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2 years ago


Hello! I’m looking for someone to RP with! I ship Lewnolo, whitch is Lewis x Manolo, and I ship Bee x Puppycat/Space outlaw. If anyone is interested in roleplaying this, then please contact me!

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2 years ago

Symphony of love

Lewis moaned softly as he felt hands play with his small breasts. “They're so small, but sensitive, do you like it when I do this?~” Lewis gasped as his nipples were pinched. He blushed and whimpered with pleasure. “Hehe, you do like it~” Lewis blushed even more. 

“P-please…” Lewis begged softly as he felt a hand slowly trail down his stomach to what lies between his legs.

“Please what, Mi amor?~” The voice of his unseen lover purred from behind him, making him blush more. 

“P-please make love to me!~” Lewis blushed even more at his words, his skeleton face completely red. He heard the voice chuckle, and felt cool fingers dive into his opening, making him moan loudly and-

Lewis shot up in his bed, a blushing mess. He was panting softly, trying to catch his breath from the amazing dream he had. He blushed even more when he realized who the voice belonged to in his dream. He looked over at the picture frame of his boney friends, and saw Manolo. He groaned and fell back onto his bed. He whined softly, knowing he was still needy. He gently reached a hand into his sleeping pants, went past his dick, and gently pushed a finger into his vigina, he moaned softly at the feeling, having not touched himself there in years. He slowly dragged his finger in and out of him, making him whine and blush. “O-oh yeah… Feels so good~”

He was interrupted by a knock on his bedroom door, making him pull his fingers out and cover himself with his blanket. “Wh-who is it?!” He called out to the door. He watched as his housemate, Brook, opened the door a bit. 

“I was just wondering if you would like to go to the cafe early with me!” Brook said with a happy smile, pretending that he didn’t hear Lewis moaning through the door. Lewis, unaware of the fact that Brook knew what he was doing, smiled softly.

“I would love to Brook! Mind going somewhere else in the house so I can get ready?” Lewis asked him softly. Brook nodded and left, leaving Lewis to get ready. Lewis got up from his bed, and walked over to his closet. He opened it, and pulled out his breast binder. He sighed softly as he looked at it sadly, remembering why he wore it… He put it on, and made sure it was tight enough to hide his chest, but not tight enough to make it hard to breath, which he needed to do. He got out a pair of boxers and put them on, and then, piece by piece, put on his suit. Once finished with that, he walked to his bed and put on his dress shoes. He got up and walked over to the mirror, and his eyes reflected a soft smile. He left his room and walked over to Brook. “I’m ready to go on, what about you?” He asked his friend softly.

Brook smiled at Lewis softly and nodded. “I am ready! Say, I uh, have a few questions… About you um… ``regaining some of your life force'', do you mind explaining that to me again? I think I need to hear it again to better understand…” He asked him softly. Lewis nodded.

“Sure, I’ll explain it. So, as you remember, my best friend pushed me off a cliff. Well, it turns out my friend was actually possessed, which is why he did what he did. Well, we fought the demon who killed me and took my friend's arm, and killed it. Well, it turns out, eating up a life force takes a long time, however, enough was eaten up that I can only be half and half, meaning I’ve lost some of my ghost powers, but regained some of my more human traits. I can actually go back and forth between the two things. Does that make any sense to you?” Lewis asked his friend gently, and his purple glowing eyes showed a smile when he got a nod. “Alright then! We should head out to the cafe now.” Lewis walked to the front door and opened it, walking on the path that leads to the cafe.

Brook followed him quietly, looking out at the scenery, he watched as flowers of some sort fell from the trees surrounding the path, and smiled softly at the sound of strange animals looking around. Soon enough, they both reached the cafe. Brook opened and held the door for Lewis, who thanked him with a smile. Lewis walked in, picked up and put on an apron, and began to happily clean up the place with a smile in his eyes. He hummed a soft tune as he scrubbed a table, slowly moving his hips side to side to the tune in his head. He looked around and stopped scrubbing as he looked around. “Hey Manny, where’s Manolo?” He asked the older man softly.

Manny sighed softly as he took the citterite from his mouth. “I honestly don’t know, he didn’t call, and he didn’t answer when I tried to call him.” It was clear Manny was worried, but no one said anything about it. “Lewis, mind going over to his place and seeing if he’s ok?”

Lewis blushed and nodded. He quickly finished cleaning and then took off his apron. He left for Manolo’s apartment complex, humming softly as he did, wondering how Manolo is doing this morning.

Manolo stared up at his ceiling, sighing sadly. He took another swing of his bottle as he remembered what today is, the day he and his best friend were killed by the woman he used to love when he confronted her about her cheating on him. He stared hatefully at the empty bottle, and then threw it at his wall. He sat back down in his chair, and ignored another call from Manny. “Odio jodidamente este día ... Ojalá me dejaran la mierda sola…” He grumbled in his mother tongue as he cracked open another beer bottle and began to drink it. He heard a knock on his door and groaned. He got up and swang it open, and looked shocked to see a wide eyed, and almost fearful Lewis. He looked where Lewis was looking, and saw that he was staring at the bottle in fear. He hid the bottle behind himself. “Why are you here Lewis?” He asked him gently. He watched as Lewis shook his head and smiled softly at him with his eyes, but Manolo could still see the fear and weariness in his eyes.

“Manny asked me to come over to see if you’re alright… Are you, Manolo?” Lewis asked him gently, a soft blush dusting his cheekbones, causing Manolo to smile fondly.

“To be honest amigo, I’m not… Today is the day I was murder by my wife, the woman who I came back from the dead for…” Manolo explained softly, feeling grief-stricken at the memory of her betrayal. He opened the door wider for the ghost skeleton to come in. “I’m not coming to work today, but… Some company would be nice?” Manolo hated it, but he didn’t want to be alone. He felt his heart speed up a bit when he saw Lewis nod and walk in. He chuckled fondly when he saw Lewis begin to clean up his home. “You don’t need to clean every time you come over.”

“Well, maybe if there wasn’t a mess every time I come here, I wouldn’t need to clean.” Lewis gave him a soft glare, it was a look full of care and worry, but a bit of disappointment. Manolo shrinked a bit under the gaze, but couldn’t help the blush dusting his cheeks, knowing Lewis cared about him. Lewis’s look became warmer as his eyes smiled. “Say, if you help me clean up, I’ll pop over to the grocery store and buy what I need to make you some treats?~” Lewis tried to bribe the handsome sekilton from Mexico. Manolo smiled and nodded. He walked around his studio apartment, and cleaned up all the beer bottles. He threw them all in a trash bag as Lewis picked up the clothes and such. 

“Thanks for cleaning up. If you don’t come around and make me clean, the place would likely always be a mess…” Manolo thanked Lewis softly as he tossed in a bottle with an unknown liquid in it. He turned to the silent ghost and blushed brightly when he found one of his dirty magazines. “Um…”

“... You… You like men?” Lewis asked Manolo softly, a bright blush on his face as well a tinge of hope in his eyes. Lewis felt his heart beating fast as he stared at Manolo. 

