✧˖°. Clementine J Quincey .°˖✧ she/her 🪷 college student 📒 professional nerd 🪷 aspiring writer ᕱ__ᕱ welcome to my writing blog ᕱ__ᕱ
39 posts
Me At The Moment
me at the moment
One should always have at least 2 craft projects going. That way, when one of them is messed up and misbehaving, you can switch to another, and let the first one sit there and think about what it's done.
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More Posts from Clementines-writing-corner
🚨new project just dropped *sighs in wip hell*
Hello friends!
So… if any of you happened to see that last post I reblogged (and had a peek at the tags) then you’ll have an idea about what this post is going to be about. Unfortunately, it will not be about my original high fantasy story project, as I had hoped last week. It is about something entirely different. Huzzah!! (I mean that in the most semi-sarcastic way possible– I am excited but also annoyed lol).
I completed and turned in my first creative brief writing assignment for any of my writing classes this semester (and am currently halfway through my second for a different class) and, long story short, ended up getting kinda hooked on the story that happened to develop while I was writing. So… new project. Yay. ᕱ__ᕱ
For the assignment, I chose to try to combine two stories from the weekly writing prompts that we do for the class and imagine how the characters I created in them would interact with a slightly larger story rather than 2-3 pages of chicken scratch character development scenes. I ended up succeeding in this goal, one may even say superseding it, in fact. The plan was to write them into a short story with a little more plot. What ended up happening is that I created a whole new character, slapped them and one of the original characters in the middle of a huge plot, and wrote an entire chapter (+ some change) for a novel involving them. And not even like the first chapter of a novel. Noooooooo. I had to skip ahead and write like chapter 10 or something.
So… (promise it’s the last time I’m doing that) yeah. That’s what has taken over my brain this week. An entirely new project. (I can never get anything actually done around here I swear!!) A couple more details about it before I give you a little taste of my draft because why not:
It will probably by a middle grade novel (unlike high fantasy project)
Speaking of – this story is definitely more low fantasy, as in it takes place in a version of our world in which magic exists (which will make it 10 million times easier to write because I wont be creating everything from scratch ha ha ᕱ__ᕱ)
It will take place in the modern day and age (perhaps like a few years old, but definitely after 2000)
Plot so far is vaguely based on the story of the snow queen by hans christian andersen (which is what disney's frozen is loosely based on btw)
The main character is around 12-13 years old (right now anyway)
And, as promised, a little snippet of this project. Let me know what y’all think!
A branch snapped to my left.
My back straightened and I took a step towards Ms. Cattell, before slipping on a patch of wet leaves. I would have face-planted into the tree roots in front of me if Ms. Cattell hadn’t caught my arm. Her hands were very soft. How she got the few paces back to me so fast, I didn’t know. Magic?! My inner Paxton squealed. Shut up, my inner me shot back, not now Pax!
Crack! Another branch fell victim to whatever was creeping towards us.
My heart started pounding against my ribcage. I looked up at Ms. Cattell, my eyes wide and panicked, only to see a soft smile on her face as she stared off in the direction the sounds were coming from. As if feeling my gaze, she directed the smile down at me and patted my arm where she had grabbed it, before letting me go and crouching down, looking back into the forest and holding her arms out.
Suddenly, a blur of brownish-gray fluff hurtled out of the brambles and into Ms. Cattell’s open arms. She grinned down at the fluff, now cradled to her chest, before standing and turning her gaze back towards me, clicking her tongue. “Now Alvin, look what you’ve done!” Ms. Cattell gently scolded the fluff, still smiling. “You’ve frightened the poor dear. And after the day she’s had too, you should be ashamed of yourself!”
But yeah. Like I said earlier, I’m pretty excited about this project. I haven’t been able to really develop another project in years since my mind has been stuck on my high fantasy story so for me to come up with a new project like this completely out of the blue (or so it seems) is actually really refreshing (if not really annoying because I wish high fantasy story stuff would come as easily).

^ me @/myself right now (especially that eye twitch fr)
I will still most definitely be working on high fantasy stuff, do you worry, but occasionally this story might make an appearance as I continue to post on this blog. So… (ha ha I lied earlier) buckle up folks because, as it often does, my creative writing goals just got a bit messier lol. ᕱ__ᕱ
And whatever you're working on, don’t forget to cross your j’s and dot your t’s!
~Clementine J. Quincey 🪷
my personal fav has got to be “scientists baffled by man’s incredible ability to f*ck up every time”

