cloudychao - Angie

Edit Commissions (OPEN!!) [Video or Photo] DM about pricing. The egotiscal writer who needs to vent someplace about her OCs, personas, and games.

162 posts

Ranma 1/2 But Roller Derby Episode. I Never Said I Was Creative And I Just Love Skating.

Ranma 1/2 But Roller Derby Episode. I Never Said I Was Creative And I Just Love Skating.

Ranma 1/2 but roller derby episode. I never said I was creative and I just love skating.

Rematch between the protagonist's two worst enemies (who each has a crush on her in a different form) and she finally gets the date(?).

Shenanigans, I tell ya. Not only are the two pro-skaters interrupting her date, but the Cursed Swan is too. She still harbors some leftover hatred and is more annoying than deadly. She tries to third wheel, which irritates the protagonist to no end. Her date does not mind, bearing with it.

They do a roller skating date at the park, trying to lose the Cursed Swan. That's when they are met with their biggest enemies.

Jo the protagonist is still mad that they both stole her first kiss. Nathan dislikes them interrupting the date, especially the guy hitting on female Jo. Meg wants to kick their ass for last time.

Nathan does not want Meg injured again so he steps up with Jo to battle them. The two pros tag team to take him out first before cornering Jo. Nathan is way too injured to go on, almost drowning in the fountain he was dunked into. Jo saves him, getting herself wet with cold water and turning into a man.

(I definitely need to watch roller derby clips to even know how the fight would go down. I just know wheels hurt and getting caught in them is the worst.)

Meg steps in with Jo to finally beat these two once and for all. Jo manages to crush the guy's fingers (and other area) while Meg lands a fast but hard kick to the girl's face.

With a good fight, Meg finally leaves them alone to have a moment together. She even got Jo hot water to turn her back into a girl. With the sun setting, Nathan wakes up and instantly wants to pummel the pros who attacked. Jo assures him that she took care of it with Meg, but Nathan feels a little useless.

(Future ideas include skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding, bar fights, boxing rings, more sports)

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More Posts from Cloudychao

11 months ago
Ok I Am Redoing The Side Plot Of The Danny Phantom Sequel Series. The Other One Got Edited To Be For

Ok I am redoing the side plot of the Danny Phantom sequel series. The other one got edited to be for a different set of characters. (edit: I been sitting on this for weeks and now its april?!)

This one will be shorter since I have less ideas for this. I really like Ashita no Nadja though so this will be based off that (or maybe be its own series someday).

Joni the Human and Sammy the Halfa are best friends. Joni has a huge crush on her. They planned on hanging out on a perfectly winter-y day. Joni tries not to treat it as a date, but it is hard for her and her romantic tendencies. Sammy does not think anything of it.

Joni is walking around town, disappointed that her best friend Sammy ditched her for someone else.

Recently, Sammy has been seeing a new boy that she won't say anything about. This is the first person she has ever talked about, which is pretty rare since Sammy does not take interest to many people. If she is not hanging out with Tyler, she is with Joni. This new person has piqued Joni's curiousity.

When Joni passes by the internet cafe the three of them frequent, she sees Sammy there pulling a prank on some kids. Odd because she tends to be a good kid, especially around Joni and Ty.

Joni runs up to her, calling her name and sees the surprise on her face. She sees her blonde hair is a bit shorter and not decorated with two tiny braids. She brushes that off though since she is just delighted to spend the day with her best friend.

The two of them go to the Amity Park Lanes as Sammy's punishment for ditching her initially. Joni makes her promise to not use her ghost powers to win, but she starts to feel bad since Sammy is losing. She seems to be worse than usual at bowling and is confused about shoe sizes, which was a concept that was already explained to her the first time the three of them went to the bowling alley.

Yes, shoe sizes do not really exist in the Ghost Zone and are a funny human concept that complicates things. Ghosts usually just make their clothes out of their own ectoplasm and it automatically fits to whoever the owner is.

After the bowling alley, the two of them hang out at the park. It is a lot of Joni just stuttering things out because she realizes how romantic it is right now. Her friend listens silently, unusually quiet and stoic the whole time. Joni turns around to face a tree since her face is so red and sees someone she didn't expect.

It's Sammy making out with a redhead ghost. His skin is bright blue with that bad boy jacket.

