Obsessing over a new thing every other dayPfp drawn by @asterefflores
427 posts
I Drew Myself.
I drew myself.

skylerskyhigh liked this · 7 months ago
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Hello everyone
I am Nour from Gaza
.I need your help if you can
Please donate to save my life and the lives of my children
I'm asking for a small donation of $25 from each person. $35 will save my children from death and help me cover expenses and rebuild.
Through the link (please see my CV) https://www.gofundme.com/f/donate-to-help-nour-and-his-family-escape-the-war-in-gaza
My account has been verified by @90-ghost
Please donate here and if you can’t, then share this post with others.
My prayers go out to you and your children. Best wishes.
🚨Urgent🚨🙏 Humanity appeal
Don't ignore appeal please🇵🇸🥺 Time is running out out 😭 my Father 🚨🚨 is Injured in war of Gaza 🇵🇸🍉
I'm Mohammed Hijazi from Gaza I need your support My house was destroyed I lost my Job Please Don't ignore my appeal 😭 😭 😭.
My father is so sick and tired, needs your support and your donations.
After we lost our home and live now in a tent my father's health is not good and he needs a medical care and medicines and urgent surgery
Please don't hesitate to donate to us I am now living in a tent with my family 😞
Verified by 90ghost and northgazaupdate
Please donate here and if you can’t then share this with post with others.
My prayers go out to you and your family.
This is how I imagine Ohn and Hong meowing at Cale at the start of the novel.
Haven’t eaten in a whole minute
Modern AU RokCale, they’re in college or whatever. Btw, this is fem! Cale for the sole reason that I’m on a Callie roll and I want to write about her but this can be applied without the genderbending.
ANYWAY! They meet on a rainy day, Callie is curled up in a ball under the hood of some building and Roksoo sees her when he walks out. He doesn’t have an umbrella and he doesn’t feel like getting wet.
Callie has one but she’s just sitting there and not moving. Roksoo, despite his reservations, approached and asked. Callie was more mellow today, the rain having put out her fire before it had the chance to erupt, so she answered with:
“I don’t feel like going home right now.”
So, Roksoo decides to sit with her because he’s got nothing better to do and he’d feel bad to just ask for her umbrella.
They sit like that for a bit, in silence while staring at the rain-drenched surroundings.
After a while, Callie stands up and dusts off her shorts, picking up her umbrella before throwing a look at the still-seated Roksoo.
"Well? Aren't you gonna come? I don't have all day."
Roksoo is surprised but quickly stands up to follow her. They huddle under her umbrella, with Roksoo having to hunch over a bit. The two end up fumbling around a bit til Callie gets fed and just locks her elbow with his so that they can get going.
They end up going to a nearby convenience store where Callie bought snacks and drinks for both of them. Carbonated strawberry milk for herself and normal chocolate milk for Roksoo, because I think he would.
Somehow, they end up at the park, sitting on hill while eating their snack. Callie pops open her can, carefully making sure that the middle dot remained intact before ripping off the tab and tucking it into her pocket.
They talk about stuff and get to know each other better, Callie allows her walls to recede slightly while Roksoo loosens up a bit. She tells him that she likes making jewellery from little trinkets and knick-knacks like soda tabs and such. Roksoo confesses that he loves reading shitty webnovels and riduculous romance dramas.
The sun dips below the horizon, the clock strikes eight and Roksoo walks Callie home.
They’re at her front door and before she walks in, she takes out the soda tab from before and gives it to Roksoo, sliding it into his palm and closing his fist over it.
She smiles softly and bids him goodbye before going inside and closing the door. Only to immediately slide down and curl up into a ball, her face as red as her hair and her heart jackrabbiting in her chest.
Roksoo stands there for a second, his ears burning red as gently holds the tab before stiffly walking away, a smile playing on his lips.
They have one thought:
“Shit, I forgot to give him/her my number.”
Unbeknownst to them, both Ron and Hans saw the whole thing.