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SwapApp - The Business Trip
SwapApp - The Business Trip

Oh shit oh shit! Don’t panic… OK? Are you panicking? DON’T PANIC… You only look like your meathead brother-in-law now, right? Yeah, that’s all this SwapApp thing was supposed to do, right? Like put your face on his body? You just wanted to see what it would look like being all big like that.
No, that’s definitely his face, AND his body. And where the Hell even are you now? Looks like one of those tiny hotel gyms. Oh yeah, your step-sister said he was going to be out of town on business…
Oh shit, this app thing actually made me swap places with him, didn’t it? Fuck! OK how do I fix this, hopefully he’s too dumb to realize what happened…
Wait… What was I doing?
Oh yeah! I need to post a new pic on my Instagram! Let’s see, ah yeah there it is. Add the filter and… Post!
Oh fuck, already a hundred likes and I just posted it! Hell yeah, Tonya’s lucky to have a sexy stud like me. But she’s hot too, so it’s not like I would ever cheat on her.
Damn I miss her, but as soon as I’m done convincing these new clients to sign up, I can book it back to my sexy little baby doll.
OK, guess I better grab a shower and get all suited up for the presentation. All I have to do is show off a little and they’ll be eating out of my hands - never fails!
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More Posts from Citizenies
Both hands full of groceries, Bradley clumsily swung the door to his dorm room open and, with very little grace and a loud grunt, hoisted the hefty bags onto the kitchen counter. He looked like he’d just run a marathon, shoulders slumped forward, all sweaty and out of breath. It was truly embarrassing how much a carton of milk and a loaf of bread could make him sweat. With his scrawny limbs and short stature, buying groceries was, shamefully, a serious workout. He eyed the celery sticks poking out of one of the bags and noted with chagrin how, in appearance, he wasn’t much unlike the pale leggy plants. They say you are what you eat, and yet, no matter how much prime beef Bradley consumed, he remained a stalky vegetable.
Man, would he kill to have arms like those jocks on campus. Now those guys were prime beef. Thick and meaty. Bet they never even broke a sweat, he thought. Oh yeah, he could see them now, carrying their grocery bags full of chicken breast and broccoli, strutting down the street, lifting them like weights to pass the time, leaping over obstacles, looking all sexy. Pillowy pecs bouncing, bulbous biceps crunching. And there he was, winded and clammy. Drooling over muscles he didn’t have. With a boner. But hey, at least there wasn’t much food to unpack - just a few things and he could kick back in front of his laptop and fantasise all he wanted.
Milk, check. Bread, check. Ramen, check. Protein bar, check. Wait - protein bar? He didn’t remember buying a protein bar. He blinked a few times, thinking maybe it would turn into a chocolate bar when he wasn’t looking. Nope. Still there. He read the label: ’Beefcake’. Huh. He didn’t recognise the brand - but then, he wasn’t buying protein bars. Ah, fuck it. He could use the extra boost. With a shrug of his narrow shoulders, Bradley peeled the plastic open and popped it into his mouth, chewing it strenuously, swallowing it quickly. God, even his jaw muscles were weak. He winced a little in preparation for the bad taste he associated with health foods - but it was actually quite a treat. In fact, it tasted like what it was called: cake. He might just add it to the shopping list. But just as Bradley went to put away those celery sticks, he suddenly felt… a strange rumbling in his stomach. Not to mention, very lightheaded. Almost as if he was about to faint.
And then he did.
Bradley woke up on the kitchen floor, the ceiling slowly coming into focus. Shit, had he fainted? And god, why was he so hot? His entire body was coated in sweat. He was practically marinating in it. And those damn kitchen lights were so bright.
He held up an arm to shade his face — except it wasn’t his arm. Even with blurry vision, he could see that this one was thick with muscles and had a deep tan, not the usual pale celery stick. He must have a concussion. But when he told his brain to move his arm, the juiced-up imposter responded. Holy shit. It was like someone had loaded a thin skewer with thickly cut kebab meat. Bradley sat up on his elbows and, sure enough, there was another, equally muscled and delicious looking arm at the ready. He almost started drooling. He didn’t know what the fuck was happening - but he knew he liked it. Wait. The protein bar. The Beefcake protein bar. That must be why his arms looked like this. He flexed them both, watching the juicy muscles ball up, thick and hot. Fuck. A deep groan escaped his lips — several octaves deeper than before! A meaty hand clutched his tree trunk neck, titillated by the healthy adams apple that now bounced up and down as he groaned again in a testosterone-oozing baritone. He lowered his gaze and the groan became a moan; every part of his body had been re-designed. No more celery stick. He was prime beef. He was a beefcake. Laying out in front of him was a pair of thick, porterhouse thighs, the kind that made it impossible to walk without rubbing them together. And they were long. Bradley gripped the counter and pulled himself up… and up, and up, and UP. He clenched his eyes closed in a guttural growl as the muscles in his body flexed and relaxed, as if he was stretching out after a good nights sleep. He was fucking huge.

He stumbled back, not used to the high altitude he now stood at, and something on his chest bounced. His eyes dropped to the main course, the plat principal: his pecs, which had ballooned out into two ginormous, rounded slabs of pure beef, his deep gasps causing them to bounce up and down in time with his breath. No way. No fucking way. He moaned in-between gasps as he brought his hands up to grope and jiggle them, digging his fingers eagerly into the mountains of pec meat protruding from his chest. They were equally as hard as they were soft. Bounce, bounce, bounce. This was hot as fuck! Jolts of pure sexual electricity shot through him as he brushed his hands over his new, extra sensitive nipples, craning his thick neck forward to see the two tanned, salami sized culprits hardened to attention, just begging to be sucked and squeezed. He was about to flick them when he noticed how big and meaty his hands had gotten, thick sausage fingers connected to palms that would have engulfed his old ones, and yet somehow still weren’t big enough to fully cup either of his pecs.
