Fingon - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
| Requiem Mass |

| Requiem Mass |

This is a specially commissioned piece of artwork for Russingon zine in Chinese. The commissioner also used it to make A4 size reverse laser cards and L-folders.

The theme is that Maedhros imagines a non-dead Fingon to comfort him after the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. The Background is the shattered gates of Hithlum.

Anyway…thanks for the commission! I enjoyed drawing it!

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7 months ago

I’m a Russingon girlie at heart and will never miss an opportunity to read into the romanticism of Maedhros’ rescue from Thangorodrim: ancient friends/lovers coming back together, Fingon finding compassion despite betrayal, all that good tear-jerker stuff.

But what makes Fingon’s heroism massive to me has nothing to do with the personal and everything to do with the politics at Mithrim. The fact that had he not gone to Thangorodrim, the Noldor in Beleriand would find themselves at literal war against each other.

This little passage from the Silm really deserves a lot more attention:

No love was there in the hearts of those that followed Fingolfin for the House of Fëanor, for the agony of those that endured the crossing of the Ice had been great, and Fingolfin held the sons the accomplices of their father. Then there was peril of strife between the hosts

Years later, when Fingon decides to look for Maedhros, the conflict between the hosts comes back as a primary reason behind his decision:

Then Fingon the valiant, son of Fingolfin, resolved to heal the feud that divided the Noldor, before their Enemy should be ready for war

This makes me conclude that the three years between Fingolfin’s arrival at Mitrhim (FA 2) to Fingon’s rescue mission (FA 5) must have been a continuous civil crisis. The hosts are in close proximity, a single lake dividing them, Fingolfin on one side, Maglor on the other, and for three years they cannot find a compromise. This crisis must have gotten pretty bad for someone to decide that braving Thangorodrim might be worth it.

And to me, this is Fingon's greatest contribution he ever made, not his battles, not his chasing of dragons, but preventing civil war among his people.

Of all the children of Finwë he is justly most renowned...

Yes, indeed, he is. Because without Fingon’s deed, there would be no victories for the Noldor, no Long Peace, no meeting of the Edain and Eldar. They would have fought each other endlessly until one group obliterated the other, or alternatively, Morgoth used this division (as the book seems to imply) to destroy them all swiftly. 

Fingon effectively accomplishes what Fingolfin and Fëanor never managed: peace, at least for a good while. Maedhros of course contributes in return by giving up the crown. He meets Fingon halfway, and they stay true to this alliance until Fingon’s death. They cross an impossible bridge no matter how you read their relationship. 

I’ll never tire of it. Ever.

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7 months ago

I swear I wrote this down before, but I cant find it in any of my notes so here's a little fun idea! When the world gets recreated so its no longer Arda Marred, I think the Valar got together and Looked at the Finwe problem and shrugged and decided to make all of Miriel and her descendants Maiar to slove that tricky little problem of Remarriage.

Because the Feanorians are now Maiar, they aren't technically born, meaning they aren't really siblings and part of the same family so there is no real issue in separating them now is there?

Miriel is one of Vaire's weavers of course, and Feanor is one of Aule's most talented smiths, but that is understandable as he is the spirit of Hearth Fire itself. There are others within Aule's Halls, but their knowledge of each other is passing, for Celebrimbor tends to stay with the jewelry makers and Curufin likes creating hunting gear for Orome's hunt

Orome is almost never seen without his most prized hunter, Celegorm, who prefers a form that looks more wolf than Elf.

Vana, Orome's wife, herself has a pair of giggling and twittering songbirds that follow her around as she follows her husband's Hunt. They dance and sing and twirl in sync that many often just call the pair of them by a singular name, Ambarussa.

Irmo within his forest full of Song and Music has a very talented Maia that is so in tune with thr Song that they can play with it however they choose. Maglor only uses this ability to give the Elves good dreams, of course.

Este is forever thankful of her assistant Caranthir, who keeps all her medical necessities and books in order, so she is always prepared to help those in need, even if he himself doesn't have the best beside manner.

Lady Nienna’s Maia, Maedhros is a bit more of a recluse. He is charming when spoken too, but there is something distant, some type of lingering melancholy that clings to him, like a weak dawn in the deepest days of winter. He tends to hide himself away in the forests surrounding Formenos, helping those who are lost find their way back home.

Then there are Finwe and his beautiful wife Indis, their children, and many grandchildren. They are a stunning example of a happy family, and all the citizens of Tirion love having them as their royal family. Nothing is ever wrong, even when Fingolfin’s daughter Aredhel got lost during a hunt, she was lucky enough to be escorted back to her worried brothers' camp.

Fingon, who had never felt the degree of terror that flooded his veins at the thought of his sister lost in the woods, terror that was much stronger than what was called for because what could befell her in their peaceful land of Valinor?

She was being ferried on the back of a behemoth of a horse, pristine and laughing at the antics of the silver wolf-like Maia walking at her side. The horse was being led by a silent Maia, who smiled softly at the pair but made no move to include himself.

Fingon looked up at the tall Maia, and felt something in his fea shatter. He always had felt like something was missing, that he would havr an urge to go looking for someone he could never find, catch himself looking up to share an idea with someone who must have been taller than him only to look up at empty air. His bed felt so cold, but no matter how high he tended the hearth flames he knew it was because it was empty. He would look to the distant mountains and see a dawn peaking over their tops and weep as something in his fea ached.

