They/them(or any)Fruity 🏳️‍🌈 (lesbian)FIC REQUEST ARE OPEN🪿

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Where Do You Guys Think I Live? I Live In The United States But Like What State Do You Guys Think I Live

Where do you guys think I live? I live in the United States but like what state do you guys think I live in? (You don’t have to answer I’m just curious lol)

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More Posts from Cheesysoup-arlo

10 months ago

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I Had A Mental Breakdown Now Im A Silly Mustache Man Hehehehe
I Had A Mental Breakdown Now Im A Silly Mustache Man Hehehehe

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10 months ago


“Shut up and kiss me.”

Janis ‘Imi’ike x Fem!Reader

Shut Up And Kiss Me.
Shut Up And Kiss Me.
Shut Up And Kiss Me.

Not my pics/gifs

Warnings- Men. Brief mention of assault, homophobia (if you don’t want to read that part just skip to the end flashback mark!), dyslexic writer lol, i think thats all but correct me if i’m wrong please!

A/N- am i the only one who firmly believes that Janis is a huge softie on the inside? Like in public she plays the big bad bitch but in private she’s an angel, like she’s definitely the type to massage your feet after a long day or switch food with you just because you said hers looks better. Yk what i mean? Anyway I’m completely open to criticism just don’t attack me too hard lol

It all started when Janis helped you get away from one of the creeps at school.


You were just minding your business at your locker when you felt a hand slap your ass, your jaw dropped open and you quickly spun around to see a random guy you didn’t know. You felt so embarrassed and you were speechless, frozen. “Whats up baby girl” he says smugly and you couldn’t do anything but feel disgusted. “Look at you,” He puts an arm around your shoulder. “You’re blushing.” Though your so called blush was from embarrassment and anxiety. You attempted to pull away but he tightened his grip. “So what are you up to tonight princess.” He asks but suddenly a voice responds. “She’ll be with me.” Janis ‘Imi’ike, you didn’t really know her well but you have classes together. “Let her go, she doesn’t want you.” Janis says as she took your hand and tugged you away from him. The guy got annoyed but didn’t do anything but scoff. “Of course, lesbians.” He rolled his eyes and walked away. You let out a breath of relief before turning to Janis and thanking her.

And thats when you become a trio with your best friends.

—flashback end-

“Babe, she likes you, you like her, it’s so painfully obvious!” Damian said to Janis who was rambling about wanting to ask Y/N out on a date. “You don’t know that. I mean she’s never even confirmed if she’s gay or not.” “Oh come on, you really think she’s straight? Have you seen the way she looks at girls? The way she looks at YOU.” He states. “What do you mean the way she looks at me? How does she look at me?” Janis says with confusion. He scrolls through his phone for a moment then turns and shows a photo to her. “Like this.”

Shut Up And Kiss Me.

Not my pic

“She does not look at me like that.” Janis said tho the thought of you looking at her that way makes her smile. “You’re so oblivious.” Damian rolls his eyes.


“Guys! Guys!” You said, running to Janis and Damian in the hall, you immediately ran and hugged Janis, making her stumble backwards. “Oh-” “I passed! I passed the art presentation!” You said excitedly. “What?! I told you you could do it!” Janis said with a smile as she hugged you back, blush creeping up on her cheeks. When you pull back you have the biggest smile on you face. “Yeah because of you! If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have passed!” Janis scoffed though everyone knew it was true. Without the help from Janis you’d have an F in that class. “Good job girl.” Damian chipped in before giving Janis a look and excusing himself, Janis knew she needed to take this as her opponent to ask you on a date. “Hey, uh- are you busy this weekend?” “Hm, not that i remember, why do you have plans?” “Well i was hoping we can hang out…um…just the two of us…” You smile, brows furrowed with curiosity. “Ok, where are we going? Your place?” “Well actually i have plans, but it’s a surprise. Meet me at the park on Saturday, around 10?” Janis say’s anxiously. You grin and nod. “Sounds fun! I’ll be there!”


Saturday rolls around and soon you were walking into the park, you look around until you finally spot Janis, you can see she has a blanket laid on the grass with a picnic basket and some flowers sitting on it. You can’t help but smile as you walk over. “No way.” Janis turns and looks at you as she hears your voice, she smiles, a bit of blush growing on her cheeks. “You like it?” “Like it? I love it!” You hug her before the two of you sat down. You look around admiring the nature around you, and Janis. “This is amazing Janis. I’ve never been on a real picnic before.” You said with a excited smile. Janis returned your smile before opening the picnic basket. “I hope you’re hungry, i may have over packed.” She says with a little laugh. “In that case I’m starving!” You say with a giggle. Janis began pulling food from the basket, various finger foods such as; strawberries, cheese, crackers, etc. for drinks she packed some capri suns of multiple different kinds.