Suddenly he had an idea he couldn’t resist. Giggling, he took a big meaty finger, stuck it between his big meaty pecs, and started fucking them with it. He was fucking his pecs! He moaned out his own name, laughing as he did, getting faster and faster, groping his ass with his other giant paw of a hand. Fuck, was that his ass? He craned his neck around to get a look at what felt like two ginormous globes of pure butt - and that was a pretty apt description. If his muscles were the beef, this was definitely the cake. And god, did he desperately want a hot stud to put some icing on it. He was so caught up in his muscled ass that he barely noticed the nine inch bratwurst sausage between his legs thicken up, fat and hard. Everything was so big. Fuck, he was sexed-up. Even his sweat was sexier. The pearly droplets simmered on his muscled-up skin like oil in a hot skillet - like he was a tenderloin being cooked by his own immense body heat. It felt incredible. It was as if now instead of sweat, every pore on his body produced fat drops of hot precum, rolling down and lubing up every new bulging inch of him. His jus. Was there anything that little bar of Beefcake hadn’t changed? He wiped the sweat away from his face, and something felt different. Actually, his whole face felt different. Fuck. He had to see this. Bradley took off with huge, lumbering strides towards the bathroom mirror.
Woah. He was blonde. And his eyes had crystallised into two glittering, chalcedony gemstones, framed by a pair of seductive eyebrows that gave him a permanent look of seduction. He traced a thick finger down his newly squared and angular jawline, all the way to his superhero chin. Oh, shit. His mouth. His medium-rare lips were huge, and his long, thick, meaty tongue felt like it barely fit in his mouth. He opened wide and it spilled out with a meaty slap, hanging just below his chin. Oh god, his tongue must be bigger than his dick used to be. He had a fuck-machine in his mouth! A deep moan quivered out of his throat as he slid it over his pillowy lips, his giant knees threatening to buckle. They tasted good; juicy, tender and salty with sweat. Cooked to perfection. There must have been a crumb of Beefcake still on his big lips, because they suddenly tingled and puffed up even bigger - he almost went cross-eyed at the sensation. He gave his best lets-go-back-to-my-place smirk to the mirror, followed by a fuck-me-harder face that made him wanna fuck himself. Screw eye candy. Bradley was a full course meal. An eye buffet. Except, he wasn’t Bradley anymore. He was Brad.

And Brad… Well, Brad was hot, sweaty, pumped and hard. He had two thoughts: lift and fuck. Brad needed to try out his new body - find a big jock with an ass as fat as his to pump his beefcake load into. And that meant he was headed to the gym. He bounced his pecs, gave his hungry dick a hefty grab, and winked at the mirror. Before he left, though, there was one thing he needed to do.
Brad swaggered into the kitchen and grabbed those thin celery sticks with his goliath hands, crushing a few just from his grip, and tossed them straight into the garbage. With that out of the way, it was time for a taste test.
So, then. Which one of those lucky jocks would be the first to take a bite?
Big Veggies

“Babe? You didn’t go to the farmer’s market for the ORGANIC veggies did you?” Amos boomed, as his voice carried from the kitchen.
“Uh… of course I did babe. Hold on let me put my game down… Also does your voice sound different?” Raj replied half distracted as he just beat another guy in competitive Smash Bros.
“Get in here right now mister!”
“Geez alright I’m coming I’m coming and WHAT THE HELL! Amos what happened to you!?” Raj stared at his once petite and delicate boyfriend who now towered over him.
“Well I was just going about my night, eating the salad you made me for dinner and I felt a little weird. I’m glad I removed my shirt or else it would’ve been torn up just like my new socks!” Amos gestured town snootily to a pile of torn up fabric that surrounded feet that took up two whole kitchen tiles a piece.
“Hey! Eyes up here babe! Anyway, I was freaking out and wondering if I had an allergic reaction or something with all this swelling. So I started going through the fridge and found THIS!” Amos held up a huge vegetable from the counter.
“Oh… that’s why you asked why I didn’t got to the farmer’s market.” Raj said guiltily. “Well, ya see… Amos don’t get mad but… I didn’t get the groceries from the farmer’s market… I got it from the fancy store by the factory.”
Amos glared at his boyfriend. Normally it was cute when the little guy was throwing a fit, now Raj gulped as it looked like he was one sassy slap away from an early grave.
“You know I hate that place Raj! They were that weird store that got their food from the factory that used illegal growth hormone on all their animals! I did that whole protest for it and even went vegetarian just for that!”
Raj could only meekly nod. “I know! I know! But I was tired. It was late. I just wanted to go home and play some games because there was this new DLC recently and-”
“I don’t want to here another word! We are going to do some research and call the hospital! And then afterwards you are going to give me a foot rub because you’re really stressing me out!” With that Amos sauntered off to the den where his laptop was. His huge form having to duck through the doorway and his tight jeans highlighting every movement of his ever swaying ass. Raj was just nervous about how he’d even get his hand around those huge feet.
A few hours later and a few yells at the hospital over the phone they learned that Amos was experiencing something a few others around town have gone through. “They’re calling it Organic Growth Syndrome babe,” Amos said a little sullenly as he curled up in bed. He’d finally discarded his clothes, took a shower, and was in an ill fitting bathrobe and towel.
