Venus /Rei- Aspiring Author -Fandoms: Lost count- Greek Mythology nerd

40 posts

Chiron And Percys Fight Pt.3

Chiron and Percys fight pt.3

Percy looked at his surroundings. He appeared to be in a twisting land of mirrors. He found this quite amusing. ‘Hmm… I wonder if it could show me people like the one in snow white, Show me Alkippe!’ He mused. The mirror in front of him shimmered to an image of the worried daughte of Ares. ‘Thrassa, we need to take him to our private infirmary! Chiron will not help him!’ she said in a panicked tone. ‘Yeah, I'll call Remus to tell Daddy to get Hera to heal him' A disembodied voice rang out. Percy decided he didn't want to witness that. He realised that he might be able to use the mirrors to his advantage. ‘Show me Zeus!’ He commanded. The mirror flickered to an image of Zeus with his head resting on his desk. He was plainly listening to music. ‘Ugh, thats no help. Show me Neo McAuliffe!’ He ordered. The scene changed to show that Neo was away from camp, at his mothers house. Percy held back his breath as he took in Neo's ethereal sort of beauty. He always seemed to have the golden hour effect on him, he always dressed as if he were a prince from the 1500’s, his eyes were a shocking shade of indigo, with his lean body and gentle smile, Percy was sure he would faint. A delicate cup was held by Neos slim fingers. It was white, with a golden band around the brim. It was filled with Neos favourite drink. Vanilla black tea. ‘Mama? I'm just going to the store before I unpack!’ he called v out. ‘Alright dear! Stay safe!’ The familiar voice of Naria McAuliffe sang out. Percy dismissed the image. The realisation had dawned on him. He was stuck in the land of dreams. Forever.

Chiron And Percys Fight Pt.3

‘Sunshine please listen to me!’ Rowan frowns at Alkippe. ‘I'm sorry, Darling, I'm just worried' She replied, pulling her girlfriend in for a hug. Rowan was a nymph, with wavy ginger hair and forest green eyes. her skin was moonlight pale, and freckles scattered under her eyes. ‘He will be fine, you need to eat, c'mon, lets get to dinner, your siblings will be waiting!’ Rowan said as she pulled Alkippe to her feet. ‘Your right, I don't want to starve’ The daughter of Ares admitted. Rowan led her by the hand out of the base, and to the pavilion, yet the worry in Alkippes beautiful face didn't waver for a second.

Chiron watched the demigods cloesly. His eyes scanned the crowd for any signs of Percy. He mentally cackled the moment he realised that his plan had worked. Percy had finally recieved his well awaited punishment. Mr. D looked at him from the table. The suspicion grew within him.

Chiron And Percys Fight Pt.3

Percy ran helplessly passed infinite mirrors. He had been running for what seemed like hours to him. He dropped down into his knees in front of a mirror. ‘Show me my mother ‘ He choked back a sob. The mirror flickered to show Sally Jackson reading to Estelle while Paul cooked their dinner. Tears rolled down Percys cheeks as he realised that he would never see them again. ‘I didn't even get to say goodbye…’ He sobbed. ‘do not cry! My dear!’ A womans voice rang out. He turned to find a young brunette standing in the door. ‘I am Adrienne, I was trapped her by my intolerable brother, his name is Chiron' She explained, as she sat down next to him. ‘Like the centaur?’ He gasped. ‘Yes, my brother trained Achilles, He cast me aside when I became involved with lord Ares’ She said in exasperation. ‘I What I mean is, I hung around him a lot, I was considering joining the Thorites, the protectors of Ares' palace’ She explained, her face full of longing. ‘Chiron trapped me here too, I was watching the mirrors. He poured something violet into my glass. Somehow.’ He replied. ‘Mhmm, Coruias Lavora. The Violet death posion' She nodded.

Chiron And Percys Fight Pt.3

Clarisse dropped down beside Sherman. She too was worried about Percy's whereabouts. Especially after the argument with Chiron. She had began to worry the moment Hippolyte had informed her of his state. She had a tugging suspicion of her teacher. ‘Clarisse…If it really is Chiron…would Mr. D have noticed anything?’ Sherman suddenly suggested. Clarisse jumped from her seat and shot out the door like a bullet. She arrived outside the big house in seconds. ‘Mr. D? did Chiron poison percy?’ She questioned. ‘Poisoned!? Actually..that makes sense..Well, maybe two nights ago, He returned from somewhere he wouldn't tell me with a violet bottle…He told me not to mention it to anyone..’ He rambled. Clarisse ran away as she realised that Chiron had definitely done it. She pulled out the laptop her father had gotten her and quickly looked up “Violet poison”. The first thing to pop up was something called “Coruias Lavora'. She skimmed through the signs of a poisoning quickly. She now knew what had happened, now she just needed proof that Chiron did it.

