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SwapApp - The Business Trip

Oh shit oh shit! Don’t panic… OK? Are you panicking? DON’T PANIC… You only look like your meathead brother-in-law now, right? Yeah, that’s all this SwapApp thing was supposed to do, right? Like put your face on his body? You just wanted to see what it would look like being all big like that.
No, that’s definitely his face, AND his body. And where the Hell even are you now? Looks like one of those tiny hotel gyms. Oh yeah, your step-sister said he was going to be out of town on business…
Oh shit, this app thing actually made me swap places with him, didn’t it? Fuck! OK how do I fix this, hopefully he’s too dumb to realize what happened…
Wait… What was I doing?
Oh yeah! I need to post a new pic on my Instagram! Let’s see, ah yeah there it is. Add the filter and… Post!
Oh fuck, already a hundred likes and I just posted it! Hell yeah, Tonya’s lucky to have a sexy stud like me. But she’s hot too, so it’s not like I would ever cheat on her.
Damn I miss her, but as soon as I’m done convincing these new clients to sign up, I can book it back to my sexy little baby doll.
OK, guess I better grab a shower and get all suited up for the presentation. All I have to do is show off a little and they’ll be eating out of my hands - never fails!