“They’re saying it may go away over time or might be permanent. What are we gonna do if I’m stuck like this?” Amos looked teary eyed at Raj as he lay his newly heavy form over his boyfriend.
It took Raj all the strength he had to support his new big lover and said, “Hey. It’s alright Amos. From what the doctors said you were on the low end of changes. You only grew about 8 inches brining you up to 6′6. Not to mention you got muscles unlike all those guys that got really heavy with fat. Whatever happens, we’re gonna do this together.” Raj kissed Amos’ forehead and hugged him. Or at least did his best to. Raj wasn’t the biggest guy so he couldn’t even wrap his arms all the way around Amos’ wide shoulders.
“You’re the best Raj. I’m a lucky lucky guy.” Amos said wiping the tears from his eyes by nuzzling Raj’s face. With a sly grin he then moved one of his massive feet up Raj’s thighs. “Well if this isn’t permanent, what say you and I explore this body a little more tonight. I’ll promise I’ll make up for interrupting your game.”
Amos then wiggled out of the robe and dropped the towel revealing one of the biggest dicks Raj had ever seen. However, Amos was a notorious bottom and he turned over revealing the thickest ass! How Amos was concealing that before was beyond him, but Raj simply nodded mesmerized by its size. He was already rock hard thinking about plowing his boyfriend’s new big butt and maybe something more.
“Thanks babe. And maybe after we have some fun back here… we try out that new dick of yours one me.” Raj smirked as Amos blushed. Their little home as well as many around town were going to be up quite late that night.
Karma is a witch

He used to be taller, he used to be hairier, he used to have a deeper voice, he used to be bigger than me. This was now all in the past, his pride taken away. All because of how he treated this weird girl. I showed kindness when he showed none.
She blessed me and cursed him, I can’t say I would ever regret it. I also am not regretting the fact I lied to him about the curse. I know he would forever be stuck being just a lean little boy, never a man. He can train all he wants, but in the end we are linked and I would gain any muscle he would have gained. I love how I can just chill sometimes and he would train for me.
The greatest part about it all is his loss of interest in woman. I don’t mind his attention it’s like a loves me like a god. He wants to touch, lick and suck my body probably just to relish in his former glory. I just can’t wait for the moment he would finally let me use his ass with my now double digit cock. I guess it won’t be long for this to happen.
Just look at me, my bicep alone is bigger than his head all thanks to that weird witch.
Home Improvements
My husband and I needed some work done on our apartment. We hoired a guy who would do the work for a good price, and he was hot af too! We both drooled over him. While he was remodeling some custom closets, he found a talisman between the wall the closet. He showed it to me and began to blow the dust off, when the room spun and I suddenly found myself with his calloused hands holding the talisman. My old body went about its own business, apparently unaware of what had just happened. I was hot! My old body then left for work as I always did at this time of day, leaving me at home with “my” husband. He needed some convincing of what had just happened, but eventually he believed me. I put my arm around him and I could see him tenting. That’s when one thing led to another and I fucked him. It felt so good, and he made noises I have never heard him make before.
That was a few weeks ago and we still haven’t swapped back yet. I fucking love this body. Sure my salary is shitty, but it makes up for it in other ways. It’s so hot to fuck my husband behind my own back - I still think he’s totally oblivious to what is going on. My husband keeps finding extra jobs for me to in the partment so I can keep coming over. So fucking hot. He loves my deep voice, hairy body, musk and hard muscles. He says I’m cockier than I used to be, and well, it’s fucking hard not to be! Pretty sure I’m gonna hide that talisman somewhere, because there’s no way I’m going back.

Double Take

Emma got off the phone with her boyfriend. They had been talking for hours and she nearly forgot that she still had some studying to do tonight. Emma is a timid college junior, studying for her bachelor’s degree. She wasn’t a party animal and she would’ve been a total shut-in if it weren’t for her boyfriend Todd. Emma’s life would have been completely average if it weren’t for her odd…kinks. She’s straight, she has a boyfriend after all, but she desperately wanted to be a dude. The idea of being a hunky gym-goer turned her on more than anything. Her lust gets so out of control at times that she finds herself staring at other men that she sees throughout the day, wishing so badly to be them. She kept the kink to herself though. Even she thought it was odd, and no way Todd and her other close friends would understand if she told them. Instead of revealing her fetish and exploring it for herself, she went on with her life. She didn’t even realize that her urges were steadily growing stronger with every passing day.
Tonight, she was incredibly flustered. Thoughts of becoming the hunk of her dreams flashed through her mind. She felt the urge to masturbate but she had been studying for so long. Her eyelids felt too heavy to keep open. She instead crashed into her bed and closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. The visions never stopped. She had a strange dream that night. She felt dizzy within the dream, she raised a hand to help hold up her head. Her hand felt way heavier than normal, it was a chore to lift it up towards her face. Her whole body felt heavier in fact. She wanted desperately to open her eyes but her vision was too cloudy to tell anything part. She just knew something was off, especially the strange throbbing sensation that was emanating from her crotch. Her vision was slowly clearing, she had to know what was wrong. She tilted her head down but before she could make out the source of her unfamiliar irritation, she woke up.
She awoke from her dream. She felt extremely groggy after night. “What the heck was that all about…?” She tried her best to shake off the feelings of unease that came from the memories of the dream but throughout the day, they only got stronger. After she finished up her classes for the day, she called Todd and asked if she could come over. Maybe spending time with him would take her mind off things. The phone beeped over and over until she heard his ecstatic, almost childlike voice.
“Hey babe,” Todd called out in excitement. “I’m glad you called! I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”
Emma listened to his words but didn’t give them any thought, she was too “out of it” today. “H-hey. Do you think I can come over for a bit? I just really need to relax.”
