I like to write, I like looking a dumb shit, and I'm honestly a little... Freaky. I'm 18.
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Symphony Of Love Chapterfour
Symphony of love chapter four
Manolo sighed softly as he looked at the time. Noon. “Manny still hasn’t called yet…” He said softly as he felt worried.
Lewis looked over at him and smiled with his eyes. “I’m sure he’s alright…” Lewis said softly to try and make him feel a bit better. He frowned in his eyes as Manolo sighed more.
“I don’t know… I’ve known Manny for years, he’s either hurt, or way too busy trying not to get hurt… It’s the only reason he wouldn’t call…” Manolo explained softly. He turned back to the TV, watching a drama. “... Wait, why am I watching?” He asked, confused.
Lewis chuckled softly. “You likely blanked out, that’s been on for the better half of an hour…” He explained softly as he continued to make the skirt of the dress he’s making. He’s wearing the second outfit he showed Manolo yesterday. He hummed softly as he sewed the sheer purple mesh layers to the purple under skirt at the waist. He hummed softly As the then began to finish the bodice. It was corseted, and will cinch in his waist, as well as hide his boobs. He attached the sleeves that would hang off the shoulders, and then attached it to the skirt. He stitched up the back, and then added metal holes and laced it up closed.. He smiled softly at the dress he made. He looked at the time, and saw three hours had gone by. “Hey Manolo, what do you think?” Lewis held up the dress tailored to him up to his body.
“I think it looks amazing….” Manolo said softly in awe. Manolo kept staring at him, imagining the dress on him. He coughed into his folded hand and crossed his legs. “So, when do you plan to wear it?”
Lewis hummed softly. “I… Have a date in a few weeks, maybe I should wear it then….” He said softly.
Manolo bit back the snarky response and smiled. “But I thought you were with Vivi?”
Lewis carefully folded the dress sadly. “Yeah, she… Kinda confessed to cheating on me the whole time we were together after she remembered me.” He explained softly and sadly. “Well, I kinda deserved that, considering I never loved her to begin with…” Lewis added on in his thoughts.
Manolo looked shocked, and then angry. “Why would anyone cheat on you?! You’re amazing!”
Lewis shrugged. “I wanted to wait a while for bedroom activities, and she didn’t….” He explained softly. He tied some ribbons on his dress to keep it folded up and put it in the bag of clothes. He sat down on Manolo’s bed.
Manolo scoffed. “That’s no reason to cheat…” He spoke softly. He got up, walked over to Lewis, and hugged him tightly. “I’m sorry she did that to you, you deserved so much better.”
Lewis sighed and hugged back. “Thanks for saying all that…” He said softly to him.
Manolo smiled and pulled away. “Don’t thank me.” He sat next to him and laid back on his bed. “So, what should we do now?” He asked out loud.
Lewis hummed softly as he laid down next to him. “I don’t know actually…” He looked up at the ceiling.
Manolo hummed softly. “Well, it’s 3:30 now, maybe we could watch a movie?”
Lewis hummed softly as he looked down at Manolo. “Sure, let’s do that.” He smiled at Manolo as he got up and got the remote, and scrolled through his TV channels.
“Sorry, but I don’t have any streaming services, I never bothered to get them because I watch whatever comes on.” Manolo told him softly.
Lewis smiled. “It’s alright.” He laid down on the bed. He looked at the TV as different shows passed by, most of which were in Spanish. Manolo found a random movie that was beginning and put it on. He laid on the bed and smiled at Lewis, who smiled back softly.
Manolo turned to his TV and watched the movie. He blushed softly when he felt a warm weight on his chest, he looked down and saw the top of Lewis’s flaming head. He smiled and gently placed a hand on Lewis’s hip, causing Lewis to blush. He nuzzled Manolo’s chest and smiled in his heart and eyes. He watched the movie quietly in comfort. Lewis slowly but surely dozed off, falling into the land of dreams as he clung to Manolo.
Manolo smiled down at the sleeping Lewis and gently rubbed his hip. He opened his phone, and saw a text from Manolo.
Manny: Hey Manolo? Is Lewis with you? We took down the demonic beast, but uh… We may have had to destroy Lewis’s house during the fight, and as you know, he’s not as strong as he used to be. You don’t mind setting him up at your place, do you? I’ll try and salvage what I can, but uh… I might not be able to find much.
Manolo sighed softly after he finished reading the text. He blushed brightly as he felt Lewis shift, reminding Manolo that a cute much younger male skeleton was sleeping on his chest. Manolo turned back to his phone.
Manolo: Yes, Lewis is with me. There’s a small resale shop so I can get him clothes if need be, but there’s not much else I can do sadly. Please find and bring whatever you can, ok?
Manny: I will, but… The house was burnt, so there might not be much left…
Manolo: Find what you can and bring it to me, I’m sure more survived than you think.
Manny: You’d be surprised, that thing’s flame was hot, and it took out a few reapers permanently… It’s messed up, I think I’m gonna go to the cafe after finishing all this paperwork and drink and then eat a bunch of Lewis’s treats…
Manolo: Alright, but be careful, should I text Meche to check on you in a few hours and help you get home? I don’t want you getting hurt…
Manny: Actually, please do. I’m going to drink until I can’t think thoughts…
Manolo looked at his phone screen in worry. He sighed and knew there wasn’t much he could do to help Manny right now.
Manolo: Alright, I’ll text Meche to check on you in a few hours. Don’t drink and eat too much, we don’t get another shipment until a few more weeks.
Manny: I’ll try and keep that in mind, but don’t count on it…
Manolo sighed and backed out of the conversion with Manny and scrolled to Meche’s contact. He pressed on it.
