Gay Transformation - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Written by @cinaedefuri. INCREDIBLE work, and I needed to share.

Travis McPhearson was about as normal as one could get. He was a straightlaced straight white cisgender male. But despite all of the opportunities afforded to someone like him, Travis couldn’t find a job that would cover all of his expenses. He didn’t want to go back home and live with his parents, so he put out feelers for a potential roommate. However, no one was biting, except for one guy named Colin Tavish. Colin looked like a punk, with a dyed mohawk and a bunch of facial jewelry in the headshot Travis asked each potential applicant to provide.

Written By @cinaedefuri. INCREDIBLE Work, And I Needed To Share.

He also noted that he was kinky and would be bringing in BDSM gear into the apartment. He was also a bit more muscular than Travis, but he didn’t mind that Colin worked out. He was hoping to find another roommate, someone, anyone better than Colin, but there seemed to be no other options, so he accepted Colin’s offer and they were able to make the rent on the apartment this month. Colin actually didn’t need to share an apartment with anyone. Fuck, he had enough money to leave in a mansion if he wanted to, thanks to his very supportive but unfortunately very dead uncle.

No, the reason he wanted to have a roommate was because he wanted to make him into one of them, a jock punk, that is. He had the power to slowly hypnotize men into becoming just that, and someone like Travis would be an excellent target. Travis kept to himself most of the time, and whenever Colin had a “friend” over who looked like they were a bit kinky as well, he always found an excuse to leave. It was a couple weeks into their new living arrangement when Colin put his plan into action.

Travis walked into the laundry room only to find his basket of clothes was missing. “Hey, Colin, do you know where my clothes are?”

“Oh yeah, mate, sorry about that! I was gonna wash them, and silly me grabbed the bleach instead of the detergent! The washer’s fine, but all of your clothes are ruined.”

“Fuck, Colin! What the fuck am I supposed to wear to work tomorrow!”

“I think I have some dress clothes somewhere.” Travis really didn’t want to wear Colin’s clothes, but he had no other choice, considering how late at night it was. Colin actually came back with some presentable work clothes, but they reeked. There were even sweat stains in the sleeves as well, but thankfully Travis had a blazer he could wear to cover it. He cleaned it to the best of his ability and applied a bit of deodorant and some cologne before going into the office.

He could smell his funk throughout the day, but it seemed no one else could. Colin’s scents were only obvious to Travis, naturally, and as he found himself catching a whiff of it every so often, he learned that he was actually liking it! He tried to rationalize it as being a bit too horny, not having slept with someone for a few weeks now. But there was no denying that another man’s musk was turning him on. After work, he spent most of this month’s budget on new clothes so that this wouldn’t happen again.

Colin was pleased when he saw how harried Travis looked when he walked through the front door that night. His used smelly clothes were tossed in a pile by the door, and the rest of the week, Travis was wearing his new clothes that he bought. He was now actively avoiding Colin in the apartment as much as he could, not wanting to reveal that he was getting turned on by him. Unfortunately, that Friday, one of the execs asked him to woo a potential client, which meant a gym meeting for this particular guy.

Travis hadn’t thought to get new gym clothes when he went out shopping, and since money was going to be tight this month, he needed to ask Colin for some clothes, yet again. “Can I get some clean ones this time, please?” he asked, impatiently.

“Yeah, yeah, let me grab some stuff from the dryer,” he replied. However, while Colin’s powers were active, washing and drying were just formalities. His gym clothes still stunk even after the best-smelling detergent was added to the wash, and Travis just needed to accept it if he were to seal the deal and bag this big client. At least it was socially acceptable to reek at the gym a little bit! The workout went surprisingly well, and the potential client did sign the deal.

However, throughout the workout, Travis kept getting whiffs of Colin’s musk. It was quite a bit stronger than the suit he had worn earlier this week, and he was slowly falling under more and more of Colin’s hypnotic control. When he arrived back at the apartment after the workout, Colin was sitting in the living room area barefoot. That wasn’t odd in the slightest, but what was odd was what Travis did next. Without thinking, he dropped to his hands and knees and crawled over to Colin’s feet and began sniffing them.

Colin smiled as the hypnosis was starting to take effect, but he knew it wasn’t that strong at this point, so it wasn’t long before Travis realized what he was doing. “FUCK! What the fuck am I doing!? Colin, what the fuck are you doing to me!?”

“I’m not doing anything to you,” he replied, which was technically right, as it was his powers doing all of the heavy lifting right now. Travis wasn’t too pleased with that answer, but he certainly didn’t want to stick around and see if Colin could make him have sex with him or something worse. The damage was already done, though, and whenever Travis was doing laundry now, he couldn’t help but take deep whiffs of Colin’s clothes. The punk jock actually caught him doing that a few times, knowing that he was falling deeper and deeper under his control every time.

It was Colin who came back from the gym this time around as Travis was lounging in the living room area. He went to get up and leave the room, still wanting nothing to do with Colin, but as he sniffed the air, a different aromatic scent filled his nostrils. It was Colin’s musk directly from the source, as he had just come back from an intense workout. “Wanna sniff?” he asked Travis, and despite his better judgement, he found himself walking over to Colin and sniffing his musk directly from the source.

Written By @cinaedefuri. INCREDIBLE Work, And I Needed To Share.

“Fuuuuuuuck,” Travis moaned, clearly getting turned on by it and the bulge in his pants started to grow as well. However, he wasn’t completely gone yet, and before he took out his cock and began stroking it right then and there, he realized what he was doing and scurried into his bedroom, hands covering his bulge. When Colin found him the next morning with one of Colin’s dirty gym jocks on the bed with him and a recent cum stain on the pouch, he knew that he could accelerate Travis’s transformation.

He was waiting for him in the living room area when he woke up that morning, and Colin was buck naked. Travis couldn’t help but admire his roommate’s incredible body, and his sizable cock as well. “Like what you see, Travis? I know you do. You’re well on the path to becoming me, but you need to get a bit more mindfucked first. So, condom or fleshlight first?”

“Fleshlight,” Travis replied, in a trance-like state. Some of his old straight tendencies showed through, and he thought it was going to be a pocket pussy. It was instead a mold of a gay porn star’s ass, and Colin stuck his dick inside and starting rubbing the fleshlight up and down his shaft. Travis was enamored by the sight in front of him, and Colin’s musk as well, since he hadn’t showered yesterday. He didn’t waste much time at all blowing his load into the fleshlight itself.

As some of his cum leaked out of it, he handed it to Travis. “Your turn,” he said, and Travis mindlessly placed it on his cock, not giving a fuck that another guy had just used it. As the scents of Colin’s musk and cum filled the air, the hypnosis process kicked into high gear. With every stroke of the fleshlight, Travis found himself becoming more and more like Colin, a punk jock just like him. However, the fleshlight only did half the work, so when Travis eventually came inside of the fleshlight, he was well on his way to becoming a punk jock, but not completely there yet.

“Now swallow it,” Colin commanded, as Travis tipped the fleshlight downwards and their shared cum dripped into his waiting mouth. Since the hole was a bit tight, it would be quite some time before everything dripped out, so Colin grabbed the fleshlight and placed it aside as he put a condom on his cock. He normally wasn’t one to practice safe sex, but this was a special occasion. It took a bit longer to cum this time around, but he once again filled something up with his load, the end of the condom filling up with his thick and creamy seed.

Travis actually didn’t swallow it right away, and he wasn’t going to anyways. Instead, he slipped the condom over his own cock as well. It was a tight fit, as Colin had hoped, so most of the cum stayed inside. Travis’s cock was surrounded by Colin’s cum as he stroked his cock once more, getting turned on and getting turned into a punk jock with every second that passed. He too took a bit longer to cum, and by that point, it was just too much for the poor condom. It exploded all over Travis and on the couch and the floor, but its job had been done. Travis was now a punk jock like Colin in mind.

“Wasn’t that hot, babe?” Colin asked, leaning in for a kiss.

“Yeah it was,” Travis replied, and reciprocated the kiss as well. The makeout session soon lead to some hot and steamy sex, and it also showed off another result of the hypnosis. Travis was usually the top when it came to having sex with women, of course, but the hypnosis had turned into a submissive bottom who was still as equally badass as his boyfriend was. After the two of them had fun that day, Colin worked to make Travis look like a punk. A special mixture of his scent and a couple others made Travis into a muscled hunk overnight.

However, his haircut needed to be done by a stylist and he had to grow out his facial hair as well. He bought the chains and other jewelry he wore, though, and the clothes that made him look like a punk jock as well. Very few people who knew him questioned all the changes he had made in the past year, as he did look genuinely happy with Colin and the two of them were even talking about marriage. They were also talking about adapting Colin’s scents in a way to make other guys into punk jocks but submissive to both men at the same time.

Written By @cinaedefuri. INCREDIBLE Work, And I Needed To Share.

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7 months ago

Machismo Musk

Machismo Musk

Finishing up his skincare routine Valentino smeared his face mask over his already supple skin. Waiting to be able to wipe it off he pulled out his phone and began planning the next time him and his best friend can go hangout again! Opening his texts he sees that he has left his best friend on delivered, looking at the text from Edgar it read, “Yo Val! We gotta hang again bro! I met this guy at the gym today and I think he can really help you get out there again!”. It was odd to Valentino that Edgar was calling him Val and bro, but Edgar was right, ever since Valentino and his boyfriend split three months ago he hasn’t put himself back out there at all. “Okieeee” Valentino texted back, “just tell me when he is free and I'll be there”. Within seconds Edgar responded with “Dudeeee he is free tmrr! Shld I give him your addy”, being more weirded out by his language but thinking it's just a bit, Valentino tells Edgar to give the guy his address and tell him to come over at one tomorrow afternoon.

Hearing the knock at his door Valentino lifted himself out of his bed and looked at the clock. “Weird” he thought to himself “it's barely even 11:00 A.M. I wonder who that could be”. Rubbing his eyes he got up and went to the door not bothering to brush his teeth or really do anything to get ready, expecting it to be a package or just some kid being a punk. Opening the door he was met face to face, or really face to pecs, with a hunk of a man standing on his welcome mat.

Machismo Musk

A little shocked Valentino asked hastily “Who are you!?”, “Wow don’t sound too excited to see me brochacho” the hunky man said, “Im Angel! Your friend…uhhh Edgar told me to come here!” Angel said with enthusiasm in his voice. “Uhhhhh Angel is it…yea it’s nice to meet you but you are two hours earlier…”, “Oh am I?”Angel responded earnestly, “I thought you wanted me to come over at eleven.”, “No no no, I told Edgar to send you at one o’clock”. Valentino corrected. “Oh my god Im so sorry” Angel apologized “I’m horrible with numbers and you know Edgar huhuhuh, he is utterly simple-minded…more so than me huhuh!” Angel chuckled out. “What are you talking about? Edgar is one of the smartest guys I know” Valentino questioned, assuming that Angel had mixed two guys up in his own head. “Well are you gonna make me wait here for two hours?,” Angel asked rhetorically, completely ignoring your question. Not want to seem rude on the first meeting

Valentino invited him in, bringing him inside and shutting the front door. Valentino asked as they still stood next to the front door, “Oh do you mind taking your shoes off here?”, “Oh you don’t want me to do that little broooo!” Angel responded.

Slowly Valentino could, as if on cue, smell a masculine funk began to fill the room, contaminating the air with a stale, musty smell.. Valentino, trying not to cover his nose or bring out the Febreze, told the potential partner “You came so early haha I didn’t have time to get ready! I will be back. Do you mind waiting here?”, “What didn’t you do? You look ready to me?” Angel said with a hint of a flirty tone. “Oh ya know I ummm…didn’t get to brush my teeth or wash my face or even put on any deodorant…hahaha” Valentino let out a laugh trying to hide his embarrassment “I promise i'm normally more put together”. Angel responded with all seriousness and said “I don’t mind huhuhuh. If it makes you feel better I never wear deodorant” Lifting up his arm and exposing his hairy and damp cavern of musk. Not being able to contain his gagging, the miasma of B.O. began pumping into the room and into his nose. Between an orchestra of gags, Valentino tried to excuse himself once more, “I want to get uhhhh nice and get ready for you…”. Seeing through this white lie grabbed the back of Valentino’s head and muttered, “It’s rude to react like that. It’s time to help you realize the beauty of tapping into your inner machismo”. Valentino tried to pull away, confused by what this stinking hunk was saying, “What the fuc-?” Valentino’s profane response to Angel’s comment was interrupted by a face full of sweaty, pungent, armpit hair. Being pulled into the source of Angel’s “machismo musk” as he would call it, Valentino’s brain immediately fogged up making him weak and incapable of thinking rationally or with any semblance of his normal intellect.

Machismo Musk

As Valentino pummeled Angel's torso with blinded, wild blows, his already weak punches grew weaker and weaker with every second in the pit. At the same time Angel could hear Valentino’s confused, angry, mumbling slowly fade at the same time. By the time 30 seconds had passed, all that Valentino could say in protest was a light moan that was still an arduous task for his musk filled mind, and all he could do was gently raise his hand and push back with so little force that he couldn’t even be able to push around a piece of paper if he tried. Feeling what felt like growing pains in his feet Valentino let out a loud groan which swiftly dulled into a soft, constant, moan. Valentino felt his feet begin to crack as if the bones were breaking and shifting, he felt as his toes were being forced outwards and the soles of his feet began to grow larger both in width and length. Valentino incapable of picking up on any scent other than Angel’s B.O. could only feel the changes not smell them, but Angel could smell a cloud of buttery funk mixed with the smell of fermented cheese rise and help fill the room. Valentino began to feel his legs inflate, leaving him with nice, tight calves and two massive thunder thighs. Like any good himbo Valentino felt his perky little twink ass inflate into two pillows which jiggle and bounce with every step. Angel had to lift his arm a little higher and take a step back for the newly acquired height of the 6’1 Latino. Valentino felt the readjustment and unconsciously made sure his own nose never left or got too far from the source of the funky scent. Feeling a rumbling in his gut Valentino felt his tiny little gut and naturally cinched looking waist expand and turn into a stomach with the making of a 6 pack but with a nice, soft, layer of fat keeping the chiseled statue still encased in a little bit of marble. His pecs began, much like his ass, to inflate without his permission or full knowledge as they became a gorgeous rack of pure man mass.

Machismo Musk

The next transformation happened to his arms, becoming nice, soft, tendrils of unthreatening muscles but as soon as he flexes the soft edges harden into sharp, cutting muscles. Above the transformation in his arm, his armpits became much like Angel’s, filled with a foul-smelling, putrid, jungle of long dark hair, absolutely contaminating what little fresh air was left in the apartment. The final changes came in the form of his face growing a bit more masculine and alluring, stubble growing in and his hair shortening a little.

Machismo Musk

Being pulled out of the malodorous prison that just turned the neat and clean twink into an unhygienic and dirty himbo, Valentino caught his breath. Looking at the work of art in front of him Angel asked “How are you feeling bro?” and in a much deeper voice that shocked Valentino he replied with “W…what did you…do to me?”. Angel, needing to finish the newly minted himbo’s transformation, brought Valentino over to the couch and sat him down and then saddled on top of Valentino’s hips, trapping him in place. “Shhhhh you will be finished soon, pretty boy,” Angel said. Hearing the words “pretty boy” dance out of his mouth, felt like a static shock swept through Valentinos brain, assisting the dissipating B.O. that was keeping Valentino dazed during the transformation. As the static shock shot from ear to ear he felt his own head fall back against the couch and his mouth become unbarred of his lips and be left agape, losing the power to keep his lips fully shut. Angel, knowing that it is time to complete the sweaty hunk he is mounting, removes his sneaker, brings it up to his own nose and takes a whiff.