Manolo sighed and nodded. “Yeah, I… Used to hook up with a friend of mine who swung my way, but that stopped when he realized he was in love with me. I… He was always a friend, and while we had our moments of being more, I just didn’t… I didn’t feel a spark, ya know?” Manolo explained as he rubbed the back of his neck, looking away from Lewis. “I uh, I bet you think I’m disgusting now, huh? I get if you don’t wanna be-”

“I like men too, Manolo!” Lewis confessed before Manolo could continue. Lewis watched shyly as Manolo’s blush worsened. 

“O-oh! I had no idea about that… Um, well, let’s just keep cleaning.” Manolo went back to picking up trash, throwing it away. He soon picked up all the trash, and smiled. “Well, that’s all of it! Thanks again for helping me.” Manolo turned to Lewis and blushed more. He saw Lewis bent over, loading the washing machine. He gulped softly at the sight of Lewis’s round ass bent up into the air. He coughed into his hand and turned away. 

Lewis stood back up and looked at him. “You’re welcome for the help. I’ll go over to the store, grab what I need, and come back to bake you some treats.” He left for the store, humming softly. As he was about to leave, Manolo walked out with him. He felt a bit surprised, but smiled softly at him anyway.

Manolo blushed as well and looked away. “I uh, don’t live in the safest neighborhood, so I wanna come with you.” He began to walk over to the nearby store, blushing more when he heard a soft chuckle coming from Lewis. Lewis closed Manolo’s door, and then Manolo locked it. The two walked to the store and walked inside. Lewis went to grab a basket, and then got a buggy instead. 

“Your fridge is empty again, isn't it?” Manolo cringed softly at the reminder. Lewis sighed and shook his head. “I know you’re depressed, but that is no excuse for… Well, living in a pigsty. I mean, come on. You should at least keep TV dinners in your fridge.” Lewis scolded Manolo softly, who rolled his eyes. 

“We don’t actually need to eat, who cares? I can eat whenever I want.” Manolo grumbled softly as he followed Lewis throughout the store. Lewis simply sighed softly and walked to the baking aisle. He grabbed a bag of all purpose flour, a small box of baking soda, a small box of baking powder, a bag of white sugar, and a small bottle of vanilla and a small bottle of food coloring. “We’ll head over to the spice aisle and-” He paused mid sentence when Manolo’s mid section rumbled, causing the hispanic skeleton to blush. Lewis sighed softly. “I’ll head to the spice aisle, while you go pick out a TV dinner to eat for…” Lewis looked up at a clock in the store, and saw it was nearing 10 in the morning. “... For brunch, and pick out a few others to eat throughout the week.” Manolo left to go and do as told. Lewis shook his head and head for the spice aisle. “Honestly, that man… He would be living like an actual animal if it wasn’t for me.”

Lewis headed to the spice aisle and picked up a small shaker bottle of cayenne pepper. Lewis looked down at the little bottle sadly, tearing up a bit. He sighed and wiped his eyes. He couldn’t visit the living world as much due to what he is, neither alive nor dead, so he could only see his friends and family when they visited him. He put the little bottle in the cart and pushed onward, putting in some salt and black pepper for Manolo. He hummed softly as he looked over everything currently in the cart. “Should I make some frosting, or should I just buy some?...” Lewis asked himself softly. He gasped when he felt a hand slap his ass so hard it hurt. He turned around to only face a skeleton taller than him. 

The skeleton smirked at him as he chewed on some gum. “What’s a pretty thing like you doing on this side of the hood? Yous gonna get yourself hurt if ya ain’t careful~” He put his hands on Lewis’s hips and brought his face close to Lewis’s, the smell of bad breath and alcohol there, making Lewis turn away and gag. Just as Lewis was about to tell the man off, he was pulled off, shocking Lewis. He felt even more shocked when he saw Manolo, who looked absolutely pissed.

“Who the FUCK do you think you are putting your filthy hands on him like that?!” Manolo growled at the taller skeleton, his orange eyes full of rage. The taller one gulped and chuckled.

“Re-relax man! I was just messing around! I-I wasn’t gonna do nothing to your boyfriend, I swear!” He pleaded, he gulped as Manolo twisted his shirt and pulled the taller guy down to his own height.

“Really? Because it looked like you were about to drag him out back and use him like a cheap whore!” Manolo spat. He pushed the guy to the ground. “Now get out of here before I change my mind!” He pointed to where he knew the door was, and watched as the guy got up and ran for it. Manolo turned to Manolo and looked him over. “Are you alright? He wasn’t able to hurt you, was he?” Manolo asked Lewis worriedly.

Lewis was a blushing mess. He nodded softly. “I’m alright thanks to you, b-but um… I-I wanna keep shopping…” Manolo nodded. He put a few tv dinners into the cart like Lewis asked him too. Lewis walked to a different part of the store, and picked up a small thing of frosting as well as a few piping bags. He hummed softly, and decided to grab a bag of white chocolate to melt and drizzle over the cookies. Once he grabbed everything, he headed to check out. He put everything on the little converter belt and watched as the food went down. He rolled his eyes when Manolo put a case of beer on it along with the food. “Really? Do you honestly think you need more beer?” Lewis lightly scolded Manolo.

Manolo rolled his eyes and put it back. “Buenos dioses, ¿no pueden dejarme tomar unas copas? No es que me vaya a lastimar de todos modos, estoy muerto.” Manolo grumbled in spanish as he put back the case of beer.

Lewis growled softly. “Puede que ya estés muerto, ¡pero no me gusta tratar con gente borracha! Además, el olor a alcohol me hace sentir enfermo.” Lewis snapped back at him in perfect Spanish. Manolo looked at Lewis shocked, and then blushed brightly.

“You know Spanish?” Manolo asked Lewis softly in shock. Lewis blushed and nodded.

“It was the language I knew before I was put in the foster care system. I spoke it until I was 8, when I was put in the orphanage. I was then adopted at around 10. I actually know a total of 3 languages, 4 if I count what I know of ASL.” Lewis explained softly as everything was scanned. He then played for it all and grabbed the bags and began to walk out when he was stopped by Manolo, who took half the load.

“So every time I spoke Spanish you knew exactly what I was saying?” Manolo asked Lewis nervously, and blushed more when he nodded. “So… You heard when me and Manny talked about… My old drinking habits?” Lewis nodded once again.

“I always tune it out, but… I worry about you getting like that again, you're my friend.” Lewis said softly to him, his eyes showing a warm but sad smile, making Manolo feel both sad and guilty.