The two of you ate and talked until it was eventually starting to get dark out. Time really flew by and neither of you noticed.

“Shut up! No you didn’t!” You said through your laughter. You had been sharing random funny stories about yourselves for a while now. Janis nods laughing as well. “It’s true! Ask Damian he was there!” You have been smiling and laughing so much that your cheeks were sore. “I wish i was there! Oh my gosh that killed me, i’ll never forget that!”

When you finally stopped laughing you laid down on the blanket and look up at the sky. Janis does the same, laying next to you but not too close. “The stars are pretty huh?” Janis said “mhm, not as pretty as you though.” You said in a whisper as you glanced over at her. Janis eyes widened a bit, she looks over at you with a confused expression, afraid she heard you wrong somehow. “Huh?” “Huh?” You repeat with a smirk tugging on your lips. Janis rolls her eyes and playfully slaps your leg as she sat up and looks at you. “Come on don’t play dumb. What did you mean by that?” You sat up as well and shrugged. “What do you think i meant?” “You’re calling me pretty but- but are you saying I’m pretty in a way like ‘oh you’re pretty’ or like ‘oh, you’re pretty” or even-” she rambles, You laugh before stopping her. “Janis- Janis stop.” She stops and looks at you. “I’m saying i like you, ok?” Janis felt her heart skip a beat. “You- you mean you like me, like- you like me as in ‘oh you’re my friend, i like you’ or-” you roll you eyes. “Janis!” She froze. “shut up and kiss me.” Janis smiles gently and nods a little and soon your lips met in a gentle, sweet kiss that made butterflies go crazy in both yours and Janis stomachs. The kiss went on for what felt like years until you both pull away slowly, cheeks flushed. “Wow” she muttered, you nod. “I like you Janis, i like you a lot.” You say as you interlocked your fingers with hers, looking down at her hands in yours Janis smiles, she looks at you again. “I like you too Y/N.”

10 months ago


Reader is on their period and Aj takes care of them

“Y/n? What are you doing?” Aj said looking at you curled up in a ball on the floor “leave me alone” a muffled groan comes from you “y/n” Aj says squating next to her “leave me alone to die” you say looking up at her “alright, I guess I’ll just go…” Aj says walking away slowly “nooo don’t leave me, why do you hate me” you say sitting up slowly and pouting. Aj sits next to you and hands you a bag of snacks “awww you got me snacks you’re the best girlfriend ever” you say about to cry “oh baby don’t cry, how about we get off the floor and go cuddle, does that sounds good?” Aj says rubbing your back, you nod and you two head to your room. Laying on to Aj while she plays with your hair. You took some meds for your cramps and ate some snacks so you were feeling better. “Sorry for being so grumpy earlier” you said looking up at her “baby you don’t have to apologize, you’re literally bleeding and cramping you’re allowed to be grumpy” she says kissing your forehead “can we watch a movie and order food?” You ask hoping she’ll say yes “of course” Aj says putting on your favorite movie and ordering your favorite food comfort food. Aj played with your hair while watching the movie and waiting for the food “y/n…” Aj said “yeah?” You said looking up at her “can you please get up really quick baby, I gotta get our food” you groan “I guess” you say rolling off of Aj “I’ll be right back” Aj said giving you a kiss then going to the front door to grab the food, you went to the bathroom so when Aj came back you were gone “baby?” “I’m in the bathroom, be out in a minute” “ok, take your time my love” Aj said getting the food set out. You came back out and sat next to Aj “thank you so much bubs, I really appreciate you” giving her a kiss on the cheek and grabbing your food. The two of you sit there quietly watching the movie and eating. Your cramps start getting bad again “mmm Aj can you pass me my heating pad it’s ok the floor next to you” you say holding your stomach in pain “of course baby” she says handing you your heating pad. You put it on then burry your face into Aj’s arm. “Are you getting sleepy my love?” You nod sleepily “ok baby let me clean up a little then we can take a nap, sound good” Aj says rubbing your back “mkay” you say with a slight nod. Aj put the food away and threw away some of the trash then got in the bed and pulled the blanket over the two of you pulling you in close and rubbing your back with one hand while the other gently massages your scalp. You both slowly doze off, limbs tangled together, completely at peace with just being together.

A/N: sorry this is short lol hope you enjoy

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10 months ago


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