Shuttering out of pure pleasure and excitement Angel moans out “I stink so goddamn good! You’re gonna love this part dude!”. Lowering the shoe over Valentino’s face, covering his mouth and nose with the outpouring of foot funk rapidly escaping from the heavily used shoe, Angel watches as Valentino’s eyes roll into the back of his skull as if he is trying to watch his own brain transform. The stench, bolting out, trying to escape the shoe that kept it trapped like a genie in a lamp, forced its way out of the shoe to find a new home. Being met with an open mouth and two nostrils the rank air shot into Valentino’s lungs and brain. In his brain Valentin felt as his thinking got, somehow, even slower, he could feel his thoughts, starting from his most recent, begin to evaporate into the stench. As the wave of foot funk continued to alter Valenti’s mind he could feel his years of going to bookstores and quaint little cafés with Edgar turn into years constantly hitting the gym and playing soccer with Edgar. Valent felt the memories of learning how to take care of himself and keep a neat ship from his loving sisters turn into him and his brothers leaving dirty laundry everywhere, ripping ass constantly in each other's faces, overflowing their kitchen sink with dishes and passively hotboxing their rooms with their own foul funk. Helping tutor kids after school while Valen was in High School turned into needing to get a tutor for every subject, no one would take him because they couldn’t bear the stench. All of these memories of being a responsible, smart, and clean functioning member of society turned into memories of an irresponsible, total airhead of a jock who only filled his head with the scent of him dutch ovening himself for fun and the funk of his never washed armpits or feet. Vale struggled as he tried desperately to hold onto his memories but for whatever reason these new stink filled memories seemed just so much better in every way, life was easier, simpler, he loved hanging with his best bro Edgar even more, and he never needed to clean up after himself. I mean if he or his friends didn’t mind the stink constantly hanging in his apartment, and knowing that his friends amplify the stink whenever they come over he knew they didn’t mind one bit, then why would he need to get rid of his own hard work? And Val never got rid of his “hard work”, all over his apartment layed piles of damp piles of clothes that stink to high heaven, and the stupefying scent of the shoe rack at the front door will make sure that any non-jock coming in, or even any jock coming in, will leave a little bit stupider. Whenever Val has a guy over he always gets a little annoyed when the twink he takes home won't stop complaining about the lingering smell but he doesn’t mind it anymore because he knows that just one whiff of his bedroom will render their minds incapable of thinking of words for at least an hour.

Angel feeling a wet spot spread out across Val’s crotch knew that Valentino was never coming back, Val was here to stay. Removing his other shoe and throwing them both on the ground at the foot of the couch, Angel got off of Val and sat next to him with his arm around Val’s shoulder. “You and your friend Edgar transformed nicely into your true, machismo forms.” Angel mumbled to himself. Angel then asked you “Hey bro after we fuck do you have any twinks that I can uhhhh…help realize their true potential.” “Uhhhhhhhhh” Val thought for a long time trying to get a thought to bubble through, “Oh! My friend Bruno is single right now!”, “Perfect. Text him and say that I will take him out tomorrow at 1:00” Angel requested of his new macho gym bro.

Machismo Musk

Tags :
6 months ago

H for Henry?

H For Henry?

Monday morning. I'm supposed to go on a date with a girl I met on Tinder tomorrow. As an asian geek with no amazing body, nor something other people would find attractive with, I wanted to look good on my very first date.

My roommate, Henry, was kind and supportive for it. He's very fond of dressing well so he did all he could to make sure I will look great when I finally meet the girl, and so he let me borrow some of his clothes.

He helped me get dressed. After wearing it all up, he decided to add finishig touches. He pulled a necklace from his pocket and handed it over to me.

"H?" I asked, "Wouldn't it be weird if she sees me with an initial of your name, Henry?"

"That's not really what the H is for. Just try it out, Dennis, and let's see." He replied

As soon as I wore his necklace, I started to feel an impressively pleasurable feeling that washed down my body. At first, it just feel as if I'm all relaxed, but when I sat down on the bed, my whole body started to feel so sensitive. Even just my skin feeling the confines of my clothes sends shivers down my spine. Sooner or later, I felt my cock tent. I realized then that I'm so horny. My hands moved to paw on my errection as it started to grow. My other hand felt up inside the shirt I was wearing to tease my nipple, realizing that my chest is starting to lose fat and get replaced by muscles.

I looked at Henry as he moved closer to me.

"H can mean a lot of thing, but one things for sure." Henry grabbed my chin to make me look directly into his eyes.


I groaned as I felt more uncontrollable lust wash all over me.

"and the other would be..." He pulled my face near him, matching our lips as they level to each other.


It's like a command. As soon as he said that, my mind cleared out. I couldn't help but just give a smirk as I feel my horniness rise up with Henry in front of me.

"Mmhmmm, broooo...." I groaned as I started to feel more muscles begin to fill up the clothes he made me wore. I couldn't think if anything else but to get some tight pussy to fuck. God, I can't wait to hook up with that girl tomorrow.

"Hairy." He added.

My face started to get itchy and my right hand that I was using to play with my nipple rose up to sratch it, feeling my facial hair fill up to a trimmed beard. My chest also filled up with hair as the thin ones on my arms and legs started to thicken.

"Homo." He finished

My eyes widened. At first, I wanted to push bro away because he called me a Homo, but isn't he right?

"Bro.... You're so.... close..."

"Yeah? Watchu gonna do about it, big guy?"

With his fingers still on my chin, he pulled me in for a kiss. I returned back, giving him the deepest kiss. He climed up the bed, spreading my legs and his legs in between mine. As we kiss, we starting taking off each other's clothes. Well, isn't what I'm wearing also his? Haha.

I feel his hard cock grinding against mine through each other's pants. We broke the kiss for a bit so we can take each other's pants off.

"God, bro... You're hugeeee..." I trailed off, looking at his cock.

"You're 'Hung' too, big guy." He winked at me, and soon, like a command, my cock started to grow bigger too. I moaned loud as I gripped on it, growing from its 5 inch to an 8.

Henry dove back and continued kissing me. His hand now gripping on my cock. His kisses went down to my neck, then to my nipples. Goddd! I'm so sensitive! He's jerking me off while licking my tits! His cock, softing poking my ass.

"Fuck, bro... I want you..." I moaned.

"Yeah, big guy?" Henry said in between kisses.

"Fuck me, bro. I want your dick in my ass."

Henry didn't have to be told twice. He pulled my legs on top of his shoulders, and soon, he was pushing his cock in me.

"Ooohhhh, broooo! That's soooo....." I groaned as he slowly pushed it.

"You're so tight, big boy!" Henry said.

"Fuck me hard, now. I want it bro!"

"Yeah? You want it hard?"

"Make me bust my nut!"

Henry moved in, pushing hard, then back out. Slow at first, but soon he was fucking me like a crazy. His cock, making it all feel good inside. His hand on my cock.

He was so good, he was kissing me while he fuck my wits out. God, I'm so horny and gay for my bro.

"Bro! Bro! I'm...!"

"Yeah? Let it out, big buy!"


"I'm close too- I'm!"

Henry pulled out, jerking both of our cocks. Then our gate just bursted open and we came at the same time. His cum mixing with mine as we emptied out our balls all over my abs and chest.

"G-God, bro... That's so goood..."

Henry fell on top of me, our cum smearing all over our bodies. We hugged each other as our lust subsided.

"Wish that wouldn't be the last time, bro..." I whispered into his ear.

"Me too..." Henry said, his arms tightening up around me. "I've always liked you and I don't wanna let some girl take you away."

I took a deep breath. Henry's sudden confession didn't feel too bad. If I'll be honest, I started to feel more comfortable now. Realizing what magic he did to me, I don't think I mind. Henry's a nice guy. He did a lot for me. It might've been he change, but I remember telling my best bro that I would go out with him if I was gay. I hold onto the necklace and thought of something.

"We can make it last forever, you know." I said.

"How?" He lifted himself off, looked at me in the eyes.

I took the necklace off and wore it around his neck.

"H-...." I hesitated, being a himbo now kinda made me forget the right word.


Henry's eyes widened as we feel our new wedding rings appear on our fingers.

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6 months ago

The Resort: A Void To Fill

I desperately needed a vacation. My girlfriend had left me a couple of months ago, cheating on me with someone else because I was not giving her enough attention, she said, sinking me into a vortex of sadness. I had been trying to distract myself with work, but to no avail; instead, my boss was forcing me to stay late to work almost every day, making me feel even worse. Let's not talk about friends: I had neglected them too much over the years to go back to them as if nothing had happened; they had their own lives now and I was not part of them. I felt an empty void growing inside me, the lack of something I could not explain, and I needed time to reflect. So I decided to book a vacation; I saw the ad online, it called for a week-long stay at a resort in the Caribbean, in a very exclusive and private place, at a decidedly high price. Although I was a bit skeptical, the reviews intrigued me. All the guests who went to the resort were talking about how the stay had changed their lives, giving them a unique experience that made them return home with no more sad thoughts. I figured it might be just right for me. Upon payment, I was informed that in order to enter, one had to undergo a series of surveys and psychological tests. According to the resort's logic, the results would be used to ensure the best possible experience. I gladly accepted, it all seemed very professional, and even if they were going to sell my data after that, I felt so exhausted that I had nothing to lose.

The Resort: A Void To Fill

After a few weeks I arrived: the resort was indeed as it appeared from the photos. A large central building with a majestic lobby, fancy restaurants, and shiny pools, while the rooms were spread out in a large park filled with palm trees and tropical flowers, each with everything needed for a fabulous stay. At the front desk my bags were handed over to an attendant to take to my room, while I was given all the necessary directions about the resort. In addition to pointing me to all the facilities and handing me the key card to my accommodation, the concierge also handed me a rubber bracelet, yellow in color. He told me that it served to distinguish me from other customers based on the results of the surveys taken at the booking. Without asking for further explanation, I complimented him on his professionalism and headed for the beach as fast as I could; the only thing I wanted was to lie down and sunbathe in peace. After about 20 minutes, I was finally one with the beach chair. The sun warmed my skin as the tropical wind lulled me…I felt at peace. I was already anticipating spending a whole week like this when I heard a voice. - "Hey, buddy!"

I played dumb. I could not tolerate being disturbed. Maybe they were calling another person. - "Hey man! I'm talking to you!"

The Resort: A Void To Fill

I turned around. A man was calling me. He was leaning against a palm tree, his body sun-kissed, a tattoo all along his left arm, his abs sculpted. He looked to be about the same age as me, but he was definitely taller. He looked at me intently. I couldn't help but notice that he was wearing a bracelet the same color as mine. I raised my hand, as if to greet him friendly, while he approached at a run. His stride was athletic, revealing how well-trained and fit he was. He got on the beach chair next to mine, taking a seat. He wouldn't stop staring at me. - "Hey bro, I've been looking all over for you! Then luckily the concierge told me you were at the beach! You finally came!"

I couldn't figure it out. Why was he calling me bro? What was all this confidence, his friendly way of talking…and most importantly, why was he looking for me! He understood that I was puzzled. He lifted his arm, showing me the bracelet. - "That's what I'm talking about, bro. We're a match! I also arrived this morning, and I was immediately alerted that there was someone else with the same bracelet as me! That's why I'm here!"

I told him I didn't understand what was going on, I hadn't been alerted to anything. He told me not to worry, it must have been a carelessness on the part of the concierge. Initially I was suspicious, but the more he talked to me, the more comfortable I felt. Apparently, we were kindred spirits. We spent an hour talking about this and that; he told me his name was Max and that he too was in the same situation as me, a broken romance, a lonely, hectic life in the offices of a large corporation. He told me that he was lonely, without someone to give affection to, without a purpose. Suddenly he seemed like the right person to spend time with in this week.

So when he asked me to go for a swim, I accepted without making him tell me again. I quickly realized that he was much better at sports than I was, truly a born athlete. That was why, perhaps pitied by my sporting inability, Max decided to give me some suggestions on how to improve my swimming style. Thus we found ourselves alone, offshore, and very close. Our legs, moving under the surface, took to brushing against each other as he took my arms with his firm hands, helping me learn the correct arm stroke. I felt good, happy…I would almost say cared for. For a reason I could not understand, the contact between our bodies made my penis hard. When I realized this, I pulled away quickly. Max stood looking at me, his intense clear eyes focused on me. - "Did I do something wrong?"

The Resort: A Void To Fill

I wanted to tell him no, that it was okay, that it had been meaningless. Panicked, I did not notice the bracelets on our wrists glowing with a faint yellow light. For some reason, my mouth could not stay shut, and I told him so. I told him I had gotten an erection. He looked at me stricken, then approached me again until our faces were inches apart. - "Don't worry, I think it's perfectly natural after all. It can happen when you haven't been intimate with someone for so long."

His speech did not seem to make much sense to me, but after a few seconds of confusion I found it convincing. Maybe it really was as Max said. He smiled at me and I returned the smile. Just then, the sun was obscured by the clouds, a sudden storm was approaching. Max took my arm and gestured for me to come back in. - "Come on, let's go back inside. If you like we can go to my place, I have the jacuzzi and we can get a couple of beers from the mini bar."

I agreed, even though I had the same amenities in the room. It was when we arrived at the door, having escaped the downpour for a few seconds, that we realized something was wrong. The concierge had given us the same room. A strong anger rose in me and I made to leave, but Max grabbed my arm. - "Hey bro, calm down, where the fuck do you think you're going? There's a fucking storm going on! Come on, stay here until it gets better, we'll have a chance to discuss this room issue later."

He was right, going to complain now was perfectly useless. Besides, I was so comfortable with him that the resolution of this problem could really be postponed. We then stood drinking a beer watching the tropical storm raging outside as the jacuzzi heated up and began to produce bubbles. I suddenly felt cold. I thought I saw our bracelets light up, but maybe it was just lightning in the distance, or some kind of optical effect. Just then, out of nowhere, Max put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him. I felt discomfort, but it lasted only a few moments. The warmth of his body was so pleasant and enveloping that I melted and leaned my head against it. He was perfectly sculpted, his massive chest a perfect pillow. I sought his gaze; he found mine. I don't know how many seconds passed, but it seemed like an eternal moment. My heart was beating wildly, my cock was getting hard again, much harder than before. I read in his eyes the same sensations I was experiencing. Without being in control of myself, I began to touch him with one hand, passing one by one the muscles of his body, his pecs, each abdominal, never taking my eyes off his face. Caught up in the moment, I did not notice that I had gone too low. I felt something hard in his costume, and it didn't take me long to realize what it was. I immediately stopped touching him, and walked away under the pretense of having to throw away the beers, snatching even his empty bottle from his hands. I felt my face burning with embarrassment and went to the sink to wash my face and recover. What was I doing? Without looking at him again, I grabbed a t-shirt and made to leave, but his voice called me back and I suddenly stopped. - "Hey, you're going already?"

The Resort: A Void To Fill

He was in the jacuzzi, showing me one of his biceps. Foam covered the surface of the water, but I quickly realized he was naked. I was about to retort, but the armband lit up again. I had no chance to reflect on it. My arms had already dropped my shirt and I was taking off my underwear, showing Max my erect cock, without feeling the slightest shame. My feet, without my control, entered the warm water of the jacuzzi. At that point my mind collapsed. I felt my lips relax into a big smile, all tension disappear. I sat next to Max and looked at him dreamily, entranced. His lips moved, stammering with desire.

The Resort: A Void To Fill

- "Hey…bro…no, sorry…b-b-b…babe…k-k-kiss me."

I didn't let him tell me twice. I slipped my tongue into his mouth as his powerful arms held me. The warm water lulled our making out bodies, the foam resting on Max's perfect muscles as I touched every inch of his back and chest. Beneath the surface, I could clearly feel his manhood. As our legs intertwined, our penises slammed into each other making me acutely aware that Max, in perfect harmony with his statuesque body, had a huge cock. For a few moments I still felt embarrassment at the thought of his hard penis, but it was short-lived. It was enough to meet his gaze again to convince me that everything was completely fine. He smiled at me. - "I would go take a shower, to get rid of this foam. How about following me, babe?"

He told me, giving me a wink, and then stepped out of the water. When he stood up, I finally saw his cock. Not only was it straight as a spear, but it was really long and big. Mine wasn't doing too badly, but his looked to me like a Guinness World Record-sized shaft. I didn't think that maybe, porn excluded, I had never seen another man's erect dick in my life. I stared at him, as one and only one thought invaded my mind, and our bracelets pulsed with light again. I had to touch him, I had to swallow him, I had to have him mine. He walked away toward the shower, and I followed him as if under a spell, my eyes focused on his toned ass.