“... I’ll try and drink less than I do, just for you, ok?” Lewis smiled. He hugged Manolo softly and quickly, and then let go. Manolo chuckled softly, and went to his door. He opened it with a smile. “You know, I got that mini kitchen just for you.” He told him softly, remembering how he had the kitchen installed since Lewis always chided him about what he ate and kept bringing him better food. What Lewis didn’t know was that Manolo also got the kitchen installed so Manolo could spend more time with him. He sat down all the food and began to help Lewis put everything away, humming softly. He smiled when he heard Lewis and the deadbeats join him in the soft tune. He turned to look at Lewis, who had begun to gather everything needed to bake the cookies. “Anything I can do to help?” Lewis shook his head.

“No, go rest, ok?” Lewis got to work on making treats, having stocked Manolo’s kitchen with any needed utensils. Manolo nodded and went to watch his tv. He flipped through the channels til he found a football (soccer) game and watched it. He yawned softly as he leaned back in his recliner. He heard Lewis shuffling around in the kitchen, and smiled. He closed his eyes and fell into a light doze, listening to the sounds of his kitchen being used, to his tv playing a football game, and the sound of soft humming. All too soon for Manolo, he heard a timer go off, meaning the cookies were done baking. He opened his eyes and realized his doze lasted much longer than he thought it did. He stood up and walked over to Lewis, who was putting all the cookies on a cooling rack.

“It looks like you’re almost done…” Manolo said softly as he looked at the baked treats. He heard a soft chuckle that made him smile.

“I always liked baking more than cooking. At Pepper paradise, the restrought my parents owned, I pretty much did all the baking. I actually came up with these spicy and sweet cookie sandwiches.” Lewis explained with a smile in his eyes. He sat down in a chair, wincing softly at the pain he still felt in his ass after it got slapped. “By the way, thanks for saving me from that pervert.”

Manolo frowned softly. “I wished I stayed closer to you, that way he wouldn’t have gotten close to you… And he hurt you, didn’t he?” Manolo asked him as he sat down in the other chair. He saw Lews sigh softly. 

“Yeah, he did… He only slapped my butt, but it hurt a lot… Still does, actually.” Lewis explained softly to him as Manolo clenched his fists.

“I should have beaten him up. No one should lay there hands on another person like that without consent, it’s fucking disgusting.” Manolo cussed, feeling his anger rising again. His scowl only left his face when a warm hand touched his arm. He looked up into gentle purple eyes that held appreciation and concern.

“Calm down Manolo, you stopped him before he could actually hurt me, and I’m very grateful for that… You’ve done a lot for me Manolo.” Lewis told him softly, his eyes conveying a grateful and love filled smile that made Manolo’s cheeks flush. He chuckled and turned away, gently taking Lewis’s hand into his own, causing the half ghost half human to blush as well.

“I did what any good person would do…” Manolo stated softly. He felt Lewis’s hand squeeze his upper arm.

“Actually, most would have turned the other way and ignored it. What you did makes you a hero in my eyes…” Lewis leaned in closer to Manolo, blushing softly. Something hot and heavy swirled in his eyes. 

Manolo gulped and turned away. “W-well, we should finish the cookies…” 

Lewis nodded and filled a piping bag with frosting. “You know how to melt chocolate, right? Could you do that for me?” Manolo nodded. He got out a microwave safe bowl, and poured in some of the white chocolate. He put it in the microwave, heated it for a few seconds, pulled out the bowl and stirred it, and repeated the process until all the chocolate was melted. He went to put the dirty spoon in the sink, but instead put it in his mouth and licked it clean, humming softly at the taste. He then tossed it in the sink and brought the bowl to Lewis. He watched him put the chocolate in a piping bag, and handed it to Manolo. “Ok Manolo, once I’m done making the cookie sandwiches, I’ll need you to drizzle the chocolate over them, ok?” Lewis explained softly. Manolo nodded. He watched as Lewis made the last two cookies into sandwiches, and then he drizzled the chocolate over them. Once the chocolate was set, he picked up a cookie, and took a bite. He closed his eyes and hummed softly in pleasure.

“This is amazing, not too spicy, not too sweet… It’s perfect.” Manolo praised Lewis softly, chuckling softly when he saw the ghost blush. He finished eating the cookie with a smile. “Where did you learn to bake like this anyway?” He asked him softly.

Lewis shrugged as he got a container and began to put the cookies up for later eating. “I actually mostly taught myself.” Lewis put them up in the fridge.

“Really? I thought your parents would have taught you this stuff…” Manolo said in surprise, putting all the dirty dishes in the sink and rinsing them off. He watched as Lewis shrugged.

“My parents actually never baked, and what they did know was actually pretty basic. It’s thanks to me that the menu became what it is now… I miss them so much…” Lewis hugged himself sadly.

Manolo looked at him sadly. “I… I’m sorry, I know it must be even harder for you than most… Because you can go and see them, a-and they see you, but you’re hunted by others because you’re not… Well, fully human.” Manolo said softly.

Lewis nodded softly as he carefully sat back down. “I know I’m missing a lot of things, it’s just… Not safe to go see them…” He felt himself being pulled into a hug, and blushed softly when he saw Manolo hugging him. 

“I’m sure it’ll get better.” Manolo promised softly. Lewis smiled and nuzzled him softly.

“Well, what should we do now?” Lewis asked Manolo softly. He felt the arms around him tighten.

“How about we just cuddle for a while?” Manolo asked softly, he smiled when he felt Lewis nod into his chest. He held him tightly in his arms and let the time and day fade away into the background…

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2 years ago

Symphony of Love chapter two

It was a few weeks later, and Manolo was serving food and drinks to the patrons of the Café Calavera. He sat down some plates of sweet treats, pre-made by Lewis, on the table. “So, that’s six Classy red cookies, and two Red Velvet cake milkshakes. Will that be all for you today?” Manolo asked the couple in front of him, fighting to ignore his envy of their love.

“No, this is everything we want.” The young male skeleton said. He picked up a cookie and fed it to his girlfriend, who giggled and then did the same for him. Manolo walked over and went over to Manny, letting his smile fall.

“They’re so in love it hurts to look at them…” Manolo said softly.

Manny looked at Manolo with a hint of pity in his eyes. “Sorry about that pal… Uh, so… Lewis spent the day with you yesterday, right? What did the two of you do?” Manny asked him to try and change the subject to take Manolo’s mind off of his pain.

Manolo smiled a bit. “Well, he helped me clean up my apartment, dragged him to the store, baked treats for me, and… We cuddled for a bit.” Manolo blushed a bit at the last bit as he remembered yesterday. Manolo rolled his eyes when he heard Jack gasp softly.

“So are you and Lewis-” Before Jack can finish, Manolo interrupted.

“No, we’re not dating. We just… Enjoyed some shared time together.” Manolo defented.

“Sounds like a date to me~” Jack sing-songed. Manolo rolled his eyes a bit.

“It wasn’t a date. Besides, why would he even want to date me? He’s so… Sweet, and adorable. He deserves someone full of love… Not me.” Manolo said, his voice becoming sadder and quieter as he spoke.He lightly hugged himself, knowing he had gained some trust issues and a bit of a temper after being murdered by the one he once loved with all his heart. Manny and Jack looked at each other, silently talking to each other about how to help Manolo.