Chiron And Percys Fight Pt.3

In her dream, she was running. She found herself in a deserted land. Confusion filled her mind, when suddenly. She fell back into a portal. She tumbled through the air till she landed on something soft. She looked up and realised that she was now awake, and the soft thing was Rowan. The door door swung open to reveal no other then Clarisse la rue. She sat down the laptop in front of her. Alkippe quickly read what was on the screen. Horror filled up her expression as she realised what happened. ‘No… you don't think…’ She trailed off. Clarisse nodded. ‘Also, last night dad sent me a dream message, Chiron used to have a sister. Her name was Adrienne, she was close with dad. So Chiron poisoned her with this,’ she pointed at the screen. -’ and sent her to the land of dreams. I think he did the same to Percy. It all lines up. He must have, whatt else coudld have happened?!’

Chiron And Percys Fight Pt.3
  • venus-pjo
    venus-pjo liked this · 2 years ago

More Posts from Chippedmelog

2 years ago

Percy and Chirons fight Pt.2

Percy stormed into the Ares cabin. Neo approached him worriedly. ‘Are you alright?!’ He exclaimed. ‘I got into a fight…. with Chiron ‘ The Ares kids gasped. neo hugged him. ‘I'm sorry that happened' He mumbled. Percy stayed silent, resting his chin on Neos head. ‘Its not that bad' Percy sighed. Sherman Yang stared at him. ‘Dude, are you listening to yourself!? You got into fight with bloody Chiron. You could be thrown out of camp!’ He said, the others seemed to realize what that meant when they started to frantically nod along with him. ‘I'll talk with Mr.D and see if he can get you out if this' Neo said. ‘I doubt it would work. But you can try’ Percy replied.

Chiron walked through the twisting darkness of the cursed forest. No wonder Zeus had banned people from entering it. Lime colored poison flowed in a river next to him. It would have been a good punishment, but it wasn't deadly, or strong enough even for causing pain. He moved deeper into the trees. A bat flew past him. He ignored it. He approached a hollowed out tree trunk. The inside was filled with a strange violet colored liquid. ‘Finally’ Chiron couldn't help but laugh as he bottled the liquid.

Percy And Chirons Fight Pt.2

Dinner arrived quickly in Camp half blood. Everything was going normally. Chiron had stored the violet bottle underneath his bed in the big house. Percy was sitting between Neo and Clarisse at the Ares table. Everyone was confused as to why the Ares kids kept looking at Chiron, panicked. dinner ended, and the campers flooded out of the pavilion. Chiron sped of to the big house for some last minute plans. Mr. D was confused, but decided to just go IM Araidne.

The next morning came around, and still, no reaction from Chiron. Percy trained with Neo and Sherman, then Keith and Aria. He only ever trained with the children of Ares now. When he dropped down onto a bench, he realised that there was an unfamiliar woman beside him. She had rich brown hair, and bronze skin. Her eyes seemed gold, with flecks of red within them. She was dressed in a simple white chiton. A smile playing at her rosy lips. ‘Hello Perceus Jackson, my name is Alkippe' She said. ‘Wait…Oh. Like the daughter of Ares from the myths?’ His eyes widened in astonishment. ‘That's me! Dad made me immortal after I was beheaded by Athena.’ She grumbled, giving the nearby athena kids a well practised death glare. ‘I'm sorry for what Hallirhothios did to you’ Percy replied. The guilt and sadness in his eyes showed Alkippe the truth. ‘No need to apologise for something you had nothing to do with, Hippolyte is here too, along with a few others of my ancient siblings like Penthesileia by the way' She replied. ‘Cool! So why exactly are you guys here?’ Percy hoped he wasn't being rude. ‘Boredom, and the reason I sat down on this very comfortable bench next to you was because dear daddy decided he wanted to apologise to you but is took dam awkward to do it himself’ She snorted. He laughed. ‘Sounds like him- Where are you guys staying though?’ He suddenly realised. ‘Oh! Yeah, well we created a secret base! Its invisible to mortal/demigod/centaur/godly eyes, well except some exceptions, like my dad, siblings and you now, so anyways, the base is huge! Its practically a mansion! Its sort of a replica of Harmonias palace on Olympus! Except silver instead of gold!’ She excitedly. Percys green eyes widened ar the thought of it. They continued to chat until a girl approached them. She had ginger hair, that cascaded down her back, she had the same golden eyes with red flecks as Alkippe, but this time she was dressed in a Skulduggery Pleasant t-shit with ripped jeans and red converse. Hippolyte. ‘Allyyyy- Can we spar now?’ She complained. ‘Ugh fine. sorry Percy! Talk to you later on!’ Alkippe laughed as she summoned a spear from thin air. Scarket electricity crackled around it. Percy realised that it seemed to be a running trend in the daughters of Ares. And he couldn't help but smile.