The Resort: A Void To Fill

With each step I took, an intuition grew stronger. The emptiness I felt inside me was in the shape of Max's cock. Having that penis inside me was the only key to happiness - it was obvious. As the first drops of water began to fall on his perfect body from the shower head, I fell to my knees and stood before the monster Max had between his legs. His cock slammed into my face and I smelled it. I was uncontrollable: my mouth opened and began to swallow his huge shaft.

The Resort: A Void To Fill

I choked a few times, but I couldn't resist: one swipe on my tongue had made me realize that this cock tasted the best I could imagine. Letting out soft, manly moans, Max took my head with one hand and guided me carefully, preventing me from running out of breath again. Our gazes crossed as the drops of water fell on my face and his sculpted body. The more I looked at him, the more aroused I became: I threw one of my hands over him, brushing against his wet chest. In that instant he exploded in my mouth. Like a volcanic eruption, his cock pulsed between my lips as hot streams flowed down my throat. His white semen, mixed with the water that drenched my face, began to drip from my mouth as we were both in ecstasy. I pulled his penis out of my mouth, looked at it again, and stunned remained on my knees as Max ran his hand through my hair. - "Babe, you are such a lecherous little slut. I didn't expect that."

His words were the icing on the cake. I took my penis with my free hand, while with the other I still enjoyed the feel of his wet body. Within seconds I came on his legs, my seed dripping onto his calves and ankles, ending up in the shower drain. As soon as I caught my breath, he grabbed my chin with his hand and forced me to look at him.

The Resort: A Void To Fill

- "Now finish washing and then come over there. I'll be waiting for you to feel my hard cock again."

A shiver ran down my spine, my penis became turgid with excitement again. Obediently, I got up as Max got out of the shower and left me the free space to wash myself. I cleaned my body well, especially my anus, not knowing why, as if it was an instinct I could not control. The bracelet was constantly glowing by now, but I didn't give it any more thought. I came out of the bathroom clean as Max had asked. I found him sitting on the couch. He was flexing his biceps, showing me his strength. Nothing more needed to be said.

The Resort: A Void To Fill

I got down on my knees in front of him, my face in front of his underwear. I licked the fabric of his boxers, letting my saliva soak into them. I slipped my tongue into his groin, trying to move past it, grazing his ball sack. My nose was filled with his manly scent; my mouth wanted nothing more than to taste his giant penis again. I could feel it throbbing, aroused as never before. Max, however, did not seem to flinch; he continued to stare at me, but I sensed something now that was not there before. His eyes were fierce and tender at the same time, filled with the desire to possess me. I was his thing. I heard a voice inside me, like a memory from the past, an echo telling me that I should not be there, that I was not like that. I got up suddenly, to leave, as if I had suddenly awakened from sleep. - "Are you really going to leave me here like this, babe?"

The Resort: A Void To Fill

As my back was already turned in the direction of the exit, I felt the elastic of his panties move. I stopped. His cock. His huge penis was the only one that could make me feel good. Why was I leaving? I turned around again and saw him standing, facing me, his muscles always in view with a dominant air.

The Resort: A Void To Fill

I moved closer, coming within a few inches of him, then stood on tiptoe and putting my arms around his neck, kissing him tenderly. Then I brought one arm down to touch his cock. Max moaned in a vigorous, primal way. He took that hand and squeezed my wrist hard, then dragged me into the bedroom. He threw me onto the sheets. I, as if it were natural, turned on my stomach, lifting my legs and showing him my freshly washed anus.

The Resort: A Void To Fill

When he entered my ass without finding the slightest resistance, intuition came to be awareness. As his cock brought me pleasure like never before in my life, I sensed pure joy, total ecstasy. There was no more emptiness inside me, no sadness, just the happiness of being his little slut. The little bitch of a stallion who had found his purpose again. In his gaze indeed, as he gripped my hips and penetrated me savagely, I could read the same overwhelming ecstasy, the same joy I was feeling. He came inside me like a wild beast, as if I were his own female to impregnate, letting out animalistic cries as I too sprayed my belly with my seed. Then he collapsed on top of me completely satisfied, our sweaty bodies in need of a shower again.

The Resort: A Void To Fill

We ended up ordering room service and ate it naked and entwined on the bed. The storm was over and evening was falling on the resort. We spent the night telling each other about our lives, discovering that we were more and more like-minded and full of things in common. Before finally going to sleep, I decided that my stud deserved another blowjob. This time I did not let go of a drop of his precious and delicious seed.

The Resort: A Void To Fill

We fell asleep in each other's arms, happy as never before, exhausted and glad to have found each other. The bracelets, lit with yellow light until a few hours before, were slowly fading. I don't remember what I dreamed that night, but when I woke up I found him sitting beside the bed. He was wearing only his underwear. His clear eyes penetrated me.

The Resort: A Void To Fill

- "Good morning, my little whore. Would you like some breakfast?"

And as he took off his briefs to show me his wonderful, huge cock, I plunged out of bed, ready to take it between my lips again.

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6 months ago


I had a family problems growing up. I had lots of siblings and most of them were gang members and my parents never brought me anything cool and so I gained the habit to steal valuables to sell and get money from. Like the other day, I saw this beautiful purse and I could tell this old woman was filthy rich, when she sat down, I noticed she was waiting for her bus. I waited until it was a perfect time and went for it and soon. She had her phone in her hand and was dialing the police and while the phone was ringing I could see her screaming some words that I couldn’t make out.

I ran into an alleyway and I went throw here purse I could see many items that looked extremely expensive and old. I had finally hit the jackpot. One thing caught my attention when I began searching through the bag, it was this necklace. It felt like it was speaking to me. When I grabbed it cold metal, I could feel shivers that ran up my spine, as I place it over my neck. I could feel the pleasure of this being around my neck.

Soon I heard the sound of police cars. I couldn’t cause myself to move and run. The car parked right up to the alleyway and they saw me standing, I began to feel the motion of my body as I began to move. But right before I could he grabbed my arm and pulled towards his car. I couldn’t do anything at this point as was already in the hands of this muscular man. I tried to run, but I didn’t work. My body was so small compared to his.

The officer reached in his pockets for his handcuffs, but before he could something strange grew in my chest. Everything began to slow around us as I could feel this warm energy coming from him. I could feel this mans big body pull towards me. I could feel his warms and his sweat possibly from working out all getting sucked into my weak body. I couldn’t handle it as his big arm began to sink through. His pecs began to enter me as I moan with pleasure. I could see the officers look as his screams weakened. Soon his other arms began to enter my body. Soon nothing was left of him as I could feel this great wave of greatness come through me.

I didn’t understand what happened and looked at the necklace and it was glowing. I could feel the heat coming out of it. I soon realized that everything around me made me want to faint. I soon was about to throw up as I looked to the cop car and heard the noise of the radio ringing for the officer. I couldn’t catch up to it as they were already sending back up. I tried to run, but the necklace burned my chest as I didn’t want to move again.

I soon couldn’t take it as my body began to grow taller. My pants began to rip. I could do anything as my pants were completely torn off. I could do anything about it as my legs muscles began to twitch and grow. My body could do anything. My pain white skin began to darken as my body twitched all over the place. My ass began to grow in any way as I could feel my face change as my check bones popped out. I tried to take off the necklace but my mind didn’t let me control myself. Small little hairs began to show on my face as my eyebrows grow thicker and darker.

My ass began to shake itself and it felt good as I could feel it balloon up even more. My arms began to grow bigger and bigger. My pecs began to bounce and soon and began to form as I could feel become harder. My average sized dick became so big it looked like it was becoming 12 inches erected. My arms wouldn’t stop and my chest continued as my mind began to change. My family wasn’t some piece of shit that never love me, instead, I lived in a rich home with my two parents. Soon my became hard as black hairs began to appear all over it as soon my blonde hair changed to become darker. My balls were so full of semen I had to empty. My short was looking like a tight tank top and soon my briefs looked like some small speedo that made my ass look big. My mind was becoming different that my mind wasn’t for women it was for men.

Soon my body was able to move. My mind was still changing as I was now a hot rich Mexican because of my parents adopting me at a young age and me becoming a police officer and meeting my boyfriend. Soon another car pulled up and looked at me with a smirk and a wink as I could tell this was my boyfriend and soon the purse and my ripped pants disappeared, as I could tell my boyfriend was happy for me to find a dark alley with no one to see us having sex. I could tell what I was wearing made him get turned on.

Well, looks like my me body will get any guy having an orgasm for days when I have sex with them. And I am glad I look like this now.


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6 months ago

Hey man , I’m your typical good guy , with a good engineering job etc . I’m so tired of it . Can you help me live more of a dangerous thug life ??

"I wish I lived a more dangerous life."

You’re heading out the front door to go to work when the genie walks by. He’s a thuggish guy with a sneer on his face, covered in tattoos. With a flick of his hand, the spell is cast. You feel a sharp pain on your lower belly, and when you pull up your shirt to see, there’s a tattoo there, faded like you got it months ago.

Hey Man , Im Your Typical Good Guy , With A Good Engineering Job Etc . Im So Tired Of It . Can You Help

Well, you think to yourself, you never specified how much more dangerous your life would become. You tuck your shirt back in, a bit disappointed.

As you sit down on the bus, you feel another stinging sensation rise up to the base of your pecs. As it does, the fabric of your shirt seems to dissolve until you’re wearing a high crop top. It reveals a tattoo of butterfly wings growing over your chest. As it rises higher, the fabric of your shirt parts and eventually dissolves into nothing.

Some young guy in a suit sitting next to you frowns at your shirtlessness, and you bare your teeth at him. He backs down immediately. Yeah, you can be fucking threatening when you wanna be. Still, he’s kinda cute…

As tattoos of a nebula stretch down your arm, you slowly reach out and put your arm around the guy’s shoulders. At first, he seems confused and disturbed, but he calms at your touch, giving you a goofy grin as his suit dissolves. Tats bloom across his body, and his hair frizzes up with streaks of bright pink through the dark locks. His tongue piercing looks so hot as he lolls his tongue out at you, you just gotta kiss him.

When you step off the bus with your new buddy, the two of you have complementary sets of tattoos and matching shorts. He follows you into the nearest alley and gets on his knees. Like your tattoo says, it won’t suck itself. After you drop a load, the two of you step onto your skateboards and head off to find some more members for the gayest new gang in town.

Hey Man , Im Your Typical Good Guy , With A Good Engineering Job Etc . Im So Tired Of It . Can You Help

Another wish fulfilled.

Got a wish you need twisted? Send an ask! Remember to say “I wish” so the genie hears exactly what you’re wishing for.

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6 months ago
Chase Was Nervous Going Into His First Year Of College. Especially Since He Didnt Know Who His Roommate

Chase was nervous going into his first year of college. Especially since he didn’t know who his roommate would be. When he met Alex for the first time he was annoyed by the stereotypical jock bro he was but tried to make the best of it. The two got along surprisingly well though and the first few weeks of school were good. Until one weekend when Chase complained to Alex that he had nothing to do because his date had cancelled on him. “We’ll you can always go to the party with me bro. I’ve been trying to get you there for weeks bruh. C’mon you love it!” Chase was unsure about going, he was shy and not really a party person. He also didn’t want to be around a lot of frat bros, which were most of Alex’s friends. But he reluctantly decided to give it a shot. Alex was excited but the next day before they left he told Chase that he needed to “fix something’s” before he could go to this party. Chase wasn’t sure what that meant but then Alex handed him a strange bottle and told him to drink it. Chase asked what is was but Alex said “don’t worry about it bruh. It’s just a little pre gaming.” So figuring it was alcohol Chase drank it. The stuff smelled nasty and burned all the way down his throat making him cough. “What was that shit bro?” He stopped as he noticed his voice sounded off, deeper and bro like. He was even talking like one now! He groaned as his body began to shake and his skinny body expanded with muscle. Big thick pecs pushing his shirt off them as his biceps did the same. His back widening and going down to a tight v taper. His abs were growing in a getting nice and defined as his legs thickened along with his ass. He let out and even deeper more sensual moan as he felt his dick grow longer and thicker in his pants. His balks swelled and dropped lower too. Full of new jock testosterone. He finished his transformation with his face becoming sharper and a stubbles beard filling in his jaw line as his hair hit a touch longer and slightly curly. “Hey you ready to go party bro?” Alex asked him. “Fuck yeah brah! I was born ready! Everyone is gonna dig this hot bod tonight bro. I’m so fucking horny!” Alex laughed as his former nerdy roommate was becoming a jock bro like him. “Oh yeah bro they definitely will love it. And you know that I do. Here I’ll help you out quick before we go.” With that Alex tan his hands down Chase’s firm muscles and gave him the best hand job he’d ever had. Bros take care of each other after all and these two would definitely have more “fun” together before the Semester was done.

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6 months ago

Will you be my Valentine?

I know it’s not Valentine’s day but I got a burst of inspiration so here’s a story, if tumblr takes this down (fingers crossed it doesn’t) i’ll post a blogspot link later. cheers :)

Will You Be My Valentine?

“Melanie, I think we need to break up.”

Quiet heads turned to observe the couple, a few whispers shared, before they went back to minding their business. The young woman sat there, shell-shocked, not really what she was expecting to hear from her boyfriend on their 5-year anniversary. “I-I’m sorry what?”

Her boyfriend looked at her apologetically, his eyes beginning to water as his voice started to break. “It’s just…fuck how do I say this. Melanie, I’m gay.”

Melanie sat solemnly and silently, staring blankly as she watched her boyfriend struggle. She could feel each thump of her own heart and the blood in her veins freezing over with ice.

“You’re…” Melanie shook her head and furrowed her eyebrows, as her body had a physical reaction to even imagining the possibility, “…gay?”

There was a long pause of silence between the couple, neither able to look each other in the eye without bursting into tears of guilt or anger.


Melanie glanced at her boyfriend with hurt seeping through her misty eyes, in that moment, she could remember everything. She remembered meeting him the first day she moved to their city in elementary school. As they grew up right next to each other, he turned out as the rich, popular playboy jock and her the sweet girl-next-door. Finally, after years of waiting and her being secretly in love with him, he asked her out junior year of High School. She remembered all of their dates, night’s of sneaking out, and even prom; she could still smell his cologne on the wind from when they held each other tight and swayed to the music. They were the high school sweethearts, and now, she knew all of it was a lie.

“Are you mad at me?” Her boyfriend had tears rolling down his face at this point, his heart thumping with guilt, anxiety, and so much relief as the secret he had held for so long had finally been released.

Melanie felt more than anger, she felt used, cheated, lied to, manipulated, all while her boyfriend feigned his heterosexuality. But she knew, even through all that, she had never loved anyone more than she loved him. For years, she believed they were soulmates and that destiny had allowed her to meet him so early. They were neighbors, they liked the same things, they even got into the same college! Yet now, she felt betrayed by not only her lover but the entire universe itself. “Was any of it…real?”

“Fuck Mel! Of course it was real! You mean everything to me, every single ‘I love you’ and every moment we shared, it was all real. I do love you Melanie…” Her eyes sparkled at the words, part of her brain praying that this was all some cruel joke or fever dream. “…but I know that I would be so much happier loving another man.”

Her heart sunk into her chest once again, the hope taken as soon as it was given. She glanced around the restaurant, tears welled in her eyes as she tried to distract her mind with the expensive scenery. Silver chandeliers brimmed with jewels dangled from the ceiling, gold framed paintings filled the walls, and even the ambiance felt like it costed an arm and a leg. Bradley had booked the most expensive restaurant he knew, it was their 5-year anniversary after all, why not go all out? If anything, Melanie had expected Bradley to have pulled out a ring tonight. Alas, it was already 12 am and the clock almost seemed to tick quicker as seconds until she had to surface back to reality counted down.