the school for good and evil + the onion headlines
taking your own advice is so hard. it’s “make bad art” this and “kill your perfectionism” that until i sit down with an idea i like. the i have to execute it perfectly Or Else
outlining my sandbox
Hello friends!
I hope you all are doing well! I’m doing meh. –__– The third week of the fall semester has just drawn to a close and classes are picking up. I enjoy everything I’m doing, don’t get me wrong, it’s just that I’m doing a lot of different things. One of the things I’m really looking forward to when I graduate is that I can cut down on the variety of responsibilities. I’ll just be doing one job (hopefully) instead of trying to balance various courses. But enough about that, y’all aren’t here for that. Y’all are here for the writing updates, so let's get into it! ᕱ__ᕱ
Sadly, things have not picked up a lot since last week and I haven’t actually done any writing for world-building development. But, I did do some research into the elements of worldbuilding and took some notes. Even though it wasn't the most fun thing to do, I felt it was pretty important. I needed to create some sort of structure for myself (even if it is very loose) so that I know what I should be thinking about, how I should be creating my world, and what I should be including.
Worldbuilding, especially the type that I’m doing in which I am creating a whole new universe from scratch, is super expansive and very intimidating (which is why I’ve been dragging my feet about it lol). It's like looking out at an empty beach full of sand and knowing you have to build a sandcastle, but there is so much sand everywhere that you don't even know where to start. Where is the best place to build it? How big should it be? How detailed? Should you include towers or just a base? How are you going to do this with just your bare hands and a big empty beach? You know there are tools around here somewhere to help, but where the heck are they?!
But now, after I've spent time looking around and gathering some tools, I've at least outlined a sandbox and can dig in to just crafting stuff and experimenting, while making sure I’m in the bounds of what I actually need to be creating and that everything I am creating fits together.

Here’s some of the tools I've gather, in no particular order of importance:
ASK YOURSELF QUESTIONS!! To build a consistent world that works, regardless of if it’s fantasy or not, you have to constantly be asking questions. Okay this works this way in your world. Why? What changes because of it? What else needs to change for it to be this way? How does it affect the story or the characters?
It is very helpful to use the real world as a base for developing your world and its characteristics. What is the same? What is different? Why?
A lot of elements will overlap in fantasy worldbuilding as they do in the real world. It’s okay! Just keep in mind which elements will affect what and will be affected by what when you are creative. Ex. When you change the climate of an area, that affects what animals and plants can live there and how life looks for the peoples who live there.
THE WORLD IS NOT THE STORY! Make sure that when it comes to crafting your story after you are done worldbuilding that you create something set in the world not about the world. (Unless that is the goal, I guess?)
And here is the outline of element's that need developed:
Geography & Environment (What does the world physically look like? Are there multiple climates? What is the typical weather? Is the passage of time different? What plants and animals exist? Where?)
Cultures & People Groups (Are humans the only intelligent life or are there other peoples? What do their cultures look like? What is specific and unique to each? What do they know about each other? Are there different holidays for different cultures? Are there different languages? What does education look like? What are the myths/legends/folkstories of each culture?)
Government & Politics (How are the governments structured? Are there different countries or sovereign nations? What laws exist and how are they enforced?)
Daily Life (What does daily life look like for these cultures? Especially for the main characters? Are there any customs that are normal in this world?)
History & Social Conflicts (What is the world’s history? How did they get to the present time in your story? Are there tensions between peoples? Governments? Religions? Groups or Organizations?)
Technology (What technology does this world have access to? Is it spread evenly throughout the world? Or do some peoples have access to more advanced technologies?)
Magic (What does the magic system look like? What can magic do? What can’t it do? What shouldn’t it do?)
Religions/Philosophies (What religions exist? If multiple, are there tensions between them? Are there deities? Are they connected to the magic system? What moral standards are there? Are any holidays tied to religion? Are there important religious texts?)
Economy & Trade (What sort of economic system does the world operate under? What currencies exist? Who trades with who? Who doesn’t trade with who and why?)
Origins (What is the origin of this world? Is it tied to religion? Are there creation myths? What are the scientific laws? Are they different from real life? How so, and why?)
Like I said before, and I will say again in the future, worldbuilding is a lot. It’s a lot, a lot. But having some sort of jumping off point and a list of things to keep in mind as I go is certainly going to help me get into the sand and get messy because now I know where the edges of my sandbox are, a vague idea of what I need to build, and have gained some tools to help me out.
Now I just need to figure out how I’m going to build this thing. ᕱ__ᕱ
Until next time, friends! And don’t forget– dot your j’s and cross your t’s!!
~Clementine J. Quincey 🪷
PS. Below is a list of resources I looked at while researching this week!

Rick writes kids as kids and I stand by that
never really noticed before how TWELVE percy’s quest companion choices are. its his best friend and that one bossy girl that seems to know whats going on. peak group project in middle school choices