Hi, I'm CobaltJellyfish (20, she/her) and this is my blog for my art and fandom ramblings/thoughts. Some 18+ content. Requests are now closed. My WITCH side blog is cobalt-thorns
206 posts
@bodhvild Tagged Me To Try This! Its...sort Of Like Me? Anyway, It Was Fun! Idk Who To Tag, So Go Nuts

@bodhvild tagged me to try this! It’s...sort of like me? Anyway, it was fun! Idk who to tag, so go nuts I guess
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More Posts from Cobaltjellyfish
14 and 17 for the art asks-ooa
for 14, Mairon! (then Elrond and Maglor)
for 17, eye gore. I just...no. It’s just too much.
1. When did you get into art ?
This is going to sounds really stupid, but it was through the Rainbow Magic books when I was about 5. I don’t know if they were a thing outside of the UK, but I really liked the cover art and used to try to copy it- not that it ever actually ended up looking good though
Observations on the strange and unsettling nature of the Eldar by Baran son of Balan
-They- they do not move like we do. It is as if they have no joints or bones to speak of, instead moving in twisting fluid motions that resemble a thin branch in the wind more than anything. When one walks towards you the sheer unnatural nature of it becomes apparent. Knees are not supposed to bend that way, hips are not supposed to look like that, and it is all together...unsettling.
-They sing. Constantly. It burrows into one’s mind, bringing ringing pain and blurred vision as they hit notes no man was meant to hear. Their language is no better. Their words cause the fire to spit and the animals to screech and raise the hair on the back of your neck until all you can thing is run far away.
-They rarely blink. Certainly, I have seen them do so, but it is few and far between and I wish they would do so more often. Their eyes oh their eyes! They burn with star fire that never ceases, even in the darkest of nights they can be seen. They never stop looking, eyes always fixed on you with an eerie gaze as you feel trapped, unable to move, unable to run, unable to-
-They will eat anything, even that which is the most poisonous to us. I have seen Nom eat Nightshade and water hemlock with nary a wince, but the sheer amount could have felled our entire camp. His people do not care for the danger these plants may pose to them, nor can anything natural seem to harm them. It is as if nature itself does not want to anything to do with them.
-They do not look right. Some part of their proportion is decidedly off, or rather, none of it is. I confess, it took me a while to put my finger on it before I realised what made my skin crawl. They are naturally entirely symmetrical. It is terrible to look upon, like a paradox made incarnate, for there is no way that such beings could be real.
-It is as if they do not exist. They leave no tracks, not in mud or heaviest snow, and they move far quicker and far more soundlessly than one of us ever could. They could be anywhere, so undetectable their presence is.
I confess, often have I lain awake at night, wondering how many of them surround us, how long it will take for this Nom to become bored and fill my Father with elf-shot rather than deal with his questioning and inquisitions. I wonder if it would be possible for us to fight them off. I hope the answer would be yes.

Fingon on the Helcaraxe
I have lots of headcanons about what happened on the Helcaraxe, but the relevant one here is that Fingon lost part of his ears to frostbite, making it harder for him to emote properly
8 and 14 for the art asks! ~saurons-pr-department
(ps. Your Mairon is one of my favourite Mairons! 💛💛)
Thank you so much😊!
For 8, my favourite piece is probably the one I posted on Halloween with all of Sauron’s victims, just because I had so much fun with it!
For 14, I like drawing mairon the most! Although Elrond and Maglor come in a close joint second