“Manolo, I… Understand your heart still hurts from what Maria did to you, but… Maybe Lewis can help with that. Having a bit of a temper and some trust problems doesn’t make you a bad person.” Jack patted his shoulder, causing the younger skeleton to sigh.

“If you say so Jack…” Manolo muttered softly. He remembered when he first came to the land of the dead, how he would drink, cry, and then fight with random people.

Manolo hiccuped softly as he took another swig of the whole bottle of tequila. He slammed it down on the table and sobbed. “She killed me! I gave that woman years of my life, I tried so hard! I-I was even gonna FORGIVE her for cheating on me! B-but she just killed me!” He began to sob again, when he felt someone touch his shoulder. He turned around and decked him in the face. “Don’t touch me!”

He sighed and rubbed his face to shake off the drunken memory of starting a bar fight here… Again. He sighed and watched Lewis go around taking orders with a warm smile in his eyes. Manolo developed a soft smile as he watched him.

Lewis saw him watching him. He turned to Manolo and waved a bit. He then got back to work, walking over to a dirty table and cleaning it. Manolo watched him with a soft blush, watching as he bent over to better reach the other side of the table. Manolo licked his boney lips as he stared at Lewis’s shapely ass. “His figure is great! Nice wide hips, broad shoulders and chest, strong body… Not to mention is sweet, gentle, but no bullshit taking personality, I can’t help but wonder what he would be like in bed under someone…” Manolo chuckled softly as he imagined it.

“Well Manolo, I sure boner what you’re thinking about! Yohohoho!~” Brook punned softly as he stared at Manolo, who glanced down and blushed brightly at the sight of his own hard-on.

“I’m going on break…” Manolo walked away to the break room, and shut and locked the door behind himself. “Why here, of all times?! Ok, just, calm down… Ice, I need ice.” Manolo walked over to the fridge, opened it, and took some ice. He stuffed it in his pants. “GAH!!” Manolo waited for a while, and felt his boner die. He took out what ice hadn’t melted, and put it in the sink. He sighed, took off his pants and boxers, and stuffed them in the dryer. He turned it on and waited for a while. He picked up his guitar to both hide his shame and entertain himself. He hummed along as he strummed a few random melodies as they popped into his head until his pants and boxers were dry. After about fifteen minutes, he pulled them out and put them back on. He sighed and rubbed the back of his head. “I won’t live that down for a while…” He looked at the time and saw it was about time for his afternoon show. He sighed, and grabbed his guitar. He left the break room and went to the stage. He sat down on his stool with his guitar, and looked out at all the people in the room and smiled. He began to play a soft love song, and smiled at everyone.

Wise men say only fools rush in But I can't help falling in love with you

Manolo looked over at Lewis and saw him watching, blushing softly at the light shining in his glowing pink eyes.

Oh, shall I stay? Would it be a sin Oh, if I can't help falling in love with you?

Memories of the day before flashed in Manolo’s mind, making him smile a bit as he thought of Lewis.

Like a river flows Surely to the sea Darling, so it goes Some things are meant to be He looked over at the young couple he served not too long ago. He watched as they held each other in a love filled embrace and he looked down at his guitar.

Take my hand, take my whole life too Oh, for I can't help falling in love with you

A memory of Maria standing over him with a knife, the pain he felt in that moment, hit his heart… But then another memory flashes before his mind's eye, and he sees an image of Lewis in a cute and frilly pink apron stirring up some brownie mix.

Oh, like a river flows Surely to the sea Darling, so it goes Some things are meant to be

Manolo blushes a bit more when it dawns on him that he’s definitely having deeper feelings for Lewis than just friendship, and can’t help the smile that lands on his face at the idea.

Oh, take my hand, take my whole life too For I can't help falling in love with you Oh, ooh, oh, for I, I can't help falling in love with you

Sadness hits his heart as he realizes Lewis likely doesn’t feel the same and probably still loves Vivi, and sighs as he finishes the song. He stands up and smiles at the crowd. “¡Muchos gracias! Esta canción fue para todos los amantes que veo aquí esta noche, ¡espero que se sientan felices el uno con el otro por toda la eternidad!” Manolo got off stage with a sad smile.

“Manolo, that was amazing! You always sing so great!” Lewis praised him, a warm smile shining brightly in his glowing pink eyes.

Manolo smiled softly at Lewis. “Thank you Lewis… I’m sure you sing well too.” He said softly, causing Lewis to blush softly.

“I guess, but… Well, I only sing for special people…” Lewis said softly, looking away from Manolo. He shook his head softly. “Come on, let me make you something.” He led Manolo to a table and sat him down. He left, and came back with a plate of cookie sandwiches. He put it down in front of Manolo. “They’re the same cookies I made yesterday.” He then put down an ice cold soda. Lewis smiled at Manolo with his eyes, and then walked away.

Manolo watched him leave and smiled. “Yeah, I’m definitely in love again…” He muttered softly as he watched Lewis attend another table.

“Are you sure you’re in love with him?” Someone asked him, Manolo turned around and chuckled, seeing that it was Joaquin.

“Yes, I’m sure. He’s… Different. What I feel for him from what I felt with Maria is different. With Maria, it was hot and burning, but with Lewis, it’s… Warm, but passionate. He’s… Precious, to me.” Manolo explained to his oldest friend, watching as he took a cookie from the plate.

“Well, he’s hot. You should make a move before someone else does.” Joaquin warned him. He rolled his eyes good naturedly when Manolo shot him a light glare.

“I doubt it, something tells me Lewis doesn’t give his heart, let alone his body, to anyone easily… Also, I can’t just ‘Make a move’ on him, as you said… I have to earn it, make sure he feels completely safe around me, and ask him gently. I don’t wanna speed things along like I did with Maria…” Manolo explained softly as he watched Lewis clean up another table whose tenets left.

Joaquin nodded in understanding. “Yeah, take it slow, but not too slow or else he might lose interest in you, assuming he has any… Maybe take him somewhere nice to hang out? You know, like a date, but not exactly.”  

Manolo hummed softly. “Maybe… But what if he thinks it’s a date and he leaves?”

Joaquin shrugged as he munched on a cookie. “Beg him to stay?” He said through a mouth full of cookies, making Manolo sigh.

“That’s… Alright, I’ll give it a try.” Manolo stopped himself from being rude. He took a cookie and began to eat it quietly. He looked around, and saw people talking, eating, and drinking with smiles. It made him smile softly at the sight of all the joy. He continued to eat his cookie, when Lewis placed a cup near Joaquin.

“Hello again! I’ve seen you around here a lot, but I don’t think I’ve ever gotten your name. May I know what it is?” Lewis asked him gently.

Joaquin smirked. “My name is Joaquin, but you can call me the man of your dreams~” He shot Lewis a wink.