Bradley, a little hesitant to open his mouth again, took in a deep breath and tried to explain himself, “I understand that you probably hate me now and I know that I should never have let this go on for so long, but I was too scared to ever hurt you. I tried so hard to stay in love with you, I even fucking watched lesbian porn just to try and force myself to be straight but every single time my eyes couldn’t help but think about two guys instead. I just couldn’t keep up this fucking act, I’ve been hiding behind you for so long and to be completely honest, I fell in love with someone. I think I finally want to be free.”

Melanie’s eyes widened in fury at that last part. “Free Brad? Really? Free? Is that what we were to you? A prison? Something so suffocating that you needed to escape from it? I will always love and support you, no matter what, but don’t act like I am the reason we couldn’t work out. While I was busy preparing us for the rest of our lives together, you were jerking your dick to some other guy? Goodbye Bradley, I never want see you again.”

With that closing statement, Melanie stood up from her chair, grabbed her purse, and strode out of the restaurant without a glance back at the person she had loved for 5 years. Bradley sat there, lost in his thoughts and his heart full of guilt, not a sound left his lips. He kept his eyes to the ground, without looking up to see the person he had loved for 5 years leaving his life.


The 21 year old woman groaned as stretched her arm across her bed and grabbed her phone, pressing snooze on her newly-set, 11:30 A.M. alarm and giving herself a few more moments of rest. After a minute or two, she slowly opened her eyes and adjusted to the light in her room. She could taste the warmth of the morning sun streaming through her curtains, filling her with just enough energy to sit up in her bed.

“Woo, okay Melanie, you got this! Just pull yourself together,” she spoke aloud, mentally preparing herself for the rest of the day. Checking her phone again, she turned off her alarm and swiped through her notifications. “February 14th, just great…” Today was going to be an especially rough day for her, but she had a plan for herself. Melanie took in a deep breath, enjoying the taste of the fresh morning atmosphere and exhaled her bad energy out. Valentine’s Day was going to be a day for her and only her.

It had been exactly 3 weeks since the ex-High school sweetheart’s anniversary and Melanie felt lonelier than ever. Though she kept a front to her friends, saying that he was ‘wasted 5 years of her life’ and that ‘he’s a good-for-nothing cheater,’ deep down she knew she missed him more than she could ever tell.

Without Bradley, her life had been a complete mess the last few weeks. She had been so used to his huge body’s warmth in their queen sized bed, now it felt so cold and empty. She no longer awoke to the sound of Brad blending his protein shake in the morning, causing her to wake up late to class. Her entire world felt unbalanced, as if it were off it’s axis, and she was nauseous from the vertigo.

Melanie knew that she had the right to furious at him and that everything she said was true but no matter what she did, she could not stop thinking about him. Having him for long, she was almost unable to live without him, and as the unbearable longing she had felt grew larger and larger, the more she felt like she needed to make amends with her jock of an ex.

Alas, today was not going to be that day. Making up with your ex-boyfriend on Valentine’s Day? Not the greatest decision, especially if he’s moved on to someone else, more specifically, another man.

Melanie knew that today needed to be a day to focus on herself, which meant cleaning up her mess of a life. Namely her depression room, which had accumulated it’s ‘depression’ over the past few weeks. Tear-dried tissues scattered her floor along with unwashed clothes and a lingering scent of sadness. Her closet was in such a state of disarray that Melanie dreaded the idea of even touching it but she knew she had to.

With a sigh, Melanie began with her closet, hanging up clothes, tossing them in her hamper, and organizing her accessories. As she searched through her closet, she came across a very special antique necklace, one that she was not only very surprised but very unhappy to find. “Shit. It just had to be today huh?”

Melanie had found the necklace Bradley had given her on their 1st-year anniversary. He told her it was an antique family heirloom, and that it was meant to be given to the woman of the next generation. He had said that his great-great-great-grandmother had first been gifted the amulet by her husband and she passed it down to her daughter, and then through each generation, it had wound up all the way to Bradley’s mother, and then finally to Melanie. He had explained to her that the silver chain was symbolic of the unbreaking bond between the woman and her love and the black pearl represented his family and the magic; strength, riches, and mystery. Although this could have had all been a lie spun by him, which Melanie realized now that it wasn’t out of the question, his family was loaded-rich and seemed like the “wealthy heirloom passing lineage” type to do carry on a tradition of the sort.

Melanie sighed, she had lost the pendant a year ago and sobbed uncontrollably when she apologized to Bradley. She remembered how he smiled and comforted her instead of getting, understandably, angry and yelling at her. Instead Bradley took her to his couch and hugged her, caressing Melanie on the back as she cried into his shirt, whispering that it was okay. Melanie caressed her arm, reminiscing on the memory of him and her being so close together.

Melanie got up and walked over to her mirror, looking into it as she held the necklace in front of her. She studied it intently, tracing her finger along its silver chain and the black pearl center piece. She sighed, it was breathtaking. With a shrug, Melanie let her intrusive thoughts take over as she unclipped it and placed it around her neck. As she locked the clasp around her neck, Melanie let out a soft gasp as she viewed herself, the pendant was stunning and it felt so perfect for her form. It didn’t feel cold like her normal jewelry did, it felt almost alive, as if it were radiating this warm energy and filling her with an exuberant confidence.

As much as Melanie knew that she could keep it for herself or even make thousands off of the necklace, if it turned out to be real of course, having a reason to reach out to Bradley and make amends was all she truly desired inside.

With a deep sigh, she grabbed her phone and opened it up to her messages. After a bit of scrolling, she found Bradley’s contact. She laughed to herself, remembering how she so angrily changed his name from “Soulmate” to “Cheating Bastard” the night they broke up. Taking in a deep breath, her heart fluttered and her fingers were shaky. She convinced herself it wasn’t weird to text your ex on Valentine’s Day at all when there’s a reason such as returning a precious, and expensive, family heirloom back to it’s rightful owners. It was the moral thing to do.

Though nervous, she began to type out a simple and quick message, just short to the point:

Hey Bradley, I know this seems like a really weird text to get all of a sudden but funny story, so I found your family heirloom necklace while I was cleaning my closet and I wanted to return it since you told me how important it is. Haha weirdly enough I cleaned my closet today to get my mind off of you because I’ve been kind of missing you lately and-

“Yeah no,” Melanie scoffed, completely erasing the paragraph she had already typed out. Melanie put her phone down and tried formulating her thoughts. After a little bit, Melanie began typing again but the second message was soon to be erased. Then the cycle repeated itself for a third instance, then a fourth, and finally a fifth, each time diminishing her willpower to even text him.

“God why can’t this just be easy for me!” Melanie yelled aloud in frustration, tossing her phone to the side. However as she spoke those words, she felt a wave of energy release from her neck, but more specifically, from the pendant. She looked down in curiosity and slight shock, “What the hell?”

Almost simultaneously, her phone chimed and the warmth emanating off the necklace stopped. A little in shock, she dismissed the occurrence as an effect of her not having any breakfast yet. Melanie shook her head, steadied herself, and checked her phone. What she read on her screen was far more surprising than whatever the hell happened with the necklace. It was a text from Bradley:

Yo Mel I know this is a kinda weird text for u to get from me today but I think we needa talk. It’s been hella weird not being around you & I miss you (not romantically ofc) but I still don’t want you to disappear from my life. It’s Brad incase you deleted my number lmao

Melanie’s heart was beating like crazy, what the hell is that timing? She brushed the necklace with her fingertips, a bit freaked out at the sheer coincidence of her situation. She gulped and, a bit too quickly, she replied:

Haha funny story, I found your family’s necklace in my closet while I was cleaning just now and was about to text you so I could return it. How’s my place @ 1:30?

Her heart palpitated as she saw his grey chat box with the three dots pop up almost instantly. Brad texted back:

Alr c u then

Mel’s heart skipped a beat, she tossed her phone away, a little unable to come to terms with what she had just done. “RRRGGGGGHHH WHY DID YOU INVITE HIM HERE?!” She groaned frustratingly at herself, drained by her whole situation.

After calming herself down, she checked her phone again and realized it was already 12:30. She had exactly an hour to become presentable for her ex-boyfriend and currently, she looked like she hadn’t showered in weeks. Taking one last look in mirror, she sighed “What’s wrong with you Mel? Why do you still feel this way for that cheating asshole?” She sighed, a moment of silence created as only one, single thought raced throughout her mind. Pensive and a bit distraught, her hand instinctively reached to touch the black pearl amulet as she envisioned all of her most cherished memories with Brad. With an exasperated desire on her lips, she confessed aloud, “I wish that he was in love with me.”

Mel felt a bit at ease now that she was finally able to be honest about her feelings. Along with that relief, also came the same familiar warmth from before, however this time it felt much stronger and it was far more obvious about its source, the black pearl. The foreign energy quickly flowed into her entire body. Like a crescendo, the heat emanating from the necklace became more powerful by the second, until finally it felt like it was burning her neck. She gasped, quickly grabbing the necklace only for it to sear her palm. “Shit!” she cursed, attempting to unclasp the necklace proved to be futile as even touching in the slightest burned her fingertips. She tried pulling it off but the silver chain felt almost indestructible. She yanked and tugged to no avail, the family story of the unbreakable chain proving to be true after all. Mel could feel the energy had finally filled her form, even some overflowing into the room around her.

Melanie tried to steady her breathing as her mind raced with thoughts. Her head pounded and sweat dripped from her face as the world began to spin around her. She leaned against her apartment’s wall, her mind woozy and her stomach completely nauseous. Her skin was tingly to the touch and with each passing second her body felt more and more malleable. As the fervor continued to consume her, she ripped out of her clothes with caveman like grunts and stumbled to her bathroom.

“What *pant* the hell *pant* is happening *pant* to me?”

She burst through the bathroom door, her vertigo becoming even worse as the world continued to spin around her. She took a quick look into her bathroom mirror but she couldn’t see anything. Her ocean blue eyes were bloodshot but through the red blur, she could almost see a different body in her reflection. The form seemed thicker and far taller than she remembered herself being. Mel shook her head and took another second to breath, hunching over and placing her hands on her knees. Her hairless legs felt longer and her head felt a lot higher. Blaming it on the nausea, she kicked down the shower door, turned it on, and stood under the freezing cold water. She could feel the energy and vertigo from the necklace fading as the water washed it away. She let out a slight moan, a wave of relief washing over her body. Melanie had completely forgotten about the heirloom pendant clasped around her neck, still working it’s wishing magic. The black pearl began to glow as her more supernatural changes started to flow in.

Running her hands through her own hair, she could feel it begin to fall out as her shoulder length locks shortened to a boyish cut, fluffy on top and her sides cut down. Melanie felt her skin, it was sensitive with tingles rushing down her body with every touch. “God this feels so good,” she moaned as she began caressing her body, running her hands across her frame. It felt electrifying, the thermal shock between the heat and the icy stream flooded her brain as she grew increasingly more horny. She could feel a surge in masculinity, testosterone flooding her veins, involuntarily causing her to flex her thin arms. A side effect of the testosterone rush, as she flexed, body hair began to sprout ferociously across her body; in her pubic area, over her asscheeks, and even in her damp armpits. Miraculously, as she flexed her biceps, they began to expand and balloon with size, veins popping out one by one to further create her perfectly sculpted ‘ceps she had worked so hard for at the gym. She grinned, admiring her own biceps before looking down at the rest of her body. “My boobs are so fuckin’ huge bro!” Massaging her chest, she fondled her above average size tits until they began to deflate and harden. Mel bit her lip, suppressing her moans as she pinched her nipples, causing them to shrink into more sensitive male-seeming ones. As she snaked her right hand all the way down to her pussy, each row of abs she had worked for began to pop out of her torso, one by one, until her washboard 6 pack were revealed through her slowly-tanning skin. Reaching her pussy, she began to play around with her clit, causing it to start to enlarging as she unknowingly molded herself a new sex organ. Mel grasped the growing nub, tugging it further and further unconscious to the changed occurring to her own body. Rub after rub, she pulled her new cock until it grew to about 7.5 inches of length and squeezed it like an almost empty toothpaste bottle until it reached about 5 inches of girth. “God, look at this monster!” The water running down her lower body began to erode her smooth lady legs with runner’s calves and meaty thighs. Her feet enlarged into giant scuba diving flippers, growing from a size 8 in women’s to an absurd size 13 in men’s. Completely enveloped in her own heat she groped her own ass, cupping it and forming it into her ideal bubble butt, perfect for her boyfriend to eat out.

“Fuck, Brad!” she moaned as she thought of her boyfriend. All she could imagine was his thick cock coursing into her ass, violating her and making her his own. She looked up and rolled her eyes in pure ecstasy as she jerked her newly formed cock to the thought of Brad turning her into his slut. As she finally blew her full load, shooting it all against the shower’s wall, the final memories of Melanie left her mind as reality warped, the changes set to stone, and her wish came true.

Will You Be My Valentine?
Will You Be My Valentine?

Catching his breath, Maverick opened his shower door exited his steamy session. Wrapping a towel around his waist he massaged his now limp dick over the cloth. He wiped down the water vapor covered mirror and looked at himself in the reflection. “God, I’m so fucking hot bro,” he cooed cockily as he flexed his arms. Maverick could smell the manliness wafting from his rank, unwashed pits, “Whew, looks like I missed a spot, oh well.”

Will You Be My Valentine?

He touched the necklace Bradley had given him a few days ago for his birthday, it was apparently a family heirloom that had some sort of special magic imbued to it. Apparently it made the wearer’s dreams come true and Bradley joked that it was the reason his family was still rich and powerful, but of course, who believes in that bullshit.

*Knock Knock Knock*

Will You Be My Valentine?

Maverick quickly left the bathroom, still only in a towel, and walked to his front door. Through the peephole he could see Bradley, standing behind the door with his hands behind his back. With a loving smile, he opened the door for his boyfriend.

As he stepped through the apartment door, ‘Ricky peered through it to check if anyone saw Brad come inside, then closed it. Bradley whistled, “Damn baby, you look so fucking sexy. I think you should wear this more often.” Brad wrapped one hand around Maverick’s waist and pulled him closer, going in for a quick kiss. Maverick reciprocated, he could hear Brad’s heart beating a thousand miles per hour though his composure seemed to be cool.

Maverick pulled away after the smooch and whispered lustfully, “A little excited huh?”

The playboy smiled, pulling his lover in even closer so continue their kiss. Their tongues crashed with each other like waves against the sand, tasting each other with such passion as if it was their last moment together. Maverick and Bradley moaned, sharing a few ‘mhms’ and ‘nnghs’ here and there as they continued to kiss while walking towards the bedroom. Pulling away, Bradley lowered his lips and began to plant kisses along ‘Ricky’s neck before pausing at his collarbone. “Nice necklace,” Brad mentioned playfully while he traced his fingers across it’s silver chain, “I wonder who gave it to you.”

Maverick was more turned on than ever before as he rubbed his dick-print through the towel. His boner begged for release as they entered the bedroom and finally took a breather. Maverick flopped onto his bed and grinned excitedly at his boyfriend before noticing that Bradley still had something behind his back. “What are you holding babe?”

Bradley laughed as he strode over to his secret lover, “I just wanted to thank you, seriously, for being there for me through my break up, coming out to my closest friends, and like fucking everything else. I still remember when I met you all the way back in freshman year when I walked into our dorm and there you were on the other bed, lifting a weight because you said you were bored. I laughed because I knew, in that moment, you and I would become best bro’s. Through each football season and every night in the working out in the gym together, I secretly fell in love with you more and more every single day. It was so fucking hard thinking that if I confessed to you, I would lose you and my entire life could be ruined, but when I finally got the courage, you wouldn’t believe the surprise on my face when you said that you were in love with me too. Ever since then, my life has felt nothing but right. I know that we only started dating and hooking up a few months ago, but now that Melanie and I are over, I think I want everyone to know how much I love you. So ‘Ricky, do you want to be my Valentine?” Bradley pulled out a small bouquet of flowers from behind his back.

‘Ricky’s heart fluttered. Even through all of his hook-ups, short-lived-relationships, and one night stands, both male and female, there was no one he loved more than Bradley. In fact, it felt like they had known each other since they were kids. He took one last look at himself in his bedroom mirror, the same one he was standing at in a completely different body just an hour ago. Maverick smiled, looked back at his soulmate and sealed the spell.