Todd didn’t give it a second thought. “Yeah of course, come right over. There’s someone I’ve been dying for you to meet.”
They traded goodbyes before Todd hung up the phone. Emma sighed before reaching the phone back into her pocket. Suddenly, her phone case tapped something hard in her pocket. Emma looked down in confusion before pulling out the strange object. What was a television
remote doing in her pants. It was an odd remote at that. It only had three buttons on it. Cloak, Return, and Merge. Did she grab it from Todd’s place and forget about it? She figured that it was just her boyfriend’s remote and promised herself to leave it at his place before she left. As Emma pulled up to her boyfriend’s place, she noticed a strange car parked nearby. Emma cocked an eyebrow before remembering that Todd wanted her to meet someone today. Emma groaned. Todd knew that she had trouble meeting new people. She let out another frustrated sigh before going inside.
Emma walked through the front door and looked around her boyfriend’s place. Furniture was moved and set in lazy and awkward places, paint chips and cleaning supplies covered the floor, and she could make out pieces of furniture and clothing that she hadn’t seen there before. It was almost like someone was moving in. Emma stepped around the messy floor cautiously Eventually, she heard laughter coming from another room along with a couple of loud footsteps.
Todd emerged in dark-grey tank top. He was a pretty fit guy, it looked nice wrapped around his body. He wore a big dumb smile once he set eyes on Emma. He was wiping what looked to be old paint off of his hands with a small towel.
“Ah shit, you got here earlier than expected.” He turned back towards the room that he walked out of and called out, “Hey Tyson, get out her and meet my girl you shy bastard.”
She heard laughter coming from the room, followed by a pair of heavy footsteps. Seconds later, a heavy set man emerged from the room. He gave a small grin and waved his giant hand towards Emma.
“‘Ey, I’m Tyson.” He spoke with a deep, yet friendly voice. “It’s nice to meet you. Todd never stops talking about you.”
Emma stood before the giant with wide eyes. She’s never seen a man so strong before. A white t-shirt hugged his muscle covered body tightly. His large, dark pecs looked like they’d burst free at any moment. The t-shirt was damp with sweat, the dark stains that formed below his muscled pits and his brawny chest made it clear that he wasn’t just a big guy, he was ripped from head to toe. If the sight of his thick arms weren’t enough to sell that, his tight, sweat coated abs definitely did the trick. His arms were dominatingly huge. She felt intimidated by just looking at their huge, muscled mass. His body was incredible to say the least. She loved every detail of his bulging physique, especially the dark tattoo that slithered across his beefy chest and up his powerful left arm.
“H-hey…” Emma let out as she desperately tried to muster a sentence. A small chuckle came from Todd as he looked as his girlfriend.
“Sorry for throwin’ this on you, I know you have trouble meeting new people and all…” He started as he scratched the back of his head. “Tyson is a good friend of mine, he’s going to be rooming with me for a while so hopefully you two really hit it off y’know?”
“Anyways…” He started again, now with a more nervous smile stretched across his face. “Think you can do me a favor babe?”
Emma took her attention off the dark skinned hunk and turned her head towards Todd. “Uh, yeah?”
“So uhh I gotta run back and pick up a few more things from his place and Tyson is gonna work on his room over there so…think you can keep him company while I head out?”
Emma’s face twisted into dismay. She hated talking to strangers even with friends around, how did he expect her to handle something like this. She slightly shook her head, ready to reject the offer and go home but Todd saw it coming from a mile away.
“C’mon babe, he’s my closest friend. I really want you two to hit it off. He’s a really good athlete, we’re at the gym all the time, I’m sure you two can find something to talk about…”
Todd went on and on until Emma finally let out a nervous sigh and said “F-fine, alright.” Todd cracked another wise smile before giving her a kiss before heading out.
“Thanks so much Em. Make sure he doesn’t slack off, alright?” He teased before closing the door.
Emma sighed and turned around and Tyson gave her a nervous smile before turning towards his new room.
“You could always stay out here if you want,” he began as he slowly entered his room. “I don’t mind, Todd doesn’t have to know. I’ll uh…I’ll be in here.” His heavyset body stomped into the room before she could let out another sentence.
Emma almost took up the offer to stay out of the room but the more she thought about it, the more she knew that she had to follow him in. She didn’t want to disappoint Todd and at least she could get a closer look at his muscular figure. Emma followed Tyson in, and tried her best to strike up conversation while he worked on moving things around in his room.
“So…you’re an athlete?” Emma asked nervously.
Tyson set down another heavy box next the wall across from Emma before turning around and wiping sweat from his forehead.
“Yep. I’ve been playing football since middle school.” He lifted his giant arm and began flexing it, letting his right bicep bulge in size. “Got pretty damn big because of it too.”
Emma began shifting in her chair. She didn’t expect him to show off out of nowhere. She became so envious of that giant, muscled cannon for an arm. He continued to flex his arm. It almost seemed like he was just as entranced in his strength as she was.
“Hey, uh…” Emma stuttered, grabbing Tyson’s attention. “Mind if I feel it? Y-your arm.” Tyson cocked an eyebrow. He looked at her curiously. “I-it’s just, I go to the gym all the time. I just think muscles are really…cool.” Tyson seemed uneasy at first but he warmed up to the idea quickly. “Yeah, no problem.”