Everything felt so overwhelming when he looked at this Maia, this being that looked cold, who wore furs and had snow dusting his shoulders even though it was a warm sunny summer day. Fingon was so lost in the sensations swirling within him that he was too slow to act before the Maia helped Aredhel off his horse, swung up himself and was out of the clearing. That wolfish Maia giving his sister a laughing twirl before bounding off into the thicket, chasing after the distant horn call.

Fingon’s knees felt weak, he found himself sinking to the forest floor. This world may be Arda Remade, but he still felt Marred.

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7 months ago
Happier Times ...

Happier times ...

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7 months ago
digital drawing of maedhros and fingon from the silmarilion. they're over a white background with warm undertones.

they're sitting, maedhros in front of fingon but facing away from him, and fingon has his legs more or less around him. maedhros has one of his legs propped up, and he rests his right arm there. he's shirtless, and he has a bunch of scars across his body, plus new cuts and bruises. him and fingon are wearing black pants, though fingon is wearing a red shirt. fingon has golden piercings and golden threads around his dreadlocks. fingon is bandaging maedhros' left arm. mahedros is looking at him.

Post-battle Maedhros and Fingon for @magicinavalon <3

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6 months ago
Oldor And Their Braids

Ñoldor and their braids

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6 months ago
Maedhros And Fingon In Happier Times. I Haven't Drawn These Two In Far Too Long!

Maedhros and Fingon in happier times. I haven't drawn these two in far too long!

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6 months ago
After Thangorodrim - 2023

After Thangorodrim - 2023

I somehow finished this in a week while recovering from surgery this summer. I have so many feelings about them!

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6 months ago
After Angband, Maedhros Had A Complicated Relationship With His Hair For A Long While. The Thing He Once

After Angband, Maedhros had a complicated relationship with his hair for a long while. The thing he once used to cherish and carry with pride, inherited from the mother he had left behind, was now tainted with memories of unwanted attention and derogatory touch.

After his rescue, it had to be cut short for the sake of his recovery, and he could never quite figure out whether he was more hurt or relieved by the act. It was Fingon, during those times filled with anxiety and doubt and shame, who helped him learn to accept his own appearance again– from the stump of his right arm and the scars littered across his freckled body to the locks of copper hair, ever so slowly regrowing to their former glory.

And little by little, the lingering memories of malevolent hands harshly yanking at his scalp were replaced by the feeling of tender hands carefully braiding familiar golden ribbons into his hair, once again beloved.

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6 months ago
A Quick And Sketchy Russingon Doodle Fingon Is Probably The Best Person Out Of All The House Of Finwe

A quick and sketchy russingon doodle… Fingon is probably the best person out of all the house of Finwe to help you with hairstyling

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3 years ago
One Of My Favorite Ships And My Lucky Name To Pass My Class

One of my favorite ships and my lucky name to pass my class 🌟🌟

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10 months ago
The Line Of Durin Was Tainted By An Elf (Series)
The Line Of Durin Was Tainted By An Elf (Series)
The Line Of Durin Was Tainted By An Elf (Series)

The Line of Durin was Tainted by an Elf (Series)

Together Forever

Trying to Save His Friends

A Dwarf’s Declaration


The Portrait

Smaugs ~For Smoking Hot Bois and Gurls~

A Love Hate Relationship

The New Cute Boy

A Surprise Gift for Christmas

To Survive a Dragon

Happy Birthday T


There Once Lived Kings

Strong Like a Horse

Their First Meeting

Still Connected

A Love Lost During Battle

A Feather Will Do

In Dire Need of a Smith

Initium Novum (Series) WIP (Latest)

The Line Of Durin Was Tainted By An Elf (Series)

Meeting The March Warden of Lothlórien

Becoming a Father

Blonde Thieves

Rescue at Helm’s Deep

New Beginnings

The Line Of Durin Was Tainted By An Elf (Series)

Because You Are a Sindar Elf

New Beginnings

The Recital

The Line Of Durin Was Tainted By An Elf (Series)

Another Love

The Line Of Durin Was Tainted By An Elf (Series)

A Merry Christmas Indeed

A Visitor

The Line Of Durin Was Tainted By An Elf (Series)

The Birth of a King (Series) WIP

The Line Of Durin Was Tainted By An Elf (Series)

Thorin and His Burglar

Making the Right Decision

The Line Of Durin Was Tainted By An Elf (Series)

The King's Lover

The Line Of Durin Was Tainted By An Elf (Series)

You Should've Killed Me

The Line Of Durin Was Tainted By An Elf (Series)

The Loss of A Lover

The Line Of Durin Was Tainted By An Elf (Series)

Ethuil (Latest)

The Line Of Durin Was Tainted By An Elf (Series)
The Line Of Durin Was Tainted By An Elf (Series)

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8 months ago
A New Flash Fic On AO3 For You To Read.

A new flash fic on AO3 for you to read.

You Should've Killed Me


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9 years ago
Bunch Of Pictures I Made For Pallette Meme Using This Palette:
Bunch Of Pictures I Made For Pallette Meme Using This Palette:
Bunch Of Pictures I Made For Pallette Meme Using This Palette:
Bunch Of Pictures I Made For Pallette Meme Using This Palette:
Bunch Of Pictures I Made For Pallette Meme Using This Palette:

Bunch of pictures I made for pallette meme using this palette:


Galadriel, Eol and Aredhel, Maglor


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