“I love you too.”

Will You Be My Valentine?

Tags :
6 months ago

Oh great master, I'm summoning your help. I was in need of money and had no solutions. So I decided to take a roomate to pay the bills. We are totally different. He is an athlete and a personnal coach while I'm a work from hom artist not really in shape and at ease with my body. I didn't felt confortable anymore in my own house and I asked for him to leave after he found something to get back on his feets. but he said no and since, I've ben feeling weird. I don't know what's happening to me. Please help!

Oh Great Master, I'm Summoning Your Help. I Was In Need Of Money And Had No Solutions. So I Decided To

It was a typical Friday night in the dorms, and I was holed up in my room studying for an upcoming exam. My roommate, Tyler, was a musky jock with a chiseled jawline and piercing blue eyes. His muscles were toned and rippling, and he had a thick, veiny, hung cock that I had secretly been lusting after for weeks.

But I knew he was into things that I just wasn't interested in, and I had always tried to keep my distance. Tyler was also not the brightest bulb in the box, being only in college on a scholarship for football.

That all changed one night when I couldn't resist the temptation any longer. I found myself sneaking a peek at Tyler's porn collection, my curiosity getting the best of me. Little did I know, Tyler was watching me the whole time.

Before I knew it, he had grabbed me by the collar and pushed me up against the wall. "You want a taste of this, don't you?" he growled, pressing his massive cock against my stomach.

My eyes went wide with shock, but I couldn't deny the desire that was flickering inside of me. I tried to push him away, but he was too strong. He leaned in close, his hot breath tickling my ear as he whispered, "You want this, don't you? You want to feel my cum down your throat?"

With a moan, I surrendered, my body melting against his as he took control.

Oh Great Master, I'm Summoning Your Help. I Was In Need Of Money And Had No Solutions. So I Decided To

As Tyler kissed me, I could feel his lips pressing hard against mine, his tongue invading my mouth with force and determination. He was in control, and I was powerless to resist.

His kisses were rough and demanding, each one sending shivers down my spine. I could feel the stubble on his chin scratching against my skin, and the musky odour emanating from his body was intoxicating. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer as he aggressively explored every inch of my mouth.

But it wasn't just his lips that were invading me. I could feel his hands running over my body, his fingers digging into my skin as he explored every inch of me. I moaned and writhed beneath him, completely lost in the intensity of his kisses.

Oh Great Master, I'm Summoning Your Help. I Was In Need Of Money And Had No Solutions. So I Decided To

Before I knew it, he had pushed me down and aggressively forced me to suck his massive cock, I couldn't help but moan with pleasure. It was easily the biggest cock I had ever seen, and the thought of having it in my mouth was more than I could handle.

The taste of his skin was salty and musky, with a hint of the protein shakes he had been guzzling all day. I could feel the veins pulsing beneath my tongue as I sucked and licked, trying to savour every inch of him.

But it was the smell that really got me going. The musky odour emanating from his body was intoxicating, and I found myself inhaling deeply as I sucked him harder and faster until he finally came. His cum was rancid and salty, a heady mix that made my head spin as I swallowed it down.

As I swallowed his cum, I could feel the transformation happening inside of me. My face became flushed and my eyes glassy, as if I was in a trance. My muscles rippled with desire, and I could feel the heat emanating from my body.

But it wasn't just my physical appearance that changed. My mind seemed to shift as well, my uptight persona melting away as I surrendered to my primal desires. I became more confident and bold, no longer afraid to explore my kinks and fetishes.

Oh Great Master, I'm Summoning Your Help. I Was In Need Of Money And Had No Solutions. So I Decided To

Unfortunately, the transformation also included a loss of intelligence. I found myself becoming just as dumb as Tyler, unable to focus on my studies and struggling to even carry on a conversation. But I didn't care, as long as I had Tyler's musky odour surrounding me and the taste of his cum on my tongue.

He took me hard that night, pushing me to the limits of my endurance as he filled me with his cum. And when it was all over, I lay panting and satisfied, a smile on my face as I basked in the afterglow.

From that night on, I was a different person. I became more open and confident, no longer afraid to embrace my true desires. And Tyler was more than happy to guide me on this new journey, his massive, musky cock leading the way.

Tags :
6 months ago

Getting Comfortable


“Wait! Lemme get a little more comfortable before we hit the road,” Rhett chirped giddily in a high southern accent as he snatched the jeans and t-shirt out of his bag in the backseat. His small, pale, twig-like body flung out of the car in a hurry.

“For fuck sake Rhett, it’s an hour and a half to Nashville, how ‘comfortable’ you need to get?! We’re gonna be late to the show!” Tanner snapped angrily from the driver’s seat in a deep Tennessean accent. He’s been a fan of this particular band for as long as he could remember and wasn’t going to let Rhett fuck it up. He had always been the more alpha of the two of them: more body and facial hair (hell, any body and facial hair), deeper voice, loads of friends and admirers, thicker build. But that didn’t mean Tanner was some good ol’ boy hard ass. His politics emphasized justice, he tried his best to be an ally, and he even fancied himself sexually liberated, not really ascribing to any labels. They’d known each other since they were roughly the same size, but their bond didn’t have trouble lasting through their drastically different physical developments. Tanner and Rhett were inseparable. They’d been friends for years and years, and let’s face it, Rhett always needed someone caring enough but stern enough as Tanner to look after him.

“Just a sec, won’t take long!”

Tanner threw his hands up and leaned back against the headrest, rolling his eyes at Rhett’s delay. He reclined in the seat and rubbed his eyes, not excited to travel an hour and a half, but looking forward to the destination. He just hoped Rhett would hurry up inside.

Tanner lowered his hands and saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Rhett was standing just outside the car door and he had already removed his shirt. He was lowering his shorts quickly, exposing his pale, flat ass and his limp, weak dick.

“RHETT, the fuck?!!” Tanner yelled from the driver’s seat. He brought his voice down, but to a sharp, stinging hiss, “Fuck, man, you tryna get busted for indecent exposure?! Jesus H. Christ, man…”

“Chill chill chill chill chill…” Rhett responded in a carefree, sing-song voice, busying himself with his dressing/undressing and dismissing Tanner’s scolding.

Tanner threw his hands up again and brought him down forcefully on the steering wheel.

“Almost done,” Rhett reassured as he lowered the blue jeans down and stepped into them without any underwear. He wiggled each foot through the sleeves of the fabric and pulled them up. They wore pretty damn high on his waist and seemed several sizes too big for him. “And now…” he buttoned the pants at the waist, but still had to hold up the pants to keep them from falling.

Tanner didn’t want to mentioned how clownish he looked in the jeans as risk of hurting his friend’s feelings, “Good, then put the damn shirt on and get your ass in the—“


As Rhett grunted, Tanner could see him rise up, gaining several inches in height in seconds, seemingly out of thin air. Tanner’s jaw dropped.

Rhett cocked his head down to see into the car, “Just give me one more minute, bud, I gotta-UUhhhrrrrrnnnnnggghh…”

As Rhett grunted again, Tanner watched as he inexplicably gained more height, several more inches than the last time, shit maybe even a full foot. It was hard for any 23 year old to be 5’4”, which was one of Rhett’s many crosses to bear, but Tanner guessed he could easily be around 6’7” or 6’8”. Fuck, his friend grew well over a foot, in seconds.

Tanner swallowed hard, “Rhett… Man, what’s—“

Tanner couldn’t see Rhett’s head anymore. The jeans at least looked to be the right length on his body, but Tanner saw Rhett hold his still-too-large pants up with his hands gripping the waist of the jeans, “Now, just hold your horses, Tanner, damn, just a couple more—Oh, HHRRRRNNG, Uuuuuuuhhhhh…”

Tanner felt himself chub up as Rhett’s body suddenly started to swell all over as he made his vocalizations. His body filled up well, muscles pressing up against flat, almost emmaciated skin, which deepened to a slightly darker color, as if he was gaining more health, just slightly sun kissed. Tanner could start to see, just barely, the jeans making contact with the shape of his legs for the first time. From Tanner’s vantage, it looked as though Rhett did a modest amount of gym work, maybe 1 or 2 times per week, which Tanner knew for a fact Rhett never did.

“Ah, almost there, like a said, just a couple… more…. HHHhhhhhuuuuuUUURRRNNNGGHH!…”

Tanner was at full mast as Rhett swelled up even more, his modestly muscled body gaining mass at an unbelievable rate, his vocalizations seemingly encouraging his growth. Rhett could let go of the waist of his pants, as his legs slowly filled out the jeans some more, stopping their growth when the jeans were about one size too big. The pants were caught from falling on his ample ass, which had swelled up to an impressive rounded shelf that slightly jutted out from behind him, and exposed the root of his cock and the light blonde whisps of his pubic hair. This time, Tanner could hear bones crack dully from the outside of his car, as Rhett’s body broadened to accommodate his growth. His abdominals and pecs pulsed larger and his waist tapered down to a V, which Tanner always found so sexy on dudes. His skin rid itself of any and all imperfections and deepened even darker in color. Fuck, Rhett developed a proper swimmer’s body in a matter of seconds! How in the hell was this happ—

“One more,” Rhett panted with effort. “One more second, I.. Oh…. I just—aww fuck—I just… gotta… UUUUUUUURRRRRRRNNNGGGGGGGHHHH!!!”

Tanner started absentmindedly, slowly stroking his dick over his shorts as Rhett’s body entered its final stage of growth. Tanner heard the fastest and most pronounced series of bones cracking and shifting as Rhett expanded even more. His skin deepened to a golden, spotless tan. His legs swelled larger and larger, looking like he could effortlessly crush a watermelon between his thighs. It looked like the jeans were painted on his body, hugging every curve. Speaking of curves, his ass swelled even larger, pulling the jeans tight around his impressive glutes. The tightness didn’t help the next developement, as Tanner saw the root of his cock began to pulse and his crotch began to twitch. With each pulse, Tanner saw the root of his cock plump thicker, thicker, thicker, thicker, leaving Rhett with an imposing cock the size of a Red Bull tall boy. His bulge fattened up nicely as well, as Tanner watched Rhett’s balls make large mounds in pants that were already tight as hell. Rhett grabbed onto the waist of the jeans and pulled them up to relieve his wedding tackle of the tightness his ass created, bouncing a little to make sure all his bits were settled in. With his bouncing, Tanner saw his pecs pound hard and thicken into rock hard slabs. His arms, still gripping the waist of his pants, pulsed and bulged and hardened into a set of guns that would rival Captain America’s. Fuck, Tanner had such a weak spot for arms. Finally, his abs cut into sculpted ridges and his waist developed the most mouthwatering set of cum gutters Tanner had ever seen. Rhett was now over a foot taller, and several feet broader than he was just maybe a full minute ago. Just from what Tanner could see from his vantage, Rhett could model anywhere, he’d be scouted in a heartbeat.

“Woooo!!!” Rhett yelled out enthusiastically to the sky and the (thankfully) empty parking lot as he bucked his hips, flexed his abs, and pumped his guns.

Tanner realized he hadn’t taken a breath for several seconds and inhaled deeply, feeling like he was a hair trigger away from busting all over himself and his car.

He swallowed hard, “Uh, Rhett—“

“I know, I know, Tanner,” Rhett answered in his still-high Tennessean accent, his head still obscured by the limits of Tanner’s viability from inside his car, thanks to Rhett’s massive gain in height. He started slipping on the blue shirt, which moments ago would’ve been way too big on his body, “‘Put on the goddamn shirt and get in the car,’ ya don’t hafta repeat yourself.” He pulled the shirt down from over his head.

“No, dude, it’s—“

Tanner was interrupted by another dull series of cracks, as if bones were breaking and shifting under bags of cloth, hearing Rhett grunt slightly, and seeing Rhett’s new godly pecs and his thick neck twitch. Finally, Rhett let out a hard, wet cough, cleared his throat, and Tanner watched his upper body pivot as he spit away from the car, hearing a heavy, wet slap against the pavement.

At last, Rhett swung one foot in and lowered himself into Tanner’s passenger seat. His face was sharper, more angular, and just downright more sexy and handsome. His hair was thicker, his skin was flawless. Everything, literally all things about this new creature that lowered himself into Tanner’s car bared all resemblance to the Rhett Tanner had always know, except if you took Rhett’s fuckability meter and cranked it up to 1000 and ripped out the dial. He was a fucking hunk, in literally every sense of the word.

Rhett pulled his sleeve back as he entered, knowing it would send Tanner over the edge.


“Alright, let’s move, cowboy,” Rhett said, grinning perfect teeth at Tanner, his voice an impossibly deep bass laced with a thick southern drawl.

“Rhett—!” Tanner moaned and gripped on hard to the steering wheel, cut off by his cock exploding inside his pants, without touching it at all. He moaned louder than he ever had in an orgasm, and veins popped in his arms while gripping the steering wheel as he bucked his hips, his cock still erupting thick volleys of cum.

Rhett, still grinning and chuckling while Tanner voided his balls. He was loving the impact he was having on his friend that he had always seen as a hell of a stud, and decided to give Tanner’s ‘no-hands’ ejaculation the parting shot it deserved. He took his strong hand, turned Tanner’s head towards him, and covered his mouth with his lucious, pillowy lips, shoving his new wider, thicker, longer tongue down Tanner’s throat. Tanner moaned into Rhett’s mouth as one last powerful shot burst out of his cock head.

Tanner was still gripping the steering wheel, heaving panting breaths, “Rhett, buddy, what the hell happened to you?”

“What, ya don’ like it?” Rhett asked with a feigned insultedness. He grinned and flexed his arm a bit more for Tanner’s pleasure.

“Nahnahnahnah, s’not like that at all, but like…. FUCK, man, you got a fuckin’ god bod! You’re a goddamn stud, man! How?!”

“Appreciate it, brother,” Rhett responded in his new, deep, drawling bass with a small blush and settled into his seat. He leaned his head against the seat and rolled his head to look back at Tanner with his hyponitizing green eyes, “You know that woodsy, spiritual shit you’re always giving me guff over?”

Tanner thought for a second, then cocked his head and narrowed his eyes in disbelief at Rhett. Rhett beared his pearly teeth and then spread his arms out, as if presenting his new body.

“No. Fuckin’. Shit.”

“‘Fraid so, my guy,” Rhett responded proudly. “Tried out this ritual last night. Didn’t have a lotta confidence in it, but figured what the hell. Hadta soak these britches and the shirt in this oily solution and let it dry, but once it did,” he displayed his body again as Tanner forced out a few disbelieving chuckles. “Took a helluva lotta self-control to not lose myself in hours and hours of self pleasure…”

“Shit, man, I wouldn’t be able to help myself. Why didn’t you?” Tanner asked admirably with a small laugh, picturing the image of Rhett writhing around on his floor all night, busting nut after nut, worshiping himself. Fuck.

Rhett lowered his head and went somber for a second, “‘Cus once I bust one lookin’ like this, all this,” he punctuated his words by gesturing up and down his new bod with his hand, “is here to stay.” he smirked at Tanner.

Tanner started chubbing up again, and chuckled, “Well, shit, brother, what’s the hold up?!”

Rhett’s smirk dropped and he looked dead in Tanner’s eyes, “Well, ‘cus I wanna do it with you, man.” Rhett started unbuttoning his jeans.

Tanner’s cock flooded with blood, “… Rhett, dude, I—“ Rhett lowered his zipper, “I don’t—“ Rhett pulled out his thick, uncut trouser snake and let it flop against his torso, and son of a bitch it was even bigger than Tanner imagined, “… uh, fuck, know what—“ Rhett spat into his hand and stroked as his cock thickened even more (if that were possible) and pointed straight up, his cock head beginning to peek through his foreskin, “—what to say, I…”

“Just suck it, dude, you know you want to.”

Tanner’s breath heavied. Should he? He looked at the cock. He’d never seen a boy’s dick look so goddamn inviting. He licked his lips. This was really happening.

“Fuck it.”