He kept his arm in the same position as before, waiting for her to come over. Emma stood up and walked towards the stud carefully. She reached out her slender arm and grabbed the bulk of Tyson’s throbbing bicep. His thickening bicep was a hard lump of solid muscle. Groping its thickness was intoxicating to Emma. He flexed harder, the jolt made his bicep swell even more in Emma’s hand. She loved how his arm filled her entire palm with his meaty bulk. Her desires ran wild in her head. Scenes of her earlier dream raced through her mind. She brought up the remote from her pocket with her free hand and pointed it at Tyson before clicking the merge button. She didn’t give the action any thought, she did so out of pure instinct. Her lust for his body convinced her to use the remote whether she knew what it did or not. Tyson didn’t seem to notice but the brown color in his eyes began to dim. She stopped studying his face, assuming that nothing changed, until her gaze landed upon her hand.
Her hand was completely inside of Tyson’s massive bicep. It felt strange, almost as if her hand was floating inside of his thick, muscled mass. Much to her surprise, Tyson wasn’t freaking out. He seemed almost interested in the sensation taking place. His uneven breaths weren’t caused by fear, but pleasure. His arm never felt so amazing. Was it always this big? Tyson was completely into whatever was happening to him.
Emma’s word began to stumble. “What the fuck is going on…? I-I’m so sorry!” She started to yank out her hand but Tyson grabbed her slender wrist with his overpowering hand.
“What are you-” Emma stopped her question after Tyson began slowly feeding her arm into his. His biceps began to swell and his forearms thickened until her arm disappeared inside of his.
“It feels good, don’t it?” He asked, completely absorbed by his new thick muscles. She had to admit, it felt amazing being absorbed into his strong, athletic figure. She could feel Tyson’s arm, almost as if it were hers. He wiggled his fingers, eventually balling them up into a large, meaty fist. The strain made the veins in his forearms thrust against his brown skin. She didn’t hear it at first, but Tyson began to moan. Tyson inched closer and closer to the chair on the other side of the room before slamming down on it, bringing Emma down with him. She fell back on his lap, his arm still swelling thanks to her donated mass. He wrapped his other arm around hers. He flexed his arm as hard as he could as he pressed it against her slender limb. His bunching muscles felt amazing. His arm began absorbing her mass with ease. His arm began to grow just like before and his moans became uncontrollable.
Tyson’s entire body began to strain, his lean mass began rippling as it pressed hard against Emma’s fragile frame. Emma felt back into him even further. She would have freaked out if it weren’t for the fact that the squeeze of his muscled chest felt so good. She conceded to his strength. She fell back into Tyson’s body with no resistance. His chest puffed out forcefully, his pecs seemed almost twice their original size. The black tattoo seemed to shrink as his body began to grow. His abs felt more ripped and firm, almost as if someone slipped slabs of rock beneath his dark skin.
“Fuck yes!” He roared as he pushed out his new massive chest. “I-I’m fucking huge!” He flexed his new ebony colored guns and tightened his massive chest, showing off his new power. Emma was dumbfounded as his strength, and even more towards the fact that she could feel every sensation coursing through his new body. She could feel his gorgeous pecs bunch together as he brought his flexing arms closer to each other and she could feel the tightness of his compact, rock hard abs as he sucked in their solid mass to make their grooves and lines even more defined. It was the best thing that Emma has ever felt.
Tyson’s breaths were even more sporadic than before. His chest was incredibly heavy, growing larger every time he inhaled. Every time that Tyson took in a breath, his rippling chest threatened to tear his tight white t-shirt in half. He became more tense with every second. She could feel him flexing his giant thighs while he tensed up. As his thighs bunched up below hers, she could feel her legs sinking into his as well. She didn’t fight it for a second, she loved feeling his hunk body grow thanks to her mass.
His legs became thicker just as she expected but she could also feel something different. The pants that Tyson was wearing felt unnaturally tight to Emma. Too tight. See looked down to see what was causing Tyson’s body so much discomfort. She looked down to see his black cock bulging against his briefs. Emma never knew that having a cock would feel this strange but the way it throbbed in his tight underwear made the odd sensation all worthwhile. His dick was so hard. It was progressively growing long and thick as Tyson admired his massive body. She could feel the veins wrap tightly around his shaft as his tip rubbed against the soft fabric. Emma suddenly felt anxious. She couldn’t understand what was happening to her. She was clueless but Tyson knew all too well. He wanted desperately to pull out his cock and stroke it to
completion. He reached his arms down and grabbed his thick bulge, filling his palm with his pulsing dick. The wave of pleasure took Emma by surprised. She didn’t expect it to feel this fucking good. She squeezed her eyes shut to endure the pleasure. Tyson almost forgot that she was still even there. Her turned to her and grinned.
“You feel that too right?” He said with a cocky smirk. “Must be weird for you huh? Not all girls get to feel a rock hard dick in this way. You’re a lucky one.”
He ran his hand down the length of the bulge, making his boxer briefs tighter and tighter by the second. Emma was being pushed to her limit. Tyson decided to stop teasing her and complete the merge. He positioned her head just right before pressing his face into the back of her skull. Emma’s eyes were still sewn shut. She was waiting for Tyson to blink his eyes open and stare down at his new body but she eventually found that that wasn’t the case. She waited for a few more seconds with her eyes closed tight before opening her lids on her own.
Her vision was foggy and her entire body felt insanely heavy. Something shifted uncomfortably in her underwear. She finally understood the sensation that she had felt in her dream just the night before. Her vision became clear and she stared down her bulky chest. Her pale skin was now a dark shade of brown. Her fit, fragile torso was replaced with a new hulking physique. Her new chest heaved up heavily with every breath, her dark colored chest was glistening with a coat of sweat. Her legs were heavy and stamina filled and her stomach felt tight and compact. She remembered the source of the discomfort that she felt around her crotch. She pulled down the boxer briefs until a fat black cock fell out of her underwear. She smirked as she stared at her new thick member.