Lewis laughed softly. “Well Joaquin, you’re quite forward, but… I don’t think you’re quite the person I dream of…” He poured Joaquin some water. “Manolo, do you need a refill of anything?” Lewis asked Manolo softly, a barely noticeable blush dusting his cheekbones.

Manolo stopped glaring at Joaquin to turn his attention to Lewis. “No thank you.” He smiled at Lewis warmly, a few loose strands of his hair framing his boney face.

Lewis smiled gently at him with his eyes. “That’s good. Call me over if you need anything.” He walked away, letting his hips sway a bit more than usual.

Manolo watched Lewis walk away until he heard Joaquin chuckle. “Manolo, he likes you. He would have at least blushed when I flirted with him.” He said as he took a sip of water.

Manolo shook his head. “No, he… Was most likely referring to the woman he loves, Vivi. He's still in love with her from what I know…” He said softly as he watched Lewis serve another couple.

Joaquin chuckled. “If you think so…” He ate another cookie, and then got up. “I’m going over to the bar to drink, see you later.” Joaquin walked away and sat down at the bar.

Manolo looked at him and sighed softly, glad his friendship lasted as long as it has. He felt guilt eat at his heart as he remembered how he used to hook up with Joaquin, only to break it off when Joaquin wanted something more…

Manolo was holding Joaquin closely in his arms, humming softly in the warmth of the afterglow. “...Hey, Manolo?” Joaquin softly softly, causing Manolo to open his eyes and smile warmly at him.

“Yes, Joaquin?” He gently ran his hand through Joaquin’s hair to soothe him.

“I… I want to be more than this. I want to go on dates and stuff, like a real couple…” Joaquin confessed softly as he blushed.

Manolo sat up in the bed, and looked down at Joaquin. “I… I’m sorry, but… I don’t feel that way about you Joaquin, you’re important to me, but… I don’t feel any romantic feelings towards you…” He gently reminded him. Joaquin sighed and turned away from him.

“...Get out of my apartment.” He ordered Manolo softly, trying to fight back his tears.

Manolo gently kissed his cheek. “Come on, we should try and talk about thi-” He was cut off when he was slapped hard by Joaquin. He looked down at his friend in shock.

“I SAID GET OUT!!” Joaquin shouted at him, his orange eyes filled with unshed tears. Manolo scoffed.

“Fine, I’ll get out. But understand this, we are no longer doing this. No more hookups, no more quickes when we hangout, and no more making out when one of us feels frisky. Call me later…” Manolo got out of the bed and put on his clothes, he stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door shut in his rage, ignoring the brokenhearted sobs…

He sighed and rubbed his cheek, remembering how he ignored Joaquin crying. He shook himself out of the more painful memories, and went back to his plate of cookies and ate them quietly. He munched on them as he thought about places to take Lewis. “He likes baking, right? Maybe an old fashioned bakery with me paying for everything would be nice… And maybe walking over to that park he sometimes goes to… Wait, what about taking him on a picnic? No, that definitely sounds way too much like a date… Yeah, just going to the bakery and then the park should be enough…” His thoughts were interrupted by a commotion. He turned his head in confusion.

Lewis had punched someone. The skeleton on the ground was a few inches shorter than Manolo himself, had small green irises, his bones were completely white, and like some of them, had a mouth that had teeth inside. He had shaggy brown hair that was greasy, and was wearing a light tan hoodie with jeans. “Don’t grab my ass!” Lewis shouted at him. The guy groaned and sat up.

“Fuck man, maybe you shouldn’t have gotten a  butt job if you didn’t want to be grobed! Plastic ass bitch…” The skeleton grumbled as Lewis crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

“I’m not plastic. Everything on my body is completely natural. Now I suggest you get out of here before I beat the crap out of you.” Lewis told him coldly. He pointed at the door as he glared at him. The skeleton walked out the door, passing by Manolo.

“What a fucking bitch…” Manolo reached his leg out and tripped him when he heard what he said. He stood up and glared down at him.

“Would you like to say that again?” He asked him, his orange eyes glowing in a menacing way.

“N-no! I-I’m sorry man!” The green eyed skeleton said as he rattled with fear. Manolo rolled his eyes and pointed to the door.

“If I ever see you in here again, I’m going to hurt you. Now go.” He commanded, and couldn’t help the chuckle as he watched him run out the door like a scared cat. Manolo sat down and went back to eating his cookies. He watched as everything went back to normal, and it made him smile a bit. He leaned back in his chair, and ate his cookies in peace, his drink being refilled by Lewis every now and again. Manolo soon finished his treats and drink, and took it all to the kitchen. He hummed softly as he washed the dishes, taking care to make sure each dish was cleaned properly. He smiled as one of the deadbeats floated over to him. He chuckled as the little thing perched on his head.

“Well hello there, enjoying the view?” Manolo asked the small ghost-like creature.

“Purr” Came the soft reply as he felt it nuzzle into his hair. Manolo chuckled softly. He fed the little thing a tiny treat with a warm smile. “You sure are cute…”

Manolo continued to clean dishes, and once down, dried them, and put them away. He then went back out, and began to take orders. As he fell into the motions, he lost track of time, and soon, it was time to close. Manolo hung up his apron and picked up his guitar. He looked at Lewis and chuckled. “Do you wear anything other than suits?” He asked him softly with mirth in his eyes.

Lewis nodded. “I do, actually… I could wear another outfit I have tomorrow if you wanna see it?” Lewis offered him gently.

Manolo blushed a bit and nodded. “Actually, yeah, it would be nice to see you in something a little more casual.”

Lewis smiled at him with his eyes. “Alright, something other than a suit is what I’ll wear tomorrow.” Lewis walked over to the front door, and held it open for Manolo. Manolo walked through with a smile. Lewis closed and locked the door, and then they both walked down the path that takes them out of the strange land that Manny made a long time ago. “Do you know how Manny connected whatever this place is to all other planes of well… Death?” Lewis asked Manolo softly, knowing very well Manny would never give him a straight answer.

Manolo hummed softly and shrugged. “All I know for sure is that Manny is pretty much a reaper and has a lot of power. That’s pretty much it.” Manolo explained. They soon arrived at a fork in the road, one path covered in marigolds leading to the land of the remembered, and another path that was of a gray mist with dead ground under it. Manolo turned to Lewis with a smile. “Well, we part ways here. Um… Say, this weekend, on our days off, if you’re not busy… I know this nice bakery, and I was wondering if maybe you want to go with me? Everything is on me, of course.” Manolo asked Lewis softly.

Lewis blushed a bit and smiled with his eyes. “I would love to go! I’ll make sure to wear something nice for it.” He hugged Manolo, something they started doing when Lewis first came to this realm. “See you tomorrow.” He pulled away and walked down the path that leads to his home.

Manolo sighed and walked down the path of marigolds quietly, hoping that the weekend comes soon.