Tanner threw himself over the driver/passenger divider and eagerly took Rhett’s cock into his mouth and started bobbing his head and sucking with animal intensity. He reached his hand up to Rhett’s new, sculpted tits and squeezed, greedily groping his impressive rack.

“Yeah, man, get yourself a handfula that.”

Tanner gave a blowjob that would put to shame any bj he’d received in his own life, and Tanner was no slouch. Rhett grit his teeth and groaned with ecstasy, his powerful hand running through and gripping his friend’s thick, dark hair. He grinded his hips against his best friend’s face and ran his other hand and meaty arm down Tanner’s back caressing him, reaching under his shorts to squeeze his ass and play with his hole with his new, thick fingers.

“Awww, FUCK, bro, yeah keep suckin’, I gotta little surprise churnin’ in these fuckin’ sacks just for you, my man, awww fuuuckk yeah keep suckin’…”

Tanner obediently sucked, very eager to please his friend. Rhett speeded his grinding against Tanner’s face, his lower abs pressing into the side of Tanner’s head. Tanner could feel Rhett’s mushroom tip swell in the back of his throat, fuck he’s about to nut.

Tanner started to pull off Rhett’s dick, but Rhett forced his head back down, “Aww no man, you gotta take this, gotta little something special, get fuckin’ ready, I’m gonna-gonna-HHHHUUUURRRRNNNGGG!!”

Rhett groaned deeply, his head tilted back and veins protruding out of his thick neck as he unloaded a massive cum dump into Tanner’s throat and mouth. Tanner’s eyes watered as he felt hot, fresh jizz fire down his throat and fill up his mouth until his cheeks were bulging. Rhett took deep, heaving breaths, his huge chest rising and falling, wet sweat darkening his shirt around his neck and under his pits, his face glistened in the light and beads dripped from his hair. Then, like an electric jolt, he felt a cool, fizzing pulse flow through his body. Something changed. He was new. He let out a shuddering, emotional moan. This was Rhett now, he mused. Rhett with the ‘god bod.’

Rhett realized just then, in his euphoric bliss, that he was still holding Tanner’s face against his spent crotch.

“Whoops, sorry there, buddy. But I need you to listen real careful, y’understand?” Tanner furrowed his brow and grunted, Rhett still lodged deep inside his mouth/throat and his seed sloshing around his mouth. Something was off, though… Rhett’s spooge tasted strangely sweet like fruit, and fresh like pine needles, and he could feel it swirl hot and bright, like stardust. “I needja to drink all that baby batter down for me, think ya can do it?” Tanner nodded enthusiastically. “Awright, aww fuck man you ain’t gonna regret this!”

Rhett moaned as he felt the muscles in Tanner’s throat contract and release again and again as Tanner swallowed and swallowed. It took him 4 separate swallows to get all that fuckin jizz down, but the taste made it more than easy. He lifted off Rhett’s cock with a wet *sluuuurrpPOP* and Rhett shivered.

Tanner wiped his lips and chin and crashed back into his driver’s seat, “Jesus H. Christ, Rhett, you are somethin’ else,” Rhett just shrugged and flexed. “So whadya reckon happens now?”

“Well,” Rhett began as he zipped up and buttoned his pants again. “We do have a show to get to.”

Tanner paused then laughed dumbly, “Damn, that completely jumped my mind,” *guuurrgle* Tanner felt his stomach turn. “Then after that?”

“Well, man,” Rhett stared off, “I’m thinkin’ stay in Nashville.”

“Stay??” *guuuuuuurrrrrrrgle* Tanner felt and heard something turn in his stomach. What the fuck?

“Yeah, bro, stay! New me, new city, ya know?” Tanner’s stomach gave off another heavy, loud gurgle. Rhett continued, “Maybe try my hand at music. Always did love singin’.”

“Well you got the voice and the body for music now, that’s for goddamn sure!” the two laughed but Tanner felt another massive turn in his stomach, this one making him shake in his seat. Rhett stared at him greedily, biting his lip. Tanner gave out a nervous chuckle, “Say Rhett, why were you so insistent on me drinkin’ you down?”

Rhett grinned, “Well, ‘cus I want you to stay there with me, babe.”

“Wh—“ Tanner began but was stopped by another gurgling started, only this time, it didn’t stop. With his eyes wide, Tanner, already a modestly swole, tall-ish individual, began to swell steadily. It started in his neck, as it swelled and hardened, widening to a thickness similar to his thighs in his present state. “*grrrrrrgle* Shit, Rhett, what’s you do to me?” He made concerned eyes at Rhett, but Rhett just leaned back watching him, smirking and nodding at him slowly. Tanner returned with a grin, albeit a slightly nervous grin. “Awww, fuckkkkk *ggurrrrrgggg*

Tanner next felt his shoulders and back broaden, causing the threads in his flannel to snap and the seams to tear. Tanner was always keen on wearing tight clothes, but as his shoulders, arms, pecs, and abs began to slowly inflate like he was a giant balloon, a symphony of rips and tears sounded through the car as his swelling skin peeked through dozens of holes in his flannel. Rhett squeezed his own pecs and teased his nipples with his thumbs, taking in open-mouthed breaths of air, never taking an eye off his swelling new lover. As his stomach kept turning, Tanner turned a renewed confident eye to Rhett and smiled slyly. His stretching and growing hands grabbed onto the front of his flannel, and with bulging new arm muscles, he yanked sharply with a feral grunt as the flannel exploded off him in shreds, he yanked both of the sleeves off too to free his massive arms. All that was left was one of Tanner’s loose tanks he always wore under his clothing, his skin retaining the sexy dusting of hair all over him. He tossed the torn fabric over to Rhett, who brought it to his face and inhaled deeply, rubbing his crotch and moaning, still not taking an eye off Tanner, who was swelling so large he started to seem too wide for his seat. Tanner leaned back and lifted his hands behind his head to grip the headrest, his broad triceps bulging over his hairy pits. He braced himself for the next part he could feel coming.

“MMMMMmmmrrrrrfffffff….” Tanner bucked his hips and flexed his ass as he felt it round and firm up under him, lifting him a bit higher off the seat. His thighs thudded into sinewy tree trunks and he clenched his teeth at his calves lengthened and hardened, giving him about 4 more inches in height. His new massive ass and his tree trunk thighs compounded to make his gym shorts appear like way-too-tight boxer briefs. With its tightness, opaque, white jizz rose to the surface and pooled from Tanner’s ejaculation earlier. With his shorts as tight as they were, Rhett had a perfect view for the next part. “OOOOOoooooooohhhhh…” Tanner winced and moaned, closing his eyes, as Rhett saw Tanner’s cock and balls swell and fatten and bulge and rise and thicken against the taut fabric of his gym shorts. His junk now formed three massive lumps that pressed hard against the front of the shorts.

Finally, Tanner let out satisfied groans as he felt his jawbone sharpen and point. He felt the movement across his mouth as his lips involuntarily puckered, giving him a great set of fuckable lips. He again retained the sexy dusting of hair on his face as before, but he felt the hair on top of his head straighten but thicken, giving him a naturally styled, quaff.


He turned and looked at Rhett, who was slack-jawed and sweaty in the passenger’s seat staring at him, Rhett’s thick rod, hard and long, pressed against the fabric of the jeans. Tanner was proud to be the one to make this blonde model hunk bone up.

Tanner smacked his lips, “Well, fuck, Rhett, I’d say you got some pretty potent cream.”

“Hhhaaaaaaaaaa…” Rhett moaned with a deep as hell bass and a slack-jawed grin as his jeans darkened with spurting wet spots from the tip of the bulge his cock made.

“Shit, man, you had s’more of that hulk-out juice and you ain’t gonna share? Gimme some,” Tanner goofily reached a finger across and scooped some of Rhett’s jizz that he seeped through the jeans, grazing Rhett’s still-hard cock and making him shudder, and brought it to his lips, sucking his finger.

“‘Fraid not, brother, that’s all me,” Rhett said panting, grabbing some napkins out of the glove box and wiping himself off. “Plus I think we’re both gonna be cummin’ like hydrants, my guess is that our regeneration cycles have sped up like 1000%.” Rhett tugged at his crotch as though relieving his overworked balls. He paused before his next thought, “I neglected to mention that the ritual gives your last nut has these ‘special properties’ or whatever. I’d assume most guys just slurp up their own spooge, ya know, give ‘emselves a boost on toppa what they’re already gettin’… Sorry I spooked ya… wanted it to be a surprise.” Rhett scratched the back of his head and blushed.

“Woodsy, spiritual shit…” Tanner mused admiringly.

“Woodsy, spiritual shit.” Rhett confirmed with confident nods.

If that’s the case and it really worked with this kind of success, they’re gonna have to take advantage it way more. Tanner was in love with Rhett, he just realized. Nashville, huh? All he could think about was the drug scene he’d been told about there (well, that and of course the music business. Dude’s popping those little black pills and doing all sorts of things. He couldn’t see why he and Rhett would need them anyways, now that they looked like this. Nah, they would keep each other grounded, they cared for each other too much. He’s never really been one to enjoy the big city, but he was more than happy to give it a shot with his friend. His best friend. And his lover.

Tanner leaned in, “Well, consider me very pleasantly surprised,” he turned Rhett towards him and tenderly kissed him, “and very pleasantly spooked,” he kissed him tenderly again, “and very happy to join you.” Rhett’s eyes lit up and he grinned widely with excitement. “Let’s do this, babe.”

Their tongues interlocked as they exchanged one last big smooch.

“Now, let’s get this show on the road,” Tanner stated as he turned the key in the ignition, starting up the car. “Against all odds, we still got time to catch the show tonight!”

He and Rhett chuckled. Some outlaw country crooner belted deeply from the radio, ‘That’s gonna be Rhett,’ Tanner thought, knowing it to be true in his heart. He drove out of the parking lot and headed to the freeway, rolling the windows. Rhett looked over confused as the cool air passed through the cabin.

“Got to smelling like a Turkish bathhouse sauna in here, if y’know what I mean.” Tanner responded plainly.

The two erupted in laughter. Silence fell over them for a second.

Rhett broke the silence, “Y’want some road head?”

“Fuck, yes, man, thought you’d never ask!” Tanner answered immediately with childlike enthusiasm.

The two started tried to work Tanner’s shorts off of him, but they only budged slightly due to the tightness.

“Ah, fuck it.” Tanner said as he gripped one side of the shorts and tugged sharply, causing it to split wide open, his new, massive cock springing and slapping his lower torso. Rhett grabbed it and brought it into his mouth, immediately going to work with his skillful, large tongue.

Tanner writhed and grunted in pleasure. Shame about the shorts, but he had to buy all new clothes anyways.

Some clothes, a new job (mechanic? He’d always loved fixing cars and getting dirty), a new apartment, develop a new routine, and buy new supplements to maintain their physiques for his new life with his new lover.

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6 months ago
I Got Some Dirty Motocross Boots On My Doorstep Today With A Note From Coach: "Great Job On The Track,

I got some dirty motocross boots on my doorstep today with a note from Coach: "Great job on the track, here's a pair of my lucky boots." I I don't know how to feel about a used pair of boots, but Coach is always looking out for me. He knows I go through my gear quickly and these boots are a huge upgrade from my current pair. As the star motocross rider for his racing team, I'm not surprised he wants to show me some love. Some on the team joke he gives me more attention because they think he's crushing on me. That's all jealous bullshit I pay no mind to. Coach knows I don't swing that way.

I walk out to my garage to try on the boots. They're definitely a few sizes too big. Coach is a bigger guy, and I don't see how I could wear these for my next race. I slide into the boots and there's quite a bit of space in them.

"How do you like the new boots?" I look up to see Coach standing in my garage with a smile on his face.

I Got Some Dirty Motocross Boots On My Doorstep Today With A Note From Coach: "Great Job On The Track,

He's never showed up at my place before. I'm more concerned how he found his way here, but feel a little inferior standing in his much bigger boots.

"I just tried them on. Thanks so much man, but they feel a little big on me."

"I expected that, but I have some more stuff for you that might help. Figured I'd drop it off personally." He pulls out a pair of bike pants covered in a layer of dirt. "These may be a bit bigger on you, but try them on. They're my special pair and I've had some great rides in them."

Maybe he's on to something I'm not seeing and this is a learning moment. I slide out of the boots and my jeans to slip on his pants. Just like boots they're hanging off me. I try to slip the boots on the boots again. Maybe the pants will fill in the boots some.

"Uhm, I don't know man. They may get caught up in the bike."

Just after I said it, I start to feel a growing surge of energy coming up through the soles of my feet. It's like static electricity tingling all around them. My feet are beginning to pulse and stretch out to fill in the boots. It feels like someone's massaging them and they're really starting to mold to the boots. My feet must now be a size 13!

The static is moving up my legs and I'm overwhelmed with pleasure. I stifle a moan as they begin to inflate my calves and quads. The pants are closing in and the cloth is now hugging me.

"Of fuckkkk" I'm feeling my ass bubble and fill out the back of the pants. My crotch has lightning running through my dick and I feel it begin to bulge and swell. I'm so fucking horny and look up to see Coach. He's got a smirk on his face and there's something really intriguing about him. I steady myself by leaning on my bike as I'm taking in all of his features. I'm seeing him through a new light and he's actually pretty fucking hot.

What would it feel like if he brushed up against me? Why am I thinking this? Oh fuck there's a jolt of lightning going through my ass. My hole is throbbing with energy and I'm breathing heavy like I'm an animal in heat. I slide the pants down to my ankles and push out my ass. Maybe he'll help a guy out.

I Got Some Dirty Motocross Boots On My Doorstep Today With A Note From Coach: "Great Job On The Track,

He walks up and slides his hands down my boxers to find my hole. I find myself leaning back into his chest and let out a guttural moan as he slides his finger into me. I have pre flowing out of my dick as he begins to rub my prostate from the inside. He's got me hooked, and I'm completely under his control. He leans in and whispers into my ear "Prepare for the best ride of your life."

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6 months ago
A New Bunny In The Gym

A new bunny in the gym

My roommate Ryan has always been telling me I need to loosen up and stop taking life so seriously. Maybe he's got a point. While I spend all my time in the library studying he spends it at the gym or having fun at the club, and being bisexual he never has a probably finding a fuck.

I finally relented and joined him at the gym. The place was huge. Full of men of different sizes, all with bulging muscles. Though I was straight, not that I had much luck with girls, I could appreciate that all the men here were pretty attractive.

As I didn't know what to do or what to wear at the gym Ryan took me under his wing. Giving me socks, shorts, trainers, t-shirt, baseball cap, and a jockstrap to wear.

I was hesitant at first with the jockstrap, the black material didn't exactly look like it was new. It certainly wasn't something I would usually wear either.

"Don't worry bro, it's what all the guys wear!" Ryan promised.

I thought that I should listen to him considering that this was his domain so I done as I was told.

We started with some squats. Ryan showing me how to do stretch properly and safely use the weights. As I started squatting I felt the huge weights actually become easier and easier each time .

"Your legs are going to be so thick after this!" Ryan called out.

"...and so will that ass" he muttered under his breath.

We moved around the gym using the different machines. Each time they became easier to use really quickly. What I didn't notice was my body changing.

Muscle was quickly building up across my body. Turning me into a meaty gym bunny.

At the same time all those hours spent in the library were slipping away. Which explains why I didn't notice the changes.

It also explains why I didn't notice that all the guys in the gym were all very similar. About half were strong tall beasts with huge muscles. Whereas the rest were smaller, leaner but just as muscly with round bouncing asses.

Our final exercise was a couple of bench presses. I lay on my back with Ryan standing above my head helping me lift.

As he did he lowered his crotch towards my face. Breathing in his sweaty musk I felt everything click in place. My cock harded immediately and I became lost in his trance.

"I see you're changes have finally finished" Ryan said.

Putting the bar into the rack I stopped and looked up at him.

"You weren't living life and I was sick of coming back to the apartment to find you studying and not having fun. So when I found out about this place I had to bring you. Now that you're a muscle bro you can join me and have fun."

I just let the words sink in.