“That’s a nice dick…” Her giant hands reached down and gripped her shaft. She began slowly running her palms up and down its thick, vein covered length. She brought her rounded shoulders together as close as possible, she began grabbing her cock with both hands. She gripped it tightly, her straining hands caused her forearms and biceps to thicken and flex.
“Those are some nice fuckin’ muscles,” she stated cockily as she continued stroking her new rod. She loved how her new arms looked when she flexed. It made her feel good all over. Her arms felt thick and gorgeous, her pits deepening as she strained her new lean muscles, and even her cock became hard in response to seeing her amazing black cannons. Her chest swelled between her biceps as she brought her arms closer. Her pecs were strapping and full of vigor. Even her lats felt nice and toned. Her balls began tightening as she stroked her new fuck-toy over and over. The sight of her hunky bod and the feeling of jerking her aching cock were an amazing combination. She was at her limit. The small pool of precum that leaked out of her tip was now replaced with a large stream of cum that shot out fiercely from her tip. Her body flexed as hard as possible and she moaned her loudest as ropes of hot cum pour out of her thick black cock. She stroked her muscle shaft over and over until her load was completely released.
Emma took in heavy, unsteady breaths. “That was…so fucking good,” she said to herself as her check heaved up and down. She’s never had that much fun with her body before. Well, not exactly “her” body. She’d return Tyson back to normal but she wanted to have a bit more fun first. She cleaned up and kept unpacking her shit until Todd came back.
Todd stumbled in through the door and gave Tyson a smile. “‘Ey bro, you settling in?”
Emma’s head snapped towards the doorway, her eyes meeting with Todd’s. It was weird seeing him in this body but she guessed that her old life was nonexistent until she returned to her normal body.
“Oh uh, yeah I’m good man,” she said with her new deep, masculine voice. “What’s up bro?”
Todd shot him a smirk before saying, “I’m gonna head out for tonight and grab a few drinks, you in?”
Emma gave the invite some thought. “Ehh, nah. I got other plans. Have a good time bro.” “All good, peace.” Todd gave Emma one last smirk before heading out.
Emma wasted no time. She hopped on her phone and opened the tinder app. Tyson already had his account set up. Finding a chick to spend the night with wouldn’t be a problem. Tyson’s body was one of the best she’s ever seen. It didn’t take Emma long to find date. He met up with a nurse named Savannah shortly after changing into something casual.
Savannah was all over Emma the entire night. She couldn’t help but cling onto those giant arms. After their movie and dinner date, Emma brought Savannah back to Tyson’s new room to have some fun. It was hard even making it into the door. All the way to his room. Savannah was getting frisky. She clung to Emma’s strapping, athletic physique, making out with her all the way to the bedroom. Savannah fell back playfully on the bed, her eyes narrowed into a naughty, seducing gaze. Emma could feel her new cock reacting towards Savannah’s stare. She pulled down her white shorts, her cock was already bulging in her grey boxer briefs. Savannah sat up when she saw the size of it.
“Holy shit. You must have a really nice cock Ty…” Savannah trailed off as Emma pulled down the briefs to reveal his muscled rod. It wasn’t at it’s fullest but its length and girth was great enough to get a wide eyed expression out of Savannah. Emma grinned and brought her giant hand up towards Savannah’s chin. She pulled her gaze upward, giving Emma a pouty, begging stare. Emma loved those puppy-dog eyes. She grabbed the base of her cock and pushed her thick member towards Savannah’s mouth. Savannah opened her mouth nice and wide, letting her date’s black cock fill her mouth. Her mouth felt unbelievably good to Emma. Who knew having your cock sucked would feel this amazing? Savannah’s head bobbed up and down on Emma’s cock until it was at its hardest. Emma grabbed the base of her cock and pulled out,
letting her thick shaft pull out between Savannah’s soft lips. Thin strands of saliva clung to Emma’s fat tip as Savannah pulled her head back and stripped naked.
Emma followed after her, pulling off her t-shirt, revealing her wide, strapping chest and rock hard 6 pack. She flexed her arms, not just to turn on Savannah, but to admire their incredible thickness. Savannah laid back down on the bed, her naked body spread out cutely on Tyson’s sheets. Emma stroked her cock before slowly pressing her tip against Savannah’s clit. Savannah’s soft moans drove Emma crazy. She couldn’t wait to know how her cock felt inside of her date’s tight pussy.
Emma pushed her thick shaft slowly into Savannah’s hole. “Mmmmm fuck,” she groaned as her veiny rod pushed into Savannah. She never knew fucking a hottie like Savannah would feel so good. This cock was amazing! She pushed and pushed until her base touched Savannah’s entrance. Savannah was quivering with pleasure. Emma grabbed Savannah by her hips with her overpowering hands and pumped her full of her big black dick over and over again. Emma was consumed by the overwhelming pleasure. Her body flexed all over, making her tight muscles more defined. Even her cock was getting overwhelmed, she could feel precum leaking from her tip, coating Savannah’s tight, warm walls.
Emma couldn’t take it. She lifted Savannah up from the bed, her giant arms wrapping around Savannah’s tight little body. She pumped her up and down her thick cock. Savannah’s moans became uncontrollable as Emma slammed her down harder and harder on her black cock.
“Fuck yeah, you like when a big black hunk stretches you out like this? Bet no guys ever fucked you as hard as me.” Emma said with a wide smirk on her face. Savannah’s head tilted back, her hands clung desperately around Emma’s wide, round shoulders. Her tight hole was squeezing Emma more than ever, she was starting to lose her composure.
