chickenstilldancing - bubusettete

The hell did Inuyasha do to my brain? Whatever this blog's just the result | she/her | '93 | Jaken supremacy | fav ship inukag sessnara

693 posts

Idk If I Love Or Hate The Fact That Mostly Everyone In The IY Fandom Thinks That Byakuya Was Clearly

Idk if I love or hate the fact that mostly everyone in the IY fandom thinks that Byakuya was clearly in love with Sesshomaru, but there are only a few shippers.

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More Posts from Chickenstilldancing

9 months ago

Things Inuyasha definitely does when he's in the modern era:

Rescues stray cats from trees.

Stops on the streets to pet people's cats.

Goes into the pet aisle of supermarkets and ogles the items.

He tries out dog biscuits and is mortified when Kagome tells him what they are. She never lets him live it down.

Gives old ladies piggyback rides across crowded intersections. Kagome compliments him on his kindness and he scoffs and insists he just doesn't want them to get into car accidents (he finds cars awesome and terrifying all at once).

Loves trains and chases after them. Kagome thinks it's cute.

He yanks on electrical street cables once out of curiosity. It ends horribly and he has nightmares about Kagome's wrath.

Puts metal objects in the microwave and almost sets Kagome's house on fire. Has nightmares about that too.

He keeps calling Tokyo Edo out of habit and everyone thinks he's being quaint and silly.

People ask him if he dyed his hair white to look cool. He doesn't know what they're talking about.

He loves Hello Kitty. He takes Hello Kitty merchandise back to his own era and gets teased mercilessly by Shippo. Sango and Miroku, on the other hand, think it's a special modern talisman. Kagome breaks the news to them one day and they too mercilessly tease him.

Secretly they all want to go to the modern era too. They're happy for Inuyasha whenever he goes there because he seems so innocent and joyful.

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9 months ago

How I could reach my thirties without watching Inuyasha before, really, I don't know, I'm a newcomer in this fandom, my first vision was literally in last July! so it makes me very very happy seeing other people around discovering it only now, seeing how they react (well, yeah, most likely said people are MUCH younger than me, I actually have no excuse for my sins).

I Am In Fact Watching Inuyasha For The First Time And Im Having A Great Time

I am in fact watching inuyasha for the first time and im having a Great time

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9 months ago


I saw you reblogged my post and he'll yeah what is this whole every man in this series has a fucking crush on Sesshomaru (I don't blame them lol)

And for you shipping Sessnara is absolutely understandable (let's think about how sub naraku was when they first met in season 1)

But now to the real purpose of those words...I don't really know what I wanted to tell you actually I just wanted to say that I feel so grateful everytime I hear from someone that they saw this masiv sexual tension of sessbya as well, so I guess thank you for seeing it too :)

Oh yeah Byakuya being flattering when Sesshoumaru is around is so obvious, and he is a character I found very intriguing, such a pity he doesn't do that much in the Final Act (well, no, he actually has his big part but still) I hope for some additional appearance of his in the manga (yet to read, I can't wait!). Lately I was also thinking what a duo he and Jakotsu could have made had they had the chance to meet aaaaahhh.

Sessnara instead... oh man they are so hannigram-coded and I will die on this hill.

Thank you for your message, it was nice.

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9 months ago

Okay am I the only one here who hates how both his animation and lines resulted in the Final Act? Gosh he loses a lot of his elegance in battle there, his movements somehow look just... heavier? And even talks much more than his character really requires. Oh, yep, he also takes on this perpetually pissed-off mask whether being just annoyed or enraged?! Truely insufferable!

chickenstilldancing - bubusettete

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