Ryan continued. "The best bit is that now you're just a cock hungry gym bunny. With an ass like that you'll be getting plenty of dick. Most of it mine. You won't even remember being straight."


That was four months ago. He was right. Now we go to the gym everyday together. Him a towering hulk of a man and me, a lean twunk with an ass that just begs to be fucked.

And it is fucked, all the time. I quickly grew to love the feeling and now I can't get enough. When Ryan isn't free I sometimes get help from the other guys at the gym. They're always happy to stretch me out after a session.

Life is so much easier now, why did I waste all that time in the library?


First time writing, let me know your thoughts!

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5 months ago

**Riding a New Life: A Ghost's Journey**

I had been a wandering spirit for what felt like an eternity. Ever since the accident that severed my connection to the living world, I had been drifting through the ether, invisible and forgotten. That is, until today.

I found myself in a dimly lit parking garage, the scent of gasoline and rubber filling the air. The growl of an engine echoed off the walls, and that’s when I saw him—a young biker, effortlessly cool in his black and red leather suit, leaning casually against his sleek Honda. He was everything I had once admired from afar, back when I was alive.

**Riding A New Life: A Ghost's Journey**
**Riding A New Life: A Ghost's Journey**

I watched him for a moment, a pang of envy and longing coursing through my spectral form. Then, almost instinctively, I felt myself drawn toward him. There was a sudden pull, a rush of energy, and before I knew it, I was inside his body.

The moment I slipped into his form, it was as if the world exploded in sensation. The first thing I noticed was the heat—the intoxicating warmth of his skin, the snug embrace of the leather suit wrapping around me. It was a second skin, tight and form-fitting, accentuating every contour and muscle. The leather was smooth and supple, a mix of security and allure that was almost overwhelming.

I flexed my fingers, feeling the resistance of the gloves, the reassuring grip they provided. I couldn't help but admire the strength in these hands, the power in this body. My heart raced, not just from the thrill of possession, but from the sheer intensity of feeling alive again. The suit clung to me, a perfect fit, and I relished the way it made me look—strong, confident, and undeniably hot.

**Riding A New Life: A Ghost's Journey**

Every step I took in the leather suit was a new discovery. The way it accentuated my broad shoulders, the way it hugged my biceps and triceps, making every muscle pop with definition. I could feel the smooth caress of the leather against my skin, the way it moved with me, an extension of my newfound strength.

After an exhilarating ride through the city, I decided to explore more of what this new life had to offer. I had noticed a gym bag in the trunk of his bike, and an idea struck me. I headed to the local gym, eager to test the limits of this new body.

Entering the gym, I felt a wave of excitement. The scent of sweat and metal filled the air, and the rhythmic clanking of weights created a motivating soundtrack. I walked confidently to the locker room, changing into a tank top and workout pants that showed off my muscular physique. The reflection in the mirror was almost surreal—I was now this fit, handsome biker with a body that drew admiration and respect.

I started with some light stretches, feeling every muscle respond with a fluidity and power I had never experienced before. Moving to the weight section, I picked up a dumbbell, the cold metal heavy in my hand. I began a series of bicep curls, watching in awe as the muscles in my arms bulged and flexed.

The intensity of the workout was intoxicating. I pushed myself harder, feeling the burn in my muscles, the rush of endorphins coursing through my veins. I moved from one machine to another, challenging myself with each set, reveling in the strength and endurance of this body.

Between sets, I caught glimpses of myself in the mirror. The way the tank top clung to my chest and shoulders, the way my arms looked pumped and powerful—it was a heady mix of vanity and pride. I couldn't help but snap a quick selfie, capturing the moment of pure, unadulterated strength.

**Riding A New Life: A Ghost's Journey**
**Riding A New Life: A Ghost's Journey**

As the workout continued, I felt a growing sense of accomplishment. This body was capable of so much, and I was determined to explore its limits. The sweat poured down my skin, a testament to the hard work and effort I was putting in. And with each rep, each lift, I could feel myself growing more confident, more comfortable in this new skin.

But something was missing. My spectral journey had been long and lonely, and I longed to share this new life with someone who understood. That’s when I remembered my closest ghost friend, another lost soul who had wandered with me through the void. He deserved this chance too.

Later that evening, I returned to the parking garage, where I found another biker—a friend of the man whose body I had claimed. He was tall and lean, with a rugged handsomeness that made my decision easy. I called out to my ghost friend, guiding him to this new vessel.

With a rush of energy, my friend entered the biker’s body. The transformation was immediate. He blinked, adjusting to the new sensations, then looked at me with a mixture of awe and gratitude. We were no longer lost souls. We were alive, and we had each other.

Together, we returned to the gym. It was a surreal experience, seeing my friend in his new form, watching him flex and admire his new physique. We took a moment to capture it—a selfie of the two of us, side by side, strong and proud. The bond we shared as ghosts had transformed into something deeper, something more intimate.

**Riding A New Life: A Ghost's Journey**

In the gym mirror, we stood close, our bodies radiating strength and confidence. My friend, now in his own muscular form, flexed his bicep while I wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Our tank tops clung to us, revealing every sculpted muscle, every defined line. The pride in our eyes was unmistakable. Here we were, two souls reborn, finding a new life and love in the most unexpected way.

As the days passed, we explored our new lives together. We rode our bikes through the city, feeling the wind on our faces, the thrill of speed and freedom. We worked out side by side, pushing each other to new heights, celebrating every achievement.

Our connection grew stronger, evolving into a romantic bond that felt natural and right. We were a couple now, navigating this new world together. The love we had for each other, forged in the ethereal realm, blossomed in our new, physical forms.

And as we stood together, gazing at our reflections, we knew that this was just the beginning. We had found a new home, a new life, and most importantly, we had found each other. The road ahead was ours to conquer, and we were ready to face it together.

The leather suit, which had started it all, became a symbol of our transformation. Every time I slipped into it, I felt a rush of excitement and power. The way it hugged my body, the way it made me look and feel—it was exhilarating. And as we rode together, side by side, I knew that we were more than just bikers. We were partners, lovers, and together, we were unstoppable.

**Riding A New Life: A Ghost's Journey**

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5 months ago
Roomie Remodelled

Roomie Remodelled

Today’s Saturday and I felt like kicking back first thing and enjoying a blowjob so my roommate, Paul did the honours by being my cousin Ritchie for the morning. He certainly played  the role well but that’s because at the moment he doesn’t remember that he’s not really my cousin.

Thanks to the power of my Chronivac, Paul thinks he’s always been Richie - with a few modifications of course.  The real Ritchie is straight as an arrow so naturally he wouldn’t be caught dead sucking my cock. The real Ritchie is also a bit of a prude and doesn’t like to show his sexy, tattooed bod but that’s not a problem since I dialled down his inhibitions, turned him gay and gave him a fetish for jockstraps and sweaty gym gear.

Now not only is Paul behaving like an uninhibited, gay version of Ritchie, he also thinks Saturday morning blowjobs are a regular gig for us.  Man, the feel of his lips and tongue on my pole was unbelievable and it didn’t take long for me to blow my load into his mouth once he got to work.

Watching Ritchie’s sniffing his pits after I returned the favour by sucking him off is getting me horned up again so I think I’ll reset my nuts and have another round.  The security guard at the mall’s got a rocking bod and I bet once I’ve transformed Paul into a clone of him, his lips’ll look great slurping on my cock too.

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7 months ago
"what Do You Mean You Think You Like This New Hairless Look I've Got Going On Bro?" The Jock Asked Me

"what do you mean you think you like this new hairless look I've got going on bro?" The jock asked me gesturing to the thick expanse of hair covering his shirtless chest, like it was the most ridiculous thing he had heard today. I mean he had every right, he WAS a hairy mountain of a man but as the question left my lips I saw the forestbof hairs retreat from his chest, arms, legs, and jaw. Leaving him as smooth as the day he was born.

Chet over here had the misfortune of being rude to me at the gym, I apparently was on his favorite leg press and he'd made an ass out of himself. So I was going to use it. He sat down between his sets resting and I had decided to do the same next to him.

"I just mean it goes so well with that new hairstyle you got yesterday at the salon" dog piling on the changes, his face cocked in confusion. "Bro. I don't know you, and I don't go to no faggy salons!" He says brushing his hair back, before he rolls his eyes at you. "I get myself waxed for comps and that's it!" His voice sounding so done with me. But his brows were furrowing, things felt dizzy confusing as his posture shifted a little.

I just smirk, "ofcourse you go to faggy salons you silly airhead, they always give you those facials you love that make the skin around your gorgeous dick sucking lips, so nice and pristine!" I could see him ball his fists, my god who would dare fucking talk Chet Wilder, College Quarter back this way. I would.

I could see my choice of words already taking effect, the airhead comment was making his faces' anger soften, his lips began to plump until they were nice and supple always in a permanent pout. He couldn't stop himself from letting out a giggle. "What..what are you doing...doing to me" Chet rapidly said, he felt warm and fuzzy, all his thoughts flooding out of his brain, drifting aimlessly until I decided where to put them.

"you don't have to think about that, you never have to think about anything other than stuffing that giant bubble butt of yours with as many cocks as your slutty hole can dream of" I say, god I was really laying it onto him thick. I shifted his own thoughts and identity into mass and shifted all of that energy down his body and onto his tight muscled ass. He started to squirm in his chair, his pants already tight began to rip and tear as his new beach ball ass lifted him out of the seat. His face became what I could only describe as empty, his eyes rolling back in pleasure as he bit his lips. I was destroying a masculine man, I was remaking him into a bubble butted slut himbo who needed cock like an addict needed their fix.

I felt the raw magic settle and heard him moan, more like whine in a high pitched voice... "Fuck..fuck yes somebody fill my holes" he yelled throwing his head back biting his lips eyes closed.

"what Do You Mean You Think You Like This New Hairless Look I've Got Going On Bro?" The Jock Asked Me

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1 year ago


If someone were to describe you there are only two words that would do you justice: ass and man. It was as simple as that. You’re a man and you love ass, and above all else, you love a man with a nice ass.

You were never shy about your adoration for men with nice round, smack-able backsides. However, there was one person that you kept this well-known secret from. It was your housemate. Your thick, caked-up housemate.


Despite how shameless your ass obsession was, you thought it was too much for your housemate to know just how obsessed you were with his assets. You might be an ‘Ass Man’ but you still had the decency to let your housemate live his day-to-day life without feeling constantly objectified.

In your head though, you did objectify him. It was hard to remember that there was a human behind those fat yet firm cheeks. You found it difficult to make eye contact with him, let alone get your gaze above waist height!

You’d often think to yourself: “Geez I know I need to stop staring at his ass and just treat him like he’s a regular guy but sometimes it’s so damn hard and he wears those silky shorts that accentuates his butt oh so well and every time I’m behind him he’s always bending over for some reason like he is trying to tease me but he’s so completely unaware at the same time and talks to me like a friend and not like I’m some ass loving weirdo.”

Besides the occasional cheeky glance at his behind, you never once succumbed and touched his magnificent booty, let alone made any comments about his rear-end (and your adoration for it) around him. But some nights it was just that little bit harder to contain yourself around him. Some nights you would take that extra step and go looking into places that you weren’t meant to see. That’s what you had done tonight. You went looking for trouble.


It had been a hot day. Your housemate got home from work and headed straight for his room. He took off his work clothes, crashed on his bed and pulled down his underwear to let his sweaty butt breathe. You had been eagerly waiting all day for him and his butt to come home, and you couldn’t handle not being able to take a quick glance. That’s how you ended up looking at his crack through the crack of his door, that he irresponsibly didn’t fully close.

Getting to see his naked butt, free from the constraints of fabric, was everything you dreamed about and more. The temptation to savour this moment with a photo was there, but too risky. Nevermind the fact that you couldn’t take your eyes away from it if you tried.

Watching him (or really his ass) through just a tiny slither between the door and the door frame soon became frustrating. You needed to see it in all its raw and unadulterated glory. Confident that he had passed out on his bed after his long workday, you started to slowly push the door more and more ajar.

It was all going well until the door betrayed you and decided to let out a mighty loud creak. You didn’t want to make the situation any worse by making sudden movements, but in hindsight (pardon the pun) perhaps you should have. Your housemate was quick to raise his upper body and turn his head around just enough to catch you taking a peek at him.

You thought maybe playing it cool was the way to go. You opened the door completely and tried to put on the performance of a lifetime.

“Oh sorry, I didn’t realise you were uh… sleeping and I just wanted to uh… ask…” Your face was a deep red and you were getting more flustered by the second. “Damn, is it me or is it a bit… hot in here?” You were sweating profusely. “It’s so hot… I can barely… think…” Your body felt heavy, your mind fuzzy, your vision blurry, and soon your whole world was coming crashing down… 

When you woke up you had a numb feeling throughout your body and you couldn’t move from the neck down. You wanted to yell out but you couldn’t as your lips had puckered and felt like they had been glued in that position. In fact, the more you tried to talk, the tighter your puckered lips felt. Your eyes darted around the room in a frenzy but you were locked into looking at a blank ceiling.

You felt a warm sensation in the sides of your mouth and your cheeks started to swell. Not like it was inflating with air, no, it was a different feeling. It was more like they were filling up with mass. You were sure you looked like a chipmunk with its mouth completely filled with acorns. 

The swelling did not stop there. Your cheeks kept fattening up, extending out a great distance from the side and front of your face. They were two round, fleshy orbs that were quickly taking up most of your peripheral vision and each of your expanding cheeks were now larger than your head. Your world was quickly descending into darkness as your cheeks were swallowing up your face. They grew to the point that the inner sides of each cheek touched in front of your puckered lips. This soon became rubbing as each cheek was fighting each other for limited space as they continued to balloon outwards.

Your vision was long gone and what was left of your face under your colossal cheeks felt like it had all mashed together into your tightly bound lips. The growth of your cheeks seemed to stop as a thin bit of fabric slid its way between your cheeks and pressed firmly against your puckered mouth. If you had to guess, each cheek was likely two to three times the size of your pre-swelled face. Another softer and more cushiony material hugged the bottom half of your severely bloated cheeks.

It was like your fat cheeks had buried you alive. You couldn’t scream for help, in fact you couldn’t move at all. You couldn’t even see or hear a thing. However, after what felt like a short eternity, a lifting of the thin material on your lips and the spreading of both your cheeks by a powerful force allowed for blinding light to finally flood back into your eyes. Once your vision had adjusted to the light, you finally saw what had become of you.


You were staring at your housemate’s gigantic ass (and it truly was gigantic, it had doubled in size since you last saw it) and his butthole was staring right into your soul. That’s when you realised you were looking into a mirror. That butthole was actually you staring at yourself. You had become what you desired most: your housemate’s big, fat bubble butt.

“You’ve added so much size to my ass,” your housemate groaned in pleasure. “My fit, tight bubble butt has exploded into a fat, jiggly dump truck, and it’s all your fault!” He put on a fake whiny tone as he said this, but in reality he was enjoying every second of teasing you.

You tried to respond but your puckered butthole-lips wouldn’t budge. “Oh, are you trying to say something?” He parted your fat cheeks even more with his powerful hands, allowing your lips to open slightly. A small toot of air escaped out of your mouth before your lips closed again. It served as a sobering reminder that being your housemate’s butt meant dealing with his digestive system too.

“Do you feel blessed or cursed by this little predicament you’ve found yourself in?” Your housemate asked with an air of sincerity. “Knowing how much you love my ass I bet you’d be grinning ear to ear, if you could!” He let out a thunderous laugh that caused your cheeks to jiggle slightly. “I’d like to know if you still feel the same way after a day of being my ass, let alone a lifetime.” It dawned on you that this wasn’t some crazy dream.

“By the way…” Your housemate removed his hands from his butt, causing his thong to snap back into your lips like a whip and your cheeks to accelerate towards each other. They slammed into each other with a loud, satisfying clap which sent shockwaves of jiggles rippling through them. “Don’t get used to staring at my ass, that’s the privilege that your old self had. Your new self is going to be experiencing pitch-black darkness ninety-nine percent of the time.” Your housemate chuckled as he gave his butt an open-palmed smack. It hurt, but you were never going to get sick of the way your jelly-like cheeks wobbled in response to the impact.