“Mmmm fuck me! Please, fuck me!” Savannah screamed as she slid up and down Emma’s thick black shaft. Her cries were enough for Emma to lose it. Her balls tightened and released a fat load into Savannah’s pussy, filling her up with hot cum. Emma continued pumping Savannah onto her cock, making sure that her load reached as deep as possible. Emma squeezed Emma’s small body gently with her arms before falling into bed with her. The two were too exhausted to speak. After they caught their breaths, they went at it again until they each passed out.
Emma was reluctant to change back at first. Tyson had such a well built body, it felt incredible being him. But she knew that she should explore the abilities of the remote just a bit more before finally finding a body to settle in. Once she woke up, she fumbled for the remote and clicked the “return” button. Immediately, her old body was ejected out of Tyson’s. She simply fell out of his muscle covered frame and plopped onto the floor. She winced as she rubbed her head after falling so hard onto the ground. She glanced over at Tyson, he was passed out
naked next to Savannah in his bed. It was like they just hooked up naturally. Everything was perfect. Emma slipped out of the room and slid into Todd’s bed before going back to sleep as if nothing ever happened.
When she woke up, she said goodbye to Todd and went home. She already had an idea for her next merge. She remembered a power lift that she usually admired on instagram. His name was Bryce, and lucky for Emma, he actually went to the gym that she and Todd went to. After preparing for her workout, Emma called Todd to pick her up so they could drive together.
Emma was giddy during the short car ride. The idea of merging with a hunk already turned her on but Bryce was a bit different. Not only was he one of the biggest guys that Emma has ever seen, but he also had a cute little boyfriend. The idea of dominating a cute little twink in Bryce’s body made Emma shift anxiously in Todd’s passenger seat.
Todd turned around for a second, noticing her squirming. He gave her a half smile. “Haha, you excited to get training?”
Emma didn’t realize how noticable her movements were. “Uh, ye-yeah. I can’t wait to get lifting,” she said nervously.
Emma scanned the gym for Bryce as soon as they arrived. She had been stalling Todd for a little while so she could arrive around the same time as him. She helped Todd with his workout for a bit before she finally spotted him

There he was in all of his full, muscular glory. Bryce was lifting some heavy weights while his back laid back on a bench. The muscles on his arms crunched deliciously as he lowered the mighty bar down towards his puffed out chest. His pecs looked especially amazing in the black tank top that he was wearing. She was so fixed on those amazing arms of his. They were about as thick as Tyson’s arms post-merge. She couldn’t begin to imagine how they would feel after she slid inside of him. She became even more excited and began rushing Todd through his workout.
After speeding through her workout, she and Todd walked achingly towards the gym exit. Bryce finished his workout just a few seconds after they were ready to leave. Emma saw him stomp into the men’s locker room. Emma leave Todd to the car before rummaging through her bag.
“Ah shoot, I forgot something in the lockers babe, give me a bit alright?” Todd was too exhausted to argue, he waved her off, still trying to catch his breath from the intense training. Emma rushed back towards the lockers and glanced around, making sure she was in the clear before hitting the cloak button on the remote. Her body went completely transparent, she
slipped inside the men’s locker room with ease. There she saw a sweat covered Bryce flexing while staring at a hanging mirror with a phone in hand. He was probably recording something for his followers. Emma personally loved his post- workout videos. He had the biggest arms she’d ever seen, his veiny, throbbing biceps have her chills.
She aimed the remote towards his and clicked the merge button. Bryce’s cock smirk turned into a blank, open-mouth frown. His blue eyes went dark and hazy, just like Tyson’s. He held up his head before slamming down on a nearby bench. He seemed almost completely dazed.
“Wha- what the hell?” Bryce muttered to himself as he tried to make sense of his sudden fatigue. Emma stepped toward him confidently, eager to obtain her new prized body. She leaned towards him and rubbed his giant thighs. The smooth glide of her hands against his bare skin gave him an erection that was impossible to hide. She turned around and sat on his lap, feeling his giant bulge between her thighs. She laid against his giant chest, it felt like she was leaning against a wall of hard muscle. She slowly edged down his shorts. Bryce didn’t even notice her presence. He was so entranced by his boner that he gripped the shorts along with her and pulled them off .
His thick cock was bulging against a right jockstrap. She could see it writhing against the front, threatening to break loose. She slipped her legs underneath the strap and fit inside with him. She began falling into him. Her legs became large and meaty and she could feel her crotch slowly morph into his thick, muscled rod. She winced at the feeling of her new cock. She wasn’t used to having a dick, and Bryce’s erection was the hardest she’s ever felt. His balls felt heavy. They must have been filled with a fat load. His cock was aching so much that the veins that wrapped around his massive shaft squeezed tightly, letting precum leak out of his tip with the slightest touch. Emma’s breaths became unsteady until she slowly got used to the feeling of her new rod.
Bryce slowly peeled up his sweat soaked tank to get a peek at his amazing abs while slowly rubbing the bulge inside the white jock. He didn’t even notice that Emma had control over his lower body. His list consumed him and he didn’t know why. Emma winced hard, struggling to slip inside of his tank top while he progressively stroked her thick cock. Once she completely slid inside, her body jerked inside of his wide, built chest.
Her breasts flattened and ballooned out to match his pecs and her tight stomach slowly morphed into his rock hard, sweat covered abs. They weren’t as good as Tyson’s but they were still impressive. Breathing was hard at first, Bryce’s muscled chest was incredibly firm and heavy but she loved how her new strapping torso felt. With every breath she took, her chest swelled, making her pecs appear even more massive.
