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Here’s my guy Lorian, old man prince for further proof

Inktober 15: "You’ve done quite enough, now have your rest”
Hnnnnngggg tomorrow’s Undertober prompt is ‘Heartache’,,,,, and I wanna write something for the Heartache Au,,,,,,,
But I also don’t wanna spoil the story :(

anyways this is what this blog is ABOUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
idk how he killed the dude, but i imagine it was something someone from the team tight him, maybe Roy himself so he just remembered his instructions - ah
Riza will definitely help him understand that what he did was a needed move if he wanted to save himself and save Roy, it might suck, but it was pure self-defense and that is okay.
She would give lots of hugs and help Him come in terms with it, and Roy when he feels stable enough i think he will do it too, ( i also think he will feel so much guilt because he placed Ed in a position that made him react and kill that person and he just feels guilty ✨)
ALSO, one of Mustang’s men didn't want to carry out the mission at the end? I only watched brotherhood and it has been while since i did but i don't really remember. Falman is the walking Wikipedia ™️ and is very quite man, so it might work?
I don't think Jean would do it, since he is Roy’s man after Hawkeye, Breda is highly unlikely, and Kain is just a 21 year old boy.
I am evil but maybe Maes? I dig evil good men, and i loved writing Evil Maes, or traitor Maes i think it would hurt Roy So much, and Maes is like one rank lower than Roy So him telling Roy about a mission wouldn't sound sus, what do you think? 👀
I also wanted originally to include bad childhood to Roy But now as i am thinking about it + your words maybe Chris wasn't a good mom to Roy growing up but they bonded when Roy became and adult? I know few people who went through a similar experience. She feels sorry for how she treated him and he wanted a parent in his life, so maybe before Hawkeye got to the boys, Ed maybe contacted Chris?
I don't think Roy would open up 100% to her, since i think that will be a reaction from his childhood, she is a good lady and he opens up partly but not fully i guess if that makes sense?
She would be like any other mother, upset that her child got hurt and she is making this fuss and Roy is like, “ Ma enough i am fine!”
ALSO IT GOT ME THINKING, what is the real reason Roy was kidnapped? Besides him being a threat of how young and high ranked he is. If that was the issue, the higher ups could have just killed him or something. But what if the kidnapping was to make him speak about the truth about what happened with the Elrics? The real reason? And he just endured months of pain and hurt and abuse and humiliation because he will never throw his kids under the bus and he fought his mom who is worried about him and gah the feels 😩 can you sense it??
Also he 100% lost his mind there and i like to think the first week or so after the Rescue he didn't want to recognize who Ed and Al are as a coping/ defensive mechanism
Riza will definitely handle helping Roy through his flashbacks and episodes since it wouldn't be fair that the boys handle them since they are kids and they are the adults, BUT I do think there are times where Ed and Al had to comfort Roy or at least ground him until Riza or Pinako can guide him outside of his episodes
Also i think he will just stay in Resembool until his physical health is better and his injuries are healed and stuff!
i just adore the small dialog you made up at the end oh my god 🥹 I think Ed would be cuddling Roy under the excuse to “ keep him grounded.” and “ to remind you that you aren't alone and cold.” but in reality it is a grounding thing for Ed himself. A reminder that his dad is alive and here, under him ( since Ed is so he will be using Roy as his pillow most of the time haha ) and Al, He would be there to offer Roy water after nightmares and stuff, i think it would be super cute!! You bet Riza will be sleeping in the same room maybe on the ground?
Also i never shared why i name them the ✨Pegasus family✨ it is actually inspired by this one fic i read that had Ed calling himself and Al Pegasus since Riza is a Hawkeye right- a Hawk. And Roy is a Mustnag is a type of horse. SO WHEN YOU HAVE A HORSE THAT IS CONNECTED TO A BIRD THAT HAS WINGS? WHAT DO YA GET? A Pegasus 💅🏻
Alsoooo i am mentally just thinking about the different tourture that Roy went through since i happened to be an expert ( not something that i am 100% proud about but i gained some knowledge over time and googling.)
Gonna be real, but i cannot stop thinking about recovery fics and how beautiful they are. They are amazing, the way we see the character gets better always just makes me feel so inspired, the way that they learn to get over- or get around- the thing that hurt them. The way that they learn to be alive and living. How to love themselves and embrace what happened to them.
As much as i love these types of fics, i only wrote like, two maybe? With this idea (I love and have written torture more than recovery) . And it got me thinking… why not write a whole recovery fic?
It is no secret that i love parental Roy and Riza to the Elrics, and how they take him after he was being hurt and help him recover and be better and feel better.
I am proposing another idea. Same child parent dynamic. Roy And the Elrics. Here is what i am thinking:
Evil Millirty hating how good and you Mustang is and they know he is a threat + them setting up to kidnap him by evil gang or something + team Mustang for some reason not being that loyal in finding him + Elrics stop their red stone research and to find their missing dad CO+ THEM SAVING THIER ADULT + FAMILY DRAMA AND PROTECTIVE SONS™️= my new fic idea
Which has traumatized Roy who is trying his best not being so traumatized but in the middle of it all, the Elrics discover How badly hurt thier adult is!

Remember Ed's pajamas?
That was exactly my experience. I went into the show expecting that at the very least they will develop a strong friendship. There has to be a reason why everyone is so crazy about them, but nope. No such thing. They had like 6 scenes that could be considered somewhat intimate if we are feeling generous.

@helloplaystationallstarslove @missmystical12 @moonstoneflowers
I was thinking... If we have a Darkwing!Beakley, does that mean that Negaduck is also an evil Bentina Beakley?
Because that thought has been haunting me all day and I'm scared
Do you ever just forget that people who only know personality 2 have no idea what personality 1 is like? Like how you act different around different people yk
I was watching a film with my mum a few days ago and we were talking about which character we're most like. I was like "oh yeah I think I'm most like her" and I said that and she said "but you don't act like that?"
..yep sure.
My likely unpopular Sally face headcannon
Larry has anger issues
Keep in mind he'll be the nicest person in the world to friends and strangers but the moment someone he doesn't like says any kind of bullshit he's the first to jump into the fight.
Also, like, I'm sorry but if you've set up a free shelter, and people refuse to go because sleeping on the sidewalk under a freeway bridge is more pleasant, that's fucking on you, that's not on them.
You really can't compete with sleeping under the overpass so you are going to force people into shelter?
Unspeakably cruel and stupid.
The issue is I want the clan (Specifically Shisui and Izumi) to be alive but I also want Itachi and Kisame to be partners. So. A small conflict of interest.
Rick writes kids as kids and I stand by that
never really noticed before how TWELVE percy’s quest companion choices are. its his best friend and that one bossy girl that seems to know whats going on. peak group project in middle school choices

This is sort of how it went when Hunter first woke up in the colony, with no idea where he was or who these people were.