Joni turns around to face the double, who shushes her with a kiss. Now that Joni gets a good look, the person has their heterochromia switched and a flatter chest than usual. Their skin is colder to the touch and tinted with more blue than red.

The fake pulls away with a smirk on their face and a wink, turning invisible and flying away.

That starts off the rivalry between Joni Starling the Bisexual MessGhosthunter and Nathan the Halfa.

(wow that was embarrassing to write. maybe i will make a movie of this someday. yes nathan and sammy are identical twins but nathan just wears a binder. i love him/them.)

Ok I Am Redoing The Side Plot Of The Danny Phantom Sequel Series. The Other One Got Edited To Be For

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7 months ago
I Have Been Seeing The Digigirl Zine All Over Twitter And I Have Been Inspired To Make A Magical Girl

I have been seeing the digigirl zine all over twitter and I have been inspired to make a magical girl series for digimon.

The series would have the humans having a partner digimon that they have bonded with to gain superhuman powers on top of the same powers as their digimon. They are like Marcus from Data Savers where they can fight the evil digimon too alongside their partners.

Digimon evolve the more they fight with their partner. They protect the people from digimon trying to steal their dreams. Digimon have a need to evolve, but without a person's dream, it is not possible. Most digimon are a person's forgotten dream.

A lot of digimon are able to eat bad dreams too. Many are there to protect the humans from these nightmares and prevent more digimon spawning from it.

I think on top of the main digimon like palmon, biyomon, renamon, gatomon, and lunamon, there could be a very new ones for fun.

Morphomon, Mikemon, Quetzalmon, Bulucomon, Waspmon, and Lepoardmon

Some opposing digimon could be Bearmon, Lopmon, Blossomon, Rabbitmon, Butterflymon, and Darcmon

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7 months ago
Time To Expand On A Previous AU Since It Was Kai's Birthday. Famous Musician!Kai X Geek! Tyson

Time to expand on a previous AU since it was Kai's birthday. Famous musician!Kai x Geek! Tyson

Last time, Takao was avoiding his friend Max since he does not know how to reject him after a confession so he gets a fake boyfriend named Kai.

I just want to get some fun dynamic energies down.

Kai and Takao take care of each other.

Kai often gets lost in his music and practice. He does not often shower, attend classes, or eat especially before a concert. After entering a fake relationship with Takao, he gets reminded to do things like eat (takao wants free meals) or go to class (tutoring takao). Takao is very worried for him and how much he does not take care of himself.

Takao likes the attention from Kai and definitely gets spoiled a little too often by him. Kai does not mind paying for meals or letting him steal his expensive clothes (they were from tala). Kai will often lend him outfits too even if they were already worn by him.

They like playing with one another.

Kai knows a lot of instruments since he was young. He actually is best at piano, but choses to do drums to hide away. He really likes when Takao comes with his ukulele or guitar. Kai thinks Takao is at his best when singing and enjoys their time together.

Kai likes doing their makeup together.

The only thing about his appearance that Kai cares about is his makeup. From the face paint to the eyeliner to the lashes, he puts i time and effort. Takao doesn't really get it, but likes to watch him do his makeup. Sometimes he will join in and let Kai do/test products on him.

They think the other is cute when wearing their outfit.

Sometimes when they go on dates, they have to mix and match outfits to make sure they are not recognized. Takao likes the jacket and hat on Kai. Makes him less intimidating and messes up his hair. Kai thinks he is adorable wearing his too large pants and scarf.

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9 months ago
I Think I Wanna Make An Eevee Universe. I Have Seen People Make Their Own Versions Of Eevees So I Shall

I think I wanna make an eevee universe. I have seen people make their own versions of eevees so I shall try to make it too. This probably will all be done in fun and as a joke since I do not know what I am doing. I would probably call this the "Late Night Eevees"