“It’s time to go to work.” Your housemate sighed with disappointment. “Well, today will test whether staring at my ass for all that time was worth it or not.” If you were capable of gulping you would have. You had no clue if you were in hell or heaven. One thing was for certain, your housemate turned owner was certainly not going to make your new life easy.

“I’ll let you in on a little secret.” Your housemate said ominously. “I never really minded you staring. Maybe if you were more forthcoming about being infatuated with my behind, you could have avoided this fate. Anyway, I’ll never know if you’re happy about this or not, but I sure know I am! And since you are a part of me, shouldn’t my happiness be enough?”

You didn’t know what to make of your housemate’s sentiment, but he had a point. You can’t change what has now happened so you might as well try to make the most of it. You were once a self-proclaimed ‘Ass Man’ and now you’ve evolved into an ‘Ass-Man’. You’ve alway loved ass so logically you should love yourself more in your new state. It was easy to think that way, but ass your housemate but on his work pants, your world got even darker and a hell of a lot stuffier. If you still had lungs, then these cramped and claustrophobic conditions would have quickly felled you. 

But ‘Ass-Man’ doesn’t need oxygen and he will soldier on, for better or worse… 

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2 years ago

Making a Boyfriend

It was your first semester in college. You were so excited to have a little bit of freedom. As soon as you stepped into your dorm room and saw your roommate, Peter, and the pride flag hanging above his bed, you knew this was going to be awkward. You had nothing against gay people. They were fine most of the time. But having one as your roommate? That was too much.

He was quiet, which was fine, but you always felt that he was checking you out. Whenever you were sitting at your desk, you could feel his eyes boring into the back of your head. When you turned, he averted his gaze, but you knew. He was into you. You were not gay.

God, it was so awkward.

After taking your daily shower, you walked through the hallway and back to your room with your towel around your waist. Opening your door, you stepped in. Seemingly out of nowhere, Peter rushed behind you and held his hand on your chest. Stunned, but unable to move, Peter whispered in your ear:

"I need a boyfriend."

Suddenly, you didn't mind Peter's hand on your chest. You were gay, and you loved a cute boy to have his hands all over you.

"You're so strong, have you been working out?"

Peter's words echoed in your ears. You felt your biceps thicken your lats expand, giving you a wide back. Your thighs expanded and new, rock-hard abs pushed their way out of your torso. You were jacked. You loved going to the gym just as much as you loved Peter.

"I'm so glad that you're taller than me so I can nuzzle up to you when we're in bed together."

You felt your legs lengthen and your spine crack as your point of view rose. You were now a tall 6'4. Your hair lightened to a blond and curled. You felt your towel drop from around your waist. You rushed to cover your newly exposed ripped body.

Making A Boyfriend

"I love how carefree you are too. You've got the himbo vibe perfected."

Your mind felt foggy. The classes you were taking, everything you had learned so far in college, disappeared. All you could remember was meeting your hot boyfriend Peter when you moved into the dorm, the gym, and football. You slowly lowered your hand, exposing your dick, which had swelled to a monstrous 11 inches.

"Since you're already naked, let's go cuddle in bed together."

Making your way to the bed, you laid yourself on it, ready for Peter to crawl into your big, muscular arms, just as he had done since the first night you spent together in your room.

Making A Boyfriend

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2 years ago

Science Can Be Cool

There was no denying it. Professor Johnson was an extremely attractive man. After graduating with his master's degree, he came directly to your school to teach chemistry. While you despised science, you loved to watch your 26-year-old teacher. His shirt was always tight around his chest and biceps and his pants always fit him just right, showing off his ass and a sizable bulge. Whenever he was teaching about titration or the periodic table or whatever, you were never looking at the whiteboard, you were always looking at him.

Science Can Be Cool

He was everything you wanted to be in life: smart, attractive, and charismatic. All of the girls (and some of the boys, you included) in your class had a massive crush on him. And who wouldn’t? He was incredible. You wished you could be like him.

It was Friday afternoon and Professor Johnson’s class was your last of the day. You had spent the rest of the day just anticipating another wonderful day of staring at this beautiful man, daydreaming about what he looked like under those tight clothes. After another pleasurable class of ogling and admiration, Professor Johnson explained and assigned a new project due Monday. Everyone in the class had to make an “aqueous solution” and bring it in to present on Monday. Although you spent most of the time staring at his big ass and arms, Professor Johnson was a good teacher, and you had learned that basically, he just wanted you to dissolve something and bring it in. Easy enough!

As you left school, you decided to get the project over with and took a slightly different route to get home, taking you past some of the shops on Main Street. You thought about maybe getting some sugar to dissolve, but that would be too easy and everyone would do it. Maybe you could get some artificial sweetener like Splenda or Equal and talk about how it dissolved differently than regular sugar. That would be creative! Maybe Professor Johnson would think you were smart. Your body shuddered at the thought of him patting you on the back and saying “Good job.”

Splenda it is. Walking down the street, looking at the stores, you paused. There was a sign you didn’t recognize. Aunt Sally’s Mystical Emporium. Glancing at your watch, you saw that you had plenty of time before dinner, so you decided to take a step in. Maybe there was something interesting here you could use for the project. As you opened the door, you heard the chime of the bell above to alert the attendant of your arrival. Glancing around, you saw aisles and aisles of shelves adorned with random objects, bottles, and clothes. Following the velvet carpet, you found the counter, where the woman behind was already staring at you. She was old, probably in her late 80s. She had this strange grin on her face, exposing her yellowed teeth. 

“What can I help you with?” She croaked.

Taken aback slightly at the harshness of her voice, you explained.

“I need something to dissolve in water for a school project. Something really cool.”

Her grin widened, exposing more of her yellow teeth. Without saying a word, she lifted her gaunt hand and motioned for you to follow her. Stepping from behind the counter, she began to move at an alarming pace for a woman her age through the maze of aisles and shelves. Struggling to keep up, you found yourself breaking into a sprint. She stayed composed though. How was she moving so goddamn fast?

Suddenly she stopped. You nearly tripped over yourself trying to stop in time to not trample her. You panted, trying to catch your breath as she slowly reached onto one of the shelves, pulling off a small clear vial of white powder. Holding it out to you, she said “This is magic. It will grant your deepest wish.” 

Oh, so she was insane.

Before you could even open your mouth to say you weren’t interested in some fake powder, the old woman interjected. “I can sense you have a wish in your heart, so for you, it is free.” Her face contorted into that awful grin again. So uncomfortable around this strange woman, you mumbled a thanks, grabbed the vial, and made your way rapidly toward the exit. You felt her gaze follow you until you had pushed open the door, the bell once again chiming, and turned the corner.

Finally, out of sight of the woman, you had a chance to breathe. What the hell was that?! This weird woman gave you some fake powder for free? Overwhelmed, you decided to head home for the night. You would deal with the project later. Once you arrived home, you put the weird vial on your nightstand, took a shower, ate dinner, played some video games, and went to bed. The rest of the weekend, you played some more video games, ate some more, and slept. It was a very relaxing weekend, all things considered.

When you woke up on Monday morning to get ready for school, you had barely put your pants on before you realized that you had forgotten all about the project. Professor Johnson was going to be so angry at you. You couldn't disappoint him. The thought of him shaking his head at you, or god forbid yelling at you... no. You had to figure something out. Scrambling around your room to find something to dissolve in your water bottle, you rediscovered the weird white powder. It was all you had, and honestly, it had a story behind it. Biting the bullet, you headed to the bathroom to fill your water bottle. Pouring the white powder into your bottle, you closed the lid and shook it aggressively, trying to get the powder to dissolve more quickly. As you opened the lid and looked inside, you were astounded. It was clear! The powder dissolved! As you lifted the bottle closer to your face to inspect further, your nose was enraptured by a strange, sweet smell. It was like caramel and flowers and cotton candy and every single fruit all at once. It smelled so good. This powder was incredible. You thought for a moment: maybe it tasted as good as it smelled. You lifted the bottle to your lips, and as soon as the liquid entered your mouth, your chest was filled with a raging pain.

Oh my god, the old crazy woman had poisoned you. Dropping the bottle into the still-running sink, you panicked. Your throat tightened and you couldn’t scream for help. You grabbed your phone, trying to call 911, but your vision blurred. Stumbling blindly, you slipped backward on the mat and landed flat on your back, your phone still in hand, knocking the wind out of you. In shock and still panicking, the pain abated, but the blurriness remained. Taking deep breaths, trying to calm yourself, you slowly lifted yourself off of the ground, clutching your phone, still ready to call 911 for help. You reached around on the counter and finally found a pair of glasses you assumed were your dad’s. Placing them on your face, you were astounded.

In the mirror, looking back at you, was Professor Johnson. The firm pecs, the bulging biceps, the washboard abs. All of it. He was right in front of you. Fuck, he was even hotter underneath those clothes. No longer were you scared, you were aroused. You had wished to become your hot professor, and here you were! Taking out your phone, you took your first (of many) hot selfies in his hot body.

Science Can Be Cool

As you took this picture, you saw your dick swelling up in your pants, which stretched with your new thick legs in them. You were always curious about what Professor Johnson was packing. Heading back into your room, you went to your mirror, slowly lowered your pants, and tossed them to the side, exposing your underwear which strained at the pressure coming from within.

Staring at yourself in the mirror, you admired every crevice of your new body. Your feet had grown several sizes pushing your socks to their limit. Your calves had grown and stretched the socks even more. Your thighs were monstrous, covered in veins and leading up to your monstrous dick, which was barely confined within your underwear. Your ass had grown massive and muscular, with the backside of your underpants riding up between your cheeks. Your arms had become enormous: your hands were meaty, your forearms had become covered in thick veins, and your biceps swelled like mountains, barely covering the forest of armpit hair you now had. Your stomach was covered by a thick set of washboard abs, leading up to your pecs which jutted forward from your body like a shelf. You matched your own gaze. Your face was a replica of Professor Johnson’s. You had his manly facial hair and sharp features. You had gotten everything you wished for. You snapped another picture. You were going to love your new body.

Science Can Be Cool

Dressing in your loosest clothing, as you now needed a whole new wardrobe, you grabbed your water bottle and left your house, and began the walk to school, ready to show Professor Johnson your aqueous solution and explain how much you loved chemistry.

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2 years ago

An Error Code

Something happened.

My boyfriend Henry and I were playing FIFA on my PS4. We were messing around with creating our own players. There was something so invigorating about making some hot guy play sports for you. They could look however you wanted. Henry made a player who looked like some muscle oaf: beefy, covered in body hair, with some stupid goatee. My player had less body hair, and a sculpted beard, but was still well-muscled. They both were quite hot, to be honest, and looking over at Henry, I noticed that he was chubbing up looking at them. After we had both made our characters, we loaded them into the roster and started the game.

But the game didn’t start. It crashed leaving an error code on that familiar blue screen:


We were left staring at this blue screen and strange error code. Neither of us had seen anything like it. The game began to automatically reboot. I turned to Henry to ask what was wrong with the console but instead saw a large beefy man in his place. His large hairy legs splayed wide on the couch, revealing his thick cock straining against his blue underpants. His hairy chest showed tufts of hair stemming from his neckline and coming from the armholes, which led to his massive muscular arms with thick armpit hair. His bearded face remained fixated on the screen. Looking down at myself, I saw large thick legs leading to a massive bulge in my grey underwear. Scratching my face, I could feel my well-groomed beard. My hand lowered to my giant bulge, rubbing it and moaning with my new deep voice as the game continued to load. The smell of our odor was intoxicating. The sweet, tangy scent of man permeated my nostrils. My dick swelled even further.

I heard the game begin. I pulled my hand off of my massive crotch and grabbed the controller, looking up at the screen through my glasses. It was crazy that Henry and I could make players who looked exactly like us. Seeing my beefy boyfriend's body on the screen running around and getting all sweaty made my dick swell again.

Once I kicked his beefy ass in the game, I knew what I was going to do with that ass right afterward.

An Error Code

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2 years ago

An Olympic Diver

The local community center had recently set up a high diving board at the pool, and you were super stoked to give it a try. Diving through the air, and landing into the water after doing some flips and other moves, it all looked so graceful and awesome. If you were able to really pull those dives off, you would be the talk of the town. Maybe one day you could even win a gold medal at the Olympics! All you had to do was learn.

Since it was just diving, you decided that there was no need to take any lessons or classes or anything. You had seen plenty of videos of people on the high dive before, and you were confident that you could easily replicate them. Mounting to the top of the board, you had absolutely no hesitations or second thoughts as you approached the edge of the board.

An Olympic Diver

Looking down and past your feet, you could tell just how high up the board was. But you were confident that you could effortlessly land a dive after a couple of front flips. You knew how to dive, and you knew how to flip into a pool. How difficult could it be? Plus, even if you messed up and somehow landed incorrectly, you would be landing in water, so it couldn't possibly hurt. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

With a final deep breath, you jumped off the board towards the surface of the pool. Attempting to flip, you curled yourself into a tight ball, only to open up for a dive at the last moment. However, you had accidentally released too early and lost your momentum. Unable to shift your trajectory, your arrogance shifted to intense fear as your body rapidly descended through the air. You futilely tried to thrash your body in order to shift back towards the dive, but it was far too late. With a large splat, you belly-flopped directly into the pool.

Your body was on fire, and everything stung. Your ears were ringing and you were dazed. You could feel your heart pumping in your head. In your disorientation, somehow you managed to swim to the side of the pool and pull yourself out of the water. Everything was blurry, and you were stumbling toward your towel, which you had left on the bleachers.

Fumbling blindly, you finally grabbed a hold of your towel and began to attempt to dry yourself off. When your towel made contact with your body, it began to bulge outwards. You felt a pumping in your chest as your pecs expanded, with your nipples erect from the cold breeze on your wet chest. You rubbed the towel over your stomach, as new washboard abs emerged out of thin air. You lifted your arms above your head to dry your armpits. Thick, wet patches of hair pushed their way out from under your arms, which ballooned at the contact with the towel. Your forearms thickened and your biceps grew massive with a tattoo etching its way across. Wrapping the towel around your waist, your swimsuit transformed into a tight speedo, allowing your swelling thighs to rub against each other. Your calves thickened as well, with hair etching its way up your legs and towards your crotch, which began to push further and further into your new speedo, sending immense waves of pleasure throughout your body.

An Olympic Diver

The pleasure erupting from your dick was so indescribably intense that it sent you into a euphoric haze on top of your disorientation. Looking down at your swelling dick, you paid no mind to your new muscular body. All you needed was to pleasure yourself. Reaching underneath your towel, you began to rub your dick through your speedo. Almost immediately, you began to orgasm, sending ropes of thick cum into your already wet speedo. Moaning in delight, your body spasmed as the pleasure overtook you. You threw your head back in pure ecstasy. As you continued to shoot out your seed into the speedo, slowly but surely the haze and disorientation dissipated.

Finally, the most intense orgasm you've ever experienced finished. You opened your eyes to look down at yourself, only to finally notice your massive muscular chest and abs. In disbelief, you raised an arm and flexed it, in awe of the mountains of muscle you now had on your body. Ripping the towel off of your waist, you saw your massive cock in the speedo, which had white fluid dripping from it onto your feet and the floor.

"Bloody hell!" You exclaimed.

You jolted, taken aback at what just came out of your mouth. You sounded British! Suddenly, against your will, your hands raised the towel to your head and began to dry off your hair. All of your previous memories began to disappear. You were born in the U.K. You were an Olympic diver for Team U.K. You were here at this pool practicing for the games next year. Another gold medal would be nice for your collection.

An Olympic Diver

As all these thoughts and memories rushed into your head, you heard your phone ring on one of the bleachers. Answering the call and holding to your ear, you heard that it was your husband, Lance. "Thomas, are you finished with practice yet? You know I can't keep my hands off of you when you're all worked up and sweaty like that." You grinned at his desperation for your sexy diver body. You had this man in the palm of your hand. Who wouldn't want a piece of you? It was good to be Tom Daley.

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