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2 years ago

Symphony of love chapter 5 please

Sorry mate, I've been a bit sick, I'll start writing it after I get better, but thanks for the ask!

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2 years ago

Symphony of love chapter four

Manolo sighed softly as he looked at the time. Noon. “Manny still hasn’t called yet…” He said softly as he felt worried.

Lewis looked over at him and smiled with his eyes. “I’m sure he’s alright…” Lewis said softly to try and make him feel a bit better. He frowned in his eyes as Manolo sighed more.

“I don’t know… I’ve known Manny for years, he’s either hurt, or way too busy trying not to get hurt… It’s the only reason he wouldn’t call…” Manolo explained softly. He turned back to the TV, watching a drama. “... Wait, why am I watching?” He asked, confused.

Lewis chuckled softly. “You likely blanked out, that’s been on for the better half of an hour…” He explained softly as he continued to make the skirt of the dress he’s making. He’s wearing the second outfit he showed Manolo yesterday. He hummed softly as he sewed the sheer purple mesh layers to the purple under skirt at the waist. He hummed softly As the then began to finish the bodice. It was corseted, and will cinch in his waist, as well as hide his boobs. He attached the sleeves that would hang off the shoulders, and then attached it to the skirt. He stitched up the back, and then added metal holes and laced it up closed.. He smiled softly at the dress he made. He looked at the time, and saw three hours had gone by. “Hey Manolo, what do you think?” Lewis held up the dress tailored to him up to his body. 

“I think it looks amazing….” Manolo said softly in awe. Manolo kept staring at him, imagining the dress on him. He coughed into his folded hand and crossed his legs. “So, when do you plan to wear it?”

Lewis hummed softly. “I… Have a date in a few weeks, maybe I should wear it then….” He said softly.

Manolo bit back the snarky response and smiled. “But I thought you were with Vivi?”

Lewis carefully folded the dress sadly. “Yeah, she… Kinda confessed to cheating on me the whole time we were together after she remembered me.” He explained softly and sadly. “Well, I kinda deserved that, considering I never loved her to begin with…” Lewis added on in his thoughts.

Manolo looked shocked, and then angry. “Why would anyone cheat on you?! You’re amazing!”

Lewis shrugged. “I wanted to wait a while for bedroom activities, and she didn’t….” He explained softly. He tied some ribbons on his dress to keep it folded up and put it in the bag of clothes. He sat down on Manolo’s bed.

Manolo scoffed. “That’s no reason to cheat…” He spoke softly. He got up, walked over to Lewis, and hugged him tightly. “I’m sorry she did that to you, you deserved so much better.”

Lewis sighed and hugged back. “Thanks for saying all that…” He said softly to him.

Manolo smiled and pulled away. “Don’t thank me.” He sat next to him and laid back on his bed. “So, what should we do now?” He asked out loud. 

Lewis hummed softly as he laid down next to him. “I don’t know actually…” He looked up at the ceiling.

Manolo hummed softly. “Well, it’s 3:30 now, maybe we could watch a movie?”

Lewis hummed softly as he looked down at Manolo. “Sure, let’s do that.” He smiled at Manolo as he got up and got the remote, and scrolled through his TV channels. 

“Sorry, but I don’t have any streaming services, I never bothered to get them because I watch whatever comes on.” Manolo told him softly.

Lewis smiled. “It’s alright.” He laid down on the bed. He looked at the TV as different shows passed by, most of which were in Spanish. Manolo found a random movie that was beginning and put it on. He laid on the bed and smiled at Lewis, who smiled back softly.

Manolo turned to his TV and watched the movie. He blushed softly when he felt a warm weight on his chest, he looked down and saw the top of Lewis’s flaming head. He smiled and gently placed a hand on Lewis’s hip, causing Lewis to blush. He nuzzled Manolo’s chest and smiled in his heart and eyes. He watched the movie quietly in comfort. Lewis slowly but surely dozed off, falling into the land of dreams as he clung to Manolo.

Manolo smiled down at the sleeping Lewis and gently rubbed his hip. He opened his phone, and saw a text from Manolo.

Manny: Hey Manolo? Is Lewis with you? We took down the demonic beast, but uh… We may have had to destroy Lewis’s house during the fight, and as you know, he’s not as strong as he used to be. You don’t mind setting him up at your place, do you? I’ll try and salvage what I can, but uh… I might not be able to find much.

Manolo sighed softly after he finished reading the text. He blushed brightly as he felt Lewis shift, reminding Manolo that a cute much younger male skeleton was sleeping on his chest. Manolo turned back to his phone.

Manolo: Yes, Lewis is with me. There’s a small resale shop so I can get him clothes if need be, but there’s not much else I can do sadly. Please find and bring whatever you can, ok?

Manny: I will, but… The house was burnt, so there might not be much left…

Manolo: Find what you can and bring it to me, I’m sure more survived than you think.

Manny: You’d be surprised, that thing’s flame was hot, and it took out a few reapers permanently… It’s messed up, I think I’m gonna go to the cafe after finishing all this paperwork and drink and then eat a bunch of Lewis’s treats…

Manolo: Alright, but be careful, should I text Meche to check on you in a few hours and help you get home? I don’t want you getting hurt…

Manny: Actually, please do. I’m going to drink until I can’t think thoughts… 

Manolo looked at his phone screen in worry. He sighed and knew there wasn’t much he could do to help Manny right now.

Manolo: Alright, I’ll text Meche to check on you in a few hours. Don’t drink and eat too much, we don’t get another shipment until a few more weeks.

Manny: I’ll try and keep that in mind, but don’t count on it…

Manolo sighed and backed out of the conversion with Manny and scrolled to Meche’s contact. He pressed on it.

Manolo: Hey Meche! Uh, in a few hours from now, I’ll need you to head over to the cafe and check on Manny, he had a hard day today and has decided to drink a bit.

Meche: Alright, I understand. You know, he could leave the land of the dead, and yet, he chooses to stay.

Manolo: I think it’s because he doesn’t want to know what lies on the other side, plus, the cafe does a lot of different people good. He may have found his true calling in life, in, well, death.

Meche: As glad as I am to know he’s found a calling, he still shouldn’t drink. Thank you for the warning. Also, how have you been? It was three years ago when your parents got forgotten, right?

Manolo sighed softly as he tilted his head back to fight his tears. He remembered the day very clearly…

Manolo walked into his much more empty family home, humming a soft tune. He walked into the kitchen and prepared the soup. He put the two bowls on a trey, and walked up the stairs. He carefully walked into the room, and saw them sitting on the bed, calm and tired looking. Manolo felt his heart break a bit at the sight, and walked over to them. “Te compré un poco de sopa, sé que realmente no necesitamos comer, pero los ayudará a ambos a sentirse mejor...”

Carlos looked at his son. “Gracias, hijo mío... Lamento decir esto, pero…”

Carmen hugged her husband, and smiled softly at her son. “Nuestro tiempo para irnos está aquí.” 