Eevee - Male (he/him) - Careful - Races the others

Flareon - Female (it/she) - Impish - Pranks whoever is nearby

Jolteon - Female (she/her) - Quiet - Dislikes chit chats

Vaporeon - Male (he/him) - Docile - Sunbathes for long periods of time

Espeon - Male (he/him) - Lax - Will always initiate confrontation

Umbreon - Female (she/her) - Gentle - Enjoys napping under trees

Glaceon - Male (he/they/any) - Bold - Likes partying out late

Leafeon - Male (he/him) - Lonely - Hates noisy crowds

Sylveon - Male (he/she) - Naughty - Bullies the others for fun

Eevee loves being fast and is always jumping around places

Flareon bothers the others, showing them the newest trap or joke

Jolteon usually reads alone or takes walks outside

Vaporeon chills at the lakes for too long, especially at night

Espeon drinks a lot and starts the bar fights

Umbreon stays up until morning to where she sleeps while the grass is still dewy

Glaceon is a party animal, coming home at the wee hours with messed up fur

Leafeon likes cooking for everyone with a fear of going out

Sylveon thinks that tormenting others is the best

I thought doing something out of the box and new with their dynamic would be very fun. As you can see, their personalities would be a little different than what is shown or portrayed. It would make for an interesting series with this group. Maybe spice it up with some romance too.

Flareon and Sylveon tag team on the group. They are the evil duo that no one really likes. Flareon does not enjoy taking it as far as the sadistic Sylveon, but she likes his company.

Vaporeon and Umbreon usually past by each other a lot. The lake is near the forest where Umbreon lazes around. Sometimes at night, they do late night talks before Umbreon sleeps during the day.

Jolteon and Leafeon do not get along too well due to both being very introverted. They are not well adjusted to social situations.

Espeon and Glaceon know each other due to the bars they frequent. Glaceon does not drink as much as Espeon, but will indulge him for fun.

Eevee does not like being with the other losers, but likes winning the races they do.

Everyone tolerates one another and they are roommates trying to pay the bill.

I will write more later when I am less distressed. I think doing some romance would be funny.

Umbreon has a huge crush on Espeon. She thinks Espeon is the coolest person ever, but he does not want her to catch on his bad habits.

Glaceon and Leafeon hate one another, but support each other's love lives. Glaceon likes Flareon and Leafeon likes Sylveon. They are trying to be wingman, but fail at it.

Vaporeon and Jolteon get along pretty well. They like reading romance together, but have no plans for relationships.

Flareon and Sylveon mutually like one another. They are slow to forming their relationship, but do confess on their feelings.

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8 months ago
Someone Implanted A Mermaid Melody AU Into My Head. I Really Like Mermaids So I Will Write Some Fun Ideas

Someone implanted a mermaid melody AU into my head. I really like mermaids so I will write some fun ideas down.

A few characters i have in mind are Ellie the South Pacific mermaid knight and Lance the Human(?)

A mermaid nicknamed Ellie works for the South Pacific Kingdom's military/defense, but is tired of that lifestyle. She wants to live a normal life without protecting a kingdom or princess so she escapes to the human world. She lands herself in California.

She becomes exposed to parties, bonfires, and other things. Many guys really like her pure and naive look. At a house party, she gets drenched from a drinking game and hides out in the bathroom trying to get it off her.

She was seen escaping by co-host Lance. Lance's younger brother Luke hosts the biggest parties of the area at their family house without their parents' permission. He often helps his younger brother clean up or do damage control at the parties.

Ellie is in Lance's bathroom when he walks in trying to give her a few towels and clothing. He sees her mermaid form, dropping the items in shock. Ellie tries to play it off and hide it, but it is already too late.

Lance and his brother Luke are actually disguised as humans. They are Arctic mermen in hiding with their mermaid mom who fell in love with her husband.

Mermen are not look at fondly by mermaids because of how unnatural they are. Mermaids marry each other, take care of each other in their kingdoms, and are born from the magical seashell.

Lance keeps his mouth shut about his identity and help Ellie blend in better. He lets her stay in the house as his pretend friend. He has to teach her many things.

The two of them actually hang out in the bathroom a lot. Ellie is used to bathing in her pod so she often feels lonely. Lance is uncomfortable with that type of thing since that was something he only did with his brother when they were kids. As a compromise, Lance keeps his beanie over his eyes while facing away to talk to her.

Ellie actually teaches Lance a lot about mermaid culture. The kingdom is just one big community made up of pods of mermaids who get along the best. Often times, pods have caretakers and the young.

Ellie's pod only had one caretaker and many young mermaids. She was one of the older ones who took care of those mermaids. That's why she was protecting the kingdom for so long. Her caretaker insisted that she did not need to do so even if there was honor behind it.

A lot of back and forth of misunderstandings. Lance is a mermen but Ellie does not know.

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