Percy And Chirons Fight Pt.2

Percy once again sat with the Ares kids. He was between Alkippe and Neo, and across from Sherman, Clarisse and Hippolyte. Clarisse and her two half sisters were in a deep conversation about weapons, while Sherman quietly snuck a few of her potatoes onto his own plate. Percy and Neo chatted about their day to each other. Chiron subtly watched Percy. He couldn't help but smirk as Percy put his glass up to his lips. He gulped down a good bit of his blue cherry coke, before continuing his conversation with Neo. The plan was successful.

The campfire ended in a goodmood. Percy said his good nights to his friends and headed back to his cabin. Just as he shut the door, a sudden burst of nausea entered his body, he dropped onto his knees. He ran to the bathroom when it came again, and again. Time after time, till Percy was in excruciating pain, and with that, he fell unconscious.

‘Percy! Wakey Wakey! Dude! WAKEY WAKEY!’ Alkippe glared at cabin threes door. she tried pushing it open, she found it suprisingly easy. She didn't find him in his bed, nor at the mini kitchen Malcolm Pace had designed. she found herself wondering towards the bathroom. She forced open the door, and to her horror, she found Percy sprawled out on the floor, with a giant claw mark on his back. He had been attacked. Alkippe pulled out her phone and quickly tapped one of her contacts. ‘Thrassa? I need you in the Poseidon cabin. Its Percy. Hes been attacked'.

Percy And Chirons Fight Pt.2

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2 years ago

"It wasn't fair on anyone"= Pjo Angst

" You were too busy favouring me, Grover and Annabeth to even care in the slightest for the other campers?! " Percy stepped away from Chiron with anger shining in his eyes. 'Percy, You wouldn't underst-" He was cut of by Percys reply. 'Oh? I wouldn't understand? I wouldn't understand how bad the campers, specifically the Ares kids, mental health is? " He snapped. Mr D sat awkwardly beside them at the kitchen table. "It wouldn't have been fair not to train you, a child of the big three-" Once again Chiron was cut of by his old favourite. "No, It wasn't fair on the other campers, it wasn't fair on anyone! Your a damn fraud!' Percy snarled. Mr D decided that was his cute to leave as he saw anger gravitating in Chirons eyes.

"Perceus, you do not understand"

"I don't understand? Yeah, Totally, If I hadn't of came to camp when I did all the other campers would have totally been cared for properly!" He sneered. " listen to me! If you continue acting like this, You will be kicked out of camp" Chiron finally lost his patience. "Okay?! Y'know what? Ares is better then you, 100%, I would rather the camp run by him then you!" Percy slammed the door behind him. Chiron took a deep breath as he approached the sink, pulling out a drachma, he managed to get an image of a familiar individual.

Part two?

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2 years ago

Another one -

Another One -

He is probably thinking 'bout Aphrodite

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2 years ago

Percy Headcanons-

•Breaks up with Annabeth after the giant war

•Ends up dating neo from the ares cabin

•Besties with Clarisse and Drew

•Him and Nico have a very rocky relationship

•Thalia sometimes crashes at his cabin for random unplanned sleepovers

•Clarisse pierced his nose and ears for him in return for getting to use riptide in a fight with some rude apollo kid

•Got into a huge fight with Chiron after the giant war

•Has an obsession with journaling, Clarisse was the one who introduced it to him

•Ends up working at a strange writing company that no one except the workers even slightly understand

•Hates Poseidon after finding out that he defended his son after the whole Alkippe situation, and the medusa one, and where he SA'd his own daughter-

Thats all :)

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2 years ago

My Ver of Aphrodite <3

My Ver Of Aphrodite

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