Manolo teared up and shook his head. “¡No no no no no! ¡Aún no puede ser su momento” He brought their soup to them. “Solo coman, estoy seguro de que ambos están bien-”

“Estoy tan orgullosa de ti, hijo mío... Has hecho tanto por nuestra familia, incluso cuando dejamos la tierra de los recordados por ti, todavia nos apoyaste... Has hecho tanto por nuestro hogar, te lo agradezco.” Carlos wiped the tears from Manolo's eyes. The younger man sighed and held onto his parents. 

“Los voy a extrañar mucho a los dos...” He clung to them as he tried not to cry.

The older woman laughed softly and lightly patted his back. “Todo va a estar bien, hijo mío, también te extrañaremos…” She hugged him tightly in her arms and tried not to cry.

“¿Qué planeas hacer con nuestra casa después de que nos vayamos, hijo? Seguramente no planeas quedarte aquí solo…” Carlos asked him softly as his markings turned green and the white parts of his skeleton turned black.

“Planeo vendérselo a una familia cercana que necesita una casa más grande, e iré a buscar un departamento para vivir en algún lugar…” He explained softly, leaning into his mom’s hug sadly. He clung to her as she slowly faded away.

“Todo saldrá bien, Manolo. ¡Todavía tienes ese trabajo con Manny! Ah, y si te aburres, tal vez podrías intentar tener una cita~” She teased him softly, making Manolo chuckle.

Carlos smirked softly. “Si puedes encontrar a alguien aquí que me dé nietos, ¡cásate con él si puedes! Quiero que el niño lleve mi nombre... Suponiendo que tengas uno.” He leaned back, and got ready to accept his fade.

Manolo laughed and let a few tears fall. He hugged both his parents tightly. “Prometo llamar a mi hijo Carlos si puedo…” He let out sobs as he felt his parents turn to dust in his arms…

Manolo opened his eyes and looked at Meche’s text again sadly.

Manolo: It still hurts, but yes, I’ve been doing better. I haven’t been coming home every night and drinking, so that’s good, but I still cry most nights.

Meche: I’m sorry to hear that, I hope things get better for you Manolo. Goodbye.

Manolo: Bye, text me if you need anything.

Manolo put his phone on his nightstand and held Lewis closely. He closed his tired eyes and tried to sleep for a little bit. But failed. Looking around his room boredly, he sighed. Manolo turned back to the tv. He watched the incredible Hulk in Spanish tiredly, holding Lewis closely. The dull sounds of the movie played made his eyes droop, and he sighed again. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through instagram boredly. He kept scrolling until he found an odd picture. 

He clicked on it, and blushed brightly. It was a beautiful picture of Lewis, but not as a skeleton, but as a human. His eyes were still the same, but you could see a soft smile on his lips as he looked over at a city like area during the night. He was wearing a three quarters off the shoulder blouse that was a perfect shade of purple that complanmated Lewis’s sun kissed skin. A floor length skirt flowed in the wind from the stool Lewis sat on, revealing cute black boots. He turned to look at the sleeping Lewis, and then back at his phone. The picture was clearly perfesoniol. He clicked on the account to see the same. “A lovely and lonely ghost…” He scrolled through the pictures, and saw many more just like the one he first saw. He stopped at one picture and stared at it intensely. “Holy shit…”

It was a picture of Lewis in a short red satin dress with folds in perfect places and a slit on the right leg, a garter just peeking out from under it, and black knee-high boots. He was in human form. His knees were pushed together with his arms behind his back, and his face was covered in a bit of makeup. He looked at the caption. ‘I usually wear purple, but a friend of mine’s favorite color is red so I’m trying it out. What do you think?’ Manolo opened the comments and saw lots of praise, as well as a few horny comments. He smirked softly and typed his own comment. ‘You look good in red, but I’d love to see you wearing that in person~’ Manolo closed his phone and looked at Lewis, who kept sleeping. He hit follow and then turned off his phone, and finally went to sleep.

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2 years ago


You're right, I know you're right, but I can't help but wish he had the fighting spirit in him again. I absolutely hate it. I wish I didn't feel this way, but I just do... “Don't you remember how much Lewis cried after seeing how badly burned Daniels' hands were after he got mad at Brook? Do you really think he would be happy being like that again? Unable to control himself and hurting his friends? The next day, the cafe was back in full swing and customers flowed in. Lewis hummed softly as he served people happily. He placed a plate and a milkshake glass filled to the top on a table. “So you ordered the hot chocolate cake with a vanilla frosting milkshake, right?” He asked the young male skeleton softly.

The male smirked softly. “Yeah, but I was wondering if you can sit with me cutie?~” He flirted with Lewis, who blushed and laughed.

“Sorry, but no. I’m not only busy right now, but I have a date in a few weeks. I hope you enjoy!” He went to walk away when his wrist was grabbed. He turned back around and tried not to act scared.

“Come on, why not? It’s not like you’re married or anything.” The male tugged on his arm while Lewis pulled away. He backed away out of arm's reach.

“No means no sir, I’m sorry.” Lewis sped walked away and sighed. He rubbed his wrist absent mindedly.

“... That happens a lot Lewis… Are you alright?” Manny asked him softly as he cleaned out some shot glasses. Lewis sighed as he sat down on the bar.

“Stuff like that has been happening since I was 14 when I first started helping my parents in there restaurant. I… Kinda got used to being grabbed at…” He folded his arms on the counter and laid his head on it. “I mean, I’ve been through a lot worse than a little bit of grabbing, so it’s not that bad…” It was said ever so quietly, Manny almost thought Lewis was talking to himself. The older skeleton sighed and put down the glass he was cleaning.

“You shouldn’t be used to something like that… And if you need to take a break, you can.” He told him in his softest voice. Lewis sighed and hugged himself a bit.

“I don’t need a break, I’m fine…” He said softly. A Fruit Tingle was passed to him, making him blush. The drink is in a nice glass, the colors blue and purple swirling together. “M-Manny you know I don’t-”

“It’s alcohol free, so just drink it…” Manny grumbled under his breath. He went back to cleaning the glasses as Lewis sipped on his drink quietly. He watched as the colors blue and purple swirl together and smiled softly in his eyes.

Manolo sat next to Lewis since the day was slow. “Are you alright?” He asked him softly.

Lewis nodded softly at Manolo. “I’m alright, he just grabbed my wrist and got a little creepy.” Manolo clenched one of his boney hands and held Lewis’s hand with the other.

“I’m glad you’re alright, you just sit here and calm down, and I’ll take over your tables for a bit, ok?” Manolo got back up and went to work serving people, looking over at Lewis every now and again. He sighed softly as he watched him sip his drink.

“Estas bien amigo?” Joaquin asked his friend softly. Manolo sat next to him since the cafe was in a lull and groaned.

