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10 months ago


Fluff-đŸ€ Smut-â€ïžâ€đŸ”„ Angst-💔

~Coming soon~

Mean Girls:


I’m lonely and it’s raining đŸ€

Hanging out takes an interesting turn đŸ€â€ïžâ€đŸ”„

Sleepy đŸ€

Library đŸ€

Cute math class girl đŸ€

More than friends? đŸ€

(not yet) Naked (but) in Manhattan (pt. 1) đŸ€


Naked in Manhattan (pt. 2) â€ïžâ€đŸ”„


Like a dog (pt. 1) 💔

Like a dog (pt. 2) â€ïžâ€đŸ”„

Cutie (pt. 1) đŸ€

Cutie (pt. 2) â€ïžâ€đŸ”„

Cady’s Cousin (multi part):

Cady’s cousin Reader x Janis

Cady’s Cousin (pt.1) đŸ€

Cady’s Cousin (pt.2) đŸ€

Cady’s Cousin (pt.3) đŸ€

Cady’s Cousin (pt. 4) đŸ€

Just a Kiss, Right? (multi part):

Janis x Regina x Reader

Just a Kiss, Right? (pt. 1) đŸ€

Just a Kiss, Right? (pt. 2) đŸ€

CRUSH 2022:


Art Presentation đŸ’”đŸ€

*cough* *cough* sick day đŸ€

Grumpy đŸ€

Leave me alone đŸ’”đŸ€

Careful đŸ€

Darby and the Dead


Kids đŸ€

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