Bryce’s giant arms slumped to his side’s. Emma pressed hers into his beefy cannons, letting him absorb her scrawny limbs. After his arms took in her extra mass, they bulked into their new giant size. As her arms thickened, she flexed. Her muscled seemed raw as she flexed as hard
as she could. Veins crawled all over the surface of her mounds for biceps and her forearms grew into thick, powerful trunks. Her hairy pits deepened and new muscle curved around their edges. After she was done testing her new guns, she pushed her head back into Bryce’s to complete the merge.
Her vision was cloudy just like before but her body felt way heavier. She slowly sat up and stumbled towards the mirror, her sight slowly returning. She gazed upon her new, handsome, stubble covered face and smirked. The merge was a total success. She ran one large hand through her new short hair while she looked at her masculine face at different angles. Her hands slowly lowered to her pecs. She filled her palms with her gorgeous new muscles and squeezed tight, leaving them red underneath her black tank top.
“Jesus Christ, I’m totally ripped,” she said as she flexed her muscles harder. “I’m a fuckin’ stud!”
She noticed that her cock responded to her grip. Her cockhead pressed hard against the strap, causing her to since once more. She liked how it felt though. Another cocky grin formed on her face. She flexed her arms as hard as possible. The skin covering her biceps pulled taut over her throbbing muscle. Her chest followed soon after. Her pecs became tight and firm, allowing the muscles that covered her amazing chest to ripple.
Her dick felt harder than ever. “Fuck yeah, I like that. This body is so damn shredded.”
She would’ve went all the way right there in the locker room if it hadn’t been for the call that she got from Josh.
“Babe, what’s taking you so long,” he asked in that familiar, slightly flamboyant whine. “I’ve been waiting for you all day.”
Emma gave a slightly shocked expression. She nearly forgot that Josh was “getting ready” while she was working out.
“Sorry about that babe,” Emma’s deep voice muttered as she stared at her giant bulge. “I think I got a bit carried away.”
Josh sighed. “Fine, just get here soon. I’m all ready for you to come home.”
This statement made Emma’s cock stand up once more. She smiled excitedly before saying, “Alright, I’ll be home soon,” before hanging up.
Bryce swung open the door eagerly before setting aside his gym bag. Josh greeted him as he made his way to the bedroom. He was wearing a small t- shirt that clung to his fit body nicely and a pair of tight jeans.
“About time you got here,” Josh complained as they kissed. Bryce wrapped his massive arms around Josh and squeezed his butt, his tight jeans made it easy to grab.
“Ooh,” Josh moaned. “Someone’s horny.” Bryce shot him a grin before pressing his bulge against Josh’s. “Looks like I’m not the only one.”
Josh groped Bryce’s giant muscles while he slowly lead him towards the bedroom. They stood in front of the bed as Josh slowly pulled out Bryce’s giant cock. He stroked it over and over, letting its veiny length and girth fill his hand. He pumped it over and over until it was at full mast.
“Mmmmm,” Josh moaned. “You have such a fat cock.”
Josh was getting hard as well. He loved playing with Bryce’s fuck toy while he squeezed his ass. Josh climbed into the bed and bent over while Bryce tore his shirt off and showed off his muscles.
Josh pulled down his jeans and briefs and slowly began stroking his cock while bent over.
His eyes narrowed towards Bryce as he casually flexed his arms, letting his voluptuous biceps bunch against his thick forearms while his giant cock stood between his thighs.
“Oh fuck yes,” Josh moaned as he watched his hunk of a boyfriend show off his guns.
Bryce stomped over to the bed and climbed on top. His cock was thirsty for Josh’s tight little boy hole. Josh spread his cheeks while Bryce placed a hand below his arching back. He stroked his cock slowly, warming up his shaft before he gently pressed it against Josh’s entrance. His tip tickled all of Josh’s nerves as he traced around his asshole, causing him to moan.
Josh felt so tight, it was driving Bryce’s dick absolutely wild. He gently pushed his cock into Josh’s hole, filling him with his thick, muscled shaft. Josh groaned with pleasure and Bryce’s grunts filled the air as he slammed his cock into Josh’s ass over and over again.
“Fuck yeah, you like that don’t you,” Bryce roared as he pumped into Josh’s tight hole. “You like getting fucked by your hunk of a boyfriend?”
Josh’s body was getting pushed back and forth by the force is Bryce’s mighty thrusts. His cock felt so good that he had trouble answering.
“Ye- yes sir,” he groaned as Bryce pressed his athletic figure into him, forcing his body into the bed as he fucked him. “Please cum inside of me!”
Josh didn’t know what came over his boyfriend. He seemed much more dominate than usual but he loved it. He fucked Josh like it was his first time having sex at all.
With Josh’s plea, he clenched his ass tightly around Bryce’s thick, pumping shaft, slowly urging him to cum inside. His squeezed caught Bryce off guard. His warm clench felt amazing as his cock slid in and out of his tight man hole. He wanted to seed him so badly.
He spread Josh as much as he could and rammed his hips into his ass as hard as possible. Moans filled the air along with wet slaps coming from Bryce slamming his naked body into his tight boyfriend.
“Aaaaaah fuck!” Bryce roared one final time before filling Josh’s stretched out asshole with a hot load of cum. Josh’s legs were shaking as Bryce thrusted his cock into him a few more times, milking the rest of his load into Josh before pulling out. He watched as his creamy load spilled out of Josh before his heavyset body collapsed. He wrapped one massive arm around Josh as he slowly settled down onto the bed, totally out of breath. Bryce gave one last glance down at his tight, muscled physique before grinning. This was officially the start of his new life.