Manolo: Hey Meche! Uh, in a few hours from now, I’ll need you to head over to the cafe and check on Manny, he had a hard day today and has decided to drink a bit.
Meche: Alright, I understand. You know, he could leave the land of the dead, and yet, he chooses to stay.
Manolo: I think it’s because he doesn’t want to know what lies on the other side, plus, the cafe does a lot of different people good. He may have found his true calling in life, in, well, death.
Meche: As glad as I am to know he’s found a calling, he still shouldn’t drink. Thank you for the warning. Also, how have you been? It was three years ago when your parents got forgotten, right?
Manolo sighed softly as he tilted his head back to fight his tears. He remembered the day very clearly…
Manolo walked into his much more empty family home, humming a soft tune. He walked into the kitchen and prepared the soup. He put the two bowls on a trey, and walked up the stairs. He carefully walked into the room, and saw them sitting on the bed, calm and tired looking. Manolo felt his heart break a bit at the sight, and walked over to them. “Te compré un poco de sopa, sé que realmente no necesitamos comer, pero los ayudará a ambos a sentirse mejor...”
Carlos looked at his son. “Gracias, hijo mío... Lamento decir esto, pero…”
Carmen hugged her husband, and smiled softly at her son. “Nuestro tiempo para irnos está aquí.”
Manolo teared up and shook his head. “¡No no no no no! ¡Aún no puede ser su momento” He brought their soup to them. “Solo coman, estoy seguro de que ambos están bien-”
“Estoy tan orgullosa de ti, hijo mío... Has hecho tanto por nuestra familia, incluso cuando dejamos la tierra de los recordados por ti, todavia nos apoyaste... Has hecho tanto por nuestro hogar, te lo agradezco.” Carlos wiped the tears from Manolo's eyes. The younger man sighed and held onto his parents.
“Los voy a extrañar mucho a los dos...” He clung to them as he tried not to cry.
The older woman laughed softly and lightly patted his back. “Todo va a estar bien, hijo mío, también te extrañaremos…” She hugged him tightly in her arms and tried not to cry.
“¿Qué planeas hacer con nuestra casa después de que nos vayamos, hijo? Seguramente no planeas quedarte aquí solo…” Carlos asked him softly as his markings turned green and the white parts of his skeleton turned black.
“Planeo vendérselo a una familia cercana que necesita una casa más grande, e iré a buscar un departamento para vivir en algún lugar…” He explained softly, leaning into his mom’s hug sadly. He clung to her as she slowly faded away.
“Todo saldrá bien, Manolo. ¡Todavía tienes ese trabajo con Manny! Ah, y si te aburres, tal vez podrías intentar tener una cita~” She teased him softly, making Manolo chuckle.
Carlos smirked softly. “Si puedes encontrar a alguien aquí que me dé nietos, ¡cásate con él si puedes! Quiero que el niño lleve mi nombre... Suponiendo que tengas uno.” He leaned back, and got ready to accept his fade.
Manolo laughed and let a few tears fall. He hugged both his parents tightly. “Prometo llamar a mi hijo Carlos si puedo…” He let out sobs as he felt his parents turn to dust in his arms…
Manolo opened his eyes and looked at Meche’s text again sadly.
Manolo: It still hurts, but yes, I’ve been doing better. I haven’t been coming home every night and drinking, so that’s good, but I still cry most nights.
Meche: I’m sorry to hear that, I hope things get better for you Manolo. Goodbye.
Manolo: Bye, text me if you need anything.
Manolo put his phone on his nightstand and held Lewis closely. He closed his tired eyes and tried to sleep for a little bit. But failed. Looking around his room boredly, he sighed. Manolo turned back to the tv. He watched the incredible Hulk in Spanish tiredly, holding Lewis closely. The dull sounds of the movie played made his eyes droop, and he sighed again. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through instagram boredly. He kept scrolling until he found an odd picture.
He clicked on it, and blushed brightly. It was a beautiful picture of Lewis, but not as a skeleton, but as a human. His eyes were still the same, but you could see a soft smile on his lips as he looked over at a city like area during the night. He was wearing a three quarters off the shoulder blouse that was a perfect shade of purple that complanmated Lewis’s sun kissed skin. A floor length skirt flowed in the wind from the stool Lewis sat on, revealing cute black boots. He turned to look at the sleeping Lewis, and then back at his phone. The picture was clearly perfesoniol. He clicked on the account to see the same. “A lovely and lonely ghost…” He scrolled through the pictures, and saw many more just like the one he first saw. He stopped at one picture and stared at it intensely. “Holy shit…”
It was a picture of Lewis in a short red satin dress with folds in perfect places and a slit on the right leg, a garter just peeking out from under it, and black knee-high boots. He was in human form. His knees were pushed together with his arms behind his back, and his face was covered in a bit of makeup. He looked at the caption. ‘I usually wear purple, but a friend of mine’s favorite color is red so I’m trying it out. What do you think?’ Manolo opened the comments and saw lots of praise, as well as a few horny comments. He smirked softly and typed his own comment. ‘You look good in red, but I’d love to see you wearing that in person~’ Manolo closed his phone and looked at Lewis, who kept sleeping. He hit follow and then turned off his phone, and finally went to sleep.
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More Posts from Cmstars2
I agree, I didn’t even learn how to read until the fifth grade. And I’m in the USA.

Spill the tea pal.

The internet is bullshit.
How r u out here being homophobic and still writing mpreg 😭
Those are two entirely separate things. But I guess I couldn’t expect someone like you to understand that.