“No, Lewis le dijo a Manny que está "acostumbrado" a que lo atrapen. ¿Con qué tipo de animales tenía que estar para estar acostumbrado a ese tipo de trato? ¡¿Qué JOVEN era cuando la gente empezó a agarrarlo como si fuera un juguete sexual?!” Manolo’s voice got a bit louder in anger, not loud enough to be heard by anyone other than Joaquin, but just enough for his anger to be properly conveyed. The burning hatred he felt in his very soul caused his orange eyes to flash green. He looked shocked for a moment and rubbed his face, groaning into his hands. “Yo solo... Pensar en eso me enoja tanto, y puedo decir que le duele en el fondo pero... Realmente ya no reacciona. Después de obtener algo de la fuerza vital de ese demonio, se ha vuelto mucho más tranquilo, más difícil de irritar. Ojalá volviera a tener temperamento, estoy harto de verlo asustado en lugar de enojado. La única vez que realmente se defiende es cuando la gente le agarra el trasero o el pecho.” He explained softly.

Joaquin looked shocked at what Manolo said. “¿No recuerdas cuánto lloró Lewis después de ver lo gravemente quemadas que estaban las manos de Daniels después de que se enojó con Brook? ¿De verdad crees que estaría feliz de volver a ser así? ¿Incapaz de controlarse y lastimando a sus amigos?” He asked his best friend gently. He watched as Manolo side and rubbed the back of his skull.

“Para ser completamente honesto? Si eso significa que se defiende cuando lo agarran, entonces sí.” The raven haired skeleton confessed with a quiet and shame ridden voice. Joaquin sighed and sipped on his drink.

“Manolo, no deberías decir algo así... No está mal que pienses así, estoy de acuerdo en que se ha vuelto un poco pasivo, pero aun así...” He reprimanded him softly. Manolo glared at him a bit, but sighed and rubbed his boney cheek.

“Tienes razón, sé que tienes razón, pero no puedo evitar desear que volviera a tener el espíritu de lucha en él. Lo odio absolutamente. Ojalá no me sintiera así, pero lo siento…”  Manolo explained softly. He watched as Lewis got back up after finishing his drink and got back to work. He sighed and got up. He walked away, waving bye to Joaquin and got back to work, taking orders and bringing people their food. He hummed softly as he served people food, lost in his own thoughts. He didn’t notice someone sticking out their leg and he tripped over it. He dropped his tray full of drinks and fell to the ground.

“Haha! See, I told you I could do it!” The skeleton was completely bald, wearing a beanie, a black shirt, and skinny jeans. Manolo rolled his eyes and got off the floor.

“Sir, you really shouldn’t do that…” He smiled as a deadbeat handed him a dust pan and broom. He began to sweep up the mess made.

(Translations in order of appearance of words:

Are you OK, friend?

No, Lewis told Manny that he's "used" to getting grabbed. What kind of animals did he have to be around to be used to that kind of treatment? How YOUNG was he when people started grabbing him like he was a sex toy?!

I just... The thought of it makes me so angry, and I can tell it hurts him deep down inside but... He doesn't really react anymore. After gaining some of the life force from that demon, he has...become much calmer, more difficult to irritate. I wish he had a temper again, I'm sick of seeing him scared instead of angry. The only time he really figts back is when people grab his rear end or chest.

To be completely honest? If that means he fights back when grabbed, then yes.

Manolo, you shouldn't say something like that... It's not bad that you think like that, I agree that he has become a bit passive, but still...

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1 year ago

Greetings, my name is Kode, I’m here to say I will be a fanfic/incorrect quote/headcanon writer I’ll do a lot of fandoms because I’m in a lot of fandoms so I guess just ask for a character and if I know them I’ll make oneshots or headcanons or incorrect quotes from them btw I’ll tag some of my main fandoms also my requests will be open most of the time and unless stated otherwise also with Eddsworld/NCIS being a my current hyper fixation I’m more likely to do Eddsworld/NCIS stuff

Things I won’t do:



•Any form of pro ship

•Female readers


•Teacher X Student

•Bully x victim

•More than two characters x reader unless it’s headcanons

Things I will do:

•Non-human reader

•Platonic relationship


•Heavy topics


•Song inspired

•Most things that aren’t on the list above so I guess just ask if it’s not on the list and I’ll more than likely say yeah but yeah that’s it I look forward to your requests

Things I’m most likely to do:



•Bungo stray dogs



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7 months ago
This Can Be Considered A More Canonical Version Of Genderbend, But I Want To Make My Own Version!

this can be considered a more canonical version of genderbend, but I want to make my own version!

but I still like what I made theh-hiiiiii <3



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7 months ago
My Precious Barbie Gurl Francine

my precious barbie gurl Francine 💅🏿

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5 months ago

dude, me and my friend go into boneheads/ the dead people group and now we got self insert ocs

Dude, Me And My Friend Go Into Boneheads/ The Dead People Group And Now We Got Self Insert Ocs
Dude, Me And My Friend Go Into Boneheads/ The Dead People Group And Now We Got Self Insert Ocs


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5 months ago

guys dont mind the intro and outro I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO DO

ive been OBESSEDD over boneheads and the dead people group so yk i had to make an edit abt this gal

all art by @jirlshi !!

(is the audio working chat..?)

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5 months ago

i already know if we met ivy we would be IMITATED.

dude, me and my friend go into boneheads/ the dead people group and now we got self insert ocs

Dude, Me And My Friend Go Into Boneheads/ The Dead People Group And Now We Got Self Insert Ocs
Dude, Me And My Friend Go Into Boneheads/ The Dead People Group And Now We Got Self Insert Ocs


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5 months ago

Uhm two new characters for boneheads, im actually adding lore to these stupid silly characters so might do ref sheets and name reveals soon idk, but yay!!

Uhm Two New Characters For Boneheads, Im Actually Adding Lore To These Stupid Silly Characters So Might
Uhm Two New Characters For Boneheads, Im Actually Adding Lore To These Stupid Silly Characters So Might

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5 months ago


1. What if Phaism and Hampert met a dead people group who become friends with them... and who didn't (I think they became good friends with Carti Shi and Dravolo, and Sam, But the same Ivy Ali and Den scared the hell out of them )

2. What is this cowboy skeleton and who would he befriend?

3. What are Phaism and Hampert's favorite dishes?

4. What does Hampert think about Fey??? (Ivy's pal)

) We didn’t really understand this question so we apologize if we got this wrong but, we would like everyone! (phasim would be quite intimidated by ivy and ali and a little quiet because shes an amivert but Hampert would be chill with everyone cuz hes extroverted)!

) The skeleton cowboy’s name is Javier, he wouldn’t really befriend anyone, only because he’s a closed off person!

) Phaism : Red Pozole | Hampert : red chili chicken burrito

) Hampert thinks he’s REALLY cool, he’d be a little intimidated because of the hight dif (9’2 ft and Hampert’s is 6’0 ft😭) but he’d try to befriend him!

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