ciarashoggoth - Madam Macabre
Madam Macabre

Age: Old enough to know better (23) (Warning⚠️ Writings on Madam Macabre may discuss unreality and other similar theme)

219 posts

Ciarashoggoth - Madam Macabre

ciarashoggoth - Madam Macabre
  • lutrinelemon
    lutrinelemon liked this · 7 months ago

More Posts from Ciarashoggoth

7 months ago

Me, watching Megan get with Graham in "But I'm a Cheerleader", every time;

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7 months ago

A Plot Twist, in the soap opera that is my life-

Crimson is back from the dead, risen from the ashes like a phoenix. I got their permission to update πŸ’›

A Plot Twist, In The Soap Opera That Is My Life-
Time Of Death; 11:21 EST, July 26th 2024.
Time Of Death; 11:21 EST, July 26th 2024.
Time Of Death; 11:21 EST, July 26th 2024.

Time of death; 11:21 EST, July 26th 2024.

Crimson was a very kind individual, they loved the movie 'Heathers', and although I did not know them long, it was clear to me they had a zest for life. To the discord friends of Crimson, I send my deepest condolences.

And remember to be wary of discord server scams! This discord server "Just Chill" collects your info and takes over your account through a link that they will ask you to click in order to verify you are a human and not a bot.Β 

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7 months ago

Omg thank you for @ing me bestie πŸ’› (myriadeyed) I've actually been meaning to talk about where I fall in the community, but didn't have the self discipline to figure out where to start.

πŸ’› I suppose I would fall under the label therian and divinekin, but I'm honestly fine with being called otherkin or nonhuman. Come to think of it, I haven't really put too much thought into what category I would fall under

πŸ’› My kintypes are conepatus humboldtii, or humboldt's hog nosed skunk, and demonkin~

πŸ’› I have, in fact the most common shifts I tend to find myself in are mental shifts- sometimes they even affect my dreams. I feel a strong compulsion to burrow, or dig for insects to prey upon. Every time I've walked out into a grassy field, I can't help but wonder how many grubs I could find under the sun-warmed earth, that's rich and teeming with life and possibilities. Every time I have a reoccurring dream marred with blood and shadowy figures, I can't help but think it's another half of me that's reaching out from the depths to tell me I forgot a part of myself, and it always leaves me in a cold sweat. Sometimes when I'm at work I can feel physical shifts bubbling just under the skin, usually in self defense- it's just the nature of the job that does it. The always having to think on my feet and be aware of my surroundings-

The feeling of hair standing on end, tail itching to hike up, or to even just run..

πŸ’› I adore this community so much, and I wish I had started interacting with you all sooner! The love and acceptance that you all bring to those who are still nervous or still finding themselves, the art and creations I see online like art of yourselves or the tails, or even the unique ways you find to make your day to day lives closer to your alter human identity through diet or belongings, or even hobbies. I love hearing about others' experiences in the community but most of all I love this community because of the friends I have made. We may not feel comfortable in the bodies we have. We may have a longing for a life that seems unreachable and so far away, but we all were allowed the opportunity to meet each other and have such a strong bond in this life, and that's such a wonderful thing.

πŸ’›Some things that make me feel more comfortable or euphoric in my alter humanity are being able to dig into the earth with my bare hands, and to eat foods similar to my species. The smallest of things will set off my scavenger instincts, even being in the grocery store at times (to a small degree) I would say a lot of my kintype euphoria is centered around food, which is probably why I talk about food so often to my friends and family. I do experience species dysphoria, but I don't let it get me too down. I find most of it boils down to feeling vulnerability in not being my kintypes or having the same methods of self defense on hand.Β 

πŸ’› Some advice I would give to alter humans who have awakened recently or are new to the community, is to not let other people dictate who you are and what you're not. I've heard so many stories of those from all sorts of walks of life that are afraid to share the parts of themselves that make them who they are. It can be scary to take that leap into the unknown, but there's so many kind and supportive otherkin individuals here to catch you in the free fall. I find when I first became open about my identity I really found out who my friends were and who weren't.Β 

πŸ’› I do not have any gear, but I am totally open to the prospect of trying it out! I'm a tad skeptical on if it would help me feel more comfortable in particular, but I do admire seeing other otherkin and alter humans' gear online!Β 

πŸ’› My experience being a hognose skunk and being a demon are very different from one another. I have always felt a draw to skunks in my behavior and my sense of being while being a demon was more of a slow becoming or something that's been lying dormant in me for a long time until certain events and certain reoccurring dreams surfaced them. I may not even be a demon but that is the only word I can find to describe what I am and what I saw in myself. The high pressure emotions that come with it are just part of that, really.Β 

@anaskunk @smol-paw @luunaathh @aurorathedragon45

If you are a alterhuman, reblog and answer these questions!

(don't be afraid to write a lot, do what you want ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)

1/ Which category of alterhumanity do you belong to?

2/ What/who is/are your type(s)? (if you have any)

3/ Do you experience shifts? If so, can you tell us your most common shifts and your strangest cameo shift (if you've ever had a cameo shift)?

4/ How do you experience your alterhumanity in everyday life?

5/ What do you think of the community?

6/ What are the things that make you most comfortable and euphoric in your alterhumanity?

7/ Are you experiencing species dysphoria?

8/ What advice would you like to say to a young alterhuman who has just awakened?

9/ Do you have/want to have gears?

10/ Do you know/have any theories about the origin of your alterhumanity? If so, tell us! (all beliefs are legitimate)

11/ Tag someone/a creature to answer these questions!γ…€α΅•Μˆ

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7 months ago
ciarashoggoth - Madam Macabre

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